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Nina Monet vs The WoAD
Nina Monet vs The WoAD
Nina Monet vs The WoAD
SLAMpeg 5200: Nina Monet vs The WoAD

To put it mildly, few wrestlers are as unpredictable as WoAD. Nina can certainly confirm this, as mere seconds into their matchup, WoAD is biting Nina’s fingers in an armbar, and locking on a rarely used face claw. WOAD is in control early, working over Nina’s arms and back on the mat, splashing her in the corners, and connecting on brutal Headbutts. She overpowers Nina with short-arm shoulderblocks, a slingshot into the second rope, and a Rear Naked Choke plus bodyscissors on the mat.

Nina manages to get in her shots, though. She traps WoAD in an amazing Hammerlock with leg stretch submission hold, and a side Russian Leg Sweep scores her a 2-count. Nina applies a Camel Clutch, but WoAD escapes and gets in a bit more chomping, this time on Nina’s head. But Nina responds with a surfboard chinlock that WOAD can’t escape from. Or can she?

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13+ min 592 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

BiiBii vs Brian Atomic
BiiBii vs Brian Atomic
BiiBii vs Brian Atomic
SLAMpeg 5199: BiiBii vs Brian Atomic

BiiBii and Brian waste no time before locking up in this intense 1 fall match. Both wrestlers work close to the mat with grinding submission moves, exchanging Headlocks, Wristlocks, Hammerlocks and facelocks to feel their opponent out and wear them down. Atomic secures an Abdominal Stretch and works BiiBii over until she’s finally able to send him to the canvas with a Hiptoss. BiiBii unloads with a backbreaker drop and continues the pressure on Brian’s spine with a Boston Crab.

Atomic struggles from underneath but battles his way out and is able to return the favor with a powerful Suplex. BiiBii launches across the ring like a missile and levels Brian with a pair of flying forearms before laying into him with a Suplex of her own as the wild action builds to a frenzy.
In the end one wrestler gets caught in the Rings of Saturn and can’t escape, eventually succumbing to a knockout in the center of the ring leaving the clear cut winner to celebrate their victory.

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8- min 323 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

KC Warfield vs Miss Rachel
KC Warfield vs Miss Rachel
KC Warfield vs Miss Rachel
SLAMpeg 5198: KC Warfield vs Miss Rachel

We're revisiting a SLAMmin rivalry for this match, as Miss Rachel goes 1-on-1 with longtime opponent, KC. Miss Rachel has had numerous matches, and with that experience comes the wisdom of a veteran. A veteran who knows that it doesn't always need a lot of flashy moves or complex tactics to win a match. Sometimes, it's simply about finding something that works, and sticking with it.

And it's a plan that Rachel puts into action to strong effect here. After taking KC down with a boot to the gut and a clubbing blow to the back, Rachel simply refuses to let KC get back to her feet. KC's legs are stomped, stretched, twisted and more as Rachel keeps KC grounded, whilst slowly stalking the ring like a predator toying with her helpless victim.
In the closest thing to an act of mercy we see from Rachel in this completely one-sided contest, she does allow KC to choose the manner of her defeat. And with the options Rachel puts on the table, a quick pin is definitely the least painful outcome!

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8+ min 355 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Fantasia vs Kimberly
Fantasia vs Kimberly
Fantasia vs Kimberly
SLAMpeg 5197: Fantasia vs Kimberly
Previously available as Member Match 377

Kristin Astara wears the stripes for this 1 fall match. Brief introductions are made and we get straight into the action, where it quickly becomes clear one wrestler has their tactics well planned for this contest. Immediately, Fantasia goes to work on Kimberly's arm, twisting, wrenching and bending it at any given opportunity.
Fantasia's hold of choice is a tight Hammerlock, often aided with a little pulling of the hair for as long as she can get away with under the watchful eye of Kristin. Fantasia even delivers a Hammerlocked Bodyslam right onto Kimberly's already suffering limb.

This one's as one-sided as they come, as Kimberly has no answer, and certainly no defence, against Fantasia's relentless and targeted attack. A final Piledriver serves as an emphatic coda to this contest... although in truth, perhaps it would be better described as a mere formality for the powerful Fantasia.

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6 min 257 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Diane Von Hoffman vs Su Yung
Diane Von Hoffman vs Su Yung
Diane Von Hoffman vs Su Yung
SLAMpeg 5196: Diane Von Hoffman vs Su Yung
Previously available as Member Match 376

German battle beast Diane is in no mood for amusement, taking the fight to her opponent Su even as she struggles to get out of her ring robe! Diane drives Su to the canvas with a barrage of punches and forearms. After the brutal corner mugging, Diane clamps on a tight abdominal claw that has Su screaming in pain. Referee Angel Williams tries to break up the beating but Diane continues to unload with kicks, stomps and punches to Su’s brutalized abs.

Diane chokes Su with her own ring robe before leveling her with a Clothesline. Von Hoffman tosses the rules, pulling Su’s hair, raking her face and gouging her eyes at will. Su is helpless to defend herself as Diane lifts her off the canvas with an elevated abdominal claw before scoring a knockout with a tight Sleeper. Diane secures a quick pin and the ref tries to end the match, but Diane won’t have it, keeping the beatdown on Su with Bearhugs and blatant chokes until finally hauling the broken Su over her shoulder for a victory lap.

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9+ min 400 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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Jayme Jameson vs Leah Von Dutch
Jayme Jameson vs Leah Von Dutch
Jayme Jameson vs Leah Von Dutch
SLAMpeg 5195: Jayme Jameson vs Leah Von Dutch
Previously available as Member Match 375

It’s best 2 out of 3 falls & Leah’s prized Camel Clutch Championship is on the line but if Jayme’s gun show is any indicator she’s going to have a tough time keeping it! Safe to say the gun show wasn’t only for show as Leah is over powered and pummeled in the corner and takes a quick Suplex. Leah proves elusive and tries to show off her power with a Bearhug but Jayme shows her how it’s really done and by the time Leah is released the Camel Clutch and the 1st fall are but a formality.

But gold has a tendency to bring out the best and worst of Champions and in Leah’s case it’s the latter after a Neckbreaker gets her back in the match the rulebook goes out the window. Jayme endures a deathlock hairpull combo, being choked with the ropes and even biting as a submission counter. She gets the best of a trade of Suplexes but ends up on the floor and apparently Camel Clutches count everywhere and so does the fall.

Leah wants to win in style and softens Jayme’s arm up for her Scandinavian take on the classic Camel Clutch but those arms are tough and almost ragdoll Leah in a Full Nelson with bodyscissors. It’s unlikely either will survive the next clutch application and it comes down to a sudden finisher leading to tap outs both in the ring and on the floor as the Champion makes a statement!

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9 min 377 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Cherry Layne vs Kellie Skater
Cherry Layne vs Kellie Skater
Cherry Layne vs Kellie Skater
SLAMpeg 5194: Cherry Layne vs Kellie Skater
Previously available as Member Match 374

Newcomer Cherry is looking to make a name for herself at the expense of veteran grappler Kellie.
In an opening flurry, Cherry wears down Kellie with a foot choke in the corner, choke over the ropes, a wicked Clothesline, and a double chickenwing on the mat to earn an early pin attempt and a near submission. When Kellie tries to gain some momentum, a missed charge in the corner results in Cherry taking over once again with an eye rake and a nasty chinbreaker.

Kellie gets in a Boston Crab, judo armbar on the mat, and several Dropkicks and Crescent Kicks to earn her own near fall, but a foot on the ropes ends Kellie’s bid to end the match. Cherry is in full control when she nails Kellie with a DDT, then lifts her up into a Fireman’s Carry.
Is Cherry about to get a huge notch on her belt, or does the crafty Kellie have a trick or two left up her sleeve?

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7 min 296 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Allison Danger vs Daffney
Allison Danger vs Daffney
Allison Danger vs Daffney
SLAMpeg 5193: Allison Danger vs Daffney
Previously available as Member Match 93.

Chasyn is our referee for this classic SLAMminLadies encounter between Allison and all 2,083 ounces of the wonderful Daffney. Chasyn signals the start of the match, but Daffney needs a moment longer to work on her stretches.
As the action begins, the two wrestlers are well matched, exchanging Headlocks and both seeking the chance to tip the balance in their favor. Before long, Daffney does exactly that, with perhaps just a little use of Allison's hair. And a subsequent rake to the back. And using the ropes. And a little choking with her boot.

These minor discretions aside, Daffney looks very much in control until a flurry of offense brings Allison right back into the running, as a big Clothesline and Russian Leg Sweep are almost enough to score the 1-2-3. A kickout from Daffney keeps the match going until an opportunistic pin VERY near the ropes allows one wrestler to take advantage and take the win. Although to say it's a fair victory, might be a stretch.

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8- min 323 MB MP4 Format, processed as 1920 x 1080

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Mschif vs Nikki Roxx
Mschif vs Nikki Roxx
Mschif vs Nikki Roxx
SLAMpeg 5192: Mschif vs Nikki Roxx
Previously available as Member Match 92.

MsChif lets out a banshee scream to start this 1 fall match that has Nikki asking the referee for ear plugs.
The pair lock up in a fingerlock that sees each gain control before the powerful Nikki bends MsChif backwards for a near fall. They brawl back and forth, throwing forearms, punches and kicks before MsChif catches Nikki in an elevated headscissor and turning fork combo. Roxx counters with an Abdominal Stretch, clawing at MsChif’s ribs to crank up the pain. MsChif fights her way out of the hold with a series of elbows and clamps on a Front Facelock to wear Nikki down.

Roxx shows off her power, elevating MsChif into a Bearhug and running her backwards into the unforgiving turnbuckles. The action flows back and forth as MsChif catches Nikki in an Ab Stretch and Roxx counters with a vicious Camel Clutch. Both wrestlers deliver and absorb an amazing amount of punishment but in the end a final Abdominal Stretch with a devious pull of the tights for added leverage secures the victory after a hard fought bout.

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6+ min 271 MB MP4 Format, processed as 1920 x 1080

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Becky Bayless vs Fantasia
Becky Bayless vs Fantasia
Becky Bayless vs Fantasia
SLAMpeg 5191: Becky Bayless vs Fantasia
Previously available as Member Match 91.

Fantasia is at her merciless best in this one, just overwhelming Becky from the get and doing pretty much whatever she wants until it's time to end it. Early on it, it looks like Fantasia might tear Becky's arms from her socket as she wrenches her back and forth with a Hammerlock and a Full Nelson. Becky tries to fight back, but just eats a few elbows and a headbutt for her troubles. Grounded, Becky has to reach down deep to resist submitting to a couple of nasty Surfboard stretch holds and a rib-crushing bodyscissors.

Next on Fantasia's list is Becky's poor leg, which gets crushed and bent around the ropes. An uppercut floors Becky and her body is later cracked with a Backbreaker over Fantasia's knee. Even with the veteran heel making liberal use of her teeth to bite into Becky's hands and feet, she still refuses to quit. Having had her fill of nastiness for one day, Fantasia puts Becky away with a DDT for the pin. Thanks for coming, Becky!

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10 min 417 MB MP4 Format, processed as 1920 x 1080

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Rain vs Trenesha
Rain vs Trenesha
Rain vs Trenesha
SLAMpeg 5190: Rain vs Trenesha
Previously available as Member Match 90.

In a classic SLAMminLadies matchup, Trenesha opens up by working over the arm of the Radiant Rain. Sending her off the ropes, Trenesha nails Rain with a shoulder block and earns an early near fall. In typical Rain “bend the rules but don’t get caught breaking them” style, the crafty veteran turns the tide with an eye rake, a toss across the ring by the hair, and a two-handed choke against the ropes. Rain lands a Clothesline off the ropes and picks up a 2 count, then Trenesha scores near falls after a Sunset Flip and a Suplex.

Rain goes back to the eyes, tosses Trenesha across the ring by the hair once more, and chokes her against the bottom rope. Trenesha sweeps Rain’s leg and applies a Boston Crab. With momentum clearly on her side, Trenesha unloads with a shoulderblock and a double legdrop for another 2 count.
Can Trenesha be stopped, or does Rain still have a few moves she can pull off to turn the tide for good?

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8 min 337 MB MP4 Format, processed as 1920 x 1080

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Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
SLAMpeg 5189: Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee

Kellie decides to challenge for Kimber's title, prompting the latter to wonder why she would give a rookie a shot for the belt. Kellie is highly confident and Kimber eventually agrees to the match, so guest official Layne Rosario is called into the ring and the bell rings for a First to 5 KO's Match!

Kellie starts off well enough, battering Kimber and driving her into the mat face-first for the first KO of the match. A spike DDT puts Kimber down again, with Kellie arrogantly placing one foot on her chest for the 10-count and the 2-0 lead. Saying this is a competitive championship match would be an outright lie, because it's all Kellie Morga in this clean sweep. After building her score up to 4-0, a tight Sleeperhold puts Kimber down for the final count, and sets Kellie up for a title reign of her own!

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9+ min 413 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ava Everett vs Diamante
Ava Everett vs Diamante
Ava Everett vs Diamante
SLAMpeg 5188: Ava Everett vs Diamante

Ava’s invitation for a test of strength is not so politely declined in favor of a lock up, unintended reverse psychology perhaps but early advantage to Ava until she runs her mouth and Diamante shuts it with a clever counter. While it’s something of an even matchup at least Diamante isn’t angry as they exchange reversals in something of a stalemate, but Everett doesn’t realize a good thing when she has it and delivers a sneaky facebuster and it’s no more Miss nice Diamante!

A drop toehold followed by a nasty armbar/neck vice combo have Everett regretting her little trick but not enough to not try another one and come up empty. Now firmly in the crosshairs Diamante punishes her in the corner climaxing with a seated Dropkick. A deep Camel Clutches allows for further frustrations to be taken out on Ava but she’s not as done as she looks and a “woo” from the opposite corner is all the warning she needs it’s time to be elsewhere. A stunner puts her back in the driver’s seat but she doesn’t sit down enough in a submission to make it counter proof and pays the price.
That last uprising might just have earned Everett some respect but unfortunately for her it made it clear to Diamante she needs finish this with authority and shut Ava up once and for all.

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9- min 403 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
SLAMpeg 5187: Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price

It's a tale of two matches here as Renee starts off hot only to find that the Tesha doesn't go away so easily...
Renee pummels Tesha early on, punching her square in the face and landing a kick to the back that has Tesha rolling in pain. She targets every part of Tesha's body: her wrist, ankle, back, you name it, Renee puts a hurting on it. Tesha is absolutely loopy from the beating that Renee puts on her. Not content to just win the match, Renee actually pulls Tesha up from a guaranteed 3 count. Renee smashes Tesha's head into all four turnbuckles, continues to dismantle her arms and legs, and yanks back on Tesha's hair in a Camel Clutch.

However, she misses a finishing legdrop and that's the opening that Tesha needs. A furious Tesha snags Renee's neck and doesn't let go, grinding her down in the mat with a pair of long Headlocks. Tesha twists Renee into a Dragon Sleeper and now it's Renee who's squealing! Can Renee regain control or will Tesha's submission rush force Renee to tap?

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13- min 562 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Dynamite Didi vs Kellie Morga
Dynamite Didi vs Kellie Morga
Dynamite Didi vs Kellie Morga
SLAMpeg 5186: Dynamite Didi vs Kellie Morga

Locker room gossip has Didi in a sour mood and she takes it out on Kellie, slapping the taste right out of her mouth to start this one! Kellie denies saying anything about Didi, but Didi is going to extract a confession if she has to do it one strand of hair at a time.

Kellie's hair is the clear target here and Didi takes great pleasure in methodically pulling on it, wrapping it around the ropes, and stepping on it. She stretches Kellie in a Camel Clutch and whips her to the mat by her hair. Kellie is dragged to the outside where Didi chops her, drives her face into the ringpost, and smacks her with a dry-erase board.
Back in the ring, it doesn't get any better for Kellie. Didi actually sinks her teeth into Kellie's hair while squeezing her waist in a bodyscissors! Kellie eventually succumbs to a painful hairpull and single leg Crab combo, still denying that she ever said anything bad about Didi even as she fades into unconsciousness...

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9 min 414 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Santana vs Tiana Ringer
Santana vs Tiana Ringer
Santana vs Tiana Ringer
SLAMpeg 5185: Santana vs Tiana Ringer

Referee Salina de la Renta makes Tiana suspicious of her neutrality but anxious to get started against Santana in this 5 count pins match.
Salina tries to calm the volatile mood by orchestrating a handshake between the combatants, but a quick boot by Santana to Tiana’s midsection ends the goodwill gesture. Santana repeatedly rips into Tiana’s back with her nails and chokes her over the ropes with no reprimand from the referee. Santana gets creative with a backpack Surfboard before clamping Tiana in a tight Bearhug and running her into the corner.

Tiana’s complaints of fairness fall on deaf ears as it becomes clear that the fix is in and the deck is stacked against Ringer. Santana picks apart the veteran Tiana, burying her in a chest stand, working a double arm stretch through the ropes and torturing her in a tight crossface. Santana humiliates Tiana with jobber taunts before clamping on an overhand wristlock and hand gag that leaves Ringer out on the canvas. Santana delivers an unnecessary Suplex and secures an effortless 5 count pin to her devastated foe before leaving the ring with her partner in crime.

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9+ min 414 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080

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Diamante & Kiera Hogan vs Heather Monroe & Rocky Radley
Diamante & Kiera Hogan vs Heather Monroe & Rocky Radley
Diamante & Kiera Hogan vs Heather Monroe & Rocky Radley
SLAMpeg 5184: Diamante & Kiera Hogan vs Heather Monroe & Rocky Radley

Hackles are up before the bell even rings as these two teams spar over their introductions and it’s clear that referee Layne Rosario will have her hands full in this intense encounter.
Hogan and Diamante start strong, isolating Rocky from her partner and pummeling her with corner Lariats, sliding Dropkicks and a brutal round the ring running boot to the face with Rocky nearly out in the corner! Radley finally makes a tag and Heather hits the ring hot, blowing up Kiera with a running forearm and Hip Attack before trapping Hogan in a tight single leg Boston Crab.

Kiera suffers at the hands of her tormentors with Diamante unable to intervene. The Cuban Diamond gets ever more frustrated until a desperation Enzugiri finally shakes Keira free for the tag. Diamante explodes in the ring, nailing both opponents with low Dropkicks and corner Lariats before executing a doubleteam Suplex to seize control. Monroe and Radley aren’t done yet as they deliver a doubleteam DDT to Kiera! The finale is wild and unpredictable until a Suplex, Swinging Neckbreaker and DDT combo finally and decisively put the match away.

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14- min 570 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Deonna Purrazzo vs KC Spinelli
Deonna Purrazzo vs KC Spinelli
Deonna Purrazzo vs KC Spinelli
SLAMpeg 5183: Deonna Purrazzo vs KC Spinelli

KC introduces herself to Deonna with a handshake and suggests the two make their matchup interesting by making it a first to 5 knockouts challenge.
The Virtuosa accepts, and immediately regrets her decision, as barely a minute in, KC locks on a Sleeper that sends Deonna off to la la land. After regaining her composure, Deonna grabs KC in a Side Headlock, but an elbow shot breaks the hold, and KC immediately turns it into a Rear Naked Choke, then adds a bodyscissors that once again puts Deonna to sleep.

A Headscissors, Bearhug, and a Sleeperhold pave the way for the easy 5-0 win for KC. A bit of taunting from the victor follows, as KC leaves the Virtuosa face down and out cold on the mat.

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9+ min 422 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kellie Morga vs Renee Michelle
Kellie Morga vs Renee Michelle
Kellie Morga vs Renee Michelle
SLAMpeg 5182: Kellie Morga vs Renee Michelle

At first glance, this might seem like a classic heel vs babyface encounter 1 fall contest. However, in a match fought with no referee, it is perhaps not always wise to resort to underhand tactics so soon. The line between good and bad is often a blurry one.
As the match begins, Renee quickly takes control and it isn't long before she is using any means necessary to stay in the driving seat, whether that be choking Kellie with her boot against the turnbuckle or wrenching her arm through the ropes. Unfortunately for Renee, her methods do not score the victory before Kellie has had enough and fights back hard, returning the favor with a few shortcuts of her own, including a little hairpulling.

The match remains close until the final seconds, when a quick DDT puts someone down for the 3 count. But who triumphs here? Do Renee's tactics give her the victory? Or did they only serve to fire up Kellie, on her way to a big win?

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11 min 486 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ava Everett vs Cece Chanel
Ava Everett vs Cece Chanel
Ava Everett vs Cece Chanel
SLAMpeg 5181: Ava Everett vs Cece Chanel

The match stipulations are the Best of 5 Falls with knockouts and 10 count pins to win. Cece didn’t get the memo and she’s furious with referee Kellie Morga. Accusations fly back and forth until a Superkick out of nowhere from Ava puts Cece down on the canvas for the 10 count!
Ava takes a moment to celebrate herself (and her hardcore jeans) only to eat a DDT that wipes out her 1 fall lead. Ava isn’t about to let the setback ruin her plan and digs into her bag of tricks. Cece eats a face full of Ava’s hardcore title that puts her down for a second fall as the devious Everett takes full advantage of the rules she’s orchestrated.

Ava does her best to end Cece’s night with boot and rope chokes. Channel isn’t going down that easily and speed bags Ava with rapid-fire punches in the corner before laying into her with a corner Clothesline. Everett ups the ante by introducing a chair in the ring and this wild match ends with a pair of wrestlers kayoed under the steel chair after a vicious beatdown.

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12+ min 568 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Amber Nova vs Tanaily
Amber Nova vs Tanaily
Amber Nova vs Tanaily
SLAMpeg 5180: Amber Nova vs Tanaily

Amber welcomes Tanaily and proposes to have a good, clean match. And that's just the way things start off, with both wrestlers exchanging Hammerlocks, armwringers, and Headlocks. Tanaily sure manages to give Amber a run for her money and neither competitor is able to gain a clear-cut advantage early on.

Tanaily has Amber in some trouble after a Snapmare and a Surfboard, but Nova is resourceful and scores a near fall with a rollup after escaping her predicament. Tanaily goes back to the Surfboard, but then switches to a boot choke - so far for a clean match! Amber rallies after fighting her way out of a Full Nelson, slamming her foe's head into the turnbuckle, then scoring with a spinning heel kick and a beautiful Northern Lights Suplex for a 2 count. Good back and forth action in this one, with a submission ending when one of these wrestlers taps out to a bridging armbar.

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7 min 313 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee
Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee
Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee
SLAMpeg 5179: Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee

Stormie clashes with Lucky 7 Champion Kiera in a special rules match. Both wrestlers have 7 seconds to submit their opponent in alternating turns with the winner having the most submissions within the time limit.
Kiera goes first and clamps in a tight Sleeper, Waistlock, anklelock, Camel Clutch, Side Headlock and kneed Chinlock. Stormie counters with a Bearhug, Chinlock, Dragon Sleeper, Abdominal Stretch, armbar and Rocking Horse.

Unable to defend or counter against their opponent’s moves, even the most basic holds have a devastating effect leading to howls of pain as each victim takes their turn struggling to the end of the 7 count. Referee Sin-D is there to slow-count the seconds and register the submissions. In the end the body grinding joint locks register a score of four submissions to three. Does Kiera prove her superior endurance and defend her title, or has Stormie added to her belt collection with an impressive win over the champ?

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11 min 473 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Heather Monroe vs Chico Adams
Heather Monroe vs Chico Adams
Heather Monroe vs Chico Adams
SLAMpeg 5178: Heather Monroe vs Chico Adams

Heather opens her 1 fall matchup by going after Chico’s arm … or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, grabs his arm and will not let go. Heather traps Chico in a judo armbar on the mat, and though Chico rolls out, Heather maintains the armbar, then an Armdrag takes Chico back to the mat, where Heather continues to grind him in an armbar. When Chico reverses it, Heather returns the favor and again Armdrags him to the mat and maintains the armbar.

Back to their feet, Heather whips him into the corner and works over Chico, hitting a pair of running butt bumps and scoring a 2 count. Chico eventually backs Heather into the corner, takes the wind out of her sails with multiple shoulderblocks, then whips her across the ring and follows with a running Clothesline. He uses eye rakes along the ropes, foot chokes, and Headbutts to wear down Heather. Heather responds with shoulderblocks of her own in the corner, rope chokes, and back to the armbar on the mat.
The two continue this back-and-forth battle, neither able to find the opening they need, until a missed charge into the corner allows one wrestler to hit a running Bulldog, followed by a bridging Chinlock to force their foe to tap out.

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13+ min 628 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Amber Nova vs Gina Sais Quoi
Amber Nova vs Gina Sais Quoi
Amber Nova vs Gina Sais Quoi
SLAMpeg 5177: Amber Nova vs Gina Sais Quoi

With no referee at hand, Amber and Gina agree to a submission match, with the loser being the first to tap out. As the action kicks off, the two women are well matched and this becomes a test of endurance as well as wrestling ability.
Gina seems to favor the classics, seeking victory with a Boston Crab, a Camel Clutch and anklelock. For Amber, her focus is Gina's arms, repeatedly working the shoulder joint with a succession of armbars and an attempted Triangle Choke. The back-and-forth action ensures the match remains finely balanced, all the way up to its closing stages.

The deadlock is finally broken when one wrestler is able to clamp on an innovative bridging armbar, which soon has her opponent tapping the mat in submission. But will it be all Nova for Amber? Or does Gina Sais Quit?

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7+ min 346 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Cami Fields vs Ivelisse
Cami Fields vs Ivelisse
Cami Fields vs Ivelisse
SLAMpeg 5176: Cami Fields vs Ivelisse

It's title match time and this time Ivelisse is putting it all on the line: If she fails to capture the belt from Cami at this attempt, she will no longer be able to challenge for the title. A confident Cami hands the belt to behind-the-camera match official, Miss Rachel and the match begins.
With everything to play for, one might assume Ivelisse would explode into action at the sound of the bell. But instead, Ivelisse wrestles this match smart, and with a clear game plan. Right from the start, she targets Cami's legs, working slow, methodical leglocks and legbars. Cami does her best to battle back, but Ivelisse continues pour on the pressure, both figuratively and literally.

Sensing victory in her grasp, Ivelisse turns on the pace, delivering an onslaught of clubbing kicks to Cami's thighs before again taking her down to the canvas with another painful legbar. We won't spoil who walks always with the belt here, but if we reveal that victory is achieved with a leg-tangling Sharpshooter, you can probably guess who is left tapping the mat in submission at the end of this one.

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7+ min 311 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
SLAMpeg 5175: Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo

Ray and Sofia go hold for hold for nearly 10 minutes of back-and-forth action. The edge at first goes to Ray, who puts Sofia on the defensive with a Headlock, Headscissors, and a couple of armdrags. A test of strength stalemate gives Sofia an opening for a Monkey Flip, but soon it's Ray back on top after a crafty counter. She locks on a ground Abdominal Stretch and a Sharpshooter in search of a submission. The hardy Sofia makes it to the ropes!

The pace quickens and a missed elbow drop leaves Ray stunned. Sofia traps her in a modified Figure Four that Ray escapes only with a liberal grip of Sofia's hair, then they exchange running knee attacks. Sofia kicks Ray's leg out from under her and skewers her with a leg split. Ouch! Soon, one wrestler is KO'd by a Camel Clutch/Sleeper, giving the winner enough time to do a victory lap before scoring a pin for good measure. The loser is left in a neat and tidy position in the middle of the ring.

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9- min 383 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ava Everett & Heather Monroe vs Gariston Spears
Ava Everett & Heather Monroe vs Gariston Spears
Ava Everett & Heather Monroe vs Gariston Spears
SLAMpeg 5174: Ava Everett & Heather Monroe vs Gariston Spears

Ava and Heather are thrilled to announce their new tag team partnership, but Gariston is here to rain on that parade. He reminds the duo that the wrestling ring is all about pain, pain, and PAIN and then proceeds to demonstrate that philosophy.

Heather is first to suffer Gariston's wrath, her fancy purple leotard doing little to protect her from repeated shoulder thrusts to her belly, Camel Clutches, and a Bodyslam. On the outside, Ava has to just watch as Heather tries to fight back, only to be snuffed out by a wicked Powerbomb variation that leads to a 3 count.
Gariston's strength is overwhelming! Next it's Ava's turn and she starts off with a sneak attack that only makes Gariston angry. Soon it's Ava being Bodyslammed, hung up in a Tree of Woe, and driven back-first nearly through the canvas. Ava shows a ton of heart, but can only take so many of Gariston's signature slams before being pinned. Gariston still has more power moves left to show off and he's not satisfied until Ava and Heather are left in a devastated heap.

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14 min 625 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kaci Lennox vs KC Spinelli
Kaci Lennox vs KC Spinelli
Kaci Lennox vs KC Spinelli
SLAMpeg 5173: Kaci Lennox vs KC Spinelli

It's perhaps appropriate that Kaci and KC are frequently faced opponent here at SLAMminLadies. And in a rivalry that spans SLAMpegs 4904; 4909; 5007; and 5084, it seems only right their fifth encounter should have a little stipulation. And so, we join them in the ring for a 2 out of 3 falls contest.
The early stages of the match are fought in good spirits, with both women giving and getting as good as the other. After a test of strength proves equally indecisive, Kaci finally tips the balance with an opportunistic roll-up. KC's frustration at losing the first fall soon becomes apparent, as she begins to focus her attacks on Kaci's legs. After a period of sustained punishment, a single-leg Boston Crab is enough to tie the score at 1-1.

Unfortunately for Kaci, KC's attack has left her vulnerable and barely able to stand. Bravely battling on, Kaci tries to find a way back in to the match, but it isn't long before KC is back in control and applying an agonizing anklelock that seals the deal and takes the emphatic win from the now suffering Kaci.

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14 min 616 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Roni Nicole vs Tesha Price
Roni Nicole vs Tesha Price
Roni Nicole vs Tesha Price
SLAMpeg 5172: Roni Nicole vs Tesha Price

Who knows what Tesha was thinking actually dragging Roni in a match? After a violent collision with the post she probably doesn’t even know.
Climbing to the top rope continues this trend of bad ideas with a thunderous slam confirming that! But Roni also seems to be wondering and actually gives Tesha a chance to mount some passionate if futile offense before responding with authority. But just when you think its squash time she again challenges Price to bring it. The speed is impressive but the results are far from as Tesha proves to be a very resistible force crashing into an immovable object, with her spirit crushed it’s time for the rest to follow!

After a methodical start the squash is in full swing following another losing encounter with a ring post and a Michinoku Driver, a claw and a half crab/Chinlock combo that draws Tesha like a bow. Mercy might have been in the cards but a few forearms by Price renew Roni’s resolve with a deep Boston Crab and another Michinoku Driver! From here Roni’s ample derriere does much of the work all over the ring, on the ropes and in the corners crushing Tesha’s abs, back, chest, face and pretty much her will to live!
A DDT leaves Tesha a sitting duck of a huge Vader Bomb bringing to an end a squash she completely brought upon herself. But it wasn’t over for Tesha as a rival of Roni’s had her eye on the proceedings, and tries to prove herself at Price’s expense in SLAMpeg 5105!

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15+ min 678 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kellie Morga vs Kelsey Raegan
Kellie Morga vs Kelsey Raegan
Kellie Morga vs Kelsey Raegan
SLAMpeg 5171: Kellie Morga vs Kelsey Raegan

We go straight into the action for this 1 fall contest. And it will be up to the wrestlers to police themselves for this one, in the absence of a match official.
For the early stages of this match, both women wrestle hard (mostly!) fair, the opening minutes of the bout a fast-paced exchange of holds and chain wrestling. No sooner does one wrestler gain a seeming advantage, her opponent finds a way to turn the tide back in her favor. Headlocks, armlocks, Headscissors and more are utilized as each wrestler looks to gain a definitive edge.

Finally however, one wrestler does begin to take control. And with her opponent weakening with every successive move, a Stunner, a DDT and double knees against the turnbuckle finish the job and our winner counts an easy 1-2-3.

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9+ min 432 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Cece Chanel vs Heather Monroe
Cece Chanel vs Heather Monroe
Cece Chanel vs Heather Monroe
SLAMpeg 5170: Cece Chanel vs Heather Monroe

An intense collar-and-elbow tie-up starts this match. These two are in it to win it! It gets so heated that referee Kiera Hogan has to step in, which gets her a double DDT for her troubles. You'll feel bad for Kiera in this match as the wrestlers spend as much time bickering with her as they do battling each other!

After an exchange of submissions, including bodyscissors from Heather and a Camel Clutch from Cece, Heather asserts herself and targets Cece's leg. She makes sure to use some legal (single leg Crab) and not-so-legal (wrapping Cece's leg around the rope) tactics. But even on one leg, Cece ain't giving up. She nails a Neckbreaker and follows up with a few speedy attacks in the corner. Heather counters with a jawbreaker before doing her own work in the corner, blasting Cece with a running hip attack. Cece is reeling as she's cranked in a Cravate and choked by Heather's boot. There's plenty of back-and-forth action here until a Pedigree takes one wrestler out for good.

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11 min 498 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

BiiBii vs Tanaily
BiiBii vs Tanaily
BiiBii vs Tanaily
SLAMpeg 5169: BiiBii vs Tanaily

Take one look at BiiBii and Tanaily, and you’d suspect they’re two powerful wrestlers. That’s certainly true, but the two are surprisingly agile as well, and put on a fast-paced, entertaining 1 fall matchup.
Tanaily opens the match scoring a rapid succession of near falls with cradles, rollups, and rollovers, before BiiBii grabs a handful of hair to put an end to Tanaily’s momentum. BiiBii nails her foe with a Clothesline off the ropes and wears her down with an impressive array of submission holds including a Boston Crab, Camel Clutch, and over-the-knee Backbreaker. Tanaily connects on a couple Suplexes and kneelifts to keep BiiBii at bay.

The match concludes in jaw-dropping fashion, with one wrestler connecting on subsequent moves that would impress Mysterio, then uses a Back Suplex to score the 3 count and end this hard-fought battle.

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6+ min 301 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel & Sin-D
Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel & Sin-D
Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel & Sin-D
SLAMpeg 5168: Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel & Sin-D

Marti has gotten herself in trouble again! She faces consecutive challenges from Sin-D and Miss Rachel, who engage in a friendly competition to see who can score the most points against Marti - pinfalls count as 1 point, whereas submissions count as 2. Sin-D starts off by going for the submission right away with a Surfboard and a Sleeperhold, but Marti manages to hang on. Sin-D follows up with some vicious knees to the back and a couple of Headbutts to the groin, softening her up for a seated ab stretch and the first submission. Before the time runs out, Sin-D forces Marti to tap out again, this time to a Surfboard variation.

Miss Rachel has her work cut out for her if she wants to improve on Sin-D's score, but she starts off great when she pins an exhausted Marti for the 1-2-3. Soon she makes it 2-0, and even 3-0 after stretching Marti to the point where she has to be several inches taller than she was before. A massive legdrop earns Rachel another pinfall.
Is it enough to win her friendly competition? Either way, Marti is in for a rough day!

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19+ min 821 MB 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

Amber Nova vs Salina de la Renta
Amber Nova vs Salina de la Renta
Amber Nova vs Salina de la Renta
SLAMpeg 5167: Amber Nova vs Salina de la Renta

It’s a Best 2 Out of 3 Falls Match for these frequent foes and they open with a dizzying array of arm submissions, takedowns and various rollups for near falls that keep the ref quite busy. Despite a pretty long rivalry things are remarkably clean until the opening fall which may have involved some tights pulling and the ref is put on notice.

The second fall is more of the same back and forth largely arm submissions but also a nice Headscissors. The loser of the first fall wisely took a don’t get mad, get even approach and it ends up paying off as a nice roll up is aided only slightly by a handful of tights and once again the Ref is on the wrong end of a controversy.
The ladies let it all hang out in the deciding fall stepping up the submission game with a seated double Chickenwing and Full Nelson with bodyscissors while Dragon Sleeper and Figure Four attempts are narrowly escaped. The ref is kept quite busy with many a near fall. Will the decider be clean or tainted thus deciding little if anything?

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8+ min 360 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Dynamite Didi & Kelsey Raegan vs Kellie Morga & Roni Nicole
Dynamite Didi & Kelsey Raegan vs Kellie Morga & Roni Nicole
Dynamite Didi & Kelsey Raegan vs Kellie Morga & Roni Nicole
SLAMpeg 5166: Dynamite Didi & Kelsey Raegan vs Kellie Morga & Roni Nicole

Tag team action! Kelsey and Kellie start off for their respective teams, and very soon Morga finds herself on the wrong part of town. Didi tags in and Suplexes Kellie before putting her in a Bearhug.
But the tables turn when Didi ventures too close to the enemy corner, where Roni is lying in wait. Didi gets doubleteamed and suffers a side Backbreaker when Roni tags in. Ref Chico Adams has a hard time keeping order, as evidenced when Didi is on the receiving end of a Camel Clutch/Boston Crab combination.

Kelsey has to watch helplessly as her tag partner gets mauled by the opposing team. And when she finally does get in the ring, she is nailed with a nasty low blow! Can Dynamite and Raegan bounce back from this doubleteam assault?

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9 min 413 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Renee Michelle vs Chico Adams
Renee Michelle vs Chico Adams
Renee Michelle vs Chico Adams
SLAMpeg 5165: Renee Michelle vs Chico Adams

Chico is uncharacteristically friendly in welcoming Renee back, but Renee is having none of it. She just tells Adams, "You're my opponent, you're in my way." Chico asks Renee why she has to be so mean, which is a question he'll be asking a lot during the entire match. Renee is determined to show Chico exactly how mean she can be!

Chico doesn't stand a chance in this one. Renee rams his head into the turnbuckle, and there's no ref to prevent Renee from following up with a boot choke. Chico endures a Clothesline and some vicious elbows to the collarbone. Renee stands on his fingers and forehead, rakes his back, yanks on his beard, and basically just stomps a mudhole in her adversary. A final DDT leads to a 10 count pinfall that Renee counts herself while sitting on Adams' chest.

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6+ min 275 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan
Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan
Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan
SLAMpeg 5164: Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan

Aja squares off against Kiera in a Bearhug Challenge, in which each competitor gets to apply a Bearhug for 10 seconds. If the squeezed wrestler does not submit, she gets a 5 second break, then must apply a Bearhug of her own.
Aja wins the coin toss and spends the next 10 seconds putting the squeeze on Kiera. The Girl on Fire refuses to tap out, and she then applies her own Bearhug on Aja. The two go back and forth, varying their attacks with elevated Bearhugs from behind, a Bearhug using the turnbuckles to apply additional pressure, and more.

After the third round, one grappler is clearly struggling to stay in the contest. And when the same wrestler is unable to get back to her feet after the fourth round, the Bearhug Challenge is officially ended and one wrestler stands as the clear champion.

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6 min 265 MB 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Evie vs Justine Silver
Evie vs Justine Silver
Evie vs Justine Silver
SLAMpeg 5162: Evie vs Justine Silver
Previously available as Members Match 373.

Seeking to neutralize Evie’s vaunted athleticism and educated feet, Justine immediately grabs handfuls of hair and has no intention of letting go anytime soon. Evie finds herself trapped against the ropes and in corners as Justine threatens to create some bald spots. But whether it’s due to Evie’s relatively short hair or maybe Justine’s heart just isn’t into such tactics her abuse lacks imagination or impact and seems to be doing little more than keeping the talented New Zealander at bay. Maybe not the best plan as to paraphrase, hell hath no fury like a women having her hair pulled!

A mat slam gives Evie the separation she’s been desperate for and its payback time with 3 distinct differences: Evie’s more creative, she’s motivated by revenge and Justine’s hair is much longer! A hairpull Camel Clutch and nasty hairpull Surfboard in the ropes put Justine’s previous offence to shame. While the “Team Kick” aspect of Evie’s offense remains absent she puts her boots and legs to use adding additional torque to numerous creative hairpulls that stretch Justine to her limits. Not to be outdone two fistfuls of Justine’s long hair are wrapped around her neck as Evie chokes any resistance she has left out of her.
Evie mounts her an even deeper Camel Clutch rearing back with her hair until Justine just can’t take anymore and taps out. Maybe she’ll have learned a trick or two is she’s ever brave enough to pull someone else’s hair again!

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9 min 381 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Leva vs Saraya
Leva vs Saraya
Leva vs Saraya
SLAMpeg 5161: Leva vs Saraya
Previously available as Members Match 372.

Leva is dressed as Black Widow as she takes to the ring to face Saraya.
If you’ve ever seen a Sweet Saraya match, it’s no surprise to say that the veteran dominates in this matchup, mixing in powerful forearm strikes, kicks and stomps with her unmatched array of vicious submission holds. She also knows how to bend a rule—and rake an eye—or two. Saraya attacks with Bodyslams, Headbutts, a Samoan Drop, and a vicious Alabama Slam. She kicks her out of the ring and runs Leva face first into both walls.

To Leva’s credit, she gets in more offense than most of Saraya’s opponents, connecting on numerous foreams and kicks, falling Headbutts to the midsection, and when the battle spills outside the ring, Leva finds a discarded crutch to use as a weapon against Saraya.
In the end, Saraya’s ring knowledge and mean streak proves too much for Leva to hold off. A low blow kick delivers Saraya the 3 count, leaving Leva on the mat, feeling a lot like Black and Blue Widow.

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7 min 285 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Miss Rachel vs Su Yung
Miss Rachel vs Su Yung
Miss Rachel vs Su Yung
SLAMpeg 5160: Miss Rachel vs Su Yung
Previously available as Members Match 371.

Su is a ball of energy ahead of this challenge for Rachel's championship. She can barely stop moving as the referee introduces the competitors. Rachel is caught off guard as Su swarms her, but once she shoves Su off of her she makes a concerted effort to ground her springy foe.

Rachel digs into Su's leg and ankle, twisting it in all the wrong directions and bending it over the rope. Suddenly, Su isn't quite as agile as she was a moment ago. Rachel bends Su's leg at an awful angle with a thigh press, slams it on the apron, and bashes it with a steel chair! Once Su's footwear is removed, there's even less protecting her from Rachel's savage assault.
Rachel continues to batter the leg until the ref finally intervenes to stop Su from eating another chair shot. Unfortunately for Rachel, that distraction proves costly as Su hits her with an illegal blow from behind and rolls her up for a pin! A furious Rachel attacks Su after the match, ignoring the frantic ringing of the bell so that she can destroy the ankle of the new champion.

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8+ min 357 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Athena vs Niya
Athena vs Niya
Athena vs Niya
SLAMpeg 5159: Athena vs Niya
Previously available as Members Match 370.

These two get straight down to business with a collar and elbow tie up that turns into quite the stalemate. Both wrestlers make small gains and concessions as they range all over the ring. An armdrag finally breaks the hold, or it would have if the recipient had not held on for the ride frustrating the aggressor.

Finally after a few minutes an armwringer breaks the deadlock, but again it’s only temporary as these too lock horns again and they are locked up tight. Athena in particular is chomping at the bit to get some separation and put her ample abilities to use, even climbing onto the ropes for leverage and a takedown that only leaves her frustrated. Niya seems more content with the status quo and perhaps even feeling she’s gaining an advantage in what has become quite the war of attrition.
Ultimately neither will yield in the hold yet somehow one is able to gain enough leverage to score the pin, but it’s hardly a decisive victory.

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6- min 238 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Amber O'Neal vs Kristin Flake
Amber O'Neal vs Kristin Flake
Amber O'Neal vs Kristin Flake
SLAMpeg 5158: Amber O'Neal vs Kristin Flake
Previously available as Members Match 89.

Amber and Kristin bring an old school feel to this submissions only match. Introductions are made by the match referee, and we quickly get into the action.
From the opening bell, it's clear that one of these women has the edge over her opponent. Amber's experience is the difference here, and it's a substantial one. For the most part, this match is a clinic, a demonstration of Amber's superior wrestling technique. To her credit, Kristin does her best to compete, but even on the rare occasions she is able to trap Amber in a particular hold, it isn't long before Amber has not only escaped, but reversed the hold.

Amber works over Kristin with armlocks, a bodyscissor/Full Nelson combo, a double-toed leglock, full Boston Crab and a variety of Headscissors, all seeking that winning submission. Kristin endures as best she can but when a Bow & Arrow hold grows increasingly uncomfortable as Amber finds different ways to crank on the pressure, Kristin has no choice but to signal her surrender.

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10 min 412 MB 1920 x 1080

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Lorelei Lee vs Sara Del Rey
Lorelei Lee vs Sara Del Rey
Lorelei Lee vs Sara Del Rey
SLAMpeg 5157: Lorelei Lee vs Sara Del Rey
Previously available as Members Match 88.

Sara has no trouble in handing out the punishment during the early going of this 1 fall match. Armwringers, Hammerlocks and armbars come at Lorelei from every direction. Lorelei has her moments, but Sara quickly seizes it back with her expert technique and quickness. A frustrated Lorelei unloads with a pair of standing Dropkicks and a Monkey Flip to send Sara flying to the corner, but a back handspring leads to a boot in Lorelei’s back from the Death Rey.

Sara delivers a knee drop to the head, a Snap Suplex and a falling Headbutt that daze Lee. Lorelei struggles to stay in the fight and eventually scores with a vicious Neckbreaker that leaves both wrestlers flat on the canvas. Lorelei nails her back-handspring splash in the corner and lays into Sara with running Clotheslines before putting her down with a side Russian Legsweep! Lee builds momentum for a massive upset as she has Sara on the run, but you can never count the veteran out. In the end a textbook bridged Suplex keeps one wrestler down for the three count after a close contest.

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8+ min 353 MB 1920 x 1080

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Daffney vs Eden
Daffney vs Eden
Daffney vs Eden
SLAMpeg 5156: Daffney vs Eden Black
Previously available as Members Match 87.

Daffney and Eden come out kicking, trading stinging roundhouse kicks to the hamstring before locking up for an exchange of armwringers, Headlocks and Hammerlocks. The stalemate ends with a fingerlock test of strength, but as Eden begins to win the battle Daffney drives her forehead into her midsection to seize control. She takes a Monkey Flip from Eden in stride and counters with a leg trip where she repeatedly stomps Black’s knee.

Daffney targets Eden’s leg, grinding her elbow into her knee joint as she tries to slow her opponent down. Vertical drops to the knee, rope leveraged knee stretches and a knee slam have Eden rolling on the canvas in pain. The normally unorthodox Daffney executes her plan to hobble her opponent perfectly, laying into her victim with another barrage of hamstring strikes. Eden hits a desperate running boot to the head and a brutal Neckbreaker to climb back into the match.
Eden is a scrappy wrestler but she’s taken a load of punishment. Can she turn the battle around or will Daffney finish what she started and submit the Brit?

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10+ min 431 MB 1920 x 1080

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Ariel vs Nikki Roxx
Ariel vs Nikki Roxx
Ariel vs Nikki Roxx
SLAMpeg 5155: Ariel vs Nikki Roxx
Previously available as Members Match 86.

Ariel and Nikki start off with some great technical wrestling, expertly transitioning from Wristlocks to Headlocks and Hammerlocks, before Ariel switches things up by going for Nikki's leg. Roxx comes back after a test of strength and a big Clothesline, earning herself a near fall. Nikki follows up with a modified Camel Clutch, placing her knee in Ariel's back and wrenching away.

Ariel fires back with a reverse elbow and a Clothesline before clubbing Nikki down again. The resilient Roxx comes back with a Sidewalk Slam for a 2 count, then rubs Ariel's face into the canvas. Both athletes trade high-impact maneuvers in the end - a Diamond Cutter does not get the job done, but a wing clipper certainly does the trick!

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7+ min 320 MB 1920 x 1080

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Ray Lyn vs Renee Michelle
Ray Lyn vs Renee Michelle
Ray Lyn vs Renee Michelle
SLAMpeg 5154: Ray Lyn vs Renee Michelle

We open with Ray telling us how happy she is to get in the ring and perform for us, and how lucky she is to get to do this. All this positivity is too much for Renee to handle. She sneaks up on Ray from behind and quickly makes her regret ever getting in the ring. Renee clubs her poor victim down and chokes her with her boot, telling her how she's going to "show everyone what a loser she is"!

Renee uses her elbows and her knees to stomp every part of Ray's body. After getting her legs, arms, and even her fingers smashed, a Pedigree makes sure Ray is out like a light. But Renee, who is counting her own pinfall, pulls her up at the count of 2. She repeats this nice little trick several times, using a facebuster and numerous DDTs to extend Ray Lyn's suffering. Finally, after raking the eyes, pulling hair, and executing a final DDT, Renee mercifully ends this complete beatdown.

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13+ min 583 MB 1920 x 1080

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Dynamite Didi vs Heather Monroe
Dynamite Didi vs Heather Monroe
Dynamite Didi vs Heather Monroe
SLAMpeg 5153: Dynamite Didi vs Heather Monroe

Dynamite Didi is none too impressed with Heather. And the feeling is mutual. What follows their rocky introduction to each other is a hard-hitting, take-no-prisoners, back-and-forth war that will leave both wrestlers tending to their aches and bruises.
Didi—who can pound you down as quickly as make you tap—combines bruising forearm strikes, boots to the face, and Bulldogs with judo armbars, one-legged Boston Crabs, Camel Clutches, and bodyscissors/Full Nelson combos. Heather responds with running elbow strikes and splashes in the corner, Figure Four Leglocks, a vicious chickenwing crossface submission hold, and some old-school classic maneuvers such as Sunset Flips and roll-ups.

Didi gets the better of the offense in this battle, but Heather is able to find her spots to get in her share of punishment as well. When one wrestler misses a charge in the corner, the other finds the opening to hit a decisive maneuver and earn the 3 count. Who scores the ‘W’ in this one? Only one way to find out.

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11 min 513 MB 1920 x 1080

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Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5152: Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn is full of confidence going into this 1 fall match with Tanaily, but he soon discovers she might not be quite the easy opponent he had been anticipating. Whilst Chasyn's experience gives him the advantage, Tanaily is frequently able to counter and reverse much of what he throws at her.

As the match wear on, Chasyn begins to asset his authority, coming close to a win with a number of submission holds and pin attempts. Still Tanaily battles on though, almost turning the tables with Sleeperhold. Victory comes for one of these wrestlers when they apply an Ankle Lock in the centre of the ring, leaving the recipient with no choice but to tap out.
Defeat does not sit well with the loser however, and after a final flurry of back and forth action, a Superkick nails the match winner and they are rolled out of the ring by a defeated but defiant loser.

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13+ min 557 MB 1920 x 1080

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Ava Everett vs Renee Michelle
Ava Everett vs Renee Michelle
Ava Everett vs Renee Michelle
SLAMpeg 5151: Ava Everett vs Renee Michelle

Ava is practicing her technique in the ring when Renee enters. Renee accepts Ava’s request to help judge her skills. Renee suggests that Ava comes off the ropes to try for a Dropkick, then trips her and tosses her around the ring with several hair-assisted Snapmares.

Renee stomps on Ava’s hand and ankles, then chokes her in the corner and against the middle rope. Unable to defend herself, Ava eats numerous forearms in the corner, a face slam into all 4 top turnbuckles, and a nasty rake to the back. Renee applies Boston Crabs, Camel Clutches and bodyscissors, wearing down Ava until she’s ripe for the 3 count.
In the end, Renee may not have judged any of Ava’s techniques, but there’s no denying that Ava has learned a very painful lesson from Renee.

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8+ min 379 MB 1920 x 1080

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Amber Nova & Tanaily vs Adam Vaile & Brian Atomic
Amber Nova & Tanaily vs Adam Vaile & Brian Atomic
Amber Nova & Tanaily vs Adam Vaile & Brian Atomic
SLAMpeg 5150: Amber Nova & Tanaily vs Adam Vaile & Brian Atomic

‘Supergirls’ Amber and Tanaily get inside the heads of their opponents during the opening introductions, but the ‘Atomic Weenies’ look to get their revenge during the subsequent lockup as Brian Atomic clamps on a tight Headlock to Tanaily followed by a crushing Headscissors and backslide that nearly takes the match.

Both teams make quick tags to stay fresh during the early going while unloading with double team ax handles, shoulderblocks, and jawbreakers to rock their opponents. The men utilize their power, crushing the women in the corners, lifting them off the mat for slams and delivering an over-the-knee back Backbreaker to punish Tanaily. The women respond with quickness, using an Enziguri, Flying Clothesline, and double 619s that lay out the bruisers.
The foursome battle back and forth to a wild finish of devastating maneuvers until a leaping cutter into a belly to back Suplex leaves one wrestler down for the 1-2-3!

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12 min 544 MB 1920 x 1080

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Kelsey Raegan vs Heather Monroe
Kelsey Raegan vs Heather Monroe
Kelsey Raegan vs Heather Monroe
SLAMpeg 5149: Kelsey Raegan vs Heather Monroe

Heather is out cold face-down in the ring with a “Have Fun” note placed on her back. Enter Kelsey, who reads the note and decides, “All right, I’ll have some fun.” Kelsey stomps Heather awake, then fades her out immediately with a Rear Naked Choke. Reviving her again, Kelsey works her over in the corner, chokes her over the second rope, sends her face-first into all 4 turnbuckles, then slams her face-first to the mat before applying a Camel Clutch.

Heather is unable to defend herself as she’s forced to endure chokes, stomps and hairpulls. Kelsey continues the attack, putting Heather down with a Superkick, a stunner, multiple Pedigrees, and a face slam into a steel chair.
When Kelsey is finally finishing having fun at Heather’s expense, she finds the note, crumples it up, and stuffs it in Heather’s mouth as she lays unconscious on the mat.

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13+ min 625 MB 1920 x 1080

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Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price
SLAMpeg 5148: Renee Michelle vs Tesha Price

Renee is stretching in the ring, with Tesha informing if her "old bones" are ready yet. After locking up, Renee and Tesha expertly trade Hammerlocks, Headlocks, and Waistlocks, with Tesha sneaking in the occasional noogie here and there. Renee patiently waits until she has Price immobilized in an armbar, then returns the favor. This infuriates the notoriously unstable Tesha, who keeps screeching throughout the entire match.

Tesha is all over Renee with chops, chokeholds, and illegal use of the ring ropes. She slingshots her out of the corner for a near fall, and even chokes her with her own hair before slamming her face in the mat. With Tesha screaming like she's part of an exorcism, she chokes Renee on the ropes. A desperate Michelle tries to bite her way out of the predicament...bad move, as it only fuels Tesha's rage. Price at one point locks in a straitjacket choke, which begs the question who needs the straitjacket more.
Renee valiantly keeps kicking out of pinfall attempts, frustrating Tesha. Can Renee get back in this fight? In the end, one of these wrestlers is left in the ring throwing a big temper tantrum!

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11 min 493 MB 1920 x 1080

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Jocy J vs Chasyn Rance
Jocy J vs Chasyn Rance
Jocy J vs Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5147: Jocy J vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn asks Jocy J how she’s doing ahead of their match, not because he cares but because he doesn’t want any excuses that she wasn’t 100% after he beats her. Jocy rolls her eyes and clamps on a tight Hammerlock to start things off. Chasyn is accustomed to tossing the smaller opponents around with ease, but Josy presents a problem as she can match him in size and strength. The pair keep close to the mat with Josy wearing Rance down with a painful Cravat, tight crossface and deep-seated Boston Crab. Rance returns the favor, trapping Jocy in a Headscissors and straightjacket Surfboard.

The powerful Jocy rocks Chasyn with a jawbreaker and catches his flying Crossbody attempt before slamming him to the canvas and tossing him to the corner for a devastating splash. Chasyn recovers and sends Jocy hard into the turnbuckles. Neither wrestler is willing to back down as this contest heads for a wild finish.

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12+ min 517 MB 1920 x 1080

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Gina Sais Quoi vs Salina de la Renta
Gina Sais Quoi vs Salina de la Renta
Gina Sais Quoi vs Salina de la Renta
SLAMpeg 5146: Gina Sais Quoi vs Salina de la Renta

Salina is insulted by the lack of a challenge her little skunk of an opponent is expected to provide. Shockingly Gina does not take this as a compliment and the brawl is on.
Head games are played with some solid strikes not getting the desired result leading to dueling chokes and an eventual advantage with a Rear Naked Choke with bodyscissors. The ropes prove to be a nemesis for both as chokes are exchanged and limbs are tormented with both. One grappler tries to add a technical element with some armbar combos while the other resorts to biting as ultimately little is done within the rules.

Controversy abounds as a trio of matchbook pins secure anywhere from 0 to 3 falls depending on whose story you believe, the only thing this one settles is that these two do not like each other!

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7+ min 339 MB 1920 x 1080

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Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee
SLAMpeg 5145: Kellie Morga vs Kimber Lee

Fresh-faced Kellie takes on Princess Kimber who immediately takes over, acting as MC, referee and even the ring bell for the opening ‘ding-ding-ding’. The pair test each other with armlocks, wristlocks and Headlocks to start. Kellie holds her own with the experienced veteran, never backing down and leading to a collar and elbow stalemate as they shove each other around the ring.

Kimber has had enough and unloads a double strike to Kellie’s throat before unleashing a targeted assault on the youngster’s spine. Morga finds herself impaled on Kimber’s knee a total of 6 times with over-the-knee Backbreakers! If that weren’t enough she unloads with a steady barrage of Suplexes and keeps the pressure on with kneed Surfboards, Bow & Arrow holds, and an arm trapped crossface. Morga proves her resilience, fighting her way back into the match with a Scorpion Leglock, running Clothesline and tornado DDT! Will it be enough to put the veteran away or will Kimber Lee’s back breaking assault be too much to overcome?

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16+ min 710 MB 1920 x 1080

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KC Spinelli vs Rocky Radley
KC Spinelli vs Rocky Radley
KC Spinelli vs Rocky Radley
SLAMpeg 5144: KC Spinelli vs Rocky Radley

A sneaky Rocky takes the quick lead in this special Push-Comes-To-Knees matchup... which is probably because the rules aren't even explained to KC until Rocky has racked up a few points. The premise of this match is that the wrestlers score points by kneeing their opponent in the stomach and sending them into the ropes, something that Rocky does 3 times in quick succession before KC even knows what's happening!

However, once KC is caught up on the rules, she catches up on the scoreboard, driving her hard knee into Rocky's mid-section as well as lifting herself off of the canvas and driving those knees down into Rocky's ribs. Soon, it's 3 straight points for KC and the match is all tied up. The first to four points wins it, which means the rest of the match is wrestled at a feverish pace as both wrestlers knee each other's stomachs into oblivion while trying to avoid being put back in the ropes. There are so many belly strikes in this match, you'll wonder if these wrestlers went down a waistsize by the end of it. One wrestler eventually scores the game winner and tacks on an extra point for good measure.

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9 min 387 MB 1920 x 1080

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Kiera Hogan vs Miss Rachel
Kiera Hogan vs Miss Rachel
Kiera Hogan vs Miss Rachel
SLAMpeg 5143: Kiera Hogan vs Miss Rachel

Miss Rachel is surprisingly warm and welcoming in this match, apparently because she sees a lot of potential in Kiera. It makes sense that this is a showcase match for Kiera, who simply has to survive under Sweet 16 rules: After every pin, the losing wrestler gets 7 seconds to recover, and if Kiera can last 16 minutes with Rachel, she wins the match.

Whatever it is that Rachel sees in Kiera she seems determined to beat it out of her. They trade holds early on, but Rachel's straightjacket choke, Full Nelson, and Rear Chinlock are clearly more effective than whatever Kiera is dishing out. An eye rake and a Headbutt floor Kiera, though it's not enough to keep her down for the count. It isn't until Rachel slaps on a Surfboard stretch and then smashes Kiera with an elbow to the head that we see our first pin. Kiera beats the following count, only to have to endure a Bodyslam, an elbow grinding into her aching ribs, and a Bearhug that Rachel turns into an inescapable body-folding pin.
There is more pain and more pins to come for Kiera and she is slower to recover every time. Will she last the full time or will this Sweet 16 turn sour?

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16 min 678 MB 1280 x 720

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Amber Nova vs Tone Harrow
Amber Nova vs Tone Harrow
Amber Nova vs Tone Harrow
SLAMpeg 5142: Amber Nova vs Tone Harrow

It's Tone's first time in the SLAM Shack, and what better way to celebrate this joyous occasion than by getting in the ring and getting a tune-up from none other than Amber. But Tone doesn't make the best first impression, swatting away Amber's extended hand. Amber responds with two near falls in the opening stages of the match, and nearly locking in a cross armbreaker, forcing Tone to rethink his strategy.

Still, Harrow remains very cocky, claiming that beating Nova will be like taking candy from a baby. Amber still manages to hit a Flying Headscissors, but Tone cuts her off with a side Backbreaker. He then focuses on Amber's arm, locking in a Fujiwara armbar before ramming Amber into the turnbuckle.

Amber gets a Sunset Flip for another near fall, but Tone retaliates with a crossface and proceeds to aggressively drop her from a fireman's carry position. Amber takes a lot of punishment before she's finally had enough and hits a tremendous offensive flurry. She nails a spinning heel kick, Hurricanrana, and Superkick among others. Despite this, Tone's power and strength advantage proves hard to overcome. Can Amber keep pushing forward to victory?

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12 min 548 MB 1920 x 1080

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Dynamite Didi vs Sean Maluta
Dynamite Didi vs Sean Maluta
Dynamite Didi vs Sean Maluta
SLAMpeg 5141: Dynamite Didi vs Sean Maluta

After Didi shows up Sean a little in the opening exchange the corner turns out to be his equalizer with referee Kellie Morga seeming to lack a certain authority, perhaps due to the lack of stripes. But back in the open ring Dynamite explodes for a big Clothesline, unorthodox kicks capitalizing on her knee brace and a cartwheel splash for 2.

A cheap rope break and even cheaper leg trip into the middle turnbuckle have Didi right back in her unhappy place, the corner. By the time she’s back in the open ring a mounted Rear Chinlock has her defused with Sean demanding a tighter shot of her anguish. An argument with Kellie seems to give Didi and opening but a huge belly to belly closes that door real quick. But its revolving door that smacks Sean right in the face, or rather Didi’s boot does followed by a DDT and another argument with Kellie over her count.
A finisher set turns into a brutal submission hold that after a long, valiant struggle finally elicits a tap out Unfortunately for Kellie forgetting her stripes seems to have made her fair game and she suffers in the very same submission hold!

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8+ min 370 MB 1920 x 1080

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Randi West vs Hoodfoot Mo Atlas
Randi West vs Hoodfoot Mo Atlas
Randi West vs Hoodfoot Mo Atlas
SLAMpeg 5140: Randi West vs Hoodfoot Mo Atlas

Using her speed and agility, Randi ducks, dives, and dodges the attempts of the massive Hoodfoot to corner her. But once he finally grabs ahold of Randi’s ankle, he pulled her in and drops an elbow and applies a Half Nelson on the mat in an attempt to beat down and wear out Randi.

Not one to go down without one heck of a fight, Randi targets Mo’s legs, kicking and stomping in order to keep the big man off-balance and unable to utilize his massive size and weight advantage. Randi repeatedly launches Dropkicks at Mo’s knees and ankles, stomps on his legs when she gets him to the mat, and even takes him down with a chop block. But there’s only so long she can keep on the offensive. A simple eye poke allows Mo the opening to start drilling Randi with a belly-to-back slam, a Camel Clutch, a massive scoop slam … he even uses the ropes for additional leverage to stand on poor Randi’s head.
Is it just a matter of time before the big man puts away his foe, or does Randi have enough tricks up her sleeve to take Mo down and keep him there for a 3 count?

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10+ min 1.01 GB 1920 x 1080

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Heather Monroe vs Facade
Heather Monroe vs Facade
Heather Monroe vs Facade
SLAMpeg 5139: Heather Monroe vs Facade

Heather is shown in the ring, taking selfies for her social media. Facade takes offense, telling Heather she's not taking this seriously. He then angers Monroe by taking away her phone, then taking her out with a Sleeperhold. Facade challenges Heather to wrestle him to get her phone back, and Heather accepts.

Facade locks a desperate Heather in an STF and Camel Clutch variation. Monroe then shows us her priorities when, instead of reaching for the ropes to force a break, she reaches for her phone instead! Facade has had enough of this, dropping Heather with a Pedigree before snapping a double selfie with a knocked-out Monroe. Slowly regaining consciousness, Heather begs Facade not to post anything on Instagram. Facade then finishes her off with a high-impact slam, leaving Heather down and out for a 10 count.

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9 min 374 MB 1920 x 1080

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Layne Rosario vs Kimber Lee & Roni Nicole
Layne Rosario vs Kimber Lee & Roni Nicole
Layne Rosario vs Kimber Lee & Roni Nicole
SLAMpeg 5138: Layne Rosario vs Kimber Lee & Roni Nicole

We're not saying the odds are stacked against Layne in this match, but when we say the only friendly gesture from Kimber is the handshake she offers Layne in the opening seconds, you probably have an idea what's to come. Sadly, the same cannot be said for Layne, who is blindsided by Kimber's partner, Roni, and we have ourselves a handicap match.
As a contest, this is over before it's begun. But as demonstration of some innovative double teaming, Roni and Kimber showcase their keen wrestling knowledge. Albeit at the unfortunate expense of Layne, who suffers such canvas cocktails as a Figure Four Leglock with a Figure Four Headscissors, a Surfboard and a Sleeper, a Front Face Headlock with Single Leg Boston. And even a Lotus Leglock with a bodyscissors.

In the end, one final Headscissor from Roni is enough to put Layne out and the two devious women claim an ill-deserved victory, proving that whilst two heads are better than one, 4 arms and 4 legs can offer an even greater advantage!

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16 min 700 MB 1920 x 1080

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Amber Nova vs BiiBii & Jocy J
Amber Nova vs BiiBii & Jocy J
Amber Nova vs BiiBii & Jocy J
SLAMpeg 5137: Amber Nova vs BiiBii & Jocy J

Amber is without a partner for this 1-on-2 handicap match against BiiBii and Jocy J. Hopeful that her opponents will respects the one-in-one-out rule in the absence of a match official, Amber makes a flying start from the opening bell, taking it to both of her opponents in quick succession.

Unfortunately, Amber's hopes that BiiBii and Jocy J would play fair are soon dashed when they decide to double team her. A duel Crossface quickly wears Amber down, before two big splashes in the corner leave her winded. Amber tries to fight back, but the numbers are always against her and big Backbreaker (applied by BOTH of her opponents) proves to be the deciding factor as Jocy J and BiiBii count the inevitable pin to claim victory in this quick bout.

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7 min 319 MB 1920 x 1080

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La Rosa Negra vs Rocky Radley
La Rosa Negra vs Rocky Radley
La Rosa Negra vs Rocky Radley
SLAMpeg 5136: La Rosa Negra vs Rocky Radley

Rocky seems to have forgotten her boots and fans of the site can pretty much guess what that means but in a twist of sorts La Rosa only takes advantage of the bare feet long enough to zero in on her primary target, Rocky’s throat!
You name it, Rosa does it when it comes to throat abuse, blatant chokes, rope chokes, chops to the throat and combining chokes with several submission holds. Referee Chico Adams has a hard time figuring out what is legal and what isn’t but Radley would probably argue he’s just bad, if she could talk at all that is. At one point a particularly vicious choke gets a total of a 7 count, only he doesn’t seem to be able to count to 5 so he starts over at 4. A pair pf nerve pinches are pretty much the first legal holds Rocky endures and pretty much leave her on her last nerve prompting a comeback of sorts but her engine needs air and her damaged throat isn’t cooperating.

Can La Rosa weathers the storm and stays just on the cusp of getting disqualified long enough to end the match in spectacular fashion over the double tough Rocky?

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11- min 437 MB 1920 x 1080

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Tesha Price vs Gariston Spears
Tesha Price vs Gariston Spears
Tesha Price vs Gariston Spears
SLAMpeg 5135: Tesha Price vs Gariston Spears

Gariston comes to the ring ready for a power pose off, but Tesha is there to wrestle. Gariston finally agrees and the wild Tesha tears after him, leaping onto his back for a Sleeper. Spears struggles to maintain his footing before backing Tesha into the ropes for a corner crushing. He hauls the broken Price into the air for a Bodyslam before lifting her into a body-vice Bearhug.

Tesha barely has time to regret insisting on a wrestling match before she passes out in Gariston’s arms to surrender the first fall. Gariston wakes Tesha up to apologize only to have her unleash a back-hand chop frenzy. Spears puts a stop to that with a tight Sleeper and it’s night-night time for Tesha once again! Gariston makes his exit, but can’t leave the kayoed Tesha alone in the ring for long. He wakes Price yet again only to get her banshee scream in the face leading to a final choke out. Gariston seems to have learned his lesson, this time leaving crazy Tesha kayoed in the ring after triple knockouts.

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9+ min 428 MB 1920 x 1080

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Amazing Maria vs Miss Rachel
Amazing Maria vs Miss Rachel
Amazing Maria vs Miss Rachel
SLAMpeg 5134: Amazing Maria vs Miss Rachel

What starts as a friendly match between two wrestlers soon becomes a lesson in overconfidence in this 1 fall match. After an evenly balanced opening few minutes, Miss Rachel soon reverts to her more typical behavior, looking for any opportunity to take advantage - even if that means distracting an imaginary referee!

Once in control, Miss Rachel methodically works over Maria, with a combination of throat strikes, chokes, leglocks, Chinlocks, slams and so much more. Worse yet for Maria, during all of this punishment, Rachel maintains a constant stream of friendly banter that belies the beatdown she is dishing out.
As the action progress, so Maria's chances of victory seem all the more remote. Rachel seems confident too, so much so that she leaves herself open to a counterattack and a DDT from Maria that puts her down hard. But is it hard enough to give Maria an unlikely win? Well, there was that one time with a hare and a tortoise...

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14 min 625 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Diamante vs Kiera Hogan
Diamante vs Kiera Hogan
Diamante vs Kiera Hogan
SLAMpeg 5133: Diamante vs Kiera Hogan

When Diamante asks Kiera Hogan why she’s here, the hottest fire shoots back that she’s here to beat Diamante and the tone is set for a barn burner of a match between the two.
The pair exchange armwringers, Headlocks and hammerlocks with Diamante refusing to release her hold in the ropes and grinding her forearm across Kiera’s eyes. Kiera knows the rules (or lack thereof) and explodes with a corner Clothesline, hip attack and sliding Dropkick to the face to a stunned Diamante. The Cuban diamond counters with a rake of the eyes and goes low with repeated pop up Atomic Drops.

She levels Kiera with a running Clothesline before delivering a textbook Suplex and Swinging Neckbreaker. Hogan fights from underneath and powers her way back into contention with running double ax handles and a savate kick. The finish is wild as one wrestler is ground down in a single leg Boston Crab until she can endure no more, but the victor isn’t satisfied with a submission! A final DDT puts the lights out on the loser after a brutal contest.

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14- min 617 MB 1920 x 1080

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Kelsey Raegan vs Chico Adams
Kelsey Raegan vs Chico Adams
Kelsey Raegan vs Chico Adams
SLAMpeg 5132: Kelsey Raegan vs Chico Adams

This is a 15 minute Ironman match with a few additional stipulations. No submissions in this one, as it's pinfalls only. Said pinfalls have to be won with a 5 count as well, so both competitors know they're up for a challenge.
At least, that's what you would think. Kelsey, however, has different plans entirely. She clearly intends to steamroll poor Chico here. And, spoiler: that's exactly what happens for the duration of this 'match'. Chico tries bravely, but he is no match for Raegan's aggressive assault. A big kick to the face opens the score for Kelsey, but she's far from done. A Pedigree brings her up 2 falls, and a Spinebuster variation puts her in a 3-0 lead.

Adams is pretty much done at this point, but he still has to endure Kelsey's verbal barbs as well: "you're getting beat by a girl". A barrage of kicks, DDTs, Pedigrees, and many more lead to a monster score and a clear and decisive victory for Kelsey.

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15+ min 700 MB 1920 x 1080

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BiiBii vs Chasyn Rance
BiiBii vs Chasyn Rance
BiiBii vs Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5131: BiiBii vs Chasyn Rance

BiiBii takes the fight right to Chasyn with a strong Headlock, an even stronger shoulderblock, and some chain wrestling that has the veteran reeling. It's not long before Chasyn takes the advantage though, putting BiiBii's endurance to the test with clutches of the Camel and Cobra variety. But she's a fighter and not above raking Chasyn's eyes to get free.

More outstanding chain wrestling follows with Chasyn a step ahead. He locks in an Abdominal Stretch and nearly scores with a power move before BiiBii counters with a Suplex! Soon the match breaks down into a brawl as the strikes start flying. BiiBii cracks Chasyn with an elbow and follows with a crossbody out of the corner. She bends him in a Boston Crab that Chasyn counters with an leglock. Chasyn really gets going with a top rope axe handle, a Suplex, a Full Nelson, and a crossface, all of which is answered by BiiBii bringing her full weight down on his chest. The match nears its end when one wrestler gets put in a vicious anklelock, only for chaos to unfold due to some last-second outside interference.

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8+ min 392 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo
SLAMpeg 5130: Ray Lyn vs Sofia Castillo

Ray is in a very bad mood for no particular reason and unfortunately for Sofia and her hair she’s in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Hairpulling, Hairmares, hair-whips, hair-stands, hair pretty much everywhere and Ray happy as a clam with seemingly a walk in the park. Sofia is anything but happy as she has no answer of an assault that is as methodical as it is casual as Ray owns her with incredible ease. A Surfboard, Camel Clutch and seated Abdominal Stretch add some legal pain to Sofia’s hair follicle ordeal though they don’t escape her wrath in those holds either.

A final Camel Clutch even features a magic trick of sort’s but only a miracle would have saved Sofia from Ray’s sweet and sassy wrath today!

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9+ min 423 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley
Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley
Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley
SLAMpeg 5129: Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley

A friendly handshake opens proceedings and promises a fair contest between Didi and Rocky. However, Didi's boot to Rocky's gut just seconds afterwards might suggest otherwise. As if to eliminate any further doubt, a claw to Rocky's back and a big shoulder charge to the belly quickly make Didi's intentions clear.

Didi continues to dominate, using the ropes where she can and frequently targeting Rocky's stomach with strikes and belly claws. When Rocky does succeed in mounting a minor comeback, a vicious rake to the eyes soon puts Didi firmly back in control.
In the end, it's a crushing Bearhug around an already punished stomach that leaves one of these women out for the count. And that's exactly what the winner does, counting the 1-2-3 to confirm this one-sided victory.

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9 min 368 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Cami Fields vs Marti Belle
Cami Fields vs Marti Belle
Cami Fields vs Marti Belle
SLAMpeg 5128: Cami Fields vs Marti Belle

Devyn Nicole officiates this title match for the coveted Class Action Female Entertainment championship, with champion Cami defending against the 'Dominican Dreamboat' Marti. Cami is in no mood to relinquish her title, and it shows when she targets Marti's arm in the early going. She nearly forces a submission from Belle with armbars and a cross armbreaker, but despite being hurt the challenger manages to hang on.

Cami secures a tight Full Nelson, which doesn't help Marti's cause and it only gets worse for her when Fields turns it into a Camel Clutch variation. Cami continues the one-sided offensive with a Texas Cloverleaf, Bearhug, and a nasty kick to the face. With the clock tickling towards the time limit, can Marti stay strong in her quest for the belt?

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8+ min 355 MB 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Rain vs Shanna
Rain vs Shanna
Rain vs Shanna
SLAMpeg 5127: Rain vs Shanna
Previously available as Members Match 369.

Shanna has wrestled all around the world and she's happy to list off all the countries she's visited, which draws a sarcastic response from Rain. A pre-match tumbling routine doesn't do much for Rain either and she just decides to try and end the match with a fast pin when a flipping Shanna flops. Shanna avoids the pin, but is almost submitted by a slick Butterfly lock.

It's no more Ms. Nice Girl for Shanna as she puts the boots to Rain, stomping her and choking her in the corner. That suits Rain fine as she returns the favor by cornering Shanna and punishing her midsection. Shanna attacks back with body blows of her own and wrenches Rain's neck in a Camel Clutch. Unsurprisingly, Shanna's showmanship gets the better of her and soon she's the one getting a Surfboard stretch courtesy of Rain. Done with the belly and back, Rain targets Shanna's leg, only to nearly fall victim to a skillful pin counter. After more back-and-forth action, a beautifully executed Magistral Cradle brings this match to a definitive end.

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7 min 325 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

April Hunter vs Jessicka Havok
April Hunter vs Jessicka Havok
April Hunter vs Jessicka Havok
SLAMpeg 5126: April Hunter vs Jessicka Havok
Previously available as Members Match 368.

Two powerhouses square off but in the initial lock up April backs Jessicka up with relative ease and catches her bouncing awkwardly off the ropes with several shots to the lower back. A powerhouse on the mat is just like anyone else and that’s exactly where April intends to keep her!

A barrage of kicks, knees and grinds all hit the bullseye apparently on Jessicka’s lower back. Within moments the vaunted Death Machine is reduced to the same kind selling mess as the majority of her opponents and April keeps dishing out the abuse doing everything she can to keep her that way. Only on the floor does she get back to her feet but pride prevents her from retreating and soon she’s right back at April’s lack of mercy in a precarious Bow & Arrow stretch!
A double-boot Surfboard is only released to drive Havok into the turnbuckle so she can fall right back into it as the usual squasher is very much the squashee. If Jessicka was told to pick on someone her own size she should never have listened!

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7+ min 330 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Jessie Belle vs Serena Deeb
Jessie Belle vs Serena Deeb
Jessie Belle vs Serena Deeb
SLAMpeg 5125: Jessie Belle vs Serena Deeb
Previously available as Members Match 367.

We take a small step back in time for this 1 fall contest. After a back and forth and fairly fought opening few minutes of expertly applied Headlocks, armlocks, counters and reversals, Jessie decides to tip the balance with a poke to Serena's eyes. However, the absence of a ref works both ways and Jessie's advantage is short lived, when Serena returns the favor.

The match continues in much the same vein, with both wrestlers deciding which rules to follow whenever it suits them. Jessie looks for a submission with a Camel Clutch, but Serena powers out and almost score the victory with a long-held Lotus Leglock.
In the end, one wrestler runs into a tight Sleeperhold and her opponent locks it in. It isn't long before both women are on the canvas, one of them frantically tapping out. However, the winning wrestler isn't going to be satisfied with anything less than a knockout here, and that's exactly what she gets.

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9 min 419 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Nevaeh vs Xandra Bale
Nevaeh vs Xandra Bale
Nevaeh vs Xandra Bale
SLAMpeg 5124: Nevaeh vs Xandra Bale
Previously available as Members Match 366.

Xandra’s Spidey gear unfortunately didn’t come with Spidey Sense otherwise she would have known better than to get in the ring at all. But alas it didn’t and she bought into Nevaeh’s nice girl appearance hook line and sinker.
The Gem City Queen was renowned for her “textbook” offense at this time but it turns out she could write a chapter or 2 on hairpulling as well, much to the surprise of the unfortunate Miss Bale. Xandra is tossed by her hair, choked with her hair, thrown into turnbuckles by her hair, and has her hair stood on. Despite a good percentage of her blonde locks laying on the mat the Canadian displays a bit of resilience, the other thing Nevaeh was known for, and she doesn’t like it. Venting her frustration with hard strikes the hairpulling starts to mesh with her text book offense leading to among other things a hairpull Camel Clutch and a pair of hairpull Curbstomps!

Both boots to her shoulders with a full yank of the hair is too much for “Spider Bale” who finds out with great hair comes great risk!

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8+ min 395 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Jessica James vs Lexie Fyfe
Jessica James vs Lexie Fyfe
Jessica James vs Lexie Fyfe
SLAMpeg 5123: Jessica James vs Lexie Fyfe
Previously available as Members Match 84.

Lexie rejects Jessica's characterization of her tactics as cheating. She prefers to be known for her ‘creative wrestling maneuvers’ and you don’t have to wait long to see them in action as she unloads with a punch to James’ gut after powering Jessica into the corner. James is lightning quick and runs circles around Lexie with armwringers and Hammerlocks, but when Fyfe gets ahold of her prey it’s trouble for Jessica.

Lexie turns a kneed Surfboard into a bodyscissors and delivers a pair of Keister Bounces that leave Jessica hobbled. She ups the ante with an Atomic Drop that compresses James’ spine and unloads with face slams, reverse shoulderblocks and a Lotus Lock to work over the sprite’s back. Another pair of Atomic Drops leaves Jessica desperate to recover. She gets her chance, but a full forced hip attack by Jessica hurts her more than her intended victim and sets up for yet another Atomic Drop!
How much damage can Jessica’s spine endure before Lexie puts her away?

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10 min 462 MB 1920 x 1080

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Alere Little Feather vs Sara Del Rey
Alere Little Feather vs Sara Del Rey
Alere Little Feather vs Sara Del Rey
SLAMpeg 5122: Alere Little Feather vs Sara Del Rey
Previously available as Members Match 83.

Note: This one plays out differently than the originally released version.
It's a classic Indian Strap Death Match (sans strap), a stipulation that suits Sara just fine as she isn't convinced that Alere has the mental capacity to win a match like this. First one to touch 4 corners is the victor.

Sara is in bully mode here, using her always impressive technical ability and physicality to grind Alere down. She wraps Alere in a tight Chinlock and almost wins the match in the first minute, only to be stopped from touching the fourth corner by her scrappy foe. Still, outside of a few bursts of offense, Alere is on the receiving end of some of Sara's best moves, including a Suplex, Fireman's Carry, and a DDT. Sara whips Alere hard into the corners and bangs her head off of the top turnbuckles, but Alere keeps finding a way to survive. The tide slowly begins to turn as Alere scores with powerful Tomahawk Chops and a Russian Legsweep. She has a lot of ground to make up though! A knockout Sleeper incapacitates one wrestler, leading to the winner touching 4 hard-earned turnbuckles.

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8+ min 392 MB 1920 x 1080

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Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka
Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka
Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka
SLAMpeg 5121: Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka
Previously available as Members Match 82.

Two all-time greats face off in this classic matchup. Malia looks to keep the speedy and crafty Lorelei grounded, continually grinding her down to the mat with Headlocks and Hiptosses, and tries to grind her down on the canvas with headscissors, stomps, and Swinging Neckbreakers. And as a veteran who knows how to bend the rules when needed, the occasional hair-assisted Snapmare or toss across the ring via a handful of hair are both part of the game-plan.

Lorelei gets in plenty of offense as well, peppering Malia with Hiptosses and armdrag takedowns, judo armbars on the mat, running Clotheslines, and a nasty Dropkick or two.
It’s classic wrestling at its finest, culminated in a classic finisher, as one warrior grabs her opponent in a Side Headlock, climbs to the top rope and leaps off to deliver a devastating Bulldog to put her foe down for the 3 count.

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7+ min 337 MB 1920 x 1080

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Jetta vs Rain
Jetta vs Rain
Jetta vs Rain
SLAMpeg 5120: Jetta vs Rain
Previously available as Members Match 81.

When a veteran grappler with a known mean streak like Rain has you on the mat, stomping you repeatedly, screaming “die, die, die, die, die” … you know it’s just not your night.
Such is the case for Jetta in this classic matchup, who battles The Radiant One in a 1 fall matchup that sees Rain throw her into the ring post, into the turnbuckles, and down to the mat as she works to wear down Jetta with every trick in the book (and a few that aren’t in the book).

Jetta battles valiantly and scores a couple near falls with a Sunset Flip and a small package, reverses a Rain DDT into a stunner, and nails Rain with several Clotheslines off the ropes. A modified DDT followed by a vicious submission hold on the mat forces one wrestler to tap out. Is Jetta able to pull this one out, or is the determined Rain on an unstoppable roll?

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9+ min 427 MB 1920 x 1080

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Ava Everett vs Tesha Price
Ava Everett vs Tesha Price
Ava Everett vs Tesha Price
SLAMpeg 5119: Ava Everett vs Tesha Price

Both ladies are playing the blame game for a recent tag team defeat and sadly for fans of tag team wrestling its not likely the team survives this grudge match. While both are capable of putting on a technical showcase, make no mistake, this is a fight, and there is little that is technical about it.

The only thing that hits harder than the insults in this match are the strikes, coming in all shapes and sizes and few parts of either body are safe. With no Ref on hand nothing is to stop them from abusing the rules as much as each other with plenty of innovative choking though thankfully not enough to prevent the often hilarious running commentary. It’s hard to tell if Ava is trying to out “Tesha” Tesha or Tesha is trying to out “Ava” Ava as they are virtually mirror images of one another.
Oddly enough a wrestling move wins this highly entertaining fight, the team may be dead but hopefully a glorious rivalry is just beginning!

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12 min 537 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Gina Sais Quoi & Tanaily vs Brian Atomic & Chasyn Rance
Gina Sais Quoi & Tanaily vs Brian Atomic & Chasyn Rance
Gina Sais Quoi & Tanaily vs Brian Atomic & Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5118: Gina Sais Quoi & Tanaily vs Brian Atomic & Chasyn Rance

Referee Amber Nova starts this match off with some wisecracks directed at the men's team leading to a little comedy, but Brian and Chasyn better get their heads in the game if they're to get past the formidable pairing of Gina and Tanaily. Chasyn towers over Tanaily and gloats about it until she wraps him up in a headlock. Tanaily is wickedly agile and it takes all of Chasyn's technical prowess to rein her in. The bad boys employ some timely tag team work to isolate Tanaily and Gina from each other.

Twice, Tanaily thinks she reaches her partner for a much-needed tag and twice a cheating Chasyn illegally enters the match to kick Tanaily's leg out from under her. When Gina does get in, she gets some payback, biting her way out of Brian's Headlock, chopping his chest, and rolling him up to nearly win the match. Once Chasyn is back in though, it's a different story as he drops a knee on Gina's head and back, and rolls her into a Bow & Arrow stretch. In fact, Tanaily has to jump in to break up a combo submission from Chasyn and Brian that surely would have ended the match. Brian Bodyslams Gina and works her over in a Camel Clutch, while Chasyn steals a move out of Amber's playbook and uses a Headscissors to ram Gina's face into the top turnbuckle. Gina is finally able to tag a red hot Tanaily into the match and she flattens Brian with a Dropkick, Flying Lariat, Headscissors, and a 619! After more chaos, a hard-hitting Shining Wizard puts one wrestler down for the 3 count.

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13+ min 598 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Heather Monroe vs Marcel Cain
Heather Monroe vs Marcel Cain
Heather Monroe vs Marcel Cain
SLAMpeg 5117: Heather Monroe vs Marcel Cain

Upon seeing Heather, his opponent for his upcoming match, Marcel declares “I want some competition, I don’t want any more Barbie dolls.”
Once the match starts, Marcel proceeds to … well, probably what he did to many of his sister’s Barbies when they were kids. While Heather uses her speed to avoid the powerful Marcel for as long as possible, but once he traps her in the corner, there’s nothing Heather can do but absorb Marcel’s kicks to the gut, two-handed choke, and clubs over the back. After grounding her in the corner, Marcel stomps on Heather, then drags her to the middle of the ring for a Camel Clutch, a leaping elbow drop or two, and a crunching Bodyslam.

Marcel chokes the prone Heather, then lifts her up only to deposit her back to the canvas with another Bodyslam. He drills her with an over-the-knee Backbreaker, then converts it to a submission Backbreaker hold, and releases it only to deliver one of several Sidewalk Slams she endures throughout the contest.
Heather does manage a bit of offense, breaking a Headlock with elbows to the midsection and a few ineffective forearm strikes. But Marcel answers with a Scoop Slam, shoulderblocks, an elevated Bearhug, and a Powerslam. It’s all to set up a brutal and decisive ending that Heather – and her crushed ribs – won’t soon forget.

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14- min 633 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Tesha Price vs Chasyn Rance
Tesha Price vs Chasyn Rance
Tesha Price vs Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5116: Tesha Price vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn is all too eager to accept a Best of 9 matchup with Tesha in which the winner must score a 10 count pinfall to win the fall. The winner gets to knock out the loser.
Tesha opens by wearing down Chasyn with punches and kicks, then hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Several Atomic Drops and a Reverse Atomic Drop later, and Chasyn is down for the 10 count as Tesha easily takes the first fall.

Over the course of the next 20+ minutes, Chasyn suffers through chokes and Bearhugs, nailed with belly-to-belly, bridging back, and Fisherman’s Suplexes, and is beaten down with a wooden stick. Tesha even takes him outside the ring and scores one of her 10 counts on the floor after an Atomic Drop.
Tesha ends up sweeping Chasyn by winning 5 straight falls. As per the rules of the match, Tesha is permitted to knock out Chasyn. We won’t go into too much detail and spoil the surprise, we’ll just say that it’s likely that Chasyn will be singing soprano when he wakes up.

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29+ min 1.21 GB 1920 x 1080

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kiera Hogan vs Kimber Lee
Kiera Hogan vs Kimber Lee
Kiera Hogan vs Kimber Lee
SLAMpeg 5115: Kiera Hogan vs Kimber Lee

Kiera isn't expecting Kimber, but since they're both ready to roll, they decide to have a friendly practice... or at least that's the idea. A Camel Clutch on Kimber kicks things off and Kiera makes sure her "pal" gets a good stretch. When Kiera locks in a second one-and adds in a foreign object to choke her practice partner, Kimber starts to realize that maybe Kiera isn't as interested in collaborating as she thought.

The training ends up being one-sided as Kiera does all of the moves while Kimber just has to suffer. Kimber, ever happy to oblige, finds herself with her back bent over Kiera's knee, stretched out with Kiera's fingers digging into her stomach, and gasping for air as Kiera's's foot is pressed against her throat. When you see Kiera lay into Kimber with stomps, Chinlocks, and more choking, you'll start to wonder if this "practice" is really benefiting both wrestlers. Kiera certainly seems to be having a good time putting Kimber through the wringer! She finishes Kimber off with a Camel Clutch KO and then tells a sleeping Kimber that she hopes they can still be friends...

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9+ min 410 MB 1920 x 1080

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Kelsey Raegan vs Roni Nicole
Kelsey Raegan vs Roni Nicole
Kelsey Raegan vs Roni Nicole
SLAMpeg 5114: Kelsey Raegan vs Roni Nicole

We open with Kelsey out of the ring, already on the receiving end of a tight Headscissors by Roni. Roni relinquishes the hold, only to challenge Kelsey to an unsanctioned ironwoman submission match. Reagan does not seem too thrilled with the idea, but unfortunately it's not like she has much of a choice in the matter. Kelsey soon finds herself back in the ring, now gasping for air in a Rear Naked Choke and tapping out frantically. Roni is in no hurry to release the hold, and when she does it's only to switch to a guillotine choke for the 2-0 lead.

Roni utilizes chokeholds and Headscissors to easily go up 6-0. She adds insult to injury (or rather, injury to injury) with a devastating legdrop. Kelsey is out like a light and might need to be surgically removed from the mat after this utter squash match!

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9+ min 425 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Sofia Castillo vs Chico Adams
Sofia Castillo vs Chico Adams
Sofia Castillo vs Chico Adams
SLAMpeg 5113: Sofia Castillo vs Chico Adams

Having yet to clash in the New Year, Chico tries to size Sofia up with a test of strength and while he still has an advantage it would seem the gap has closed somewhat. Undeterred he announces his intention to show off his Atomic Drop, and Sofia gladly obliges by giving him one. Sufficed to say if Chico’s New Year’s Resolution was to be nicer to Sofia, he’s about to break it with gusto!

An inverted Atomic Drop catches Castillo off guard leaving her defenseless for the more traditional variety, and she gets an encore of that one! Chico’s convinced her new found strength came at the cost of flexibility and an Abdominal Stretch and claw leave Sofia unable to argue. She finds herself at ground zero for another Atomic Drop and her only hope might be that Chico chokes, unfortunately he does, but it’s a pair of Chokeslams!
Chico’s New Year’s fascination with Atomic Drops becomes predictable but Sofia’s margin of error is extremely thin like a razors edge and the slightest mistake may end up on her tombstone!

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7+ min 326 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Chelsea Durden vs Kiera Hogan
Chelsea Durden vs Kiera Hogan
Chelsea Durden vs Kiera Hogan
SLAMpeg 5112: Chelsea Durden vs Kiera Hogan

Whilst attempting to impart a little history, Kiera is attacked in the ring by Chelsea, who seems to be more interested in making history, rather than listening to it. Quickly locking on a Camel Clutch, Chelsea demands Kiera tap out. However, Kiera endures the hold until a frustrated Chelsea releases it.
Unfortunately, the situation does not improve for Kiera. Chelsea is relentless, working Kiera over with painful stretches, backbreaking holds, Bearhugs, leglocks and more, always with the same end goal in mind - to make Kiera tap out.

Kiera suffers further punishment and the result of this impromptu encounter seems like a forgone conclusion until Kiera sees a small opening and takes advantage, putting herself in control of the match for the first time. But can she capitalize and earn an unlikely victory? Or will just be another case of history repeating itself?

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14- min 570 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ivelisse & Priscilla Kelly vs Tesha Price
Ivelisse & Priscilla Kelly vs Tesha Price
Ivelisse & Priscilla Kelly vs Tesha Price
SLAMpeg 5111: Ivelisse & Priscilla Kelly vs Tesha Price

It dawns on Tesha pretty quickly that this is not a Triple Threat Match which she thinks is not fair, and she’s got that right! Price withers under a barrage of doubleteam strikes and it isn’t long before she’s on the mat at their mercy and screaming this isn’t fair isn’t going to help!
A Kongo Clutch just a harbinger of what is to come in terms of exotic leg submissions. Somewhat symbolically they shatter Tesha’s dreams before applying the next hold, she hasn’t got much in the way of prayers either. Up to this point Priscilla has been cockily wrestling with a jacket on, but only until the time was right to choke Price with it! Ivelisse is renowned for her leglock arsenal but she’s clearly been training Kelly up a bit, and between them they apply a Stump Puller, leg spreaders, the dreaded Figure Four Leglock and even the legendary and incredibly rare Figure Fyfe, twice!

Too make manners worse while leglocks are applied the other isn’t standing idly by, that would be fair, Tesha’s hands and upper body are just waiting to be abused with as hair stand in the Figure Four Leglock being the worst of these unfair things! Priscilla can only imagine that Tesha is trying to prove something by not tapping and this inspires her to create a new Trailer Hitch variant that not even Ivelisse can duplicate though she does try.
Ivelisse’s signature El Alacron is the coup de gras for the valiant and likely injured Tesha. But Price interrupts the celebration arguing Priscilla didn’t win, and couldn’t win, and in what can only be described as insanity challenges her to a 1 on 1 “I Quit” match immediately! Is adrenaline and a desire for revenge enough for Tesha to win a fair fight on one leg or will this literally be her last stand?

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17- min 716 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

Dynamite Didi vs La Rosa Negra
Dynamite Didi vs La Rosa Negra
Dynamite Didi vs La Rosa Negra
SLAMpeg 5110: Dynamite Didi vs La Rosa Negra

Didi has a welcome back gift for La Rosa in the form of a shiny new title belt, but in a clever turn of events she has to wrestle Didi for it first. The opening sequence sees Didi struggle a little with Negra’s speed and unorthodox style but also that her usual short fuse hasn’t been lit maybe due to a bit of hero worship?
After a clean break La Rosa picks up on this and picks up the pace as well leaving Didi in the dust. The tone changes almost immediately with La Rosa stepping up her game but with a huge Samoan Drop Dynamite is back with a bang. She shows she can do unorthodox too striking using the inside of her knee to take advantage of her heavy brace. Didi steps up her game with a running keister thump in the corner, Northern Lights Suplex, Dragon Sleeper and Curb Stomp! But just when it looks like there is not stopping the explosion a Spinebuster does just that with a DDT and guillotine choke threatening to bring the match full circle only for an impressive counter into a baby power bomb prevents Didi’s belt form changing hands then and there.

Clearly this was to close a call and Didi’s ready to cut and run but La Rosa’s not done yet and a brawl on the floor spills back into the ring where Titles should be won or lost. The winner and loser is yet to be decided but the respect has clearly been earned.

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15+ min 615 MB 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

La Rosa Negra vs Chico Adams
La Rosa Negra vs Chico Adams
La Rosa Negra vs Chico Adams
SLAMpeg 5109: La Rosa Negra vs Chico Adams

La Rosa isn't intimidated one bit by the bigger Chico... though maybe she should be. This match does not go well for her-more specifically, it does not go well for her stomach!
Chico attacks La Rosa's midsection with great enthusiasm, laying into the exposed area with punches, kicks, and knees. The fit wrestler already has a flat belly but Chico seems determined to make it into a pancake. He stomps on her and strikes a muscle pose, then stretches her in a Surfboard before driving the air out of her lungs with shoulder charges in the corner.

This is a classic beatdown as La Rosa is crushed by Reverse Bearhugs and bent in a Backbreaker. Chico rakes her body to really drive the point home and pushes her to the edge of submission with an Abdominal Stretch. A Sleeperhold saps the rest of La Rosa's strength and leaves her out cold, facedown in the ring.

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7+ min 298 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Heather Monroe vs Renee Michelle
Heather Monroe vs Renee Michelle
Heather Monroe vs Renee Michelle
SLAMpeg 5108: Heather Monroe vs Renee Michelle

Renee portrays an undercover officer checking out a smuggler who uses the cover of her pro wrestling school to do her dirty deeds. Unfortunately for Renee, the aforementioned smuggler, played by Heather, overhears Renee’s phone conversation with her contact.
When Renee shows up as a new student, Heather tells her she overheard the conversation. “I don’t think you know what you’re getting into,” she tells Renee, then proceeds to teach her a long and painful lesson.

Heather teaches Renee all about submission holds by locking her in a Bearhug, Camel Clutch, Bow & Arrow hold, Headscissors, bodyscissors, and Boston Crab, among others. She also shows Renee how to deliver many, many punches and forearm strikes. She slams Renee into all tour top turnbuckles, and works her over with chokes and shoulderblocks in the corner.
Adding insult to 20-plus minutes of injury, Heather turns out Renee’s lights with a Dragon Sleeper. When Renee comes to, she’s immediately trapped in a head vice and fades out again. Heather stands her up and locks on one last Sleeperhold before leaving the unconscious officer on the mat with an ominous “I hope you know now not to mess with me.”

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28 min 1.2 GB 1920 x 1080

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Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins
Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins
Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins
SLAMpeg 5107: Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins

An immediate bell is followed by an immediate advantage for MJ and within moments she’s working over Kiera in a corner. MJ appears to have a plan to be a “Girl on Fire”-fighter, deny her oxygen and she cannot spread!

A Boot choke in the corner and hard strikes to her chest and midsection have Kiera gasping already. Up against the ropes more clubbing blows to the chest and a nasty Hip Check to the gut make that oxygen even harder to take in. MJ circles her before deciding that suffocating bodyscissors with her powerful legs are her best option, leaving Kiera still smoldering hot but the flame is fading for sure. Normally you would keep fire away from a tree but unfortunately for Hogan that does not apply to a Tree of Woe as MJ completes her decimation of Kiera’s midsection.
MJ’s powerful legs come back to haunt Hogan again in an agonizing Lotus Lock, will it be enough to make short work of the “Girl on Fire”?

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4 min 180 MB 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance
SLAMpeg 5106: Tanaily vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn is happy to welcome Tanaily for their 1-on-1 encounter, but at the same time warns her that he's all business when the bell rings. Tanaily agrees, but still seems unprepared when Chasyn hits her with a cheap shot right after the bell. He follows up with two nasty gutbusters and an Abdominal Stretch before hanging Tanaily in the Tree of Woe, where she endures a stomach claw among other punishment.

Tanaily then finds herself tied up in the ring ropes, where she is subjected to even more torture. After having her hair pulled, she is dropped with a side Backbreaker before being splashed and elbow dropped by Rance. A vicious torture rack into a gutbuster is next, and Tanaily is eventually locked in an old school Walls of Jericho. With Chasyn's knee firmly planted on her neck, Tanaily has no alternative but to tap out. After her loss, she is unceremoniously tossed out of the ring by Chasyn.

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6 min 268 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Tesha Price vs The WoAD
Tesha Price vs The WoAD
Tesha Price vs The WoAD
SLAMpeg 5105: Tesha Price vs The WoAD

If there's one lesson to be learned from defeat in the SLAMminLadies ring... it's to get out of there as quickly as possible. Because there's usually another wrestler waiting in the rings, who'll be more than happy to take advantage of a weakened opponent. Which is a lesson Tesha learns the hard way in this unplanned match against The WoAD.
Having only just recovered consciousness from a previous beatdown, Tesha is immediately set upon by WoAD. With no referee on hand, WoAD uses any and all means to punish Tesha, ranging from a perfectly legitimate (but still painful!) Camel Clutch to the less sporting use of the ropes and turnbuckle to stretch Tesha to her limit.

Soon, even a chair comes into play - but things don't go to WoAD's plan and Tesha finds herself with a chance for a little payback. The absence of a match official makes it difficult to ascertain the real winner here, for reasons you will see for yourself. However, what is certain is that Tesha probably shouldn't remain in the ring any longer than necessary!

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7+ min 326 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Chelsea Durden & Kiera Hogan vs Dani Mo & Heather Monroe
Chelsea Durden & Kiera Hogan vs Dani Mo & Heather Monroe
Chelsea Durden & Kiera Hogan vs Dani Mo & Heather Monroe
SLAMpeg 5104: Chelsea Durden & Kiera Hogan vs Dani Mo & Heather Monroe

The deadly duo of Chelsea and Kiera spells tag team calamity for Dani and Heather. Don't watch this one expecting a fair and even fight, especially if you're a fan of the blonde team!
Dani's attempts to control Kiera are foiled fast when Chelsea catches her with a cheap shot to the back from the outside. With her partner far, far away, Dani is a sitting duck for Chelsea and Kiera's attacks. Chelsea gets to have her fun first, choking Dani with a boot in the corner and grinding Dani down with a long Chinlock. A Suplex and a Bodyslam may have even put Dani away were it not for Chelsea lazily making the pin with just one foot.

Things don't get easier for Dani when Kiera tags in as she goes to work on the ailing wrestler with a Chinlock and a Camel Clutch. Heather tries to jump in to and save her partner, but is quickly taken out by Chelsea and dumped from the ring. Dani then falls to a vicious Backbreaker/flying elbow drop combination! When Heather comes to check on her partner, that just leads to further humiliation and a double submission that forces Dani and Heather to stare at each other's anguished faces.

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8+ min 846 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Dynamite Didi vs Kelsey Raegan
Dynamite Didi vs Kelsey Raegan
Dynamite Didi vs Kelsey Raegan
SLAMpeg 5103: Dynamite Didi vs Kelsey Raegan

After backing Kelsey into a corner at the start of their matchup, Didi unloads on Kelsey with punches and kicks to the gut, then she locks on a Bearhug in the middle of the ring. It never gets much better for Kelsey, who then eats a Bodyslam, followed by the first of many belly claws. Focusing on Kelsey’s midsection, Didi attacks with stomps, shoulderblocks in the corner grinding her shoulder into Kelsey’s gut, punches and kicks.

A couple more Sidewalk Slams and Bodyslams, followed by belly claws, Bearhugs, and even an attack with a water bottle (yes, you read that right), sets Didi up to end the match, but Kelsey refuses to stay down for the 3 count.
But even the toughest warrior has her limits, and after a few more minutes of beating down and setting up, Didi locks on a Bearhug and squeezes the rest of the fight out of Kelsey, leaving her opponent defeated and out cold on the mat to cap off a dominating performance.

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9+ min 445 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

Ivelisse vs Miss Rachel
Ivelisse vs Miss Rachel
Ivelisse vs Miss Rachel
SLAMpeg 5102: Ivelisse vs Miss Rachel

Miss Rachel has faced a number of challenging opponents in her home ring, but perhaps none more so than she does when Ivelisse comes to visit. Of course, that challenge goes both ways and Ivelisse quickly discovers she is in for a gruelling battle.
From the outset, Miss Rachel targets Ivelisse's arms, using a variety of jointlocks to both punish and control Ivelisse in the opening stages of the contest. Ivelisse does her best to fight back, even gaining control with some submission techniques of her own. However, whist the two wrestler's technical skills are evenly matched, Rachel's greater power often proves the decisive factor.

As the match continues, both women look to secure an inescapable submission hold and when a clever string of moves gives one wrestler that opportunity, she does not waste it. A submission soon follows and this tactical "arms" battle is all over.

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8- min 327 MB 1920 x 1080

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Kellie Morga vs Ray Lyn
Kellie Morga vs Ray Lyn
Kellie Morga vs Ray Lyn
SLAMpeg 5101: Kellie Morga vs Ray Lyn

Veteran Ray invades Kellie’s personal space, intimidating the newcomer before challenging her to an Ironwoman Match. Kellie takes the challenge in stride and the pair lock up in a fingerlock test of strength. Neither wrestler gives an inch as they stretch tall and go low to prevent the other from gaining an advantage. Finally Kellie’s height pays dividends as she towers over Ray, driving her to her knees and screaming her submission. Ray tries to shrug off the fall, but soon Kellie is on her, grinding Ray down with Headlocks, bodyscissors and boot chokes.

Morga dominates her smaller foe before slamming her to the canvas with a Sidewalk Slam to take another fall! It looks like the overconfident Ray has bitten off more than she can chew as Kellie hauls her into a Camel Clutch and goes to work once again. Ray’s ironwoman muscles are put to the test as Kellie abuses her with kicks to the ribs, Clotheslines across the throat and a vicious hair stand. Battered and bruised, Ray offers little resistance to a final Bearhug that leaves her kayoed on the canvas.

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10 min 434 MB 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

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