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SLAMpeg 1000: Jessie McKay & Kristin Astara vs April Hunter, Miss Rachel, Sara Del Rey & Saraya

4 powerful and angry looking wrestling veterans crowd the ring as Jessie and Kristin arrive. Things quickly go from bad to worse for the pair as they find out that not only are they on the wrong side of a 4-on-2 handicap match, but that it’s going to be a No DQ contest!
Jessie gets the start and is soon hanging in a Tree of Woe as all four women pour on the punishment directly to her abs. Jessie is trapped in the ring as her opponents enter and exit at their leisure, each taking repeated turns to decimate her abs. Abdominal Stretches, Bow & Arrow holds, diving Headbutts and Dropkicks torture and shred Jessie midsection until she finally makes a desperate tag.

Kristin starts strong but with her partner down and out it’s only a matter of time before her abs become a punching bag for these 4 brutes. Kristin is held up by one opponent while the other three deliver a belly battering to her exposed midsection and still it goes on!

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14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 999: Jennifer Blake vs Rain

The wrestlers trade some good clean wrestling holds in the beginning of this submission only match which make this look like a great wrestling clinic. Exchanges of armwringers, Headlocks, Headlock Takeovers, single-leg Boston Crab and more. A test of strength to a Headscissors Takeover, Surfboard variations, a Figure Four Leglock only make each wrestler more determined to gain that submission from the other.

A Texas Cloverleaf is reversed into a Scorpian Deathlock which is in turn countered with an Anklelock and the fight continues. This is mostly a fair fight with very little cheating from either party so for those of you who really like great submission wrestling, this one is for you.

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12+ min. 369 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 998: Little Jeanne vs Caleb Konley

Little Jeanne is definitely at her meanest during this match not letting up at all on Caleb. The wily veteran uses her tricks including hairpulling, choking, some low blows but mixes in a bit of legit wrestling skills including some quick Dropkicks. Caleb fights cleanly for the most part and you'll see him get frustrated by Little Jeanne's lack of fairness.

Headlock takeovers and some quick near pins don't take the fight out of Little Jeanne and every move Caleb manages to get makes Jeanne scramble for the ropes, a handful of hair or a chokehold. Figure Four Headscissors of a couple of variations nearly ko the youngster and a bodyscissors/Sleeper combo almost does it.
Caleb does manage to get in some offense at the end but is it too little too late?

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11 min. 326 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 997: Su Yung vs Cedric Alexander

Two very energetic wrestlers grapple for supremacy. Cedric seems to have bitten off more than he can chew though and takes to the ropes to slow Su down. A test of strength seems like it might outdo Su but she manages to get out of it quite easy. Su is smiling a lot and Cedric is again not happy about it. He decides that it's time to take some short cuts with eyerakes and chokes.

The punishment is on-besides elbows and rope work, a Belly-to-Back gets a 2 count. Cedric doesn't like when someone kicks out of his pin attempts so he resorts to biting. A bodyscissors and big knee to the head further slow Su down but don't count her out yet. Watch for a Guillotine, a Headscissors Takeover and a Tornado DDT. That doesn't quite finish off Cedric though.
Won't spoil the ending with who won but a Stunner finally keeps one wrestler down.

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12 min. 364 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 996: Kristin Astara vs Danny DeManto

Kristin gets a quick first pinfall in this multi-fall match, but Danny seems more amused by it than anything. He spends the rest of the match making Kristin pay for even thinking that the first pin counted.
Camel Clutches, stomach claws, stomps and a big Powerbomb end the second fall.

When the final fall starts, the ref begs Danny to just finish the match but he says he's not finished with the punishment. Kristin suffers through a TKO, an X-Factor, some splashes and more although since she seems pretty out of it, we're not sure how much she actually felt. After a final Piledriver, Danny feels that he's done and takes the pin. He's still not finished though as he tosses her out of the ring as soon as he's declared the winner.

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16+ min. 491 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 995: Angel Williams vs Athena

The ladies spend the opening minute of the match in discussion on a variety of topics. After locking up and trying unsuccessfully to bully each other, they find that they are well matched.
A strike exchange leads to a long, agonizing Bearhug and then some vicious stretches. Angel's attempts to wear Athena down and to keep her grounded seem to be working.

Athena soon fires back with a series of Suplexes and Dropkicks, then wears her opponent down with Sleeper, Atomic Drop and more.
A real nail-biter!!

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14+ min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 994: Athena vs Jessie Belle

As the saying goes, “When the ref’s not there… You can go for her hair.” In all honesty, no such phrase exists, but if it did, we can be sure that both Athena and Jessie Belle would both fully endorse such an ethic. Indeed, it takes Athena less than 10 seconds to gain control of this bout with an eyerake before attempting to choke Jessie with her own hair. The tables are soon turned, but Jessie Belle’s methods are much the same and this sets the tone for the match to follow.

With neither woman showing much respect for the rules, this match is very much a back and forth affair. Whenever one wrestler looks to gain the advantage, a little corner cutting and lot of hair quickly stops her in her tracks. Even legitimate wrestling holds and moves are aided by a handful of an opponent’s locks to add to the discomfort.
As both women look for the victory, a Bulldog from the ropes with a handful of… Well, you can probably guess… puts one wrestler down for the 1-2-3 count and perhaps considering a haircut before future encounters.

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13+ min. 402 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 993: Kristin Astara vs Lorelei Lee

A friendly moment between Lorelei and the referee (Portia Perez) is rudely interrupted by the crafty Astara. After Lorelei escapes a Sleeperhold, Kristin tells her that her surprise attack was just a joke. An annoyed Lorelei decides to show Kristin that her wrestling ability is no laughing matter.

Lorelei's stand-up routine consists of a spine-tingling Backbreaker, belly-aching Bearhug and a hysterical Torture Rack. The country girl's power is on full display as she spins Kristin around like a Texas tornado. A dazed Kristin can only stumble around the ring as Lorelei and Portia decide how to best teach Kristin some manners. A double Chickenwing tickles her funny bones and a trapezius claw leaves her gasping for air.

Kristin is a captive audience member, offering no resistance as Lorelei crushes her head between her hands before setting her up for a second Bearhug. Lorelei lifts her up for another trip on the merry-go-round before breaking her over her knee again. A final knockout Bearhug provides the punchline and all that's left is for Lorelei to throw her prize over her shoulder and escort her out of the building.

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17 min. 511 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 992: Jayme Jameson vs Sara Del Rey

A quick start puts Jayme on top, but Sara takes command of the match and begins to break down the less experienced wrestler. Add in a referee who couldn't be less interested in calling a fair match and it could be a long day at the office for Ms Jameson.
Sara puts Jayme down with a Snapmare and refuses to let her get up. Kicks, knees, elbows and a big splash have Jayme reeling. The ring shakes as Sara sits down on the raven haired beauty's spine over and over again, driving her into the canvas. Back on their feet, Sara rips into Jayme with some sharp chops. A Boston Crab fails to earn a submission so Sara straddles her foe while blatantly pulling her hair. Jayme is slingshotted across the ring, tied up in the ropes and pounded in the corner. She is beaten down badly and forced to answer multiple ten counts.

Each time it looks like she might recover, Sara finds a new way to put her back down whether it's with a kitchen sink, a Dropkick or a blatant low blow. After an elevated Bow & Arrow nearly puts Jayme out for good, she somehow finds the strength to battle back with a Boston Crab of her own. A surprised Sara falls prey to a Sleeper hold that puts her on dream street, but she wakes up recharged. Too bad for Jayme!

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30+ min. 917 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 991: Britani Knight vs Kimberly

A brutal fiesta of hairpulling.
Britani takes it to Kimberly straight out of her corner, slinging her around the ring by her hair while breaking the fourth wall and addressing the camera-A few one-liners with your action here. Poor Kimberly spends the match in agony as Britani gleefully modifies several moves to involve big handfuls of hair. Where's the referee, you ask? There isn't one!

Kimberly is bent over the ropes by her hair, she's choked with her hair, a Camel Clutch is applied using her hair as leverage, her head is bounced off the mat using her hair. In between, Britani breaks up the rhythm with a snap Suplex here or a kick there. This is not a wrestling match; it is a one-sided brawl that probably leaves a good portion of Kimberly's hair separated from her head by the time Britani drags a screaming submission out of her with a backbreaking submission that also involves–you guessed it–a fistful of hair.

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13 min. 390 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 990: Brandi Wine vs Su Yung

Once Brandi slips in a little UNfriendly hairpull, it's on. Both ladies fight just a little bit dirtier than they should and with no ref, who'll stop them?
Brandi really takes charge first with lots of cornerwork, Surfboards, and chokes. ALL with the added twist of hairpulling. The usually feisty Su has trouble mounting any real offense against Brandi's wicked ways. She gets in some cornerwork and stomach biting(?), but she is unable to get Brandi to tap, even to some Waistscissors and standing hairpulls.

That is until she has Brandi in a tough Camel Clutch has the veteran blonde apologizing profusely. In the end, it's one lady out cold from a tight Sleeper and the canvas covered in locks of hair from both participants!

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20 min. 602 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 989: Betsy Ruth vs Lexie Fyfe
Also available as a bonus match on DVD 177.

It's the battle of a big name and a big dame! Most wrestlers would be intimidated standing across the ring from the one and only Lexie Fyfe, but Betsy only has two words for her: "She's dead".

Betsy has a clear size advantage and Lexie has to reach deep into her bag of tricks to get the upper hand. Gouging the eyes and pulling the hair of the younger wrestler, Lexie shows off the strategic mind that has won her countless matches. She also makes liberal use of the ropes to cut off Betsy's air. Betsy's power comes into play as she battles back, locking on a Full Nelson before smashing Lexie with a running Clothesline.

The crafty Lexie avoids getting crushed in the corner and she manages to trap the larger Betsy in some painful submission holds. A Camel Clutch, scissored Armbar and a Chinlock wear Betsy down, but she never quits. Lexie goes for broke with a power move, but can she get Betsy up on her shoulders to pull it off? Either way, one wrestler is in for a big surprise.

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9+ min. 288 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 988: Amy Love vs Ryan Howe

This is a 2 out of 3 Falls match with 'Supermodel' Amy going up against 'Diamond Steel' Ryan.
After some chain wrestling Ryan knocks down Amy with a hard shoulder tackle, but she surprises him with a Thesz press. Howe is out to prove he is tough enough to beat down a Supermodel and after trapping Amy in an Abdominal Stretch he counters a second attempt at the Thesz press with a crushing Bearhug. Amy is out like a light and after her hand drops 3 times the first fall is awarded to a very confident Ryan.

Howe takes advantage of Amy's weakened state to start the second fall, dropping her with a Clothesline and tying her up in the Tree of Woe. Love is not ready to give up yet though, and after hooking a Figure Four Headscissors she catches her adversary off-guard with a double underhook DDT for the 3 count.
The deciding fall can go either way, with both grapplers earning near-decisions. In the end, a questionable finish leaves one frustrated loser in the ring.

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21+ min. 650 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 987: Courtney Rush vs Jessie McKay

A clinic of strength and skill in this 1 Fall match-up.
The two open the match by battling back-and-forth in a test of strength and later in the match engage in a rapid-fire series of rollovers that results in nearly a dozen 2 counts as these two grapplers try to gain the advantage and score the victory in this evenly matched battle.

Quick and agile, both ladies find creative escapes and reverses in this fast-paced bout. Jessie slaps on an Abdominal Stretch, a bridging Surfboard hold and a Sleeperhold in an attempt to wear down her opponent. Courtney, who began the match by bragging about her strength, backs up her claims by nailing Jessie with high-impact moves such as a double-underhook slam, Suplex, Fisherman's Suplex. She goes to the well too many times and Jessie blocks her next Suplex attempt and nails Courtney with a DDT that has both wrestlers down on the mat.
The match ends much like it began, with lots of quick moves and reversals, ending when one wrestler has no choice but to tap out after being trapped in an inverted Full Nelson on the met.

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18 min. 542 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 986: Angel Williams vs Leva

After Leva sportingly agree to remove her goggles for the match (following claims from Angel that they are a "foreign object"), the match can begin.
The two women are well matched in the early stages, testing each other with armlocks and Headlocks. Slowly, Angel begins to take control of the bout and Leva must endure a seated Surfboard, a crushing bodyscissors and more as an aggressive Angel dominates the action. Despite her apparent interest in fair play at the start of the bout, Angel proves that she is not averse to taking the occasional shortcut when she feels it is required.

A Sleeper almost puts Leva out, but a spirited fightback once again sees the action swing back and forth until an opportunistic pin scores the victory for one wrestler, whose motto would seem to be, “It’s not how you play the game. It’s whether you pin or lose.”

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13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 985: Shantelle Taylor vs Brad Attitude

For one night only, Shantelle Taylor is ‘The Toronto Terror’. Unfortunately for Brad, that night is tonight. It’s Canada vs the USA in this 1 Fall match-up, and Shantelle wants everyone singing the Canadian anthem. Even the referee.

It doesn’t take long for Shantelle to convince Brad to profess his love for Canada. Sadly for him, the Toronto Terror is either unconvinced or simply doesn’t care. Whatever the reason, the outcome is still the same. Brad is choked, stomped and Sleepered, and that is all before Shantelle brings a mini Hockey Stick into the mix!

Worse is to follow for Brad, from a legitimate Headscissors to a less than legitimate collection of cutlery that somehow finds its way into the ring--and then into Brad’s face. Even when an easy pin is with her grasp, Shantelle is not ready for the match to be over and stops the referee at a two count on more than one occasion. Brad must suffer further before the Toronto Terror lives up to her name and unleashes a final Chokeslam which they may have felt the impact of… in Canada!

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11+ min. 352 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 984: Kimberly vs Nooie Lee

Not much talking in this one as our combatants square off and Nooie nails Kimberly with a sequence of slams and Atomic Drops that have her reeling. That is, until Nooie starts to talk a little too much and Kimberly delivers an brutal low blow.
She continues her assault with some Atomic Drops of her own, rope work, corner work, even taking it outside and bringing out the dreaded candy cane. Kimberly temporarily halts her dominance to ask Nooie for a test of strength, but then quickly resumes her place of being the aggressor.

Nooie refuses to stay pinned and is forced to endure hold after hold, Kimberly's low tactics and humiliations.

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9+ min. 277 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 983: Jessie Belle vs Malia Hosaka

The ladies waste no time getting to it and put on a chain wrestling clinic, both vying for the advantage. Malia shows hints almost immediately that she has little interest in playing nice. She works Jessie Belle over with a tough Hammerlock, some choking in the ropes, and an eyerake. Jessie tries to keep it clean with some tight holds but Malia will not keep it on the up and up.

A Surfboard, a tight Camel Clutch, and a brutal Ab Claw keep Jessie Belle reeling. She does her best to get the 1-2-3 on Malia, but the veteran refuses to stay down. Lots of tight holds in this one, but eventually it's a dirty pin that seals the victory for one combatant.

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12 min. 365 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 982: Rain vs Sin-D

You didn't really expect someone with "Sin" in her name to play by the rules, did you? If guest referee Angel Williams expected that, she was sorely mistaken. Sin-D tosses the rule book out the window in her match against Rain, using eyerakes, thumbs to the throat, rope chokes and hairpulls to keep Angel busy and keep The Radiant One off-balance through much of this 1 Fall match-up.

After taking an early beating, Rain powers out of a Reverse Chinlock and propels herself off the ropes numerous times, hitting Sin-D with a Clothesline, kicks to the gut and elbow smashes. She tries to wear down Sin-D with a wrenching Side Headlock and legscissors/Full Nelson before rolling Sin-D into a small package for a near pinfall.
The 1-2-3 finally comes when one of the wrestlers hits her patented finisher, turning the lights out on her foe and ending the match with a bang.

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11 min. 330 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 981: Kellie Skater vs Jesse Neal

Before the match begins, Jesse makes it clear that he feels women don't belong in the ring with him. After the match begins, Kellie makes it clear she does.
A series of Armdrags force Jesse to bail out of the ring not once, but twice! Jesse lands a knee to the stomach and a forearm, but Kellie beats him to the punch again with a Flying Crossbody off the ropes. Out-worked, Jesse resorts to hairpulling and a blatant closed fist to Kellie's jaw that rocks her. Jesse presses his foot against Kellie's throat and knocks her down with a snapping Lariat. As good as Kellie is, she might just be in over her head.

Things go from bad to worse when Jesse makes use of his wrist tape to turn a Rear Chinlock into a blatant choke. Kellie escapes only to be flattened by a hard elbow. With nothing to lose, Kellie scores with a desperate jawbreaker that finally allows her to let loose. Leaping Clotheslines and a Dropkick send Jessie flopping around the ring, but a sudden reversal puts Kellie in serious trouble.
A definitive 3 count ends this match, leaving one wrestler sorely disappointed.

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7+ min. 227 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$7 for non-members
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$7 through Paypal

$5 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 980: Kimberly vs Miss Rachel

A grueling Best of 3 Falls Submissions Only Match.
Kimberly has the speed advantage and gains an early edge, but the powerful Rachel lifts Kimberly off the mat with ease, reversing a Front Facelock into a driving turnbuckle shoulder block. Rachel punishes Kimberly with arm stretches and knee drives to the elbow before burying her in a powerful Headscissors. Firmly in control, Rachel takes aim at her opponent’s back, softening her up with finger rakes, Surfboards and diving Headbutts to the spine before catching Kimberly in a brutal Bearhug to take the First Fall.

Kimberly regroups in a hurry and takes the fight to Rachel before she can follow up, targeting her legs with a quick standing Dropkick and leg trip. Kimberly attacks the pins and has the massive Rachel at her mercy with anklelocks, a knee-breaker and single-leg Boston Crab until a tight Sharpshooter has Rachel slapping the mat with an emphatic submission.
Both women are wounded going into the final fall, but one will overcome the pain to score a decisive victory at her opponent’s expense.

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14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 979: Angela vs Ariel & Diane Von Hoffman

Double the trouble for Angela as she's confronted by Diane and Ariel. She is mugged from the very outset-her belly is pummeled, kicked and walked on. She's trapped helplessly in the corner and flat on the mat-clawed, stomped and beaten.

At one point poor Angela is hung in a corner, tied to the ropes and has her exposed tummy pulverized. When the cruel tormentors let her loose it's only so that they can hang her in the ropes again for even more punishment.

The relentless doubleteaming continues, the pain never abates and the rope comes back into play yet again.
An agonized Angela would feel the effects of this assualt for days afterwards!

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12+ min. 371 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 978: Erica D'Erico vs Chasyn Rance

An early show of strength by D’Erico forces Chasyn into the corner where he takes deep shoulder blocks to the midsection and never fully recovers. Erica certainly doesn’t help, following up with devastating low blows and Atomic Drops that have the poor man gasping for air and walking on tiptoes. Erica dominates the action with a Hangman necklock, Fisherman's Suplex and repeated over-the-knee Backbreakers.

Ruthless Erica humiliates Chasyn by challenging him to a test of strength that brings him to his knees after his inglorious beating. A suddenly apologetic Erica begs Chasyn’s forgiveness for beating him so badly, but when Rance moves in to accept all he gets is another low blow! A satisfied Erica ends the match by planting a boot on Chasyn’s chest and counting her own humiliating pin.

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9 min. 269 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 977: Amy Love vs Jennifer Blake

The Radiant Rain is on referee duty for this 1 Fall Match and from the outset, it appears that someone has lit the fuse on Girl Dynamite and Amy neglects to stand well back.
Jennifer takes control from the start of the bout and does not relinquish it as she proceeds to dominate Amy with an impressive array of submission techniques. Armlocks, nelsons, Surboards, leglocks, Sleepers, stretches and more are applied, as Jennifer demonstrates a true grappling showcase.

Much to Jennifer’s credit, Rain’s role in this affair is largely observational. Jennifer fights firm but fair, never once resorting to anything other than her obvious ability to maintain control of the contest. Unsurprisingly, it is a submission hold that wins this match, leaving one wrestler in no doubt that she has been schooled in the art of submission wrestling.

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10+ min. 325 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 976: Christina Von Eerie vs Mickie Knuckles

After some confusion about whether or not Mickie Knuckles is Mickie or Isabelle, we get on to the match. Well, we get on to a lengthy discussion as to whether or not Christina is a juggaho. THEN we get on to the match.

Pretty even back and forth with Mickie playing with Christina's mohawk and piercings. Both participants trade Camel Clutches and pin attempts, but to no avail. Mickie probably isn't thrilled to hear Christina call her a "hick" and shows it by laying in some dirty shots while the ref is distracted. The spunky Christina refuses to stay down, but can she keep up with Mickie's size, power moves, or refusal to play nice?

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 975: Tenille vs Shawn Spears

Despite giving up a lot of size, strength and ego to Spears, Tenille still battles hard throughout this 1 Fall match-up. Shawn uses that strength advantage early, bringing Tenille to the mat with a Front Facelock, then hitting her with a Bodyslam, stomps and numerous taunts. Shawn uses his size and strength to his advantage throughout the match, wearing down Tenille with powerful shoulderblocks, head slams into the turnbuckles, elbow slams and a Camel Clutch.

Tenille's speed allows her to avoid several of Shawn's charges, and she turns his missed attacks into schoolboy cradle and a Sunset Flip that get 2 counts from the ref. Tenille even turns a missed punch from Shawn into a devastating DDT that has both competitors on the mat for several seconds.
Back and forth they go, until Shawn gains the upper hand and hoists Tenille up for a running Powerslam, but the young Aussie slides down behind Shawn and nails him with a reverse DDT. Is that enough to get Tenille the victory, or is it just delaying the inevitable?

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 974: Alexxis Nevaeh vs Angela

These two have faced off before in SLAMpeg 937, but unfortunate injuries and outside interference tainted that confrontation. Now they are having a rematch, both ladies determined to go all the way to ensure victory in this Best 2 out of 3 Fall match-up.
There's scientific wrestling to start, with Headlocks, armwringers and Headscissors being exchanged in rapid succession. While Alexxis tries her hardest to make Angela tap out to a single-leg Boston Crab, it's Angela who grabs the first fall with a bridging Deathlock variation.

Undeterred, Neveah goes right back to the Boston Crab variations, locking it in several times until finally Angela has no choice left but to relinquish the second fall.
The third and deciding fall can go either way. Eventually, a Babyswing submission spells the end for one fighting competitor.

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13 min. 394 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 973: Nikki Roxx vs Shantelle Taylor

Two accomplished stars clash for the third time in the our ring. Each wrestler owns a victory and the winner of this match will walk away with the bragging rights. Nikki shows just how important that is to her, hitting a running boot to the chest as Shantelle takes a moment to mock Kristin Astara’s pre-match mediation routine.
Nikki takes the early advantage with spinning toeholds, repeated footstomps and a draining Dragon Sleeper, but Shantelle gives as good as she gets with grinding Headlocks and a tortuous STF.

Both women are aggressive but neither can dominate the other as the action shifts back and forth in waves. As the match wears on both wrestlers target their opponent’s legs and dish out the pain with anklelocks, Boston Crabs and a veteran’s variety sampler of Figure Four Leglocks so punishing one wrestler’s boots begin to disintegrate with the action. After a hard back and forth battle, a powerful catapult sends one wrestler face-first into the turnbuckles and sets her up for a decisive final anklelock and frantic tapout.

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11+ min. 339 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 972: Rain vs Tracy Taylor

Two wily veterans clash in this meeting of the wrestling minds. Both Rain and Tracy have years of experience and it shows as they test each other out in this master class in technique, ring psychology and plain old dirty cunning. They start off with some impressive chain wrestling, twisting each other's limbs every which way.

Tracy dominates for a good while, restricting Rain to the corners with brutal chokes and tossing her around with Suplexes. Soon, she starts targeting Rain's vulnerable leg, wrenching the knee, kicking it, wrapping it around the ropes. Then she gets REALLY nasty with knees to the stomach, feet on the abdomen, chokes on the ropes and hammer blows to the head. Rain fights back a couple of times but this rarely lasts–the match is owned by Tracy.

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 971: Amber O'Neal vs Saraya

Saraya gets out to a fast start in this Best of 3 Falls match-up against veteran O'Neal, working over Amber's arms and back with Chickenwings, a Camel Clutch and several variations of the Surfboard and Bow & Arrow submission holds. Amber finally gets some offense, and it's all she needs as her legscissors/double armbar is enough to make Saraya tap for the First Fall.

Amber starts the Second Fall with a Camel Clutch and bridging Full Nelson on Saraya, who battles out and returns to applying her back-breaking Surfboard and Bow and Arrow holds as well as a Full Nelson/Camel Clutch and Full Nelson with bodyscissors. Saraya evens the score.

The Third Fall escalates quickly and spills out of the ring, where both competitors are counted out. Even though neither wrestler gets her hand raised in victory, there is certainly a clear-cut winner in this match and a definitive loser-the one who gets slammed into the wall and then is tossed head-first into a metal trashcan at ringside.

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 970: Team Blossom vs Taryn Shay

The Blossom Twins take on Taryn Shay in a viciously one-sided battle over....whose tresses are more impressive.
Taryn enters the ring expecting to take on just Hannah and the two compare hair quality–whose hair is nicer, who can flip hers in more impressive directions. The debate enters a more practical arena when Holly sneaks up on Taryn from behind, tossing her to the mat by the hair. This begins 15 minutes of follicular agony for Taryn as the twins doubleteam her continually.

We'll be upfront–there are not too many wrestling moves in this match. Instead, the disturbingly jovial twins figure out new angles and methods by which to yank Taryn's hair out of her head. In the corner, over the ropes, close to the mat–the Blossoms get very creative about bring Taryn closer to baldness.
By the time, they tap poor Taryn out with a bizarre double Boston Crab/double hairpull, the poor brunette is all but spent.

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14+ min. 429 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 969: Angel Orsini vs April Hunter

April starts off this submission match with mind games, trying to take Angel off her balance before the match even starts. Though she manages to gain an early advantage with an armbar, Orsini counters by using the ring ropes to her advantage. Angel then targets Hunter's legs and traps her opponent in a painful Figure Four Leglock for the first fall.

No mind games from Hunter to start the second, as she probably realized the absence of a referee means you can get away with low blows. After that, she twists and stretches her foe to the point where Orsini actually threatens to unfriend her on Facebook. April doesn't seem to mind, dropping Angel with a hard Backbreaker and locking on a Surfboard for the second fall.
The deciding fall is hotly contested, but eventually one of these competitors is forced to submit to a vicious Hangman's Neckbreaker.

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16 min. 477 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 968: Amy Love, Kristin Astara & Tina San Antonio

This is a special Torture Rack Challenge where the goal is to hoist one's opponent up for the Torture Rack submission as many times as possible.
We start things off with Kristin and Amy meditating together, then deciding to challenge the first person to step into the ring. Enter Tina San Antonio. Guest referee Angela officiates and this one is underway. Tina scores right away when she lifts Amy. Although Kristin and The Supermodel have strength in numbers, the duo has significant trouble getting San Antonio up for the submission maneuver.

Tina maintains the advantage for most of the match, slamming and Suplexing her adversaries in between Torture Racks. Lots of action to go and even ref Angela makes her presence felt in hard-hitting fashion.

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14+ min. 436 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 967: Christina Von Eerie vs Santana

A pair of well-matched rising stars clash in a Best of 3 Falls Match. To up the ante the loser of each fall will have to sacrifice a boot to the victor.
Santana shows off her speed early, catching Christina in repeated Armdrags, frustrating the mohawked brunette and staying one step ahead. Santana targets Von Eerie’s arm with armlocks and repeated knee drives into her elbow. Christina responds with harsh running Clotheslines, a Side Slam and devastating Headbutts.

Both wrestlers score their points and after some tight folding matchbook pins (with or without pulling the tights) the close match is knotted at one boot (er, fall) each! Both women have plenty of fight left in them for the final fall. Christina takes the momentum and has a deadly Facebuster in her back pocket if she needs it, but Santana can strike like lightning with her falling stomp facebreaker. One of these two finishers will make the difference and collect the final boot!

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14+ min. 435 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 966: Portia Perez vs Danny DeManto

Danny is like a wrecking ball--round and devastating. He’s made a habit of having his way with wrestlers less than half his size in the ring over multiple falls. This time it’s Portia Perez who steps in against the brute for a Best of 5 Falls Match.
Portia thinks she’s huge but the opening lock-ups and ill advised fingerlock test of strength give her a dose of reality she’s clearly not ready for. Once he’s done giving Portia an open shot at a Bodyslam, Danny gets serious and crushes the little Canadian. Portia suffers through a brutal Swinging Neckbreaker, over-the-knee Backbreaker and draining Bearhug.

The ring shakes as Portia crashes to the canvas from Bodyslams, Suplexes and a Fallaway Slam only to get buried under a pair of second rope splashes.
Already up 2 falls, Danny ends any hope of a comeback by delivering a Piledriver to start the third! The Cold Hearted Playa turns Portia into his plaything, toying with the broken brunette until finally putting her out.

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15+ min. 458 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 965: Betsy & Kristin Astara vs Lacey & Rain

Kristin is nervous. Her tag partner Santana has not appeared for their match against Lacey and Rain, both of whom are chomping at the bit to tear into the blonde. Santana's replacement? Betsy Ruth. Poor Kristin has never had much luck in a ring with Betsy, having been destroyed by her multiple times. Unsurprisingly, this history doesn't translate into much of a team dynamic as Betsy seems to be as interested in hurting Kristin as she is Lacey or Rain.

The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew lay into Betsy in a sneak attack, but it is in vain–their heads are knocked together and Lacey is laid flat with a brutal Powerslam from Betsy. However, things start going the Wrecking Crew's way as Kristin enters the ring–it isn't long before she's stuck in their corner, getting raked in the back and choked, with Betsy showing little interest in helping. Kristin is decimated with Camel Clutches, abdominal claws, Boston Crabs, knees to the back and even a doubleteam elevated faceplant that gets the devious duo the win. The punishment is not over for the blonde, however, as a bitter Betsy jumps her with a couple monstrous splashes and a final devastating Powerbomb.
Perhaps the day will come when Kristin can share a ring with Betsy and leave conscious. This day is not it!

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17 min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 964: Kimberly vs Niya

A tightly-contested 1 Fall rematch from SLAMpeg 801.
Both wrestlers are quick and able to deliver hard-hitting offense in a flash. Kimberly and Niya work each other close to the mat during the early going with tight bodyscissors, bridging Hammerlocks and a Dragon Sleeper. Kimberly tries to slow the slick Niya down with repeated elbow drops to the knee and kicks to Niya’s hamstring, but doesn’t slow down Niya’s powerful shoulder blocks and hard Suplex.

Despite the close contest and ample amounts of long wavy hair, both wrestlers work relatively clean even without a referee to keep them honest. The action continues back and forth as both women score hard hits but neither is able to keep the momentum firmly on her side. After an exhaustive battle a tight Texas Cloverleaf leads to a dispiriting tapout for one of these emerging stars.

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13 min. 393 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 963: Su Yung vs Titan

The last time these two met, things did not go well for little Su Yung and she's determined to turn the tables in their rematch. When Titan makes the mistake of leaving a drink unattended, Su adds a "special ingredient" to the mix that might just slow the big man down. The match starts as you would expect with Su being tossed around, but Titan loses steam quickly. Su's plan seems to be working and Titan finds himself desperately trying to survive Su's arsenal of kicks. Witness the unthinkable happens as Su absolutely dominates the larger wrestler!

Titan is stunned as he is thrown to the ground in a Headlock Takeover, but that is only the start of Su's vengeance. She continues to put the boots to him, taking the time to mix in bodyscissors and a Camel Clutch. But Su doesn't want a submission, she wants to knock the big fella out. Every time it looks like Titan might recover, Su sends him back down with a thunderous Dropkick! Titan has trouble breathing and Su isn't helping things by constantly choking him and chopping his throat. It looks like he might lose his lunch! Su fires off straight punches and clocks Titan right in the nose. A deep Sleeperhold puts Titan down for a 10 count, but that's only the beginning.

Su womanhandles Titan for this entire match, scoring with a Hiptoss and a DDT that puts him down for another 10 count. She literally walks all over him adding as much insult as she can to his injuries.
Su Yung the giant killer!

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31+ min. 943 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 962: Divina vs Leva

They say that big things come in small packages and Divina and Leva set out to prove it in this Best of 3 Falls match-up. Leva uses some smooth throws to set Divina up for Headlocks and arm stretches, but the feisty Latina doesn't give up easily. She battles back and slows Leva down with illegal chokes using her feet and the ropes. Divina seems to prefer brains over brawn as she fakes out Leva with a test of strength that results in Leva eating a boot to the stomach. Back-and-forth they go, with Leva nearly earning a submission with a Surfboard and Divina scoring with a big axe kick. Out of nowhere, Leva lands a nasty double knee facebreaker to win the first fall.

Leva comes out looking for a clean sweep as a school boy pin nearly ends the match in the blink of an eye. Divina recovers, but has to endure a painful single leg crab. The relentless attack of Leva seems to be too much, but with the speed and skill these ladies possess you never know what is going to happen next. Divina surprises Leva with a Dragon Sleeper that forces a tap, tying the match at 1 Fall apiece.
The third fall is brief, but scrappy as the diminutive divas wildly jockey for position. Eventually, a reversal leads to one wrestler being put down by a tight Sleeper. The match ends with a definitive submission, leaving one warrior to stand tall.

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12+ min. 380 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 961: Brandi Wine vs Sara Del Rey

Brandi claims that she is The Queen of the Submissions but she might have to give up the throne after tangling with Sara. Just one minute into the bout, Sara has Brandi wrapped up in a Full Nelson, Cravat and an Abdominal Stretch. Sara is a master of submission holds and she sets out to show everyone just how good she is.

Sara makes liberal use of the ropes, adding extra pressure to her chin and leg holds. A strong bodyscissors threatens to shatter some ribs and a Camel Clutch has Brandi hurting. The battling blonde guts out an armlock and straightjacket hold forcing Sara to change strategies. Focusing on the legs, Sara goes to town with a Figure Four Leglock, toehold and heel hook. It all leads to a reverse Indian Deathlock that stretches Brandi's joints to the limit, but still she refuses to submit!

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14+ min. 431 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 960: Kristin Astara vs Marti Belle

After the initial lock-up, Kristin soon finds out that Marti is a lot stronger than she looks. There's some chain wrestling to start, with Headlocks and Hammerlocks being exchanged and then the ladies take a short break to talk about their hair. Really.

They pick up the pace after that, with Kristin grabbing the advantage (not all of it in fair fashion). She locks Marti up in a single-leg Boston Crab, Sleeperhold, Full Nelson and bodyscissors before Marti mounts a comeback with a Surfboard stretch and a modified choke.
A variation of an Armbar brings this one to a close, with one lady shouting her submission in agony.

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12+ min. 375 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 959: Angela vs Tenille

The last time Angela faced Tenille in the ring (back on SLAMpeg 797) there was no referee and very few rules as Tenille dominated the action from start to finish. But even the presence of Portia Perez in the stripes for this rematch does little to stop Tenille from carrying on where she left off.
Leglocks are Tenille’s weapon of choice and she is relentless in her pursuit of a quick submission. Angela suffers, but refuses to yield and as Tenille’s frustration grows, Angela takes the opportunity to fight back. A quickly applied Sleeper takes the fight out Tenillle, as does a trio of knee strikes to her gut.

And now it is Angela’s turn to look for a submission, working Tenille’s arms with a Lotus Lock and a kneeling Surfboard. But after many submission attempts from both wrestlers, it is actually a pin that wins the match, as TWO successive Neckbreakers and a falling reverse DDT leave one wrestler unable to beat the 3 count.

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 958: Sara Del Rey vs Matt Classic

Sara takes on the masked giant Matt Classic in this clash of the genders.
Sara is used to out-muscling her opponents but Matt gives her something to worry about in the opening Test of Strength. Sara only gets the upper hand via a judicious stomp on his foot. But the advantage doesn't last as a shot to the gut brings her back down.

What follows is not something we're used to seeing Sara experience–a major session of being totally overpowered. She is tossed from pillar to post, punched, kicked, headbutted, stepped on. She does put up a modicum of resistance with some kicking and neck-wrenching of her own but Matt soon ups the pressure with a rib-snapping elevated Bearhug. Sara endures a horrifying clawhold, Matt's enormous hand crushing the fight out her--could this bring about the end for her?

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9+ min. 286 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 957: Lexie Fyfe vs Rain

Two evenly matched veterans trade submissions holds and reversals throughout the entirety of this Submissions Only match-up.

Every time Lexie applies an armbar, The Radiant One reverses it into a Chickenwing. Whenever Rain locks on an Armbar, Lexie turns it into a Hammerlock. The two work in some powermoves such as a Fireman’s Carry takedown, legdrops and a belly-to-back slam. Rain tries to gain the victory with a Camel Clutch, belly claw and a double Chickenwing on the mat. Lexie stretches Rain to the limit with a swinging cradle submission that she turns into a Surfboard, but still can’t get Rain to tap out. The end comes quickly when one wrestler folds up her opponents legs like a pretzel and locks in a double reverse Chickenwing to finally earn the very painful submission.

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11+ min. 351 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 956: Erica D'Erico vs Santana

After some pre-match posing and preening, the match begins. Erica is overwhelmed from the beginning and spends the entire match trying not to go bald as Santana rips and claws at her head at every opportunity. What starts off as a wrestling contest becomes a surprise trip to the salon with Santana as the sadistic stylist.

Hairpulling is the order of the day, whether choking Erica in a Chinlock or whipping her across the ring, Santana's hands are all over Erica's pretty scalp. The action spills outside of the ring where another mighty yank ends with Erica's face being smashed into the apron. Back in the ring, the sultry Santana shows off her ugly side with a pair of punishing Camel Clutches that work the back, neck and, of course, hair. Erica is dragged face-first along the ropes and driven into the turnbuckle repeatedly.
Erica finds out the hard way that Santana is a beauty and a beast.

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13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 955: Christina Von Eerie vs Jessie Belle

Christina can take it when Jessie Belle mocks her hair at the outset of this match-up, but when Jessie Belle gets personal, Christina gets mad. Christina grabs a handful of Jessie Belle’s hair and tosses her across the ring, then unloads with a Hairmare, modified Camel Clutch with hairpull, Surfboard with hairpull, a sitdown facebuster with hairpull and all the Headbutts, punches and clubs to the back that Jessie Belle can stand.

Christina gets creative with a Hairy Cobra (cobra clutch with hairpull), chokes Jessie Belle with her own hair, and even ties Jessie Belle to the bottom rope with... well, you get it by now. With Jessie Belle wrapped up in the ropes, Christina uses some fancy maneuvers to force the submission from her bruised and beaten opponent.

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13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 954: Athena vs Su Yung

A Best of 3 match-up with the ever-animated Su versus the lovely Athena. Chain wrestling, Headscissors, Armbars, pin attempts, MORE chain wrestling, a test of strength, rope work and more have these two ladies at each other's throats right from the opening bell. Su doesn't lack for confidence and is never afraid to show it as she starts to focus on applying pressure to certain parts of Athena. Kneework, cocky pin attempts and a dirty Camel Clutch all while mugging for the camera. Athena is not one for giving in apparently, and it's not until Su pulls off a top rope DDT does she acquire the First Fall.

The second fall is almost all Athena, as she works Su's back over with blows, stomps and brutal shows of strength. Su seems at a loss as to how to deal with Athena's physique and finds herself in some painful scenarios. Athena gets a Stunner of her own off the ropes and we find ourselves tied up for the Third Fall.
Fall 3 is more of the same as each lady has something to prove. Stomps, stomach claws, some excruciating legholds and some good old fashioned Bodyslams have each battler taking their share of the pain. It takes one heck of a reverse DDT to put one of these ladies down for the final 1-2-3.

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26+ min. 803 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 953: Hannah Blossom vs Holly Blossom

Christie Ricci is the referee for this 1 Fall Match between Blossoms. As you would expect, the Blossoms are about as well matched as any two wrestlers can be, and this match reflects their unique symmetry. Bearhugs and Abdominal Stretches are amongst the moves and holds exchanged between the two women as each tries to find that little something extra to tip the balance in her favor. Both women score numerous 2 counts, but the winning pin continues to elude both Blossoms.

With previous contests between the sisters failing to find a winner, this match looks to be going the same way until a Fisherman's Suplex puts one Blossom down for the 1-2-3 and leaves Christie with the difficult task of correctly identifying the winning wrestler!

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11+ min. 342 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 952: Fire vs Taryn Shay

Fire and Taryn are all business in this 1 Fall Match.
The determined athletes begin the match feeling each other out with Waistlocks and Armlocks, punctuated by one brief but body-bending Boston Crab. The action, however, soon escalates as Fire tires of chain wrestling and starts tossing Taryn from corner to corner and locks on a vicious Waistscissors.

The action goes back and forth as neither wrestler gives up the advantage for too long. Neckscissors are applied, waists are clinched, Headlocks turn into surreptitious chokes. Even the referee gets involved as Fire uses him as a human shield!
One final leg-breaking submission gets one wrestler to tap none too quietly as the other celebrates a well-earned victory.

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10 min. 304 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 951: Jennifer Blake vs Lacey

A Submissions Only contest.
A roll-around-the-ropes lock up starts us off before both ladies start with some classic Hammerlock switch-ups. Leg scissors, Headscissors, Headlocks and a test of strength see our ladies struggling for top position, but also keeping it clean. Trading off Bearhugs leads into Jen really working Lacey's leg while Lacey focuses on Jennifer's arm.

But it seems neither lady is willing to concede. The competitors keep it classic and clean with Armbars, stomach claws and Surfboards. And of course, the dreaded Camel Clutch makes an appearance. It's not until one brave grappler find herself in a torturous, inescapable hold that she realizes it's all over and screams her submission.

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11+ min. 349 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 950: Leva vs Ben Dejo

Two familiar competitors line up for this intergender 1 Fall match-up.
Lots of mouthy back and forth exchanges about who's got the upperhand on who here. Both competitors go hard, not wanting to back down or lose face. Pretty straight-forward chain wrestling with some close pinfalls and sneaky maneuvers. Leva starts to focus on Ben's arm to which Ben responds in kind by playing a little rougher. A Bodyslam and particularly tough kneedrop have Leva reeling. Never being one to give up easily, Leva still fights for that pinfall while focusing on Ben's arm, even throwing in some high-flying moves.

Ben puts a stop to all of this with a shot below the belt, which really brings a halt to Leva's momentum. Suplexes, Sidewalk Slams, Backdrops and some blatant rope choking are just some of the things Leva must endure at Ben's hand. This one comes right down to the wire with both competitors eventually staring up at the lights.

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14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 949: Lorelei Lee vs ?

As Lorelei has demonstrated in previous matches, when there is no official in the ring, she tends to wrestle by her own rules. And Lorelei introduces the masked man to those ‘rules’ in the opening moments of this bout with a blatant low blow.
This sets the scene for what is to follow as Lorelei takes complete control of the match. The masked grappler suffers Bearhugs, submission holds, Atomic Drops and yet more cheap shots as an unrelenting Lorelei dominates the action. On the rare occasions that he manages to fight back, Lorelei is quick to stop him in his tracks in any way she can. And in Lorelei’s book, that includes the use of a baseball bat and a golf club.

Inevitably the match ends as it began, with a final foul that leaves one wrestler down for a full 10 count.

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17 min. 511 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 948: Amy Love vs Lexie Fyfe
Also available as DVD SLAM 23.

These 2 ladies are out to settle their differences once and for all! Lots of mat wrestling highlighted by a long overhand Wristlock test of strength, wicked scissors and plenty of holds to stretch out a lady into all sorts of uncomfortable positions.

Eventually Lexie discovers that she's also contending with an uncooperative ref (Amber O'Neal) and that there's no way for her to win cleanly. In fact not only is the ref biased, but Amber becomes physically involved in the match as well!

Lexie's up for a fight, but what can she do when her opponents won't stop until she's been stomped and beaten down!

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31 min. 500 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 947: April Hunter vs Jazz

It’s powerhouse vs powerhouse in this ‘I Quit’ Submission Match. Well-matched in strength, the two wrestlers are evenly balanced in the opening minutes of the match. The women exchange armlocks and leglocks in an attempt to finish the match quickly, but neither is willing to concede defeat so soon.

Whenever it appears that one woman is taking control of the action, her opponent is able to turn the tide. April comes close to victory with a double-toed leglock, but Jazz refuses to quit and is soon looking for a submission of her own with a Boston Crab. The back and forth battle continues until one wrestler is able to lock on an inescapable hold that has her opponent not simply saying, “I Quit”, but screaming it!

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10 min. 305 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 946: Kellie Skater vs Joey Machete Also available on DVD SLAM 157.

Kellie has a habit of biting off a little bit more than she can chew. In this case Joey outweighs Kellie by at least 100 pounds and she feels every bit of it as he lays into the Aussie with powerful Bodyslams, stunning Headbutts and decapitating Clotheslines that plant poor Kellie right on her head. To her credit Kellie utilizes her speed to hit Joey with quick strikes whenever possible, ducking Clotheslines and flying off the ropes with springboard elbows, Dropkicks and Sunset Flips.

Machete takes Kellie’s best shots in stride and responds with devastating effect, torturing Kellie with an over-the-knee Backbreaker, Abdominal Stretch and a Bow & Arrow. Battered and bent to her breaking point Kellie has little left to resist the dominant Joey as he clamps her in a Camel Clutch, wrenching her in a Chinlock and refusing to let go.
Will this be the end for the Rate Tank?

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10 min. 294 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 945: Angel Williams vs Jayme Jameson

There's some chain wrestling to start this one, but soon Angel is punching away at the unlucky Jamison. And since there's no ref, who's to stop her? Jayme manages to drop Angel with a hard Clothesline, but soon Williams regains the advantage with more fists flying, some choking and more.

Angel is known to bend the rules sometimes and this time is no different. Jayme's wrist tape soon turns into a weapon for Williams, who is happy to choke as much oxygen out of Jayme as she possibly can. In the end, a Heart Punch out of nowhere is enough to ensure a definitive victory for one of these talented competitors.

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15+ min. 461 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 944: Amber O'Neal vs Amy Love

Favorites match up for this one fall battle as Amber and Amy are remarkably complimentary of each others' appearance. Amber really makes sure that Amy knows that she is wily AND sexy, but also comments on Amy's toning up. So it goes as Amber seems more into head games than actually getting into wrestling. That is, until Amy gets a hold of Ms O'Neal's hair and takes charge. Amber finds herself in all 4 corners of the ring, under Amy's legdrop and in Ms Love's vice-like Headscissor.

No admission of defeat from Amber, though as she starts to recover and right away sets her sights on Amy's legs. Stomps, slams, stretches, twists and pulls are all fair game as Amber seems set on crippling her opponent. Amy finds her long legs over the ropes, ring apron and cornerpost as Amber just goes to town. Not content to simply brutalize her opponent's legs, Amber shows off her repertoire of complex, painful and pretzel-like holds at Ms Love's expense. Amy's legs get a slight reprieve when Amber decides to show off her Abdominal Stretch and Figure Four Headscissors.

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13 min. 391 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 943: Jessie McKay vs Madison Eagles

Tag partners become bitter foes as The Pink Ladies compete in a brutal Iron Woman Match.
After a fast paced exchange of armlocks, Headscissors and counters, Jessie surprises Madison with a quick back elbow followed by a Thesz press and devastating boot to the face to pick up the first fall. Jessie keeps the pressure on by riding out a Camel Clutch, Octopus hold and draining Sleeper, using her quickness to eventually gain two more pins as she builds a hard-fought lead.

Madison seems nearly out of it until she manages to counter Jessie’s Boyfriend Stealer into a momentum changing Clothesline. Finally back in the fight, Madison blitzes Jessie with a spine-breaking barrage that nearly knocks the young Aussie out of her ring gear! Jessie suffers a through multiple Fireman’s Carry Backbreaker drops, a Powerbomb and an inverted body vice that quickly puts the veteran up 4 falls to 3.
Despite the brutal beating there’s still time on the clock for Jessie to mount a comeback but she’ll have to overcome her own formidable partner in order to make it happen.

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15+ min. 467 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 942: Malia Hosaka vs Chris Gray

Gray is unimpressed when guest referee Leva announces his opponent. In fact, he has no clue who she is. So Malia proceeds to teach him.
Malia is relentless from the outset, blasting Chris with punches, double chops, Clotheslines and a Bulldog. She continues the assault with a Stepover Toehold, double legdrops, a Suplex, rope chokes and even stomps on Chris’s head.

After enduring a lengthy beatdown, Chris goes on the offensive, hitting Malia with elbows, a Bodyslam and several over-the-knee Backbreakers that result in a couple near pinfalls. Chris makes a major (and painful) mistake and Malia is back in the match. The two go after each other with Dropkicks, forearms, knee chokes on the mat, and one particularly nasty low blow. Back and forth they go until one huge knockout punch puts one wrestler down and out, unable to answer the referee’s 10 count.

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 941: Nikki Roxx vs Rain

A grueling 2 out of 3 Falls Match, aiming to settle the presumably rhetorical question posed by Rain at the outset: “who is the best?”
The ladies jump into a dizzying chain wrestling sequence and a down-the-middle Test of Strength that doesn't seem to settle it, but the agonizing submission that ties Rain into a neat little bow has her looking for the tag partner she doesn't have (where's Lacey when you need her!). Things don't improve for Rain for this First Fall. Some strong style wrestling, a Full Nelson and a vicious elbow drop get Nikki the first decision.

Things don't go too well for Rain throughout most of the second fall either, despite an extended chokehold on Nikki using the latter's own arms! But just as you think Rain might be going down again, the wily veteran takes advantage of Nikki climbing the ropes and wins the second fall with her devastating finisher – The Rain Drop!
The final stretch goes back and forth as each lady is determined to preserve her pride. Brutal body blows and submissions, a screamalicious stomach claw and a final power-exhibiting Powerslam/Suplex combination wins one lady her much sought after victory.

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14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 940: Courtney Rush vs Mercedes Martinez

Courtney is halfway through a chocolate covered donut when Mercedes saunters in for their match. Courtney says she’s too full to wrestle, but when Mercedes suggests she’s getting a little pudgy in the middle Rush throws a roundhouse right and the fight is on!
Devouring that pastry is Courtney’s biggest highlight in this one as Mercedes works to ensure that the donut isn’t the only thing with a hole in the middle. Mercedes unleashes a 30 minute stomach stomping, mid-section mauling, ab-grinding torture session on the Canadian inside and outside of the ring ranging from straight up kicks, punches and brutal sledgehammer blows to increasingly creative body-bending submission holds.

Thoroughly beaten after being hung out in a prolonged Tree of Woe, Courtney begs for mercy with an unsolicited kissing of Mercedes’ boots. Martinez will have none of it and after torturing the youngster with every means of abdominal destruction in the book (and a few that aren’t), Mercedes puts the sprinkles on top by hauling Courtney up like a broken marionette in an elevated double chicken wing for a devastating final submission.

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29 min. 876 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 939: Christie Ricci vs Miss Rachel

Christie is proud of her toned abs. Miss Rachel is more than a little bit jealous of The Mississippi Queen’s firm belly so she decides to interrupt Christie’s abs workout … painfully. Rachel sneaks up on an unsuspecting Christie and proceeds to knock her out repeatedly, only to wake her up by performing her own workout on Christie’s abs. Christie is KO’d by a Sleeperhold, chokeout, Dragonsleeper with belly claw, Iron Claw … and that’s all in the first 10 minutes!

Christie has her lights turned out more than a dozen times in this beatdown thanks to Rachel’s Bearhugs, Headscissors and chokeouts. Rachel inflicts such pain that she puts Christie out with non-traditional knockout holds such as a Camel Clutch and Figure Four Leglock as well. And in between, she targets Christie’s belly with claws, punches, Headbutts, legdrops, elbows, nail rakes and even a shot from a steel chair.
After nearly 30 minutes of torture, Miss Rachel leaves the ring satisfied with her work, and leaving Christie vowing revenge.

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28+ min. 862 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 938: Jessie McKay vs Danny DeManto

Jessie is in for some real trouble here when she faces the Cold Hearted Playa.
Not known for being a gentleman, Danny trips Jessie and actually tries to convince everyone she slipped on a banana peel. He then goes on to administer some serious punishment to his Aussie opponent. Jessie endures stomach claws, Bearhugs, wishbone leg splitters and more.

Unfortunately, she can't mount much of an offense herself and is simply dominated by her much bigger adversary. Danny finds great joy in slamming and Suplexing Jessie all over the ring. After a particularly nasty swinging slam and gutwrench Powerbomb, he even beats her up with her own shoes! But the pain isn't over yet, because DeManto starts climbing to the second rope and...bombs away!

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 937: Angela vs Alexxis Nevaeh & Leva

This unique match-up is basically 2 for the price of 1. Leva accompanies Alexxis for her match with Angela, but is surprised to find out that both combatants are actually good friends. There's some good, sportsmanlike scientific wrestling to start, but it all comes crashing down when Alexxis injures her leg in a freak accident.

Angela is distraught, but Leva is furious and blames Angela for the accident. It gets to the point where Leva gets in the ring and challenges Angela to avenge her friend. Fong accepts and manages to surprise Leva with a Monkey Flip, but Leva seems determined to hurt Angela.
Despite Alexxis' pleas to stop the beating, Leva continues to mess up Angela's leg, drops her with a couple of DDT's and then goes for a steel chair. Trust us-you haven't seen Leva this angry in a while...

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13 min. 385 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 936: Brandi Wine vs Jayme Jameson

Kristin Astara referees this submissions only match.
Some expected taunts aside, the ladies are all business–the majority of vocalizations during this match are the wrestlers' screams of pain and Kristin's oddly intense refereeing.

This is one of those matches that could go either way. Brandi is the smaller athlete, but more than makes up for it in cunning and sheer skill. The ladies exchange rib-crushing elevated Bearhugs, backbreaking submission moves and throat-restricting chokeholds. Brandi takes the worst of it for a while until a low blow boot brings Jayme down. This allows Brandi to work on Jayme's long limbs, twisting them like pretzels in directions they were not meant to go–an agonizing Figure Four keeps Jayme yelling for a while.
One final arm-twisting submission makes one lady tap at the end of this well-fought contest.

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12+ min. 375 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 935: Ashley Lane vs Kimberly

Kimberly declares that Ashley’s time has passed and that she’s the ‘fresh face’ everyone’s looking for while Ashley claims she’ll take this Best of 3 Falls Match in straight falls. The animosity builds with their pre-match sniping until the ref steps aside and lets them tear into each other.
Ashley wastes no time trying to make good on her promise and after some early armlock exchanges she catches Kimberly with a Rayne Drop Swinging Neckbreaker, taking the First Fall without breaking a sweat. Kimberly rolls to the outside to recover her composure and save face. When Ashley loses her patience Kimberly strikes, catching Ashley’s leg and repeatedly slamming it into the corner post. Ashley loses her shoe and Kimberly works on her injured leg with grinding anklelocks until a hanging legbar gets her an equalizing submission.

Now it’s Ashley’s turn to try and recover on the outside.
Can a hobbled and hurting Ashley make a comeback or does the ‘fresh face’ have her number? A devastating DDT produces a clear winner as her opponent goes down and out for the 3 count.

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14 min. 415 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 934: Team Blossom vs Christie Ricci & Taryn Shay

Fast and furious tag action from four talented athletes!
The story of this match is the diabolical chemistry of the Blossoms, who employ rapid tags to disorient their foes. With their identical looks it's nearly impossible for the referee to keep track of them as they trade places behind her back. Christie and Taryn are ready to compete, but their fiery attitudes often cause more harm than good. A lengthy Surfboard threatens to break Taryn's spirit. When the ref is forced to deal with a frustrated Christie, the Blossoms illegally jump in and out reapplying the hold with maximum force.

Taryn survives the double teaming and finally makes the much needed tag. Christie cleans house, but when one sister breaks up the pin, all hell breaks loose as the battle rages on in and out of the ring. With their game plan out the window, the Blossoms find themselves on the receiving end of dual elbow drops. A forced "meeting of the minds" has them seeing stars and it looks like Taryn and Christie might have turned the tide. A tight Sunset Flip in leaves one pair celebrating team unity and the other pointing fingers at each other.

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11+ min. 353 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 933: Amy Love vs Diane Von Hoffman
Also available as DVD SLAM 172.

Amy is mid-ring doing her crunches when Diane barrels in to see what the heck is going on in her ring. Amy's claim to perfectly sculpted abs infuriates Von Hoffman enough that she sets out to reshape and destroy Amy's belly!

Thunderous punches, stiff boots and belly claws are unrelenting and soon Amy is begging for escape.
Diane breaks her down systematically with stretching and battering Amy's abs, weakening her for her final patented knockout.

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28 min. 844 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 932: Kimberly vs Danny DeManto

Danny can’t wait to get his hands on Kimberly in this Best 3 of 5 Falls contest with no referee. Danny quickly learns to be careful what you wish for …
Kimberly impresses Danny with her powerful punches, kicks, Headlocks, shoulderblocks and Snapmares. She’s also one tough lady. After taking a pounding in the corner, Kimberly hits a Dropkick, a legdrop and then squeezes Danny out with a Sleeperhold for the First Fall.

Kimberly gains momentum in the second fall, using a Full Nelson, reverse DDT, elbowdrops and chokes wear down Danny, and a vicious combination of punches and elbow strikes puts the big man down for the 2-0 lead.
Taunting an in-over-his-head Danny, Kimberly continues hitting elbow drops, stomps to the head and groin and armbars and arm scissors. When Danny finally mounts an offense, Kimberly uses her speed to pull off a stunning reversal that has to be seen to be believed in order to put Danny down for the final 3 count.
As an added bonus, Kimberly adds insult to injury by tacking on one final knockout of a fall!

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30 min. 903 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 931: Courtney Rush vs Portia Perez
Also available as DVD SLAM 169.

Biceps and abs, pop culture versus historical reference-this one starts off with a number of challenges. Bodyslams and demonstrations of strength showcase Portia's fabled might.

Bellies are targeted as Courtney gets punched while caught in a Tree of Woe. Tons more Suplexes come next and lead into a series of back-bending holds that leave Courtney gasping on the mat.

Continuing her back attack proves very effective for the Canadian Ninja. Courtney must endure much more punishment before this match concludes.

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26+ min. 787 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 930: Christina Von Eerie vs Little Jeanne

Jeanne is all smiles during this match, looking supremely confident. She has the size, the strength and the experience advantage but Christina proves to be more than up to the challenge.
The start of the match goes as expected as Christina is put down with an over-the-knee Backbreaker. From there, Jeanne tries a number of different stretches and locks, but the scrappy Christina always seems to find a way to escape. The Eerie one fights through a double-toed Leglock, bodyscissors and a Crucifix. She surprises Jeanne with several pin attempts that nearly steal the match! As Jeanne loses her cool, it's Christina who gets to show off her submission skills, trapping Jeanne in a Cobra Clutch, Camel Clutch and a Dragon Sleeper.

Jeanne's escapes aren't quite as technical as she gouges Christina's eyes and yanks on her necklace to free herself. These dirty tactics put the veteran firmly in control and she grounds Christina with a Figure Four Leglock that leaves her limping. A wounded Christina finds herself getting cut off at the legs as Jeanne repeatedly trips her to the mat. The two become intertwined on the mat with dueling toeholds that truly show their grit and determination. Back on the feet, a miscue leads to a German Suplex that leaves one grappler vulnerable to a match-ending STF.

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14+ min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 929: Veda Scott vs Chasyn Rance

10 seconds into the match and Chasyn finds himself on his back courtesy of a Veda Scott Suplex...and that's just the beginning.
Out for blood, Veda pours it on with a Bodyslam, Atomic Drop and a Back Bodydrop that sends Chasyn flying through the air. Chasyn is taken on a tour of pain as his back is tortured with a hard Russian Leg Sweep and a Boston Crab. He can barely get off the mat before he's on the receiving end of another vicious attack.

After wearing him down, it's time for Veda to show off her submission skills which she does with a guillotine choke, STF, Camel Clutch, Dragon Sleeper and even a Bearhug! Chasyn is a tough son of a gun who refuses to quit, but that might have been the smart thing to do against the savage Scott. An old fashioned wrestling beatdown isn't enough and Chasyn is forced to ride the ropes and the ringpost in the most uncomfortable way you can imagine. Veda tosses her male opponent out of the ring like a bag of trash and proceeds to assault him with a baseball bat, which is the cherry on this sadistic sundae. A humbled Chasyn is forced to admit that Veda is the best, but even that doesn't save him from a brutal finish!

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 928: Rain vs Tina San Antonio

Pretty solid match up with some great straightforward action featuring intense warriors.
Back and forth chain wrestling sets up some painful armwork for each lady to endure. And with no ref in sight, these two combatants aren't shy about throwing some choking and extra twists.

Armlocks, corner work, rope work and choking are the order of the day here as both ladies are out to cause some major pain. Close pinfalls and excruciating holds set up an exciting finish until it's Lights Out for one bested athlete.

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12 min. 362 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 927: Jessie McKay vs Su Yung

Kristin Astara wears the stripes for this 1 Fall encounter.
Su quickly dominates the action, trapping Jessie in a painful Bow & Arrow hold within the first few moments of the match. She continues to control the action with an onslaught of knees drops and Headbutts to Jessie's back, belly claws, nerve pinches and more.

For the most part, Su Yung's domination of Jessie is strictly by the book, but whenever Jessie shows any signs of staging a comeback, Su is quick to take any means necessary to ensure that she remains in the ascendancy. And when Jessie manages to surprise Su with a quick rollup that scores a 2 count, Su is quick to respond with an aggressive barrage of kicks and strikes that quickly take the fight out of the Australian.

A Sleeper looks to be enough to finish the match as one woman is almost knocked out, but her opponent won't be satisfied with anything less than a submission... AND a declaration from the still suffering wrestler exactly WHO is the winner!

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10+ min. 313 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 926: Jessica James vs Betsy & Joey Machete
Also available as DVD SLAM 140.

Betsy and Joey taunt Jessica into accepting a 30 minute match that should be called "the complete and utter destruction of Jessica James".
From the minute the bell rings it's obvious that James is in trouble. Her offense against her two behemoth opponents proves about as effective as punching a brick wall. Of course it doesn't help Jessica's cause that Betsy and Joey bend and break just about every rule in the book.

Jessica is beaten, battered, stretched and pounded in this one. She endures an Abdominal Stretch, a Crossface, a huge face-first slam, and Betsy even bends James to the point where her foot touches her own head! She gets tied to the Tree of Woe and even hammered with a baseball bat before finally surrendering to a particularly vicious fishhook Camel Clutch by Machete. The thing is, the submission will not end her misery. The deal was 30 minutes, and now Jessica certainly realizes her mouth got her in trouble again.

After a golf club and metal folding chair are introduced in the "match", Jessica taps out to a Boston Crab, a leglock, and a Texas Cloverleaf. Still no end though as Joey and Betsy are still having way too much fun!
They punish her some more with a doubleteam Suplex, a Powerslam, a running splash, and a Figure Four Leglock where Joey does a Ric Flair imitation that would make Naitch proud.
In the end, it's a cruel STF that finishes the contest. Betsy sums it all up when she tells Jessica she gets "an E for Effort, and an S for Stupid."

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30+ min. 920 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 925: Daffney vs Sara Del Rey

It’s a fast-paced, high-impact 1 Fall bout.
The two crafty veterans skillfully reverse each others’ holds and maneuvers in an attempt to gain an advantage in this back-and-forth battle. The Scream Queen focuses on Sara’s arm in the early going with Sara concentrating on Daffney’s leg. As the match progresses, the moves get more fierce. The two trade chops to the chest and punches to the face. Daffney gets a couple of near falls following an Irish Whip into a Clothesline and later a small package rollup.

Sara regains momentum by slapping on a Chinlock Camel Clutch, which she turns into a Surfboard hold. Punches, knees, chops and forearms are traded throughout the match, until a kneelift and a one-legged facebreaker spells a sudden end to this hard-fought battle.

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13+ min. 404 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 924: Britani Knight vs Christina Von Eerie

The amiable Kellie Skater officiating.
The muscular Christina appears to have the upper hand on the slender Britani but the young newcomer exhibits intense aggression and a strength that belies her willowy frame, coming out of her corner throwing hard punches and dropping Christina with a powerful Bodyslam.

That said, anyone who has seen Christina in action knows that she can't be counted out of a match, however shaky her start. The match goes back and forth with Christina brutalizing the youngster with her signature Headbutts along with punches, kicks and chokes on the ropes. Suplexes, Bodyslams, Neckbreakers–Britani takes a licking but keeps on ticking.
Just as you think she's out for the count, she finds reserves of strength to take Christina down repeatedly, as with a magnificent Samoan Drop or a tight Sleeper. As the action spills outside the ring, neither athlete gives way to the other.

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13+ min. 409 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 923: Angela vs ?

Angela confidently warns the masked man that she's going to beat him up real bad. He lets his wrestling do the talking and traps Angela in a Wristlock. Unfortunately for him, that's basically all the offense he gets in this beatdown of a match. See, Angela noticed the absence of a referee and figured a low blow would get her out of a Wristlock. So true.

From this point, it's all Angela. She kicks, chokes and even bites him to the point where he must be asking himself where it all went wrong. Angela shows tremendous skill and strength when she drops him with a Suplex, Russian Leg Sweep and several inverted Atomic Drops. You can't help but feel for the masked grappler when Angela drops to her knees and offers an "apology" for all the abuse she inflicted.
The poor guy never saw it coming...

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8+ min. 256 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$8 for non-members
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$8 through Paypal

$6 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 922: April Hunter vs Fire

Ever impartial guest referee Kristin Astara oversees this submission match between two real powerhouses. From the moment these two lock up it's obvious they are well-matched in the strength department. The initial chain wrestling exchange also suggests they are just about equals when it comes to technical expertise. Waistlocks, armwringers, Hammerlocks and Full Nelsons are countered and reversed with great skill.

After Surfboards and leglocks have been applied, Kristin allows the match to continue after a questionable low kick. From there, a strange situation presents itself. One lady traps her opponent in a Bearhug, while the other lady hooks in a Front Facelock.
Controversy follows and there might just be a rematch on the horizon.

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10+ min. 323 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 921: Amber O'Neal vs Jennifer Blake

Amber insists that the ref double-checks Jennifer's ring gear for foreign objects. After the initial Hammerlocks and Headscissors, it quickly becomes apparent that the ref should instead double-check everything Amber does. Forget about clean breaks, and O'Neal adds choking and illegal use of the ring ropes throughout the contest. To her credit, Jennifer takes Amber's camel Clutches, bodyscissors and Full Nelsons and fights back just as hard with a flurry of Clotheslines, Suplexes, Facebusters and a Camel Clutch of her own.

Things can go either way in the end, but it's a quick counter into a DDT that spikes one lady's head into the mat and earns her opponent the hard-fought win.

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 920: Lacey vs Leva

Well, The Lovely Lacey is in the ring so you know what that means: lots of mouthing and preening and maybe some wrestling to go along with it. We fade in to see the Lovely One stretching (and bragging about) one of her finest assets: her long legs. Enter Leva, who simply wants to train with Lacey. After MUCH convincing, Lacey agrees to a match with the peppy youngster.

As you might expect, Lacey does not keep it clean very long and goes to work on Leva. Kicks, stomps, Waistscissors and chokes show off Lacey's leg strength as Leva struggles to get her feet. It's not all one-sided though, as Leva starts to get some offense in by focusing on Lacey's bare feet. Leva really twists and squeezes Lacey's feet and ankles as she begins to work over Lacey's legs, much to the Lovely One's chagrin.

A lot of talking and a lot of action leads to a painful conclusion for one lady as she's caught in a devastating anklelock. Before she can tap, she teeters on the edge of consciousness as her opponent switches between various painful leg holds.
This one ends with one lady limping away and one with major bragging rights.

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14+ min. 434 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 919: Jessie Belle vs Titan

Not sure what Jessie Belle was thinking agreeing to this match up, but it goes about how you would think.
Titan shows no mercy on his prey, despite her pleas. He goes to work with knees, stomps, choking, over-the-knee Backbreakers and lots of ab work. In fact, Titan puts most of his focus on Jessie's sure to be sore midsection. Moves that would be devastating enough, like an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker, are made more so with Titan's introduction of hairpulling and fish-hooking.

Jessie Belle is pulled from pillar to post (literally) and begs to be released, but Titan remains ever focused, even introducing foreign objects. Camel Clutches, eye rakes, a suspended Scorpion Leglock, and Atomic Drops leave Jessie Belle sprawled on the mat.
Eventually, it's one ab-oriented hold that leaves poor Jessie Belle out cold and Titan satisfied with his work.

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15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 918: Lorelei Lee vs Kimberly, Rain & Santana

Lorelei enters the ring for her match with Santana, only to find that the contract stipulates that she must take on plus two! Despite her pleas, the contract stands and Lorelei is left to face Santana, Rain, and Kimberly.
It goes, as you might expect, not well for Lorelei. While the match starts out pretty even, with Santana and Lorelei going at it with Armbars and Headscissors, it's not too long before Santana makes the first tag of many. Kimberly enters the fray and puts Lorelei in a VERY bad corner.

Lorelei is forced to endure double and tripleteaming, slaps, stomps, ab work, and endless taunts. Ab stretches, punches, Full Nelsons and more. All three of Lorelei's opponents seem to focus on her poor midsection, while not being afraid to throw in Bodyslams, a Sharpshooter, double Clotheslines and even a Tree of Woe for good measure. Lorelei refuses to give in and won't stay down despite the abuse.

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15+ min. 470 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 917: Miss Rachel vs Santana

It’s size against speed as the powerful Brit Miss Rachel takes on the gymnastic Santana.
They fight to a stalemate early on until Rachel counters an attempted Monkey Flip by throwing Santana to the far corner of the ring. Once in Rachel’s clutches Santana takes a harsh beating from guillotine legdrops, Sidewalk Slam and a crushing Bearhug punctuated with hairpulls, finger rakes and biting.

Despite the beating Santana refuses to stay down and desperately tries to reverse the momentum with a Sunset Flip and high crossbody, but a determined Rachel simply shrugs off her best shots. Rachel leaves no stone unturned and puts a bruising on every inch of her opponent with single leg Boston Crabs, sit out mat slam, and a spine jarring Atomic Drop. Rachel even steals some of Santana’s moves, connecting with well executed Dropkicks on her stunned foe.
Santana can strike quickly, but after such a thorough beating will she have enough left to put a stop to Rachel’s domination?

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12+ min. 380 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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SLAMpeg 916: Angel Williams vs Sara Del Rey

Sleeper matches are as grueling as it gets and this one is no exception as both women do their best to keep the clamps on their opponent long enough to drain them into unconsciousness.
Sara starts strong and is the first to wrap her opponent up tight in a Sleeper, but this is no one-sided beatdown and soon it’s Sara whose arms are flailing to reach the safety of the ropes as Angel has her struggling to stay upright.

Sleepers aren’t the only effective holds used and each wrestler applies their share of body locks, armlocks, straightjackets, and scissors to wear their opponent out in a match loaded with tight body-on-body, close to the mat grappling. After several near misses and desperate escapes, one wrestler’s tank finally reaches empty and after a long struggle she goes out for good. The victor delicately extracts herself so as not to wake her victim who is left slumbering in the ring as the winner tiptoes away.

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 915: Amy Love vs Jake Manning

‘Man Scout’ Manning is brimming with confidence as he takes on Amy and seems too preoccupied with rubbing his own chest to even get his opponent’s name right.
Amy takes charge early, but Jake’s clearly more annoyed than hurt as he narrates his way through escapes and belittles Amy’s offense. A drop toehold finally gets Jake’s attention and the fight is on! Amy rocks Jake’s back with knee drives and sledgehammer blows and a mat slam nearly busts his inflated gourd wide open. Amy has the speed advantage and uses it well with Dropkicks, back elbows and a Sunset Flip that nearly takes the match.

Jake answers with a power and technique, delivering Bodyslams and a standing inverted reverse Full Nelson before making Amy suffer in a tight Boston Crab. Unable to put Amy away, Jake reveals a host of personal issues as he rants away while delivering a steady diet of forearm smashes and stomps to her back.
The pair battle back and forth until a sudden jawbreaker and devastating Swinging Neckbreaker puts one wrestler down for the count.

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 914: Malia Hosaka vs Shantelle Taylor

Kristin Astara is the guest referee for this 1 Fall encounter. Shantelle controls the early action, focusing on Malia's arms with a variety of Armdrags, armlocks, armbars, Wristlocks and more. Even Malia's fingers aren't safe when they get a bit too close to Shantelle's teeth! Shantelle keeps the action fast, fully aware of the wrestling pedigree of her opponent. With many years of experience behind her, Malia is a wrestler that only needs one opportunity to take control of a match.

That opportunity comes when Malia reverses a Bodyscissors into a Boston Crab, leaving even Shantelle wondering how it happened. Now on the offensive, Malia subjects Shantelle to a Babyswing, double-toed leglock, Monkey Flip, Neckbreaker, Bow & Arrow, Monkey Flip, chops, nerve pinches and more. Any attempt at a comeback from Shantelle is quickly cut short by the ring veteran and once a Sleeper is applied to Shantelle, the end seems inevitable.

However, Shantelle is no ring rookie herself and is not going out without a fight. But can she overcome 20 years of wrestling know-how? Or will Shantelle be another name on Malia Hosaka's VERY long list of victories?

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15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 913: Brandi Wine vs Taryn Shay

Brandi claims to be the Queen of the Submissions. Taryn is out to take that title and they keep guest referee Kristin Astara plenty busy with submission holds and reversals throughout this Submissions Only match-up.

Brandi works over her opponent with bodyscissors, Bearhugs, a Stepover Toehold and a Figure Four Leglock. Taryn unleashes an impressive array of holds, including a reverse Bearhug, Hammerlock, and in one sequence, goes from a Boston Crab into a Surfboard hold into a double Chickenwing. And neither is above throwing a closed fist, choke or a low blow when the ref isn’t looking.

When Taryn locks on a Stepover Toehold and then bridges backward, Brandi desperately applies a wrenching Chinlock, straining Taryn’s neck and back to the limits.
Which wrestler will tap out first? The ending of the match just might surprise you.

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14 min. 415 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 912: Cat Power vs Kristin Astara

Cat truly shows off her power in this 2 out of 3 Fall match-up with Kristin.
Cat comes out swinging with punches, kicks, stomps, turnbuckle smashes and kidney punches to take the early advantage over Kristin. Cat connects with a side Russian Leg Sweep, Stretch Muffler and a Fireman’s Carry into an Attitude Adjustment. But after Kristin kicks out at the 2 count, Cat puts her down for good with a reverse DDT variant for the First Fall.

Cat never even gives poor Kristin a chance to gather her wits, immediately attacking with stomps, chokes, reverse Chickenwings, Hiptosses and a big Lariat Clothesline. When Cat slaps on a Sleeperhold, Kristin has little strength to battle back. But Cat has a more sinister plan to squeeze the rest of the fight out of Kristin.
Not even the bell to end the match will end Cat’s assault on the helpless blonde.

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 911: Angel Williams vs Ariel

From the opening moments of the match, Ariel doesn't beat around the bush. Her logic is as follows: There's no ref, so I can pull my opponent's hair. Hard to argue with that, right?
Well, OK, maybe you can argue about that. But Ariel doesn't care, she's out to prove that brunettes are way better than blondes.

Ariel is vicious in her assault and poor Angel is mercilessly tossed and Snapmared around the ring. Under normal circumstances, hairpulling and choking are not allowed in a wrestling ring, but Ariel even manages to combine both illegal tactics when she actually chokes Williams with her own hair!
After enduring more chokes, Chinlocks and Camel Clutches, it's a hairpull-assisted Boston Crab that brings this one-sided contest to an end.

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$10 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 910: April Hunter vs Nooie Lee

Nooie Lee makes the mistake of a lifetime when he takes April Hunter's bait in this brutal session of literal manhandling. Responding to her taunts - “You have to be this high to ride this ride” - Lee challenges her to a test of strength, determined to prove he is not as weak as she suggests. After being thoroughly humiliated as a result, Lee engages her a little more gingerly the next time. April's reaction? A massive low blow.

The rest of the match follows the same dominating pattern. Lee doesn't have a chance. April showcases her brute strength as well as her dirty fighting side. We see Snap Suplexes, chokes and crotch-drops on the ropes, backbreaking submissions and even some action outside the ring. An elevated Bearhug and a final low blow is the last straw for poor Nooie–he lies prone on the mat as the victorious April poses over his body.

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11+ min. 344 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 909: Mercedes Martinez vs Rain

After a quick clarification that Rain is radiant rather than lovely, we are ready to go in this one fall encounter. Unsurprisingly, it is clear from the outset how both women will approach the match. Whilst Mercedes is all business, Rain is quickly looking for any means to take an early advantage-regardless of the referee's opinion regarding the legality of those methods.

Taking any shortcut she can, Rain gradually begins to take control of the match, first by working over Mercedes' legs and then applying a number of debilitating submission holds, including a Lotus Lock and a straitjacket choke; favorites of Rain's former Home-Wrecking crew partners.

Unfortunately for Rain, nothing proves enough to score the winning submission-and against a wrestler like Mercedes, it's only a matter of time before she fights back. And when Mercedes fights back, she fights back to WIN!
Two quick Clothelines and a Dropkick put Rain down hard. The action goes back and forth until one wrestler sets up a DDT... But her opponent has other plans and pulls out a move that puts the finish in finisher and leaves one wrestler motionless for an easy 1-2-3.

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12 min. 363 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 908: Leva vs Shantelle Taylor
Also available as DVD SLAM 150.

If professional wrestling and Greek mythology have taught us anything it’s to beware of opponents bearing gifts. Shantelle offers the ‘newish’ Leva a free Bodyslam to start their match. Leva jumps at the chance but when she can’t execute she winds up on the wrong end of three straight slams by the powerful Taylor. Things go steadily downhill from there for the plucky brunette.

Leva’s legs are pretzeled into a Mexican figure four, she’s hoisted into an overhead Bow and Arrow, and suffers through an abdominal-shredding torture while hanging in a Tree of Woe as Taylor has her way with the newcomer. The dominating Shantelle adds insult to injury by calling her shots, devastating Leva with multiple release German Suplexes, sending her face first into all 4 top turnbuckles, and crashing Leva hard to the canvas with a powerful Chokeslam and repeated Sidewalk Slams.

Despite the punishment the never say die Leva refuses to submit and kicks out of every pin attempt. That may be her biggest mistake as Shantelle is happy to let the pain just keep on coming. After a thorough beating a vicious spine bomb takes the last of the fight out of poor Leva leaving her KOed and ripe for a humiliating final pin.

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30 min. 901 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 907: Kristin Astara vs ? & ?

Over the years, there have been many stories told of the plucky underdog, triumphing against seeming insurmountable odds. This is not one of those stories.
Astara faces the masked menaces in this... Well, perhaps it would wrong to call it a match, but rather a demonstration of pure destruction. And with no ref and no rules, Kristin inevitably finds her in the role of 'destructee' in the action that follows.

It might be quicker to list what DOESN'T happen to Kristin in this utterly-one sided encounter, such is the onslaught of abuse that she suffers. Almost constantly doubleteamed by both men, Kristin is kicked, clawed, punched, wrenched, stomped, nerve pinched, stretched, Atomic Dropped, low blowed and more. Oh, and that's just in the first 5 minutes!

And let's not forget the ropes, a rolling pin, a baseball bat and a golf club all coming into play. It's safe to say that Kristin won't.
A Sleeperhold finally KOs Kristin to finish the match. At least, it SHOULD finish the match. But with nobody around to tell them that, Kristin's suffering might not yet be over.

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 906: Christie Ricci vs Erica D'Erico

Erica has squared off against Christie in our rings twice and has come out on the losing end twice. Unfortunately, the third time is anything but a charm for Erica.
As experienced and as skilled a wrestler as Christie is, she also knows how to take full advantage of the lack of a referee and in this 1 Fall match-up, Christie has tons of fun abusing Erica's long, brown hair.

Right from the opening bell, Christie backs Erica in the corner and wraps her hair around the ropes. And she never lets up, from standing on Erica's locks while tugging on her arms, to adding hairpulling to moves such as a Stepover Toehold, a one-legged Boston Crab and a Surfboard hold. Christie even "invents" a pair of new maneuvers, the Hairmare and the Christie Clutch (a Camel Clutch involving-you guessed it-hair pulling).
When Erica is forced to tap out following the hair-raising contest, Christie wipes her hands of her opponent--or maybe she's just removing strands of Erica's hair she's ripped out throughout this one-sided beatdown. Either way, Christie makes it abundantly clear that she has come out on top in this mane event.

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15 min. 451 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 905: Angel Williams vs April Hunter

April and Angel are both veterans and neither is willing to back down an inch. If they aren't trash talking, they're posing for the camera. A pretty straightforward lock up leads into some pretty nasty rope choking and ringside action. Eyeraking, back raking, choking and hairpulling are all in a day's work for these two… with the ref helpless to do much but stand by and give the count.

Angel seems to take a liking to hurting April's back and April is only to happy to return the favor. We see Surfboards, a crazy leglock, and a low blow. Neither lady is willing to lay out for the 1-2-3, so we also see a really solid Sleeper attempt. Eventually, one combatant must go down, and she goes down hard to a textbook DDT.
No shortage of ego or hard working technicians in this match-up.

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14+ min. 430 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 904: Angela vs Kimberly

These two talented ladies showcase their technical know-how and toughness in a 1 Fall bout.
No time is wasted talking; both grapplers are no-nonsense here and immediately go to work on their opponent's arms. Hammerlocks, armwringers and Wristlocks are exchanged with great expertise, but neither wrestler is able to gain a clear-cut advantage for long, as it seems Angela and Kimberly are evenly matched.

After some Snapmares, armdrags and double underhooks things could go either way. One determined lady finally earns the submission victory with a cross armbreaker that leaves the victim with no other choice than to tap out and fight another day.

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10+ min. 309 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 903: Alexxis Nevaeh vs Su Yung

No ref in this one and it seems Alexxis is a little cautious to start a match with Su without an official to keep an eye on things. And who could blame her?

Alexxis starts off well enough, trapping Su in a single leg Crab and nearly scoring an early pinfall with a rollup. Unfortunately, that's where things start to go downhill for Neveah.
She manages to block an attempted hammer strike from Su (see why we need refs?), but when she turns around she is caught with a low blow that takes her down to the mat. From there, it's eyerakes, hammer shots and chokes for Alexxis.
A sleepy finish is in store for one of these tough young ladies!

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 902: Amber O'Neal vs Angel Orsini

A 2 out of 3 Falls Match.
Having warmed up with a lively exchange where Angel questions the legitimacy of Amber's previous victory over her, the two lock-up. Angel's superior strength is immediately apparent as she begins to toss Amber around by the arm, figuring out various ways to damage the limb: Armbars, Hammerlocks, knees to the joint.

It takes Amber's sly exploitation of ring geography to break Angel's flow as the latter gets her throat bounced off the ropes. Amber follows this up with a perfect Camel Clutch and a dubious pin attempt that gets her the first fall. The enraged Angel comes back with a vengeance, hammering Amber in the corner, tossing out an over-the-knee Backbreaker, a Bodyslam, multiple Headbutts and a final high-impact move that flattens Amber's angular profile and gets the tattooed powerhouse the second fall.
She looks to be winning the final fall too, punishing Amber's back and legs with further leglocks and Backbreakers, but the blonde makes a late comeback with a sneaky gutpunch. The final decision guarantees a rematch.

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 901: Jazz vs Rain

Two veteran wrestlers lock horns in a rough-and-tumble battle loaded with plenty of strategy, quick maneuvers and lots of pain. Each grappler finds a specific body part upon which to focus her attack during this 1 Fall match-up. Jazz zeroes in on Rain's left leg, utilizing stomps, knee slams, kicks and legscissors. The Radiant One focuses on wearing down Jazz' midsection, hitting her with stomach claws, shoulderblocks, a gutbuster, a modified Octopus hold and a very impressive Abdominal Stretch while Jazz is tangled in the ropes. And since neither wrestler is above bending the rules a little, there are plenty of rope chokes, eye pokes and far-from-clean breaks.

The end comes suddenly when a jawbreaker and a couple of left hooks set up a brutal DDT that leaves one wrestler flat on her back while her opponent has just enough gas left in the tank to drape an arm over her and secure the three-count in this hard-fought battle.

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15 min. 452 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

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