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SLAMpeg 3600: Charli Evans & Jessica Troy vs Mia Yim & Santana

The ‘Blue Nation Floozies’ of Charli Evans and Jessica Troy take on the red-clad Americans Mia Yim and Santana.
Both teams bring plenty of attitude. Referee Amanda Rodriquez has her hands full as the bout opens with a mean-spirited shoving match between Santana and Jessica before a furious exchange of Snapmares, Dropkicks, jawbreakers and Superkicks sets the frantic tone for this bout. Jess takes the worst of it and makes a desperate tag to Charli who runs into an American buzzsaw as Santana and Mia take turns feeding her a high impact diet of DDTs, double team dropkicks and a spinning backfist.

Jessica makes the save, but the scarlet-suited superheroines rule the ring with Bodyslams, spinning heel kicks and Santana’s patented handspring back elbow! Jess and Charli desperately hang on against the overwhelming offense and pure athleticism of their opponents.
Despite it all ‘The Flooze’ refuse to lose, kicking out of multiple pin attempts. The ring echoes with powerful slams and chaotic screams as both teams ramp up their attacks. Can Blue Nation find an opening or will the Americans steamroll to victory?

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12+ min. 535 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3599: Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins

Following Introductions by Miss Rachel, Kiera is surprised to be awarded the “Customer's Choice” Championship and it’s hers to keep based on performance, win, lose or draw. MJ seems to think a bonus from the same customer entitles her to that very belt, ignoring Kiera’s name being all over it.
No Ref is on hand as they lock up and it doesn’t take long before Kiera’s lack of height is being mocked and taken advantage of when a Top Wristlock results in a hard takedown. MJ puts the boots to the “Girl on Fire” and makes quite an “Impact”.

Kiera shows off her skills and uses her lack of height to a leverage advantage frustrating MJ into a hard hairpull throw down and tries to put her out with a Headlock that looks awfully close to a choke. Kiera recovers and turns the tables giving MJ the same treatment, only to give her time to recover.
Will Kiera regret this show of sportsmanship and manage to keep her belt, win, lose or draw?

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10+ min. 439 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3598: Su Yung vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn begins this match tempting fate by questioning the strength of Su in particular and women in general, claiming there's no way the slender brunette could ever defeat him with her 'non-existent muscles'. It actually looks like he may be able to back up his claims as he slings Su around effortlessly in Powerslams, Backbreakers, Suplexes and more.

But if you're familiar with poor Chasyn's track record, you probably know that his bark is often worse than his bite. The experienced Su sees a chink in his armor and goes for it, targeting Chasyn's weak knee with elbow drops, rope-and-ringpost-assisted torture, single leg Crabs and more.
He tries fighting back with brute strength and another Bodyslam or two but Su's got the scent of blood and she's not letting go!

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8 min. 343 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3597: Jessicka Havok vs Leva

Leva appears in a Fallout-inspired outfit and Jessicka has got a proposal for her. All Leva has to do is beat The Havok Death Machine in a 2 out of 3 falls match and she wins a videogame of her choosing! Including the dlc pack! And Leva even gets a free shot against Jessicka! Unable to say no to such a wonderful deal, Leva happily accepts the challenge. Big mistake.

If accepting Jessicka's challenge wasn't enough of a mistake, Leva decides to capitalize on her free shot by trying to drop her much larger opponent with a running shoulder tackle. Yeah, like that'll work. In a matter of seconds, Jessicka picks up her unlucky foe and chokes her out to win the first fall. Leva does not fare much better in the second fall as she soon finds herself in Havok's tight Cobra Clutch, after which she takes a hard kick for the 1-2-3.
Even though Jessicka has technically already won, she's not satisfied until she's demolished Leva with a trio of stomach crushers, legdrops, a Bearhug, and a Spinebuster. Leva then gets unceremoniously choked out on the ring ropes to end this utter squash match.

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10 min. 430 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3596: Amber Nova vs April Hunter

Pound for Pound Amber is probably as strong as any women on the roster, but it’s usually the lack of pounds that has her in trouble against the likes of April. But an impromptu pose off leaves April very impressed with her “mini me” even if she can’t quite master one of Hunter’s signature flexes. They mutually decide to settle things with a match but Amber ambitiously suggests a best of 7 falls considering how fit they both are and after some extensive stretching a test of strength appropriately kicks this one off.

April can’t help but poke a little fun at Amber’s lack of height but once they lock up Nova more than holds her own, overcoming a few veteran tricks and eventually a hard knee gives her control. A tight Sleeper gives her a quick first fall, and a bewildered April takes a different view of the youngster.
A hard knee leads to a bodyscissors/Sleeper combo and just like that the vet has tied it at one apiece. April goes right at Amber’s strength attacking her abs of steel with rakes and punches. A long seated Surfboard apparently gives April the 3rd fall but she isn’t satisfied with Amber’s submission, she wants to send a message by taking the Nova Girl’s strength and turning it into a weakness and an Abdominal Stretch with plenty of additional ab abuse does just that! April’s up 2 to one, but it should be 3, and she might regret that.

Thinking the route is on April starts to toy with her opponent, flexing her “hair muscles” and generally taking advantage of the lack of a ref, until in the blink of an eye a vicious strike leaves them tied at 2! A brief intermission of sorts gives April a chance to recover and flex a little more as it comes down to a best of 3. With a crushing Bearhug applied April’s quite confident it’s only a matter of time until Amber counters with a guillotine choke, it’s only a matter of time before one of them taps, but who blinks first? Up against the wall the vanquished uses a Neckbreaker to force the decisive 7th fall. Having come this far neither grappler wants to lose and it’s appropriate that a stunning finisher brings this battle to its climax.
Can the youngster pull it out or does the bet have the last word and flex?

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28 min. 1.15 GB MP4, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3595: Niya vs Sin-D

Niya and Sin-D exchange armwork and go-behinds as the two grapple for position and advantage in this evenly matched bout. Sin-D finally escapes and ensnares Niya in a Hammerlock, but soon finds herself trapped in a grinding Side Headlock. Sin-D takes the momentum with an eye rake, then tosses Niya into the turnbuckles and delivers numerous shoulder blocks to Niya’s back in the corner.

Niya battles back with a knee to the gut, followed by a Headbutt, but Sin-D stops her in her tracks with a Chinbreaker.
The two struggle for supremacy on the mat, where one wrestler locks on a bodyscissors, then adds a Sleeperhold to put her foe out cold on the canvas for a hard-fought victory.

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6+ min. 247 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal
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SLAMpeg 3594: Dementia D'Rose vs Sin-D

This match between Dementia and Sin-D has an unusual stipulation whereby the referee will administer a 5 count each time a submission is locked on. If no submission is called out within the count, the hold is to be relinquished and the athletes are to resume in a lockup.
The stipulation ends up resulting in a match that features a variety of holds showcasing the combined experience of these seasoned wrestlers.

Dementia starts off slow and steady, tying Sin-D up in Full Nelsons and Hammerlocks only to have the smaller wrestler slip out of her grasp. At first, control of the match goes back and forth off the applications of (and, as it may be, escapes from) various moves but Sin-D's increasingly viciousness via kicks, chokes and other underhand tactics gets her the upper hand in the latter half.
Camel Clutches, chokeholds, Surfboards and other stretches put poor Dementia through the wringer as she struggles to shatter Sin-D's initiative...with that ten minute time limit all the while ticking down!

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11- min. 459 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3593: Jayme Jameson vs Tesha Price

When you come at the Camel Clutch Queen, you best not miss. Jayme has taken out all challengers to that title so far and next up in line is the audacious Tesha. Guts can only take you so far though, and Tesha soon finds herself being overpowered by the muscular Jayme. A leaping elbow from the corner takes Tesha out and once she's down, it's only a matter of time before Jayme sits on top of her and locks on her signature hold. She only gives Tesha a taste though, prolonging the beatdown for her own amusement.

A crushing elbow drop leads to another Camel Clutch, followed by a running elbow on a seated Tesha and some choking on the ropes. Tesha shows some serious grit, but Jayme takes her deep into Camel Clutch City from which there is no escape other than to submit.

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9 min. 382 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3592: Rain vs Nathan Cruz

Someone should have warned Nathan that messing with the Radiant Rain is bad, baaaaad idea. Title belt in hand, he's filled with confidence and willing to get right in Rain's face, something she does not take too kindly to. Rain goes down low on Nathan and it's all downhill for him from there. There is a ton of groin abuse here, and Rain makes sure to squeeze in all kinds of other dirty tactics to torment Nathan. She rakes his back and eyes, chokes him, and even pulls on his ears! A particularly stiff chop to the spine leaves Nathan writhing in agony.

This is an offensive showcase for Rain, who crushes Nathan with a trio of inverted Atomic Drops. He's stretched out in a Camel Clutch, Boston Crab, and an armbar, then laid out with a Neckbreaker.
What was that he was saying about Rain not getting near his belt again? If Nathan was hoping to get off easy, his "dreams are shattered" when Rain sets him up in the corner for a lethal low blow. A 10 count follows, but Rain isn't finished yet. She has one more surprise involving a sledgehammer that will have even the most sadistic wrestling fan feeling sorry for Mr. Cruz.

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12+ min. 520 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3591: Ayoka vs Ivelisse

Ivelisse welcomes Ayoka to a ring that she considers her own. The powerful newcomer admits to some jitters but holds her own against the ring veteran through an early chain wrestling exchange. Having tested her foe, Ivelisse gets serious and puts Ayoka to the grindstone with an arm-trapped crossface. Ayoka proves her metal, taking all the pain Ivelisse can dish out and roaring back until she has the Puerto Rican beauty helplessly trapped in a perfectly executed Sharpshooter. A desperate rope reach saves Ivelisse who acknowledges Ayoka’s skill and sportsmanship.

Ivelisse quickly regroups and unloads with a targeted assault on Ayoka’s shoulder. Repeated knee drops, roundhouse kicks and armwringers all set the stage for a brutal kneeling Fujiwara Armbar as Ivelisse drives for a submission. Ayoka barely escapes only to find herself in a tight Sleeper! The newcomer powers out of naptime and the pair brawl for control. Sportsmanship descends into a frantic barrage of forearms, punches and roundhouse swings.
A wild finish of ducked Clotheslines and sidestepped Superkicks ends with a devastating over-the-knee Backbreaker that nearly splits the victim in two. A decisive 3 count finish seals the victory after an intense bout.

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13 min. 556 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3590: Leva vs Su Yung

Leva and Su face off in a tapout only Iron Woman match.
Both women are confident that they'll put up a big score, but the match turns out to be a lot more competitive than either of them are expecting. Leva scores first blood by taking Su down and quickly trapping her in a Boston Crab. Su remains glued to the mat, looking for a way out as Leva ties her up in a Mutalock and then a Bow & Arrow stretch to make the score 1 to zip.

The second point goes to Su as she bends Leva over her knee and torques her neck with a nasty Figure Four Headscissors. From there, the points start to add up on both sides, with Leva and Su breaking out suffocating Sleepers, a Lion Tamer, and more elevated Bow and Arrows, all in an attempt to make the other woman slap the mat in submission, which they do multiple times. They go through so much pain that they're forced to end the match prematurely due to their bodies being so worn down, but they vow to run this one back in the future.

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12 min. 364 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3589: Dementia D'Rose vs Miss Rachel

A “Strikes Only” match, in which only hands and arms can be used.

The problem, as Dementia quickly discovers, is that her strikes are little more than a nuisance to Miss Rachel, while Miss Rachel’s blows send Dementia staggering around the ring. Still, Dementia is game in trying to keep pace, as the two trade punches, forearms, and chops throughout the match.
No stranger to all-out brawls, Miss Rachel uses her fists, elbows, and forearms to rain down on Dementia’s back, chest, and forehead. Rapid-fire in-close forearms have Dementia reeling, but the valiant fighter battles back with a few huge forearm blasts.

When one fighter is eventually knocked off her feet, her opponent delivers a vicious falling punch to the head, and a crushing fist to the face that leaves her opponent down on the mat and unable to get back to her feet.

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10 min. 421 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3588: Charli Evans vs MJ Jenkins

The rules of this match are simple enough: Whoever touches the corner turnbuckle wins. Even though this task looks pretty easy, MJ does everything in her power to make Charli work for the victory. The naive Charli tries to just stroll on over to the corner, only to be wrapped up in a headlock by MJ. Charli keeps getting caught by MJ, and she reaches out with her arm, leg, and even her tongue to try and touch the elusive turnbuckle.

With Charli focused entirely on escape, MJ takes this opportunity to torture the young Australian with a single leg Crab and a Front Facelock, making sure that she can only desperately stare at her objective. A big kick floors Charli, but she doesn't give up. She spends a lot of this match on her hands and knees, and the rest of it being put in holds like the Camel Clutch. MJ mounts Charli and rains punches down on her forehead, seemingly unconcerned with winning the match herself. Charli endures hairpulling and an Abdominal Stretch, and you get the feeling that regardless of the official outcome, it's the cocky MJ who will walk out feeling like the winner.

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9 min. 376 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3587: Angel Williams vs Chasyn Rance

A test of strength opens this intergender bout. And it's a test that Angel fails. Worse yet, failure in the ring doesn't lead to an 'F' on a report card but often something a lot worse!

Chasyn takes control of the action from the start and he is relentless. Angel suffers in Leglocks, Abdominal Stretches, a modified Surfboard, Camel Clutch and more. Without the protection of a match official, Angel's situation does not improve as Chasyn uses any means necessary - both inside the ring and out of it - to continue his onslaught.

Backbreakers and more choking on the ropes follow until the action culminates with Chasyn literally dropping Angel out of the ring from the top of the turnbuckle. Dragging her back into the ring, a final painful submission ends this completely one-sided affair.

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13+ min. 582 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3586: Ivelisse vs Priscilla Kelly

Priscilla isn’t very impressed as Ivelisse enters the ring holding her title belt high above her head. Priscilla delivers a quick kick to the gut, then places Ivelisse into a leg-stretching submission hold, telling the high-flyer, “I will make you tap 3 times.” Mere seconds later, Ivelisse does just that to relieve the agony in her legs.

Priscilla does not let up, nailing Ivelisse with numerous Atomic Drops and reverse Atomic Drops, a Suplex, and a bodyscissors on the mat that even includes Priscilla biting Ivelisse’s neck. Priscilla leaves the ring and returns with a baseball bat, proceeding to deliver blow after blow to Ivelisse, then choking her with the bat before locking on a Dragon Sleeper that puts Ivelisse out, and suddenly Priscilla is one submission away from her prediction coming true.

Priscilla continues her assault with the foreign object, works over Ivelisse in the corner, nails a few high-impact move, then traps her in a reverse Bearhug. Does Ivelisse have enough in her tank to mount a comeback, or is one more tapout on the way? Only one way to find out.

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9+ min. 395 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3585: Jayme Jameson vs Lady Chardonnay Darcy

Ivelisse is our radiant referee for this 1 fall match. And it's all to fight for in this contest with a title belt on the line. But as the bout begins, it seems that one of these women does not plan on leaving without the gold.
Right from the start, Chardonay is able to bully Jayme around the ring. Accustomed to being a powerhouse herself, Jayme is surprised by Chardonay's strength as time and again she is forced into the corner. Having established her credentials, Chardonay begins to take things up a gear, subjecting Jayme to a series of painful leglocks.

Legbars, Toeholds and more keep Chardonay totally on the defensive, but it's a defense that eventually crumbles when Jayme clamps on a Mutalock that sees Chardonay desperately tapping out. However, it seems the belt isn't quite enough for Jayme and there's still time to punish Chardonay a little longer... Except now the match already over, not even Ivelisse can help when Chardonay is forced to tap out once more!

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6+ min. 286 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3584: Members Matches #4-October 2015

The fourth of our new line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

431) Courtney Rush vs Kimberly
432) Kimber Lee vs Rhia O'Reilly
433) KC Cassidy vs Santana
434) Jessicka Havok vs Sassy Stephie

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@30 min. 1.37 GB WMV & MP4, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3583: Jessica Troy vs CJ O'Doyle

Our ring announcer announces CJ first, and then Jessica allowing CJ to get the drop on her, next time she should insist on ladies first! The lack of a ref is a factor too as Jessica is blatantly choked, has her back raked and abs blown up by closed fists. But he can do legal moves too, evidenced by a stalling Vertical Suplex! With all the blood rushed to her brain Troy is easy pickings and CJ spikes her with a Piledriver that clearly knocks her silly, it’s the only logical reason for her kicking out of his lateral press!

Determined to prove it a fluke CJ delivers a hard slam followed by his own spin on the “Peoples Elbow”, but it’s still not enough to keep Jessica down. CJ hoists her up for another stalling Vertical Suplex, showing off by doing squats while blood rushes to the petit Aussie’s head again before the thundering impact. Moments later Troy is upside down again as CJ sets for a second Piledriver, crushing all resistance and securing the 3 count!

But as Troy spasms on the mat and the invisible ring announcer declares him the victor CJ claims to hear Jessica asking for more, Obviously something gets lost in translation but CJ outdoes himself with a 3rd stalling Vertical Suplex and another brutal Piledriver!

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7+ min. 316 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3582: April Hunter vs Su Yung

An under the weather Su Yung is wishing aloud for a lightweight opponent when who should walk in but the imposing April Hunter. A terrified Su tries to weasel her way out of the ring but April's not having it - no opponent, no pay.
This is not a situation that bodes well for Su and, unsurprisingly, she takes a beating from start to finish, putting up not a whit of resistance. One gets the feeling this isn't just about the money for the sadistic April as she disassembles Su with a down and dirty brawling style. April starts off by squishing Su in a corner, kicking and choking her, and yanking on her hair various ways in a tactic that will define the entire contest.

Hair-assisted submissions like Camel Clutches are punctuated by straight up hairpulling. Foreign objects are brought in to choke, club and maim. Limbs are bitten and wrenched. Chokeholds are applied by the dozen. The soundtrack of this match is one near-sustained scream by poor Su.

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22 min. 656 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3581: Andrea vs Santana

Santana learns a valuable lesson in this match: Don't trust anybody. A pre-match pow wow leads to disaster as Santana reveals a rib injury to referee and supposed friend Barbi Hayden, information that is quickly relayed to her opponent Andrea. Surprise, surprise, Andrea is happy to take advantage of the situation.

Even though Santana tries to fool Andrea into targeting a different part of her body, the bigger wrestler is having none of it. Andrea batters Santana's mid-section with strikes before softening her up even more with a brutal Abdominal Stretch. Santana is lifted up like a sack of potatoes, her poor belly bounced up and down over Andrea's shoulder. She can hardly breathe when Andrea wraps her thick thighs around her on the mat. There's no safety in the ropes either, as Andrea uses them to trap and torture her victim some more. Make no mistake, Santana fights as hard as she can, even managing to land her signature Shining Star Press, but that pesky injury keeps getting in the way.

A huge slam and a Vader Bomb put Santana away, leaving her ripe for the picking by the duplicitous Barbi, who crushes her with a rope-assisted DDT to complete the betrayal.

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15- min. 445 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3580: Amber Nova vs Aerial Monroe & Ivelisse

As Ivelisse arrives, Amber Nova lets her know that she’s recovered from her last beating from Ivelisse. So Ivelisse proceeds deliver another beating. Grabbing generous hands full of Amber’s hair, Ivelisse tosses her around the ring, delivers Hairmares, wraps her hair around the top rope, and stands on her hair. Ivelisse also rubs Amber’s eyes along the top rope, sends her face-first into the turnbuckles and into the mat.

Ivelisse toys with Amber, raking her back, kneeing her in the gut, and adding insult to injury while ripping at Amber’s nose and mouth while she’s trapped in Ivelisse’s Camel Clutch. One final forearm smash to the head leaves Amber out cold in the middle of the ring …

… and then Aerial Monroe enters the ring and poor Amber is once again helpless to resist yet another beatdown. Aerial plays a game of “anything Ivelisse can do, I can do better,” as she forces Amber to go through the same beatdown all over again. Aerial won’t stop until she makes Amber face the camera and beg her to stop.
After such a devastating double-beatdown, it doesn’t take long before Amber is doing just that.

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17+ min. 750 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3579: Amber Nova vs Aerial Monroe & Ivelisse

Ivelisse may be a lot of thing in this match with Amber, but at least she is honest. Right from the start, Ivelisse makes her intentions clear regarding Amber's hair. And as soon as the action begins, Ivelisse remains true to her word. Amber's hair is used for a succession of big Hairmares, as well as being a means for Ivelisse to introduce Amber's face to the ropes.

Ivelisse mixes up her offense a little, adding some big strikes and a vicious back rake to her assault. Before long, Amber is practically out on her feet and Ivelisse wraps up the action with a single leg Boston/hairpull combo that puts Amber out cold.
But if only that were end of Amber's woes. Before Amber regains her senses, she is joined in the ring by Aerial - And so Amber's punishment begins anew! Once more, Amber's hair is both a target and tool of her relentless opponent. Aerial tangles and stretches Amber's locks in the ropes and they are ultimately the means by which Aerial chokes Amber out.

The end of a VERY bad hair day for Amber!

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18+ min. 789 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3578: Stormie Lee vs LT Falk

Stormie and LT start off by arguing who of the two of them is the king or queen of cheap shots. In a match where this dubious title is up for grabs, it's only fitting that there's no referee present. This opens the window of opportunity for both competitors, and it's not long before both of them have shown exactly how crafty they can be. There's some technically sound wrestling going on and Stormie and LT seem to be quite evenly matched.

That said, the technical wrestling is interrupted every now and then by biting (the best counter to an otherwise inescapable hold) and hairpulling (seemingly the best way to piss off LT).
In the end, one overzealous competitor misses a running elbow smash, opening the door for a lightning-quick rollup and the victory.

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9 min. 388 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3577: Kiera Hogan vs Sin-D

We're in our sister ring for this 1 fall contest. And with no match official on hand, the advantage here looks set to go to the wrestler with a few more tricks up her sleeve.
In this case, that wrestler is Sin-D. The savvy veteran wastes little time taking control of the action with a little hairpulling and a rake to the eyes. Sin-D makes use of her surroundings too, twisting Kiera's limbs around the ropes on more than one occasion..

Of course, a wrestler with Sin-D's experience also knows her holds and a Leg Nelson followed by a Full Nelson put a lot of pressure on Kiera's shoulders. With a submission still not forthcoming, Sin-D switches to working over Kiera's back with the same methodical approach. But does this one-sided outing end the way you might be expecting? Can Kiera prove to be a comeback queen? Or will she tap out to a deadly Sin-D?

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7+ min. 325 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3576: Lacey vs Lexie Fyfe

From way back in the vault (2006) before the days of letterbox we have a “new” chapter in this classic rivalry, and Daffney has the stripes on, and she has her hands full.
Both skill and deviousness are on display from the opening tie up with a dizzying amount of counters and reversals highlighted by Full Nelsons and Hammerlocks and the occasional hairpull. After some mind games by the Lovely one a hard Waistlock takedown takes the battle to the mat. Hammerlocks, Headlocks, Headscissors and yes more hairpulling before Lexie turns Lacey into a very uncomfortable recliner.

Daffney’s bias is called into question as a “Lex Factor” drives Lacey’s face into the mat, but just when you think Lexie’s going to take charge Lacey turns the tables with the help of the corners and a long Surfboard. Lexie is in real trouble, until she sidesteps Lacey of crashes and burns on the shack floor with an apparent ankle injury! Lacey won’t concede the match and Lexie’s going to make her wish she had!
It’s Lacey’s ankle vs. the ring post twice, no need to guess what wins, and after locking her leg around the post Lexie shows great compassion by removing Lacey’s boot to ease the swelling, but her gratitude is underwhelming and she gets an anklelock for her lack of appreciation. Lexie releases a Boston Crab after realizing can do more damage to the ankle with a half Crab.
Will Lexie stop before she breaks the Lovely ones ankle, will Lacey risk her career just to win a match, maybe both, hey anything’s possible!

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15+ min. 654 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3575: Malia Hosaka vs Rain

Shot in 2008 and previously available on Malia's site.
Two longtime members of the roster face off in this match, showcasing not just the fruits of their combined decades of in-ring education but also their famed meanness.
Rain starts boasting about yoga-enhanced muscles from the start but Malia keeps up with quite admirably in the vocal expression department as the two scream out accusations and insults throughout the match. The pair gravitates early toward leg-centric punishment, peppering each other's limbs with kicks and blows, and popping knee joints in leglocks of various kinds.

Single leg Crabs, Boston Crabs, Figure Fours and more all make appearances as each lady appears intent on hobbling the other. Unsurprisingly given their reputations, the wrestling is punctuated with non-standard moves like eyerakes, biting, chokes, hairpulling and other similar tactics. Rain nearly puts Malia out at one point with a Sleeper/Waistscissors combo while Malia practically cripples Rain with some targeted knee punishment.
A final Figure Four Leglock has one lady screaming out a reluctant submission.

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10 min. 303 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3574: Jayme Jameson vs Santana

The animosity starts immediately as Jayme steps on Santana’s opening introduction leading to a heated exchange of armwringers, Hammerlocks and reversals before Santana sends Jayme sprawling to the canvas with a drop toehold into a brutal bridging Chinlock. Jameson roars back into the match, running Santana backwards into the turnbuckles before dazing her with a back elbow and running Clothesline to seize the momentum before slowing down the pace with a tight Camel Clutch.

Santana fights her way out, using her quickness to duck a Clothesline before leaping into a back-mounted Sleeper that eventually brings the drowsy Jayme crashing to the canvas. Jameson is nearly out until a desperation eye rake finds its mark! Jayme turns the tables with a Sleeper of her own, draining the fight from Santana. A toe on the ropes breaks the hold, but the groggy Santana foolishly tries to brawl toe-to-toe with powerhouse Jayme and winds up eating a DDT and Fisherman Suplex!
Santana struggles to fight back as Jayme pushes toward victory against her stunned foe. Santana has a lightning quick offensive arsenal but can she find an opening in Jayme’s defenses before Jameson seals her victory?

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9 min. 289 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3573: Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel

Marti takes on Miss Rachel in a grueling battle of wills.
From the start, Rachel takes control of Marti’s arm with an armwringer and goes to work on the limb, grinding her joints and stretching her ligaments to their breaking point. Marti counters and converts to a Hammerlock. The pair go back and forth working each other’s arms and shoulders with Full Nelsons, Wristlocks and armbars as they try to work toward a submission.

An armdrag puts Marti on the canvas where she can’t fully utilize her quickness and Rachel’s superior size and strength give her a clear advantage. Marti catches Rachel in a tight Headscissors, but Rachel eventually powers out. Marti can only grimace on the canvas as Rachel pummels her trapped arm with diving Headbutts, body splashes and legdrops. Sensing the end is near, Rachel cranks up her attack with vicious finger rakes, a double Chickenwing and draining Dragon Sleeper.
Can Marti find a way to get her arm out of Rachel’s bear trap and turn the tide or will she leave the ring down a limb?

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8+ min. 368 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3572: Priscilla Kelly vs Chasyn Rance

The Priscilla Kelly is feeling confident that she can beat Chasyn. After all she is taller than him, right? Chasyn has other ideas.
He lets the upstart have a free shot with a running shoulderblock to prove that she can knock him down only to turn it into a Gorilla Press Slam that plants Priscilla hard on her back. Undeterred, Priscilla continues to press Chasyn only to end up slammed to the canvas again and again. Rance asserts his dominance between slams with a crippling anklelock, Camel Clutch and a series of knee drives into Priscilla’s tenderized spine.

Eventually Priscilla’s overconfidence begins to erode and she can do little more than beg for Chasyn to stop his effortless assault on her back. Chasyn is having too much fun for that and a humiliated Priscilla gets a harsh lesson in overconfidence. Finally, Rance tires of torturing the misguided Priscilla but not before one last Gorilla Press Slam sends her crashing to the canvas where Chasyn dares the beaten upstart to kick out of the final pin.

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5+ min. 240 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3571: Amanda Rodriguez vs Vanessa Havok

Amanda is stretching when Vanessa suddenly attacks from behind, taking her down with an Atomic Drop and Spinebuster. Kraven then proceeds to take her victim's shoes off, leaving Rodriguez more vulnerable to a vicious anklelock. Amanda calls for mercy and taps out, but Vanessa will have none of it. She points out there's no ref, and continues stretching Amanda to a point far beyond "healthy exercise".

Amanda is basically defenseless as Vanessa stands on her ankle and follows up with a Figure Four Leglock and Boston Crab. An STF has Amanda's foot almost touching the back of her own head! Vanessa is kind enough to compliment her opponent on her flexibility, but a battered Amanda responds by calling Vanessa a cow. Ouch, not smart. Vanessa continues the foot torture by bringing a crutch into the ring and using it in ways doctors never intended. The extraordinary amount of pain eventually leaves Rodriguez unconscious.
However, Vanessa wakes her up, only to take her out again with a huge forearm shot. Amanda will probably want to lock the door next time she goes through her stretching routine!

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19 min. 572 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3570: Ivelisse vs Tesha Price

Tesha is looking to make a name for herself. What better way to do that than to take down a highly decorated veteran like Ivelisse? Tesha is certain she can score three 10 counts over Ivelisse, and she logs the first one quickly with a Suplex, Spinning Neckbreaker, and a DDT that turns out the lights on Ivelisse.

“This is so easy,” exclaims Tesha, who undoubtedly regrets it immediately after getting worked over in the corner, then eating a Curbstomp into the bottom turnbuckle as Ivelisse takes an easy 10 count to even the match at 1-1.
It’s all Ivelisse from there, as the high flyer secures the next fall after a Boston Crab, DDT, Snap Suplex, and a fantastic back kick that needs to be seen to be believed.

After helping up her fallen foe, Ivelisse demands Tesha take back everything she said about her, and offers a handshake once Tesha does so. But before accepting the handshake, Ivelisse unleashes one more devastating blow that puts the newcomer down for yet another 10 count and secures an easy win for Ivelisse.

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10 min. 428 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3569: Members Matches-November 2015

The third of our new line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

435) Candice LaRae vs Ivelisse
436) Kathy the Kitten vs Rain
437) Andrea vs Marti Belle
438) Jessie Belle vs Su Yung

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@33 min. 979 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3568: Madison Eagles vs Mike Reed

Madison proclaims she might have had a little too much to drink before the match and even implies she might puke on her opponent. Isn't there some paragraph in the bylaws that prevents this sort of behavior?

However, Madison is all business once the bell rings and she certainly shows no signs of inebriation (or hangover), grounding Reed by working the arm. Mike at one point finds himself with limbs sticking in all the wrong directions from Madison's submission holds, until he finally gets to the ropes to force a break.
That's about all the breaks he gets in this match, as Eagles is dominant throughout. After beating Reed from pillar to ringpost, she scores with a trio of German Suplexes before cinching in a Mutalock for the win.

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6+ min. 281 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3567: Stormie Lee vs LuFisto & Vanessa Kraven

Stormie does not want a match today. But Vanessa does. And the latter has a handful of the former's hair in her hand, you can guess who is going to get her own way. And also, just how this match is going to go.

There's not much in the way of wrestling here, but more just the relentless, unending, agonizing torture of Stormie's hair. If there's a way to pull it, Vanessa knows it and Vanessa does it. As this technically isn't a match, Stormie doesn't have the option of submitting or being pinned and her punishment only ends when she is knocked out.

Oh wait. Did we say Stormie's punishment ends? Unfortunately for Stormie, unconsciousness was just a temporary reprieve. Because a little while late she is woken up by LuFisto who is not in the ring out of concern for Stormie's welfare.
And so Stormie's misery begins anew as her locks are yet again pulled, yanked, twisted and stretched. And when Lufisto is finally done, she has a chilling message for Stormie... for it seems that one more extreme stylist may be on her way.

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17+ min. 739 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3566: Santana vs Jason Cade

After being introduced as Jason Cade “The Not So Great” you can’t blame him for suspecting some possible collusion between ref Ivelisse and Santana “the Great”, and a 2 out of 3 fall submission only stipulation, not Cade’s forte’, only increases his paranoia.

An opening test of strength goes how you would suspect until Ivelisse refuses to ask if Santana will quit, and while Cade is calling conspiracy she counters. The talent of both competitors is displayed with a chain of counters until Santana goes for a pin that Cade makes no attempt to kick out of, he paid attention to the rules more than the Ref. Both take turns applying significant submissions, Santana with a nasty bridging chinlock, Cade channeling his inner Canadian with a Sharpshooter, only to end up in a half Crab. But it’s a tight Sleeper that puts one grappler’s lights out for the 1st fall!

But in the blink of an eye an octopus hold has this one all knotted up at one fall or point apiece, our ref isn’t quite sure how to score it. Cade looks to press his power advantage in the last fall while Santana tries to keep up the pace, and it isn’t long before a hold of questionable legality puts one wrestler’s lights out, but is the winner “great” or “not so great?”

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10 min. 420 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3565: Ivelisse vs Karlee Perez

Two untamable and strong-willed fighters go to war in a brutal Last Woman Standing Match. Karlee takes the early advantage with a kick to the midsection, well delivered kneelifts and a series of face slams to the unforgiving canvas. Snap Suplexes, a devastating knee to the side of the head and crack to the noggin with a ringside sign leave Ivelisse down and out.

The match should be hers several times over, but Karlee can’t seem to stop herself from interrupting the referee who appears plenty eager to be distracted while delivering her standing 10 counts. Beaten and dazed Ivelisse can barely stand, but she manages to plant a boot in the raging Karlee’s gut and deliver a lights out DDT to turn the tide!
Now it’s Karlee repeatedly struggling to her feet to beat ref Santana’s 10 count as Ivelisse puts her down time and again with Flying Clotheslines, Enzuigiris and Superkicks.
There’s bad blood all over this one that rages well past the final bell.

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10+ min. 445 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3564: Evie vs Thea Trinidad

Guest referee Andrea tells us this is a special 2 out of 3 falls 5 count pins match. Not too many of those around, and Thea is eager to take the lead in this one. She attacks Evie from behind right off the bat and within moments she drops her foe with an RKO variation to take the first fall. Hurting from her opponent's sneak attack, Evie still manages to regain the offensive in the second fall, eventually pinning Trinidad after a Yakuza Kick.

As these things go, the third fall can go either way. Evie dominates for a bit, but never count out Thea! In the end, one of these ladies finds herself choked out and, at the request of the winner, dropped out of the ring by Andrea. However, said winner then makes the mistake of antagonizing the intimidating official one too many times. Needless to say, Andrea re-enters the ring, chokes out the victor and dumps her out of the ring as well.

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9+ min. 396 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3563: Aerial Monroe vs Ayoka

Aerial is not impressed by Ayoka's warm-up routine and she lets her hear about it. In fact, there's plenty of trash talk between these two, especially from Aerial who talks almost as fast as she fights. She'll have to be sharp though to keep up with the powerful Ayoka. Aerial has great difficulty locking in a couple of early submissions, as Ayoka flexes her muscles to force her way out of the bad situations. That power is even more evident when Ayoka takes control of a test of strength to bring Aerial to her knees.

However, that's not enough to keep Aerial down and soon she's taken the advantage with a straight jacket choke, multiple legdrops across Ayoka's throat, and an Abdominal Stretch. When Ayoka finally gets her turn on offense, she returns the favor with a ring-rocking Bodyslam and a couple of wicked Irish Whips into the turnbuckles that put some serious pain on Aerial's back.
With both ladies having taken their best shot, it's a DDT that leaves one of them down for a 10 count and twitching in the ring for a while.

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12+ min. 528 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3562: Andrea vs Ivelisse

With no match official in this 1 fall contest between Ivelisse and Andrea, it might seem like the smaller Ivelisse has found a leveller against her powerhouse opponent. No referee means no restrictions and in the opening moments of the action, Ivelisse capitalizes on this by wrapping Andrea's hair around the ropes.

Unfortunately for Ivelisse, her advantage is short-lived. Andrea is no more inclined to play by the rules than Ivelisse and immediately returns the favor by punishing Ivelisse's hair. And now Ivelisse is once again on the back foot, facing a bigger opponent with no concerns about fighting fair.

Ivelisse battles back as best she can but inevitably Andrea's greater strength begins to take its toll. Soon Andrea is effortlessly tossing Ivelisse around the ring and the end seems inevitable. When Ivelisse finds the strength to kick out of a few pin attempts, Andrea instead locks on Camel Clutch/Sleeper combo. Does Ivelisse have enough left to fight back one more time? Or is it all over... and out?

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9+ min. 399 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3561: Charli Evans vs CJ O'Doyle

Charli stretches in the ring when a sudden blackout spooks her. She has every reason to be scared as CJ O’Doyle slips between the ropes wearing a devious grin. Charli tries to stand up to CJ’s intimidation, but a series of clubbing forearms to the head and a blatant choke in the corner leave her on the defensive and struggling for air. CJ dazes poor Charli with straight punches, kneelifts and a devastating two-handed Chokeslam.

Charli tries to fight back, bouncing off the ropes to add impact to her punches only to leap straight into a withering Bearhug from the brute! Evans gets impaled on O’Doyle knee with Backbreaker and sidebreaker drops before the great intimidator promises to take her soul with a draining Iron Claw!
Just as Charli seems doomed for a beatdown she manages to roll out of a kneedrop and unleashes a flurry of roundhouse kicks turnbuckle smashes and forearms before nearly scoring a pin with a perfectly executed High Crossbody block! Can the underdog Aussie keep the behemoth down and score the upset or will CJ’s power prove too much to overcome?

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11 min. 473 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3560: Kaci Lennox vs MJ Jenkins

So this may be a first.-A match that opens with both competitors discussing their hair... which leads to a match with no hairpulling! Instead Kaci Lennox and MJ Jenkins put on technical contest that opens with a display of chain wrestling.

Not that both women play entirely fairly of course, as MJ's choking of Kaci in the ropes quickly illustrates. However for the most part, this contest is all about the wrestling. The action remains back and forth until Kaci catches MJ in a tight Bearhug. The only way is out for MJ and the KO leads to Kaci taking her time with a 10 count pin/victory pose.

And Kaci isn't done yet. She drags the unconscious MJ to her feet and hangs her against the turnbuckle so as to continue her one-sided assault. But this plan is foiled when MJ wakes up and it's Bearhug payback time.. at least it would be, if Kaci wasn't able to escape and turn the tables once again. Surely MJ won't fall to another Bearhug and another 10 count pin? What a crushing defeat that would be!

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12 min. 512 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3559: Santana vs Shazza McKenzie

Referee Leva oversees this fast-paced contest.
After a furious exchange of arm locks, Shazza tries to slow the lightning quick Santana down with an anklelock and energy-draining Full Nelson only to be driven backwards into the corner by the determined brunette. Santana sends Shazza flying with a handstand Headscissors takedown off the top turnbuckle and follows up with her signature Handspring Back Elbow in the opposite corner! Shazza counters with a stunning sit out split-leg drop and the flexible pair wind up brawling while stretched to the limit in matching leg splits!

Santana sends Shazza hard to the canvas with a Side Russian Leg Sweep and blasts her with a Superkick before hitting her Shining Star Press…but Shazza kicks out at two and nine-tenths! McKenzie retaliates with Snap Suplexes, running kneelifts and a lights out stunner but Santana manages repeated kickouts of her own.
The intensity and pace of this match continue to build as both wrestlers survive several close calls and near falls. After an exhausting battle one grappler is caught in a tortuous back mount arm trapped Chinlock, forcing her to give up the fight.

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10+ min. 450 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3558: Karlee Perez vs Leva

Santana is your referee for this no DQ, KOs only match. Leva attacks before the bell has even rung, catching Karlee off-guard and setting the tone for a one-sided thrashing. Leva punishes Karlee with hard kicks and knees to the back, even getting in a low blow. She then nails a big Sidewalk Slam that nearly ends in a match-ending KO. Perez does eventually get up and even tries to fight back, but it's no use as Leva takes her right back down.

Leva proceeds to tie Karlee up in some creative submission holds. Although none of those lead to a KO victory, it still causes Perez great pain and that's all Leva seems to care about. After Leva has had her fun standing on Karlee's back, she finishes her off with some more kicks and a tight Cobra Clutch.
Not a good day for Karlee.

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11+ min. 495 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3557: Kiera Hogan vs Marti Belle

This one is a quick, mean, and dirty encounter between Kiera and Marti (especially dirty on Marti’s side). No time is wasted as Marti does everything in her power to snuff out Kiera, flooring her with a Suplex and keeping her there with a grounded Abdominal Stretch. Kiera is stuck on her hands and knees as she’s kicked over and over again by Marti.

A Bodyslam leads to more abuse in the corner, but Kiera manages to find brief glimpses of offense. Mean as Marti is, she knows she’s in for a fight here! She rakes Kiera’s eyes and corners her again, working her over like a speed bag with some bodacious boxing, then goes for the kill with a Surfboard.
Kiera stays strong, leading to a finish involving a Sleeper out of nowhere that ears one wrestler a 10 count pin.

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5 min. 220 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3556: Miss Rachel vs Nemesis

LT Falk is on hand to try and maintain order for this titanic tussle. Neither lady is used to not having a size and power advantage but as the 1st two hard thought collar and elbow tie ups and shoulderblocks in the corner can attest they effectively cancel each other out.
It isn’t long before one grappler is using her head as well as her power with a more technical attack. Her opposition counters as best she can but it’s clear pretty quick who the better technician is. Realizing this isn’t going quite her way the opposition calls for a test of strength, but ounce again maybe a slight advantage in power is canceled by a better understanding of leverage.

An exchange of crushing Bearhugs seems like it’s destined to be another stalemate until one grappler gets taken off her feet, which is the last place either of these wants to be! A leglock morphs into a Half Crab into a deathlock and eventually a Guillotine choke until one desperate grappler finally makes it back to her feet, and she’s mad! For the 1st time in the match LT has his hands full as rules are blatantly broken in the corner and now they both have their blood up!
One final crushing Bearhug is the key to victory for one of these powerhouses who used her brain as well as her brawn!

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13+ min. 583 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3555: Ayoka vs Chasyn Rance

Every once in a while, the stars align. In this solid, 1 fall, back-and-forth matchup against Ayoka, Chasyn finally ends up on the winning side of a 10 count.

Chasyn opens with an Abdominal Stretch, followed by a Hammerlock takedown into a Rear Naked Choke. Ayoka counters with a Rear Naked Choke of her own and a Bow and Arrow hold as the two trade technical maneuvers and holds on the mat. The action is quick and even throughout this bout. When Ayoka nails a chinbreaker and takes Chasyn down to the mat with a Side Headlock, he rolls her over to get a two-count, then turns it into a Headscissors of his own. Ayoka, in a remarkable feat of strength, battles her way back to her feet with Chasyn still wrapped around her, then dumps him to the mat before wrapping on a bodyscissors.

But Chasyn finds his opening, working his way into a surfboard hold on Ayoka. After slamming her head-first into the turnbuckle, he wraps on a sleeperhold that drains all the fight from Ayoka and leaves her ripe for the rare pinfall victory for Chasyn.

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13 min. 546 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3554: April Hunter vs Shazza McKenzie

Shazza comes into this match strangely confident in her ability to defeat the much larger, stronger April, but the redhead isn't having any of it. Trying to keep a straight face at the prospect of defeat at Shazza's hands, she giggles her way into the first tie-up which--as it turns out--doesn't quite go Shazza's way. Nor does the test of strength that follows or the flurry of moves that come right after that.

April tosses, squishes and knocks the diminutive blonde around with Clotheslines, kicks, corner punishment, chokes, hairpulling and more, taunting her all the while. Multiple Pedigrees pancake poor Shazza for the inevitable defeat in this utterly one-sided bout but it's a thunderous Tombstone Piledriver that really adds insult to (considerable) injury.

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9+ min. 404 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3553: Amber Nova vs Jason Cade

We open with Jason boasting to official Chasyn about his long list of accomplishments. Still, Cade is relieved to see Amber relinquish the huge wrench she carried to the ring. Sensing opportunity, Cade immediately closes in for a kick. Nova has him scouted though, and counters with a guillotine choke that nearly ends the match in seconds before scoring with an Enzaguri for a near fall. Several counters and reversals later, Jason just about takes Amber's head off with a Clothesline and it's downhill for the brunette from that point onward.

Jason shows he has no trepidations about hitting a woman. His punches and kicks take Amber down, but the tenacious grappler keeps getting back up. Nova withstands a hard slam, Suplex, Dropkicks, and a Bearhug among others before finally mounting a comeback. She hits a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex and Flying Crossbody from the second rope, but it's not enough to keep Jason down. The aforementioned wrench still comes into play in the end, but it all backfires and one competitor is left staring at the lights.

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12 min. 517 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3552: Amy Love vs Chasyn Rance

Amy is furious to see Chasyn in the ring when she arrives. Telling him that he does not belong in the Slammin LADIES ring, she offers him a Best of 5 matchup to prove it. Since Chasyn is … well, Chasyn … you can probably imagine that Amy doesn’t need all 5 falls.

Starting off with a test of strength, Amy sets the tone early, trying to embarrass Chasyn at every turn. Not satisfied with a pinfall, Amy is out to make Chasyn tap out. It doesn’t take long for Amy to get the first tap-out, after shoulderblocks and chokes in the corner, Amy locks on a double Chickenwing, then a crushing Headscissors that has Chasyn submitting.
Before Chasyn has a chance to regroup, Amy slaps on a Full Nelson to start the second fall. A Snap Suplex later, and Amy tosses him to the floor, where she introduces Chasyn’s head to the ring apron and the wall. After tossing him back into the ring, Amy locks on a Figure Four that has Chasyn tapping to end the second fall.

Amy opens the third fall by standing on Chasyn’s throat as he lays against the bottom rope, then sends him face-first into all four turnbuckles. After a Camel Clutch, a running Clothesline into the corner, and a double underhook DDT, Amy doesn’t even bother to score the decisive fall. She just dumps Chasyn from the ring.
Unsatisfied, Amy follows Chasyn outside and brings him back to the ring. A Boston Crab makes Chasyn tap out quickly to officially end the contest. But Amy is not done by any means. There’s a good deal more suffering in store for Chasyn.

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14 min. 592 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3551: Amber O'Neal vs Gabi Castrovinci

Amber sizes up purple-haired Gabi prior to their Best of 3 falls match. Gabi doesn’t back down from the veteran’s scrutiny, attacking with a singular purpose as she targets Amber’s legs. With no ref, Gabi uses the ropes to stretch and torture Amber, even wrapping her legs around the corner post to crank up the pressure on a leglock. A constant pummeling of Amber’s knees and ankles and a brutal Stretch Muffler leaves her helpless to defend against Gabi’s deep-seated Boston Crab, giving Castrovinci a decisive first submission.

Down but not out, the veteran blonde brings Gabi down with a leg trip and takes full advantage with a double-barreled assault on Gabi’s back! Surfboards, kneed Chinlocks and a bridging double Chickenwing decimate Gabi’s spine and Amber lays into her with a constant barrage of kneedrops, elbow grinds, vertical drops and roundhouse kicks to the back. With her back fully tenderized, Gabi is putty in Amber’s hands until she finally submits to a tight Dragon Sleeper.
With the match tied and both wrestlers nursing injuries it all comes down to the final fall. Who will seize the momentum and finish the job to claim the victory?

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13- min. 540 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3550: Miss Rachel & Tesha Price vs Jessica Troy

We open with Miss Rachel dragging Jessica into the ring. Rachel explains that Jayme Jameson is still paying her to take out blondes. But since there aren't any of those running around, she has decided to expand her search to include dirty blondes and even brownish ones as well. Of course poor Jessica falls into that category, so Rachel drags her across the squared circle by the hair and tosses her around. Not satisfied with the misery she's caused up until that point, Rachel even breaks up her own pinfall.

Eventually a Camel Clutch with added hairpulling proves too much for Troy, rendering her unconscious. That's when Miss Rachel exits and, to Jessica's detriment, Tesha Price enters the ring. She picks up right where Miss Rachel left off, dominating Jessica with a Suplex and Full Nelson before adding a Sleeperhold to send her to dreamland once again!

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17+ min. 746 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3549: Jessicka Havok vs Miss Rachel

Frankie Gastineau is on hand for this Best 3 Out of 5 Falls match. With both these big bads in jeans and T-Shirts. For those of you who are used to seeing both of these powerhouses brawling and squashing opponents they would like to remind you then can both wrestle too! The opening fall is a clinic of armbars and Hammerlocks with plenty of countering with one lady finally securing the fall with a nasty Japanese armbar/scissors combo.

The 2nd fall sees both return more to form, trading Rear Chinlocks and a half Camel Clutch, then in a “stunning” development a Suplex and bridging choke knot the match up a 1 apiece. The 3rd fall starts off on the mat with holds like a Half Crab, deathlocks and a Surfboard being traded but it’s a tight Sleeper that earns a knockout and a 2 falls to one edge.

Before the 4th fall can begin it’s time for a hydration break that turns ugly firing up one grappler until an ill-advised head butt has consequences or both! From there it just gets ugly as tempers flare and the technical wrestling of the first fall fades into memory, a Dragon Sleeper ensures this one is going the distance! Denial and trash talk precede the deciding fall and it’s worth the wait so see how these two go back and forth until one ends up in an inescapable hold that seals the hard fought victory!

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27+ min. 833 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3548: Ivelisse vs CJ O'Doyle

Ivelisse has a big challenge on her hands when she faces of against the considerably bigger CJ O'Doyle in this 1 fall match. Undettered, Ivelisse makes the most of her speed and in the opening minutes of the bout she is able to take the match to CJ, even going so far as to put him on the canvas.

However, there would be very long odds against this going all Ivelisse's way and sure enough, CJ's power soon comes into effect. A big elbow puts Ivelisse down and CJ soon starts to dominate proceedings. Ivelisse endures slams, multiple Piledrivers and a Pedigree, but yet somehow manages to kick out of each subsequent pin attempt.

Perhaps fueled by pure adrenaline, Ivelisse once again fights back and a Superkick gives her a pinning opportunity of her own. CJ kicks out and with the action finely balanced, it's a huge Powerbomb that finally puts one of these warriors down for the 1-2-3.

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9 min. 389 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3547: Jayme Jameson vs Priscilla Kelly

The Priscilla Kelly is admiring the Camel Clutch Championship belt when Jayme charges into the ring with April Hunter in tow claiming ownership of the title. Jayme claims the belt was stolen from her and that she’s still the champion. Jayme proposes a championship match with April conveniently on hand to serve as referee. Priscilla reluctantly agrees and the fight is on!

Jameson goes right after Priscilla, driving her into the turnbuckles and laying into her with punches, forearms and a vicious rope burn. Jayme targets Priscilla’s back with vertical drops, Suplexes and a Bearhug before running Kelly back first into the corner! Jameson works Priscilla over with boot chokes and a brutal Bow and Arrow around the corner post without worrying about a count out. The ‘impartial’ referee joins in, delivering a Camel Clutch with a sadistic double fishhook that nearly relieves Priscilla of her tonsils!

Despite the double-teaming, Priscilla refuses to submit to multiple Camel Clutches until a Tilt-a-Whirl sideslam and double Guillotine legdrop crush her spine and her spirit. A final Camel Clutch has the beaten and broken Priscilla giving up the match and her newly won belt to the former champ.

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9 min. 388 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3546: Amber O'Neal vs Kristin Astara
Also available on DVD SLAM 165.

After reuniting in the ring, Amber and Kristen are in the mood for a contest of some kind. A few ideas are suggested until both women agree on a Full Nelson Challenge, to see who can endure the hold the longest.

Kristen is the first to apply the hold and Amber quickly feels the effects. She tries all manner of ways to free herself from Kristen's grip, but all to no avail. As the hold takes it toll and Amber begins to tire, so the effects of the hold become increasingly painfully and she is eventually forced to submit.

After a moment of recuperation, the roles are reversed and this time Amber clamps on the hold. At first, it appears as though this challenge will end in a stalemate, but Kristen is actually able to escape Amber's grasp. Unfortunately, this only serves to enrage Amber who goes on the offensive with strikes, rakes, chokes and more. When Amber then applies a second Nelson, this time she combines with a bodyscissors and before long it's lights out for Kristen.

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11 min. 473 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3545: Jayme Jameson vs Tesha Price

Right out of the gate, Tesha’s confidence rubs Jayme the wrong way and she declares that she’s going to teach this “young punk” a lesson. Let’s just say this one doesn’t go how Jayme expects it to…

Tesha bites her way out of a Bearhug and then drops Jayme with a low blow. The dirty tricks keep on coming as Tesha uses her boot and the ropes to choke the raven-haired beauty. Jayme’s size advantage doesn’t mean squat as Tesha punishes her with multiple Atomic Drops and drives her head into the canvas with a DDT! When she tires of that torture, she takes a stick from ringside and just starts whacking Jayme mercilessly! There’s no escape for Jayme as she suffers an eye gouging Camel Clutch, a Neckbreaker, and a Belly-to-Belly Suplex before finally succumbing to a leg spreading submission.

But Tesha decides she wants a pinfall too and she nails Jayme with a Northern Lights Suplex to secure an embarrassing 10 count.

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9 min. 382 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3544: Mila Naniki vs Milo Beasley

What happens when two people with a similar first name meet? Well, if you happen to be in a squared circle, you wrestle for the right to use the name. That’s the stipulation of this matchup between Mila and Milo.

Desperate to keep his name, Milo opens with a leg sweep to a Front Facelock on the mat. When Mila turns it into an armbar, Milo escapes by biting his opponent’s leg. Milo continues to attack with a Rear Chinlock, Camel Clutch, and Bow and Arrow hold. But Mila will not surrender the match or her name, and fires back with Crescent Kicks, chops and a teeth-rattling Dropkick or two.

A spinning elbow strike delivers a surprise pinfall for one of these wrestlers and a potential name change for the other.

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9+ min. 398 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3543: Dominique Fabiano vs Rain

Dominique is trying to recover from the thrashing she took from Ivelisse as a punishment for ageist insults when who should walk in but Rain, who heard that Dominique had cast an aspersion or two about her age as well.
Dominique's frantic corrections of "you're young! you're young!" are too little too late as Rain throws her across the ring by her hair and then proceeds to unleash the same follicularly focused brand of punishment that Ivelisse had just dished out.

She breaks up this hair motif with a single leg Boston Crab here, a kick there and a choke to add spice but this is a one-sided hairpulling match through and through. Dominique's bright pink locks are like catnip to a sadistic Rain who uses every corner and rope as leverage with which to pluck at Dominique's scalp. The submission that ends this massacre is practically an act of mercy.

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8+ min. 357 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3542: Dominique Fabiano vs Ivelisse

Willowy pink-haired Dominique makes some major mistakes before so much as laying a hand on her compact opponent Ivelisse by essentially calling her a has-been. She claims that Ivelisse may have been the best wrestler around once but that those days are long past, following that up with digs about Ivelisse's hot temper and supposedly advanced age.
That temper predictably manifests itself immediately with a vicious kick to Dominique's gut accompanied by a series of attacks that befit a street fight more than a wrestling match.

Ivelisse bounces Dominique's head off the turnbuckles, throws her across the ring, chokes her with a boot and peppers her abdominal area with extensive further punishment. Dominique's pink tresses also attract plenty of attention in the form of hairpulling. Oh, there are some wrestling moves here in the form of a combo Waistscissors/chokehold and the final submission that has Dominique tapping. But for the most part this is a one-sided beatdown of the hairpulling variety.

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8+ min. 353 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3541: Jayme Jameson vs Marti Belle

Marti and Jayme kick this multi-fall contest off with some very assured displays of confidence, flexing proudly and each claiming they'll kick the others' butt with ease.
In the beginning, it seems possible that Marti might be the one coming up short in that boast. The bigger, stronger Jayme backs Marti into a corner, brings her to her knees with a test of strength, chokes her on the ropes and takes general pleasure in punishing her. As anyone familiar with Marti's resilient streak will tell you, however, you can't rule her out even when she's taking a beating. She comes roaring back eventually, putting Jayme in a Full Nelson and eventually choking her out for a 5 count.

Jayme gets her revenge though - lifting the lighter wrestler easily into a Bearhug then KOing her with a chokehold of her own. And so it goes, back and forth as the pair of skilled and determined athletes crack each other's limbs in Boston Crabs, crush each other's throats with well-placed boots and generally pull out all the stops. A final neckbreaking submission puts one lady down for the final fall.

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12+ min. 524 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3540: Santana vs Chasyn Rance

Long-time rivals Santana and Chasyn meet again for one of the most technically impressive of their many battles in this 'I Quit' Match.
Chasyn thinks Santana will be quitting forthwith and Santana begs to disagree, suggesting that even rope-breaks be disallowed. Chasyn soon realizes he may have been a tad too confident as a test of strength that he figured would be a cinch turns out to be an extended battle. The test of strength flows into a spectacular chain wrestling sequences as holds are applied and reversed, Headlocks and neckscissors are busted out, and each athlete tests the other's boundaries.

As Chasyn's confidence ebbs, so does his control of the match. Santana's toned thighs grips his neck in place and, deploying that control judiciously, she leads him on a painful tour around the ring. She uses the ropes for some genuinely spectacular acrobatics, leveraging them to apply an upside-down scissors and a vicious Front Facelock.
Santana's thigh strength is truly the star of this match as she deploys extended neck- and headscissors from every angle and position you can possibly imagine, eliciting not just a submission from the outclassed Chasyn but full-on unconsciousness.

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22+ min. 947 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3539: Kiera Hogan vs Vanessa Kraven

Its Kiera’s birthday and you have to wonder how anyone could match her up with the Mountain on her special day, but at least she’s a happy Mountain bearing a gift, sufficed to say it wasn’t off Hogan’s wish list! Despite the setback Kiera’s determined to win her birthday match but even with Kraven on her knees they are almost the same height and it’s apparent this will be an uphill battle for the “Girl on Fire”.

The diminutive grappler tries to make up for her lack of size in close quarters wrestling presenting some interesting leverage challenges to the Mountain who realizes the wresting thing isn’t working for her as much as the beating up thing, which she starts doing very well. With a corner splash and decapitating Clothesline! A nasty Deathlock combo is quickly turning into an awful birthday and a tour of the rings turnbuckles doesn’t make it any better. Kraven tries to gift wrap her after a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but that isn’t a legal pin keeping Hogan in the match.
Determined to ruin her birthday ounce and for all Kraven openly taunts Hogan’s ability to knock her down but the “Girl on Fire” gets, well, fired up and soon is bouncing all around the ring taking much happier tour than before constantly coming back to the mountain with Clotheslines and seated Dropkicks until an inverted Atomic Drop puts Kiera’s fire right out!

Does the birthday girl have enough magic left in her to climb the mountain or will gravity bring her dreams crashing back down to earth?

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13 min. 544 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3538: Jessie McKay vs Su Yung

Jessie and Su open this 1 fall matchup by discussing and dissing each other’s hair. And you can probably guess where this is going, can’t you?
With Su screaming, “I don’t like you,” she grabs large handfuls of Jessie’s long locks and uses them in every maneuver in the book. Bodyscissors with hairpull—check. Rear Naked Choke plus hairpull—check. Camel Clutch with hairpull—check. Adding insult to injury, Su even stomps on and bites (yes, bites) Jessie’s hair.

Unable to escape, Jessie is forced to endure a judo armbar with hairpull, Sleeper with hairpull, getting her hair tied around the top rope, and getting choked with her own hair. Su mercifully ends the torture with a standing Dragon Sleeper (with hairpull, of course) that puts Jessie down on the mat and out for a 3 count.

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13+ min. 398 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3537: Ivelisse vs Jessicka Havok

Referee Frankie Gastineau is on hand to maintain order as the Havok Death Machine and the Huntress lock horns, that is after Jessicka gets over her Scorpion Kick phobia.
A cunning ruse allows Ivelisse to lock in an early Guillotine choke but all it does is enrage the Death Machine who powers out and clamps on a chinlock clutch until some misdirection allows Ivelisse to escape. Both grapplers get a little stone cold in the corner and the Huntress continues to frustrate Jessicka with her elusiveness, but goes full bore after Havok in the corner and comes up lame it’s advantage Jessicka and she presses it with an anklelock, Boston Crab and Half Crab!

Ivelisse remains resourceful but she’s a one-legged wrestler in a butt kicking contest with the wrong opponent and when she makes the mistake of choking in desperation it opens the flood gates for Havok to combine choking with power and an atomic release!
A Stretch Muffler looks like the beginning of the end but somehow Ivelisse finds a way, and what’s her reward, the Full Nelson of Death yet somehow Ivelisse continues to cheat death, and yes some cheating comes into play When she is able to ride Jessicka with a Sleeper, and just when you think her resourcefulness might finally pay off Havok takes a page out of her book with a miraculous escape.

Alas she who cheats to run away shall be put out of her misery with a Tombstone this day!

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13 min. 385 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3536: Christina Von Eerie vs Leva

Leva is in tough here against an aggressive and cruel Christina. She's come prepared with a pair of safety goggles, but Christina quickly snatches them away. Luckily, for Leva, her eyes are not Christina's target; not so luckily, her pretty pigtails are!

Christina digs her fingers into Leva's hair and gives them a good yank, using that grip to toss Leva around the ring and choke her. If that's not enough, the "Punk Princess" throws in the occasional Headbutt, just for fun. Several comeback attempts by Leva are shutdown by Christina, who puts Leva on her back with a Dropkick and a Sidewalk Slam. She pulls on Leva's hair while twisting her in submissions, but Leva won't give in!
A brawl outside the ring briefly turns in Leva's favor after she bites Christina, but soon Christina regains control. Back in the ring, Leva attempts a daring aerial maneuver to steal the match! Will it be enough to stop Christina from getting her hands on Leva's hair one last time?

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14 min. 424 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3535: Malibu vs Nemesis

Test your might! That’s exactly what Malibu and Nemesis have to do as they challenge each other to answer the question of just who is strongest. “The Georgia Peach” isn’t feeling too good after comparing biceps with Nemesis, and her fears come true when a one-handed test of strength doesn’t go in the blonde’s favor.

Once they engage in a more traditional test of strength, the battle is more even and they go back and forth in a struggle for control, the ring almost shaking from their sheer determination. Nemesis breaks the tension with a kick and puts Malibu in a Bearhug, but Malibu counters with a Sleeperhold.
Can she keep “Big Mama” down or has Malibu bitten off more than she can chew?

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6 min. 219 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal
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SLAMpeg 3534: Jayme Jameson vs MJ Jenkins

After an early Headlock exchange, MJ angers Jayme when she makes fun of her 'hobbit legs', then continually calls her Jenna Jameson instead. No idea who that is of course, but Jayme seems to know and apparently takes offense.

Jayme catches a Full Nelson and a Surfboard, but MJ is not to be underestimated. She might be a little out there, but she can damn sure fight. Jameson finds this out the hard way after some hard chops to the chest. After both ladies attempt to copy fellow grappler Santana's trademark handspring elbow, one of them takes the advantage with a Suplex and Boston Crab before settling in an inescapable Camel Clutch for the win.

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12+ min. 534 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3533: Kiera Hogan vs Mia Yim

Referee Chasyn explains the special stipulation, submissions only, but only within a 5 count, otherwise the hold has to be broken. Mia insists the “Girl on Fire” be checked but much to her chagrin Chasyn checks her first, then “finds” a list of moves in Kiera’s boot that she wanted to use in the match, maybe trying to motivate Mia? An opening handshake goes about as well as you’d expect and away they go.
Mia complains about the refs first 5 count being too fast, even so Kiera won’t tap to her Camel Clutch and she has to break at 5. But soon Mia has a plan and after her next submission, a Surfboard doesn’t get the job done she transitions into a Sleeper, then a hair-assisted Surfboard followed by seated bodyscissors! The Ref’s bias comes into question as Mia “breaks” the bodyscissors by rolling Hogan around until she’s seated again for another 5 count, round and round they go, Mia pleased with her exploit and Kiera just getting dizzy, but she probably would have preferred another roll around the ring to the Lotus Lock Yim locks in instead, then she gets the roll around the ring anyways!

Mia has another trick up her sleeve, submissions to illegal holds still count within the 5 count, so Kiera has to endure chokes and hairpulling on top of Mia’s impressive array of submissions including a nasty anklelock! It’s hard to say which is more impressive, Mia transitioning from a Boston Crab, to alternating single-leg Crabs, and a Deathlock or Kiera refusing to tap to all of them!
Hogan takes a verbal shot at the execution Mia’s elevated Bow & Arrow enraging Yim, but is she playing with fire or will Mia get burned by the spunky youngster in the end?

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9 min. 379 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3532: Marti Belle vs Sin-D

Marti takes on Sin-D in a ‘Take 5’ rules match. Under these stipulations, all holds must be broken after a referee 5 count unless there is a submission. As an added incentive, the loser must raise her opponent’s hand in victory.

Despite the complicated rules Sin-D manages to utilize her signature bag of tricks, delivering cheap shots in the ropes, finger rakes to Marti’s back and pulling hair to escape a grinding Headlock before the five count. Referee Ayoka keeps busy as both wrestlers try to wear the other down in 5 count increments with an array of holds including Camel Clutches, Sleepers and Dragon Sleeper holds.
Both wrestlers force themselves to hold out against the pain to avoid the humiliation of raising her opponent’s arm in victory. In the end one wrestler’s quick thinking results in a surprise pin leaving the sore loser to honor the clever victor.

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9+ min. 396 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3531: Jayme Jameson vs Santana

Who's feeling patriotic? Santana enters this one proudly waving the flag of the U.S. of A., which doesn't sit well with her Russian opponent "Jayminski" Jameson. Stout and stoic as the motherland, Jayminski is ready to take Santana's shiny championship belt by force.

Unfortunately for America, Santana proves to be no match for the foreign invader on this day. Sporting an accent that would make Natasha from "Rocky and Bullwinkle" proud, Comrade Jameson completely dominates Santana for this entire multi-fall match. Within seconds, Jayminski lures her opponent into a test of strength that has Santana screaming her submission. A Sleeperhold puts Santana out, an agonizingly long bodyscissors completely drains her making her easy prey for a pin, and a Camel Clutch forces Santana to say "I give!"
All Santana can do is wail like a spoiled brat as she's utterly embarrassed. Even Santana's final attempt at offense is reversed on her, and she can do nothing but quit and watch the victorious Jayminski do what she wants with the belt and the flag.

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10+ min. 446 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3530: Ivelisse vs Jessicka Havok & Vanessa Kraven

It’s a case of speed and skill vs power and even more power as Ivelisse takes on Jessicka and Vanessa in a Best of 3, handicap match in which only one member of the Havok/Kraven team can be in the ring at any time.
Ivelisse pulls a surprising win in the first fall, turning Vanessa’s elevated Bearhug into a smothering Front Facelock that brings Vanessa down to the mat and sees her arm drop 3 times to give Ivelisse the first fall.

Jessicka steps in in the second fall and overpowers Ivelisse with a Stepover Toehold, some painful work in the corners, a Camel Clutch and a foot choke in the corner. A doubleteam over-the-shoulder Backbreaker sets up Ivelisse for Jessicka’s sitdown Powerbomb and a 3 count from guest referee April Hunter to even up the score.
Can Ivelisse recover and score a shocking upset over Jessicka and Vanessa, or is it only a matter of time before the two powerhouses take down the valiant high-flyer?

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11 min. 475 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3529: Gabi Castrovinci & Milo Beasley vs Ivelisse & Chasyn Rance

Mixed tag time here as the teams of Gabi and Milo take on the combined might of Ivelisse and Chasyn. Gabi and Ivelisse open the match and for the first few minutes, the action is well balanced. However, thanks to some savvy tagging, it isn't long before the team of Gabi and Milo begin to dominate.

Successfully isolating Ivelisse, Gabi and Milo work her over both in turn and (despite the referees protestations), sometimes simultaneously. For her part, Ivelisse refuses to give in but is constantly thwarted in her efforts to tag out. However, when an error from Gabi sends her crashing into her partner, Milo's response is to Clothesline his now ex-partner and leave the ring!

Finally able to make the tag, Chasyn now enters the ring and with Gabi still feeling the effects of Milo's Clothesline, Chasyn soon makes short work of her. Slams, Piledrivers and more are dished out as Chasyn gets a measure of payback for Ivelisse. A final spike Piledriver puts Gabi down for good and Chasyn tags in Ivelisse to pin the KOed Gabi for the final 1-2-3.

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14+ min. 617 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3528: Members Matches from December 2015

The second of our new line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

439) April Hunter vs Renee Michelle
440) La Rosa Negra vs Mia Yim
441) Shanna vs Su Yung
442) Kellyanne vs Kellie Skater

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@29 min. 859 MB ZIP/WMV

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3527: Priscilla Kelly vs Shotzi Blackheart

'Hell's Favorite Harlot' faces off with Shotzi in a Best 2 Out of 3 Falls match.
There's some good technical wrestling to start, with both ladies being evenly matched until Priscilla has had enough of the good clean fun and decides to just hammer Shotzi instead. Two can play that game, and soon Blackheart is dragging her nails across the eyes and back of Priscilla.

Priscilla takes the first fall with a sudden DDT and Shotzi ties the score at one apiece with a variation of an RKO ('out of nowhere!' of course). A Dragon Sleeper nearly ends the third fall, but the time-tested Sleeperhold finally does it instead.

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15+ min. 650 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3526: Charli Evans vs Mike Reed

Intergender and International action up next as Charli takes on Mike in this 1 fall contest. Charli's fellow Australian, Jessica Troy will be officiating the match. As the action begins, first impressions might suggest Charli is a little out-muscled - but she soon disproves that theory, matching Mike power for power and in the early stages, putting him on the canvas on numerous occasions.

It isn't long before Mike's frustration begins to shape his offense and soon he is testing Jessica's refereeing skills on a regular basis. Repeated chokes in the corner keep Charli on the defensive as Mike finally finds a way to control the action. Despite his methods however, Mike is still unable to keep Charli down long enough to score the win.

Charli battles back on more than one occasion and when the wining fall finally occurs, it's an opportunistic pin that is counted fairly by the referee. But is Jessica's count a reluctant one that costs her friend the victory? Or will she be raising Charlie's hand in a triumphant win for Australia?

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14 min. 591 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3525: Dementia D'Rose vs La Rosa Negra

La Rosa scores with 2 near falls right off the bat, surprising Dementia. The latter responds with raw power, flattening Rosa in the corner and hitting her with a massive Headbutt. A couple of sit-down splashes lead to a near fall and into a Camel Clutch, and Rosa is definitely in trouble.

After sustaining more punishment in a single-leg Boston Crab, Rosa finally hits a desperation kick to the jaw and follows up with several more hard kicks for a near fall.
However, is that enough to get an upset victory against her powerhouse opponent?

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12 min. 509 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3524: Devyn Nicole vs Miss Rachel

There is controversy afoot in Live Studio Wrestling because there was no clear winner in the women’s title match between champion Devyn and Miss Rachel. So, the choice was made to not only hold a rematch between the two, but Amber O’Neal was named the special guest referee. With the title on the line, Amber serving as guest ref and a rematch pitting Devyn against Miss Rachel, fans know they are in for an amazing bit of action here.

As one would expect, it doesn’t take very long for these two fantastic female stars to go after each other and they do not stop until the final bell rings. Amber makes sure both competitors stay within the rule book for their encounters.
The competitors both come close to winning the match, but they just cannot seemingly get the hand from Amber to hit the mat 3 times. One wrestler finally manages to connect with a match ending move, but does the bell sound before the count is made? Somebody does walk away with the gold when this one is over, but it’s the way she does that leaves the fans wanting another altercation between the two.

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11 min. 463 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3523: Dominique Fabiano vs Ivelisse

Dominique may be new to the wrestling world, but when she gets in the ring with the well-traveled wrestling veteran in Ivelisse, the rookie shows that she has the skills to take the best talent to the limit inside of the squared circle. Santana is your referee for the match, even giving Dominique a pre-fight pep talk to boost her confidence up a notch.

The fact that this is a Knockouts Only Match may give Dominique the chance she needs to defeat Ivelisse. Ivelisse starts of the match like a veteran should, dominating her lesser experienced foe with the tenacity that she has shown throughout her in ring career. Santana starts taking side with Dominique in the match, especially after Ivelisse comes close to finishing the pink haired starlet.

Ivelisse notices this and it doesn’t help her match as her opponent, assisted by the crooked Santana, starts coming closer and closer to that match ending knockout. In the end, there are two people knocked out, but is it Santana and her friend Dominique or is it Santana and the woman she was trying to cause harm to in Ivelisse. Either way, two people aren’t answering the ten count and one leaves with her hands raised in victory.

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10- min. 416 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3522: Kennadi Brink vs Priscilla Kelly

Keira Hogan helps Priscilla stretch out an injured knee prior to her title defense against Kennadi. Priscilla wants to be a fighting champion while Kennadi senses an opportunity to take the title against a wounded champion. Priscilla wisely tries to end the fight quickly, catching Kennadi with near fall rollups, cradles and body press pins. Kennedi won’t be sent away so easily and after distracting the ref to clear away Keira Hogan from ringside, she goes straight to work on the champ’s injured leg.

Kennadi pulls down the champ’s knee pad and stretches her injured leg around the ropes and corner post, slams her leg to the canvas with an ankle lock DDT and grinds away on the injured joint with a knee bar. An out of control Kennadi’s finds a ringside baseball bat and lays into referee Jason Cade and Priscilla with the foreign object.
Cade calls for a DQ but the desperate clangs of the ring bell don’t slow Brink down one bit and her assault won’t end until the ring is littered with title belts, ringside chairs, baseball bats and broken bodies as this title match erupts into a chaotic street fight.

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16+ min. 694 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3521: Leva vs Saraya

Leva is arguably perfectly attired for her match with Saraya. Cosplaying a character from 'The Walking Dead' seems entirely appropriate for anyone ready to face Saraya in the ring when there is no referee present. And when Leva's offer of a sporting handshake is met with a poke to the eye, you can probably guess how this match is going to go.

A succession of Hairmares from Saraya set the tone quickly and it's clear Leva's hair is going to be Saraya's primary (but certainly not only) target. Rather than simply pull Leva's hair, Saraya uses it as an added means of torture whilst working over Leva in a series of agonizing submission holds. Camels, Surfboards, leglocks, Lotus Locks and more twist and bend Leva's limbs whilst Saraya's grip on her hair remains constant.

In a final act of dominance, Saraya lifts Leva onto her shoulders and threatens to bend in her half with a handful of hair cranking on Leva's neck. And even when Leva does submit, Saraya's selective hearing needs Leva to say it a few more times before she finally relents.

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12+ min. 379 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3520: Amber Nova vs Kaci Lennox

Amber and Kaci have met inside the squared circle many times during their pro wrestling careers, but something always makes things more intense in the ring and this altercation is no different. Even with a referee to keep the peace in this one fall match, the two rivals go at each other like the rules do not exist.

Neither wrestler gains and early edge until Kaci nails Amber with a knee strike, then it is Kaci’s time to shine as she beats down the Nova Girl. Kaci does her best Figure Eight and poor Amber’s legs are preparing to snap because of it. Nova does her best to wrest control of the match from her opponent, but Kaci always finds a way to keep Nova from turning into a Super Nova.

With firm control of the match and nothing left to prove to her beaten down opponent, one wrestler decides its best to see how far someone can bend before they break. One wrestler eventually does break, while another is getting her hand raised by the referee.

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8+ min. 364 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3519: Aja Perera vs Cruz

Told that he has 60 minutes to work with, Cruz boasts that he'll need only 60 seconds to put Aja away. Somehow we doubt it will go down like that. Right off the bat, Aja shows she can hang with Cruz, twisting his arm to bring the man to his knees. Cruz returns the favor, but he knows he's in for a fight now.

Aja has Cruz on the ropes (literally), but he takes control with a test of strength that puts a major strain on Aja's arms. The fiery Aja has had enough of the grappling and she lays into Cruz with a stiff strike and a Headbutt. Cruz counters by blatantly using Aja's hair to gain an advantage.
The dirty tactics come fast and furious as Cruz grinds his elbow against Aja's face and rakes her eyes. Aja gets some payback, using her hair as a weapon to literally whip Cruz! Referee Amanda Rodriguez has her hands full with this one. The action rolls on with the two warriors exchanging holds and hard hits, and it takes one of them being driven headfirst into the mat to end the battle.

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13+ min. 575 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3518: April Hunter vs Milo Beasley

What starts as a battle of strength vs strength in this intergender match turns into a battle of Sleeperholds.
After trading armbars and Hammerlocks, Milo drives April back into the corner and starts working her over. But a chinbreaker turns the tables, and April unloads with elbow drops to the groin, stomps and kicks. A Sleeperhold almost puts Milo out, but he battles out and slaps on a Sleeper of his own.

April eventually works her way back to her feet, has her way with Milo in the corner, then tosses him to the mat, where she locks on a Rear Naked Choke. Milo breaks free and puts April in a Sleeper with the added indignation of choking her with her own hair. After powering her way out, April returns the favor with a Sleeper plus a choke with Milo’s beard, then locks on a Sleeper with a bodyscissors, followed by a rope choke.

Milo responds with yet another Sleeper that almost has April down for the count. In the end, a crucial mistake after an Irish Whip into the corner leaves one grappler wide open for the match-ending Sleeperhold.
Which warrior has an arm dropped 3 times, and which has their arm raised in victory?

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12+ min. 530 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3517: Ayoka vs LT Falk

Ayoka takes the early advantage in her intergender matchup against LT, but the wily Falk manages to use Ayoka’s moves against her, forcing a few near falls with some clever escapes and reversals.
The two trade armwork and mat maneuvers in an attempt to gain an edge. LT uses a Rear Naked Choke, Suplex, Dragon Sleeper and an underhook Full Nelson to wear down Ayoka. But the game Ayoka, takes advantage of a missed knee drop to secure the win with a Headbutt, Irish Whip into a Clothesline, and a crunching Suplex.

LT complements Ayoka after the win and offers a handshake. When Ayoka goes to accept, LT attacks both her and the referee, laying out both with a double DDT. But the duo are quick to recover, and they deliver a fine doubleteam beatdown of LT before rudely ejecting him from the ring.

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11+ min. 493 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3516: Allysin Kay vs Su Yung

Katie Forbes takes on the role of referee for this match between Allysin and Su. With Katie promising to remain impartial the match begins and it isn't long before Su nails Allysin with an Atomic Drop. And it's a move that's destined to be the first of many.

Whilst there is some wrestling here, it isn't long before this match becomes something of a war of attrition... with both sides deploying repeated Atomic Drops as their main arsenal. Amid the back and forth battle that ensues, even Katie lends a hand (and a knee), first to Su and later to Allysin - which we guess is technically being impartial, right?

Allysin mixes things up a little when she treats Su to a succession of Keister Bounces but soon the Atomic Drops are falling again. With both Su and Allysin determined to have the final word, it again falls to the referee to intervene. But this time, Katie's involvement is considerably more reluctant and involves being on the wrong end of an unlikely alliance!

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16+ min. 489 MB WMV, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3515: Lady Chardonnay Darcy vs Rain

Wearing matching stockings, these ladies start off with some solid chain wrestling in a Best of 5 falls contest. To her credit, Lady Chardonnay holds her own against the more experienced Rain. This of course does not sit well with The Radiant One, who starts clubbing away at her foe.

Rain manages to win the first fall with an excruciating Texas Cloverleaf and keeps her focus on the legs during the second fall. She mixes it up with some illegal tactics (we're talking about Rain after all), and before long Darcy finds herself tapping out to a painful Figure Four Leglock and is 2-0 behind.
She now needs 3 straight falls, and against a wrestler like Rain, that's an uphill battle to say the least...

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13+ min. 564 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3514: Mia Yim vs Saraya

In what can only be described as a bad idea, Mia decided to have her hair done before her match with Sweet Saraya. The latter opens by saying "Darling, don't you worry about anything". Which of course means Mia had better worry A LOT and is better off running away than staying in the squared circle.

Mia of course stays around, so she gets poked in the eye right away (which is how British people say good morning apparently). This quickly becomes the least of her concerns, as she is hairpulled, low blowed and tested for flexibility after that. And when Mia won't voluntarily cooperate with her torture session, Saraya is more than happy to persuade her with the good old-fashioned Greco-Roman thumb up the bum (the British way of saying good night perhaps?).
Needless to say, this episode of 'Saraya having fun at the workplace' ends like all other episodes before: with Saraya victorious and her opponent a broken and beaten mess.

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8+ min. 361 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3513: Kay Lee Ray vs Samantha Heights

Kay Lee takes on Samantha in this 1 fall matchup that sees Kay Lee gain the upper hand early with a Side Headlock takedown to the mat. She follows up with a Camel Clutch variant with hairpull, then a Rear Naked Choke, but the crafty Samantha rolls it back and nearly scores a surprise pinfall.

Samantha pulls some clever reverses and maneuvers, including a small package reversal of an attempted Suplex, to score several near falls.
Kay Lee continues her assault, tossing Samantha across the ring by her hair, locking in a Dragon Sleeper plus bodyscissors, and an Irish Whip into a nasty running shoulder block.
Is Kay Lee’s attack too much for the up-and-comer to endure, or does Samantha still have a few tricks up her sleeve?

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9+ min. 399 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3512: Jessica Troy vs Leva

Referee Jayme Jameson wants a clean match but newcomer Jessica wants it to be Aussie rules which Leva equates to criminal rules, sufficed to say it’s going to be a long match for Jayme.
The turnbuckles get quite a workout early as faces are constantly slammed into them, including Leva introducing Jessica to all three in the near corner. Leva seems determined to play by Aussie rules as well while Jessica thinks they should only be for actual Aussie’s and Jayme just wants to stop counting for breaks of illegal moves.

Whether its American rules or Aussie rules Jayme is pretty sure cookie sheets aren’t legal, neither are crutches for that matter but that doesn’t stop both from getting involved as the match gets even more out of control! The pendulum continues to swing, thanks mostly to abuses of the ropes and a ref who at this point is just fed up with both of them!
A sudden “super” kick leaves one grappler out of it, and one very confused ref as to what rules end this rules-less match!

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9 min. 384 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3511: Aerial Munroe vs April Hunter

April and Aerial put their pride on the line through a hotly contested chest bump battle, pectoral-popping flex off, and thumb wrestling scrimmage before April delivers a brutal series of kicks to Aerial’s abs to start the match.
The pair brawl back and forth with hard forearm shots, turnbuckle smashes and kicks until Aerial clamps on a tight Bearhug to wear Big Red down. April finally manages to make her escape after a prolonged squeeze in Aerial’s tight vice before returning the favor with a rib crushing hug of her own!

The match quickly turns into a battle of the Bearhugs as both wrestlers do their best to try to collapse the lungs of their opponent. The struggling victims employ increasingly desperate bell claps, foot stomps and elbow strikes as they fight for air within the crushing grip of their opponent. Teetering on the edge of consciousness, one over-matched wrestler finally submits the match to avoid a humiliating knockout and is forced to acknowledge her opponent’s superiority.

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7 min. 305 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3510: Priscilla Kelly & Santana vs Jason Cade

What starts out as a friendly training session quickly devolves into a miserable experience for poor Jason as Priscilla and Santana take advantage of their would-be teacher. Jason shows Priscilla how to do a Figure Four, but it isn't until she gets the chance to put it on him that we see how painful the hold can really be! Even though he's trying to cooperate, Santana insists on pushing him around and slamming his head in the mat to make it even easier for Priscilla to execute her holds.

And execute she does, shredding Jason with a Camel Clutch, a leglock Full Nelson, and an Abdominal Stretch before Santana joins back in with a Full Nelson. Completely immobilized, Jason can only plead for mercy, which Priscilla conveniently ignores. She delivers several unprotected chops and then a low blow that causes Jason to crumble. One last Figure Four by Santana leaves Jason down and out, sobbing in the fetal position.

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6+ min. 284 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3509: MJ Jenkins vs Ray Lyn

MJ Jenkins isn't happy when she finds out her match with Ray Lyn is only scheduled for 5 minutes. Apparently Ray has a flight to catch and has places to be. Quickly tiring of Ray's attitude, MJ decides to make the most of the time she has available and takes the fight to Ray.

Ray's flight may be imminent, but thanks to MJ she is already flying around the ring. And when Ray comes to a stop against a turnbuckle, it's Bronco Buster time! MJ stays in control with a duo of Backbreakers and a flurry of knee strikes.

A final modified Hangman brings about the winning submission for MJ and it's within the 5 minute mark! The last we see of Ray is being dragged backstage by MJ... and we're gonna guess she's not putting Ray in a taxi to the airport!

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5+ min. 241 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3508: Layne Rosario vs Mike Reed

Layne has no interest in getting an "Upgrade" from Mike in this match, so he'll have to settle for a hardy scrap with the "Derby Doll". It's Layne who gets the first knockdown, clipping Mike with a back elbow, but it's barely enough to keep the larger man down for a one count. A missed kick costs Layne dearly and Mike soon takes to targeting her wounded leg. She tries to fight on, but Mike cracks her with a pair of forearms and chokes her with his boot. Despite taking a Suplex and an elbow drop, Layne finds a way to answer back with elbows in the corner and a facebuster!

Back and forth they go, Layne scoring big points with a DDT and a kick to Mike's face, Mike putting Layne down with a Bodyslam. There's plenty of punishment taken by both fighters here. In the end, it's a knee to the dome that leaves the loser down for the count, the victor punctuating their win with an arrogant pose.

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12+ min. 529 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3507: Kiera Hogan vs Jason Cade

Chasyn is the match official for this 1 fall intergender contest. Jason makes the early running in the opening moments of the bout, quickly putting Kiera in a modified Surfboard and seeking an early submission. However, this is far from a one-sided contest and soon Kiera is back on equal terms with her opponent.

A flurry of offense from Keira soon puts her in control, culminating in an impressive Flying Headscissor that sees Jason scurrying for the ropes. Before long, Jason is back in contention and a Texas Cloverleaf has Kiera close to tapping before she is barely able to force the rope break.

Kiera channels her aggression into another sustained assault that scores her a near-fall and so the action continues with both wrestlers coming closer and closer to victory. Finally, a hard-hitting Swinging Neckbreaker puts one of these fighters down for a 3 count pin.

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12 min. 508 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3506: Marti Belle vs Santana

Santana is one of the best women wrestlers on the planet right now, but there are times when her devious side makes an appearance and this is one of those times. Poor Marti Belle doesn’t stand a chance in this match because Santana jumps her seconds into the match and doesn’t relent until Marti can no longer defend herself.

Santana doesn’t just brutalize Marti throughout the entire contest, but she uses moves and tactics that would be deemed illegal if a referee were present. However, with no referee around to keep things in order, Santana is free to do whatever she wants and that is exactly what takes place here. Santana is so dominant in this contest that halfway through the bout, she decides to take a breather and poor Marti can do nothing but lay back in agony.

Santana doesn’t just use some borderline illegal wrestling holds to punish her foe, but the ring post and ring ropes also play a prominent role in the festivities as well. Santana doesn’t just finish off Marti for the 3 count, but she shatters her dreams before the 3 count and it is a shattering that Marti won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

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12+ min. 538 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3505: Kaci Lennox vs Tesha Price

Amber Nova is your referee for this match as two of the best prospects meet when Tesha battles Kaci. Kaci manages to gain the upper hand early in the match, showing off her perceived wrestling prowess against her opponent. Tesha is quick to take over, but like the majority of the match will show, neither lady is able to hold onto the advantage for too long.

Submission moves are the way the ladies go in this one, whether it is armbars, Figure Four Leglocks or any other type of agonizing hold making the women wrestlers wondering if tapping the mat is the way to go. Career preservation must not mean much to either competitor because Kaci and Tesha refuse to tap, instead just opt to punish each other as much as humanly possible.

One ladies perceived arrogance cost her in the end, which allows the other to slap on the Figure Four Leglock for a second time to finally secure a submission victory in this one. The question becomes, was it Kaci or was it Tesha frantically tapping the mat to preserve their leg from snapping a half and living to fight again another day?

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11- min. 458 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3504: Charli Evans vs Mia Yim

Following an exchange of pleasantries, Mia locks up with upstart Charli. The veteran Mia starts off with a Hammerlock, followed by a judo-style armbar on the mat that forces Charli to reach for the ropes to break the hold.
Charli works over Mia by raining down kicks, punches, and forearms. A rope choke and several vicious uppercuts leads to a pair of 2 counts for Charli.

Mia battles back a pair of Snapmares followed by nasty kicks to the back of the head, then reaches deep into her bag of submission maneuvers with a Surfboard, double Chickenwing, and bodyscissors. A running kick, and a nasty helluva kick in the corner still only puts Charli down for a 2 count.
It’s only a matter of time before one wrestler secures the victory while the other tastes … quite literally … defeet.

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12+ min. 526 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3503: Amber Nova vs Tesha Price

Amber gets an STF on her adversary in the opening moments of this submission match, but Tesha saves herself the embarrassment of an early defeat by getting to the ropes and forcing a break. She then reverses into a modified Camel Clutch, but there's no quitting in Amber just yet.

Figure Four Leglocks are applied and reversed, and we see a Boston Crab, Headscissors, and elevated Surfboard among others before this one is through. In the end, a bridging double underhook (or Cattle Mutilation to some out there) finally leads to a submission.

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10+ min. 436 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 3502: Amanda Rodriguez vs Ivelisse

Amanda touts her arm wrestling skills and challenges Ivelisse, but the Huntress prefers wrestling the arm and in the blink of an eye ACR is in a nasty seated armbar! Both arms become instant targets and with no ref ropes are used to great effect. But just when you think a massacre is about to begin Ivelisse finds her own arm targeted with a series of painful locks and bars, until Ivelisse turns the tables again.

Back and forth they go, trading elbow hyperextensions, Hammerlocks, half strangleholds, a Straitjacket clutch, and more. While Ivelisse certainly has the more exotic arsenal, ACR’s more basic assortment of holds is every bit as painful! Neither grappler can build too much momentum until Amanda tries to determine which shoulder might have a prior injury and Ivelisse takes exception with a punishing Cobra Clutch and bodyscissors combo, ACR’s desperate struggle for the ropes is rewarded with a reluctant break, but no letup in the attack…until Amanda says all she wanted to do was arm wrestle…and uses a cheap shot to regain the advantage!

The ropes prove a great equalizer as she torments Ivelisse until her superior agility allows her to exit the ring and bring the wall into play! Firmly in the driver’s seat Ivelisse goes back to the exotic attack including a mounted Full Nelson and bodyscissors only to have momentum swing ACR’s way again. Despite a nasty elbow hyperextension Ivelisse is just too crafty and counters into Figure Four Headscissors with an arm bar to boot, driving ACR’s face into the mat before breaking the hold.
Ticked off by her opponent’s valiance Ivelisse steps up the abuse in the corner and cries for mercy are cruelly answered with a waistlock Suplex. It only gets worse as she snaps her arm over the ropes and rams her shoulder into the turnbuckle and applies a Hammerlock around the middle rope….and still she comes back, giving Ivelisse a taste of her own Full Nelson/bodyscissors! If Ivelisse didn’t like the taste of her own medicine, Amanda downright hates the chicken wing bodyscissors and Surfboard she soon finds herself in.
The final submission is worth the wait and the vanquished has nothing to be ashamed of, but one thing is for sure, either one will want to arm wrestle for a very long time!

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28+ min. 1.16 GB MP4, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3501: Aja Perera vs Sin-D

Sin-D’s Southern Spirit title is on the line and the ref is a little camera-shy which could hamper her positioning. Things start off sportsman like enough with some nice chain wrestling and the veteran quickly figures out she can’t out-wrestle Aja, barely escaping a Boston Crab attempt. Lockup number 2 sees the sportsmanship go out the window and Aja’s throat becomes a prime target and Sin D taking advantage of the ref’s lack of mobility to hide her attack. Lots of corner work and other dirty tactics continue as Sin-D uses the ineffective ref to her favor, even when Aja tries to fight fire with fire she gets burned by the sly champion. Things just get worse as Aja has to practically beg the ref to count when an abdominal claw is applied while trapped in the corner.

Finally the youngster has enough a series of head butts have Sin-D reeling but an eyerake remains the great equalizer stopping Aja in her tracks. The champion presses her advantage by tormenting both the challengers’ arms with the ropes.
A DDT brings this one to a close but has Sin-D found her path to victory or can Aja find the spirit to become a champion?

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9+ min. 178 MB MP4, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

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