
SLAMpeg 2100: Athena & Justine Silver vs Jessicka Havok & Taeler Hendrix
The plan for team Hendrix and Havok is clear: isolate Justine and DESTROY. They cut the ring in half right away, determined to leave Athena standing outside on the apron. Helpless to do anything, Justine suffers kicks to the stomach, hairpulling and numerous submission holds including a Boston Crab, Abdominal Stretch, and Dragon Sleeper. She shows tremendous heart to stay alive even as her partner Athena grows increasingly frustrated waiting for the tag.
The mean girls take great pleasure in keeping Justine just out of the reach of Athena. They repeatedly walk her over to her corner only to cut her off. Jessicka squeezes her with a Bearhug and Justine reaches out for a tag that is so close and yet so far. She remains a fingertip away as Taeler stretches her with a pair of Chinlock variations. Justine even suffers a near low blow, showing just how easy it is for her opponents to bend the rules. After 10 minutes of watching Justine being dominated, Athena can't take anymore! But does she clean house or leave her partner high and dry?
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14 min. 419 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 2099: Crazy Mary Dobson vs Solo Darling
Fans of straight forward wrestling need look no further as these to have a competitive 3 fall contest with Sleepers being the preferred finishers.
Both ladies keep it clean but intense with plenty of holds and escapes, including a unique couple of holds that really pour on the pressure.
Lots of personality and great action and decisive finishes before this one comes to a conclusion!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 434 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2098: Jessie McKay vs Leva
Quick action, solid technical wrestling, high-impact maneuvers and lots of near falls make up this exciting, 1 fall barefoot match-up
After trading off some early armbars and reversals, tests of strength and back bridges, Leva backs Jessie into the corner and works her over with shoulderblocks and knees to the gut. Jessie returns the favor, then adds in a rope choke and a Snapmare into a Rear Naked Chokehold.
As the match goes on, the stakes rise, and the wrestlers bring out the high-impact moves. Leva delivers Jessie face-first into all 4 turnbuckles and connects on a flipping Neackbreaker and a Sidewalk Slam. Jessie fires back with a Sidewalk Slam of her own as well as a reverse Bearhug and an Abdominal Stretch.
When one grappler misses a second-rope splash, her would-be victim mounts the ropes herself and delivers a thunderous splash that secures a 5 count and the victory.
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15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2097: Evie vs Mia Yim
When Mia faces Evie in the ring, you know it’s not going to be long before things kick-off. Literally. Ivelisse wears the stripes for this 1 fall match between these two Queens of the Kicks.
At first, it seems like the two wrestler’s similar styles might cancel each other out, as both Mia and Evie seek that all important first opportunity. It is Mia who takes initial control of the action, and for once Evie finds herself on the wrong end of a barrage of kicks. However, It doesn’t take long for roles to be reversed and soon Evie is returning the favor in kind, as Mia finds herself on the receiving end of Evie’s boots.
Amid this kicking-fest, Mia and Evie look for the victory by other means too, and both women score a number of near falls with pins and very nearly a knockout.
In the end, a submission hold settles the contest, as an inverted Surfboard brings one wrestler’s kicking to an abrupt stop.
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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2096: Amber O'Neal vs Rain
Amber and Rain have fought many times both inside and outside of the ring, but this time they will be battling in a 15 Minute Ironwoman Submission Match. To ensure that everything is called fairly, former tag team partner of O’Neal, Santana, will be the special guest referee.
The match starts off with a lot of chain wrestling between the ladies, but a well applied Sharpshooter give the southern belle an early lead.
Rain seems to be confused throughout the match about the submission only rules, as she attempts to pin Amber several times throughout the bout. Rain does capture Amber in some submissions though and the action is furious throughout the 15 minutes. In the end, one wrestler barely escapes with a one point win, a win that causes a crazed loser to just viciously attack their superior until the referee is forced to intervene.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17 min. 507 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2095: Allysin Kay vs Sassy Stephie
Stephie and Allysin are all business in this 1 fall match, as the dialogue between the sometimes partners/sometimes rivals is kept to a minimum. Instead both women are keen to focus on wrestling and, naturally, winning.
After an evenly matched opening, Stephie begins to take control of the action by focusing her offense on Allysin’s arms. Although she is unable to score the winning submission, Stephie does weaken Allysin’s arms enough to ensure she comes out on top in a subsequent test of strength.
A Sleeperhold is very nearly enough to give Stephie the win by KO, but Allysin is able to fight back at the last moment and scores a near knockout of her own with a crushing Bearhug. A modified Boston Crab ends the match, scoring the submission for one of these well-matched women.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2094: Mia Yim vs Taylor Made
Taylor’s long hair make for too tempting a target and Mia wastes no time in going after it with an opening hair toss that sends Taylor flying across the ring. Mia tortures poor Taylor’s hair with rope-assisted hairpulls, hair stands, Hairmares and cranks up the pain with repeated hair twists. Taylor suffers in brutal Surfboards, multiple Camel Clutches, Boston Crabs and a crucifix armbar made all the more unbearable as Mia yanks her multicolored locks throughout.
After suffering a good 15 minutes of follicle fallout, Taylor finally turns the tables and has Mia begging for forgiveness. Fueled with the rage of all the tortures she’s just endured, Taylor lays into Mia with hairpull-infused offense including Surfboards, inverted Full Nelson, Sleeper and a quartet of face slams. Both wrestlers take their lumps and it’s still anyone’s match before a devastating hairpull Neckbreaker and satisfying 3 count crowns the winner.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
19 min. 574 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2093: Mercedes Martinez vs Sara Del Rey
All things being equal, Sara could probably put up one hell of a fight against Mercedes. But, in this match, all things are not equal as Mercedes’ first move is to toss a handful of chalk dust into Sara’s eyes, incapacitating her. The ruthless Mercedes uses that opening to tear into Sara and never once lets up. Sara never had a chance.
The beating Mercedes puts on her runs the gamut in terms of style. Initial brawler-style clubbing blows, kicks and chokes in the corner and over the ropes give way to facelocks and a Spinebuster. By the match’s midpoint, Sara is semi-conscious, being tossed around in Suplexes and throttled with well placed knees to the throat.
By the time Mercedes finally finishes her off with a couple of her trademarked Fisherman's Suplexes, Sara doesn’t have an ounce of fight left in her.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7 min. 207 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2092: Cherry Layne vs Justine Silver vs Luscious Latasha
Solo Darling is your referee for this 3 way elimination match pitting 3 good friends against one another. All ladies agree on one thing: may the best woman win. After the opening bell, a three-way test of strength turns into a literal three-way dance. The ensuing three-way lockup ends up undecided, so Latasha opts to take a break outside the ring while Justine and Cherry continue chain wrestling.
It's actually smart strategy on Latasha's part. Triple threats are difficult and you need eyes in the back of your head, as each of these ladies eventually find out. Three-way Waistlocks, bodyscissors and other submissions are exchanged but neither grappler is able to secure the win just yet. The first elimination occurs after a low Dropkick and suddenly it's a one-on-one contest again. Several hard kicks to the back and the legs soften up one unfortunate wrestler, and after a Shining Wizard it's lights out time!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 373 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2091: April Hunter vs Serena Deeb
Daffney officiates and introduces this 1 fall encounter. A lock-up sets the tone for the match to follow, with neither of these two powerhouse wrestlers conceding an inch as they grapple from post to post. Headlocks and armlocks are exchanged before a test of strength again sees both these well matched combatants refusing to back down, at least until an expertly executed Monkey Flip gives April the advantage-an advantage she maintains with a powerful bodyscissor.
However, Serena remains just as tenacious and turns the tide back in her favor with a boot to April’s jaw. Both women come agonizingly close to victory on numerous occasions, as pins are kicked out of and holds barely escaped. It is only when one woman finds herself trapped in the corner and subjected to a barrage of kicks and strikes, culminating in a powerful Clothesline that puts her down for the 1-2-3.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16 min. 485 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2090: Candice LaRae vs Titan
Candice seems to have a lot of confidence beginning this match. She states that she has beaten a lot of boys in her career but Titan asks if she has ever beaten a man. As Candice calls Titan a loser, guest ref Rain rolls her eyes. She has been in the ring with Titan before and knows what Candice is in for.
It's all over before it starts for Candice as Titan takes over right away. An elevated Full Nelson knocks her out and Rain declares Titan as the winner. He states that he is not through with Candice and Rain tries to convince him the match is already over and he is the winner.
Titan has a lot more pain planned for Candice though as he puts her through belly punching, neck-wrenching, Bodyslams, over the knee Backbreakers and much, much more. Poor Candice may think twice before stepping in the ring with Titan again.
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15+ min. 467 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2089: Jessie McKay vs Titan
Titan has a long history of destroying opponents in the ring. This time he faces Jessie McKay who starts off with a little flirtation before going for a quick rollup pin. The man-mountain won’t be toppled that easily and he retaliates with a brutal knee lift that starts an abdominal assault on the over-matched Aussie. Titan buries punches that could stop a bus in Jessie’s midsection and tears at her abs with stomach claws. Humiliating doormat stomps and a pair of over the knee stomach breaker drops leave Jessie writhing on the canvas.
McKay tries to fight back but when she bounces off the ropes to add a little momentum to her punches Titan’s size 20 boot nearly caves her chest in. The colossal brute toys with Jessie before finally putting her down with a Chokeslam and making her the epicenter of an earthquake with a tremendous splash. Jessie needs to be peeled off the mat with a spatula after this one.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2088: MsChif vs Miss Rachel
We’re used to seeing the powerful MsChif dominate her opponents in the ring, but this time, against Miss Rachel, she’s the one being dominated.
The pair start the match circling each other like predators, MsChif sounding out her scream to disconcert her would-be prey. But Miss Rachel turns out to be the predatory one, taking poor MsChif apart in what’s less of a wrestling match and more of a hairpulling, choke-happy massacre.
The cruel Englishwoman puts on shoulder clamps, rakes her eyes, squashes her into corners. But, most of all, she pulls on MsChif’s two-toned hair and chokes her again and again. We get hair-assisted Chinlocks, hair-assisted chokes, hair yanked around the ropes, handful of hair as leverage. And when she’s not pulling MsChif’s hair, Miss Rachel’s strong hands and arms are wrapped firmly around her neck. The final combination choke/Half Nelson that puts MsChif out is practically an act of mercy.
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9 min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 2087: Jessicka Havok vs Amazing Kong
This starts with Amazing Kong shadow boxing when Jessicka comes in to challenge Kong to an arm wrestling match. The winner gets to decide if the match today will be boxing or wrestling.
We won't tell you who wins but the match picked is a submission only wrestling match. Fans of light-hearted matches with good wrestling will really enjoy this one. Headlock takeovers, Headscissors, legbars and more are used by both wrestlers in between smack talking and snarky comments.
The final move leading to a tap out is a tight Cobra Clutch bringing remarks of the Million Dollar Dream.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16 min. 482 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2086: La Rosa Negra vs Leah Von Dutch
This 2 out of 3 falls match between La Rosa Negra and Leah Von Dutch opens with a great show of flexibility as the ladies warm up in the ring. Leah is pretty athletic, but La Rosa shows off some splits and stretches that leave Leah and referee Rain more than a little nonplussed. In between that and the ominous threat Rosa levels at Leah, talking about taking care of ‘girls with pretty faces’, this one doesn’t look promising for the blonde.
That said, Leah manages to give as good as she gets, starting off strong with a rib-crushing Waistscissors and some vicious chops to the chest. Rosa soon has Leah on the mat though, bending her back with combination chin/leglocks. And so it goes, back and forth. Leah clamps on a neckscissors, Boston Crab and wins a fall with a sitout facebuster. Well, Rosa will take her down with another Boston Crab, a monster Backbreaker and some MMA-style submission holds to boot!
The final fall could go either way as small packages, Surfboards and Figure Four Leglocks are exchanged. One last hold leaves one lady screaming her submission, down and practically out on the mat.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 421 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2085: Amy Love vs Kathy the Kitten
Amy's "sexy" posing does not endear her to Kathy...or maybe it does, because she's eager to give the supermodel a BIG hug. The Kitten is more like a lion as she puts the squeeze on that mid-section that Amy is so excited to show off. Unfortunately for Kathy, her overconfidence allows Amy to sneak up behind her and latch on a Sleeperhold.
Cocky as Amy is, she's able to walk the walk as much as she talks the talk. She makes sure that the camera gets plenty of footage of her looking pretty and Kathy looking over-matched. A Camel Clutch is the perfect hold to show why Amy is the boss. Amy relishes reapplying the hold, sinking it in deeper each time. When she gets tired of that, she slaps on another Sleeper that makes The Kitten's eyes roll to the back of her head. A 10 count later, this one is over.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 264 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2084: Shanna vs Su Yung
Once the trash talking comes to a conclusion, the action inside of the squared circle will begin. Su uses her strength advantage to gain the early advantage on Shanna, even managing to torture poor Shanna while hanging her upside down in the turnbuckles.
Su never relents in her attack on Shanna as she just simply beats on “Portugal’s Greatest Athlete” from bell to bell. Su eventually forces Shanna to tap out after trapping her in a Headscissors that squeezes the life out of her.
There is some post match trash talking as well, and much like the action in the ring, Su dominates the post-match antics as well.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 294 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2082: Santana vs Nooie Lee
It is not unusual for us to feature intergender matches, but what is unusual is how much Nooie Lee is actually dominated in this match. Lee actually has the upper hand over Santana when the match begins, but a well-placed strike from Santana will ensure that Nooie never gets the upper hand ever again. Once poor Nooie is left in agony after his family jewels were tarnished, his day turns from bad to worse as Santana just dominates him from bell to bell.
Santana does not only a masterful job of working over Nooie in the ring, but she dishes out some punishment outside the ring as well. Santana also makes sure Nooie suffers by making him endure a wide variety of submission holds. Santana will eventually leave the ring have dominated her opponent, even sitting on him for the merciful and final 10 count.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 430 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2081: Nikki Storm vs Saraya
‘Sweet’ Saraya is one of the dirtiest players in the game and proves it with a pair of eyegouges to start the match. Referee Evie is too frightened of Saraya to intervene as she continues her assault with face rakes, chokes, finger rakes and a brutal low blow kick that drops Nikki to her knees. The Glasgow lass does her best to fight back, but Saraya only increases her south of the border assault.
Nikki literally gets her butt kicked in this one. It’s also spanked, Atomic Dropped, forearm smashed, double axed and bitten before Saraya is through with Nikki’s backside. After more low blows than you can count, Saraya softens up Nikki with a series of throat strikes and a corner mugging that sets up for her patented running low blow Dropkick that has Nikki begging the referee for a damage check. Nikki struggles on and buries Saraya in the corner with shoulderblocks before the fight spills to the outside.
Evie has her work cut out for her as the pair take their wild battle out of the building!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17 min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2079: Kimber Lee & Su Yung vs Jason Cade
Kimber and Su Yung are easily two of the most dangerous women in the pro wrestling world right now. However, what they end up doing to an unsuspecting Jason Cade may also make the two women some of the most devious in the sport as well.
The two women end up convincing Jason to allow them to try out some holds on him, in a friendly training session. What starts out as a friendly training session quickly turns out to just be a brutal torture session as both Kimber and Su wind up locking Jason in a variety of pain inducing holds.
The gullible Jason has no idea what the women had planned and he winds up paying a steep price for not knowing who he was in the ring with. Jason will also have the opportunity to have a nightmare about his altercation as a Su Yung Figure Four eventually causes him to pass out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8 min. 238 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2078: Jayme Jameson vs Nevaeh
It's Jayme "The Knockout Queen" Jameson versus "The Gym City Queen" Nevaeh! To prove her credentials, Jayme puts referee Malia Hosaka to sleep with a lightning fast Sleeperhold. Maybe Jayme should have focused more on her opponent because as soon as the action starts Nevaeh is all over her!
Nevaeh doesn't take too kindly to Jayme's attitude, throwing her in the corner and putting the boots to her. Her stiff kicks repeatedly find their mark on Jayme's stomach, back, and even her face! No matter how hard Jayme tries to crawl away there's no escape. Nevaeh pounces on her and puts her through a litany of holds including a Surfboard, Camel Clutch, Full Nelson with bodyscissors and a Rocking Horse!
Thanks to Jayme, there's no referee to intervene as Nevaeh sits on her and strangles her. It's all but a done deal...except for the fact that Jayme isn't called The Knockout Queen for nothing. After a one-sided affair, one final rally puts the outcome in doubt.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 418 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2077: Kimberly vs Madison Eagles
Madison and Kimberly open their match by discussing their long locks. But when Kimberly taunts Madison, the result is an absolutely hair-razing beatdown.
Menacingly, relentlessly, viciously, Madison spends the entirety of the match torturing Kimberly and her hair. Hair Snapmares, hair chokes and hair-assisted Bodyslams are the order of the day as Madison attacks Kimberly literally from head to toe. She rips Kimberly’s hair out strand by strand, ties her hair to the ropes and throws her around the ring by her hair.
Madison even attacks Kimberly’s hair itself. She attacks Kimberly’s tresses by stomping, delivering kneedrops, hitting it with a Headbutt and even biting (yes … biting) Kimberly’s hair.
After locking in a hairpull-assisted Torture Rack, Madison finally puts Kimberly–and her hair–out for the count when she applies a bodyscissors, then wraps Kimberly’s hair around her throat to choke her out to mercifully end the match.
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12+ min. 376 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2076: Lorelei Lee vs Chasyn Rance
Lorelei and Chasyn kick this one off with ostensibly genuine smiles and a surprisingly civil handshake, but the politeness pretty much ends there. Chasyn gets in a few shots here and there, but if you’re looking for one of the rare occasions on which he gets the upper hand on one of the ladies, this isn’t it.
Lorelei takes it to him from beginning to end, peppering him with punches and kicks, busting out of his attempts at restrictive holds and bouncing his head off the turnbuckles. She takes advantage of the absence of a referee, choking him repeatedly with her hands, under the guise of a Front Facelock, even over the ropes with her feet on the back of his neck! A Rear Chinlock wrenches his neck further and a Bulldog leaves him stunned.
In the end, a seemingly sportsmanlike Lorelei helps a disoriented Chasyn up, reaches for a handshake and kicks the hapless guy in the stomach instead. With a knee on his throat, he has no option but to admit Lorelei’s superiority before being ejected from the ring.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 299 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2075: Ivelisse vs Sassy Stephie
Guest referee Jessie Belle announces this one as a 2 out of 3 falls match where the loser of each fall has to take off her socks to acknowledge the loss. It's chain wrestling to start and Stephie and the Huntress exchange Armdrags after that. There's no clear-cut advantage for either competitor until Stephie locks Ivelisse in her unbreakable Full Nelson. Ivelisse tries hard, but fails to escape and is forced to relinquish the first fall and her socks.
It's all or nothing for Ivelisse now and she can't afford to lose another fall. Stephie tries to press the advantage with a Headscissors, but Ivelisse knees her way out and eventually manages to catch her foe in a Dragon Sleeper to tie the score at one fall (and no socks) apiece.
Good sportsmanship and a handshake before the final fall. A test of strength ends up undecided and before long Stephie discovers the disadvantages of wrestling barefoot when the Huntress bites her toes while trying to get out of a single-leg Boston Crab. Ivelisse nearly grabs the win with a Rocking Horse, but the tenacious Stephie refuses to submit. In the end, a quick rollup earns one of these ladies a hard-fought win.
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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2074: Ivelisse vs Shazza McKenzie
Shazza is all smiles before the match starts, and Ivelisse is thrown off her game by all this friendliness. It shows in the opening minute as Ivelisse finds herself on the wrong end of an armwringer and almost loses the bout in record time when Shazza catches her with a rollup for a near fall.
However, Ivelisse regains her composure like the pro she is and goes back on the offensive. McKenzie now finds herself Clotheslined in the corner and Ivelisse stuns her with a Yakuza Kick and a running Bulldog before hitting some downright vicious kicks to the back of the neck.
It's all Ivelisse for quite some time after that, and she notices Shazza's "not smiling now". That's not exactly surprising as Shazza takes a Neckbreaker and a nasty submission hold, after which Ivelisse actually stands on her head with her full weight! Shazza has finally had enough and fires back with a Clothesline and a series of hard forearm shots. But is it too little too late for the blonde grappler?
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10 min. 304 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2073: Ivelisse vs Shanna
Prior to the action getting physical, Kimberly enters the ring to tell Ivelisse that she will be backing Shanna in this one as her manager. The news does not go over well with Ivelisse, who decides to take out her disappointment on Shanna as the match begins. Kimberly does her best to help out her charge as she interfered many times from the outside of the ring.
Even without the help of her illustrious manager, Shanna manages to do a great job on her own by damaging Ivelisse. Still, Kimberly manages to continuously interfere and do her best to ensure a victory for Shanna. But Ivelisse's double-tough and determined to beat the odds.
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10 min. 304 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2072: Ivelisse & Santana vs Milo Beasley
It’s a rare occurrence for a wrestler in our ring to actually request a handicap match. But that’s exactly what Milo does ahead of his match with Santana, as he doesn’t think she could handle him on her own. Although confident in her own abilities, Sanatana is happy to call upon a friend and she is joined in the ring by Ivelisse.
It doesn’t take long to ascertain that Milo may have bitten off more than he can chew. He is doubleteamed from the outset, as he is kicked and stomped from both sides and soon find himself in a double Boston Crab.
Milo’s punishment continues as Santana and Ivelisse continue to apply holds simultaneously, working over various parts of Milo’s body. However, just as it seems Milo is finished, he is able to eject Ivelisse from the ring. Now one on one with Santana, a comeback might just be on the cards. Can Milo steal the win? Or are two heads better than one?
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14+ min. 435 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2071: Ivelisse vs Lacey
Two of our more vocal athletes face off in this hard fought match peppered with rapid-fire taunting. Jibes about weight, arguments about slang, faux martial arts posturing, flexing…each lady will do what it takes to weaken the other’s confidence. However, it doesn’t look like the attempts at psychological warfare have much effect on either athlete (despite providing much entertainment to the viewer) so it’s a good thing that both possess considerable wrestling prowess to take up the slack!
After an initial series of lockups, Lacey tries to steal control by faking Ivelisse out on a test of strength and kicking her in the gut. Quick thinking, however, enables Ivelisse to take Lacey to the mat with a Headlock. So how does Lacey respond? With a hairpulling reversal, of course! The match is full of quick reversals and underhanded brutality–there’s a lot of choking, cheap shots, kicking and punching. Bodies are bounced continually off of turnbuckles and necks are bent back dangerously over the ropes. But for all the blunt force viciousness, it’s an intricate submission move that ties one lady’s legs into a knot and has her screaming for mercy.
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11 min. 334 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2070: Ivelisse vs Chris Gray
Ivelisse is supremely confident that Chris won't be able to take her. It only takes a few seconds for Chris to shake that confidence. He clubs Ivelisse from behind and then goes to town on her back. Thigh presses, stomps and neck-bending Chinlocks are just the beginning of the beatdown. When Chris isn't driving his boots and knees into Ivelisse's spine, he's whipping so hard into the turnbuckles that she rebounds and falls flat on her face!
Every move is designed to punish Ivelisse's neck and back: bow and arrow stretch, Cravat, Neckbreaker, STF, Backbreaker...Chris doesn't let up for a single minute. To Ivelisse's credit, she refuses to quit. She fights on even after being Bodyslammed, Boston Crabbed and Surfboard stretched. It's a Camel Clutch that finally pushes her past the breaking point...but that doesn't mean Chris is satisfied. Another Camel Clutch is locked on, leaving Ivelisse laid out in the ring.
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10+ min. 309 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2069: Nevaeh vs Taeler Hendrix
Guest official Justine Silver oversees this 1 fall match-up.
Both competitors share a handshake and Taeler is all smiles. Nevaeh isn't too thrilled about this and has a more serious approach to the contest. Solid chain wrestling to start and it's Taeler who first takes the advantage when she locks Nevaeh in a Sleeperhold. Nevaeh eventually escapes and beats her foe down with hard kicks, chops, and forearm shots. She then presses her advantage with a chokehold and a Surfboard, but the tenacious Taeler will not submit.
Taeler eventually more than regains her offensive edge. She seems determined to send Nevaeh to dreamland. Time and again she traps Nevaeh in the Sleeperhold, but the crafty blonde has a counter for it every time. Nevaeh fights back with more stiff kicks and rams Hendrix' head in the turnbuckle several times. She then secures a dangerous guillotine choke and now it's Taeler's turn to try and find a counter-hold. Will she get out or will she tapout?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 439 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2068: Evie vs Kellie Skater
Refereed by Serena Deeb, this is an international 1 fall contest.
Circling cautiously, things are dead even with holds and escapes hard and fast. Kellie leads in submissions, particularly a painful Anklelock that has Evie desperate for release. Evie's athletic side is shown in her use of dropdowns, Leapfrogs and Monkey Flip action. Kicks to the back and a corner Clothesline have Kellie in trouble, but some well placed kicks, a splash and a Suplex put her back in the game.
Stomps to the chest trap Evie on the mat and primed for an armbreaker. And we're only halfway through! There's tons of punishment yet to be dealt-including a rapid-fire series that secures the win for one young lady!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 444 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2067: Leva vs Solo Darling
Guest referee Daffney introduces us to the competitors in this 1 fall encounter. X-Leva sings her own entrance music for a bit before both ladies shake hands in a show of good sportsmanship. That's about the friendliest thing you're going to see in this one, because before long Solo and Leva are exchanging tough Boston Crabs and hurting each other with dueling leglocks. Neither of these grapplers is above some rule bending, as demonstrated by Leva when she traps Solo in a Rocking Horse and simultaneously bites her adversary's toes! That's why you should remember to wear boots when you're in a ring, Solo!
Leva threatens her foe to continue the Rocking Horse/toe bite submission for about 20 minutes, but Solo will have none of it and traps Leva in a bodyscissors/Full Nelson combo instead. That doesn't get her the win, so Solo takes a page out of Leva's playbook and decides to do some biting of her own. With all the illegal tactics going on it might be surprising that a clean, yet extremely painful Mutalock secures the win for one of these fighting competitors.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2066: Athena vs Jessicka Havok
Jessicka wastes little time taking the attack to Athena and with no referee around, there’s little to stop Jessicka from inflicting as much pain as possible. With “Death Machine” ominously printed across the back of her wrestling outfit, Jessicka applies a Camel Clutch, Figure Four Leglock, Surfboard, Boston Crab, over-the-knee Backbreaker, a nerve pinch, and an elevated Full Nelson to inflict as much pain as possible.
When she’s not wearing down Athena with submission holds, Jessicka is delivering powerful clubs, kicks, stomps, elbow drops and more. Athena suffers foot and rope chokes, hairpulls and face slams into the mat. Jessicka enjoys delivering the pain and she locks on a painful submission hold in order to hear Athena scream one more time before the match ends.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2065: Luscious Latasha vs Santana
Santana seems confident ahead of this 1 fall match with Latasha. In only a few seconds, that confidence has somewhat diminished. With no referee in the ring, Latasha takes very little time in taking control of this contest and she is no mood to relinquish that control.
A quick flurry of boots to the gut and vicious forearms send Santana to the canvas, where she spends much of the remaining match. Latasha dominates in any way she can, whether by using the ropes or blatantly choking Santana, or working her over with legitimate wrestling holds including a bodyscissors/Dragon Sleeper Combo and a crushing Bearhug.
A sustained Headscissors almost sends Santana to dreamland, but Latasha is still not quite finished and switches to a Camel Clutch to bring Santana yet more pain. Almost out on her feet, one final devastating kick is enough to put Santana down for what is by now a merciful 3 count.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2064: Kathy the Kitten vs Stacey O'Brien
Stacey enters her bout as the undersized opponent when compared to The Kitten, but Kathy insulting the Irish accent of Stacey may due enough to light a fire under her foe. Stacey gets the early edge on her opponent, doing enough damage that Kathy has to meow like a kitten from being in so much pain. However, it does not take very long for Kathy to gain control of her opponent and that is where the damage is done.
Kathy does everything she can to slow down the much quicker Stacey, including some work on the Irishwoman's midsection. Stacey does her best to fight back against Kathy, but nothing is seemingly able to keep The Kitten down.
The bout comes to a quick conclusion with a rollup, but is it Stacey getting her hand raised or The Kitten purring in victory?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 146 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2063: Jessie Belle vs Miss Rachel
Jessie Belle tries to convince Miss Rachel before the match that they should team up, but all that talking does is delaying the inevitable beat down that Miss Rachel. Rachel starts off quickly once the action begins, but Jessie Belle shows that she can hang with her more powerful opponent.
The two fierce competitors exchange plenty of holds, mostly focusing on each others' arms and midsections. Jessie Belle is able to absorb everything that Miss Rachel throws her way, including several submission holds.
Eventually it will be one wrestler succumbing to a Sleeperhold, but will it be Jessie Belle or Miss Rachel taking that long nap.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11 min. 174 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2062: Kathy the Kitten vs LT Falk
LT begins this match dubious about his opponent, Kathy. “This is a man’s business,” he claims proudly, mocking Kathy and suggesting that he didn’t even need to tape up or prepare in any way to defeat her. He’s made to eat his words when Kathy interrupts his tirade with a tight slap.
To his credit, LT gets in a few shots of his own at first, but Kathy brings that brief offensive to a sudden halt with a kick to the gut and a facebuster. Things go rapidly downhill for LT from that point as Kathy dominates the match and beats him to a pulp.
She unleashes an enormous arsenal of moves on him–chokeholds, kicks, Atomic Drops, Armbars, DDTs…at one point, she even drops down on his chest, butt-first. A painful looking Crossface earns Kathy her well-deserved victory, leaving LT to roll exhausted out of the ring and–undoubtedly–reconsider his views about women in the ring.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7+ min. 123 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2061: Brittney Savage vs Rain
Rain says that the word on the street is that Brittney thinks she’s stronger than Rain. Brittney denies it, claiming instead that she’s wiser than the veteran brunette. Brittney proves it with a surprise kick to the gut and DDT that puts Rain down and nearly out.
Brittney presses her advantage with another devastating DDT and follow up Bodyslam as Rain appears all but done for in this one! Savage sends Rain into the corner but a missed running knee sends Brittney hard into the turnbuckles and opens the door for Rain.
She takes full advantage and works Brittney’s back with Bodyslams, knee drops, Suplexes and a pair of Neckbreakers. The ‘wise’ Brittney isn’t looking so smart as Rain tortures her with chokes, finger rakes, and hairpulling that thins out Savage’s extensions. Rain seems to be enjoying herself immensely as she takes her time dolling out the pain including a pair of Piledrivers before executing a humiliating pin and a farewell DDT that leaves Brittney out on the mat.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 305 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2060: Amber O'Neal vs Nevaeh
Amber is eager to test out her ‘under construction’ guns against Nevaeh’s but she may have bit off more than she can chew as a fingerlock test of strength puts O’Neal on her knees. Caught in a Side Headlock, Amber squirms her way into a controlling position with a Dragon Sleeper, but a well-timed leg trip by Nevaeh soon has O’Neal suffering in a double-toed Surfboard.
So goes this match-up of savvy veterans as they put on a clinic of well executed offense and creative counters. Nevaeh grinds Amber down with joint-locks and a painful Full Nelson before blasting the air from her lungs with repeated deep shoulder blocks in the corner. Amber does plenty of damage of her own, torturing Nevaeh with a kneeling ab stretch and Camel Clutch. O’Neal effortlessly switches from a Chinlock, Surfboard and arm wringer all while keeping Nevaeh helpless and suffering in a double-toe hold.
This veteran battle goes back and forth until a tightly wrapped Sleeper finally leaves one wrestler kayoed on the canvas.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 306 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2059: Heidi Lovelace vs La Rosa Negra
Nevaeh is the official for this 2 out of 3 falls match. The action is back and forth from the opening bell, with both women eager to score the first fall. Their game plans are also similar, as both wrestlers focusing many of their attacks on each other’s arms.
Hammerlocks, Surfboards, armbars, straitjacket chokes, Chicken-wings and more are applied and exchanged in an effort to score the first fall. Eventually, the first point goes to La Rosa with a tights assisted rollup. Heidi battles back, still targeting La Rosa’s arms and her determination eventually pays off with the equalizing fall.
With the score tied, it all comes down to the third and final fall to decide the winner. But who will finally have their (probably aching!) arms raised in victory?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
29 min. 871 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2058: Angel Williams vs Kimberly
You can just tell by the way that Angel and Kimberly competitively taunt each other while twirling their hair that this match is headed for hair-mangling madness.
A fired up Angel sends a boot to Kimberly’s stomach and throws her hard to the canvas with a hair slam. From there Williams drives two hands into Kimberly’s long brown locks and never lets go. Hair chokes, hair throws, Hairmares, hair stands all have Kimberly screaming throughout this match.
Kimberly looks more like a tortured troll doll than a glamorous professional athlete as Angel has her long hair standing straight up with hairpull Surfboards and a pair of legdrops to Kimberly’s hair. Grabbing a ringside bat, Angela tenderizes Kimberly’s hair before using the bat to choke her out on the ropes.
With her scalp in agony, Kimberly has little choice but to scream a humiliating submission to Angel’s final hair pull single leg Boston Crab before the devilish blonde finally agrees to stop the torture and let her go.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2057: April Hunter vs Kristin Astara
April and Kristin are decked out in sporty gear and tennis shoes for this intense submissions only match. A sneak attack by Kristin gets things off on the right foot for her, leading to a Surfboard stretch that gets an early submission from April. She wears April down with a Camel Clutch and a bodyscissors, but April has had enough! A reversal into a double-toed leglock has Kristin tapping out to even the score.
Once April is able to get ahold of Kristin, her power is in full effect. She presses her into the corner, squeezes her with a Front Facelock and stretches her out with a nasty Camel Clutch. It's Kristin, however, who regains the lead by forcing April to submit to a Figure Four Leglock. Kristin is wise to attack the bigger lady's joints with a keylock and a neck crank, but it isn't enough to put April away! The fiery redhead locks on a grueling leg spread that forces Kristin to submit a second time.
With the score tied up, it's only fitting that one wrestler ends up with their legs tied up around the ring post for the final submission!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 379 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2056: Jessie Belle vs Sara Del Rey
Jessie Belle’s luscious red locks have made her a big old target here, providing the focal point for an endless amount of punishment. Sadly for her, this match against Sara Del Rey is no different.
It’s a one-sided massacre from beginning to end, with Del Rey tossing the poor redhead from pillar to post, usually by her hair. Nearly every move used by Sara involved a tight grip on Jessie Belle’s hair, whether for leverage or sheer ‘pull-it-out-by-the-roots’ sadism. She bends Jessie Belle’s back over her knees while yanking on her hair, she pulls Jessie Belle’s head back across the ropes while yanking on her hair, she clamps a Waistscissors on her while yanking on her hair. In fact, the only times she’s not yanking on her hair is when she’s stepping on it or using it to choke Jessie Belle out. By the time Sara concludes her slaughter of Jessie with a Front Facelock followed by a hair-assisted takedown, the hapless Jessie Belle looks like she barely has breath left in her body.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 432 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2055: Jayme Jameson vs Jazz
This contest between Jayme and Jazz starts off with some banter that appears good-natured, taking a shot or two at Jayme’s physical proportions. But when Jazz takes a firm grip on Jayme’s dark tresses and proceeds to toss her around with them, the repartee takes a turn toward darkness. As Jazz makes increasingly bizarre threats (like promising to extract enough hair from Jayme to decorate a Christmas tree!), Jayme starts to worry that her opponent might be crazy!
Jazz doesn’t do much to disabuse her of this notion, keeping up the relentless hair-centric assault. Jayme’s head is yanked back against the ropes by her hair, she’s put in a hair-assisted Camel Clutch, thrown around in hair-assisted Snapmares. Jazz doesn’t perform too many legit wrestling moves, proving herself far more interested in just straight-up hairpulling. She figures out every possible angle from which to pull out handfuls of Jayme’s hair. She even steps on it and ties it to the ropes.
A final hair-assisted, neck-cranking submission compels Jayme to give up without having offered so much as a single beat of resistance.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 382 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2054: Courtney Rush vs Nikki Storm
Solo Darling is present to introduce two feisty competitors. These ladies waste no time going for the upper hand and neither one expected the kind of competition they’re receiving from their present opponent. When a Sleeper attempt doesn’t work for Nikki, she tries a Camel Clutch.
But we all know Ms. Rush is a tough cookie. This match won’t be an easy W for either competitor and we the audience get to enjoy the show. Suplexes into a Sharpshooter end this one in a submission, but we can only hope this isn’t the last meeting of these two fiery ladies.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2053: Diane Von Hoffman vs Santana
Santana enters the ring and brags to guest referee Allysin Kay how she is the best wrestler ever to grace our ring. Santana even goes as far as to issue an open challenge to all the wrestlers on the roster. When Von Hoffman angrily answers the call, Santana is not impressed, and she mocks the veteran grappler as being way too old. Big mistake.
Santana attacks with multiple forearm smashes from off the ropes, but her best shots don’t even phase Diane. But Diane’s shoulderblocks, Clotheslines, Bodyslams, Sleeperholds and chops certainly phase Santana. Diane never relents in this beatdown of a match. From illegal tactics such as rakes of the face and eyes, hairpulls, and foot and rope chokes, to more standard wrestling maneuvers such as a Cobra Clutch, kneelifts and face slams into the turnbuckle, Diane teaches a lesson is respect that Santana is not soon to forget.
Diane puts Santana away with an old favorite, the Iron Claw, to end the match. But Diane is not finished with her lesson, and when Allysin tries to get Diane off of the unconscious Santana, the same fate awaits her.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 413 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2052: Lorelei Lee vs Rhia O'Reilly
These two ladies locked horns earlier in SLAMpeg 1248-Lorelei dominated that submissions only bout, eventually humiliating Rhia by putting her to sleep. Neither of these grapplers have forgotten that encounter.
Lorelei is confident she can pull off the same stunt again, while Rhia certainly has a score to settle. They both agree on another submission match-first lady to gain 5 submissions wins the bout. A somewhat cocky Lorelei lies down for Rhia and even offers her an arm and a leg to get a free hold in, but Rhia says she doesn't need the help. And right she is...
An angry Rhia doesn't focus on any submissions in the opening stages of the match, but rather clubs down her opponent with hard punches, kicks, and Clotheslines. After releasing some pent-up frustration, Rhia finally settles in a back-bending Camel Clutch. With no ropes in sight and no escape from her predicament, Lorelei is left with no alternative but to tap out and relinquish the first fall.
Unfortunately for Lorelei, Rhia decides to prolong the torture session. Lorelei doesn't stand a chance against Rhia's wrath and soon finds herself tapping out to an Indian Deathlock, leg nelson, and Boston Crab. And what better way for Rhia to end the match than with a tight Sleeperhold? Revenge at last!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 431 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2051: Malia Hosaka vs Solo Darling
Leva wears the stripes in this 1 fall contest. After establishing that Malia is more interested in wrestling than video games, the match begins and unsurprisingly it is the veteran that starts strong.
However, Solo is far from intimidated by her more experienced opponent and frequently turns the tables on Malia. Unfortunately this only serves to frustrate Malia who begins to take more and more shortcuts. As Solo battles to stay in the match, Leva must also battle to ensure that Malia plays fair.
Solo suffers in Headscissors, bodyscissors, a Camel Clutch, and more, whilst frequent rakes to the eyes, choking and hairpulling ensure she stays on the defensive. But Solo will not go down without a fight and whenever an opportunity arrives, she is quick to capitalize. When one woman scores the winning pin, it would seem that Malia’s tactics have taught Solo a lesson. But perhaps not in the way you might think.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 389 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2050: Madison Eagles vs Jason Cade
Madison has faced a plethora of top level talent during her time in the squared circle, but none may be as dangerous as Jason Cade. Eagles enters the bout with no fear and a bit of confidence as the referee proclaims her to be her “second best friend ever.” Eagles uses her speed to her advantage early in the match, including a hip toss of Cade from the middle rope.
Eagles actually dominates Cade for the majority of the match, using a variety of submissions and fast paced offense. Cade does take control at various points throughout the action, but he seemingly cannot keep Eagles from making a comeback.
The match, while long in time, comes to a fast conclusion as one competitor quickly rolls up the other to gain the victory.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2049: Candice LaRae vs Crazy Mary Dobson
A Best of 3 Falls match-up in which both competitors (and guest referee Cherry Bomb) are clad in socks and must surrender a sock if they lose a fall.
The two trade armbars, Headlocks and Hiptosses in the early stages of the match until Candice gains the advantage. She uses a Surfboard hold, then escapes a Full Nelson on the mat to slap on a modified Octopus hold to force Mary to tap and surrender a sock.
Mary dominates in the second fall, attacking with a hairpull, chokes and kicks in the corner and a Figure Four Leglock that Candice gives in to … and gives up a sock.
Mary takes an early advantage in the final fall, but Candice shows her resilience by powering out of Mary’s Sleeperhold. When one grappler “socks” the other with a vicious DDT, then holds on for a seated Front Facelock, there’s no escape for the soon-to-be-sockless loser.
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14+ min. 431 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2048: Su Yung vs Titan
Another Titan match against a poor soul. Any takers?
Su does her best to dodge and weave her giant opponent at the outset, but she’s eventually trapped and worn down with the usual illegal tactics. Face raking, ropework, choking… not to mention a crazy amount of nerve pinching and ab clawing. Poor Su hangs on only to be subjected to a Tree of Woe and other suspended holds that would normally end any other match. And poor Su does tap. But Titan doesn’t seem to really hear it.
Over the shoulder Backbreakers, crossfaces and Sharpshooters are still in store for our outmatched warrior. Titan fans, another one to add to the collection.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 468 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2047: Serena Deeb vs Chasyn Rance
Chasyn strips off his title belt and takes the fight right to Serena powering her into the corner for a hard shot to the chest and following up with a Vertical Suplex that displays his power as he suspends her upside down for an extended period to start this first to 3 falls submission match.
Serena responds with an explosion of offense both legal and illegal. Deeb delivers eyegouges, chokes, finger rakes, bites and brutal low blows to soften up Chasyn before grinding out submissions with a Lotus Lock and Camel Clutch. Rance takes a mugging over 2 falls before finally managing to stage a comeback, but a well-placed mule kick between his legs stops him in his tracks.
Chasyn is left helpless against a final Full Nelson/bodyscissors that has him desperately tapping out the final submission. After taking the match and his pride, Serena takes Chasyn’s belt as well but not before delivering another low blow that leaves the ex-champ curled up on the canvas.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 417 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2045: Allysin Kay vs La Rosa Negra
Right off the bat, Allysin and La Rosa have to settle a major dispute: boots or no boots? When La Rosa refuses to join Allysin in wrestling barefoot, it's up to Allysin to force her into it! There is no shortage of legwork in this match. Allysin uses all of her submission expertise to tweak La Rosa's leg into shapes it wasn't meant to be put in.
There isn't much La Rosa can do to stop Allysin from taking her boots and socks off, one leg at a time. The prideful Puerto Rican has rarely looked more helpless. Allysin's methodical dismantling has La Rosa close to tears. She doesn't give up though, daring to fight Allysin on one leg. Allysin fakes an act of kindness, then proceeds to inflict yet another anklelock.
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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2044: Ivelisse vs Jayme Jameson
Nikki St. John to keep the peace between two of our scrappier grapplers.
A fair amount of jawing in this one before the action actually begins. A back and forth exchange before Jayme takes control with a Camel Clutch. then all bets are off. These ladies are out for blood, stretching each other out, slamming one another into corners, going for a Sleeper finish or a Boston Crab submission.
Neither are afraid to try corner work or choking, but lucky for both participants, we have an official to keep it legal. At the end of the day, one lady finds herself tapping to a brutal guillotine choke while the ref is there to raise the victor’s arm.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2043: Justine Silver vs Kimberly
Justine and Kimberly waste no time in kicking off this Best of 5 Submissions Match, with both women targeting their opponent’s arms from the opening bell. Hammerlocks, armbars and more are employed as elbows and shoulders are cranked and twisted in the quest for the first submission.
It is Justine that takes the first fall, taking a little longer than necessary to release her hold on a frantically tapping Kimberly. But as ever in the ring, what goes around comes around and when Kimberly levels the score, she too is somewhat reluctant to give Justine her arm back.
Two more submissions bring the score to 2-2 and a final deciding round. A vicious Hammerlock is enough to give one of these wrestlers the victory. Will the hammer fall for Kimberly? Or is Justine locked on for the win?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 458 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2042: Athena vs Mia Yim
A pair of fast-rising superstars face off in this tightly contested match.
After an early exchange of Headlocks and armlocks, Mia seizes control of the match with a rolling bodyscissors that disorients Athena and leaves her open to a deep Boston Crab and Camel Clutch as Mia works her lower back. Mia literally has Athena on the ropes as she hangs her in a Tarantula, suspends her in an overhead double-toed Bow & Arrow and nearly gets a submission with a Crucifix Armbar.
Athena absorbs some serious damage from the smaller Yim, but she turns the tables with a double-toed Surfboard and brutal Crossface on Mia. Athena shows off her tremendous power, hauling Mia up into a Hangman before delivering a devastating Gory Neckbreaker as the momentum shifts solidly in Athena’s favor. Never count Mia out though and these two battle on until an arched Surfboard/Chinlock leads to a desperate tap out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2041: Becky Bayless vs Rain
Plenty of tricky holds to be seen in this submission only match-up!
The wrestlers take their time to measure each other, Becky with a Headscissors on Rain and Rain reversing into a Butterfly Stretch. Rain puts the pressure on with a Rear Chinlock and a nerve pinch. A frustrated Becky fights out and then looks to finish Rain with a Boston Crab!
Rain survives and takes the action to another level. She beats Becky back into the corner, stretches her over the top rope, and nearly gets Becky to tap to a Camel Clutch. Becky's pretty pigtails are taken full advantage of as Rain yanks on them for added leverage. They break out plenty of stomps, a Texas Cloverleaf, and a stomach claw in their search for the submission. It's a combination leglock Surfboard stretch that finishes one wrestler off.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 300 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2040: Evie vs Jessie McKay
This is an all-out war where the first to two knockouts will be declared the victor. Jessie gets the best of the chain wrestling early on until Evie is able to lay her out with a Clothesline. That's enough to set up Jessie for a Sleeperhold that earns Evie the first knockout of the match. Is it over already? Jessie can't even catch her breath with Evie using her boot and the ropes to choke her Australian counterpart. A mighty Bearhug saps Jessie's strength, but she's able to escape the ensuing Sleeper.
They go to the outside where Jessie is finally able to mount an offense. She lays into Evie with forearm shots and then drives her head into a chair! Using the furniture to stand tall, Jessie is able to apply a Sleeper that really puts the squeeze on Evie. As hard as Evie fights, she has no choice but to go out. Back inside, Jessie shows off her strength with an elevated Chickenwing hold. Evie gets free and responds with a kick to Jessie's stomach.
To their last breath, these two go all out to try to put the other under with a deciding Sleeper.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 473 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2039: Malia Hosaka vs Shanna
It’s veteran versus newcomer in this hard fought battle. Things start off very sportsmanlike as the pair shake hands but they’re soon down to brass tacks, feeling each other out with Waistlocks and chokeholds. Both ladies take their bumps. The vicious Malia has Shanna shrieking under the effect of shoulder and abdominal claws but Shanna soon bends her opponent’s leg in painful angles and punishes her with neck-wrenching submissions.
Malia retains control for a while by utilizing a long, punishing Bow & Arrow followed by an equally protracted Figure Four Leglock but Shanna eventually regains some momentum by powering out of a Camel Clutch and slamming Malia into the corner. A brutal Dragon Sleeper leaves one lady motionless on the mat as the other crows in celebration of a well-earned victory.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11 min. 328 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2038: Kimberly vs Lacey
Just as with their previous encounters (SLAMpegs 709 & 1231), this is a hard fought, back and forth battle between two seasoned wrestlers.
With no referee in the ring, it’s every SLAMminLady for herself, but in actual fact both women let their skills do the talking. And this is a showcase for some excellent mat-based wrestling from both competitors as holds are applied, countered and endured. Headlocks, armlocks, Leglocks, nelsons, scissors and more are all employed as each wrestler looks for a submission victory.
Indeed, such is the tenacity of both women, in the end only a knockout is enough to score the victory, as one determined wrestler refuses to tap out to an inescapable Dragon Sleeper. But who leaves the ring in triumph? And who is left out cold on the canvas?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 441 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2037: Jessicka Havok vs Solo Darling
Jessicka has more than a slight height advantage on Solo. In this 1 fall match-up, Jessicka learns the hard way that when you’re down on the mat, height doesn’t matter.
As the two lock up, Solo plants a boot in Jessicka’s gut, then applies an armbar to take Jessicka down and keep her down on the canvas. Solo works over Jessicka with armbars, Hammerlocks, a very innovative “Figure Eight Armlock”, a Surfboard and a Camel Clutch.
When Jessicka manages to get to the ropes to break free, Solo comes back with a leg sweep to take Jessicka right back down, then she targets Jessicka’s legs. Anklelocks, Stepover Toeholds, kicks to the thigh, a falling Headbutt to the groin and a Figure Four Leglock variant ensure that Solo’s much taller opponent can’t get up from the mat. Solo even tosses in the occasional bite and foot choke.
Solo completely dominates Jessicka in this match-up, and even when the bigger wrestler taps out to a Sharpshooter, Solo is not finished making Jessicka howl in pain.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 358 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2036: Kristin Astara vs Rain
Kristin takes on Rain in the finals of the Submission Test of Strength Challenge. In this unique bout, each wrestler takes a turn applying a submission hold on the other. If the victim taps out, she loses the point. If she withstands the pressure for a full minute, she gets the point. Each wrestler will get to apply 5 submission holds with a total of two points to be earned in each round.
Rain wins the coin toss and gets to apply each hold on Kristin first. Then, it’s Kristin’s turn to return the favor. The two veteran grapplers test each other with a Camel Clutch in the first round, followed by a Boston Crab, Figure Four and over-the-knee Backbreaker.
The score is tied at 4-4 when the fifth and deciding round–the Abdominal Stretch-comes along. Which of these veteran grapplers will come out victorious in the Submission Test of Strength Challenge?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
19 min. 576 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2035: Kimberly vs Su Yung
Kimberly looks a little wary going into this match with the unusually loud and energetic Su, voicing her suspicions about whether or not her hyperactive opponent was on any controlled substances. But such concerns soon drop away in the face of combat as they launch into an odd test of strength in which they match right hand to right hand. This leads into some impressive back and forth holds as the two ladies swap control several times in a row.
For every scream of pain Su elicits with, say, a Mutalock or Bow & Arrow, Kimberly earns another with a Camel Clutch or leglock. Things get chaotic soon enough as the action spills out of the ring and the brutality levels are upped. Kimberly nearly wins a submission with an excruciating Sharpshooter and proceeds to target Su’s weakened leg at every opportunity. This match is as closely fought as they get and when a victory is finally eked out, it’s by the skin of one lady’s teeth!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 380 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2034: Nikki Roxx vs Santana
Santana is warming up when her opponent enters the ring barefoot and in a violent rage. It turns out that this is a 3 out of 5 fall barefoot match in which a win can only be earned via Anklelock, but Santana has reported to the ring still wearing her boots.
Nikki’s anger manifests itself immediately in a vicious Figure Four Leglock after which she strips off one of Santana’s boots and wins the first fall with an Anklelock. It’s only a matter of time before Santana loses the other boot and the socks underneath, screaming out submission after submission as Nikki abuses her brunette’s slender legs with cruel abandon.
Repeated Figure Four Leglocks, Boston Crabs and–of course–extended anklelocks are the order of the day for this one-sided contest and with the number Nikki does on the hapless Santana’s lower limbs, it’ll be a wonder if she can limp home without assistance.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2033: Evie vs Kay Lee Ray
If fast-paced action, high-impact maneuvers and plenty of creative escapes and reversals are your cup of tea, this 1 fall match-up is for you.
The two start the match trading off armbars and reversals before the two evenly matched grapplers take things up a notch. The two engage in a series of simultaneous kicks to each other, then simultaneous Dropkicks send both competitors to the mat. The match rolls on with neither woman able to gain the advantage, with double Clotheslines and double kicks to the head sending both grapplers to the mat again and again.
The two rack up more than a dozen 2 counts with small packages, bridging pin attempts, bodyscissors, and reversals to those maneuvers. Evie scores near falls after delivering a Clothesline, a nasty running Dropkick and a forearm smash in the corner. Kay Lee nearly gets the win after connecting on a vicious Enzuigiri Kick.
It’s quick, unpredictable action right until the very end, when one lady avoids a potentially match-ending strike and rolls up her opponent for the 3 count and the hard-fought victory.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2032: Allysin Kay vs Crazy Mary Dobson
Allysin is happy to trade verbal insults with Crazy Mary, but seems a little hesitant to physically lock up with her somewhat unstable opponent. The initial test of strength is pretty even until AK47 takes a shortcut to gain the advantage. She then fights her way out of a Figure Four attempt and then nearly decapitates Mary with a brutal kick to the head. Dobson tries to fight back with a Sleeperhold, but Allysin escapes and locks in a Sleeper of her own to have her foe on the verge of unconsciousness.
Allysin continues her questionable tactics by viciously raking her opponent's eyes. Despite having her vision impaired, Mary fights back valiantly and nearly earns a submission win with an innovative leglock. Allysin resorts to desperate measures and tries to choke her opponent with her boot, but then makes the mistake of arguing with the official.
The lesson to be learned here is that you never ever turn your back on Crazy Mary Dobson...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 441 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2031: Justine Silver vs Kellie Skater
Kellie offers an opening handshake, but Justine waves her off claiming she’s more interested in collecting wins than friends. Skater promises to teach Justine to show some respect before the match is over.
Justine shows none early on as she pulls hair, chokes and rakes Kellie’s eyes on the top rope to take the early advantage. Kellie counters with a powerful running forearm in the corner and follows with a tight Sleeper, but Justine feeds the Aussie a steady diet of forearm smashes, kicks and stomps. The youngster shows plenty of skill as she targets Skater’s back with an over-the-knee Backbreaker, Rocking Horse and devastating Lungblower.
The strategy takes its toll as Kellie can’t get Justine up for a Bodyslam and Silver makes her pay with a Boston Crab and vertical splash. A desperate Kellie blocks a Suplex before hitting one of her own and following up with a powerful Clothesline and Dropkick. The finale is a wild exchange of counters and reversals before one wrestler emerges victorious and a little bit of respect is earned on both sides.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 440 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2030: Amber O'Neal vs Tracy Taylor
The ladies are in the ring waiting for their respective partners to arrive and decide to have an impromptu warm-up I Quit Match.
Some arm punishing holds by both to start leads to Tracy using her patented Hang Ten. Amber endures and now legs become the targets of choice.
Scarf chokes, Waistscissors Camel Clutch and more twisting and turning leads to one lady screaming out her surrender.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 312 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2029: MsChif vs Santana
MsChif is widely considered to be one of the best wrestlers in the world right now and that is a position that Su Yung is looking to usurp. Yung may be wearing an Atlanta Falcons jersey while battling MsChif, but this particular falcon cannot fly. Early into the match, Yung suffers a terrifying ankle injury and is forced to bow out of the match, which leaves the blood-lust of MsChif unfulfilled.
That bloodlust will be taken out on the woman who accompanied Su to the ring, Santana (who is sporting a Tampa Bay jersey). MsChif, unable to dish out the punishment to Su, decides that it is Santana's turn to suffer from her particular form of violence. Much like the injured Su, Santana does not walk away from her confrontation with MsChif unless some medical help is provided.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 474 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2028: Kathy the Kitten vs Solo Darling
Kittens are usually playful, nice and are pleasant to be around, however Solo may have a different opinion after stepping foot in the ring with The Kitten. Solo is used to having a power advantage against the majority of her foes, but her power is on the low end of the scale when compared to The Kitten. The Kitten starts attacking Solo as soon as the bell rings and this kitten does not relent until the final bell is rang.
The Kitten attacks Solo with a variety of holds ranging from running knee strikes to a variety of illegal chokes. Solo does her best to hang in there against the sheer force known as The Kitten, but this day does not belong to her. The Kitten eventually puts Solo down for good, no doubt she will be having nightmares about kittens from this day forward.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 246 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
Instant Access

$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2027: Amanda Rodriguez vs Leva
An international incident is brewing as Captain Levamerica faces off against Peruvian Amanda Rodriguez. Amanda has disparaging words for Leva’s ‘toys’ while the Captain is equally unimpressed with Amanda’s four pushup bras. Leva starts strong but a double thrust to the throat stops her in her tracks and Amanda’s ring tactics prove worthy of a villain as she relies on boots to the throat, chokes on the rope, hairpulling and even a low blow Headbutt to keep the cosplay heroine down.
After taking an underhanded beating, a desperate Leva uses her Captain’s shield to great effect, slamming it down onto Amanda’s skull repeatedly and leaving Rodriquez seeing stars (and not the ones on Leva’s ring gear). The pair brawl wildly as powerful forearms, kicks and punches fly before Leva gets a head of steam and levels the Peruvian beauty with a series of flying Clotheslines and back elbows. Amanda puts on the brakes with another double thrust to the throat and it’s anyone’s match to take until a devastating Superkick lays out one wrestler and delivers a super-win to the victor.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 355 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2026: Jessicka Havok vs Taeler Hendrix
Taeler has fought some of the best women's wrestler during her travels, but nobody may compare to the absolute force of brutality known as Jessicka Havok. Taeler manages to have quite a good showing for herself, despite the obvious size and strength disadvantage she faces when compared to Havok. Hendrix uses a submission based attack on Havok, even catching her in a guillotine choke at one point in the bout.
Havok gets beaten so badly at one point that she starts asking the referee for some help, but there is not much that can keep Taeler off of her. Taeler manages to practically dominate Havok from bell to bell, but she does not find the right opportunity to put her away. That can cost Taeler in the end, because one wrestler is staring up at the lights after a brutal Tombstone Piledriver.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2025: Ivelisse vs Taylor Made
Taylor can’t help commenting how good she’ll look wearing Ivelisse’s championship belt. The referee’s impartiality comes into question as he wholeheartedly agrees with the challenger. The wary Ivelisse takes control early, grinding down Taylor as she keeps her close to the mat but the fix seems to be in as the referee ignores Taylor’s blatant handfuls of hair and even pulls the rope a little closer to help her escape Ivelisse’s vice-like grip.
Confident of the referee’s support, Taylor unloads with a running Clothesline, corner splash and tight Sleeper between vicious stomps, kicks, and punches. Ivelisse takes a pummeling and endures Taylor’s chokes, hairpulls and face rakes while only able to lash out with occasional powerful kicks to keep Taylor from dominating the match. Ivelisse can strike like lightning but can she overcome the odds and defend her belt against this stacked deck? A grounded guillotine choke proves to be the decider here and the victor celebrates with her title over her defeated foe.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 443 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2024: Heidi Lovelace vs LeiLani Kai
Vet and relative newcomer collide and exchange holds to begin. LeiLani goes on the assault with boots, ropes and gut shots. And hairpulling and choking and Surfboarding.
Heidi's arm takes a real beating, hanging limp at her side while she struggles to fight back. And battle back she does, surprising the veteran with some punches to the gut and Boston Crabbing her. Staying on the weakened LeiLani, Heidi takes a couple tries at grabbing some pins, but LeiLani is always dangerous and Heidi had better watch out for what's coming!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2023: Amy Love vs Leva & Su Yung
Amy Love discovers the risks of being Team Jacob in a ring full of Team Edward as she takes on Leva and Su Yung.
Leva starts out for Team Edward and takes control with a straightjacket Surfboard before grabbing hold of Amy’s hair and making a quick tag. From then on it’s a full on doubleteam as Su and Leva gang up on the statuesque blonde. Amy is punished in an over-the-knee Backbreaker, Camel Clutches, Dragon Sleeper and more as Su and Leva flash their mean streaks.
Love’s hair is nearly yanked out by the roots with hairpulls, twists, stands and even chokes using her own hair. At one point Amy serves as the rope in a tug of war as Su grabs Amy’s hair and Leva takes hold of her boots before both pull in opposite directions. By the end of this prolonged double team beatdown the supermodel can barely sit upright without falling over. A devastating cutter puts Amy down for the 3 count followed by a ‘stone cold’ celebration that leaves one of Team Edward down and out alongside her.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
28+ min. 852 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2021: Christina Von Eerie vs Kimberly
Kimberly tries to go all technical on Christina in the opening stages of their 1 fall match, but Von Eerie will have nothing of Armbars or Hammerlocks and yanks Kimberly to the mat by her long dark hair. She follows up with more hairpulling and a boot choke before actually using Kimberly's own hair to choke her! As we all know by now, Kimberly is no pushover and she fights back when Christina misses a corner charge, flooring her foe with a dropkick and tossing her around with a few Hairmares of her own.
However, Christina has a mean streak a mile long and turns up the viciousness some more. She stuns Kimberly with a jawbreaker, drops her with a hard Clothesline and even beats her up with a hairbrush! Kimberly rallies after being tied up in a Tree of Woe, but Christina seems to find a way to regain the advantage each time.
In the end, an excruciating submission hold spells the end for one of these competitors.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 362 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members
5:42 PM 7/30/2014 |

SLAMpeg 2020: April Hunter vs Niya
No ref, 1 fall contest. Starts with April bulling Niya back into a corner and throwing a knee into the breadbasket. Now that Niya sees how it's going to be, she's ready when they lock up again. Still, April dominates with stretches, boot and hand chokes, arm torture and keeping Niya outside of the ring at one point.
Once back in, a testing of strength leads to still more dominance by the redhead in the form of creative abuse. Niya is tied up in knots, has her chest slapped and stood on and lots more. Niya gets in some good offense of her own, so April could be in for a surprise before this one is done!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 390 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2019: Mia Yim vs Serena Deeb
Serena is keen to avenge a previous defeat by Su Yung. Su promises Serena a rematch IF she can defeat an opponent of Su’s choosing. That woman is Mia Yim, who attacks an unsuspecting Serena from behind. Serena is quickly overwhelmed and knocked out the dominant Mia. But this is a 2 out of 3 falls contest and when a mistake by Mia allows Serena back into the match, she quickly evens the score, putting Mia out with a Sleeper.
Still groggy from the last fall, Mia can offer little defense as Serena takes a more pugilistic approach to the third round and with no referee to ensure an open hand, Mia is punched out and goes down for a full 10 count to give Serena the victory.
However, her celebrations may yet be short-lived. Su is still lurking nearby and Serena might just get her rematch sooner than she hoped. And Su has unfinished business with Mia too! When the dust finally settles, only one of these 3 women will still be conscious.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 453 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2018: Allysin Kay vs Luscious Latasha
As match stipulations go, Allysin is not wrong when she suggests that Latasha’s idea is “oddly specific.” To prove her skill at knockouts, Latasha suggests a first to five 10 count knockouts match. Unconvinced of her smaller opponent’s ability to knock her out once, let alone five times, Allysin agrees to the challenge.
It takes only one big forearm from Latasha to get the ball rolling and the first 10 count KO under her belt. And things do not improve for Allysin from there. Keen to keep her opponent on the defensive until another KO opportunity presents itself, Latasha stomps, kicks and generally dominates Allysin all around the ring.
And when Latasha sees an opportunity to strike, that’s exactly what she does. And not just with her forearm; kicks to the head and a sleeper are also used to put Allysin down for the count. With the score at 4-0, a comeback seems unlikely. But can Allysin count on a surprising victory? Or will Latasha beat her to the punch?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 312 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2017: Shanna vs Titan
Shanna is known worldwide as “Portugal's Perfect Athlete”, but being in the ring with the monstrous Titan is far from a perfect choice. Shanna did not have much of a choice to make because Titan actually jumped her from behind while she was simply training in the ring. Even after taking some abuse from Titan, Shanna till manages a little trash talking as she states that Titan is “not a real man.”
Titan is seemingly toying with the much smaller Shanna, not giving her an inch when he is inside the ring and torturing her. Titan does not just toy around with Shanna, he absolutely devastates her and demolishes her in that ring.
In the end, Shanna is left unconscious in the middle of the ring while Titan is able to claim another victim.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
19+ min. 583 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2016: Leva vs Nevaeh
This is a Last Woman Standing House Rules Match. If that sounds brutal, just wait until the action starts.
A very brief feeling out process escalates into hard kicks, thigh presses and a Headbutt courtesy of the nasty Nevaeh. Leva is helpless as Nevaeh straddles her and pounds her out with forearms to the face leading to the first of many 10 counts.
The fight spills to the outside, where Neveah throws Leva into every solid surface she can find. Somehow, Leva is able to answer the 10 count. Back in the ring, an exchange of body blows leaves both wrestlers writhing on the mat in pain in danger of losing the match! They recover and proceed to hammer each other with knockout blows. Leva gets creative, picking apart Nevaeh's legs so that she won't be able to stand up. But just like her opponent, Nevaeh finds a way. It takes an onslaught of Sleepers, stomach kicks and a final concussive punch to put one warrior down for good.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17+ min. 521 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2015: Kimberly vs Amazing Kong
Kimberly loves flexing and showing off her "guns", but Kong has "pythons" that she says will swallow them right up. Always one of the strongest and most vicious wrestlers, Kong shoves, slams and throws Kimberly all over the ring in typical bullying fashion. Between planting her boot on Kimberly's throat and brutalizing her in the ropes, there's nary a legal move to be seen from Kong. Kimberly can only pray that she isn't suffocated as Kong sits on her in the corner.
Just when it looks like this will be a blowout, Kimberly fights back! She hurts Kong with a couple of big Dropkicks. A strategic targeting of the legs has the Amazing one yelling in pain! The attacks slow her enough to allow Kimberly to catch her with a running Bulldog. This all leads to a frantic finish that sees one wrestler knocked out by a devastating strike to the face.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2014: Jessie Belle vs Tasha Simone
Right off the bat, Jessie Belle's choice of ring gear causes Tasha to fly into a rage! The ensuing ginger warfare is not for the faint of heart. The wrestling skills of Jessie and Tasha are as evenly matched as their hair color as evidenced by the dizzying array of holds and reversal that start the match. A bodyscissors is reversed into a Boston Crab, which is reversed into an STF, which is reversed into ANOTHER STF. These are two well oiled machines!
Tasha is eager to humiliate Jessie Belle and prove that she's always one step ahead of the precocious challenger. She slips out of a Surfboard stretch, twisting Jessie into a pin attempt that almost ends the match. Some questionable hand biting halts any attempts from Jessie Belle to build momentum. They trade bridging wristlocks until Tasha is able to trap Jessie Belle's arm and deliver a spanking! The back and forth action comes to a close when one wrestler is trapped in a long, grueling Crossface Chickenwing that sees her having to submit not once, but two times.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11+ min. 180 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2013: Brittney Savage vs Saraya
A great day for Kimberly as she gets to ref for a wrestler she has a twisted girlcrush on-Saraya. A bad day for Brittney as she is demolished by Saraya
The bad day begins with a couple of shots to the groin, an eye poke and some boot choking. It continues with kidney and crotch shots and being tied up creatively in the ring ropes. Basically it's a lot of kicking and suffering for the blonde in and out of the ring.
When she grabs a couple of sneaky pins it becomes clear that Kimberly's fandom extends into collusion, though Saraya wants no part of it.
After Brittney is finished off in a most unexpected fashion, Saraya helps Kimberly realize some of her odder dreams, leaving 2 ladies writhing on the mat.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 455 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2011: Amber O'Neal vs Jason Cade
Su Yung wears the stripes and introduces the competitors In this 1 fall intergender contest. And even before the action has begun, Jason succeeds in making Amber angry, something that we would never recommend.
Unsurprisingly, Amber kicks things off both aggressively and literally, letting Jason know exactly what he is up against. For his part, Jason refuses to be overwhelmed and the match develops into a tough, back and forth battle. Su remains on hand to ensure fair play, and her services are called upon frequently.
The action continues with Amber nearly scoring the win with a unique submission hold, whilst Cade exploits every opening, almost stealing victory with a roll up. A huge swinging DDT from the turnbuckle leaves both wrestlers struggling to beat a 10 count, but matters are finally settled with a huge X-Factor that puts one wrestler down for Su’s count of 3.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 390 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2010: Jessie Belle vs Chasyn Rance
Jessie Belle starts this match on a note of extreme confidence, taunting her opponent and informing him that she’s wrestled pigs bigger than him. As it turns out, this cocksure attitude is more than merited as she proceeds to wipe the mat with him, leaving him a senseless mess by match’s end. This one’s a completely one-sided massacre with nary a single effective bit of offense from poor Chasyn.
There’s crotch destruction galore as Jessie piles on the low blows. Repeated Atomic Drops leave Chasyn befuddled, an elevated Bearhug has him breathless, a Bow & Arrow has him helpless atop Jessie’s knees. He’s choked, beaten and generally humiliated.
One final monster low blow puts him out for the count, a veiled act of mercy if ever there was one!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2009: Solo Darling vs Milo Beasley
There's no sportsmanlike conduct from Milo here, so Solo takes manners (and Milo) into her own hands and armdrags him across the squared circle. It seems fairly obvious that the obnoxious Milo is not here for a clean fight, so Solo decides two can play that game before biting her way out of a hold. Milo uses his size and strength advantage for a Snap Suplex before grossing Darling out by rubbing his armpit on her. Solo does not appreciate the Nasty Boys flashback and quickly locks in a Cross Armbreaker for a near tapout!
However, Milo shows he knows more about actual wrestling than he knows about ring etiquette. He hurts Solo with a Surfboard, elbow smash and Snapmare, then rams his smaller opponent into the corner to counter her offensive flurry. Eventually, one of these grapplers is faced with the decision to either tap out or have some shoulders wrenched out of their sockets!
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13+ min. 409 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2008: Miss Rachel vs Stacey O'Brien
Stacey introduces herself to Miss Rachel ahead of this 1 fall contest with the kind of modesty that is a common trait amongst wrestlers, declaring herself ‘the greatest’. Rachel is more than willing to let Stacey try and back up that claim and the match is on.
There’s a methodical feel to the start of the match as both women look for an opening and work it. The arms are both tools are targets for the bulk of this match with armbars, Hammerlocks, Headlocks and more being applied. Stacey even works a Bridging Hammerlock on Rachel that comes close to scoring the winning fall.
The battle continues however, and when a big splash weakens one competitor’s arm considerably, she immediately finds herself in a torturous armbar with no choice but to tapout. But does Stacey live up to her own ego? Or will Miss Rachel prove that actions speak louder than words?
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9+ min. 149 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2007: Rain vs Tenille
Solid chain wrestling to start this 1 fall contest, but Rain tries to convince guest referee Joey Knight that Tenille is cheating. Nothing of the sort is going on of course, and as we all know the Radiant One is not shy about bending the rules herself. To prove this point, Rain narrowly escapes Tenille's bridging Indian Deathlock and promptly smashes her in the back with a baseball bat. When Rain also decides to bring in a golf club, the talented Aussie is in for some serious pain!
Rain states her mission is to make sure Tenille will never be able to bridge again. She relentlessly targets her adversary's back and midsection with a Backbreaker, Texas Cloverleaf, Ceiling Hold, Surfboard and gutbuster among others. After dishing out several DDT's as well, Rain decides to kick a beaten and battered Tenille out of the ring.
Will Tenille be able to answer the count after this one-sided beatdown?
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15 min. 456 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2006: Ivelisse vs MsChif
In a "Knock Out, Take Out The Trash" bout, you would expect a high level of violence and our two competitors don't fail to deliver. MsChif's screams alone would be enough to make any wrestler exit the building! However, Ivelisse is no delicate flower. After an exchange of Dragon Sleepers, Ivelisse "kicks" it up a notch by using her educated feet to batter MsChif's legs, head and body! It turns out that incapacitating MsChif is the easy part. Carrying her out is a whole other story.
MsChif answers with her own unique physicality. She rocks Ivelisse with a Headbutt and counters a Camel Clutch by jumping back and splattering her against the canvas. Ivelisse regains the advantage with a spinning kick that floors MsChif. She straps MsChif on like a backpack to take her out, but MsChif is far from finished. The final moments see one wrestler knocked out by a hand smother and carried out Canadian Backbreaker style...
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11+ min. 346 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2005: Fantasia vs Mia Yim
When you’ve got a match with Fantasia, you’d better show up on time. When Mia Yim shows up late to the match, wearing no boots or socks under her shin pads, Fantasia has no time let Mia get into her footwear. She tosses Mia’s shoes from the ring, then withstands an early barrage before turning the tide and attacking Mia’s legs and bare feet.
Fantasia applies anklelocks, legscissors, toeholds (literally!) and elbow drops to the ankle. The angered grappler stoops to giving Mia rope burn between the toes and repeatedly tickles and bites (yes, bites!) Mia’s bare feet.
Mia finally taps out to end the painful experience. She may have learned her lesson the hard way, but you can bet Mia won’t be late for her next match.
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13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2004: Angela & Rain vs Kimberly & Kristin Astara
Rain interrupts a singles match to propose that she and referee Angela team up against Kimberly and Kristin. All 4 parties agree and the battle is on!
The pace is quick and the tags come rapidly as both pairings prove to be formidable teams, delivering doubleteams at nearly every tag and using timely interference from the outside to break certain pins and keep the match going. The action is wild and each wrestler struts her stuff and takes her lumps over the course of the match.
Rain delivers a devastating jawbreaker and agonizing Scorpion Leglock to Kimberly, but Kristin avenges her partner with an over-the-knee Backbreaker and stunning Neckbreaker on the raven-haired veteran. Angela flies across the ring with a sledgehammer from the second rope and charges into a corner Clothesline on Kristin, while Kimberly is a brawling dervish as she throws punches, kicks and forearms with reckless abandon.
After a furious fight to near exhaustion, a pair of sit out Bodyslams puts one team down for a double 3 count and gives the winners a well-deserved victory.
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11 min. 328 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2003: Jessicka Havok vs Mia Yim
The smack-talking equals the wrestling here but don't worry there is plenty of action. They start out with a feeling out process of chain wrestling with neither getting the full advantage. Jessicka is quick to take some short cuts though and soon the fists are flying. Mia is smart and starts working on Jessicka's legs. Anklelocks, a Figure Four, a bridging Indian Deathlock and a Boston Crab are applied.
This leads to a leg bar but Jessicka counters with her own and Mia's legs are now in jeopardy. Submission after submission are used with Jessicka taking cheap shots in between. Camel clutch, Full Nelson and more are seen. The action is very even with both wrestlers having control at times and the ending is up in the air until a Tombstone Piledriver leaves one wrestler unable to kick out before the 3 count.
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13 min. 387 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2002: April Hunter vs Kay Lee Ray
Red hair is everywhere when these 2 square off. Cautious circling in this first meeting leads to testing each others' limits in a number of lockups.
Aggressive and physical are 2 words that definitely apply to this one. Plenty of holds and a few rules get bent. The ref is lenient, allowing the ladies a hairpull or 2 and a the odd low blow.
Finally one finds her limits met as a stretch is more than she can stand and must concede the battle.
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12+ min. 372 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2001: Angel Williams vs Rain
Cocky intros by each competitor to begin the 4 Corners No DQ Match-the winner will be the first one to touch all 4 corners of the ring without being stopped by her opponent. The lockup shows just how evenly matched these 2 are. It is back and forth until one wrestler gets her opponent down and tries for a quick run of the corners.
Thwarted after 2 she is quickly tied up in a series of moves. Angel's illegal shortcuts are evident and soon tempers are flaring. Each lady almost makes the rounds. A break to the outside and some boxing action leads to an eventual near-win by both-but only one winner emerges!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17 min. 508 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members
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