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SLAMpeg 600: Kellie Skater vs Amazing Kong

Kellie Skater calls herself The Rate Tank and something tells us she thinks she's bigger and stronger than she really is. Amazing Kong lets her talk her game but doesn't play around showing Kellie who really is bigger and badder.

After some strikes, chops, headbutts and, of course, some choking Kellie isn't talking much anymore. She finally gets some offense on Kong and has a nice flurry of attack moves. It seems that may have been the wrong tactic to take though because Kong comes back madder than before.

We wouldn't call this one a beatdown but suffice it to say it wasn't one of Kellie Skater's best days!!

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10+ min. 309 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 599: Daffney vs Rachel Summerlyn

Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match for the Championship.
The wrestlers shake hands to start and begin exchanging holds. A Hurricanrana gets Daffney the First Fall. Second Fall starts with a long test of strength, neither wrestler giving or taking much ground. Daffney finally gets out of it and whips Rachel into the ropes only to get a Big Boot to the face for her troubles. Rachel slaps on a Sleeperhold and it looks like it's lights out for Daffney but no! She regains her feet and makes a comeback. Rachel counters it though and a Fisherman's Neckbreaker ends the second fall to Rachel's advantage.

The Third Fall starts and the ladies again shake hands. The lock-up is fierce and the wrestling tight. Headlock takeovers, Headscissors, splashes in the corners and hard strikes dominate this fall. Rachel gets her Fisherman's Neckbreaker again but Daffney kicks out in 2 and 3/4. Another one and Daffney kicks out yet again. A few hard strikes rock Rachel and Daffney gets her second wind. Rachel kicks out of Daffney's rana and it's anyone's game. You'll have to watch and see who finally comes out as the champ!

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12+ min. 379 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 598: Angel Williams vs Jessie McKay

Special guest ref Tenille announces this as a #1 contender match but the wrestlers don't seem to care as they seem more concerned about who can pose the best and who has the coolest model walk. Once they lock up though, the match is on.

A couple of Bodyslams give Jessie the edge but a miscalculated axe handle off the ropes hurts Jessie's knee and Angel takes advantage. Anklelocks, stomps to the knee, one-legged Crab, Tree of Woe and she doesn't stop there. She removes Jessie's boot and keeps working that leg.

When a quick small package gets Jessie the win, Angel says she's going to end Jessie's career. She brings a chair into the ring and when ref Tenille tries to take it away, she gets thrown out of the ring for her troubles. Angel uses the chair and the ringpost to bring even more pain to Jessie and leaves her writhing in the ring.

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15+ min. 466 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 597: Amy Love vs Shantelle Taylor

This title match for Amy Love's belt starts out with the self-proclaimed Supermodel talking a lot of smack about Shantelle's height perhaps trying to gain the upper-hand psychologically.
The two lock-up and seem to be really evenly matched despite the height advantage of Amy. Around the ring ropes they go each vying for dominance. The ladies chain wrestle and again seem pretty evenly matched with counters and reversals for each move. Look for Hammerlocks, Headlock Takeovers, Headscissors, Waistscissors and more.

A long test of strength still proves nothing so Amy decides to really exploit the height difference with a Full Nelson that practically has Shantele dangling. Then a brutal ab stretch starts the weardown of Shantelle. Amy uses the Camel Clutch and a Surfboard, but Shantelle is able to counter with a Neckbreaker.
The match ends with one wrestler KOed. Is Amy Love still the champion or does Shantelle come away with the victory?

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 596: Amber O'Neal vs Rain
Also available on DVD 135.

Amber is at her ghetto best in this match and really takes it to Rain!
No ref so cheating is fair game. Choking on the ropes, raking of the eyes and stomach, hairpulling and more choking galore. Amber never lets up to give Rain a fighting chance.

Lots of legal moves too though- Camel Clutch, Surfboards, X-Factor, Boston Crab and more.

A final DDT gives one wrestler the win. Does Rain finally get a move in or does this match end in a beatdown of The Radiant One?

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16+ min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

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SLAMpeg 595: Lexie Fyfe vs Malia Hosaka

Special legends ref Candi Divine oversees this 1 Fall contest.
Testing their strength leads to some finger stomping and a flurry of armlocks.

A Figure Four Leglock tests Fyfe's pain threshold and Malia tries to capitalize. What follows is some very back and forth arm and leg twisting exchanges until finally one lady is trapped in a stretch and she can endure no more!

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10 min. 298 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 594: Amazing Kong vs Madison Eagles

Whilst Madison Eagles may be one of the few women who can go toe to toe with Amazing Kong, the Australian amazon still has her work cut out in this 1 Fall encounter. The two women are well matched in terms of power and skill, but Kong has the advantage of having little respect for the rules of the ring. Guest referee Jessie McKay is kept very busy in the opening moments of this bout, as Kong uses the ropes to choke the fight out of Madison.

Madison is not without skills of her own however, and an impressive Flying Clothesline puts her firmly in control. Intelligently keeping Kong on the canvas, Madison seeks a submission with a Chinlock, a Surfboard, a double-toed leglock and more. None of it is enough though, as Kong manages to reach the ropes each and every time. A frustrated Madison asks Jessie "What do I do?" and as her concentration slips, it is enough for Kong to power her way back into the match in a matter of seconds.

As the match nears it's conclusion, both women battle hard for the advantage they need to score the win. When the end comes, it is a swift and unstoppable Powerslam that gives the winner the 3 count and a well-earned victory.

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12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 593: Angel Williams vs Erica D'Erico

After a balanced discussion on the ownership of the ring and the ownership of the "best @$$" these 2 ladies agree to take it to the mat to decide!

Angel opens strong and pummels Erica all over the ring till the sassy brunette has had enough and gets in a few licks of her own. Then it's time for the ladies to exchange vicious tactics as each tries to eyegouge and fishhook their way to supremacy. A powerful Figure Four and neat reversal raises the technical quality of the action before Erica resorts to hardcore tactics and a long...long Boston Crab.

Will Erica be able to evict Angel from the ring or can Angel and her "Money Maker" rally? This SLAMpeg holds the answer!

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14 min. 421 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 592: Jessica James vs Shantelle Taylor

The match starts as both ladies are trading submissions. Each spitfire is furiously reversing her adversary's Headlock or Leglock into one of her own. Unfortunately for Shantelle though, Jessica takes advantage of this match as she begins to stretch Shantelle's body in ways previously thought unimaginable.

Boston Crabs, reverse Chinlocks, single-leg Crabs and other backbreaking submissions are what Shantelle endures as Jessica plays with her as if she was a life-size Stretch Armstrong. However, no matter what move Jessica locks in, Shantelle's heart is large and her pain threshold is even larger.

Shantelle has a brief glimmer of hope, but it is quickly dashed as a move that almost snaps Shantelle in half finally causes her to tap. However, Jessica is not satisfied in just winning. She apparently thinks that after such a grueling match her opponent needs a nap. So Jessica locks Shantelle into a rarely seen Camel Clutch/Sleeperhold which causes Shantelle to peacefully drift into slumber.
But Jessica won't let go unless the ref grants her request--to sing Shantelle a lullaby as she fades into unconsciousness.

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6+ min. 199 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

$4 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 591: Rachel Summerlyn vs Chris Gray

Mat wrestling is the name of the game in this mixed match as Rachel and Chris put on a wicked grappling exhibition. No posing, no high flying, just two wrestlers showing off their grit and determination in a bout where one tiny mistake could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Chris makes it his mission to show Rachel the finer points of working an arm. After being twisted, stretched and yanked behind her head (ouch!), Rachel's arm starts to look like Silly Putty. Chris works his way up to the fingers, bending them way back before slamming them onto the canvas. Unfortunately for Chris, his opponent is as tough as they come and she blasts Chris with a big Clothesline that almost puts him down for the 3 count. He regains control with an innovative arm scissors from his back, followed by a single arm DDT.

Rachel is tortured with multiple Fujiwara armbar attempts, but Chris starts to get frustrated as she refuses to quit. He delivers a surprise Headbutt to Rachel's belly and then goes to choke her in the corner. His loss of composure leads to Rachel transitioning from a pin attempt into a spine bending Texas Cloverleaf! Chris looks like he's on the verge of submitting, but Rachel's arm may have taken too much damage.
This one ends with one warrior painfully tapping out.

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9+ min. 291 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 590: April Hunter vs Nikki Roxx

This one starts with our ladies facing off in the middle of the ring. Nikki says she's got something to prove to April, and it's that she's the strongest wrestler on the roster. April tells her to hang it up and go home.

What follows is a strenuous test of strength that saps both ladies. An equally exhausting collar-and-elbow tie up rolls both wrestlers around the ring until Nikki locks April into a tough Bearhug. April wants to hang on, but when Nikki commands her to submit, she does... and frantically!
Nikki takes advantage of the downed redhead by locking a tight Sleeper hold and verbally talking her into a second submission. April refuses and soldiers on, only to be locked into a brutal Figure Four Leglock! Nikki works the hold with all she's got but April's got something to prove and reverses!

Soon it's Nikki tapping the mat and begging to be released from her own hold. April smells blood and does NOT let Nikki recover. She pounds her wounded opponent with chops, chokes, and sadistic corner work. Nikki soon finds herself in the middle of April's ring, caught in a Full Nelson/Waistscissors combo on the verge of submission.
April decides that her weary opponent has had enough when she locks in a devastating Bearhug, just toying with her prey. Soon, it's April telling Nikki, "You should've listened to me" before delivering the knockout blow that has Nikki out cold for who knows how long... maybe Nikki should have walked away after all!

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12+ min. 373 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 589: Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka

Hosaka confuses both Lorelei and referee Lexie Fyfe from the start by speaking in a Japanese tongue neither can understand. After a series of competitive exchanges between the wrestlers, Malia takes control with a rip of Lorelei’s hair followed by a painful hair stand. Hosaka channels classic Asian heels of the 80’s as she unloads on Lorelei with vicious chops, kicks and chokes that leave the blonde beauty writhing on the mat.

Malia tortures Lorelei with nerve pinches and stomach claws punctuated by vicious fingernail rakes across the face and back. Lorelei’s usually potent offense is rendered useless here as Malia keeps her down and throttles her victim throughout the match. Thoroughly frustrated and completely dominated, the dazed and confused Lorelei finally falls victim to a tight single-leg Boston Crab and Chinlock combination.

As Lorelei screams her submission ref Lexie struggles to break through the language barrier and convince Malia to release the hold!
A strong start by Lorelei turns into a devastating defeat as the veteran Malia has her way with the youngster.

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11+ min. 348 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 588: Angel Williams vs Sinn Bodhi

Angel looks stunning in her corner while the ref introduces the match's competitors... Sinn just looks insane. Sinn taunts his opponent with everything from "Purty" to "Sugarlumps" before we get to the action. Angel locks in a tough Headlock, which Sinn reverses to a Hammerlock, and vice versa. Lots of arm work in the center of the ring, along with hairpulling and biting.

Angel quickly tires of this and retaliates with a little biting of her own. She also brings home a couple of closed fists before going back to work on his arm. It's all going Angel's way until a blow to the midsection brings her momentum to a halt. Soon it's choking in the ropes, knees to the stomach and back, and a stomach claw. Sinn makes several pin attempts but Angel refuses to stay down. Sinn really goes to work on Angel's stomach with a tough Ab Stretch/Stomach Claw combo and a Headbutt to the gut.

Angel appears to go limp in a brutal Bearhug, but she still won't give up. Angel manages to escape with a clap to Sinn's ears, but this only seems to enrage him. The fit blonde gets a few licks in, but it's not long before Sinn hits a brutal over-the-knee Gutbuster to take back the match.

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16 min. 488 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 587: Amy Love vs Cat Power

After Amy Love is done arguing with the referee over his ring introductions, both ladies start with some chain wrestling. Waistlocks, Headlocks, and Headscissors are traded before Cat decides to get vicious. After raking her nails over The Supermodel's back, she pounds her in the corner and turns a Camel Clutch into a mean fishhook. She follows it up with a rib-crushing Bearhug that has Amy struggling and gasping for air.

Amy finally retaliates with some stiff forearms and a Flying Crossbody that earns her a close 2 count. She then stretches her powerful opponent with a Surfboard.
After Cat refuses to submit both grapplers engage in a slugfest that Power gets the better of. She then smashes Amy with a tremendous shoulderblock before locking her in a Luger-like Torture Rack. Amy somehow manages to survive the brutal hold and even gets some more offense in before once again finding herself trapped in Cat's painful Bearhug.
Will Ms Power crush The Supermodel or does Amy have another trick up her sleeve?

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12+ min. 371 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 586: MsChif vs Titan

The first in a series with MsChif taking on 4 different men with 4 very different styles.
The unpredictable MsChif takes on a human mountain in Titan. Titan towers over his opponent but MsChif doesn’t seem intimidated as she uses her speed and quickness to stay just beyond the behemoth’s grasp.
With an ear-piercing shriek that stuns Titan, MsChif assaults her opponent with furious forearms and fists to wear him down. Titan absorbs the attack and with a single blow sends MsChif sprawling to the canvas. Fortunately for MsChif she can do more than just brawl and soon she’s climbing Mount Titan to work a series of submission holds and Sleepers.

Titan responds with pure power, delivering repeated Backbreaker drops on poor MsChif before effortlessly tossing her across the ring. And so it goes with MsChif using quick hit attacks and her technical proficiency against Titan's raw power. MsChif suffers in a crushing Bearhug, agonizing inverted body vice, and devastating Chokeslam as her spine takes the brunt of Titan’s assault. Still, the green haired warrior keeps battling on.
Great intergender wrestling with a unique contrast of wrestling styles.

Look for SLAMpegs 601, 641 & 679 for the rest of the series!

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14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 585: Krissy Vaine vs Leva

Up and coming Leva looks to put a notch in her belt against the more experienced Krissy Vaine in a 1 Fall Match.
Referee Angel Williams does her best to keep them honest and both wrestlers stay clean as they exchange vicious Armlocks, Hammerlocks and arm wringers during the early going. Leva gets the best of Vaine, delivering kneedrops to Krissy's trapped arm and cranking up the pressure with a bridging Hammerlock. Vaine wins the mental battle, accusing Leva of cheating and luring her into her veteran traps. Leva holds her own and soon has Krissy bent backwards in a fingerlock test of strength before nearly scoring a quick upset with a crucifix rollup pin on the blonde!

Out-wrestled for most of the match, Vaine does her best to turn the tide late, hitting Leva with a high Crossbody and following up with rope chokes and a guillotine legdrop to keep the youngster down. Despite controlling most of the match, Leva finds herself on the wrong end of a Camel Clutch, face slam, and tight Boston Crab.

Can Leva rally against Krissy or will Vaine overcome a slow start and put the newcomer down?

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14+ min. 443 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 584: Genni Right vs Sumie Sakai

The latest challenger for Genni's championship in this 3 Fall match-up is the always dangerous Sumie Sakai. Genni finds out just how dangerous early on as a handshake ends up with her getting kicked in the shins. There are a lot more tricks up Sumie's sleeve and she wears the champ down with a variety of holds including a Headscissors, Camel Clutch and a double-toed leglock. A Bodyslam and Northern Lights Suplex set her up for a big top rope crossbody that earns Sumie the First Fall.

Sumie questions the champ's heart, which is a big no-no. Genni locks on a Camel Clutch of her own that shows she's got a lot of fight left. She even throws in a noogie for good measure! Sumie bites her way out of the situation and gets back on the offensive with a single-leg Crab. She ignores Sumie's requests to give up even as her foot gets frighteningly close to touching her head! A nasty series of kicks and a hairwhip will have you wondering how someone who seems so small and sweet can be so mean? Genni survives and a desperation STO ties this match up at 1 Fall apiece.

The stage is set for the Third Fall and neither lady is holding back. The two trade lightning quick pin attempts, kicks, forearms and slams. It seems like Genni has been on the defensive the whole match, but Sumie can't seem to get that decisive fall. Sumie's reaches into her arsenal for one last high flying maneuver, but will it spell the end for her or will she finally capture that elusive belt?

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14 min. 421 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 583: Jennifer Blake vs Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka

To misquote a classic movie, "Jennifer. When Lexie and Malia ask if you want to be their sparring opponent... You say no!" Whilst no ghosts were busted in the making of this match, the same cannot be said for Jennifer Blake.

Although Jennifer is wisely reluctant to take part in a handicap match against Fyfe AND Hosaka, a little negotiation from Lexie convinces her to start the match with a seemingly simple stipulation in place for Girl Dynamite to win. And in the opening moments of the bout, it looks to be have been a wise choice for Jennifer, who takes the two women by surprise. Unfortunately, against two wrestlers with the Experience of Malia and Lexie, Jennifer's dominance of the match is over in seconds.

From that moment on the match is one-way street of Leglocks, slams, Stomach Claws, kicks, Bearhugs and more as Lexie and Malia destroy Jennifer both individually and as a team. Referee Joey Knight is largely a spectator to the action, as the ring veterans demonstrate that they don't cheat because they need to; they cheat because they want to.

The match stipulation means that even after tapping numerous times, Jennifer must endure the entire bout, which only ends with a Double Gourdbuster and a somewhat redundant pin on the completely defeated Jennifer.

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17 min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 582: Brandi Wine vs Little Jeanne

The action starts off quickly and never lets up in this Best of 3 Fall Match-up.
Veteran wrestlers Jeanne and Brandi throw everything in the book at each other, from powerful forearm smashes and legdrops to submission maneuvers such as Facelocks, Texas Cloverleafs and Headscissors, to high-impact moves like Suplexes and Chinbreakers. And the crafty vets aren't above a little hairpulling, a rope choke or a barefoot on the throat or face of their foe.

The two deceptively quick wrestlers battle fiercely throughout the match, with Little Jeanne taking the First Fall with a creative submission hold that has Brandi's arms and legs twisted like pretzels.
Brandi gets an early edge in the Second Fall, working over Little Jeanne with a Camel Clutch, Rear Naked Choke and legscissors. Jeanne battles back, but lets down her guard just long enough for Brandi to roll her into a small package for the 3 count to knot the score at 1 fall each.

The ladies give it their all in the final fall, and more than once both wrestlers are left exhausted on the mat. Brandi hits a Swinging Neckbreaker, and Jeanne responds with a powerful Suplex.
In the end, it takes not 1, but 2 consecutive Pedigrees to keep one of these wrestlers down for the final 3 count.

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17 min. 513 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 581: Lacey vs Rain

When the two members of the Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew meet in the ring, you're never sure whether you're watching a wrestling match or a debate. Wow, these ladies talk a big game! Lacey graciously offers to call a doctor before the match even starts, and, in a classic pot-calling-the-kettle-black moment, Rain accuses her opponent of being a cheater. Sure...

With all the talking that's going on, it's easy to overlook the fact that both Lovely Lacey and Radiant Rain are vicious competitors who would never let the rules get in the way of earning a victory. In this particular encounter they don't even have to worry about the rules, since there's no ref to be seen! Both grapplers seem to take full advantage of this, focusing on their adversary's hair in this one. They get pretty creative too, with Rain even choking Lacey with her own ponytail!

Sure, there's the occasional Facebuster, Dragon Sleeper, or Boston Crab in this one. But most of the offense here is intended to make sure the other woman leaves with considerably less hair than she started with. In the end, a painful combination of a single-leg Boston Crab and a wicked hairpull has one competitor desperately tapping out and crying her submission.

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17 min. 275 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 580: Amy Love vs Rachel Summerlyn

The two ladies lock-up immediately in this no-nonsense match geared toward those of you who like your wrestling technical and without gimmicks. There is a certain amount of trash talking in this match, but, for the most part, it is a smooth back-and-forth of beautifully executed submission moves with each wrestler giving as good as she gets. Neither gets a clear advantage as necks are squeezed and stretched, legs are pretzelled in disturbing ways and backs are bent to painful extents.

Amy uses those long legs to great effect with bodyscissors and Figure Four Leglocks, but Rachel turns those very same limbs back against her by punishing them with repeated Cloverleaf maneuvers. Combine that with Camel Clutches and Boston Crabs galore and you'll find that the ladies do not focus on any particular body part, choosing to be rather holistic in their approach instead!

A relentlessly clamped on submission forces one wrestler to tap but not before the 10 minute display of well-honed skills has left both participants excessively sore.

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9+ min. 279 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 579: Brandi Wine vs Jessie McKay

It's an experienced veteran vs a somewhat rookie in a 1 Fall match-up.
Jessie goes for a quick piggyback Sleeper only to have it reversed as Brandi asks, "Wait, is this what you were trying to do?" Brandi takes control of the match like the seasoned pro she is with a bodyscissor, a Keister Bump, a Dragon Sleeper and a Camel Clutch. When she realizes Jessie won't submit easily, she changes her approach and wears the Aussie down with legdrops, a Bodyslam, and some choking on the ropes. Brandi continues her verbal and physical assault on the youngster with a painful double-toed leglock/Surfboard combo that has Jessie on the verge of submission.

An extended Figure Four Headscissors, a Hammerlock with knee drops, a Bow & Arrow, and a brutal Boston Crab all have Jessie crying in pain and Brandi talking a lot of smack on her younger competitor.

Does Brandi put Jessie out of her misery? Or does the ring rookie get in some offense before it's all said and done?

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14+ min. 430 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 578: Amber O'Neal vs Cat Power

A Best of 3 Falls Match.
Cat takes the early momentum, battering Amber with clubbing forearms, turnbuckle smashes and corner splashes. Caught on the wrong side of a brutal fingerlock, Amber decides it’s not the size of the wrestler that matters, but the size of her bag of tricks. She turns the tide by tossing the rule book, raking Cat’s eyes, pulling hair and blatantly choking her opponent out. With her opponent off balance Amber nails the brunette with a Superkick, stunning Cat and setting her up for a winning backslide handstand pin.

An elated Amber controls the Second Fall early but once the battle spills to the outside a reversed Irish Whip leaves O'Neal tasting corner post. Cat lays down a little karmic payback using those cat's claws to great effect, shredding Amber’s exposed back, midsection and face as she exacts her revenge. Cat focuses on Amber’s back with a crushing Bearhug, Atomic Drop and over-the-knee Backbreaker before hoisting the broken blonde across her shoulders for Torture Rack that has Amber screaming her submission.

All knotted up at 1 Fall apiece, both wrestlers pull out all the stops to take the match in a very even final fall.

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31 min. 936 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 577: Leva vs Lorelei Lee

This 1 Fall match-up begins with Lorelei and Leva methodically trading armbars and Hammerlocks. Lorelei employs Hiptosses and some creative maneuvers to work Leva down to the mat, and Leva is never above a little hairpulling when it helps her cause.

A quick pin attempt by Lorelei has Leva retreating to the ropes, then offering a test of strength to her opponent. Not surprisingly, Leva uses a kick to the gut followed by an X-Factor to try for the pin, but the blonde grappler kicks out. Leva maintains the upper hand with a Camel Clutch (adding some sneaky and not-so-legal moves to torture Lorelei).

Fully in control of the match, Leva adds insult to injury by using the ropes to help with a foot choke on Lorelei. An Irish Whip into the turnbuckle is followed by a running elbow smash from Leva. But when she tries for the same move a second time, Lorelei comes out from the corner and crushes Leva with a devastating Clothesline.
The tide has turned once again and Lorelei nails Leva with a Dropkick and Bodyslam, but can't keep the youngster down for the 3 count.

As innovative as these two warriors can be, the match ends with a good ol' fashioned Bulldog that puts one wrestler's lights out just long enough for the other to have her hand raised in victory.

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10+ min. 311 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 576: Rain vs Tenille

When guest referee Jessie McKay introduces Rain as "The Radiant, Glowing Rain" and introduces Tenille as... "Tenille", even the least suspicious of fans might wonder if this match will be called right down the middle? And it's a concern that Tenille shares, as she asks, "Is there another ref around?"

Sadly there isn't and Tenille soon finds herself in what is almost a 2-on-1 match. Whilst Jessie doesn't actually lay a finger on Tenille, she does everything in her power to sway the match in the direction of The Radiant One. Despite the circumstances, Tenille does start the match positively and manages to score a 2 count on Rain. And it's a very loooong 2 count from the less than impartial match official.

Inevitably, the tide of the match soon turns towards Rain as she is afforded every opportunity by Jessie to bend the rules. Tenille is subjected to the most blatant of chokes, hairpulling and every other trick in Rain's very big book. Despite the onslaught, Tenille refuses to yield, battling back at every opportunity with slams, Suplexes, Clotheslines and more.
But with the cards stacked against her, and against an opponent as devious as Rain, can even the Aussie battler's enormous desire to win defeat such overwhelming odds?

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12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 575: Malia Hosaka vs Tracy Taylor

Malia starts off in a particularly surly mood against the Hawaiian as she compares Tracy’s hair to a skunk’s tail and does whatever she can to get inside the young beauty’s head. Malia switches from verbal to physical abuse of Taylor’s hair once the match starts as the veteran buries both hands in Tracy’s locks and controls the two-toned brunette as she drags her around the ring.
Hairpulling, ripping and tearing abound with sadistic Malia even choking Tracy with her own hair at one point. Malia repeatedly demands a submission but Tracy refuses and when payback time comes she’s there to get her share. Now it’s Tracy’s turn to rip at the roots with Hairmares and two-fisted follicle destruction on the veteran.

Tracy locks her legs around Hosaka’s neck and yanks away before turning Malia over in a Headscissors and repeatedly driving her face-first into the canvas. Malia holds out against Tracy’s hair stands, Surfboard hairpulls, and hair-drag takedowns. Locked in hair to hair combat neither wrestler is willing to let go.
A final hair-assisted choke yields a humiliating submission and puts a decisive end to this professional catfight.

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13+ min. 408 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 574: Rosie Lottalove vs Bad Seed

A Best 3 out of 5 Falls Match that looks like it could be very competitive as Rosie isn't giving up much in size or power in this one.
Bad Seed starts out by getting a few offensive moves in, but a shot to the "lower abdomen" allows Rosie to turn the tide with some unique derriere-based offense that even has the ref questioning whether Rosie was going too far. As it turns out, Rosie wasn't even getting started! Poor Bad Seed is at Rosie's mercy as Rosie unloads with punishing rope chokes, corner work, splashes, and other less conventional use of Rosie's substantial assets. Bad Seed's first attempt to win the First Fall is also his last, as an ill-fated Sunset Flip brings Rosie's mass crashing down on his chest, and the ref could have counted to 5.

Rosie's mean streak continues in the Second Fall with prolonged Camel Clutches, fishhooks, some flagrant chokeholds and likely the first nostril-hook submission you've ever seen. Bad Seed's entire contribution is his prolonged gasps for air and grunts of agony before a Banzai Drop in the corner gives Rosie the Second Fall in fairly short order.

In the Third Fall, Bad Seed does manage to get a few shots in and even comes close to getting on the scoreboard after leveling Rosie with a forearm smash, but his 2 count would be the high point of his night. Rosie goes back to work, even resorting to some painful-looking biting before finally taking the Third Fall, and the match. However, after a rather friendly celebration with the referee, Rosie shows that Bad Seed's horrible night isn't quite over yet.

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14+ min. 435 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 573: Angel Williams vs Daffney

The opening minutes of this encounter are an evenly matched affair between the two women. Amber O'Neal is the guest referee for this contest of power that begins with an intense lockup battle around the ring. The stakes are raised with a classic test of strength and again both women are seemingly on equal terms-until a boot from Angel gives her the opening for a big Bodyslam on Daffney.

But this match is far from over and almost immediately, Daffney returns the favor with a Bodyslam of her own. Quick to maintain the advantage, Daffney follows up with a Suplex, an Abdominal Stretch and an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker. However, for all Daffney's offense, she cannot keep Angel's shoulders down for more than a 2 count and soon her frustration begins to show as she exclaims to Amber, "I've thrown everything at her!"

Angel responds immediately, and suddenly takes control of the bout, subjecting Daffney to a Neckbreaker, a Hangman and a crushing Bearhug before going to work on the Scream Queen's back. As the bout approaches it's end, it all seems over for Daffney... but long term fans know that you never count her out.
The end comes with an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker that brings a quick submission from its tortured recipient.

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13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 572: Amazing Kong vs Portia Perez

What starts off as a wrestling match becomes the most twisted version of Sleeping Beauty you'll ever see!
Portia wisely avoids confronting Kong directly, but it's only a matter of time before the Amazing one gets her hands on her prey and when she does, it's lights out for the plucky Canadian. One loooooooong Bearhug is all it takes to put Portia to sleep, but the beating is just beginning.

The ref keeps reminding Kong that the match can only end by pinfall, which only makes Kong eager to dish out more punishment. Despite her opponent being unconscious, Kong refuses to end the suffering. Over and over again she scrapes Portia off the mat and squeezes her with reverse Bearhugs. Portia is totally helpless. A brutal Full Nelson leaves her body limp and you start to wonder how Portia walks away from this one. Here's the answer: She doesn't!

A rarely seen inverted Bearhug perfectly displays Kong's absolute dominance over her defeated foe. Is Kong trying to win a wrestling match or preparing to have Portia for dinner? Finally, Kong shows mercy the only way she knows how: By Powerbombing Portia to the mat for the 5 count and then carrying her off like a trophy.
This match is a MUST-buy for fans of Bearhugs and KOs.

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12+ min. 367 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 571: Sara Del Rey vs Joey Machete

A match-up of technical expertise, pure power and mat experience.
Joey would likely try to overpower anyone else, but he seems wary of Sara from the start choosing instead to cautiously lock-up. Del Rey works Joey’s legs with hobbling kicks as she tries to chop him down like a mighty oak tree and Machete returns the favor with a brutal leg twists setting the stage for a back and forth leg battle between true technicians.

Sara is methodical as she blasts Machete’s legs while Joey isn’t above using the ropes for a little added leverage on his leg work. The battle rages as Sara traps Joey in the corner and peppers him with back elbows to the jaw. Machete rebounds and stuns Sara with knee lifts, hammers her with punches and stretches her under his weight in Camel Clutches. Del Rey takes a beating, but soon has Machete hooked in a double Chickenwing, sadistically ripping at his beard as she keeps his arms trapped behind her thighs.

Near exhaustion one wrestler finally applies an unbreakable Camel Clutch that the victim can no longer endure.
Intergender wrestling at its best between well-matched foes that will keep you guessing until the end.

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10+ min. 317 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 570: Betsy Ruth vs Lacey

We cut to Lacey doing what she does best: tooting her own horn and lecturing other people (in this case, Leva). Lacey berates Leva for her performance in their last match and is really mouthing off until she's interrupted by a very surly Betsy. Betsy has good reason to be angry with Lacey because of a previous incident involving a water bottle connecting with Betsy's face. Now Betsy decides it's time for one of her fists to connect with Lacey's face instead. And the match hasn't even begun yet!

After a ref has been found to make sure the match stays fair, Lacey tries anything to gain the upper-hand. However, she soon finds out that Waistlocks are not the best strategy against an opponent with the size and brute force of Betsy. After Lacey learns that a test of strength isn't the way to go either, she is pummeled from pillar to post by an enraged Betsy. Lacey is splashed and Clotheslined in the corner, choked, slammed, and elbow dropped. Though it's hard to feel sorry for someone like Lacey, seeing her get hammered so unmercifully might just do it. Well, almost.

Betsy shows no signs of slowing down, torturing Lacey with a Camel Clutch, slamming her face to the mat and dropping her with a brutal Powerslam. Not yet happy with the punishment she dished out, Betsy scales the ropes for an earth-shattering second rope splash.
Will she succeed in squashing Lacey like a grape, or will The Lovely One find a way to escape certain defeat?

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15 min. 447 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 569: Jennifer Blake vs Nikki Roxx

Both ladies lock up and exchange Waistlocks, Wristlocks, and Chinlocks as both ladies try to one up the other with each reversal. However, Roxx power starts to cause Girl Dynamite problems as she is on the receiving end of powerful clubbing blows from her opponent. Being hit with a flurry of impactful moves, you would think Jennifer would wilt, but every time she looks down and out she comes back for more.

Jennifer’s resiliency begins to frustrate Roxx who can’t seem to put Blake away. A clever counter to what might have been the winning submission allows Jennifer to control the match but only for a few seconds as Roxx continues to rain down her physical assault on the blonde Canadian.
A stunning finish comes when one lady nails the other with an out-of-nowhere Superkick allowing her to pick up the win.

A smash-mouth technically sound wrestling contest.

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12+ min. 376 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 568: Amanda Ruffin vs Brooke Carter

It's really a case of anything you can do as both ladies test each other's endurance and stamina with similar moves to see who can make them count the most !

We get multiple chest slaps, lots of work on the ropes, work outside the ring using the ring structure and Camel Clutches. All this filmed close up and personal as the ladies get a real chance to demonstrate their selling skills.

The climax comes as they trade tortuous submissions to see who has to give it up. One lady finally has to tap leaving us hungry for the rematch which surely must bring these two together again sooner rather than later!

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10+ min. 319 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 567: Tenille vs Wesna

Fans of Backbreakers and one-sided matches will find plenty to like here as Croatian Panther Wesna Busic takes on Australian beauty Tenille in a Best of 3 Pinfalls Only Match.
Poor Tenille removes her ring jacket just as referee Jessie McKay calls for the bell and Wesna charges like… well, like a Croatian Panther! Again and again Tenille is slammed hard to the mat, culminating in a brutal spine bomb. Tenille proves her resilience by kicking out of multiple pins, but Wesna’s strategy is clear as she continually batters her opponent’s back.

Devastated by a series of over-the-knee Backbreakers, Tenille falls victim to a textbook Fisherman’s Suplex, giving Wesna the First Fall and leaving Tenille in no shape to continue. A tearful Tenille begs the ref to call the match, but Jessie refuses and things go from bad to worse for the Aussie.

Wesna takes pleasure in dismantling the injured Tenille with submission holds including a Camel Clutch, Surfboard, Boston Crab and elevated Bow & Arrow.
Jessie refuses Tenille’s repeated submissions and Wesna prolongs her torture by pulling her victim up before Jessie can finish a 3 count. Broken and utterly defenseless, Tenille is hoisted into a Canadian Backbreaker before finally being put out of her misery with a running Powerbomb by a truly dominant Wesna.

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 566: Little Jeanne vs Madison Eagles

A pair of veterans clash in a Best of 3 Falls Match.
What Jeanne lacks in height she more than makes up for in attitude. The pair feel each other out during the early going with an exchange of armlocks before Madison begins to take charge. Jeanne weathers Madison’s attack and reverses a Juji gatame kneebar, taking the First Fall by trapping the Aussie in an inescapable double-toed Chinlock.

Sportsmanship takes a holiday as Jeanne refuses to release her foe even after the bell and follows up with a vicious kick to Madison ’s ribs. Eagles takes her lumps but gets her revenge by clamping Jeanne in a tight inverted STF that evens the score at 1 Fall apiece.
The stage is set for a back-and-forth prolonged battle to the finish. Both wrestlers suffer through Boston Crabs, hard Suplexes and brutal Camel Clutches along with energy sapping head and bodyscissors that wear each of the warriors down.

The end nearly comes as Madison rides Jeanne out in a Camel Clutch/Sleeper combination, but the American veteran fights back and hits a momentum changing jawbreaker. The wrestlers continue their exhaustive battle taking frequent shortcuts with chokes and using the ropes until one veteran finally manages a deciding 3 count on her shocked opponent.

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18+ min. 547 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 565: Angel Williams vs Brian Cage

A pair of great athletes face off in an intergender match-up as blonde bombshell Angel Williams and her six pack abs take on Brian Cage.
Despite Brian’s size advantage Angel holds her own during the early going by keeping her opponent down and working him over with skilled mat wrestling. Frustrated by Angel’s sound fundamentals, the powerful Brian fights his way to his feet and turns a tight Side Headlock into a brutal over-the-knee Backbreaker that effectively clips the blonde’s wings.

Once in control, Brian is relentless as he targets Angel’s back and follows up a body-stretching Bow & Arrow variation with repeated Backbreakers before threading the blonde through the ropes to max out the damage caused by spine-bending Surfboards and Chinlocks.
Angel holds on, refusing to submit even as she suffers through a wicked Canadian Backbreaker rack. Battered and nearly broken the blonde beauty finally seizes an opening, nailing Brian with a DDT as she comes off the ropes. Will it be enough for Angel to turn the overwhelming tide or is she only delaying the inevitable?

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12+ min. 373 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 564: Kellie Skater vs Sara Del Rey

Cocky Aussie Kellie Skater takes on Sara Del Rey and starts out the match by insisting she be referred to as ‘indestructible’. That’s about all the no-nonsense Sara can take before laying into the youngster.
Del Rey sends the Rate Tank to the corner where her knife edge chops make hamburger out of the Rate Tank’s already bruised chest. Sara the technician follows up by working Kellie’s legs without mercy, sending hard kicks into her thigh and turning a hanging leglock into a single leg giant swing before transitioning seamlessly into a Boston Crab.

Kellie proves her resilience by kicking out of multiple pin attempts and frustrates the veteran as she fights back with a flying elbow and neck snap off the top rope that get her a couple near falls of her own. Sara retaliates and works Kellie’s back, culminating in a devastating Argentinian Backbreaker drop but once gain Skater somehow gets her shoulder up before the 3 count!
Despite being undersized and outgunned against the veteran Kellie is still in this match. A tight Sleeper gives us a winner as one wrestler is finally put down and out in a close match.

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12 min. 364 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 563: Leva & Portia Perez vs Ben Dejo & Taino

4 of our most talented and entertaining superstars team up to deliver a match that perfectly blends wrestling and wisecracks!
Ben starts off sitting on Taino's shoulders in a unique attempt to combine their powers, but referee Rain is having none if it and breaks up the "not so dynamic duo". Neither guy seems interested in starting the match off and they accuse Portia of hiding weapons when she flexes her "guns".

Once they tie up, it's clear that Portia and Leva came to play. They're a step ahead of their opponents at every turn, working in some nice Headlocks and putting the guys on their butts with shoulderblocks. Taino might regret not taking this one more seriously as he is whipped around the ring by Leva. You'll get dizzy watching the poor guy take one arm drag after another. It gets even more embarrassing when Leva starts whacking him with her tail.

A questionable injury and some obvious hairpulling leads to the boys getting the upper hand. It looks like Leva might be in big trouble as they start to lay into her with heavy kicks and elbows.
When Leva manages to get the tag, Portia comes in like a ball of fire and cleans house, putting Taino down with a Flying Headscissor. A pair of Superkicks leaves 2 wrestlers down for the count.

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 562: Kellie Skater vs Madison Eagles vs Rain

This three-way starts off with a dominant Madison using her significant size and strength advantage to beat both Rain and Kellie in a handicap test of strength. Not to be outdone, Kellie hammers away at her opponents and splashes them both in the corner.

After Madison is done kicking the heck out of her adversaries, the three ladies show us the meaning of “triple threat”. First Rain is trapped in a Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combination, then Kellie hooks a Camel Clutch on Madison while Rain puts Skater in a Dragon Sleeper, all at the same time!

All three competitors frantically try to earn the 3 count, but each pinfall attempt is broken up. Madison tries to solve this problem by locking up both opponents simultaneously, but it doesn’t work for long. After Dropkicks, DDTs, Suplexes, and a dangerous modified Backbreaker are exchanged, it’s anyone’s ballgame.
In the end, a bridging reverse Full Nelson earns one crafty grappler the submission win.

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11+ min. 343 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 561: Daffney vs Portia Perez

The seriously deranged Daffney brings her "tiny top hat" to give her "super powers" in order to fight Canadian Ninja Warrior Portia. Portia dares to touch it....and it's on!

Both ladies zero in on their favorite body part to attack and focus on it to try to get the victory. For Portia it's the arm with a variety of locks and solid weardown moves. For Daffney it's Portia's leg which she decides needs relentless punishment.

For about half the bout there is back and forth mutual mayhem as neither wants to yield but one wrestler takes control and begins the process which will end in the pained submission of the other. We see lots of technical exchanges as well as good old-fashioned use of the hair and ropes with sustained torture of both sets of limbs. Lively verbals keep the entertainment audible as well as visual.

Both ladies on the top of their form in this one which leaves us begging for a rematch!

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11+ min. 348 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 560: Brandi Wine vs Shawn Spears

Intergender action in a single fall match refereed by Aussie Jessie McKay.

Both wrestlers get the chance to show their skills in this one but Brandi needs every ounce of her experience to combat the superior size and strength of her opponent. Spears shows he is no gentleman as he works the arm and smashes Brandi to the corner post but the blonde responds with the odd low blow and a bit of hairpulling along with a few legal tactics too!

Brandi works her way into the match with a solid Boston Crab and some rope chokes which Jessie seems to allow for much longer than a 5 count...all girls together? Then she gets a Figure Four on and it starts to look like it's her match!

Brandi goes for an all-out assault on the Spears' legs and it looks like she gets a pin with a bit of help from the ropes and Jessie spots that, but is strangely blind when Spears uses the same tactic.

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 559: Josie vs Lorelei Lee

Right off the bat Lorelei warns Josie that there's no ref so they should keep things fair. Of course it takes Lorelei all of a minute to start breaking the rules, choking the heck out of Josie and using the ring ropes in ways a ref would never allow. Lorelei backs Josie into a corner and unloads on her with stomps, elbows, kicks and chokes.

With all the cheating that's going on one could overlook the fact that Lorelei is not just a vicious competitor, but a gifted technical wrestler as well. After taking poor Josie down to the mat with a Snapmare and some quick armdrags, she follows up with a Chinlock and Surfboard before connecting with a beautiful handspring splash in the corner. Josie can't build any momentum against the offensive onslaught and just barely hangs on after a Figure Four Headscissors.

Josie instinctively keeps making her way to the ropes, but when she reaches them things only gets worse for her! Lorelei stretches her opponent with a rope-assisted Full Nelson, throttles her with a foot choke and drops her with a Monkey Flip.
The 'match' comes to a conclusion when Lorelei locks Josie in a bodyscissor and combines it with an expertly applied Sleeperhold.

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 558: Amazing Kong vs Joey Knight

Angel Williams is the guest ref for this integender match-up.
Joey begins the match supremely confident, which is understandable perhaps considering his claim that he is 'the strongest man alive'. Whilst we cannot confirm if this statement is true, the opening moments of this match do suggest that Joey could well be 'the bounciest man alive', as Kong quickly sends him to the canvas time and time again.

Joey launches assault after assault against the Amazing one, who shrugs off each attack effortlessly, and she soon has Joey scurrying to the very top of the turnbuckle in fear. But if things were bad for Joey when Kong was merely on the defensive, they get a whole lot worse when Kong takes the match to the him!
Shoulder charges, throat chops, splashes, leglocks, a Camel Clutch, a legdrop and more than a little biting put Joey down, but not quite enough for the 3count.

A rare mistake by Kong gives Joey an opening and he nearly scores a surprise pin, but this only serves to further motivate Kong's more aggressive nature. As the match continues, Angel is kept very busy as Kong continues to destroy poor Joey using every means at her disposal. But, just as an error gave Joey a glimmer of hope previously, so another opportunity presents itself towards the end of the match. Will this be a very bad day for Mr. Knight?

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11+ min. 334 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 557: Desiree Petersen vs Lexie Fyfe

Both Fyfe and Petersen are hard hitting ring veterans who are more accustomed to dishing out punishment than being on the receiving end. But when these women meet in the ring, one of them soon finds herself in the unfamiliar role of victim in this Best of 3 Submissions bout.

Lexie gains the early advantage in the opening seconds of the bout and doesn't relinquish that total control for the next 15 minutes. Desiree is given no respite from Lexie's relentless onslaught of submission holds, largely focusing on Desiree's legs. Desiree is subjected to Boston Crabs, double-toed leglocks, Figure Four Leglocks, Stepover Toeholds, Surfboards and more as Lexie shows why she is one of the most feared technical grapplers in the ring.

A Sharpshooter scores Lexie the first submission, but Desiree's suffering is far from over as Lexie continues to methodically work over her opponent's legs and lower back. The one-sided demolition is finally bought to an end with an innovative Hammerlock/single-leg Boston that has one wrestler crying out her submission... although the absence of a referee does encourage the winning wrestler to let the hold linger for a few moments more!

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16+ min. 494 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 556: Becky Bayless vs Rain

Becky "can't wait" to wrestle The Radiant Rain in this 1-on-1 contest, reffed by the one and only Lexie Fyfe.
Rain just wants to get to it, and get to it she does. What starts as a fairly even contest is soon cut short by what looks to be a serious injury to Rain's knee. Looks can be deceiving as we, and Becky, soon learn that Rain's knee is just fine.

Rain uses this little ploy to lure Becky out of the ring, and soon it's all legwork as Rain uses steel chairs, hard stomps, and even a ringpost leglock to put Becky out of commission. What follows is a clinic in legwork as Rain uses Anklelocks, Sharpshooters, and the ring ropes to work poor Becky's legs. Becky begs over and over for Lexie to call the match, but Rain is relentless in her destruction.

This was not a good day for Becky or her legs!

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10+ min. 305 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 555: Jessie McKay vs Joey Machete

For fans of SLAMpeg 528, a previous meeting between these two.
Jessie is giving up a lot of size and strength to Machete and it clearly shows in the opening minutes of this contest. Joey stomps, kicks, and punches McKay from pillar to post. Making matters worse, Machete’s not exactly the nicest guy around and he takes every opportunity to cheat his way to a decisive advantage.

Jessie nearly scores an upset win with a Sunset Flip, but after that Joey brutalizes her with a Clothesline, Backbreaker, and a hard Bodyslam. He follows that up with a Snap Suplex and tortures Jessie with a Bow & Arrow hold and a Full Nelson. Jessie desperately hangs on and manages another near fall, but it’s just not enough. After an Abdominal Stretch and yet another Backbreaker, Machete finishes her off with not one, but two devastating double-arm Facebusters.

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 554: Amber O'Neal vs Mercedes Martinez

Two veterans square off in a Best of 3 Falls Match, with special guest ref Lexie Fyfe, who has more than a little trouble getting Amber to take the instructions seriously. Eventually, Amber tones down the posturing and the match begins.

Things start off carefully enough with Amber working over Mercedes' arms at a slow, deliberate pace and she is more than a little surprised when Mercedes busts out a reversal that even impresses both Amber and the referee! The match continues at this pace, with lots of time mixed in for Amber to complain about the ref's (alleged) slow counts and short attention span.

Mercedes takes the First Fall with a quick submission out of an excruciating hold and for the Second Fall, things get a bit nastier, with kicks and closed fists replacing the armbars and Full Nelsons of before. This is right up Amber's street as she has no problem countering with rope and boot chokes of her own, weakening Mercedes enough for Amber to tie the score with an impressive looking pin.

With the score tied, both ladies pull out all the stops with the action going back-and-forth until one competitor is knocked out cold with a high-impact move that even the slowest counting ref in the world count get to 3 on.

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16 min. 477 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 553: Daffney vs Fire

A Best 2 out of 3 Falls match-up.
While Daffney's toned down her trademark screaming in this battle, she's never lets up on dishing out the pain. The two lock up and trade Armbars and Hammerlocks while jockeying for an advantage. Using Sideheadlocks (and an occasional noogie!) and Snapmare takedowns to get Fire to the mat, Daffney employs a Texas Cloverleaf to force the tap out and take the First Fall.

Daffney continues the assault in the Second Fall, with elbow slams, kicks, slaps and even stepping on and over the prone Fire. But Fire mounts a comeback, using a leg sweep takedown, Surfboard and a Boston Crab to make Daffney slap the mat to even the score at 1 fall each.

The two trade Full Nelsons early in the Third Fall before Daffney that all her opponents know and loathe comes out to play. She wears down Fire with elbow drops, slaps, stomps to every limb, and even grinds Fire's head under her boot. The final fall ends in another submission with a modified STF, but can Fire mount the comeback to silence The Scream Queen, or is it Daffney who douses Fire?

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14+ min. 432 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 552: Amy Love vs Erica D'Erico

For fans of technical and well-executed submissions this is for you.
This single fall match turns into an A to Z of ways to get a tap out, but neither lady is prepared to concede easily so we have great scenes of extended holds as one lady then the other bids to wear her foe out.

We open with a long, long test of strength before one lady then the other applies and survives testing holds. Scarf holds, Surfboards, body breakers, ab stretches, Bow & Arrows, Octopus Holds are all clinically applied but there's also time for some high-impact Suplex moves and other weardown maneuvers.

Then we get back to Dragon Sleepers, Babyswings, Boston Crabs...the list seems endless until finally one lady extracts the submission with a long Surfboard which offers no escape.

This is an instruction manual on how to get a lady to quit!

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18+ min. 549 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 551: Amazing Kong vs Sinn Bodhi

Ever wonder just how crazy someone would have to be to agree to a falls count anywhere match with Amazing Kong? One look at Sinn Bodhi tells you the answer.

Sinn seems to be wearing roadkill or part of his lunch (or both) on his wrestling tights and his unorthodox style proves to be a real challenge. Although Kong seems unsure of her opponent at first, she soon has him staggering around the ring after a crushing Bearhug, hard shoulderblocks and repeated corner splashes.
The battle spills to the outside where one of Kong’s mighty punches misses Bodhi’s jaw and connects squarely with the ring post. Sinn takes advantage and goes after Kong’s arm with slams to the canvas and kneedrops to the injured limb along with some stomping and biting thrown in for good measure.

Although hurt and favoring her arm, Kong battles on despite the injury with the war raging back-and-forth inside and outside the ring. Finally one wrestler gets their bell rung by that pesky cornerpost, putting them down and out for a decisive 3 count on the arena floor.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

10+ min. 324 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 550: Krissy Vaine vs MsChif

Despite being placed into a No Disqualification, Number One Contenders Match, Krissy is far more focused on her upcoming modeling gig than she is on the lady standing opposite her in the ring ... MsChif. Big mistake on Krissy's part. MsChif, is focused on two things--the title shot that comes with winning the bout and inflicting as much pain and damage as she can on Krissy's leg.

Krissy tries to make quick work of her opponent with a couple of rollup pin attempts, but MsChif fires back and spends the rest of the match in complete control. The merciless MsChif uses everything she can to attack Krissy's left leg -- wrestling holds (Stepover Toehold, Anklelock), weapons (baseball bat, steel chair, extension cord), the ring post, and in a true spark of creativity, even Krissy's other boot.

Krissy fights back weakly, but is never able to manage any offense against MsChif. Screams of MsChif's intensity and Krissy's agony echo throughout the bout until MsChif removes Krissy's boot and sock, and clamps on a modified Figure Four combined with an Anklelock and gives MsChif a shot at the title belt.

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15+ min. 473 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 549: Angel Williams vs Jennifer Blake

The action begins when Angel compares Jennifer's pedicure to that of a certain popular teen singer, prompting an equally unpleasant response from Jennifer, which sets the tone for this affair.

Immediately after the opening collar and elbow tie-up, the fancy footwork begins, as standard kneebars and Anklelocks get an extra twist of toe bending, biting, and even a little tickling for good measure! Until things start to get serious and Angel resorts to some pretty shady tactics. It isn't long before the foreign objects--some conventional and some, not so much--go crashing into knees and ankles. It's clear that these ladies aren't just trying to win the match, but are trying to make sure their opposite number cannot even walk out of the ring!

Eventually, one of the several foreign objects used adds some extra ankle pain to a standard submission hold. Only screams of agony bring this one to an end, leaving one lady clutching a battered leg, unable to even get to her feet, spouting angry threats of future retribution.
Fans of leg holds and vicious hardcore-type action are not gonna want to miss this one!

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9+ min. 287 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 548: Madison Eagles vs Sumie Sakai

A southern hemisphere clash on the menu in this match. 6 foot tall Madison takes on the diminutive lady from the orient who needs the referee's assistance to reach for the first test of strength.

Armholds dominate the early stages with Madison in particular working Sakai's limb but the Japanese lady counters with her own version of the Toyota Roll to scatter the Aussie's senses.

Madison maintains a measure of control and tries to Surfboard and Camel Clutch a submission from Sumie, but the victory won't come. Sakai gets in some offense but as the match wears on it looks bad for her as she is bounced and pounded.
Can she pull off a surprise tactic to throw Madison off guard and secure a surprise or will the larger woman prevail ?
Well the surprise occurs, but will it be enough to pin the Aussie wrestler ?

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12+ min. 383 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 547: Lexie Fyfe vs Tracy Taylor

Lexie might regret underestimating the island girl as Tracy keeps up with this cagey veteran move for move. The former developmental diva needs all of her energy and athleticism to battle the always dangerous Lexie Fyfe.

Fans of precise, well executed wrestling will love this one as these two grapplers give each other no room to breathe. Hammerlocks become Waistlocks, Waistlocks become Headlocks, Headlocks become arm stretches--it's almost too much to keep up with! When Lexie finally manages to get control, she punishes Tracy with a double-toed leglock/surfboard stretch and a Boston Crab. Tracy might have the skills, but she can't handle Lexie's mean streak as she is assaulted with stiff knees and chops.

Tracy fights back with a Lariat and some powerful kicks of her own, letting Lexie know she means business! When she clamps on her favorite hold, the Camel Clutch, it looks like this one could be over. However, Lexie battles back again and snares Tracy in a crushing Bearhug.
This is as close as contests get, but one wrestler earns a hard-fought submission victory.

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10 min. 303 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 546: Jetta vs Ben Dejo

The match starts with a "friendly" handshake and some mocking before the two go at it. The two go back-and-forth with some aggressive armwork before Ben gets the advantage and starts to work Jetta over with some armbars, Headlocks and even some nasty stomps to the hand. Jetta responds with some armwork of her own and it seems the playing field is leveled. Ben gets in a Suplex here and Jetta comes back with another pin attempt. Neither competitor seems to be able to get the high ground so Ben decides to play a little dirty.

A not-so-friendly handshake and an illegal choke later, and Jetta knows what type of match she's in.
Look for lots of damage done to each wrestler's back, many pin attempts, and a lengthy Camel Clutch. Jetta finds herself in a brutal Bow & Arrow hold, and it looks like the end... Can she come back? Or is she on the losing end of a much contested pin finish?

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11+ min. 353 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 545: Little Jeanne vs Tenille

Special guest ref Jessie McKay introduces the ladies before the match. Jeanne makes clear her intention to destroy Tenille. And destroy her she does.

Tenille gets in a little bit of early legwork and a tough Surfboard on her larger opponent, but it's not long before Jeanne asserts her will over the Aussie gal. Jeanne starts with a tough double toehold/Surfboard combo, before working over Tenille in the ropes. Jeanne uses poor Tenille's hair to throw her all over the ring, while Jessie protests. Soon, Tenille is back in a wrenching STF hold, but still refuses to give it up.

Tenille does manage some offense here and there, working over a tough Sleeper hold. Soon, Jeanne has her back on the mat in torturous holds like a Seated Waistscissor, a Figure Four Leglock, and a brutal Sleeper. Jeanne decides to hit Tenille with a string of powerful slams, Suplexes and a Belly to Belly Suplex to really devastate the youngster.

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20 min. 601 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 544: Lacey vs Lexie Fyfe
Also available as DVD SLAM 104

Multi-fall Knockouts Match.
Face to face trash talk shows that both are confident in their ability to knock the other out without too much trouble. Lacey is strong in the early going, scoring 2 Sleeperholds, putting Lexie down on the mat not once, but twice!

Still woozy, Lexie is not just beaten but victimized by Lacey. Belly Claws abound and a DDT make it 2-0 in The Lovely One's favor.

Tired of being the dominated, Lexie gets forceful with Bearhug, Torture Rack, Boston Crab, STF and more-all leading to an eventual final Sleeper that gives her the chance to set up Lacey for something even more diabolical!

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31+ min. 508 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 543: Angel Williams vs Fantasy

It's a test of strength to start this one off, and both these confident ladies seem evenly matched. Of course it doesn't take long before Angel takes a shortcut to gain the advantage. She follows up with a Waistlock, a takedown and some humiliating slaps before locking her opponent in a Front Facelock. Undaunted, Fantasy takes the fight right back to Angel, ramming her into the turnbuckle back-first and going to town on her midsection. Angel has to endure knees, punches, and shoulderblocks to the abdomen before regaining the offensive with a wild punch that knocks Fantasy off her feet.

Angel tries to build momentum with a boot choke, stomps and a Slingshot out of the corner. She then drops Fantasy on the back of her head before singling out her lower back with some hard elbow drops. It's not enough to earn her the 3 count though, and when she drops her guard for just a second Fantasy catches her in a tight Sleeperhold.
Angel desperately fights out of the first attempt, but Fantasy is as tenacious as they come and locks it in again, this time combining it with a bodyscissors to prevent Angel from slipping out again.
With Angel fading fast now, will Fantasy be victorious or will the crafty blonde find a way to counter and steal a win herself?

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11+ min. 345 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 542: Genni Right vs Nikki Roxx

A Best of 3 Falls Match.
With a decided experience advantage, Nikki might have felt justified in thinking that she had an easy night ahead of her, but Genni proves her wrong from the get go, matching Nikki hold-for-hold in an early exchange of technical holds-Side Headlocks, Front Facelocks and armbars are all used early by both ladies in some fine chain wrestling.

Nikki appears to have the First Fall after escaping from a Front Facelock and nailing Genni with a vicious over-the-shoulder slam, but an out of position referee has to take the scenic route to get into position to make the count, giving Genni of time to escape. This frustrates Nikki, who continues to show off her experience not just in lecturing the referee on how to do his job, but a cocky knee-across-the-abdomen pin that works about as well as you would expect. This sloppiness winds up costing Nikki, as Genni pulls out a surprise flurry to take the First Fall after just one devastating move.

This eye-opener convinces Nikki to take the rest of the match a bit more seriously, and Nikki is all business, dominating most of the Second Fall. Genni tries to fight back, and manages to control the action briefly with a well-placed Full Nelson and Reverse Chinlock, but is ultimately powerless to stop Nikki from applying a near-perfect Fisherman's Suplex to tie the match at 1-all.

With the element of surprise gone and Nikki now on the warpath, things seem hopeless for Genni. Does Genni have another trick up her sleeve to pull off the upset, or does Nikki's renewed focus and experience edge prove too much for Genni to overcome?

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15+ min. 457 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 541: Jennifer Blake vs Rain

It's a case of "Anything you can do, I can do better!" when Rain and Jennifer meet in the ring. Both ladies are convinced that they are the stronger wrestler, and set out to prove it with mutual shoulder charges, a double Bearhug and a lengthy test of strength.

As the women's equal power continues to cancel each other out, Rain tips the balance with a quick kick to the gut that is enough to put her firmly in control and she is soon targeting Jennifer's belly with a succession of knees and strikes. After a Suplex and a tight bodyscissor/Bearhug combination, Rain finally gets a submission from Jennifer. But The Radiant One is not done yet and continues to pound on her rival.

Of course, it is never a wise idea to play with dynamite, and a low blow out of the blue tips the balance of this bout once more, this time in Jen's favor. And now it is Jen dishing out the stomps, strikes and submissions to even the score.

With two such finely matched competitors, can either woman eventually be triumphant? Or will this match be the answer to the question, "What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?

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12+ min. 369 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 540: Erica D'Erico vs Fire

Saints fan Fire takes on Erica in a 3 Fall Submissions Match. The "No Ref" rule worries her as she suspects her foe is a cheater! She just might be right !

The battle commences with a skilled armhold exchange. The First Fall is back-and-forth technical wrestling with Erica using the ropes as often as she can to escape Fire's punishment. A Boston Crab signals the first submission and it's on!
The Second Fall follows the first in nip and tuck action. Years of training ensures a worthy spectacle as scissorholds and Camel Clutches are exchanged. A brutal body breaker produces the equalizing fall.

Will Erica's delaying tactics help her in the Third Fall or will Fire put her away? The winning submission is a tortuous reverse Headlock, but which way does it go?
Regardless, the loser wants a rematch and the fans will want one too!

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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 539: Roxi vs Chris Gray

Considering the disparity in size between Roxi and Chris Gray, one might fear a one-sided mismatch is on the card in this intergender battle of the Brits. But Roxi is far from intimidated by her larger opponent and the match opens with both wrestlers on equal footing, in a rapid exchange of armlocks and leglocks.

Chris soon realizes that strength alone will not be enough to defeat his tenacious opponent. Soon guest referee Leva is being kept very busy, as Chris resorts to using the hair, ropes and any other tactics he can get away with to try and pin Roxi for the 3 count.

However, for every trick Chris pulls out of the book, Roxi still battles back. Growing more frustrated, Chris's assault becomes ever more intense but still Roxi refuses to stay down.
When the winning pin does arrive, it is as sudden as it is skillful. But is it a victory for raw power... or for sheer tenacity?

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10+ min. 324 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 538: Leva vs Portia Perez

Don't let the opening shenanigans fool you, this is an intense match! These ladies have big personalities and the wrestling skills to back them up. Leva and Portia are as quick to exchange words as they are to exchange holds.

Basic moves become deadly when executed by these women warriors. Leva grinds Portia's noggin with a tight Headlock. Portia returns the favor later as she squeezes Leva's head between her thighs (taking time to mug for the camera, of course). An Abdominal Stretch, a rolling cradle and a Boston Crab are thrown into the mix, but neither wrestler wants to call it quits. Pinfalls don't come any easier as Back Bodydrops, Backslides and a Spinning Neckbreaker all fail to earn a 3 count.

Momentum eventually starts to turn to Portia's side as she starts to abuse Leva with Bodyslams and an endless array of back-stretching holds. Leva squirms and screams, but she says that she never quits. After Portia breaks out her new finisher, a submission hold that bends Leva to the limit, she might have to change her mind. As a special bonus, the referee for this match is none other than The Radiant Rain!

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20 min. 606 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 537: Rain vs Trenesha

It’s the strength of Trenesha against the technical skills of Rain in this 1 Fall contest, featuring Lexie Fyfe as the guest ref.
The two trade holds early in the match, locking in and deftly escaping from armbars, Hammerlocks and Side Headlocks. Some smart work on the mat from Trenesha turns a couple of Rain’s Side Headlocks into several 2 counts on The Radiant One.

Trenesha gains the upper hand when the punches start to fly and a shoulderblock on Rain leads to a series of quick pinfall attempts that has Rain repeatedly kicking up before the 3 count. But Rain has some moves of her own (including a couple of not-so-legal eyerakes) and starts to wear down Trenesha with several Sleeperholds. Trenesha refuses to give in though, and battles back, eventually giving Rain a taste of her own medicine with a Sleeperhold.

The match goes back-and-forth until one competitor makes a costly mistake, missing a splash in the corner that allows her opponent to slap on a Sleeper that finally ends the match.
But whose arm drops 3 times and whose arm gets raised in victory?

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16 min. 256 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 536: Amber O'Neal vs Bad Seed

These two have met before in SLAMpeg 506 and since Bad Seed pretty much dominated that bout, Amber has something to prove here.
Amber's initial strategy is flawless, targeting her opponent's left leg and taking out the big man's vertical base. She keeps focusing on the body part, wrenching Bad Seed's knee and ankle. He momentarily turns around the momentum when he drops O'Neal with a hard Bodyslam and a Snapmare, but Amber gets out of the subsequent Chinlock and goes right back to work on the leg.

Amber floats over a Bodyslam attempt and hits a chopblock to the back of the leg, drops Bad Seed with a single-leg takedown and twists his legs in just about every way possible, locking in single-leg Boston Crabs, Anklelocks and much more.
Bad Seed fights back with a Backbreaker, elbowdrop, and Camel Clutch among others. Then out of nowhere Bad Seed traps Amber in a Crossface Chickenwing that would make Backlund proud.
Amber had a counter for the excruciating hold in their last encounter, but does she have enough gas in the tank to get out of it this time?

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9 min. 264 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 535: Daffney vs Fantasy

The action is finely balanced at the opening of this bout between two well-matched women. Fantasy and Daffney engage in a quick exchange of armlocks, Headlocks and Hammerlocks, with both wrestlers able to give as good as they get. It is Daffney that first begins to tip the balance in her own favor, albeit with the help of her teeth!

Soon Daffney is dominating the action, punishing Fantasy's arms and also subjecting her to Sleepers, knees to the back, back rakes, as well as chokes with both her boots and the ropes. But Fantasy is no pushover and despite Daffney's assault, she is able to mount a comeback as the match nears it's conclusion.
Will it be enough to put Daffney down for the count or is The Scream Queen on her way to another victory?

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11+ min. 340 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 534: Tenille vs Ben Dejo

This affair starts with Ben in the ring talking to special guest referee Joey Machete, laying down a challenge to any of the ladies in the back for an "Anything Goes, Submission-Style Match". Before Ben can even explain himself further to the ref, the challenge is answered swiftly by Tenille, who slides in the ring and blindsides Ben with a chopblock, leading to a solid beatdown on Ben's left leg, culminating in an excruciating bridging submission hold that leaves Ben writhing in agony for nearly a full minute.

The beating continues as Tenille keeps working on Ben, who hasn't even gotten out of the blocks yet, and his efforts to call a time out, cling to the ropes or sneak out of the ring do nothing to stop Tenille's offensive. Ben does manage a little of his own, turning a Front Facelock into a punishing arm hold, but his attempts to trick the referee into thinking Tenille was submitting were for naught. Before long, Tenille goes right back to work, scoring a submission with a devastating Boston Crab.

Once Ben gets his head into the match, he manages to carry the offense for a while, doing some damage with a tight arm scissors. He scores a submission with a Boston Crab of his own, then immediately following up with another quick submission from a vicious-looking STF, but in short order, the match descends into chaos. Between a controversy about the score and the action spilling outside, it's clear this one is going to have far from a clean finish.

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12 min. 361 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 533: Diane Von Hoffman vs Sin-D

A 1 Fall Submissions Only Match.
Sin-D’s proven herself to be a capable wrestler and has a considerable speed advantage here against Diane. She’ll certainly need to overcome Diane’s size, strength, and experience not to mention that much feared Clawhold the veteran keeps in her back pocket. Diane throws everyone off balance with a little pre-match flirting to a red-faced referee before bringing her power to bear against Sin-D.

The quick Sin-D is soon caught in Diane’s powerful grasp, suffering in a Surfboard and Camel Clutch as the veteran uses her size advantage to bury her opponent. Sin-D manages to power out of the hold and targets the veteran’s legs with vicious kicks to slow her down and keep her off her feet. Diane returns the favor, working Sin-D’s ankle to the breaking point.

Neither wrestler is willing to give up the match without a battle. Diane’s deadly Claw comes out, but Sin-D counters with a tight Sleeper of her own.
Someone’s going down with a submission, but which will prove to be the more fatal hold?

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9+ min. 280 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 532: Amy Love vs Lacey & Rain

When ref Lexie Fyfe informs Lacey and Rain that they're supposed to be competing in a three-way dance, the devious duo decides a 2-on-1 handicap butt-kicking is way more fun. Poor Amy Love is hammered by two opponents at the same time from the moment the bell rings. Love manages to fight back for a little while and even manages to execute a Monkey Flip on Rain, but she soon succumbs to more doubleteaming from the Minnesota Homewrecking Crew.

Lacey and Rain show some excellent teamwork, performing some excruciating tandem submission moves. To her credit, Amy holds on and refuses to tap out from a Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combo. She tries to shift the momentum with a Jawbreaker, but it's not enough to prevent Lacey and Rain from beating her up some more. Lacey even invents a devastating new way of dropping an opponent on her head, proudly high-fiving Rain while exclaiming "new move"!

There is no end to Amy's torment when she's dropped with a Snapmare and blasted with a double kick by her adversaries. A single-leg Crab combined with a Surfboard has The Supermodel screaming in agony, and after she is dropped with a huge Clothesline the three-count seems a formality. Surprise, surprise though...Lacey and Rain can't decide who gets to pin Amy's shoulders for the 1-2-3.
Can the loud and obnoxious duo overcome their differences and finish The Supermodel off? Or can Amy Love do the unthinkable and pull off an upset?

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16 min. 258 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 531: Hannah & Holly Blossom vs Shawn Murphy

Tornado Tag rules apply in this mixed handicap match between Team Blossom and Shawn Murphy.
Both Hannah and Holly can be in the ring at the same time and they're going to need that advantage if they hope to get a victory over their 300 lb male opponent. What follows is a game of cat and mice as the Blossoms wisely avoid a direct confrontation with the gigantic Murphy. This tactic proves wise early on as the sisters manage to take Shawn down with a mighty double Dropkick!

Teamwork is the order of the day as the Blossoms double up with elbowdrops and a neat Chinlock/single-leg Crab combination. Don't put that upset in the books just yet, because before you know it Shawn is leveling the lovely twins with a massive shoulderblock. Once he has the advantage, he starts to methodically pick apart the twins with nasty kicks and closed-fist punches. Nobody ever accused Shawn of being a gentleman!

The quick pinfall attempts of the Blossoms are repeatedly thwarted by Murphy's sheer power. A couple of big Lariats leaves the Blossoms crumpled in the mat in agony. There's no playing favorites here as Hannah and Holly take turns being tortured by Shawn's Chinlocks. Shawn pounds the sisters onto the mat, letting them up only to slam them down again or choke them against the ropes.
The end of the match nears as Shawn stacks the two blondes in the corner threatening to flatten these flowers!

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11+ min. 341 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 530: Betsy Ruth vs Lorelei Lee

Betsy is outside the ring, practicing her batting stance (and Babe Ruth impression) when she gets interrupted by Lorelei who claims that Betsy's current domination of blonde wrestlers must be put to a stop. Lorelei says she wants to take on Betsy, fair and square and goes to find a good ref. Well, maybe she shouldn't have turned her back on Betsy, because it takes about 2 seconds before Betsy has pounced, bat in hand. What follows is a barrage of chokes, blows, and some good old fashioned heel wrestling ringpost stretching. Lorelei does her best to fight back, but Betsy levels her with low blows and eyerakes.

Once she's down, Betsy works Lorelei over with Camel Clutches (in addition to some brutal hairpulling), elbowdrops, and some standard choking. Betsy stands her smaller opponent up every now and then to work her over on her feet. Lorelei takes an unpleasant trip almost all the way around the ring, her face on the ropes!

At one point Lorelei seems to be on the verge of tears, but sill won't submit to her larger opponent. Lorelei gets in a Dropkick here and there, but after facing a leg spread maneuver, a Powerbomb, the under-hook faceslam, the Pedigree, and finally a running slam, Lorelei is down for the 1-2-3.
This match is great for those with a love for the classic Jobber vs Heel match-up!

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13 min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 529: Jennifer Blake vs Madison Eagles

An impromptu bodybuilding contest starts this one off as the ladies argue over their Canadian and Australian muscles. Jennifer may end up wishing that she left the cutesy attitude at home because Madison goes to town on her in this match!

After an ill-fated test of strength, Madison crushes Jennifer's hands with a foot stomp. This is only the beginning as she puts her boots to good use again, choking Blake in the corner. A Snap Suplex flattens the plucky Canuck and then the submission clinic begins. What will it take to make Jennifer tap out? A Bearhug that has her literally begging for mercy? A Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker that leaves her stretched across Madison's knee? Or a Camel Clutch that nearly causes Jennifer to break down in tears?

The resilience of Girl Dynamite forces Madison to get creative. She transitions from her signature Mutalock to a standing Surfboard and tops it all off with a Curb Stomp that nearly knocks Jennifer out! Bodyslams, Atomic Drops and a Rocking Horse hold serve to soften the blonde bombshell up for the coup-de-grace: An over-the-shoulder Backbreaker that nearly snaps her in 2 and allows Madison to hear the 3 sweetest words< in wrestling: 'I give up!'

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11+ min. 353 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 528: Jessie McKay vs Joey Machete

Not intimidated, McKay looks for a test of strength to start the match, but soon Machete rakes her eyes and works her over in the corner. After enduring a Snapmare and a trapezius claw, Jessie scores a near fall with a rollup and even manages to floor her larger opponent with some impressive punches. Soon after that, however, she is dropped with a huge Backbreaker. Joey follows it up by cruelly standing on McKay's lower back with his full weight.

More punishment follows when Machete Suplexes and Clotheslines Jessie then locks her in a Bow & Arrow hold, a Camel Clutch, Boston Crab, Texas Cloverleaf, a Waistlock and an Abdominal Stretch. McKay finally reverses that into a Hiptoss, but can't keep the momentum going. Joey goes right back on the offensive with a Bodyslam, chokes, and a kneedrop.

Jessie's 20 minute torture session finally ends when the ruthless Machete drops her with one more hard Backbreaker and renders her unconscious with a brutal Bearhug. A valiant effort by Jessie McKay, but not enough on this day to overcome a savage opponent like Machete.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

19+ min. 590 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 527: Christie Ricci vs Malia Hosaka

15 minutes, 2 veterans and 1 Fall to a finish.
It might look like a by-the-numbers affair on paper, but it's clear from the outset that Malia is ready to try anything to win, breaking out some Japanese trash talk before the bell even rings. Malia quickly follows up with a barrage of chops to Christie's throat and an excruciating nerve pinch to the trapezius, followed by more trash talk, clearly showing her intent to keep Christie as disoriented as possible.

Malia's blatant disregard for the rules takes a heavy toll quickly, as blatant chokeholds are followed by a painful Surfboard, and the screaming and trash-talking by Malia ensure that Christie's eardrums hurt as much as the rest of her body! The shenanigans continue for several minutes, culminating in Malia going as low as to take a couple bites of out Christie's bare feet.

Even the referee shows his signs of frustration at Malia's Japanese trash talking and eventually all 3 people in the ring are screaming: The referee at Malia, Malia at Christie, and Christie in utter agony. The submission finish is almost impossible to make out over the ruckus in the ring, but eventually Christie does succumb to the constant abuse.
A great choice for fans who want to see an absolutely animalistic and dominating effort from start to finish, though you might want to turn your speakers down for this one!

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10+ min. 321 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 526: Rain vs Roxi

It's the USA vs the UK in this battle from both sides of the Atlantic.
Facing an opponent like Rain, Roxi knows she needs to be at the top of her game and in the opening minutes of this match, Roxi quickly takes control. Rain finds herself subjected to a quick succession of armlocks, submissions moves and even a few 2 count pins from the British wrestler.

Unfortunately for Roxi, Rain's shoulders are always up before the 3 count and it is not long before she finds an opening-and that is all Rain needs to take charge. Well, just that and the ropes and a few handfuls of hair on more than one occasion. Nonetheless, Rain is unrelenting in her assault on Roxi, bombarding her with stomps,kicks, knees, forearms and more. Roxi also suffers in both a brutal Camel Clutch and an unforgiving single-leg Crab.

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11+ min. 345 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 525: Amber O'Neal vs Shantelle Taylor

A 1 Fall Match to a pin or submission.
A feisty lock-up that ends with both ladies rolling on the mats should tell you that these ladies don't get along. An intense rivalry has developed as they lockup again and again and battle until one forces the break, slowing the pace and neutralizing the advantage.

Amber finds the shortcuts to get her in the lead and proceeds to inflict damage in a variety of ways. Camel Clutch, wicked arm and hand torture, neck wrenches and scissoring.
Shantelle endures and makes quite a comeback. With both ladies furious it's not surprising that a fast one pulled away from the ref's gaze brings this one to a grudging conclusion!

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11+ min. 188 MBs WMV Format, 6400 x 480

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 524: Fantasia vs Shawn Spears

Fantasia, the usually intimidating and all around wild woman in the ring, seems uncharacteristically timid from the start against Shawn Spears. Slow to lock-up, she hugs the ropes and complains to the referee for phantom infractions frustrating both Shawn and referee Krissy Vaine. Shawn manages to punish the blonde, consistently working her arm as she struggles to escape to the ropes. Just when Fantasia seems hopelessly off her game, complaining to the ref from the safety of the corner, the method to her madness is revealed.

Fantasia lashes out with a quick boot to her distracted opponent and unleashes a torrent of eyerakes, chokes and fingernails across the back as she steals his momentum. Fantasia methodically works Shawn’s legs with brutal kicks, hobbling him with double legdrops, a hanging leglock and rolling leg pull that leaves him staggering on one wheel.

Down but not out, Shawn fights back with raw power against Fantasia and the pair battle back-and-forth inside and outside the ring. Finally a missed corner splash sets up a hard Belly to Belly Suplex that puts one wrestler down for the 3 count.

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13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 523: Betsy Ruth vs Leva

It's a match-up of differing looks and styles in this 2 out of 3 Falls match-up.
The speedy Leva, decked out in a preppy collared shirt and plaid skirt, takes on big, powerful Betsy Ruth, in her biker chick garb. Leva uses her speed to her advantage throughout the First Fall. After Betsy misses a splash in the corner, Leva rolls her up for a quick pin and the First Fall.

Betsy's size and strength are on full display in the Second Fall as she uses shoulderblocks, stomps, forearm blows and a couple wicked Clotheslines to wear down Leva. When Betsy locks in a Rear Naked Choke hold, Leva is forced to tap out to even the score at 1 Fall apiece.

Betsy gets a quick start to the Third Fall, attacking Leva in the corner. She then tortures her smaller opponent by standing on Leva's throat, taunting her and slamming her head into the mat multiple times. Leva fights back and hits a Enzuigiri kick, but when she tries to capitalize by following up with a swinging Headscissors takedown, Betsy reverses it into a Sidewalk Slam.
What follows are displays of Betsy's strength--including a two-handed Chokeslam, Suplex and elbowdrop, with Leva gamely kicking up after the 2 count several times. When Betsy ascends to the second rope, the end is near. But will Leva end up on the receiving end of what's sure to be a match-ending maneuver or will she escape and pull off the victory?

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 522: Becky Bayless vs Lexie Fyfe

Rain officiates in a Submissions Only confrontation.

Great back and forth technical action is the order of the day with Surfboards, Ab Stretches, scissors and leg nelsons amongst the punishment dished out. Add to that some skilled chain wrestling and you're onto a winner.

Both ladies can walk the walk but spend a fair bit of time talking the talk too with some spirited and hilarious verbal exchanges.

Victory comes via a hanging bodybreaker but which wrestler prevails?

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10 min. 306 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 521: Amy Love vs Angel Williams

The special guest referee Rain introduces the combatants and deals with the expected amount of banter and attitude. After a small debate on wardrobe, Angel and Amy lock-up in the center of the ring and go out at it. After a fair amount of dancing around and trash talking, Angel decides to get rough with Amy. working her with chokes, rope work, corner work, Hairmares, and a painful Crossface. Amy refuses to give though, and forces Angel to more desperate measures, including an armbar, a Hammerlock and even some biting. Despite Ref Rain's demands, Angel takes Amy to work in the ropes, really pushing the count to 5.

Amy manages to get some offense in with some stomps and a wrenching Camel Clutch, but Angel also refuses to give her opponent the match. Amy then decides to lay her opponent out with a legdrop/Figure Four Headlock combo, telling the ref that she's "not yet done" with Angel.

After a long, brutal match, it's one exhausted competitor who puts her opponent's lights out with a devastating Stunner for the 1-2-3.

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11 min. 333 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 520: Nikki Roxx vs Rain

A tough 3 Fall encounter.
This is a tough skilled technical match with the first part devoted to working the arms. A prolonged test of strength leads to an exchange of armlocks and levers with neither woman prepared to give easily. Couple this with some smart moves and counters and a sudden high impact throw which secures the first pin and we have the beginnings of a match to savor.

A quicker Second Fall leads to another high impact move and pin finish leveling the match.

The final fall features a tough submission to both arms and legs and another grueling test of strength before a final slam leaves one tired warrior open to the deciding pin.

Another winner from these two experienced ladies!

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12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 519: Lexie Fyfe vs Malia Hosaka

Sometimes partners, sometimes adversaries, these two crafty grapplers face off in what could easily be called 'Lexie vs Malia–The Ultimate Ab Workout!' Virtually every hold or throw in this 33 minute encounter is focused on weakening the opponent's abdominal region. And there's no ref, which means plenty of rule-breaking along the way!

The early advantage goes to Malia, who locks Lexie in a painful stomach claw. Not to be outdone, Fyfe counters into one of her own, adding some stomps, nails, and elbows to Hosaka's midsection. Neither wrestler is able to sustain the advantage for too long. Malia scores with a splash, a legdrop, and uses an Abdominal Stretch and even a foreign object to bash Lexie's abs! Fyfe doesn't take all the punishment lying down, and counters with a Tree of Woe, Dragon Sleeper, bodyscissors, and a Bow & Arrow hold among others.

After even a chair is brought into the match, it's an expertly applied Octopus Stretch that gains one exhausted grappler the submission win. Better yet, it forces her unlucky opponent to fulfill the humiliating post-match stipulation: performing sit-ups!

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33+ min. 542 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 518: Jetta & Rain vs Jessie McKay & Kellie Skater

Rain and Jetta have the advantage of being an experienced team but Jessie and Kellie counter with great athleticism. It doesn’t take long for the Aussie’s inexperience to catch up with them though as a discussion on which wrestler should start the match leaves them open to an attack from behind. Rain and Jetta target Kellie, isolating her in the ring and continually brutalizing the youngster’s arm. Kellie is subjected to a Snap Suplex, skull-crackers, and vicious cutters (not to mention numerous chokes, bites and double teams) as part of her ferocious beating while a frustrated Jessie can only look on from the ring apron.

Devastated by the veterans, Kellie finally gets her chance to tag after a missed Senton Splash.
The fresh Jessie enters the ring on fire, mowing down Rain and Jetta as she makes up for lost time.

Can the crafty veterans hold off the explosive youngster or will Rain and Jetta finally get their comeuppance?

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11 min. 326 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 517: Jennifer Blake vs Lacey

Jennifer and Lacey are well matched in the opening minutes of this Number 1 Contender Match. armlocks and leglocks are exchanged quickly, as both women vie for control. Before long, things spill out of the ring and Jennifer finds herself being thrown into a row of chairs, injuring her knee in the process. However, if Jennifer is expecting sympathy from Lacey, she is in the wrong place. Lacey targets Jennifer's leg with an aggression that is unusual, even for her! When Lacey is not twisting the limb in various leglocks, she is punishing it with the corner post and using a chair! Lacey seems determined to get a submission from Jennifer, even ignoring a seemingly easy pinning opportunity so she can continue her abuse of Jennifer's leg.

A surprise guest tips the balance back in Jennifer's favor (and we're DAFFinitely not going to reveal her identity!).
But is this visitor really Jennifer's ally? Or does she have her own agenda!?

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12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 516: Amazing Kong vs Mercedes Martinez

Pinfalls or Submissions Match.
Cautious circling into a bull of a lock-up. Or 2. Brawling follows close behind with Mercedes hammering away at a dazed Kong while she's backed up to the ropes. As Kong regains her wits it's big trouble for the Latina as she's forced to take as much as she gave.

It's all about wearing each other down as both wrestlers do their worst in terms of hits, chokes and kicks. Very little evidence of wrestling maneuvers (save for an almost successful Sleeper) as each lady takes a tremendous pounding but battles on.

These determined grapplers fight it out until the very end!

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10+ min. 309 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 515: Roxi vs Ben Dejo

Transatlantic mixed gender action as Brit Roxi debuts in a submission only highly technical back-and-forth encounter.
A few choice national slurs leads to a fast-paced exchange of chain wrestling before the pair decide to weaken body parts. Ben favors leg work while Roxi mixes her focus with skilled holds notably a neat Indian Deathlock. A well-executed Sleeper submission brings the first score.

The Second Fall continues the tone of the first with exchanges of moves including a Camel Clutch and a variety of throat punches. Roxi appears in trouble to an armbar attack but administers her own arm submission to counter. An equalizing tap out ends this portion of action.
In Fall 3, Roxi goes for her opponent's back with knee blows and a Bow & Arrow. Ben responds with his own inventive Surfboard submission then it's the final stretch as each wrestler does their best to secure the victory till a complex pretzel hold finishes the contest.

A must for all fans of skilled hold-based mixed gender action!

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13 min. 395 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 514: Shantelle Taylor vs Trenesha

Open on Shantelle challenging anyone at all to a 15 Minute Ironwoman Match. Trenesha accepts but is attacked from behind. Taking a second to relieve her burden, Trenesha formally accepts the match.

Shantelle finds herself in a world of hurt from a Sidewalk Slam, Bearhugs, a Barbie Crusher, a Spinebuster and way too many other huge moves for anyone to endure. Ref Rain counts the fallen warrior out more than once, but Trenesha doesn't feel that her mission has been completed until the 15 minute time limit elapses.

Even then, with Shantelle brutally beaten down, she leaves everyone else in the ring unconscious and ceremoniously carries the loser out of the arena!

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16+ min. 499 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 513: Jennifer Blake vs Nooie Lee

A Best of 5 Falls contest.
Jennifer fights with an aggressive streak against Nooie who gets a starring role in Jen’s personal highlight reel. Girl Dynamite explodes on Nooie with Snap Suplexes, well placed Dropkicks and Bulldogs.
Her quick hit attack and rule breaking style staggers Nooie from the start and sets him up for a Superkick that gives the first fall to the blonde beauty.

Jennifer switches it up for the Second Fall choosing to grind her opponent down with more technical mat wrestling. Hammerlock variations, Surfboards and a Sharpshooter have Nooie slapping the canvas in pain as she tortures his arms and legs. Jennifer works over Nooie with submission holds until finally trapping him in a Figure Four Leglock from which he can only tapout. Overwhelmed by Jennifer’s offense Nooie is a rag doll by the Third Fall as Jennifer continues her attack, beating Nooie inside and outside the ring. Jennifer shows no mercy as she puts the icing on the cake with a Pedigree and Lungblower before putting him out of his misery with a Camel Clutch submission.

It’s 15 minutes of pure dominance from a true knockout.

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 512: Leva vs Tracy Taylor

It’s fast-paced technical wrestling at its finest when Leva matches up with Tracy Taylor. These two evenly matched wrestlers spend much of this one fall battle reversing and creatively escaping from each other’s armbars, Hammerlocks and tests of strength (And Leva’s not afraid to grab a handful of hair when that helps her cause). There’s also a particularly impressive test of strength midway through the match.

Tracy uses a Side Headlock takedown, Armdrag, a Bodyslam, Hiptoss, a one-legged Boston Crab and Chinbreaker in an attempt to get the win.
The always exciting Leva fires back with a Headscissors, leg sweep takedown, shoulder blocks in the corner, an Abdominal Stretch and a modified X-Factor.

The back-and-forth match ends when one wrestler is whipped off the ropes and comes back with a Crossbody block for a 2 count then follows up with a Sleeperhold that leaves her opponent out cold in the center of the ring.

When they met in SLAMpeg 382, Leva pulled out the victory. Will Tracy even the score this time or will Leva come out on top again?

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11+ min. 343 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 511: Candi Divine vs Diane Von Hoffman

We present to you not 1, not 2, but 3 pioneers of female wrestling. It's Candi Divine going up against Diane Von Hoffman and it's up to Lexie Fyfe to referee these two wildcats. That's not going to be easy since Candi and Diane know every trick in the book (and some are even legal!).
Traditional moves like headlocks and armwringers are countered by non-traditional bites and hairpulls. Candi has Diane on the ropes early on, but the crafty Diane isn't going down without a fight. She pleads to her fellow competitor of 20 years to give her a break. You think Candi might have learned how Diane works by now!

Diane swiftly takes advantage of her old adversary's moment of weakness. She chokes and yanks and chokes some more and Lexie just can't seem to keep up with Diane's cheating ways. Hey, we never said the ref's job was easy! Diane shows no respect for the rules and does everything she can to try and cause permanent damage to The Divine One. Candi fights back and manages to connect on some old school Keister Bounces. After a hard Snapmare, Diane finally decides that she's had enough.
The action spills to the outside of the ring and after everything goes to hell in a handbasket, it's up to Lexie to sort out the mayhem.

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9+ min. 286 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 510: Brooke Carter vs Danny DeManto

In this exciting Intergender match-up, it's the lovely, yet petite Brooke, taking on the monstrous DeManto who graciously offers his opponent a "kiss-and-go-home" deal. Brooke confidently refuses and is off to a fiery start, managing to get Danny down to the mat and in the corner where she gives him the humiliating Bronco Buster. Valiant Brooke's rampage soon comes to an end, however, when Danny manages to land several blows to Brooke's belly and back.

What follows is pretty much all Danny on offense as he devastates Brooke with leg splitters, over-the-knee Backbreakers, hairpulls, Boston Crabs, and (what appears to be) an effortless over-the-shoulder Backbreaker. Brooke's cries fill the arena as Danny works his tiny combatant. Brooke manages to fit in an ever so small amount of offense, but it's not long before Danny is working her over with moves like the legbar, the Camel Clutch and a variation on the STF demanding that she tapout. In fact, Danny really focuses on Brooke's leg in this match with stomps, leg slams, and rope work.
You would think that Brooke's had enough when Danny puts her to sleep in a brutal Bearhug, only to pull her up at the count of 2. He throws Brooke against the ropes, then delivers brutal double over-the-knee Backbreaker Slams, into a devastating Sidewalk Slam. Much to his chagrin, the little fighter still manages to kick out. Brooke learns that she may have fared better to just lay down, when Danny gives her a serious Piledriver!

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13 min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 509: Hannah Blossom vs Lorelei Lee

The SLAMpegs debut of The Blossom Sisters! Hannah's doing the dirty work in this one, but Holly is at ringside dishing out advice (and ringside interference) throughout the match. Will it be enough to help Hannah overcome the lethal Lorelei Lee?
Some chain wrestling starts this one off with Lorelei gaining the upper hand early on. Hannah proves to be no shrinking violet though as she more than holds her own...that is, until Lorelei gets right back on top and starts tossing her around the ring. The youngster from England wisely bails and runs to the comforting arms of her sister. But what's this? It looks like the Blossoms are pulling the old twin wrestler switcheroo!

A miraculously energized "Hannah" is now on the offensive and begins to take it to Lorelei with kicks, forearms and shoulder thrusts. She kicks out of a well executed Sunset Flip and takes Lorelei out with a hard Lariat. Lorelei just can't seem to get going and finds herself grounded by a tight Reverse Chinlock (aided by some fishy hairpulling). Even after Lorelei begins her comeback, it looks like these sisters have one more trick up their sleeves.

Will the Blossoms' game plan ultimately end up in victory or can Lorelei find some way to turn the tables on them?

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11 min. 334 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 508: Betsy Ruth vs Wesna

Wesna faces one of her toughest challenges to date when she steps into the ring against the equally uncompromising Betsy Ruth. Whilst both women are known for their strength and superb ability, it is Betsy's disregard for fair play that sees her gain the early advantage. It is a rare sight to see Wesna on the receiving end of a largely one-sided assault, but Betsy is relentless in dishing out Bodyslams, elbowdrops, stomps, splashes, as well as working Wesna's arms and legs in various submission holds. And Betsy has no problem at all with pulling hair or using the ropes to her advantage.

But it takes a lot to get Wesna's shoulders down for the count of 3, and she continually frustrates Betsy by beating the count or defiantly refusing to submit. And when Betsy makes just one mistake, the Croatian Panther is ready to pounce.

Now it is Betsy in the unenviable position of being on the defensive against an angry Wesna seeking payback. And, truth be told, there is little defense for that!

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14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 507: Amanda Ruffin & Brooke Carter vs Sin-D

The scene begins with Sin-D stretching in the ring before she is unceremoniously interrupted by Amanda and Brooke, who are none too pleased with Sin-D's alleged running her mouth about these two ladies behind their backs. A brief argument breaks out before Ruffin and Carter challenge Sin-D to a 2-on-1 match. Sin-D wisely refuses, but not-so-wisely turns her back to the two ladies in the ring on her way out and at Amanda's urging, Brooke jumps Sin-D from behind and the action starts whether Sin-D is ready for it or not!

If there was ever any doubt about these ladies' intentions, it is quickly dispelled when Brooke goes to work on Sin-D's left knee. The pair follow up with some vicious corner work, boot chokes over the top turnbuckle and more work on Sin-D's knee, taking turns in the ring or doubleteaming pretty much at their own will. Before long, the action spills outside and Sin-D's punishment continues on the ringside seats thanks to generous use of steel chair shots to Sin-D's head, ribs and already injured knee!

After being thrown back in the ring, all hope seems lost for Sin-D as the merciless assault continues.

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11+ min. 352 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 506: Amber O'Neal vs Bad Seed

After the ref asks Amber if she's sure she wants to take this match, she verbally rips Bad Seeds's hair. Turns out it's one of her very few offensive moves in the entire match. Bad Seed has the definitive size and strength advantage in this one, and he's not afraid to use it either!

Amber is put through a grueling series of torturous holds here. She endures Camel Clutches, Boston Crabs, a Surfboard, Full Nelson, and even the dreaded Crossface Chickenwing. Amber's tough though, and refuses to submit. When she tries to fight back, Bad Seed shows his mean streak, raking the eyes of his opponent or pulling her hair to maintain the advantage.

O'Neal gets dropped with Snapmares, a Bodyslam, and a hard Backbreaker. For a minute it looks like there might be some hope for a miraculous comeback after the blonde bombshell reverses a Figure Four Leglock, but Bad Seed is just too much for her on this day. He eventually catches her in a Torture Rack, which finally forces Amber's surrender.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 505: Brooke Carter vs Malia Hosaka

A championship match is in store as Brooke challenges for Malia's belt-not just 'a' champion, but 'the' champion, if Malia is to be believed. The referee starts with the introduction, although the referee is more receiving them from Malia than giving them.
Malia starts with some good arm work, although she resorts on a couple of occasions to using Brooke's hair as a shortcut to give her offense a little extra punch. It seems the shortcuts were needed as once Malia is forced back onto the straight and narrow, Brooke nicely reverses a Surfboard attempt and starts going to work on Malia with some shortcuts of her own, standing on Malia's hair and sneaking in some devastating rope chokes that leave Malia struggling to get her bearings. Malia regains the initiative and goes right back to testing the referee's patience, sneakily turning a Dragon Sleeper into a flagrant choke hold, and Brooke responds by sneakily using a rope for added leverage on some devastating Waistscissors.

It isn't long before it becomes clear that the poor referee has lost control as this one turns even nastier in a really big hurry.
Will Malia survive the onslaught and retain her belt or will Brooke's relentless attack yield her championship gold?

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13 min. 394 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 504: Jessie McKay vs Little Jeanne

At the start of this match, Little Jeanne is somewhat dismissive of McKay's "six months" of wrestling experience and promises not to hurt her 'too much'. But as the match begins, it is Jessie who makes the initial impact, surprising Jeanne with her speed. Soon Jeanne is being subjected to a series of armlocks, bodyscissors, a Full Nelson and an Abdominal Stretch.

However, it is not long before a combination of experience and a disregard for the rules put Jeanne firmly in control. Guest referee Tenille does what she can to maintain order, but Jeanne pays her very little attention as she dominates Jessie. The Australian rookie endures a Boston Arab, prolonged arm torture and a crushing bodyscissors-and that's just the legal moves!

The remainder of the match is not a completely one-way street as Jessie's fighting spirit refuses to simply lay down for the 3 count. The question is, can spirit triumph against greater experience and downright deviousness?

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18+ min. 551 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 503: Josie & Rain vs Team Blossom

Tumultuous tag team action!

Frequent tags and chain wrestling characterize the first few minutes of the match with Holly and Hannah taking an early lead. It isn't until Josie and Rain focus their attacks on Hannah that the momentum shifts in favor of the vicious duo. They expertly cut the ring in half and demolish Hannah with a hard Suplex, a front-face DDT and a doubleteam Boston Crab/Camel Clutch.

When Holly is finally tagged into the match, she is a house afire. Rain and Josie are stunned with Clotheslines, flying reverse elbows, Dropkicks and a Flapjack.

Is it enough for the win? And what role does the referee play in the outcome of the contest?
A somewhat controversial ending leaves one team disappointed to say the least!

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12+ min. 376 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 502: Lorelei Lee vs Shawn Murphy

There’s no doubt that Lorelei Lee is a superb athlete and that she’s come a long way in developing her wrestling skills since her debut. The question is whether or not her superb fitness and wrestling experience are enough to overcome an opponent who outweighs her by over 200 pounds in a Best of 5 Falls contest.

It’s a real contrast of styles as Shawn’s methodical offense looks to wear down Lorelei who relies on her quickness to counter. Lorelei’s abdominal muscles are one of her greatest strengths, but Shawn is a bruiser and wastes no time before unloading with knee lifts, abdominal claws, Bearhugs and a stomachbreaker that has the blonde cowgirl fighting for air.

As if Lorelei doesn’t have enough of an uphill battle, the referee seems less than impartial throughout the fight.
Despite the size disadvantage, crooked referee, and having absorbed a tremendous beating, Lorelei somehow manages to take the match into the 5th Fall.

Can she pull the upset against an enraged bull or is she due to get the horns?

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16 min. 481 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 501: Kellie Skater vs Bad Seed

The rules of this intergender match-up are as follows: A wrestler must be declared knocked out by guest ref Jetta before a pinfall is attempted. Whoever scores the most knockouts and pinfalls in the 15 minute time limit is declared the winner.

Unfortunately for Kellie, the masked Bad Seed goes on the offensive right away and never lets up. A Powerslam followed by 3 splashes sends Kellie to dreamland and sets up Bad Seed for the first pin of the match less than 2 minutes in. It never gets any better for poor Kellie, who is repeatedly KOed and pinned after a Sleeperhold, Bearhug, a series of 3 Suplexes, a Neckbreaker, Chokeslam, Stunner, Powerbomb and more.

Kellie is battered and beaten throughout the match-up and is never able to mount any kind of attack on the arrogant Bad Seed, who delights in torturing his opponent. Kellie is shut out on the scoreboard as Bad Seed racks up the pinfalls. In fact, the young Aussie remains completely unresponsive and unconscious during the final fall of the match before the referee mercifully calls for the bell.

Fans of one-way beatdowns and knockout endings will not be disappointed with this match.

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15+ min. 462 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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