
SLAMpeg 3800: Chelsea Green vs Madison Eagles & Shazza McKenzie
Chelsea watches from the ring as something of a drama unfolds outside, Shazza wants revenge on Chelsea for costing her to lose a rematch with Santana, but she’s too beat up from said rematch to do it herself. Logic dictates when someone’s bestie does something to you, you get your bestie to return the favor, or something like that. Sadly for Shazza, Madison wants no part of it, no matter how much she begs and pleads, that is until Chelsea opens her mouth and insults Shazza. No one insults Shazza except Madison!
Chelsea’s claims of a misunderstanding fall on deaf ears as she’s repeatedly whipped off the ropes into strikes and a tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker! Shazza now has a ref shirt on but she’s really just in the ring to see Chelsea get her comeuppance up close and personal. Madison isn’t thrilled to find out she’s beating up Chelsea because she put a Headband of Power on Shazza (it’s a long story), but she’s still doing it because that’s what friends are for. Chelsea meanwhile finds herself in Surfboards, strangleholds and a bridging Mutalock all while Shazza ignores rope breaks and won’t allow her to submit. A Backbreaker and Fisherman’s Suplex are more than enough to finish Chelsea, except that Shazza prolongs the count to prolong the agony and Green can’t help herself from kicking out. Shazza’s revenge continues with a Suplex, Bow and Arrow stretch, half Crab variant before a Jackknife Powerbomb finally puts Chelsea out of her misery.
Its celebration time for the Aussie’s and that can mean only 1 thing…Denny’s! But as Shazza is leaving the ring Chelsea makes the 2nd biggest mistake of her career, saying “Denny’s Sucks!” Shazza can’t believe her ears but Madison is trying to talk her down until Chelsea makes the biggest mistake of her career…”Starbucks’s Sucks” which is NOT OK!
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16+ min. 707 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3799: Cami Fields vs Devyn Nicole
The rules to this bout is simple: Cami has 5 minutes to draw a submission out of Devon, or else Devon will win the matchup. Both ladies are equally matched and go hold for hold with armwringers and Hammerlocks, until Cami catches Devon in the back of her knees with a well-placed boot. Cami goes after Devon's legs, but soon they're again going back and forth with Surfboards and Sleeperholds. All looks to be well for Devon until she's swept off her feet and trapped in a Boston Crab!
Trapped in that submission, and with time running out, can Devon last to gain the victory? Or has Cami snuck her submission in on time?
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5+ min. 239 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal
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SLAMpeg 3798: Members Matches 8/2015
The sixth of our new line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!
423) Miss Rachel vs Serena Deeb
424) Amanda Rodriguez vs Katie Forbes
425) Kellie Skater vs Santana
426) Bambi Hall vs Malia Hosaka
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
@30+ min. 902 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3797: Mia Yim vs Su Yung
Su is none too thrilled to be involved to be in a barefoot, jean shorts matchup against Mia. In fact, she’s nothing short of repulsed after Mia slams her into the turnbuckle and then places her bare foot on Su’s throat to try to choke her out. Nor is Su happy when guest referee Allysin Kay follows suit with a barefoot choke of her own. Su sweeps the leg to take down Mia, then returns the favor with a foot choke of her own (followed yet again by a very enthusiastic Allysin). Su escapes Mia’s Sleeperhold by twisting her toes, then stands on Mia’s throat.
But Mia works her way out and delivers another foot choke in the corner on Su (followed by an Allysin foot choke). Mia locks on a one-legged Boston Crab, but Su quickly reverses it. Su shows off her amazing skills as she rolls out of a bodyscissors and deftly turns it into an elevated, swinging Surfboard hold.
In the end, it’s an inescapable Headscissors that forces one wrestler to finally tap out, but a gloating winner is taken down by her defeated foe, only to see the overexcited referee Allysin apply a Figure Four Leglock, while the vanquished foe adds a Headscissors.
The “winner” of the match is left unconscious on the mat as the ref and the “loser” leave together.
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10+ min. 450 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3796: Kikyo vs Tesha Price
Tesha is in the ring stretching, just minding her own business when suddenly she’s rocked by a low blow from behind! A quick explanation and apology for a little rookie hazing from her massive assailant is followed by a handshake, then a stomp, eye poke and back rake, at no time did Kikyo say the hazing was over!
Kikyo relishes the role of the angry vet, running Tesha over and mounting her with punches and a Headbutt, pounding her head repeatedly into the top, middle and bottom turnbuckles! The vet punishes her with Surfboards, chokes, and Rear Chinlocks while adding eyegouges and fishhooks to insult the injury! When Tesha does try to fire back she ends up taking an Inverted Atomic Drop that might set new SLAM Shack height and distance records, and she’s only getting started.
A thunderous legdrop crushes Tesha’s throat, an Earthquake-style splash does the same to her gut, and then a single Bronco Buster busts her chest! Sufficed to say the Vet is having fun and the Rookie wishes she were somewhere, anywhere else.
After a series of ferocious kicks Price finds herself in the perfect place…for a rookie crushing Banzai Drop! But Kikyo isn’t done yet mounting the corner for a second one, with Tesha still reeling from the first one she has plenty of time to dedicate it to all the vets who have to put up with little upstarts, then comes crashing down on Tesha, completing as literal a squash as you’ll ever see!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 366 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3795: Alere Little Feather vs Cindy Rogers
Also available as DVD SLAM 7.
Alere and Cindy bring their feud to SLAMminLadies in this treat of a match for fans of old school wrestling. The ladies face each other and run through some very good chain wrestling--lots of Waistlocks, Headlocks, scissors, Wristlocks and pin attempts. Equally matched in ability, one wrestler finally resorts to a few shortcuts to gain an advantage.
Is her mean streak enough to give her a win or does it just make her oppnonet fight back that much harder? Lots of good hard wrestling and leglocks-including a Figure Four that lasts almost 2 minutes!-and some very concentrated submission holds that test each ladies' limits!
A must for fans of these ladies or of good mat wrestling!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
28 min. 1.16 GB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720, shot in 2004
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3794: Jayme Jameson vs Ivelisse
Ivelisse and Jayme are all business from the start of this match with the former demanding that Jayme demonstrate that her impressive muscles are functional and not decorative. Jayme is happy to oblige, cutting through an initial exchange of holds with an elevated Bearhug in which she holds the featherweight Ivelisse aloft with ease.
How does Ivelisse react? Well, with a combination Waistscissors/chokehold followed a neckscissors that has poor Jayme gasping.
These two are not playing. Jayme lifts Ivelisse in another Bearhug while the smaller lady keeps wrapping Jayme up in chokeholds, scissor variations and Front Facelocks. A final body-bending submission provides the coda to this contest.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12- min. 503 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3793: Jewells Malone vs Rain
To start off, Rain announces that this is a historic matchup, the first ever one-on-one encounter between herself and Jewells. It looks like Rain is well prepared for it as she gets the better of the early exchanges before slapping on a lethal Sleeper that nets her the first of 3 falls.
Rain is her typically arrogant self and she makes sure to gloat about her success as much as possible between rounds. This isn't Jewells' first rodeo though. She's able to turn the tables around in the second period, overwhelming Rain until she manages to trap her in a suffocating hand smother. Soon enough, it's night-night for the radiant one.
The third fall could go either way and it's simply a matter of who strikes first. The more aggressive wrestler is rewarded with an opening to execute a modified Cobra Clutch and earn the definitive victory by a score of two KOs to one.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7- min. 293 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3792: Kikyo vs Santana
Did someone order a mismatch? Santana might be an established star in the wrestling world, but she's giving up some size to Kikyo and you better believe that plays a factor here. That said, Santana isn't impressed and she challenges Kikyo to a First to 7 Knockouts Match. This could be a baaaaad idea...
Things start off well enough for Santana as she uses her speed and craftiness to secure the first KO with an expertly applied Sleeper. But that's as good as it gets for her in this one. The wrath of Kikyo is quickly unleashed and she evens the score with a back-bending Camel Clutch sleeper KO. More follow, with Kikyo throwing in thigh presses, stomps, and blatant boot chokes for good measure. Santana is left limp as Kikyo squeezes her in a big Bearhug, and traps her in the ropes while applying a Cobra Clutch. She even gets creative using both her own long hair and Santana's to score another KO. The python-like Kikyo gives Santana no chance to escape and she goes on to rack up the 7 KOs with ease.
Post-match, Kikyo lifts Santana up on her shoulders and puts her on display before dumping the beaten brunette on the mat, leaving her in a not-so-sweet slumber.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 538 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3791: Jordynne Grace vs Kiera Hogan
We're informed at the opening that this is a 20 minute, pinfall-only match where each pinfall gained - up to 10 - gets a cash bonus.
With the match underway, Jordynne is quick to focus on Kiera's midsection and back, hitting shoulder thrusts in the corner and a Snap Suplex. A Complete Shot gives Jordynne the first fall - and she quickly follows it up by winning falls 2 and 3... and then 4, 5 and 6! Despite short bursts of offense out of Kiera, she is absolutely decimated by Jordynne's power advantage. A Vader Splash, a Clotheline and a myriad of different submissions and blows has Kiera constantly reeling.
With the 20 minute time limit approaching, and Jordynne sitting on 9 out of the 10 falls, can she get that tenth fall to pick up the full bonus? Or will Kiera at least get to take home some cash of her own?
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20 min. 858 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3790: Brandi Wine vs Lacey
We dig into the vault for this one, which sees Brandi Wine taking on Lacey. With no referee in site, the rules are broken quickly, with Lacey going after Brandi's blonde hair, yanking it at every chance she's got! Hairmares abuse Brandi's shoulder-length locks, but she's not going down quietly... she fights back with cheating of her own! After a blinding eye rake, her focus goes right to Lacey's long locks, re-paying her in kind for what she did to Brandi earlier.
A hairpull-enhanced Camel Clutch has one competitor crying out her submission at the end of this bout - but is it Lacey standing victorious? Or has Brandi done well to make Lacey pay for pulling on her hair in the first place?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 269 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3789: Rain vs Shantelle Taylor
The Radiant Rain takes on Shantelle in a brutal submissions only ‘I Quit’ Match that’s sure to grind some of the shine off their spandex.
Both wrestlers cautiously test out their opponent with Headlocks, wristlocks, Hammerlocks and reversals before Rain finally seizes control with a double-toed hairpull that draws the ire of the ref. The Radiant One breaks before the 5 count but continues to torture poor Shantelle in an agonizing double toehold, wrenching her ankles until Taylor finally swims to the safety of the ropes.
Shantelle manages her share of revenge and has Rain screaming in pain with an expertly executed Indian Deathlock. The wrestlers’ struggle to reach their feet gives testament to the terrible toll of their tortuous leglocks. Soon Taylor goes back to work, pretzeling Rain on the canvas in a tight Mutalock as she continues to work Rain’s legs. Rain responds with a Boston Crab that nearly draws a submission from the hobbled Shantelle.
Both wrestlers absorb tremendous punishment before a devastating double-toed double armbar leaves one wrestler with no hope for escape as she screams out a desperate submission.
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10- min. 500 MB MP4, Processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2007)
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3788: Rain vs Serena Deeb
A returning Serena is excited to be back and is quick to remind us she'll challenge Rain for her title anytime, anywhere. Which is not a smart thing to say when the Radiant One is lurking in the background. She launches a sneak attack on Deeb that is only halted momentarily when Chasyn dives into the ring wearing the stripes, restraining Rain in the process.
When the match finally starts officially, Serena is understandably fired up and fires at Rain with a barrage of kicks. Rain is crafty though. Capitalizing on Deeb's weakened state, she lures her out of the ring where she viciously attacks Serena's leg, even wrapping it around the ringpost and dropping her knee-first on a chair!
Rain is absolutely relentless in this one, leaving Serena damaged to such an extent that her return might be far shorter that she had initially hoped...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 320 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3787: Candi Divine vs Rain
Also available on DVD 176.
Already something of a legend herself, Rain finds herself in the role of a rookie in this match... at least, compared to her opponent. Not that Candi's legendary status has slowed her down any, as Rain quickly finds out.
Both wrestlers dish out their fair share of punishment here with bodyscissors, Camel Clutches, armlocks, leglocks, Sleepers and even a Test of Strength featuring in the back and forth action. Rain comes teasingly close to victory with a crossface but Candi is able to reach the ropes.
It isn't long before Rain then finds herself in an equally painful predicament after Candi secures a Boston Crab. But will it be enough for the veteran to earn a submission win? Or can Rain topple an icon of the sport?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
5+ min. 270 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal
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SLAMpeg 3786: Malia Hosaka vs Rain
Previously available as a 2011 giveaway.
Can you imagine being the ref for this match? Talk about a tough time. It's only seconds into the match before Rain is biting her opponent and Malia is trying to pull Rain's hair out by the roots. That'll teach the Radiant One to wear her hair in pigtails before facing Malia!
With all the rule-breaking going on, you'd almost forget there's an actual wrestling match going on. Rain's main focus is on Malia's arm, while Hosaka nearly earns the submission victory with a modified Texas Cloverleaf.
Sure, there's Backbreakers and Abdominal Stretches to be seen in this one. But for the most part, we're talking about a plain old fight here. The official tries several times to inform the combatants that "There's rules in here", but it's all in vain. Malia's typical response is "Did you see me biting? No? Then I didn't do it!", while Rain actually offers to count along with the numerous 5 counts that should have lead to a DQ.
Eventually, a time-tested Sleeperhold puts one of these ladies out cold.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 637 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3785: Amanda Rodriguez vs Rain
Sometimes, it just takes one opening to put a match away. Despite being on the defensive for a vast majority of her 1 fall matchup against Amanda, Rain finds a way to eke out a victory.
Rain Hiptosses Amanda early on and applies a Facelock on the mat. And then Rain’s offense … dries up. Amanda escapes into Headscissors, then applies an Anklelock. She nails Rain with numerous punches and forearms, then shoves her in the corner and rams her with shoulderblocks. Amanda keeps up the attack with multiple forearm shots and another shoulder block in the corner. But when she whips Rain into the opposite turnbuckles, Rain finds her opening and capitalizes.
How does Rain manage to overcome Amanda’s dominance and get her arm raised in victory? Only one way to find out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
6 min. 262 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3784: Amber O'Neal vs April Hunter
A tightly contested 1 fall match.
The clean back and forth of armlocks, Headlocks and Wristlocks soon gives way to April taking shortcuts with blatant rope and boot chokes. Amber fights her way out of trouble but a reversed Irish Whip puts her hard into the corner where April crushes the beautiful blonde with a trio of Lariats that leaves Amber slumped on the turnbuckles. Hunter goes to work and takes the ref’s 5 counts to the limit with hairpulls, neck stands and more chokes until Amber turns the momentum completely around with a devastating forearm between April’s legs!
Amber roars back into the match and delights in giving April some of her own bitter medicine, but hits a roadblock when April delivers a stunning jawbreaker. The war rages on and the ref loses all control as hairpulling, choking and a variety of low blows are used to deliver maximum damage.
The wild action continues until a devastating Tombstone Piledriver puts one wrestler down and out for the 3 count to end this savage war.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
5+ min. 232 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3783: Amber O'Neal vs Chasyn Rance
Su Yung oversees this 1 fall bout that gets going with... stalling? Apparently Amber has gone through some traumatic situation, but she's going to "do what she's told" and wrestle Chasyn, who's eager to get this match going. With the match underway, they trade holds, with neither getting a firm control on the matchup. Chasyn gets some Headbutts to the back and a Cravate, whilst Amber lands some hard forearms and bends the rules with some choking.
A missed corner charge by Chasyn allows Amber to hit him with a hard DDT, seemingly taking control of the bout for good.
Can Chasyn put the blonde beauty to bed? Or will Chasyn end up smashed face-first into the ground a second time?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 526 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3782: Amber O'Neal vs Krissy Vaine
From deep in the vault when Krissy and Amber formed one of the hottest tag teams back in the day.
The opening lockup shows how evenly matched the blondes are and obviously know each other very well as indicated by the corner abuse each subjects the other too. But when Amber starts working over Krissy’s leg in the ropes momentum wings firmly in her direction. Krissy goes from wishing she wasn’t into the corner to wishing she was back in it when Amber gets her on the mat and applies leglock after leglock, including a nasty Deathlock combo. But just when it looks like Krissy’s going to need crutches Amber switches to a head focus and Vaine counters with tight Headscissors, despite the pain the hold is causing her to apply.
Amber is wearing down but manages to escape and realizing her earlier mistake goes back to work on Krissy’s legs, with a bit more of a mean streak! An anklelock seems to have O’Neal on the road to victory but once again she transitions to a chin focus and once again Krissy counters wearing her down in a Camel Clutch while still favoring her damaged leg. Now it’s Amber’s turn to endure some leg abuse followed by a Boston Crab and mounted Deathlock. But Krissy’s hairpulling and fish hooking go a little too far and Amber fires back. From there a back and forth chop fest ensues, it is North Carolina after all.
Amber locks in bodyscissors and several different combos as well as rope assistance to try and wear Krissy down, or can Krissy rally once again. A trio of precise elbow drops finally gives one partner bragging rights in this classic!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 602 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2004)
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3781: Amber O'Neal vs Lorelei Lee
Also available on DVD 48.
Amber squares off against Lorelei in a hard-fought 1 fall matchup of two very skilled competitors.
Amber takes the early advantage with a Hiptoss takedown, an elbow to the head, and a seated Abdominal Stretch into a Full Nelson. When Lorelei reaches the ropes to force the break, Amber responds by tossing her back into the middle of the ring by her hair, standing on her throat, and choking her over the middle rope.
The feisty Lorelei won’t stay down, though, and she comes back with massive forearm smashes and some slightly illegal hairpulls and chokes of her own. A test of strength later in the match solves nothing, but does set up Amber for some solid offense that includes a double kneedrop to the gut, a Bearhug, and a big Bodyslam.
Amber sends Lorelei off the ropes, but it’s Lorelei who strikes with a leaping Clothesline and a Camel Clutch. The action intensifies as the match moves toward its finale, with the two engaging in a series of fast-paced escapes and reversals until one wrestler nails a DDT and plants her opponent on the mat just long enough to secure a well-deserved 3 count.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 547 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2005)
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3780: Amber O'Neal vs Tiana Ringer
Previously available on AmberONeal.com.
As confident as ever, Amber let's Tiana know she isn't worried about their matchup, so it's up to Tiana to give her something to worry about. Tiana forces Amber to slip out of some tricky pinning predicaments, barely giving her any room to breathe. Amber has enough and she just slaps the taste out of Tiana's mouth.
A blatantly illegal choke follows, though Amber eventually uses a legitimate wrestling hold, working Tiana over with an Abdominal Stretch and a bodyscissors. It's all she can do to corral the speedy Tiana who is relentless in her quest to put Amber's shoulders flat on the mat. More illegal tactics follow, including some creative rope work and a liberal use of the hair to slam Tiana face-first into the canvas.
Amber starts to pull away, stretching Tiana with a Surfboard, rocking her with a Suplex, and wrenching her neck. Tiana has one push left in her, but will she find that elusive pin or succumb at last to Amber's suffocating submissions?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9+ min. 409 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2006)
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3779: Lexie Fyfe vs Trenesha
Previously available on LexieFyfe.com.
With guest referee Rain maintaining peace, Lexie takes on Trenesha in a submission-only matchup.
Trenesha opens the match with an armbar, taking Lexie to the mat and then kneeling on a Hammerlock on the mat to ramp up the pain. Lexie escapes, and after a series of armwork, escapes, and reverses, Lexie takes Trenesha to the mat and applies numerous Hammerlocks and a double Chickenwing, then attacks with a nerve pinch.
Momentum squarely in her corner, Lexie whips Trenesha off the ropes, then nails her with a Clothesline before locking on a Cobra Clutch. Trenesha battles back and tries to force Lexie to tap out to a Camel Clutch and double Chickenwing. Lexie then hits a sit-out faceslam and applies a painful belly claw. But when she misses a charge in the corner, Trenesha takes over once more with a head slam to the mat and a Boston Crab.
Back and forth the two battle, until one wrestler slips an eye rake passed the watchful eye of the ref, then locks in a Boston Crab that forces her opponent to finally tap out and end this competitive battle.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11+ min. 438 MB MP4, 1280 x 720 (shot in 2008)
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3778: Lorelei Lee vs Mark Zout
Also available on DVD 30.
Mark starts this one off looking like he's more inclined to take a nap than take a match with the lethal Lorelei seriously. If that's not rude enough, when the two initially lock up, Mark forces Lorelei into an impromptu dance! That lights a fire under her, and soon Mark is being tossed this way and that until he's forced to take a powder.
The frustration grows for Mark as Lorelei continues to out-wrestle him, and it isn't until he counters a high-flying maneuver that Lorelei finds herself in trouble. Mark uses his boot and the ring ropes to choke the life out of Lorelei and even threatens to turn her lights out with some closed fist strikes. Lorelei's speed keeps her in the game, but there isn't much she can do when Mark has her pinned to the mat with a Rear Chinlock.
Looking for a finish, Lorelei manages to pull off several expert pinning techniques, only for Mark to kick out each time. Does Mark have what it takes to finish Lorelei off or will she find the right pinning combination to secure the 3 count?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 438 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2006)
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3777: Jessica James vs Wally Darkmon
Also available on DVD 66.
From way back in the days when Jessica wasn’t giving Rapunzel a run for her money and occasionally our rings didn’t have roofs! Wally’s short on respect for his opponent, Jessica is, well, short, but that isn’t going to stop her, even after an early Bodyslam!
Wally finds himself unprepared for Jessica’s resourcefulness and to slow for her speed as she ducks Clotheslines, spins out of corners and hits Hurricanranas and Dropkicks! But given enough warning he’s capable of dodging a second Dropkick! After being shown up a little he takes it out on James with a hard Clothesline and hairstand. Wally has no hope of a career as a ventriloquist but it doesn’t make the Chinklock he applies any less effective. Only a desperation jawbreaker saves Jessica from having her lights turned out.
Can Jessica ride that momentum swing to victory or does Wally have enough left to finish her? A tornado DDT is the key to victory for one of these grapplers!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
5+ min. 240 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2006)
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3776: Allison Danger vs Cindy Rogers
Previously released as a giveaway in 2009.
The vaults open up for a classic confrontation in a unique knockout match. In order to claim victory the winner will have to render her opponent unconscious until she cannot continue.
Both wrestlers are eager to lock up and deliver their best offense. Danger strikes first, forcing Cindy to the corner and pummeling her unmercifully before finishing her off with a Suplex and body splash to claim the first knockout. Rogers gets the opportunity to recover and blasts Allison with some brutal corner work before claiming her revenge with a splash knockout of her own.
Allison and Cindy battle on, knocking each other out with DDTs, guillotine leg drops, Swinging Neckbreakers, gutbuster drops, Sleepers, inverted DDTs, Heart Punches and cutters until the falls are all knotted up at 5 each. Referee Lexie Fyfe shakes her head as the two dazed opponents insist they continue the fight. The wrestlers can barely stand, but they refuse to submit! Which one of these determined fighters will find a way to put her opponent away for good?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 699 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2006)
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3775: Alicia vs Malia Hosaka
We're stepping back in time for this 1 fall contest. Alicia is initially (and understandably) a little intimidated by Malia, and with good reason as the ring veteran is very eager to get her hands on her opponent.
When order is restored by the referee, the match begins and after some back and forth wrestling between the two women, it is actually Alicia who begins to take control of the action, maintaining a lengthy armbar on Malia. However, it isn't long before Malia's tactics put her back in contention as she repeatedly tests the referee's patience by frequently bending the rules.
A little choking, and attempted rope-assisted pin and a belly claw all contribute in wearing Alicia down. And when Malia clamps on a debilitating nerve hold, a 3 count might not even be necessary.
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15 min. 634 MB MP4, processed as 1280 x 720 (shot in 2007)
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3774: Amy Love vs Miss Rachel
This is a patriotic affair and Amy is willing to throw down with any non-American wrestler that dares to step in the ring with her. Britain's Miss Rachel answers the call and it isn't long before she uses a Headbutt to put Amy flat on her back. The supermodel is barely on her feet when Rachel puts her back down with a knee to the face. It's going to be a long match for this American girl, especially with Rachel putting her in a Reverse Bearhug, a bodyscissors, and a Lotus Lock.
A running butt slam to a cornered Amy nearly ends the fight, but Amy does her best to battle back. The fight is literally squeezed from her body when Rachel scoops her up into an enormous Bearhug! A Full Nelson follows and it looks like this will be a clean sweep for Rachel.
Amy will need a miracle to avoid seeing her patriotic boasts go up in smoke.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 425 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3773: Andrea vs Kimber Lee
No ref, massive heel, blonde baby face--think you know how this one’s going to go…think again!
Kimber grabs a handful of hair before the opening lockup and sees no reason to let go! Along with hairpulling she uses her boot and the ropes to choke the formidable Andréa down to size, and the turnbuckles to give her a massive headache! Even a dessert-themed request to let go of her hair isn’t enough to get Kimber to let go, but a threat to own hair is, only so she can rake the eyes and deliver a face buster.
Kimber doesn’t stray much from the battle plan of controlling Andréa’s hair, including a Surfboard variant and just as it looks like her foe will power out she releases it, then grabs it again! Andréa is in a no win situation, even a no lose situation as Kimber won’t even let her tap out! Another face buster and a Camel Clutch/hairpull illicit another pointless tap out as Kimber’s having none of it.
After more creative hairpulling and another facebuster Kimber switches focus to Andréa’s back before an absolutely brutal hairstand. Kimber’s mean streak continues with another facebuster and half Crab/hairpull combo that garners yet another futile tap! Only when the lights go out is Kimber finally satisfied, tossing Andréa from her ring for good measure!
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9+ min. 281 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3772: Lady Chardonnay Darcy vs Priscilla Kelly
There's a sock stipulation for this match, essentially making it a best of 3 contest. As the action begins, Chardonnay wastes no time in going straight to Priscilla's legs. A sustained and one-sided period of pain begins for Priscilla as Chardonnay works a succession of anklelocks, legbars, toeholds and more until taking the first fall.
Aware that the punishment to her leg could be a disadvantage in the second round, Priscilla goes on the attack quickly. And now it's Chardonnay's turn to suffer as Priscilla inflicts as similar onslaught of leg and angle attacks on the British Noblewoman. Before long the scores (and the socks) are all level at 1-1.
With everything on the line in Round Three, it's perhaps no surprise that one of these women ups the ante even more with the introduction of a chair into the action. With yet more new and innovative ways to cause pain, the final winning submission is not far behind. But only one of these wrestlers can be the last woman standing - and in this match, we mean that very literally!
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16 min. 675 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3771: Layne Rosario vs Renee Michelle
Layne and Renee face each other for the first time, starting off with a quick handshake before locking up. The wrestlers exchange armlocks and reversals with Renee showing off her superior athleticism with cartwheels and roll out escapes while Layne struggles to keep up. Renee unleashes an assault of butt strikes, roundhouse kicks and a running Lariat to seize the momentum.
Once in control Renee drops the good sportswoman routine in favor of more devastating offense, using the ropes to stretch Layne’s arms, leverage a Full Nelson and maximize the torque while pulling on Rosario’s hair. Layne strikes back with finger rakes, vertical splashes and a devastating face slam to the unforgiving canvas but Renee counters with a Lotus Lock, hand stomp and vicious digit breaking fingerlocks.
Despite starting on such good terms, the wrestlers are determined to battle to the bitter end in this one. The victor resorts to a brutal Front Facelock choke hold, hanging on until her once proud opponent slams the canvas in desperate submission before breaking the hold to relishing in her victory.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 541 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3770: Kellyanne vs Kimber Lee
It's a battle sans-referee, though Kellyanne points out that maybe they should have a referee - only for Kimber to point out they're both likely going to bend the rules a bit... and indeed they do, trading holds with little downtime. Headlocks turn into holds focusing on the arms and legs, with Kimber getting a knee bar, whilst Kellyanne gets Hammerlocks and arm-wrenches.
Neither wrestler can get a firm control on the match, only for a surprise Cross Armbreaker to draw a quick submission that has one lady screaming, and the other apologizing afterwards for getting a little carried away with the hold - after all, there is no referee...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
5+ min. 242 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3769: Kiera Hogan vs Sin-D
In the opening test of strength, Kiera is actually able to gain the upper hand against the taller Sin-D, which is quite impressive. However, what's even more impressive is that Sin-D seemingly breaks a world record when she nearly gets herself disqualified for what looks like 471 times in one and the same match!
Sin-D locks in a Surfboard and clawhold, but that's where most of the wrestling ends. The rest of the bout (that Sin-D actually dominates) is filled with hairpulling, eye rakes and other questionable tactics. But there's a flip-side to all the cheating. Yes, it does help Sin-D in beating down a dangerous foe like Kiera. But it also frustrates the referee. So when the dust settles, guess who emerges victorious here...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 386 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3768: Amber Nova vs Chelsea Green
We get straight to the action quickly when the offer of a handshake from Chelsea becomes a boot to Amber's belly.
Aside from that little misdirection, most of the match is fought clean - despite the absence of a match official. Both women showcase their impressive athleticism as the action intensifies. Abdominal Stretches are exchanged and Amber endures both an Bow & Arrow and a Boston Crab. Still she fights on though, with a running Bulldog and some big knee strikes balancing the books.
In the end, one already weakened wrestler finds herself on the end of a huge Implant DDT and an inevitable 1-2-3.
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9 min. 379 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3767: Dynamite Didi vs Tesha Price
Didi and Tesha begin this one on a cordial note, agreeing to a submissions match. The friendliness is reduced a little bit as the two jump into some chain wrestling - alternating between Waistlocks, armlocks and some quick takedowns. Things get even more serious as Tesha clamps on a neckscissors in retaliation to which the bigger and stronger Didi brings Tesha to her knees with a test of strength.
This necessitates some dishonesty on Tesha's part as she engages in a bit of hairpulling and jumps on Didi's back to apply a Sleeperhold.
Things continue back and forth as Didi's strength meets Tesha's speed and a varied arsenal of moves is deployed until the final submission is elicited by a skillfully applied Figure Four Leglock.
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11+ min. 487 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3766: FaceBrooke vs Jessica Troy
FaceBrooke makes the challenge to Jessica for a knockout match with 10 count rules to determine the victor. Jessica is reluctant but eventually agrees to the supremely confident FaceBrooke’s terms. Jessica takes control with a fingerlock, but FaceBrooke delivers a vicious kick the midsection and a brutal DDT that nearly puts Jessica out in the opening seconds as this high impact battle gets underway!
FaceBrooke is looking for a cakewalk, but Jessica turns her overconfidence against her. Troy fights out of a second DDT, hitting one of her own and stapling the masked wrestler’s shoulders to the canvas for a 10 count to win the first fall! Her confidence rising, Jessica starts to relax and enjoy herself as she rides the wave of the momentum and takes the fight to her larger foe. FaceBrooke takes a pounding as the unrelenting Jessica unleashes cutters, Powerbombs, face slams, and Sleepers to rack up the extended count pins.
There’s no slowing down the Jessica Troy train as the Emoji Queen finds herself with a one-way ticket to a humiliating defeat. The only question is how many kayos Jessica will rack up along the way.
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9- min. 374 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3765: Ayoka vs Miss Rachel
The veteran Miss Rachel feels that Ayoka is quite the up-and-comer and decides that the appropriate reward (punishment?) is 30 minutes in the ring with her in a Tennessee Death Match.
Miss Rachel takes control immediately, going slow but vicious with Headlocks, armlocks and armbars, then graduating to a neckscissors that Ayoka suddenly reverses into a 3 count pin. Miss Rachel doesn't take this well - turning a subsequent test of strength into a barrage of punishment inflicted on poor Ayoka's limbs.
Miss Rachel takes her own share of punishment over the course of the next minutes but keeps bouncing back, torturing Ayoka with Bodyslams, chokeholds, Camel Clutches and more. A big splash puts an end to the match as one defeated athlete yields to a 3 count and some gratuitous choking.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
31+ min. 1.3 GB MP4, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3764: Marti Belle vs Rain
Short but sweet, and very competitive, Marti takes on Rain in a hard-fought 1 fall matchup.
Rain opens the match by grounding Marti with a leg sweep, but Marti quickly turns the tables with a double Chickenwing on a mat, though she’s forced to release the hold after Rain bites her calf … yes, you read that correctly.
The two trade submission holds on the mat, including a pair of seated Dragon Sleepers. Rain locks on a bodyscissors, but Marti counters with a double Chickenwing.
One wrestler bends the rules a bit with an eye rake, then locks on a Boston Crab that forces her foe to tap out to end the bout.
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6+ min. 277 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3763: Malia Hosaka vs Su Yung
No referee in this contest, which starts off quickly - Malia temporarily grounds Su and goes after her legs, while Su is focused on tearing at the veteran Malia's arms, back and neck. A Headscissors by Su wears down Malia, but she comes right back by overpowering Su in a test of strength, eventually leading to a seated Surfboard. In firm control, Malia goes right back to Su's legs, slapping on a Figure Four - which Su responds in kind by locking on one of her own!
With both competitors worn down and exhausted, this match comes to a close with both locking on leg locks, drawing simultaneous submissions - and neither lady wants to let their submission go!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 411 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3762: Madison Eagles vs Nicole Matthews
A confident Madison ("I'll just need a 2 minute time limit") and a cheery Nicole dive into this one with an exchange of armlocks, Wristlocks, waistlocks and armbars that the Australian ends with a vicious chop to Nicole's throat. This opens poor Nicole up to some sadistic and escalating punishment in the form of chokes on and off the ropes, abdominal claws, rakes to the back, a Bow & Arrow, a nerve pinch and more.
As the time limit approaches, it looks like Nicole will never put up any defense...until she does, with a series of elbows to Madison's stomach. But will it be enough and, in fact, will this late spurt of resistance bring victory under the deadline imposed by an annoyingly time-limit-focused referee...?
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15+ min. 662 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3761: Kaci Lennox vs Chasyn Rance
Hayley Shadows is your referee for this 1 fall contest and after a careful check of each competitor for weapons, it's down to business. And business for Chasyn is good as he puts Kaci into a variety of holds, wrenches and pin attempts. Kaci obviously knows a few of Chasyn's tricks and unloads a few on him as well.
But Chasyn's arsenal is vast and he climbs all over the newcomer with some great leg offense and even a Romero Special. Kaci toughs it out and comes back with some Perfect offense of her own and some clubbing forearms.
One wrestlers is pushed/stretched to the point of exhaustion and ends up downed to fight another day!
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14+ min. 620 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3760: Brooklyn Creed vs Miss Rachel
Don't let Brooklyn's diminutive stature fool you. She brings the fight to Rachel and it's going to take all of the veteran's skill and savvy to hold her off. Brooklyn is defiant, putting her legs to good use to clamp on a Headscissors. Rachel later counters with a bodyscissors, but nearly ends up getting pinned by the quick-thinking Brooklyn. A punch to the body and a hair toss finally slows the platinum blonde down.
Rachel sends Brooklyn tumbling head over heels with a running shoulderblock, but Brooklyn won't back down. She goes for another scissors, controlling Rachel as much as she can before Rachel splashes her leg to escape! Brooklyn's leg is punished even more by Rachel, who plants herself on Brooklyn's back in a painful Single Leg Crab. She plans to end the match with a Spear in the corner and if Brooklyn doesn't move, her championship dreams will be over before they've begun.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9- min. 328 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3759: Evie vs Ivelisse
These two standout competitors have a match to determine who the better Evie/Ive is. Ivelisse is the one who wins the initial test of strength, which leads to Evie getting her fingers stomped. Evie is quick to retaliate in the test of strength that follows. There's some solid chain wrestling after that, but still neither lady is able to gain the advantage.
Eventually it's Evie's educated legs that do the trick. Hard kicks have Ivelisse reeling, but just before one would believe momentum is on Evie's side, Ivelisse fires back with devastating kicks of her own. This is the story for most of this match, as these grapplers are about as evenly matched as you'll ever find. Ivelisse fires off some Clotheslines, only to be floored by her adversary moments later. Evie's armbar has Ivelisse screaming in agony, while the latter's Full Nelson/Bodyscissors combination has Evie on the verge of tapping out.
In the end, this excellent match ends when a DDT only gets a near fall, but an armlock submission finally leads to the tapout victory.
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14+ min. 431 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3758: Gabi Castrovinci vs Thea Trinidad
Thea proposes 2 out of 3 falls and Gabi reluctantly accepts leading to an impressive array of Wristlocks, armbars and athletic counters. But when one grappler throws a heavy forearm it’s on with a heavy exchange leading to a “stunning” finish to the 1st fall!
The loser is none too happy with this development and opens the 2nd fall with a hard Clothesline and Camel Clutch, with a DDT ending the 2nd fall as suddenly as the 1st one ended!
A pre-fall change in hairstyle doesn’t go unnoticed by a slighted opponent and she makes a point of ruining it in the next lockup. From here on its Thea’s speed vs. Gabi’s power and awareness that there isn’t a ref with a tight Sleeper spelling the demise of one of these talented grapplers!
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8+ min. 370 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3757: Jessica Troy vs Zoe Lucas
It's a battle between Australia and England in this match.
They play by the rules and go hold-for-hold to start, trading Headlocks and armlocks before Jessica finally gets a modified Surfboard. Zoe gets the ropes, and on the break she mentions that Jessica "almost had her"... before surprising the Aussie with a takedown, slapping on a quick Figure Four that has Jessica quickly submitting!
Zoe thinks she's won the match, until Jessica informs her it's 2 out of 3 falls... and then promptly runs into a drop toehold, leading to a Bow & Arrow stretch gets a submission for Jessica, evening this match up.
Worn down, the third fall has them going back-and-forth, bending the rules in their quest for picking up the win. Zoe gets a combination Full Nelson/Camel Clutch-styled stretch, while Jessica gets a Headscissors locked on around Zoe's head and neck. A back-bending Japanese stranglehold is what gets the win, however - with its victim choosing to pass out rather than give her opponent the benefit of a verbal submission...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 592 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3756: Cami Fields vs Devyn Nicole
Devyn is quick to start the match with some good old-fashioned hairpulling, but when Cami returns the favor she has a change of heart and tries to leave before the match is over. Fields prevents that from happening however, and unleashes a nasty assault on Nicole that will surely remind her that taking punishment is far less fun than dishing it out!
Cami's devastating clubs to the back soften Devyn up for a Bearhug that nearly ends the match, but finally it's an over-the-knee Backbreaker that does the trick and earns Cami a check in the win column.
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6 min. 254 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3755: Mickie Knuckles vs Savannah Evans
We fade in on Mickie and Savannah discussing their midsections. Savannah oversteps her boundaries and touches Mickie’s belly. When Mickie warns her not to do that, Savannah pokes again, and receives a hard shove down to the mat. Upset at her midsection, and Savannah’s actions, Mickie goes to work beating down Savannah in this 1 fall matchup with a bit of humor. Mickie unloads with shoulderblocks in the corner, a double axe-handle chop, and numerous belly claws.
Perhaps feeling she overreacted, Mickie extends a hand in friendship, but when Savannah reaches out, she receives a kick to the gut, followed by another belly claw. Mickie continues to work over Savannah with a double Chickenwing, bodyscissors, and a belly claw with a little added tickling. Only one thing will get Mickie to release the hold and end the match … how long can Savannah hold out?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 366 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3754: Amber Nova vs Zeda Zhang
A 1 fall match with a 30 minute time limit.
The opening lockup is a lengthy one, with Zeda perhaps trying hard to keep Amber within arms reach for easy capture. Lots of headlocks, takeovers, near falls and headscissors wear each lady down.
A high crossbody almost ends the match, but it's quickly back to a stalemate. Zeda brings her MMA background into play and both ladies find themselves with cautions rising. A test of strength leads into one of Amber's signature bridging armlocks, but it's not quite enough. A strike exchange and a series of punishing moves ensues until one lady is trapped in an inescapable leghold into an armbreaker and is forced to concede.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 569 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3753: Cherry Bomb vs Thunderkitty
Cherry Bomb and ThunderKitty go straight into the action here with a Test of Strength... or is it a "Test of Friendship?" If it is the latter, then it's a test that Cherry fails when she stamps on Thunderkitty's foot to break the hold.
Cherry proceeds to tire her opponent with a sustained Headscissor, but ThunderKitty is able to escape. Sticking with the same theme, Cherry instead tries a Bodyscissors but she once again falls short.
Perhaps a little overconfident, Cherry suddenly finds herself trapped in a painful Armbar - and with the power of ThunderKitty on the other end of the hold, Cherry has no choice but to tap out and give Thunderkitty a quick victory in this short but sweet match. Now, we'd like to say that Cherry deals with the defeat in mature and sporting manner. But if we did, we would be lying.
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6 min. 251 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3752: Chelsea Green & Nicole Matthews vs Leva & Santana
Canadians Chelsea and Nicole mock the outfits of the patriotically dressed Santana and Leva before the bell to start this 1 fall tag team match.
There’s plenty of quick tags and double-teaming in this bout, with Chelsea starting off the match on the right foot for her team as she works over Santana in the corner and earns the first near fall of the match. The two trade off throat thrusts, Headbutts and clubs to the head as they clash in the middle of the ring. Nicole is tagged in and gets choked over the second rope for her efforts. While Leva is knocked off the ring apron twice, Santana holds her own, sending Nicole face first into the turnbuckles and working her over in the corner. Chelsea is tagged back in and locks on a Sharpshooter on Santana, then slingshots her into the bottom rope.
Soon, cracks begin to appear as one team starts arguing and shoving each other. This allows a member of the opposing team to sneak in with a pair of Superkicks, then her partner applies a one-legged Boston Crab on both members of the other team at the same time. But even after both tap out at the same time, the winning team isn’t necessarily on the same page.
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12 min. 519 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3751: Amaiya Jade vs Cherry Bomb
The decibel levels are high in this match, thanks to the earsplitting screeches, taunts and assorted vocalizations of Cherry Bomb who interrupts the ref's announcement with loud boos directed at Amaiya. She challenges her opponent to a test of strength, but cops out with a cheap shot and a Headlock, only for her victorious yells to be turned into screams of pain when Amaiya reverses into a neckscissors.
This is the beginning of a long and intricate chain wrestling sequence of head/waist/arm-locks that's brought to a halt only after Amaiya loses her patience, takes Cherry down with shoulderblocks and squashes her with some spirited corner punishment. And so it goes back and forth as Amaiya leverages her superior strength only for the cruel and wily Cherry to find a vulnerability to exploit.
One lady ends this hard-fought match with a vicious Superkick that leaves her opponent down and out.
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6+ min. 194 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3750: Allysin Kay vs Miss Rachel
Let's just say it like it is: Allysin probably should have turned around and left (barefoot or not) when she saw Miss Rachel waiting in the squared circle. Not much of a competitive match here, more like a sadistic, no ref, no offense for Allysin, one-sided beatdown.
From the opening fingerlock test of strength (that Miss Rachel wins decisively) to the Bearhug that follows, the advantage in the opening stages of this 'contest' go to Miss Rachel. Please note: the same goes for the middle part. And the end. You get the point.
Miss Rachel is not done after rendering Allysin unconscious with the aforementioned Bearhug. She picks her up for an Implant Buster, then wakes her up just enough for Kay to realize she's in an inescapable Sleeperhold! A Pedigree is next, and even the Camel Clutch that follows can't wake Allysin up after that!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
5+ min. 166 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3749: Jessie Belle vs Kiera Hogan
Miss Rachel explains the stipulation for this contest. On paper, it seem like an easy match for Kiera - to win, all she need do is touch the turnbuckle closest to the camera. A seemingly simple task, even taking into account her tough opponent.
However, Kiera clearly doesn't want to take the easy route here and wants to earn her victory, choosing to face Jessie rather than just running towards the turnbuckle. It's a brave decision - but is it the right one? Kiera quickly finds herself being worked over in a variety of submission holds from a Camel Clutch to a Boston Crab and from a Full Nelsons to a Figure Four.
Jessie controls the action from start to finish. But perhaps this was Kiera's plan all along! Because as Jessie is basking in her domination of Kiera, something might have slipped her mind. And maybe an apparent loss may yet lead to triumph!
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12 min. 505 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3748: Jessicka Havok vs Priscilla Kelly
April Hunter is on hand to ref this 1 fall match. In Jessicka’s defense she did ask Priscilla if she was ready before kicking her in the thigh! Within moments Priscilla is getting crushed by a Bearhug and buried in the corner. Kelly gets a VIP tour of the rings 4 top turnbuckles as well before a deep Boston Crab is transition into a half Crab with a sharp release. Havok continues the torment with a Full Nelson and bodyscissors.
Kelly’s best hope might be a DQ for choking, but April’s counting slowly and Jessicka always breaks at 4. Kelly shows a little spirit with a punch here and a kick there but they just make Havok mad and she takes her strikes to the next level. Still despite all the kicks and chokes that decimate her Priscilla still shows some spunk.
But there is only so much spunk the Death Machine can take before she snaps and in this case buries Priscilla with a devastating Tombstone, putting the spunky youngsters lights out to the point April actually checks for a pulse after the match!
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10 min. 419 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3747: Angel Williams vs Leva
Also available on DVDs 175 & 202.
Schoolgirl Leva faces the challenge of Angel Williams. Your match official is, as Angel calls him, Referee Douchebag. Which means she's in a relatively good mood today.
Solid technical wrestling to start, as you'd expect from these two accomplished grapplers. Innocent as she may look in her outfit, soon Leva has Angel in trouble with a Fujiwara Armbar and bridging Hammerlock. Williams retaliates the usual way: she cheats. Illegal rope use follows, but nobody should be surprised. After all, the shirt she wears says it all: "I am no angel".
Leva is on defense for much of the contest but eventually manages an offensive flurry before gaining a couple of near falls with a Backslide and small package. Those are definitely not the only near falls in this match, as both competitors come close to victory after a hard Bodyslam, Bulldog, and Neckbreaker.
In the end, a DDT gets countered into Lights Out, which does exactly what the name of the move implies.
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8 min. 342 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3746: Layne Rosario vs Chico Adams
Layne appreciates that Chico sees her only as an opponent not as a women and eagerly locks up. The Derby Doll shows some impressive strength and countering ability early but is a little disappointed that her opponent may have taken her lightly. Or maybe he was luring her into an ill-advised test of strength! Or maybe it wasn’t that ill-advised as Layne emerges with the advantage and a seated Dropkick gets her 2!
Clearly the sportsmanship thing isn’t working for Chico but a time-out feint does turn the tide and Adams shows a mean streak. Only it just seems to fire Layne up a little more and she earns another near fall. Chico cools her down with a jawbreaker and Boston Crab, but in the blink of an eye a DDT almost steals a victory for the Derby Doll! Momentum swings back and forth and a big tornado DDT is the nearest near fall so far, that is until a Sidewalk Slam secures a hard fought victory for 1 grappler.
But sometimes you win more in a match by losing and that is certainly the case here.
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9- min. 376 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3745: Aja Perera & MJ Jenkins vs Miss Rachel & LT Falk
It's Tornado Tag rules in this one, with the match starting off with a sportsmanlike handshake - only for it to actually be an attempted cheap shot - one that Aja and MJ very clearly have scouted! Things quickly fall apart for them, however, as LT and Miss Rachel take control and dominate the pair - they twist arms, choke in the ropes, and even grind elbows into Aja and MJ's ribs.
The short bout is capped off with double Bodyslams that get a quick victory for Miss Rachel and LT - though frustration between Aja and MJ means another match kicks off - this time between the former teammates! The two ladies go back and forth, tugging at each other's hair with hard pulls and landing a variety of hard chops & blows.
This second, impromptu match comes to a close with one lady being planted face-first into the mat with a Gory Special, leaving her former teammate in the dust...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 641 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3744: Ivelisse vs Santana
Luscious Latasha is your guest official for this match, which starts with these two technically sound athletes trading holds. Santana handstands (or actually headstands) her way out of Ivelisse's Headscissors in impressive fashion, then nearly makes her tap with a modified Ceiling Hold. Ivelisse on the other hand has her own methods of countering holds, as evidenced when she bites her way out of a predicament.
Santana tries to gain an advantage with a Bodyslam and Hangman's Neckbreaker for consecutive near falls, but Ivelisse retaliates with a thunderous Clothesline and then just pounds on Santana, smashing her face into the mat repeatedly. In the end, one of these ladies endures two side Backbreakers, softening her up for a match-ending Boston Crab.
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11+ min. 499 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3743: Tesha Price vs Tiana Ringer
Facing up-and-comer Tesha, Tiana tries to tell her that she's "getting ahead of herself" and that she'll "go easy" on the rookie. It doesn't take long for Tiana to take advantage of the fact there's no referee in this bout, going to the eyes with a rake and a trip along the top rope. Tiana takes her time in attempting to teach the rookie a lesson, repeatedly choking her in the ropes and locking in a Camel Clutch, but Tesha's not giving in that easily.
In the end, one lady makes a crucial mistake and finds her lights put out by a standing Dragon Sleeper. But is it Tesha scoring a humongous upset? Or has Tiana shown Tesha exactly what she said at the beginning of the bout and sent the rookie packing?
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7+ min. 313 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3742: Madison Eagles vs Zoe Lucas
Veteran Madison takes on up and coming star Zoe in a fast-paced match featuring a plethora of well-executed chain wrestling.
The early action is a frenzy of holds, counters and reversals as Madison and Zoe swim through Headlocks, armlocks, Hammerlocks and Wristlocks as each searches for an advantage. Zoe impresses with her prowess but Madison always seems to have one more trick up her sleeve. The action transitions from speedy escapes and quick reversals to tenacious and painful holds as Madison secures Zoe with a tight Straightjacket, using her own noggin to bend her backwards in a creative and agonizing Surfboard stretch that pushes Lucas to her limits.
Strong-willed Zoe refuses to submit, wriggling her way free and countering with Full Nelsons and a Surfboard of her own as she shows the veteran what she’s made of. Zoe proves her resilience but can she hold out against Madison’s endless arsenal of offense? After an exhausting back and forth struggle, one wrestler falls victim to an inescapable Boston Crab leading to a desperate submission to end this outstanding contest.
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8+ min. 372 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3741: Santana vs Solo Darling
Santana starts off aggressively by pulling Solo's hair and taking more shortcuts. Solo counters with a Clothesline and a bridging Mutalock, but when her foe drops her across the ring ropes throat-first the advantage is clearly Santana's. She continues tormenting Darling with hard kicks, a Dragon Sleeper, and Lotus Lock before a surprise legbar nearly costs Santana the match.
Solo's comeback looks to be short-lived when she is hung up in the Tree of Woe, but she perseveres through all the abuse and drops her tormentor with a Monkey Flip. She follows up with a bulldog, but is it enough to keep the crafty Santana down?
In the end, a sneaky rollup seemingly ends the match, but ref April Hunter has other ideas. The match continues and soon ends in a screaming submission.
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16+ min. 704 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3740: Leva vs Su Yung
Leva and Su preface this cruel contest with a spirited discussion of the former's pigtails. Leva wonders why Su's wearing her hair down, only to get the (reasonable) answer, "What if you pull my hair?"
Turns out that this is quite the portent as--following some enthusiastic tests of strength--Su herself applies herself to yanking on Leva's locks. Poor Leva is launched around the ring by her hair, has her pigtails stepped on and suffers through Camel Clutches and Waistscissors that are made worse by a good deal of hairpulling leverage.
Rocking Horses, corner punishment, Neckbreakers...the fiery cosplayer screams her way through it all as Su taunts her relentlessly. Leva's finally put out of her misery with an explosive DDT that's still probably the most pleasant thing to happen to her scalp for the entire runtime of this match.
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12 min. 518 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3739: Kiera Hogan vs Mia Yim
It's up to Mia to break in the relatively inexperienced Kiera and she proves to be a harsh teacher. Barely a minute in, Mia is already stretching her out in a Camel Clutch and threatening to snap Kiera's arm! She puts the boots to Kiera, then has some fun dragging her around the ring by her fiery red hair, not to mention standing on it while yanking on Kiera's arms.
But don't count Kiera out yet. The plucky grappler rocks Mia with a bodysplash and fires back with heavy boots of her own. Soon it's Mia's blue hair that is being targeted by a vengeful Kiera. She definitely has an upset in mind as she rips into Mia with a stiff kick to the spine, chokes her on the ropes, and works a Chinlock. A dirty tactic allows Mia to get free, which only makes Kiera even MORE heated.
A big finisher is going to be needed to end this one, but will it be Kiera or Mia who ends up getting dropped on their head and pinned?
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9+ min. 396 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3738: Lady Chardonnay Darcy vs CJ O'Doyle
Lady Chardonnay Darcy is waiting in the ring as Camel Clutch Champion CJ O’Doyle arrives, bragging about his title, and about how he needs to take his title international by beating the Brit.
Darcy gets a rude awakening early when her punch attempt is stopped cold, then she’s forced to eat a nasty Clothesline from the champ. O’Doyle works her over in the corners, dropping elbows to her back and planting her with over-the-knee Backbreakers to wear down her back for the inevitable cCamel Clutch.
O’Doyle continuously works over Darcy’s back over-the-knee and over-the-shoulder Backbreakers. He traps her in an Abdominal Stretch, grabs her by the hair and mocks her, and slams her face-first into the mat. Darcy finally manages a bit of offense, but her Clothesline and forearm shots have little to no effect on O’Doyle. When she launches herself off the ropes for some momentum, she’s immediately caught and lifted into a rib-crushing Bearhug.
Following a Bodyslam and several splashes to Darcy’s back, he locks her in the Camel Clutch and successfully defends his title as she’s forced to tap out. But O’Doyle is a bit of a poor winner, and he’s got some added humiliation and pain in store for the helpless Darcy before he’s satisfied.
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15 min. 633 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3737: Amber Nova vs Ivelisse
Amber and Ivelisse waste no time getting to the action in this 1 fall contest. And it's a battle of Amber's phenomenal athleticism vs Ivelisse's years of experience. In the early stages of the action, Ivelisse dominates proceedings.
Targeting Amber's midsection, Ivelisse unleashes a barrage of strikes and kicks to Amber's belly. Further punishment from Ivelisse comes in the form of a Bow & Arrow, a modified Surfboard, an ab stretch and more. Looking to end the match with a DDT, Ivelisse is frustrated when Amber is able to kick out before a 3 count.
With renewed determination, Amber fights back and the match becomes a more evenly balanced contest. Eventually, it's an opportunistic roll-up pin (with more than a little assistance from the ropes) that steals the victory here.
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9- min. 375 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3736: April Hunter vs Su Yung
April stalls and stretches before entering the ring, but when she finally does she's quick to take a cheap shot when Su is taking off her ring jacket. Driving the point of her elbow into Su's neck, April is quite vicious here. And since there's no ref Hunter gets away with just standing on her adversary or even choking her with her own hair.
Su's belly is a main target in this absolute squash match, but she takes loads of all-around abuse throughout the contest. She even tries to leave at one point, but no such luck.
There's more nails to the back and shots to the throat for Su to endure before April mercifully ends things with a crushing Pedigree.
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9+ min. 281 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3735: Amy Love vs Santana
These ladies have agreed to a 2 out of 3 fall match.
After expounding the virtues of her strong core Amy decides to test Santana’s, punishing her gut in the corner and her back with a Surfboard. Following an attempted counter it’s back to gut abuse in the corner. A boot choke in the corner without a boot has an added aromatic effect leaving Santana vulnerable to more back abuse in the corner. Amy literally beats her down into a long Bow and Arrow stretch. Santana battles out of a follow up Bearhug but gets caught with a Backbreaker. Battling back despite a throbbing back leads to a miscalculation and another Backbreaker and stretch gives Amy the first fall.
Amy looks to makes short work of the second fall wrapping her long legs around Santana’s battered core but she’s able to turn the tide with an opportunistic belly claw! Those long legs soon become a liability in a Figure Four Leglock, but with supreme effort Amy makes it to the ropes! But Santana learns from mistakes and applies the Figure Four again with perfect ring position, the tap out is inevitable!
It’s all even at 2 and a bridging Mutalock opens the 3rd fall only to be countered by a hairpull. Bodyscissors and Headscissors wear one grappler down. But it’s the discovery of ripped tights that sets one girl off and sends the other to dream land!
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11+ min. 481 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3734: Miss Rachel vs Rain
It’s British round rules for this one, 3 minutes of action followed by a 1 minute break, 4 rounds, that’s 15 minutes total, got that? Rain isn’t so sure!
Miss Rachel opens strong, overpowering Rain into the corner and simply beating her down with strikes, a thunderous Bodyslam and Chinlock clutch with several very British forearms across the jaw. Rain’s back is taking a drubbing right until the first bell saves her.
If Rain spent the break trying to think up a strategy, trying to slam Miss Rachel with a bad back was a bad one, the Brit has no problem turning the tables and son has Rain in a most uncomfortable predicament indeed. A Boston Crab has Rain wishing she could give up but she’d still have to endure all 4 rounds even if she did, so Rachel is free to pound away on her back. The bell saves Rain while trapped in the ropes, but with 2 more rounds to come is she really that saved?
Another round, another spectacularly bad idea from Rain, this time a test of strength that goes about as well as you’d expect. Miss Rachel on the other hand has formulated a new strategy, focus on the arms. Especially that recently broken one! With that sorted its back to the back highlighted by a Suplex, and another Rain saving bell.
Does Rain come back in the 4th fall, well no. Is Miss Rachel satisfied with a Tombstone finisher, believe it or not, also no!
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15+ min. 654 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3733: Charli Evans vs Jason Cade
While Jason tries to ground Charli early in this intergender matchup, Charli Evans fires back with a Full Nelson and an armdrag, and suddenly, it’s Jason who’s grounded. Charli pounds him on the mat and works him over in the corners, but when she tries to climb the ropes, Jason stifles her momentum with a forearm shot, then nails her with a high knee in the corner.
The two battle back and forth, each trying but unable to put together any sustained offense. Jason clamps on a couple Chinlocks on the mat in an attempt to wear down Charli. Charli responds with some high-flying action, hitting a crossbody block and tornado DDT, both from the second rope. But neither is able to secure the 3 count.
The end comes quickly in this matchup, as one wrestler escapes a Fireman’s Carry to deliver devastating End of Days-type maneuver that puts their opponent out for the 3 count.
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12+ min. 534 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3732: Kaci Lennox vs Kikyo
The action gets underway as Kaci is tossed headfirst into the ring by the powerhouse Kikyo who sends would be referee Chasyn sailing over the top rope to the outside as she apparently has no need for him.
With no ref to slow her down, Kikyo unleashes her full fury on poor Kaci, driving her into the canvas with a Bodyslam, burying her with a guillotine legdrop and nearly splitting her in two with an over-the-knee Backbreaker drop. Kaci’s screams echo as Kikyo presses her advantage with rope chokes, face rakes and eye burns along to top rope. Kikyo effortlessly brutalizes poor Kaci’s back with a Sidewalk Slam, devastating Suplex and deep-seated Boston Crab. The raging Kikyo taunts her victim through a rope leveraged straightjacket Surfboard and an inverted Front Facelock bodyscissors before finally hanging her in a torturous human body vice.
Self-satisfied with her thorough destruction of her opponent, Kikyo dumps poor Kaci’s beaten and broken body to the canvas before wiping her boots and ducking through the ropes to end this one-sided beatdown.
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8+ min. 355 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3731: Jayme Jameson vs Zoe Lucas
We open with Jayme wondering where Zoe is - she's putting up her Camel Clutch Championship against the British up-and-comer - and she's less than enthused that Zoe is late... and that means trouble! A belt shot puts Zoe down and allows Jayme to lock in a quick Camel Clutch that draws a submission and leaves Zoe's back wounded - but the match hasn't even started!
With the match finally underway, Jayme ruthlessly attacks Zoe's ailing back, locking on a Half Crab and syncing in her first 'real' Camel Clutch attempt, but Zoe refuses - and that only nets her more pain, in the form of back-to-back-to-back Fisherman's Suplexes. Zoe manages to fight through another Camel Clutch to escape, before landing several corner Clotheslines and locking in a Camel Clutch of her own!
The match resets when Jayme gets the ropes. With both ladies hobbled and hurting, one of them fulfills the stipulation and gets a submission out of a Camel Clutch - and then rubs it in by locking on another one well after the bell has sounded!
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10 min. 423 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3730: Kay Lee Ray vs Mike Reed
Kay Lee’s worldwide undefeated intergender streak is on the line, and about to end if the “Upgrade” has anything to say about it. She does a good job of staying one step ahead of her powerhouse opponent in the early lockups, transitioning between moves faster than he can counter and using leverage to offset a significant strength disadvantage. Maybe it has something to do with a brief bit of biting but Reed decides not to break clean on the ropes, take a shot at Kay Lee’s gut, and the corner he repeats the offense. A big Backbreaker and stomach claw later and that intergender streak is in jeopardy!
Kay Lee tries to counter a Camel Clutch with more biting, and gets her nose pulled out of joint for her trouble. A brief bit of offense ends with a Bearhug that is released hard into the corner followed by a Surfboard in the ropes and a couple gut punches still trapped for good measure. Not wanting her streak to end Kay Lee fires back but that tummy is vulnerable and Reed finds it to quell the uprising.
It’s literally gut check time for Kay Lee as she pulls out all the stops, but desperate times sometimes lead to desperately bad choices and in this case 3 big splashes that might be enough to “downgrade” that intergender streak!
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11 min. 468 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3729: Jordynne Grace vs Kiera Hogan
Customer's Choice Champion Kiera takes on Jordynne in this 1 fall matchup.
Jordynne uses her strength advantage early on to take Kiera to the mat, and delivers numerous forearm shots and shoulderblocks to keep Kiera off-balance. But when Kiera blocks a Suplex attempt and connects on one of her own, the champ begins to turn the tide.
Kiera strikes with shoulder blocks in the corner, an elevated Bow & Arrow hold, kneedrops and plenty of punches and forearm shots.
Jordynne earns a near fall after a splash and Kiera picks up a couple of near falls as well. But when one grappler spikes the other with a vicious DDT, it’s lights out and an easy 3 count.
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8+ min. 373 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3728: Cali Young vs Mickie Knuckles & Rain
Being blond at SLAMminLadies comes with its own set of hazards. Mickie Knuckles tows Cali to the ring, slamming her face first into the apron and corner post along the way.
Mickie explains that Jayme Jameson has a bounty on blonds and she gets paid for every one she beats up. Cali’s desperate pleas earn her a turnbuckle smash tour of the ring and a hair throw that sends her flying to the far corner! Mickie is merciless as she tries to pull Cali’s hair out to the roots while trapping her in a Stump Puller, fishhooks, Headscissors and a Camel Clutch until Young can take no more and mercifully passes out.
Mickie goes to collect the rest of her money from Jayme, leaving Cali face down in a heap. Moments later, Rain ducks through the ropes with dollar signs in her eyes as another of Jayme’s mercenaries spies an opportunity for a quick payout. Rain takes two handfuls of hair and sets to work on her own 10 minute makeover of the worst kind before leaving the beaten and broken Cali kayoed on the canvas from a double beatdown.
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18+ min. 774 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3727: Ayoka & Devyn Nicole vs LT Falk
LT is looking pretty relaxed and cocky as the announcer introduces this 2 out of 3 fall handicap match against Ayoka and Devyn.
For long stretches, it even looks like he might be justified in his swagger as he gets the upper hand in several intricate chain wrestling sequences with the two ladies, bullying them with head- and armlocks. Every now and then one of the ladies breaks his relentless wall of offense with an elbow to the gut here or an armlock there but he eventually regains control, punishing them with a varied arsenal of moves including nerve pinches, neckscissors, Front Facelocks and more.
Devyn clamps on a monster Camel Clutch at one point only to have him break out and practically pop her knee out of its socket with sustained leg torture. An explosive Sidewalk Slam wins LT the first fall but not before he suffers the lasting effects of an excruciating doubleteam wishbone move.
Will the lasting pain leave him vulnerable enough for the ladies to capitalize effectively? Or will he continue his rein of terror?
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15+ min. 656 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3726: Devyn Nicole vs Sin-D
Sin-D and Miss Rachel draw a card to decide who gets to be the referee, and it goes in Rachel's favor meaning Sin-D has to face off with the towering Devyn. That's bad news for Sin-D as Devyn is apparently still peeved about a previous match they had. Rachel tries to keep order, but things are bound to break down.
And break down they do as Devyn takes Sin-D by the hair and drives her into the corners. Both wrestlers struggle to make this an honest match as they nail each other with strikes and pull eat each other's locks. The rules may as well be optional in this one! Devyn tosses Sin-D to the mat and throttles her, then works her over with kneedrops and brutal body stretches. When it's Sin-D's turn, she uses a smothering Chinlock, quasi-legal claw holds, and a rope-assisted bodyscissors to try and make Devyn submit.
This is a wild one that ends with one wrestler giving in to an expertly applied (and surprisingly clean!) hold.
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11+ min. 496 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3725: Angel Williams vs Nikki Roxx
These two veterans go at it one-on-one, and though there's no referee to be seen in the building, they keep things cordial - at least to start. The two trade holds, but soon sportsmanship goes out the window, with Angel raking Nikki's back, landing a cheap shot punch to the gut and choking Nikki with the middle rope. Nikki turns the tide with a wild Mongolian Chop, however, and she pays Angel right back with some less than legal maneuvers of her own!
As the match wears on, legs get stretched and twisted and submissions are applied, but neither lady wants to give in. A big shoulder tackle, however, leaves one competitor down for the count and wondering what the license plate number was on the truck that hit her...
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11 min. 462 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3724: Rain vs Su Yung
Su offers a handshake but Rain responds with a two-fisted shot to the midsection to get this one started! Rain tags Su with a slap across the face before opening up with a barrage of kicks, punches and quick strikes to Su’s exposed abs. The plucky Su fights back from her knees, delivering a series of punches to the midsection and a wake up shot across the face as the tone is set for this mean-spirited battle.
Rain takes control and delivers an abominable abdomen-able ambush to Su, repeatedly driving her shoulder into her midsection and delivering butt strikes, vertical splashes, Headbutts and kneedrops into Yung’s tender abs and ribs. Su struggles to fight back but Rain decimates her midsection with boot grinds, rib shots and even treats Su like a human treadmill by running on her abs. Rain tries to wring the fight out of Su with standing and kneeling ab stretches, grinding her ribs with her elbow and raking her midsection to crank up the pain.
Can Su fight back from this stomach pummeling assault or will Rain win the match by literally walking all over the poor Su’s tender abs?
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11+ min. 479 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3723: Dementia D'Rose vs Miss Rachel
Fans of powerhouse women will delight as Dementia takes on Miss Rachel in a special rules challenge match in which the wrestlers must force their opponent to the ropes and hold them there for a 5 count in order to win each round.
The ring thunders as these powerful wrestlers collide in a collar and elbow lockup, muscles straining as they struggle to find an advantage. Slowly Dementia gains momentum, slamming her boot to the canvas and trudging forward as Miss Rachel backpedals toward the ropes. After a titanic struggle, Dementia pins Rachel to the ropes for the 5 count and secures the first round.
Establishing her dominant strength and gaining momentum, Dementia takes the first three rounds against the seemingly over-matched Rachel. Dementia clearly has the power advantage but Rachel is a wily veteran and at their next lock up Rachel delivers a brutal kick to the breadbasket, putting Dementia on her heels before forcing her to the ropes. Rachel claws her way back into the match with knee lifts, Headbutts, shoulder blocks, eyerakes and a Bearhug.
Can Dementia find a counter to Rachel’s tactics or will the clever Brit overwhelm the young powerhouse?
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9+ min. 414 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3722: Miss Rachel vs LT Falk
An ornery LT is all up in Miss Rachel's face as we join them in the ring - extolling his meanness and asking whether she really wants to do this. The gutsy Ms Rachel naturally doesn't back down an inch and we're off!
Unfortunately for Ms. Rachel, LT backs up his bark with considerable bite as he takes her down with an onslaught of offense. An initial knee to the face is followed up by chokes, an extended abdominal claw, a Front Facelock and even a cruel Piledriver.
Miss Rachel gets it in a bit of defense - a corner splash here, an armlock there - but it's always short-lived as LT keeps getting the upper hand. An oxygen-depriving combination Waistscissors/Sleeperhold leaves one wrestler unconscious and the other just as cocky as ever.
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9+ min. 279 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3721: Chelsea Green vs Dementia D'Rose
Chelsea comes into this one with a liberal dose of her signature attitude as she pretends not to be able to see ref Kiera Hogan because she's, well, a little vertically challenged. Unfortunately for her, her mocking call for a chair for Kiera to stand on is answered by none other than a chair-wielding Dementia D'Rose. The pain starts when an angry Kiera takes Chelsea down with said chair and it's all downhill for the blonde after that.
Dementia and Kiera doubleteam her brutally, busting out a ton of abdominal punishment as the diminutive ref screams, "I'm not that short!" The chair is used to damage Chelsea's abs considerably while the heavier, stronger Dementia proceeds to break her in half with Camel Clutches, a Tree of Woe, splashes and a crushing elevated Bearhug.
This is a totally one-sided massacre that will undoubtedly leave Chelsea reluctant to insult her shorter colleagues in the future.
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10+ min. 443 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 3720: Jayme Jameson vs Madison Eagles
Powerhouse Jayme doesn’t take a back seat to many opponents, but “8 foot tall” Madison may be the rare exception! That height advantage comes into play in the opening test of strength, forcing Jayme to think fast off her feet, then Madison must do the same. Without a ref its Jayme who decides not to honor a rope break, a decision she soon regrets when in Headscissors, especially after an anklelock is added!
Madison soon transitions into just an anklelock, than a Deathlock, adding an armbar, heading off Jayme’s attempted counter with a Chicken Wing until Jameson puts her best butt forward to escape and brawls to an advantage. A barrage of forearms has Eagles on the defensive but one shot to the gut changes that in an instant! Madison demonstrates how striking someone is not nice, by striking Jayme at will.
Following a near fall a Side Russian Legsweep leads into a grounded Octopus Hold then core crushing bodyscissors with the added caveat of a stranglehold! Multiple over the knee Backbreakers, to a substantial knee brace no less, have Madison in complete control and Jayme in a position she’s used to her opponents being in, and she isn’t enjoying the boot being on the other foot.
Jameson’s knees are Madison’s final target and she decimates them with precise strikes and grinding submissions until a Kondo Clutch is just too much for Jayme to bear!
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12+ min. 527 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3719: LeiLani Kai & Leva vs Kimberly & Masked Marvel
There’s a definite “super” feel to this tag team matchup as Kimberly teams with the mysterious Masked Marvel to square off against LeiLani Kai and her partner Leva, who is clearly channeling Cyclops with her X-Men-inspired outfit and her refusal to remove her sunglasses so she doesn’t destroy everyone.
Kimberly and her masked partner dominate Leva in the early going, with Kimberly hitting a Hiptoss into a Side Headlock on the mat, then tagging in the Masked Marvel, who whips Leva into the corner and crushes her with a running Clothesline. LeiLani eventually gets the tag, and the powerhouse trades blows with the Marvel and with Kimberly, reminding both why she’s one of the best and sneakiest in the game as she twice bites her way out of submission holds.
The stakes pick up with both teams scoring several near falls. Kimberly hits Leva with a Clothesline for a 1 count, Leva hits a double legdrop on Kimberly for a 2 count, the Marvel hits a spinning forearm smash for a 2 count on LeiLani. The action continues until Leva’s shades come off. While the wardrobe malfunction doesn’t result in any destructive lasers, it does cause a distraction that causes one wrestler to walk straight into a Superkick that puts her down for the 3 count.
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15+ min. 648 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3718: Amber O'Neal vs Amy Love
Amy is bragging about her hair before the bell rings … she also mocks Amber’s hair. You can probably guess what happens next.
With a handful of Amy’s hair in her grasp, Amber delivers a Snapmare and a face slam into the turnbuckles, before wrapping Amy’s hair around the top rope. From there, Amber chokes, eye rakes, and kicks her way to an advantage. Amber takes Amy to the mat with a leg sweep, then locks on a submission hold aided by a handful of hair. She traps Amy in a Full Nelson on the mat, then lifts her up by the hair, only to put Amy back down with a sitdown face slam.
Amy uses her long legs to kick her way free from an Amber belly claw, then foot chokes Amber over the bottom rope. But a split-legged Bow & Arrow hold—assisted by a handful of hair—forces one of these grapplers to tap out to end the match.
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13+ min. 563 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3717: Allysin Kay vs Ivelisse
Two of the best in the business face off in a sleeper match that is rife with drama! Allysin's power proves to be too much for the speedy Ivelisse in the early going, and after smashing her into the turnbuckle she locks Ivelisse in a tight Sleeper to score the first point of the match. Afterwards, Allysin is nice enough to demonstrate the finer points of the Sleeper by using referee Leva as a training dummy.
It takes a while to bring Ivelisse back to the land of the living, but soon the action resumes. Ivelisse forces Allysin to start round 2 in "defense mode", with Ivelisse already in position for a Sleeper. With the help of the disgruntled official, Ivelisse evens the score and decides to have some fun with the sleeping Allysin, taking off her shoes. A furious Allysin returns the favor and soon both wrestlers are battling it out in socks!
The final fall is a back-and-forth affair with both women threatening to send the other on a one-way trip to KO County. In the end, the losing wrestler and Leva are put under and carried out of the SLAM Shack...
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16 min. 484 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3716: FaceBrooke vs Cruz
FaceBrooke wants to use the ring for a little practice, but it's already being occupied by Cruz. FaceBrooke's mood is not improved when Cruz shares his opinions that a wrestling ring is "not a place for girls."
It isn't long before FaceBrooke decides to pick Cruz up on a few points. And we mean that quite literally. The Australian Powerhouse hoists Cruz up onto her shoulders a parades him around the ring for some considerable time. And when she finally puts him back on the canvas, it's by a very direct route!
Cruz spends much of the remaining action with his feet off the ground, as a Bearhug and a rack from FaceBrooke once again turn him into a carry accessory. Not that things are any better for Cruz when he is back on the floor, as a prolonged Camel Clutch demonstrates. The action ends with Cruz still in the ring... but perhaps not quite as cocky - or indeed as conscious - as he had been at the start of this confrontation.
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10 min. 419 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3715: Mia Yim vs Shazza McKenzie
The last thing a stretching Shazza was expecting to see was senior “Kellie Skater’s Super Mega Awesome, More Jacked than the Incredible Hulk, Rate Tank Camel Clutch Challenge” referee Leva, but nonetheless there she is and she feels bad for Shazza, who got cheated of victory on a technicality in Camel Clutch Challenge X and screwed out of a rematch opportunity and tapped out to Leva herself in XI…so as a gift she gets Camel Clutch Challenge XII!
Shazza is confused since Skater is retired but Leva has an App for that and enter Kellie Skater aka Mia Yim! Shazza isn’t fooled but Leva explains she is an authorized Skater stand in this indeed counts, Shazza is excited that her quest that began way back in Challenge III might finally be realized only to become agitated at her obviously not Australian opponent trying to act like she is. This new Skater doesn’t seem to get the intro bit either an a exasperated Shazza, who obviously knows more about the Camel Clutch Challenge than Mia “Skater”, explains that first she is supposed to challenge her to a pose off, then kick her in the head! Careful what you wish for Shazza cause after the pose off Mia almost takes her head clean off!
With Shazza staggered by the kick 2 OMG moments happen, “Skater” ends up with blue hair and then plants Shazza with a devastating Tombstone! While selling her head and neck in agony she protests that Kellie Skater doesn’t do Tombstones, but the damage is done and she’s about to endure a lot more Kellie Skater doesn’t do! Shazza’s head and neck have a great big bullseye on them and that’s where “Skater” focuses with precise kicks, chokes and submissions including a vicious Dragon Sleeper! After denying she’s flexible Shazza is proven painfully wrong by a forced split while on her back, then the steady diet of head shots and submissions continue, all while enduring Mia’s ridiculous attempts to seem Australian, ever wondered what a mate is? You will be more confused than ever!
As time ticks away the lack of Camel Clutch attempts is apparent to Leva and you have to wonder if Shazza might just steal this one…until another kick almost decapitates her setting up a 2nd, more devastating Tombstone, but does “Skater” have enough time left to tap Shazza out or will the 5 year quest be realized!
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14+ min. 608 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3714: Santana vs Saraya
Saraya is one of the most ruthless women's wrestlers out there, and that ruthlessness is on full display as the match gets underway. She clobbers Santana with clubbing blows, stretches her out with a Bow and Arrow submission and slams a number of punches to the belly in the corner, all in an attempt to soften Santana up.
Santana is no slouch, however, and she comes back as only she can, hitting a Headbutt and a Handspring Back Elbow Saraya goes right back on the offensive, however, and puts Santana through a number of stretches, chokes and corner shoulderblocks to the stomach.
With Santana reeling, can Saraya put Santana away and pick up the win? Or can Santana make a triumphant come back and snatch victory away? At the end of this one, one thing will be certain: the referee is going to regret trying to separate these two...
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13 min. 560 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3713: Malibu vs Megyn Moxley
Having recently won a title belt in SLAMpeg 3710, Megyn is already back in the ring for her first title defense. And it's against Malibu, who had more than a little hand in Megyn's victory over Miss Rachel.
This time out though, Malibi is only here to help herself. And it's not long before she's dominating Megyn with a grinding Headlock, a crushing Bodyscissors and an onslaught of kicks and strikes. Megyn fights back as best she can, but Malibu is always one move ahead.
An X-factor puts Megyn down and seemingly out on the canvas and Malibu's victory seems assured. However, what goes around always comes around and the intervention of Miss Rachel into proceedings may help Megyn on her way to another surprising win!
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9 min. 329 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3712: Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins
Some even chain wrestling to start this bout until Kiera decides a much faster and more effective way of gaining the advantage is to just ram your opponent's face in the turnbuckle, then nearly Clothesline her head off. Hogan dominates Jenkins for a solid 5 minutes before the latter is finally able to shift the momentum in her favor.
MJ's stunning DDT earns her a near fall, and Kiera visibly has trouble regaining her bearing afterward. She soon finds herself locked in MJ's tight Full Nelson and with Jenkins' height and strength advantage this could be the end for Kiera.
Can she find a last-minute counter or is it tapout time?
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8+ min. 362 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3711: Rain vs Shantelle Taylor
Previously available on DVD 161.
Fans of Shantelle may want to cover their eyes for this matchup as she is utterly obliterated by Rain. She is all over Shantelle from the moment the bell rings, literally beating her from pillar to post. "When it rains it pours," as they say, and Rain makes sure that Shantelle is caught in a storm of kicks, forearms, submission holds, and illegal tactics.
Shantelle's back takes the brunt of the abuse here as Rain mounts her several times to apply a Camel Clutch, a Surfboard stretch, a pair of torturous Crab holds, and a nasty STF variation. All the while, she throws in hair pulling, eye raking, and biting for good measure. On more than one occasion, Shantelle finds herself trapped in the ropes while Rain wails on her. Rain even breaks out a baseball bat to choke Shantelle. Whatever Shantelle did to make Rain angry, she's surely regretting it.
The poor jobber survives multiple pin attempts and near the end, Rain is letting her up on purpose to prolong the beatdown. Shantelle takes a Lungblower and a Rain Drop DDT, but isn't allowed to quit until she's put in one more modified Camel Clutch submission.
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13+ min. 410 MB WMV, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3710: Megyn Moxley vs Miss Rachel
If you're fighting for a title, you're going to be fighting against the best. And that's the prospect Megyn faces in this 1 fall match against Miss Rachel.
Right from the start, Miss Rachel takes control of the action, working over Megyn with Armlocks, chinpulls and a debilitating bodyscissors. Megyn can offer little in terms of a response, her biggest achievement as the match progresses is simply in not submitting,
A big spear puts Megyn down and the belt seems like it's going to be staying with Rachel. At least, it does until the appearance of Malibu, who drops Rachel with an X-Factor. And with no referee on hand, all that Megyn needs to do is cover Rachel for an unlikely 1-2-3!
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7+ min. 283 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3709: Kimberly vs Marti Belle
We start off with some technical wrestling before Kimberly suddenly takes Marti down and starts abusing her hair. Belle is helpless as Kimberly tosses her around the squared circle by her hair, pulling and stepping on it along the way. Kimberly is vicious here as she literally scrubs the mat with Marti's face.
There's some actual wrestling holds here, but it's never long before Kimberly combines her bodyscissors, Mutalocks, and Cloverleafs with a handful of hair. Not helping Marti's case is the fact there's no referee, so it's basically 10+ minutes of torture until Marti finally taps out to a painful Ceiling Hold.
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11 min. 474 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3708: Kikyo vs Mickie Knuckles
Mickie wastes little time getting the mind games going, and, no, ref Chico Adams does not want her finger in his ear! Neither Kikyo nor Mickie are used to being opposite a match in size and power, but give an edge to Kikyo in the youth and mobility departments while Knuckles can check the experience and gamesmanship boxes off. Mickie does a good job of wrestling her type of match early on with a combination of technical skill and mind games including possibly the grossest counter to a Waistlock in SLAMpegs history. Kikyo tries to give Knuckles a taste of her own medicine, but Mickie had her PHD a long time ago and Kikyo is still learning.
One grappler finally has enough of a smothering submission hold and lets her displeasure be well known opening up with some hard strikes, but her opponent gets an opening and returns fire! Kikyo finally gets a chance to lock in a submission only to be countered by a very technical biting on the hand! Even a Test of Strength is unpredictable, with resourcefulness, not strength being the determining factor until another gross counter. Chico tries his best but order is impossible to maintain with biting, rope chokes and closed fists abounding. When Kikyo channels her inner Saraya Knight an enraged Mickie channels her inner JYD, or maybe she’s just like that, she did bit earlier.
The decisive moment comes when one grappler finally decides to relentlessly target their opponent’s leg, negating the size and power stalemate. It isn’t always pretty or legal but eventually an anklelock gets one of these juggernauts a hard fought victory!
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14 min. 602 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3707: Leva vs Rhett Giddins
Leva stands next to the towering Rhett trying to pump up her body and her ego prior to locking up. She mounts the second rope to counter his height advantage, utilizes her speed to outmaneuver him, but finds no solution to his raw power. A quick leg trip drops Rhett to the canvas where Leva tries to ride out a double toehold, but riding Rhett proves more challenging than a bucking bronco as he forces the break.
Leva manages to crank up the pressure with a Camel Clutch on the behemoth, pulling his hair and laying into him with forearm shivers. Despite her best efforts, she can’t keep him down and the powerful Rhett drives her backward into the turnbuckles as he tries to turn the tide.
Rhett effortlessly lifts the desperately squirming Leva, crushing her in the corner with a devastating splash. Despite his power Leva proves a slippery prey, slithering out of his grasp just as she seems in the most peril. Leva stays alive but can she play keep-away long enough to bring down the mountain or will he finally get a good enough grip to crush her?
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8+ min. 360 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3706: Mia Yim vs Chasyn Rance
Kaci Lennox takes charge for this 1 fall bout. After an evenly balanced initial few minutes, Mia begins to assert some authority on the action, culminating in a Flying Headscissor that sends Chasyn out of the ring for a time out.
His tactics prove effective and as the action resumes, Chasyn catches Mia off-guard and nails a succession of Bodyslams that turn the tide in his favor. A Camel Clutch weakens Mia further and Chasyn's dominance continues with a Bow and Arrow stretch followed by multiple Backbreakers.
Mia attempts to battle back with a flurry of kicks but a rake to the eyes from Chasyn stops her comeback in its tracks. And when Chasyn clamps on a crushing Bearhug, the match seems to be over. But there may be a few more surprises yet to happen... for both Mia and Kaci!
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9+ min. 401 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3705: Aerial Monroe vs Kiera Hogan
Aerial and Kiera square off and Kiera is quickly made to visit each corner where she is battered with an assortment of shoulderblocks, Headbutts and elbows.
Turns out that Kiera expecting more wrestling than brawling and almost leaves, but the ladies talk things over and agree to more a grappling exchange and begin again.
And wrestle they do with Superkicks, Tests of Strength and Sleepers.
Plenty of close calls and near falls in this one until one lady bags the win!
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9 min. 385 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3704: Amber Nova vs Priscilla Kelly
We find Amber stretching in the ring when she's suddenly attacked from behind by Priscilla, who viciously takes a steel chair to Amber's knee. Kelly is relentless in her focused attack of the injured limb, even wrapping Nova's leg around the ring ropes and apparently taking great pleasure in the pain she's causing to her adversary.
Priscilla challenges Amber to stand up, only to slam her down hard when she finally does. There's no referee present, so Priscilla adds some biting before locking in a Boston Crab and Figure Four Leglock. This has Amber tapping out in submission, but Priscilla won't let go until Nova passes out from the pain.
After all that, Priscilla is still not done and ties Amber up in the ropes. She kicks away at Nova's legs before Suplexing her back down to the mat. The pinfall that follows seems futile, as this was never an official match anyway and Amber is now completely defenseless. A seated Octopus Stretch leads to a second trip to dreamland, but it's not over until Kelly drops her unlucky victim with one last DDT.
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9 min. 386 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3703: Su Yung vs Jason Cade
Su and Jason verbally spar to start this match talking plenty of smack. Su is apologizing soon after Cade delivers a Khali Chop. Jason rejects Su's apology and proceeds to deliver a Bucklebomb to prove it. Cade talks plenty more smack to Su throughout. She tries to fight back but receives a Piledriver for her trouble.
Cade encourages Su to pull herself back up only to do more damage to her neck with a Tombstone. Jason isn't done though and finally finishes her off with a Pedigree. Jason hopes he taught Su a lesson by dropping her on her head a bunch of times.
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10+ min. 455 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3702: Cali Young vs Tesha Price
Cali may have came to the ring for a wrestling match today but Tesha is only here for a fight. And that's bad news for Cali. Tesha wastes no time with pre-match banter, instead choosing to make a point with a low blow kick to gain Cali's undivided attention.
A trio of Atomic Drops add to Cali's woes and things go from bad to worse when Tesha brings a cane into the ring. Unfortunately, it isn't long before Tesha ups the stakes and upgrades to a baseball bat. And amid all the punishment dished out by weapons, Tesha has an arsenal of wrestling moves to call on too, subjecting Cali to a Boston Crab, Bearhug and Camel Clutch.
A final bridging Suplex finally ends this beatdown in emphatic fashion as Tesha is able to pin Cali for a full 10 count. Tesha then cements her superiority by removing Cali not only from the ring but also leading her to the nearest exit!
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10+ min. 441 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 3701: Ayoka vs LT Falk
1 fall with a 10 minute time limit match.
LT goes on a sexist tirade, demanding an apology for entering his business. No apology but plenty of Wristlocks, facelocks and Waistlocks ensue.
LT lands some mean blows that take Ayoka down to the mat where he is in charge and dishing out plenty of punishment. Ayoka is double-tough and may just put LT in his place-Watch it and see!
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10 min. 424 MB MP4, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members
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