
SLAMpeg 2400: Angel Williams vs Rain
Sometimes friends, often rivals, Rain and Angel meet once again in the ring. As you might expect with a relationship and rivalry with such history, the banter between these two wrestlers is as back and forth as the match itself. Whilst the match itself is a light-hearted affair, the wrestling remains quite disciplined as both these women are very familiar with each other’s moves and styles. A Headlock is countered with a Headscissors, a Sleeper escaped with a Jawbreaker and a Single Leg Boston is rolled into a pin attempt.
As the match continues, the question now becomes “Who can hit an unstoppable move?” That moves turns out to be a DDT. But is it Rain who scores the victory? Or does Angel find the edge over her long-time adversary?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11 min. 324 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2399: Ivelisse vs Little Jeanne
Solo Darling is your guest referee for this 1 fall match-up. Ivelisse starts off strong, controlling her adversary's arm and taking her down to the mat with low kicks. However, the crafty veteran Little Jeanne retaliates and locks Ivelisse in a Rear Naked Choke. The Huntress frantically reaches for the ropes, but she gets little time to recuperate as Jeanne follows up with a Snapmare and Chinlock.
Jeanne gets a Boston Crab in, but a hard kick to the head derails her momentum and the aggressive Ivelisse takes over. She chokes Jeanne on the ring ropes before stomping a mudhole in her in the corner. Ivelisse then slows the pace by locking in a painful Front Facelock. This nearly takes all the fight out of Jeanne, but as Solo lifts her hand for the third time she barely manages to hang in there.
A devastating DDT leads to a near fall for one of these ladies, but a final Boston Crab eventually proves too much to bear, leading to a submission.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2398: Leah Von Dutch vs Nevaeh
When Nevaeh refuses Leah’s handshake with an emphatic slap you know this best of 3 falls match is going to be bruising battle. Nevaeh is in no mood for humor, nailing Leah with a kick to her exposed midsection and backing her into the corner with a series of forearms to the jaw. Von Dutch takes her stand right there, unloading with forearms of her own before planting Nevaeh in the mat with a sit-out face slam and hanging her up in a Camel Clutch.
The veteran Nevaeh uses an eyerake to turn the tide and isn’t shy about pulling hair, choking, or gouging eyes when she feels she needs to. The pair battle back and forth until a tight Headscissors has Leah giving up the first fall and questioning whether Nevaeh and referee Nikki Roxx are in cahoots. Her protests are short lived as Nevaeh buries a boot in her midsection and reloads for another vicious assault.
Can Leah overcome the veteran or will Nevaeh make her regret insisting that this bout be a best of 3 falls match?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 402 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2397: Kimber Lee vs Leva
Leva enters this match against Kimber dressed as Anna from Frozen, complete with Olaf the snowman as her (apparently babyface) manager. Kimber Lee can’t help but be impressed but, true to form, doesn’t let that sentiment interfere with her determination to beat the hell out of her cosplaying opponent.
She immediately takes it to Leva’s arm, bringing her to the mat with excruciating Armbars, taunting her all the while, prompting Leva to fear that she’s suffered a hyper-extended elbow. The costumed wrestler, however, gets her turn, putting her own Armbar on Kimber, bouncing the latter’s elbow off her shoulder for bonus agony points.
The motif of arm punishment continues throughout the match as submissions come hot and heavy and the pair twist each other’s arms literally and figuratively, trying to convince each other (often hilariously) to let go. They never stop haranguing each other and the creative arguments in favor of mercy include pretending that Olaf wants Leva to show kindness. Naturally, neither woman shows the slightest inclination towards such tenderness.
Every possible arm-twisting tactic is used as limbs are bent over the ropes, twisted into Hammerlocks, bounced off the mat and off other body parts and generally used and abused. It almost doesn’t matter who wins since neither lady will be able to use their crippled wings for a good long while after this one.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 504 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2396: Cherry Bomb vs Evie
Cherry brags to Evie about her Superkick before the opening bell of this 1 fall match-up. Of course, talking about it, and actually giving Evie the boot are two completely different things.
Once the bell rings, the two engage in a high-intensity, fast-paced, back-and-forth thriller features no fewer than a dozen 2 counts as Cherry and Evie strike with everything from a running Clothesline to an Enzuigiri to a Suplex to a Fireman’s Carry takeover slam.
The two battle inside and outside the ring, where Cherry strikes with a leaping Dropkick onto the ring apron, while Evie introduces her foe to the ring apron head-first. And while Cherry proudly proclaims that her protein shakes leaves her invulnerable to Evie’s numerous shoulderblock attempts from the ropes, they don’t protect her from Evie’s running Clotheslines or her rain of forearms and kicks.
A high impact maneuver has Evie seeing stars and Cherry warming up the band. Does she connect with some sweet chin music, or does Evie have one more move up her sleeve to cut the music?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 451 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2395: Brandi Wine vs Leah Von Dutch
Leah shows no sympathy for her fellow blonde. She goes right after Brandi's hair, viciously whipping her down to the mat and choking her! Don't let her sweet looks fool you; Leah is not here to play around.
A Camel Clutch with a handful of hair has Brandi screaming. Her boots kick against the mat as Leah stands on her tresses. Leah puts Brandi in a bodyscissors and pulls her hair with all of her might. From turnbuckle to turnbuckle, Brandi's head is bounced off of the posts. It should be all academic from there, but Leah leaves an opening and Brandi kicks her right in the leg.
A hobbled Leah is easy pickings for the vengeful Brandi. Now it's Leah who finds herself in a hairy situation! Brandi gives just as good as she gets, even snapping Leah's red leotard against her back at one point. Brandi gets creative, draping Leah's blonde hair over her face to smother her with a makeshift hood. The inventiveness doesn't end there, as one wrestler is choked into unconsciousness by their own golden locks.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 306 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2394: Kimberly vs Santana
Kimberly holds the shiny title belt and Santana brings the challenge for this ‘taped fist’ championship match.
Kimberly starts on her opponent’s legs, grinding the speedy Santana down with a single leg Boston Crab, anklelocks and double toed Chinlocks. The match takes a brutal turn as both wrestlers unleash their taped fists with a flurry of punches to the head and chest, staggering each other in the corner before unwinding their tape to garrote their stunned opponent.
Referee Rain lets the pair fight without much interference and they freely exchange eyerakes and blatant chokes with Kimberly even managing to gag and smother Santana with her own hair as the gritty battle rages on. Santana’s high-flying offense finally comes through as she executes a textbook standing Dropkick and Standing Moonsault on an exhausted Kimberly, but the champ roars back with powerful Suplexes and devastating corner Clotheslines.
The intense battle shows no signs of stopping until a tight Sharpshooter gives the exhausted victim only one means of escape and she is forced to tap out after a prolonged struggle.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 498 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2393: Kay Lee Ray vs Saraya
A no ref match-up here... and we quickly learn with an eyegouge that Saraya has it all mapped out. A low blow and a Hairmare removes any doubt. Kay Lee finds herself in pain and on the ropes. She's a very skilled combatant, as many can contest... but Saraya found her weak spot and now she is seemingly helpless. A Camel Clutch that is painful enough on its own is accentuated by a hairpull here along with Saraya's very clear agenda that she wants a submission.
Let's fast forward to Saraya not giving Kay Lee an inch and instead locking in a brutal Bow & Arrow. Still Kay Lee stands fast. Saraya is dead-set on Kay Lee tapping but still our younger combatant stands strong.
It's fun to watch (unless you're Kay Lee) what lengths Saraya will go for a submission in the ring! Spoiler alert: It's frantic and desperate when it happens!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 254 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2392: Mia Yim vs Shazza McKenzie
Jayme Jameson introduces the current champ Mia and her challenger Shazza. Cue a whole bunch of chatter between the 3 as Jayme realizes she may have her hands full. Any fan of Shazza won't be surprised with this match as the underdog gives the reigning champ a run for her money. It's back and forth but also fair. thank goodness for Jayme.
We're treated to moves beyond moves with these two. Camel Clutches, Surfboards, and even a strong Sleeperhold attempt. These 2 really do go back and forth until one lady has to shout her submission. And it is one definitive submission. Jayme is totally relieved she didn't have to step in.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 436 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2391: Ivelisse vs Lince Dorado & Rich Swann
Ivelisse questions how “fair” this 2 on 1 match-up is prior to the bell, only to be immediately attacked by both opponents and sent pillar to post by them as well as attacked with punches and even a double Suplex.
Ivelisse falls victim to several painful submissions including a seated Abdominal Stretch as well as a Camel Clutch. However, she does have flurries of offense of her own, even applying a Camel Clutch of her own on Dorado. But of course, the numbers game allows for Swann to break up the hold with a sick kick to the face.
This match turns into one heck of an encounter, as Ivelisse fights off a loss despite being victim to a brutal Piledriver and other painful moves. Ivelisse hits a flurry of Ranas, a wicked DDT, Enzuigiri’s and more. This bout even sees “Dudley-based offense”!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16 min. 480 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2390: April Hunter vs Jason Cade & Milo Beasley
This one starts with Cade and Milo squaring off without a ref, no doubt as April decides to step and asks to play. The guys are resistant at first, but April is persistent on having a match, no DQ style. So we're off, 2 vs 1 with a ref. And to no surprise, April takes the offensive and makes the boys think twice about the deal. The ref steps in here and there but we are in No DQ land...
A Suplex has one poor guy apologizing as April keeps on with the offensive. Our Red Lady shows no signs of stopping as she puts each male on the ropes. No shortage of face slapping and eye raking here as Big Red has her way with our two poor males.
Foreign objects come into play here as we have no DQ stipulations. April relishes in her dominant role here, much to the chagrin of our two male jobbers. We're treated to a brutal forced Clothesline and an confident double pin as we re-affirm April Hunter's greatness.
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16+ min. 490 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2389: Angela vs Chasyn Rance
With his usual air of confidence, Chasyn suggests making his upcoming match with Angela 2 out of 3 falls match - with the added stipulation that his falls can only be scored by submission, whilst Angela is free to use pins and/or submissions. With guest referee Justine Silver up to speed on the rules, the match begins.
Chasyn is first out of the blocks and immediately targets Angela’s back, weakening it with a series of over the knee Backbreakers. Camel Clutches follow as Chasyn looks for the first submission, but Angela repeatedly breaks free. Increasingly frustrated, Chasyn is caught by surprise when Angela hits a DDT and gets the 3 count.
Furious, Chasyn goes back on the offensive and this time he won’t be denied. Again, working Angela’s back, he soon locks in an agonizing STF that quickly has Angela tapping and the score is all tied. The final fall comes suddenly and perhaps unexpectedly. However, the match does not end there. One wrestler is less than happy with the result and a final Camel Clutch crowns a new winner… although not necessarily an official one.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 391 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2388: Miss Rachel vs Ray Lyn
Ray Lyn is very excited ahead of her debut in this match. Even the prospect of facing Miss Rachel with no referee on hand does not quell Ray’s enthusiasm. But if Ray was expecting a warm welcome from Rachel, the British Battler soon makes her intentions very clear.
Ray is met, not by a firm handshake but instead a firm hairPULL! And once Rachel has got her hands on those blonde locks, you know this is going to be an eye-watering experience for poor Ray. Her hair is pulled, jerked, twisted, wrapped around her neck, the ropes, and the turnbuckle.
With Ray in fear of starting her SL career with a radically new look, she has little choice but to eventually tap out. But not before Rachel has given her a painful, hair-wrenching taste of what can, and often does, happen in our ring!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 261 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2387: Christina Von Eerie vs Rain
What could be better than seeing two experienced, gifted, devious wrestlers clash? How about seeing them in a Best of 3 Falls match-up?
Rain targets the left arm of Christina early in this match and focuses on her arm relentlessly throughout the 30 minute battle. With armbars, Chickenwings, Hammerlocks, knee drops to the arm, wringing it against the ropes, a Straightjacket hold and slamming the arm into the mat as well as into the wall outside the ring, The Radiant One is laser-focused in her attempts to work over Christina’s damaged limb. Though dominated through much of the first fall, Christina pulls out a quick high-impact maneuver to steal the first fall.
The roles are reversed in the second fall, as Christina dominates Rain with chokes on the rope, a Cobra Clutch, and a flurry of kicks, stomps and forearms. But Rain turns the tide by once again going after Christina’s damaged arm, and a leg scissors armbar on the mat forces Christina to tap out.
The fast-paced final fall features three 2 counts as the two warriors attack with a sitout faceslam, a one-armed Straightjacket/Camel Clutch combo, vicious Headbutts, and finally one devastating maneuver that leaves one wrestler out cold and the other getting her arm raised in victory.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
30 min. 900 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2386: Cherry Layne vs Luscious Latasha
Miss Rachel refs this 1 fall match.
Are there friends in wrestling? Doesn't look like these 2 agree on that as Latasha says that she will charge through the obstacle that is Cherry.
A kick to the gut and some boot chokes have Cherry in immediate trouble and a Sidewalk Slam brings a near pin. Cherry fires back but is soon back in a corner, pinned by Latasha having a seat. Latasha quickly gets that receipt and has to fight out of the corner as well!
A pin out of nowhere brings this less-than-friendly battle to a close.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
6+ min. 292 MBs MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2385: Jayme Jameson vs Santana
Jayme battles Santana in a hard-hitting 1 fall match-up.
Starting off with a test of strength, the two women trade Armbars, Hammerlocks, Wristlocks and Headlocks early in the contest. Numerous 2 counts ensue as Santana tries working over Jayme in the corner with forearms, shoulderblocks and a running Dropkick.
Jayme battles back with a charging Clothesline in the corner, a rope choke and a vicious DDT that nearly puts Santana down for the count. Santana breaks Jayme’s momentum – and almost breaks her jaw – with a chinbuster and a side kick that leads to a 2 count.
The end comes quickly in this battle, as one wrestler misses a Superkick and falls prey to a match-ending Stunner.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 315 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2384: Athena vs Malia Hosaka
Athena has a point to make in this match. She won't be intimidated by Malia, even after Malia opens the match with a hard chop to Athena's chest! That only fires up the youngster, who matches the veteran counter for counter causing Malia to become incredibly frustrated.
Malia is grounded with toe holds and leglocks. She escapes those only to be planted back down with a shoulderblock and then a Hiptoss. It looks like Athena has the match well in hand. At least she does until Malia starts to play dirty. An eyerake is all it takes for the wrestlers to switch roles, with Athena now on the receiving end of a falling Headbutt, chops to her throat, and a Rear Chinlock. Malia refuses to give her one second to breathe, using the top rope to choke Athena.
Somehow, Athena rallies. A pair of rolling Suplexes are followed by a pair of Monkey Flips that leave Malia completely stunned. Does Athena have enough left in the tank to take Malia out? One wrestler finds the strength to apply a brutal Torture Rack that wrings a submission out of the loser.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2383: April Hunter, Brandi Wine & Malia Hosaka vs Cherry Bomb, Kimber Lee & Su Yung
Mia Yim has the unenviable task of trying to maintain order in this 2 out of 3 falls, 6 woman tag match. And it’s a task that’s made considerably more difficult by the team of April, Malia and Brandi, who use every chance they get to double and sometimes triple team their opponents.
Kimber, Cherry and Su are repeatedly kept isolated in the ring as their more experienced opponents punish them in turn. Bearhugs from April, chops from Malia and a Boston Crab from Brandi all contribute to the first fall and it appears this match is destined to be a one - or in this case three-sided affair.
However, when April is taken down, a trio of splashes are enough to keep her down for the equalizing pin. The action grows ever more chaotic and when one wrestler’s partners are ejected from the ring, she finds herself on the receiving end of a splash, a legdrop and an elbow drop, before Mia counts the final 1-2-3.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
19 min. 577 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal
$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2382: Amazing Kong vs Miss Rachel
Sassy Stephie refs a "a nice clean match" between Kong and Ms. Rachel. As imposing a presence as Rachel may be, Kong seems to diminish her stature. Stephie has her hands full with this one because what exactly could she do if either lady was hell bent on breaking the rules?
Pretty even contest here as both ladies refuse to back down. The cornerwork goes both ways it seems until Kong finds a weakness in Rachel's leg. Stephie almost seems to want Rachel to tap to a Boston Crab.
And while that isn't how the match ends, we do see Stephie counting a curiously quick 1-2-3 on one very angry lady.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
6+ min. 197 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2381: Luscious Latasha vs Marti Belle
Marti reveals she has been training ahead of her 1 fall contest against Latasha. Unfortunately, she never gets the opportunity to find out if that training has actually paid off, as Latasha takes control from the first boot to the gut and immediately goes on to dominate the action.
Making sure to keep Marti on the back foot at all times, Latasha is methodical in her offense. Alternating strikes and stomps with debilitating Sleepers and jointlocks, Marti only remains in contention by barely beating the 3 count on more than one occasion.
The absence of a referee also works in Latasha’s favor and she is certainly not above using handfuls of hair, the ropes or blatantly choking Marti. The end of this contest sees one wrestler KOed with a Sleeper/scissor combo… But that’s not enough for her relentless opponent who adds a Bearhug for good measure, before displaying her downed opponent in front of the camera for all to see!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2380: Angel Williams vs Kristin Astara
Angel and Kristin are very happy to see each other again and can't wait to square off in this 1 fall bout. It's a good, strong lock-up to start. Only problem is that these ladies are so evenly matched that neither competitor gains an advantage and they eventually spill to the outside while still in collar-and-elbow position! They take it back to the squared circle for another lock-up, but still there's no clear-cut advantage for either grappler. Angel and Kristin compliment each other on their strength, showing some sportsmanlike behavior.
Chain wrestling is next and again it seems Williams and Astara are evenly matched. Angel gains some advantage with Armbars and a grinding Side Headlock, but Kristin comes right back with a Front Facelock and Headscissors. After a test of strength, Angel changes tactics. She quickens the pace, rapidly switching from a Full Nelson to a Camel Clutch, then to a Surfboard. It seems to work momentarily, earning her a close 2 count when she drops a leg across Kristin's throat. However, Kristin responds with a lightning-quick drop toehold before locking in a picture-perfect Sharpshooter.
Is this the end to a tough but fair contest, or does Angel still have an ace up her sleeve?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 439 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2379: Rain vs Shanna
Shanna is recipient of her own very special introduction from official Chasyn prior to the bout, which Rain seems less than impressed with.
Rain dominates the early going of this bout, targeting the arm and applying a particularly brutal armwringer. Rain stays with the hold before swiftly turning it into a Hammerlock then a takedown and transition into another lock.
Bow & Arrows, strikes and Camel Clutch variations are also on display in this back and forth match-up. Shanna is her usual rule-breaking self throughout the encounter – but eats a DDT in the closing moments of the match. Will it be enough to secure Rain a win?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 300 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2378: Crazy Mary Dobson vs Shazza McKenzie
This match starts out with some great wrestling and counter-wrestling with some Hammerlock and Waistlock reversals to start. Eventually Shazza gets the best of Mary and overpowers her with a test of strength. It’s here where Mary shows great neck strength and flexibility, as she’s bridges out of the predicament.
At this point, a series of Chinlocks and Dragon Sleepers are exchanged by each competitor. Shazza then applies a firm Bodyscissor on her opponent, but does not garner a submission.
Fans of cool pinning combinations will love this match, as they are plentiful. Chokes, cross armbreakers, Indian Deathlocks – so many potential near submissions in this one, as both Mary and Shazza put on a clinic.
Toward the close of this match, Shazza hits her patented split-legged Stunner and dimmed Mary’s lights - Will Mary have the strength to kick out?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 448 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2377: Kay Lee Ray vs Solo Darling
Kay Lee dismisses her opponent during the introductions, claiming it doesn't matter what her name is. Solo takes it in stride, assuring her that she’ll be Kay Lee’s new best friend and insisting on a pre-match hug to start things off. Kay Lee is so put off she bails out of the ring and the chase is on!
Kay Lee leads Solo back to the ring where she delivers an elbow drop, face slams, repeated stomps and a hair stand that would sour any other wrestler’s friendly demeanor. Instead Darling kills Kay Lee with kindness, turning handshakes into armdrags and delivering a smothering hug in the ropes that has Kay Lee complaining to referee Latasha that ‘She’s so friendly it hurts!’
The same can’t be said for Kay Lee who pulls hair, chokes and absolutely abuses Solo’s tail throughout the match. Solo gets her revenge with a few well delivered spanks on the fuchsia-haired Scot before nearly taking the match with a devastating Bulldog. The action goes back and forth until an opportunistic Powerbomb takes the wind from one wrestler’s sails and sets up an easy leg press pin on the devastated victim.
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15 min. 449 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2376: Jessicka Havok vs Nikki Storm
This match starts out in hilarious fashion and Nikki gets her special introduction from referee Evie and Havok is not impressed. Storm is very tentative going into this match against Havok, who is about half a foot taller than her!
Both of these wrestlers know several submissions and plenty of them are on display in this one. Especially in the early going of the bout. At one point, the match breaks down and Storm literally grabs onto Havok’s leg for dear life and tries to avoid any more of a beating.
Havok and Storm battle over a Figure Four – leaving Storm in a bad way in the corner, complete with whimpering and begging for Havok to stop the violence. Of course, this was all a ploy by Storm, who takes control and chokes Havok in the corner – gaining the upper hand in the contest.
The match continues with back and forth action until Havok hits a HUGE Tombstone Piledriver. Will Nikki be able to continue to fight or is she KOed for good?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 431 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2375: Brandi Wine vs Lacey
Lacey arrives to her 1 fall match-up against Brandi Wine with revenge on her mind after the last time the two veterans clashed in the ring. Lacey locks on a one-legged Boston Crab and rear naked choke hold in the early stages, while Brandi responds with Hammerlocks on the mat and through the ropes.
As one might expect from any match featuring The Lovely Lacey, the devious grappler bends the rules aggressively with foot chokes, rope chokes, eyerakes, face rubs along the top rope, boot rakes to the eyes, and more. Lacey also uses maneuvers that do appear in the rule book, attacking Brandi with a nerve pinch, Cobra Clutch, Camel Clutch, and numerous stomps, kicks and forearms.
Brandi manages to turn the tide late in the match, hitting Lacey with a double Chickenwing submission, a foot choke against the ropes, Headscissors, and a nasty uppercut that nearly turns out the lights on Lacey.
This match ends with one wrestler employing a rather unique submission hold, which forces her foe to tap out or end up twisted up like a pretzel.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11 min. 328 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2374: Brittney Savage vs Mia Yim
We open with Mia and Brittney sharing some friendly banter before agreeing to have a barefoot match. Some thorough stretching before the initial lockup. Mia tries for Headlocks, Hammerlocks and Waistlocks, but Brittney reverses every single hold and turns them around on Yim. These ladies have each other well-scouted, summed up best when they both agree that "great minds think alike".
Mia is the first to grab the advantage, trapping Brittney in a Sleeper and turning it into a Camel Clutch. Savage tries her luck with the element of surprise, earning consecutive near falls with a rollup, small package, and cradle. These ladies exchange armbars, Headscissors, leg nelsons and Surfboards, but keep it clean and stay friendly throughout the contest.
The closest thing to rulebreaking is when Mia combines an Anklelock with some foot tickling, but it's safe to say this bout is a prime example of fair play. A rollup ends this one, but Brittney and Mia still shake hands afterwards before agreeing to call it a day.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17+ min. 522 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2373: Candice LaRae vs Justine Silver
With no referee making sure Candice and Justine behave themselves, there’s plenty of rule-breaking – mostly in the form of hairpulling – in this 1 fall match-up.
Justine takes control early, wrapping Candice’s blonde hair around the ropes and yanking, grabbing a handful of hair at every opportunity. She even resorts to trapping Candice in a Full Nelson and choking her with her own hair.
Candice escapes by slamming Justine face first to the mat, then gives back everything she received. Candice locks on a Camel Clutch and grabs Justine’s hair to increase the pain. She stands on Justine’s hair, wraps it around the ropes, and uses a good handful en route to slamming Justine face-first into te top turnbuckle in all four corners.
In the end, one grappler slaps on a bodyscissors, grabs ahold of her opponent’s long locks, and forces her foe to tap out to end the match.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
8+ min. 246 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2372: Ivelisse vs Jessie Belle
This one kicks off with Jessie Belle rudely declaring that she’s not a fan of her opponent Ivelisse. This inspires a lot of banter, much of it riffing off the participants’ cultural origins. Ivelisse asks Jessie Belle whether she’s from the deep South (complete with exaggerated accent) while the redhead talks a lot of trash about the digestive effects of Mexican food and the need for Ivelisse to cover up her Puerto Rican curves a little more. Naturally, it isn’t long before they come to blows.
Before Ivelisse can mount an offense, however, Jessie Belle comes out swinging with some unsportsmanlike tactics that include cheap kicks to the gut and a horrifying low blow that, shockingly enough, allows her to pin Ivelisse for a 10 count almost immediately. Unsurprisingly though, she decides to toy with the hapless Ivelisse for a good while longer.
Her cruelty knows no bounds as she rakes Ivelisse’s eyes, steps on her hair, chokes her and tosses her around with multiple Snap Suplexes. She lifts the diminutive Ivelisse into the air repeatedly for a series of Atomic Drops, ties her up in submission holds and even picks her up effortlessly in a Hangman variation. The groin and hair punishment continues unabated for the rest of this one-sided massacre and by the time Jessie Belle finishes her off with a final elevated submission and a last low blow, poor Ivelisse can barely stand.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 357 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2371: Amber O'Neal vs Malia Hosaka
Amber and Malia waste no time chatting, locking up from the very start and getting right down to business. Excellent chain wrestling by 2 very accomplished grapplers, with a slight advantage to O'Neal in the opening stages. She tries for a submission on Hosaka, but Malia fights out and twists Amber in knots instead! The blonde bombshell endures a Surfboard variation and an excruciating Bow and Arrow before finally trapping Malia in a Figure Four Leglock.
Back and forth action here, with Malia locking in a stomach claw and Amber countering with a Full Nelson, double Chickenwing, and bodyscissors. A tough Boston Crab spells the end for one of these ladies, leading to a verbal cry of submission. The winner is not satisfied though, and won't let go of the hold until her victim submits several more times.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 301 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2370: Kellie Skater & Tomoka Nakagawa vs Shazza McKenzie & Solo Darling
Global Green Gangsters Skater and Nakagawa (3G) are an experienced team with title belts to their credit while Darling and McKenzie look to make a name for themselves with a big upset in this wild international tag team match.
Kellie and Tomoka launch themselves at their opponents with devastating corner splashes, running forearm smashes and spinning heel kicks as the action is frenzied from the opening bell. Team 3G demonstrate their experience as they expertly isolate Shazza and Solo throughout the match, but the young blondes show plenty of spunk and deliver their share of double-team tactics whenever they can, nailing tandem back elbows and Suplexes to grab the advantage.
Shazza’s leg-split Stunner and Solo’s leaping Bearhug nearly steal the match, but Tomoka counters with a brutal DDT and Kellie grinds down her opponents with anklelocks and a Crucifix Armbar.
After a wild back and forth war it takes a near knockout from a flurry of double team Enzuigiri shots before one team emerges victorious and picks up the three count in this hard-fought battle.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2369: Ivelisse & Santana vs Chasyn Rance & Tommy Taylor
The guys are looking for revenge in this match. They want the women to admit that guys are better than them. The ladies add an extra stipulation that the guys have to be their slaves and do their bidding if they lose.
Right away the guys cheat by taking advantage of the fact there is no ref and start the beat down on the ladies. Ivelisse gets isolated first and it looks like this will be a short match. The guys work over Ivelisse's arm and shoulder. The fiery Latina does not give up easily though and soon Chasyn is stuck in the ladies corner where Santana unleashes Headbutts, chops and forearms galore. Santana traps Chasyn in a Headlock/bodyscissors combo that Chasyn tries to counter with a Bearhug but it doesn't work too well at first.
He almost escapes but only to get trapped in a Sleeper. When Tommy tries to help, he gets trapped in a Dragon Sleeper. Is this the end for the guys or will they escape and be declared the better, stronger wrestlers?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 419 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2368: Cherry Bomb & Kimber Lee vs Jessicka Havok & Nevaeh
Referee Chasyn announces the stipulations for this very special 2 out of 3 falls tag team match. In what has to be a first, the losers of the bout will have to make cupcakes for the winners!
It's obvious from the start that Jessicka and Nevaeh must really love cupcakes, because the vicious duo goes out of its way to double-team the unfortunate Cherry Bomb at every opportunity they get. Chasyn tries his best, but there's no way he can keep order in this chaos. The 'Killer Death Machines' isolate and destroy Cherry with illegal tactics. However, Cherry is not to be underestimated and turns the match around out of nowhere, trapping Nevaeh in a bridging double Chickenwing to secure the first fall.
Kimber starts the second fall for the 'Kimber Bombs' and runs into the same problems as her partner did earlier. She gets tossed around the ring by her hair, but there's no quit in Kimber. She miraculously kicks out of Nevaeh's Stone Cold Stunner and even manages to kick out of Jessicka's version of the Rock Bottom and People's Elbow, but eventually the Death Machines manage to tie the score at one fall apiece.
Both teams fight harder than ever in the third and deciding fall to see who gets to make cupcakes and who gets to eat them. After a hard-fought match a devastating doubleteam maneuver seals the deal. When the dust has settled, we fast-forward to a shot of the kitchen...and then it's cupcake time!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
22 min. 653 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2367: Amber O'Neal & Leah Von Dutch vs Ivelisse & Santana
Frequent tags in the opening minutes of this tag team encounter. No clear-cut advantage for either team until Amber and Leah start taking some shortcuts. Ivelisse gets boot choked by Von Dutch and finds herself on the wrong end of O'Neal's Full Nelson/bodyscissors combination. Santana tags herself in but doesn't fare much better as she gets choked and stretched by the cheating blondes.
Ivelisse finally gets the hot tag and comes in a house afire. There's Clotheslines and reverse elbows all around, but the attempted pinfall after a DDT gets broken up. Santana comes back in and nails a beautiful handspring elbow followed by a Suplex. Chaos ensues and a sudden facebuster ends the match.
However, the action does not stop there. There's dissension among the losing team, leading to a shocking betrayal and shifting allegiances. A match with the same competitors, but different teams might just be on the horizon!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2366: Leva & Cruz vs Solo Darling & Lince Dorado
It all starts with Rhia O’Reilly officiating a fierce Pokemon battle between Cruz and Lince Dorado. The defeated Cruz declares that his girlfriend can beat Lince’s. Enter Cruz’s lady, Leva (dressed as Finn from Adventure Time), and Lince’s squeeze, Solo Darling (sporting her trademarked cat ears and tail). What ensues is a wild intergender tag team match that sees the men dazzle with their speed and quickness, the ladies impress with their ring smarts and technical abilities, and the occasional female grappler taking a male counterpart down a notch or two.
The match features Leva and Cruz doubleteaming Solo, Lince catching Cruz in a Stone Cold Stunner, Cruz dropping a knee to the throat of Lince and then locking in a Camel Clutch, Leva stomping a mudhole into Lince in the corner, Solo finding a clever way to deliver a standing Senton to Leva and more action that comes so fast and furious, it’s hard to keep track of.
It takes a clever doubleteam move of a Superkick into a sitout faceplant for one lady to secure the 3 count on one of the men to close out this fast-paced thriller of a match.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2365: Ivelisse & Mia vs Leah Von Dutch & Nicole Matthews
It’s epic international tag team action in this match with Glasgow’s own Nikki Storm as the guest official. And although Nikki might be the self proclaimed “best wrestler in the galaxy”, it’s her refereeing skills that are put to the test in this turbulent Best of 5 Falls encounter.
From the outset, the Canadian team prove the better unit, consistently able to isolate either Mia or Ivelisse, whilst taking every opportunity to double team their opponent’s whenever Nikki is distracted. Before long, Nicole and Leah are 2-0 up and closing on victory.
However, Mia and Ivelisse are both wrestlers that never give up and this proves to be the case here. A quick DDT from Ivelisse to Leah pulls the score back to 2-1 and a big kick gives Mia the equalizing fall over Nicole. All tied, one of these teams finally underlines their victory as two simultaneous Scorpion crosslocks bring a duet of submissions from the losing pair.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
23+ min. 708 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2364: Jayme Jameson vs Leah Von Dutch
Jayme takes the early advantage in her 1 fall match-up, attacking with forearms to the head and gut and an Irish Whip into the turnbuckles followed by a running Clothesline into the corner.
Leah uses a hairpull to work her way into a Headscissors on Jayme and follows up with a hair-assisted Surfboard, a modified Boston Crab and a Rear Naked Chokehold.
Both grapplers pick up the intensity as the match continues, with both scoring 2 counts off clubs to the back, faceslams to the mat and into the turnbuckles and a low blow or two. Jayme nearly pins Leah’s shoulders to the mat after turning an elevated Bearhug into a crushing slam into the turnbuckles. Leah later comes close to a 3 count after sending Jayme to the mat with a knee to the gut slapping on a Camel Clutch.
It takes a quick strike and a sitout faceslam to the mat to finally put one of these competitors out for the 3 count to end this hard-fought battle.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2363: Ivelisse vs Su Yung
Ivelisse and Su are decked out in workout gear for this friendly contest. And what a workout it will be, with Su telling Ivelisse to hold nothing back! They don't hesitate to go after each other, Su attacking with basic holds and Ivelisse tossing her across the ring. The action heats up when they start to trade Bodyslams. Ivelisse doesn't take that for long. She stuns Su with a forearm to the chest followed by a Guillotine Choke that induces a tap out.
The tables turn quickly. Soon it's Ivelisse who is tapping to a nasty anklelock courtesy of Su. Another Bodyslam and a Headbutt to the spine have Ivelisse reeling. These two might seriously hurt each other before this lesson is over! A furious exchange of forearms brings to mind the old phrase, "With friends like these, who needs enemies?" One wrestler is relentless in their pursuit of a pair of pinfalls, eventually scoring two in a row to prove her superiority. The competitive juices are still flowing even after the two warrior women hug it out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 268 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2362: Jessicka Havok vs Marti Belle
Powerhouse Jessicka towers over Marti and seems to be in a foul mood as she shoves Marti to the corner and buries a shoulderblock in her midsection. Havok presses a boot to poor Marti’s throat to choke her out and backs up for a corner splash to put her away. Marti may lack Havok’s size but she’s certainly got the speed advantage here. She ducks Havok’s charge to follow up with a series of forearm smashes, backhand chops and kicks as she refuses to get steamrolled by Jessicka.
Marti soon has Jessicka on her heels with a running corner Clothesline, Bronco Buster and running double knee drops to the chest. Havok turns the tide with eye rakes, hairpulling and chokes before delivering a pair of running boots to the face that leave Marti all but out on the corner turnbuckles.
Marti has developed a reputation as a giant killer and she rages back into this match time and again, but can she overcome the behemoth that is the Havok Death Machine and pull off the upset?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 357 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2361: Fantasia vs Crazy Mary Dobson
Referee Chasyn announces that this match will be competed under Florida Brass Knuckle Rules, meaning a victory can only come after a submission followed by a pinfall and finally a 10 count.
And if Chasyn seems a little complementary to Fantasia during the introductions, there’s a good reason for that. Turns out the referee is anything but “right down the middle” in this match. Fantasia goes for Mary’s hair early, grabbing a handful and leading Mary around the ring. Headlocks, Rear Naked Chokes, Headbutts, Boston Crabs and lots of hairpulling are in store for Mary in this one-sided beatdown. To make matter worse, any time she escapes from Fantasia’s onslaught and makes it to the ropes, she is unceremoniously yanked back into the center of the ring thanks to a handful of hair courtesy of Chasyn.
Mary is forced to eat a DDT, Piledriver, vicious chokes on the ropes and endless hair torture from both Fantasia and Chasyn. After the “objective” ref allows Fantasia to lock on a slightly illegal hand-over-mouth smother, it’s a simple matter to drop Mary’s arm 3 times, score the 3 count and count to 10 to end the match. Heck, they probably could have counted to 50…
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16 min. 476 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2360: Evie vs Kay Lee Ray
We bring together international stars who rarely compete in the same country, let alone the same ring as Scottish lass Kay Lee takes on Kiwi Evie in a Best of 3 Falls match.
Whatever you do, don’t blink as these are two of the quickest wrestlers in the business and they deliver a back and forth ring war with a frantic pace and more punches, forearms and kicks than a roadhouse Western. Neither wrestler adheres to the rules, employing hairpulls, face rakes and blatant chokes to gain every available edge.
Evie destroys Kay Lee in the corner with a discus punch that nearly puts her in your living room before taking the first fall with a Boston Crab on the woozy Kay Lee Ray. Kay Lee retaliates by blasting Evie’s abs with a running kneelift and staying aggressive before eventually scoring a submission with a Rocking Horse. Evie and Kay Lee give this match their all.
Both wrestlers have motors that rev high and just don’t quit so it takes a decisive high impact strike that nearly kayos one fighter before a victor finally emerges.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 465 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2359: Jayme Jameson vs Malia Hosaka
A 1 fall match-up featuring two favorites. Jayme goes for blood first and even scores a 3 count! But a cool Malia gently reminds her that it’s a submission only bout. So while Jayme may have to change her tactics, Malia doesn’t wait and gets aggressive immediately. We can guarantee you that Jayme’s arm will be sore tomorrow following Malia’s expertly applied Armbar. Not to mention her back and shoulders, following an extended Surfboard.
But there’s no quit yet, and Jayme returns the favor with her own Surfboard and a Boston Crab that has Malia crying out in pain, but still not tapping the mat. Headscissors, ab claws, and a lot of legwork before this one’s over. But it does end definitively, with one lady locking on a flawless Figure Four Leglock that has her opponent crying out her submission. Woo!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 301 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2358: Su Yung vs Titan
Our ring has seen many feuds in its long years of services, but few have been as unlikely and as one-sided as Su’s ongoing battle with Titan. With the ongoing score between them at 5-1 in Titan’s favor prior this match, it’s little wonder that Su proclaims “I don’t want none of you any more!” as Titan tosses her into the ring.
Su’s missing boots are soon the least of her worries as Titan does what Titan does. And he does a lot of it! Su is slammed, bent, choked, stomped, stretched, clawed and generally pummeled around the ring, with absolutely no defense against Titan’s relentless onslaught. Even hiding under the ring offers her no respite from Titan’s dominance.
The final result of this contest will surprise nobody. Titan gets another tick in the win column and memories of Su’s sole victory over Titan (back on SLAMpeg 963) become just a little more distant. Perhaps next time, things will be different. But we suspect that after this encounter, Su will be hoping that ‘next time’ will be a very, very long time coming.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
21 min. 632 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2357: Amber O'Neal vs Mercedes Martinez
Socks and stretches are the first order of business for this 1 fall contest. The ring is boot-free zone as even guest referee Nikki Roxx forgoes her footwear to officiate the match. After a few minutes of stretching and warming up, the bell sounds to start the match.
Mercedes gains control of the action quickly, working over Amber with Headlocks, leglocks and a Boston Crab. Amber does her best to stay in contention, forcing a rope-break on more than one occasion before she is finally able to turn the tables and apply a Boston Crab of her own on Mercedes.
After a little further back and forth, victory comes suddenly as one wrestler attempts a rollup. Her opponent beats the count but immediately hits a roll-up of her own for the 1-2-3 on her stunned and now defeated rival.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2356: Kellie Skater vs Chasyn Rance
Two of the bigger SL personalities meet up in this mixed match for a Best of 3 submissions only.
As expected, there’s a whole lot of talking and back and forth in this one. Chasyn almost scores the first one with an Armbar and Kellie retaliates with a Camel Clutch. And flip-flop again, with Chasyn on top with a double-toed Surfboard, but still no points on the board for either party.
Kellie locks in a Sleeper, but Chasyn is able to cleverly reverse it into a painful leglock that has Kellie conceding the first fall. Kellie gets right back on the horse though and goes after Chasyn’s arm. The two trade holds for fall two, but ultimately Kellie has him tapping to a painful anklelock. Fall 3 sees both combatants on fire, neither wanting to back down. We’re treated to hold after hold, but it’s a Camel Clutch (twice applied) that has one shamed warrior admitting defeat.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 376 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2355: Kristin Astara vs Titan
Kristin kicks the hornet’s nest and gets into trouble early by trying to shoo the mountainous Titan from ‘her’ ring. Titan greets her with clubbing forearms and kicks to the back as she ducks through the ropes and it’s all down hill from there for poor Kristin.
The first of many over-the-knee Backbreaker drops nearly kayos the blonde beauty and Titan follows with a deep-seated Boston Crab as Kristin’s spine takes the brunt of his offense. Kristin goes limp as she dangles in a prolonged Argentine Backbreaker rack and Titan continues the international flair by going north of the border with a Canadian Backbreaker rack for good measure. Astara spends much of this match impaled on the giant’s knee as he stretches her spine to its breaking point.
For the finale Kristin gets ragdolled into a brutal Side Slam Backbreaker drop before Titan plants a boot on her chest and declares ‘This is MY ring, and don’t you forget it!’ Judging by her unconscious body that may be all that she remembers from this one.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9 min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2354: Luscious Latasha vs Su Yung
This match is prefaced by some semi-civil banter that teases what might have been a semi-civil match. That, sadly, was not to be.
Su reaches out to meet Latasha’s hand for a test of strength, only to take a boot to the stomach, a series of vicious kicks and some loud taunts. Latasha’s abandonment of sportsmanlike conduct only continues with some cruel chokes both in the corner and out. Having compressed Su’s neck, she switches to the ribs by lifting Su effortlessly into the air in a tight Bearhug. When the punishment escalates to boots in the lower abdomen and more chokes against the ropes, Su escapes the ring for a breather.
That proves to be a very temporary reprieve as she only falls right back into Latasha’s clutches upon re-entering the ring. Camel Clutches, Boston Crabs, Neckscissors, Waistscissors... Latasha draws deep from her repertoire of moves while torturing Su over and over. The odds of Su mounting a comeback diminish with every assault she absorbs but, then again, don’t count her out just yet!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 387 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2353: Miss Rachel vs Sin-D
Miss Rachel targets Sin-D’s head in the early going with a cranked on head vice, but Sin-D was resourceful in escaping the move with a Headscissor of her own. Sin-D takes control with a Rear Chinlock and a whole lot of trash talking to both her opponent AND the official in this bout. But her mouth would write a check her butt couldn’t cash, as Miss Rachel would soon take control and attack the legs of Sin-D in an effort to ground her mouthy opposition.
Sin-D withstands a toehold and kneelock to apply a bodyscissors of her own on her opponent, who refuses to give up. But in that leg scissor, it allows Rachel to grab/isolate the leg and target her opponent – just meticulously going to work on the appendage and slow and violent fashion.
Rachel’s gameplan is obvious: ATTACK THE LEG. Will it be enough to pick up the win?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2352: April Hunter vs Nikki Roxx
Nikki and April get right to it, testing each others' strength with a collar and elbow tie up from the very start of the match.
Hunter gains the early advantage, using her power to overcome Roxx – including a big Bodyslam on Nikki followed up by a Chinlock where she presses her whole body against her opponent, looking to take all the air out of Roxx. Roxx combats the attack with a Sleephold however, putting April to sleep! “It’s nap time” bellows Roxx as a shaken and woozy April came to.
A series of strikes from each competitor and a bit more wrestling back and forth, but make no mistake about it--this match was about each competitor wanting to put the other to sleep. Dreamland was the destination here, as Sleeperholds are exchanged throughout the climax of this match.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2351: Brandi Wine vs Devyn Nicole
Chasyn wears the stripes for this 1 fall contest. After Brandi has demanded a suitably flattering introduction, the match begins and it’s Brandi that is quickly on the offensive. Chasyn has to be on his toes as Brandi utilizes both her wrestling skills and a few other tricks she has acquired over her long career.
Despite Brandi’s tactics, the action is far from one-sided. Devyn is more than capable of holding her own, without resorting to any short cuts. As the match continues, Brandi comes close to victory with a Headscissor KO.. Devyn battles back and, now tired of Brandi’s antics, decides to fight fire with fire and takes Brandi’s head on a tour of all four turnbuckles.
The match concludes when one wrestler locks in a painful leg nelson, leaving her opponent with no option but to quit. And quit again. And quit a few more times until the winning wrestler finally lets her go.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2350: Amber O'Neal vs Jessicka Havok
Santana dons the referee's stripes in this 15 minute, No Disqualification Ironwoman Match.
The match quickly gets out of hand, as Havok throttles Amber with forearms, then consecutive stretched out over-the-knee Backbreakers. Havok continues to attack the area with kneedrops, grounded elbows, stomps and shoulder thrusts in the corner. A seated Surfboard stretch draws a submission from the battered blonde. Only a few minutes in, Amber is already in trouble.
The second fall looks like it might be more of the same overpowering offense from Havok, but a surprise low blow allows Amber to focus on her opponent's knee! Kicks, knees and elbow drops all have the bigger Havok hurting. The real pain comes when Amber repeatedly wraps Havok's knee around the steel ring post! A Stretch Muffler in the center of the ring draws this match even, with Amber getting a verbal submission from Havok.
Havok catches Amber off-guard to start the third fall, immediately going after the blonde's abs. Forearms and Headbutts soften the mid-section so Havok can lock in a stomach claw with Amber trapped in the dead-center of the ring. Amber can only struggle for so long before submitting.
With Havok holding a 2-1 lead and time winding down, Amber digs into some less than legal maneuvers to wear Havok down again - can Amber figure out a way to take the match to a draw? Or will the Havok Death Machine reign supreme?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
17 min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2349: Andrea vs Leva
We join this match in progress, with an exhausted Leva putting the finishing touches on Andrea and pinning her for a 10 count. Somehow, you know that won't be the last we hear of this...
As you might have guessed, Andrea isn't the most gracious loser. She demands a rematch since she feels referee Solo counted too fast in the previous match. This sets up a best of 7 Falls Street Fight! Andrea blasts Leva right out of the gate with a Clothesline, punch to the face, and DDT that scores the first 10 count. After that it is an all out war!
Neither wrestler is able to get much of an advantage. Jawbreakers, stunners, and Superkicks all result in Andrea or Leva taking a good, long look at the ceiling lights. At one point, there is even a simultaneous Neckbreaker that nearly takes them both out! Andrea takes a late lead with a Bulldog, but Leva evens things up with a double-knee facebuster. A final flurry of high impact moves gives us a decisive winner and yet they still aren't satisfied.
There is one last confrontation to be had with the referee. When it's all said and done, two tough wrestlers are left laying on the mat.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
19+ min. 593 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2348: Angela vs Kimberly
Devyn Nicole officiates this 1 fall match-up. Angela and Kimberly trade Headlocks, Wristlocks, and Hammerlocks, but neither competitor finds the offensive advantage she's looking for until Kimberly turns a test of strength in her favor. She Monkey Flips Angela out of the corner and floors her with an Armdrag and Hiptoss. Kimberly tries for a submission next, locking Fong in an armbar and a modified crossface Chickenwing. Angela desperately reaches for the ring ropes and eventually forces a break.
Angela needs to get some offense going and does so by countering everything Kimberly throws at her. She turns Kimberly's leglock around on her, repays backslides with more backslides, and stretches her foe to her limits by reversing an Abdominal Stretch. In the end, a tight Dragon Sleeper takes the wind out of one of these ladies. It doesn't lead to a tapout, but a blackout will do just as well!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11+ min. 342 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2347: Jessicka Havok vs Serena Deeb
Stepping into the ring against Jessicka Havok would normally be a daunting prospect for any wrestler. However, Serena seems far from intimidated ahead of this 1 fall bout. Indeeb, it is Serena that takes control of the match from the start, working over Jessicka’s arm with a succession of Hammerlocks.
Unfortunately for Serena, a powerhouse like Jessicka only needs one opening to change the flow of a match and that’s exactly what she does. Now Serena finds herself at the mercy of Jessicka and has to endure a Boston Crab, a Figure Four Leglock, Backbreakers, Bearhugs and more. Despite the onslaught, the tenacious Serena refuses to submit and attempts to fight back. A spear/DDT collision leaves both wrestlers on the canvas as ref Leva administers a count.
The match ends in emphatic style as a ring-shaking Piledriver puts one wrestler down for an easy 1-2-3 count. But is it a powerhouse pin for Havok? Or can Serena pull out a Deeb-licious victory?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 493 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2346: Justine Silver vs Santana
Santana’s bubbly personality usually shines through regardless of her opponent but the only thing shining here is Justine’s silver suit as an intense Santana connects with a pair of running boots to the chest that nearly end the match inside the first minute!
Santana tears into Justine with brutal face slams, turnbuckle smashes and vicious chokes but the young brunette refuses to fold, delivering a hard Bodyslam to turn the tide, reddening Santana’s chest with vicious backhand chops and planting her on the canvas with a perfect standing Dropkick.
The battle is fierce and the tactics dirty as the fight goes back and forth. Santana regains control with a lights out DDT, handspring back elbow and a textbook side Russian Legsweep, but Justine kicks out of pin attempt after pin attempt. Santana rains blows down on Justine in frustration but there’s no quit in Justine Silver. A desperate Santana distracts the referee and pulls out a foreign object, but Justine’s perched on the second turnbuckle waiting for her!
Can Justine overcome her opponent’s shenanigans or will the devious Santana put the upstart down?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 443 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2345: Little Jeanne vs Solo Darling
The steel-tempered veteran Little Jeanne is a stark contrast to the cheery Solo who claims to know all the rules, especially the one about the winner of the match getting candy! Jeanne just shakes her head in disbelief and does her best to wring the enthusiasm out of her young opponent by hauling her up by the tail and methodically working her over with shoulder grinds, mounted double Chickenwings and a painful kneed Chinlock.
Solo manages a devastating jawbreaker to turn the tide, but the crafty veteran is a step ahead of both her opponent and the ref as she lures Rhia O’Reilly in and uses her to escape a tight facelock. From there Jeanne imposes her will on Solo, grinding her face into the mat, pulling hair and blatantly choking her out on the ropes. Darling gets pancaked with a series of vertical splashes and an expertly delivered Guillotine legdrop.
With Solo trapped in a Figure Four Headscissors Jeanne repeatedly drives her face-first into the mat before finally squeezing the fight out of her with an anaconda inspired bodyscissors/Sleeper combination. So, will there be candy?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 444 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2344: Amber O'Neal vs Shanna
Mutual admiration before the opening bell here with Shanna calling Amber inspirational and Amber returning the favor by saying Shanna is the sexiest girl in wrestling. Amber controls most of the opening phase with a Top Wristlock, a modified leglock, a Full Nelson and a cross armbreaker, but Portugal's Perfect Athlete refuses to submit. Amber turns a double underhook into a Headscissors, then transitions into a Bow & Arrow...but there's no quit in Shanna.
What's more, Shanna endures everything Amber throws at her and retaliates with leglocks and anklelocks that have O'Neal desperately reaching for the ropes. We've seen Amber resort to some pretty underhanded tricks in the past, but surprisingly that's not the case here.
The match stays competitive but fair until a submission brings it to an end. Even then, there's a respectful handshake afterwards, showing us that fair play in wrestling is alive and well.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9+ min. 293 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2343: Angel Williams vs La Rosa Negra
Angel makes it known that she's not going to put up with any fancy stuff from Rosa. That's a key to her game plan as she grounds Rosa at every opportunity. Tight armlocks help Angel to keep control. She thrusts Rosa's arm into the turnbuckle and snaps it over the top rope leading to a slick pin attempt. There are almost no opportunities for Rosa to fight back as Angel expertly cuts her off time and time again.
The stamina of Rosa frustrates Angel, who resorts to raking Rosa's eyes to stop her from building any momentum. She drops Rosa to the mat with a Lariat and Dropkicks her in the back, but it's still not enough to stop her. Just when it looks like painful Rear Chinlock might keep Rosa down, she emerges with a second wind. Angel is battered with elbows and gets tossed face first into the top turnbuckle! A pinfall soon follows, but is it the vicious blonde or the fiery Latina who is victorious?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 454 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2342: Amanda Rodriguez vs Jessica James
This 1 fall contest with Solo Darling as the referee begins with Amanda talking a lot of trash. She's got a distinct height advantage against Jessica and she wants to make sure everybody knows it. Amanda's taunts eventually lead her to challenge Jessica to a test of strength, where the diminutive grappler uses her speed and quickness to outmaneuver and eventually humble the arrogant Amanda.
After a series of events that include an impromptu thumb war, an embarrassed Amanda finally goes on the attack! She wears Jessica down with submission holds like a Camel Clutch and a Boston Crab. James is able to weather the storm and make her comeback. This all leads up to a surprise finish with an elated winner and a dazed, confused, and furious loser!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2341: Luscious Latasha vs Mia Yim
Latasha put out an open challenge and it was IMMEDIATELY accepted by Mia Yim! Mia noted that she was the champion and THE person in SLAMminLadies to beat.
Latasha deems herself “#1 in SLAMminLadies”… Mia proclaims herself as “TALL” and “SHINE Champion” in a fun initial exchange. Both competitors jawjack in the early going on this match.
Armlocks and armwringers are exchanged in a nice display of technical wrestling before Yim gets aggressive and viciously slams Latasha to the mat! Not to be outdone, Latasha shows great aggression and proves dynamite comes in small packages with a flurry of offense that sends Mia reeling in this back and forth match-up. Bearhugs, Bodyslams, Side Slams and more from Latasha here, who implores Mia to just “give up”.
Mia is sent to the Tree of Woe and then placed into the dreaded Sleeperhold! Will Mia be able to hold on and survive? Tune in to find out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2340: Kimberly & Su Yung vs Lacey
This one opens on Kimberly and Su working out in the ring, arguing over who pulls hair better than the other. We sure would pity whoever would walk into the ring next... Enter: The Lovely Lacey.
And in classic Lacey fashion, she tries to usher the two hairpullin’ friends out of “her” ring. As expected, this does not go well for the Lovely One. Right into her hair, they lay... and Lacey finds herself the victim of a hairpulling clinic. Literally.
Su and Kimberly exchange tips, tricks, and advice on how to better pull one’s opponent’s hair, much to the chagrin of Lacey. Snapmares, stomps, ropework, Waistscissors... all with an emphasis on locks. The dirty duo also take the opportunity to show off ring skill with expertly applied overhead Bow & Arrow holds and a brutal doubleteam Figure Four Leglock.
Much to the mercy of Lacey, Su insists that it’s time to finish off their hapless opponent. Lacey says goodnight to a doubleteamed Surfboard hair chokeout. Good thing, too because her brutal opponents have some trash to talk even after her lights are out…
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2339: Amanda Rodriguez vs Thunderkitty vs Wayne VanDyke
Guest ref Athena officiates for this triple threat featuring Amanda Rodriguez and the self-proclaimed 'real wrestlers' Thunderkitty and Wayne VanDyke. The latter tells Amanda to pay close attention so she can see 'how the real wrestlers do this' before locking up with TK. While chain wrestling they urge Amanda to stay out of the mix and let the real wrestlers do their thing. When Amanda tries to insert herself into the match, she gets dumped out of the ring rather unceremoniously.
Not one to be denied, Rodriguez fights her way back into the match but inevitably finds herself double-teamed. She manages to hold her own every now and then, but the odds are overwhelming. Her only chance is to capitalize on any dissension between the real wrestlers and pick her moment. She eventually gets an offensive flurry going, but is it enough to prove herself worthy to her conceited opponents, or will VanDyke and Thunderkitty get rid of Amanda before settling things one on one?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 310 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2338: Allysin Kay vs Josh Hess
Allysin and Josh dive into battle straight off the bat in this brutal, one-sided match.
Every time Josh comes at Allysin, he gets taken down forthwith in humiliating fashion. Two vicious applications of the Boston Crab have poor Josh hobbled within the first 5 minutes and Allysin takes advantage of this by punishing his knee over the ropes, peppering it with kicks.
Josh soon finds himself trapped in yet another Boston Crab followed by a Camel Clutch as well as the unpleasant experience of having his knee bounced repeatedly off the mat. He begs for a time-out but Allysin only keeps coming, bending him in unnatural angles with further Boston Crabs and Camel Clutches punctuated by a kick here and a choke there. We’re not even going to pretend Josh had a chance here. He doesn’t get in a moment of resistance, screaming his submission in the face of one final Boston Crab.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 393 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2337: Jessicka Havok vs Nicole Matthews
After we’re treated to some pretty extensive introductions (and not even from the ref, but from the wrestlers themselves!), we get down to it. Instantly, we see Jessicka’s strength but also Nicole’s resilience (aka the ability to use the ropes/ref to her advantage). Maybe a poorly-advised test of strength has Nicole on her knees and at Jessicka’s mercy.
Both ladies find themselves roughed up at one point or another in this match, spending a lot of time in the corners. As for the center of the ring, we see some Surfboards, pin attempts, Sleeper attempts and an elevated Bearhug. But it all comes down to one Tombstone Piledriver that has one lady down for the 1-2-3.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 461 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2336: Athena vs Ivelisse
This spirited contest starts off on a measured and respectful note. The pair talk a little bit about how eager they’ve been to check out each other’s skills and in keeping with their fearsome reputations, begin on a cautious note with collar and elbow tie-ups, Headlocks and some old-school mat wrestling. In fact, the old-school approach dominates the entire match as the duo stay low to the mat and use technical know-how as opposed to high-flying or extravagant moves.
They pile on the pressure with Waistlocks and Sleeperholds, Waistscissors and Boston Crabs. Some excruciating, limb-twisting submissions start to make appearances in the second half of the match as the pair start to get impatient for a win. Ivelisse suffers through a Bow & Arrow while Athena gets her neck and back wrenched in a prolonged Camel Clutch.
The action continues to heat up through to an inconclusive final moment after which the duo size each other up with renewed respect and resolve to settle things another time.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2335: Nikki Storm vs Jason Cade
Intergender action right here as Glasgow Scotland’s Nikki Storm goes head up with Jason Cade. Storm offers a handshake but receives a knee to the stomach for her efforts. Cade is aggressive and has something to prove here, not wanting to be shown up by Storm. He attacks her with strikes and a brutal Bow & Arrow maneuver.
Cade then brings the choking, the hairpulling and of course, more trash talking to his smaller opponent. In what seemed to be an act of self-preservation, Storm applies a Sleeperhold! But Cade escapes using his strength and size advantage. Cade goes on to apply many “familiar” holds and finishers from world renown pro wrestling icons in an effort to defeat Storm, but she has great intestinal fortitude and no quit in her!
She attempts a Flying Crossbody but it is of course thwarted by her more powerful opponent – who hits a brilliant Backbreaker. Will that be enough to put away Nikki Storm?!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2334: Kimberly vs Shanna
For a wrestler of smaller stature, Kimberly carries a powerful physique and oversized mean-streak that has served her well in the ring. Kimberly waits impatiently for Shanna to show up, stretching with her championship belt while complaining about the disrespect of her opponent. When Portugal’s Perfect Athlete finally arrives for her title shot she asks for a moment to stretch out her stiff back, effectively putting a bull’s-eye on her own spine.
Kimberly is out of patience and when Shanna ogles the belt in the corner the champion delivers a lesson on ring etiquette with a hard right hand, taking out her frustrations on the southern Portuguese beauty. Kimberly targets Shanna’s sore back with double ax handles, a powerful Bodyscissors and repeated Bodyslams. Once softened up, Kimberly rides out the Portuguese princess with a Camel Clutch, humiliating her with a painful double fishhook before driving her face first into the mat.
Kimberly dominates Shanna from start to painful finish before finally chucking her to the outside by the shorts where she delivers a few parting shots while gloating with her title belt.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 369 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2333: Kimber Lee vs Rhia O'Reilly
After an early choke in the corner, Kimber Lee tells Rhia O’Reilly, “I thought I was gonna play nice when we first started, but then I changed my mind.” Kimber then follows that statement with a shot to the throat, stomps on the mat and a foot on the throat. She chokes Rhia over the top rope, rakes her eyes, clubs her repeatedly to the back, and on several occasions mounts the second turnbuckle with Rhia in the corner to deliver the famed Corner 10-Punch.
Kimber never lets up, and doesn’t mind breaking the rules in the process, biting at Rhia’s forehead and using Rhia’s hair against her. She also delivers high-impact maneuvers including a Suplex, Clotheslines and elbow and legdrops.
Kimber uses three sitout face slams to the mat to put Rhia out for the 3 count. But even the sound of the bell isn’t enough for Kimber, who has one more move in store to further humiliate Rhia and cement her dominance in the match.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2332: Jessie McKay vs Mercedes Martinez
This rough but clean match-up starts with some excellent chain wrestling by two true masters of the trade. That is, until Mercedes ends the technical wrestling with some hard shots to Jessie that echo throughout the Shack. Mercedes' strength is on full display throughout the contest when she Suplexes Jessie all over the ring. Mercedes is like a machine dealing out vertical, double-arm, snap, and German Suplexes to her opponent. To her credit, Jessie kicks out of every pinfall attempt and when Martinez only gets a 2 count after an amazing Hanging Neckbreaker she must be asking herself what she needs to do to put the resilient Aussie away.
Jessie gives as good as she receives, dropping Mercedes with Clotheslines, flying knees and a huge boot to the face before locking in an Octopus Stretch. Not getting the submission she was after, Jessie floors her adversary with a devastating sitout Spinebuster. Mercedes is still able to kick out.
Nearing the climax of this exciting bout, Jessie keeps trying for another Spinebuster while Mercedes is looking for her dreaded Fisherman's Buster. Both ladies have the other well-scouted and moves are countered and re-countered until finally one of them is able to land their finisher of choice for the win.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2331: Jessicka Havok vs La Rosa Negra
A deal is made before the initial lockup: if La Rosa Negra manages to defeat Havok, Jessicka promises to take a workout class from Rosa. Some armwringers are exchanged at first, but pretty soon fists are flying and both ladies trade hard kicks. Jessicka is the first to grab the advantage when she traps Rosa in a Boston Crab and a Bearhug. Jessicka is surprised by the fight Rosa puts up and even compliments her when she armdrags her way out of a test of strength.
Rosa eventually frees herself of Havok's elevated Full Nelson and starts mixing it up with her larger and stronger opponent, stunning her with hard shots and resounding kicks. She's not shy about breaking the rules either and Jessicka has a tough time adjusting to Rosa's aggressive style.
In the end, a missed frog splash leads to an earth-shattering Tombstone Piledriver for the pinfall victory. Will Jessicka be taking a workout class or will La Rosa Negra just have to go alone?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 381 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2330: Evie vs Santana
Mia Yim here to keep the peace between two of SL’s most energetic fireballs. A good-natured handshake kicks this one off and we’re straight into the action. Some fair play back and forth to start until Santana gets the early advantage and goes right for Evie’s arm via some brutal knee drops, followed by an Armbar. Mia confirms that there is in fact, no quit in Evie, and we’re treated to more fast paced action.
A lot of back and forth here with pin attempts, Bow & Arrows, ab stretches, Romero Hold and more.
It looks like it’s all over for Santana when she almost passes out to Evie’s STF, but wait! There’s some fight left and neither of these ladies wants to call it a day. Although it looks like we’re headed to a submission finish, it’s actually a brutal over-the-shoulder Dropkick maneuver that puts one lady down for the 1-2-3 and looks like a lot more!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 497 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2329: KC Cassidy vs Marti Belle
As KC and Marti begin this 1 fall contest, both women take it in turn to pull each other’s hair – in their own words “just to check if it’s real”. Having established their follicular authenticity, the match begins in earnest and it is not long before one of these two wrestlers is probably wishing her hair wasn’t quite so attached.
After a little back and forth hair-assault, it is Marti that quickly takes total and complete control of the action. KC’s locks are yanked, pulled, twisted and tied around the ropes, the turnbuckle, Marti’s boot and even her own throat on one occasion. There’s wrestling here too, but no hold is applied without a handful of hair being pulled into the mix.
A final Camel-Hair-Clutch leaves one wrestler begging for release, a request the victor does accede to. Although not necessarily straight away.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13 min. 395 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2328: Brandi Wine vs Sin-D
Two familiar faces square off but not before some not-so-unexpected trash talking regarding the long luscious locks of both ladies. So no surprise when Brandi goes on the offense first and straight to Sin-D’s poor hair. In the corner, on the ropes, on the mat, caught in a head scissor, there’s no place for Sin-D’s hair to hide. Brandi is relentless with her tactics and hell-bent on making her opponent kiss her boots.
Brandi even resorts to tactics outside the ring (whilst keeping Sin-D inside via a wicked rope choke) but also your classic maneuvers like the Boston Crab and the Camel Clutch. With some major hairpull accents of course! Not to spoil anything here, but Sin-D doesn’t really get a lick of offense and ends up admitting that Brandi is the best/prettiest wrestler ever!
Fans of one-sided hair domination amongst veterans, don’t delay!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 318 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2327: Justine Silver & Kimberly vs Santana
There's some pre-match bickering between tag partners Kimberly and Santana, but the dispute is settled and Kimberly starts this handicap match. Justine is eager to lock up, but Kimberly apparently injures her leg right at the start. Unfortunately for Santana, this leads to her partner being carried away from the squared circle and suddenly we have a 1-on-1 contest!
Santana gains the early advantage after a handspring elbow, but eats nothing but turnbuckle when she misses another corner charge. Justine seems determined to send both of her opponents home with leg injuries as she targets Santana's leg next.
And then it's time for a good old fashioned double-cross! Kimberly returns out of nowhere, her leg injury miraculously healed. She trips up Santana, turning on her partner in the process. The ref gets tossed out of the ring, leading to an obvious no-contest. However, this is the least of Santana's worries. Kimberly brings in a baseball bat and Justine finds a metal folding chair. You can guess what comes next...
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 298 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2326: Mickie Knuckles vs Miss Rachel
An opening fingerlock test of strength sets the stage in this battle of the titans and neither wrestler is willing to back off from the fight. Mickie puts Rachel down with a leg trip and the action stays tight to the canvas as both wrestlers play to their strengths by using their power and size to torture their opponent on the mat. Rachel works Mickie over with a legbars, deep Boston Crabs and a tight bodyscissors.
Caught between Rachel’s powerful thighs, Mickie greases up her arms by licking them before slipping them into the hold to power her way out. Knuckles takes control with a Chinlock and pretzels Rachel’s legs before attacking her bare feet with tickle fingers. The action goes back and forth with both wrestlers taking liberties with the rules as they rake faces and bite their way out of trouble.
Finally a shoulder wrenching double-toed armlock proves too much for one wrestler to take and she taps out her submission after a tough ring war.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9+ min. 153 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2325: Lady X vs Solo Darling
Solo may not know who is under the mask of Lady X, but chances are she’ll never forget her encounter with the mysterious masked wrestler.
Lady X attacks with nerve pinches, a belly claw and numerous double chops to the sides of the neck of the barefoot Solo to start off the match. She stretches Solo into a double Chickenwing, chokes her over the ropes, and spear-hand thrusts to the throat and belly.
The powerful Lady X dominates Solo from pillar to post before applying a final devastating submission hold. From there, it’s just a matter of time until, just like the writing on her wrestling top, it’s “Game Over” for Solo.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 300 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2324: April Hunter vs Ivelisse
A sneak attack by April puts would-be champion Ivelisse down before this match even begins. It's going to be a best of 3 rematch, whether Ivelisse likes it or not! The first round isn't a contest at all as the stunned champ is put through the wringer by the vengeful challenger. April drills Ivelisse with forearms to the head, chokes hers on the ropes, and uses her boot to press Ivelisse's skull into the mat. A Camel Clutch submission puts a brutal exclamation point on the first fall.
Ivelisse opens up the second round with a DDT out of nowhere that evens the score at one apiece! The surprise comeback prompts April to blatantly rake Ivelisse's eyes so as not to give her a chance in the final fall. An over the knee Backbreaker and an arm and leg stretch aren't enough to put Ivelisse away, which frustrates April who resorts to hairpulling. That only angers Ivelisse and the huntress retaliates with a series of Clotheslines that put April flat on her back!
The closing sequence sees one competitor suffer a Powerbomb and a choke bomb en route to a humiliating folding pin.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10 min. 302 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2323: Kellie Skater vs Leah Von Dutch
Kellie is chomping at the bit to get Leah in her clutches, which is appropriate as this is another edition of the Australian's famed Camel Clutch Challenge. It only gets more tense when Leah dares to rebrand the challenge under her own name. This time it's personal.
The challenger is smart enough to avoid Kellie's initial attack and it looks like she might be able to back up her boasts. Kellie's arm is slammed against the mat over and over again, putting her in danger of succumbing to an eventual Dutch Clutch. But this isn't Kellie's first rodeo and she won't be vanquished so easily. She powers out of Leah's signature maneuver, then tosses her down with a Bodyslam!
Every move Kellie uses is designed to chip away at Leah's spine. She even eschews the standard Camel Clutch hold at one point to torture Leah with a Dragon Sleeper variation. Outside of the ring, Kellie slams Leah back-first onto the edge of the mat and the ringpost. Leah is brought back in, only to be hung up on the ropes where Kellie is free to hammer away at her.
It's only a matter of time before Leah becomes the next victim of Kellie's Camel Clutch streak.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 439 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2322: Kimberly vs Leva
Mercedes Martinez oversees proceedings as guest referee for this best out of 5 falls contest.
Leva gains the immediate offensive edge with some solid chain wrestling, but is unable to extract a submission from Kimberly. Kimberly attempts a Sleeperhold next, but Leva slips out and traps her foe in a Sleeper of her own. Kimberly's hand drops 3 times and the first fall is awarded to Leva. Not amused, Kimberly starts the second fall by immediately securing the Sleeperhold again and this time Leva is unable to counter. Kimberly ties the score and while Leva protests the decision, it was clear as day that she was out like a light.
More Sleepers are exchanged and a fifth and deciding fall is needed to determine a winner. A final seated Sleeperhold combined with bodyscissors sends one of these ladies to dreamland and after the final bell is rung even ref Martinez takes an early nap courtesy of the victor.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 446 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2321: Leah Von Dutch vs Nevaeh
With her long blonde hair and pink ring gear, Von Dutch certainly looks innocent enough, but below that cute exterior beats a devious heart perfect for getting the drop on an unsuspecting opponent. Nevaeh is anything but unsuspecting and when Leah bites her way out of an early armwringer, Nevaeh retaliates with an eyerake that sets the tone for this wild battle.
Referee Tracy Taylor has her hands full as both wrestlers flirt with disqualification using blatant chokes, finger rakes and boots to the throat whenever they get their chance. Von Dutch hooks Nevaeh in a camel clutch and works her over with a chinlock, race rake and hairpull. Not to be outdone Nevaeh returns the favor by pretzeling Leah’s legs and stretching her in a Surfboard, Chinlock, and double fishhook.
Both wrestlers unload on each other with repeated backhand chops to the chest, turnbuckle smashes and face slams leading to a back and forth brawl from their knees. Neither wrestler gives an inch and it’s anybody’s match to win until an over-the-knee Backbreaker and follow up DDT puts one blonde battler down for the 3 count.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
16+ min. 490 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2320: Jessicka Havok vs Nevaeh vs Santana
Taking on Nevaeh and Jessicka in a 3 way match would be a daunting prospect at the best of times. However, Santana’s chances are reduced even more so when she discovers that her two opponents are actually on the same tag-team… and this 3 way bout just became a handicap match!
Armed with only her Headband of Power, Santana can do little to withstand the onslaught of Jessicka and Nevaeh as they take turns to kick, choke, stretch and doubleteam her around the ring. Santana can do little to defend herself, but continues to kick out from various pin attempts, choosing to battle on rather than simply giving up.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7+ min. 220 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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SLAMpeg 2319: Allysin Kay vs Athena
This match starts with each competitor trash talking. The action starts fast and furiously with a great exchange that sees Wristlocks turn into Facelocks turn into armbars! These ladies came to fight! Chinlocks and Hammerlocks also on display in the early-going in this spirited encounter.
Drop toeholds and anklelocks are also the order of the day, as each wrestler tries to attack the others exposed bare feet in this encounter. Athena BARELY escapes a well applied rear choke from Allysin and scampers fast to the ropes in an act of self-preservation.
Half-Boston Crabs, kneebars, cross-armbreakers, vice-like Headscissors and more all all applied in the later parts of this match – be sure to check out this match to find out who comes out on top!
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13 min. 399 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2318: Christina Von Eerie vs Sassy Stephie
Even before the opening bell, something tells you guest ref Chasyn is gonna have his hands full with these two squaring off. And just like him, we are treated to up close action of these two vying for the advantage via a slew of holds and reversals that only come with logging a lot of mat hours. Christina seems the early aggressor, not afraid to use Stephie’s hair or tie her up in the ropes. But Chasyn knows how to count to 5, and more importantly, Christina can count to 4! So this one continues.
You can see Christina’s growing frustration every time Steph kicks out or refuses to tap to a Cobra Clutch or an inverted Bearhug. I t doesn’t all go her way, as late in the match, Stephie responds with a Powerbomb reversal that leaves Christina reeling. Stephie wastes no time locking in a Camel Clutch but still there’s no tap! This one goes back and forth until an air tight Sleeperhold has one lady frantically tapping the mat!
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13 min. 393 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2317: Brandi Wine vs Solo Darling
There’s a clash of personalities in this 1 fall match up as Solo’s perky persona encounters Brandi’s all-business attitude. Unsurprisingly, it is the more aggressive Brandi that takes early control of the action, working over Solo’s joints with a painful armbar.
Brandi continues to dominate until Solo is able to turn the tables and looks for a submission with a Surfboard that Brandi is only able to escape by reaching the ropes. Back in the ascendancy, Brandi punishes Solo with a nerve-pinch that Solo is barely able to endure. However, endure she does and Brandi’s frustration leads to more corner-cutting as she tests the referee on more than one occasion.
Despite Brandi’s tactics, Solo continues to fight back hard, even scoring a 2 count near fall as the match nears its conclusion. A rolled-through crossbody pin and a lot of help from the ropes finally gives a controversial victory to one of these two women, much to the disbelief of her defeated opponent.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 376 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2316: Devyn Nicole vs Chasyn Rance
Chasyn seems very confident in his abilities, but still avoids Devyn Nicole in their 1 fall match-up. Some good chain wrestling follows with both grapplers trading holds and counters. After the initial Hammerlocks and Waistlocks, neither competitor has a clear-cut advantage.
A test of strength is next and Chasyn gets his back bent completely the wrong way. Too stubborn to give up, Chasyn rallies and locks Devyn in a standing Surfboard, then follows it up with a Fujiwara Armbar. This clean contest ends with a painful Armbar variation and a submission win.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7+ min. 219 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2315: Cherry Bomb vs Titan
We fade in on Cherry Bomb stretching out, when she's surprised by Titan who informs her that they've got a match against each other. Cherry doesn't believe that's true, but when she goes to investigate, Titan attacks! Caught by the hair, Cherry is tossed into the ring. Her ordeal is just beginning...
Cherry quickly finds Titan's size advantage over her is pretty large, as he works her over with modified Chinlocks and a hairpull-assisted Camel Clutch. Things get worse for her when Titan lifts her up into a Canadian Backbreaker and he even adds in some extra hairpulling before jarring the Canadian's lower back. Things get worse when the action spills to outside the ring, with Titan crotching Cherry into the ring post and delivering a vicious shot to her abdomen.
It's a one-sided beatdown with the action returning to the ring. Titan low blows Cherry before delivering a Stunner, a DDT and a barrage of punches to the stomach in the corner. Cherry begs for Titan to stop, but he's not listening and before long Cherry's stretched out across Titan's knee with a powerful Backbreaker. With no referee in sight and nobody to help Cherry against her so-called “opponent,” can she do anything to help herself and get away? Or will Titan leave Cherry absolutely demolished in the center of the ring?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 457 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2314: Thunderkitty vs Vanessa Kraven
Old School specialist Thunderkitty wears her hair high and tight. Vanessa takes notice and goes right for it, loosening braids and hair clips as she mauls her opponent in the corner. With her shoulder-length hair fully exposed, Thunderkitty soon finds it stretched through the ropes as Vanessa embarks on a hair torture session.
Thunderkitty’s hair takes the brunt of Vanessa’s attack with with kicks and turnbuckle smashes before delivering a series of shots to the midsection as Thunderkitty is hung in the ropes. The battered Kitty takes a face slam off the second rope that costs her at least one of her 9 lives and Vanessa secures dominant submission victory over her devastated foe with a hairpull-assisted Boston Crab.
The match is hers but Kraven isn’t satisfied, refusing to release the hold until she turns the helpless TK into a twitching knockout victim.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9+ min. 289 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2313: Rain vs Sara Del Rey
Two veteran competitors involved in this must-see!
A collar and elbow lockup starts this one as Rain backs Sara into the far corner and tries to hit her with a faux Mongolian thrust, startling Del Rey momentarily, who then charges her opponent with great fire, sending Rain running to the corner for safety!
A test of strength is countered by a Rain Headscissors, which was broken quickly by Del Rey who then hits an STF like hold on the mat – tying Rain into a pretzel! Do NOT mess with Sara Del Rey when it comes to mat wrestling!
Chinlocks, Cravats, strikes, Diamond Cutters, Backbreakers and EVEN Sara Del Rey’s patented “Royal Butterfly” maneuver all on display in this one – be sure to check out THIS particular match for the very best in women’s pro wrestling featuring two highly touted competitors!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11+ min. 349 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2312: Nicole Matthews vs Nikki Storm
New Zealand’s Evie is the official for this match – making it a match of truly International proportions! Lots of clowning around at the start of this one, with tests of strength being averted by each and a stomp to the foot from Nikki Storm sending Matthews hopping to the corner in pain.
In short order, these two competitors are scrapping though, as holds are exchanged and a true game of human chess takes place. Storm bellows “Canada Sucks!” and earns the ire of her Canuck opposition. Full Nelsons, Snapmares, Chinlocks, anklelocks, kicks and some good ol’ hairpulling all take place in this one!
Nikki is the aggressor for a good part of this contest however and catches Matthews in an arm/neck clutch on the mat and it could be all over for her Canadian opponent! Will Matthews survive the clutches of Nikki? Tune in to find out!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15 min. 454 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2311: Madison Eagles vs Santana
Madison is none too impressed with Santana in their First to 10 Knockouts match-up (requiring guest ref Solo Darling to drop the arm 3 times, followed by a pin), offering Santana a free shot to open the match. One Superkick later, and it’s 1-0 Santana.
Unfortunately for Santana, Madison quickly regains her wits, and what follows is one of the most one-sided, dominating, brutal beatdowns seen in our ring in quite some time.
Madison evens the score after crushing Santana in the corner, then dragging her to the center of the ring and clubbing her with vicious forearm blows. She quickly rings up the count with a Sleeperhold, over-the-knee Backbreaker, chokes on the ropes, and a seated Half Nelson chokeout.
Madison never lets up, using hard charges and knees in the corner, kicks to the side of the head and even drops referee Solo on top of Santana to pick up KOs and pinfalls. She leaves no doubt as to who is the victor with an absolutely merciless final knockout and pinfall. But Madison is not finished yet. Having intimidated and toyed with Solo throughout the match, Madison leaves the referee out cold alongside her vanquished opponent to put an exclamation point on this dominating performance.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
31+ min. 946 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2310: Little Jeanne vs LeiLani Kai
A pair of veteran wrestling superstars square off in an old school battle resulting in a grueling submission war in the ring.
From the opening lock up both wrestlers strive to disable their opponent’s legs with an array of submission holds as they stretch, pound and grind away with joint locks that leave both women screaming in pain. Little Jeanne strikes first, putting the living legend face down with a leg trip. With her legs pretzeled in a double toehold, Jeanne works the veteran over with a Chinlock and Armbar before delivering powerful inside legdrops on her wounded limbs.
Kai weathers the onslaught and strikes fast and hard with a legbar of her own, trapping Jeanne in a hanging leglock and continuing her abuse with a painful anklelock. The battle goes back and forth until one wrestler gets caught in an inescapable leg trap and crossface combination that leaves her no option but to scream her submission.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
6 min. 188 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2309: Nevaeh vs CJ O'Doyle
Nevaeh and CJ O’Doyle trade grinding Headlocks to open up this 1 fall intergender bout. Neveah offers a test of strength, then strikes with a kick to the gut to take the upper hand, working over CJ with Wristlocks and Hammerlocks, shoulder blocks and forearm smashes. CJ hits a Chinbuster to swing the momentum, then fires away with head slams into the turnbuckles and numerous chokes.
Both wrestlers fall victim to big boots to the face during missed charges into the corner. And both pick up numerous 2 counts and near falls throughout the match. Nevaeh picks up the intensity as the match progresses with a foot choke and then a choke in the corner to wear down CJ, who battles back with eyerakes and a crushing elbow to the head. Yet it’s a Sleeperhold that forces one of these warriors to tap out and end a hard-fought battle.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2308: Angel Williams vs Josh Hess
Josh is inexplicably joined by Su Yung in this encounter with Angel, but we don’t think it was of much help – as she finds herself unceremoniously sent away from the ring by the official after a game of… Rock-Paper-Scissors?
As it is, Angel viciously attacks Hess right from the start of the match. A serious of kicks to the legs, stomach and back are barraged onto Hess from Angel, who is fiercely aggressive in this match. Williams jawjacks with a ringside Su, as she destroys Hess in the ring – including hitting a vicious DDT.
Make no mistake about it, Hess is just beaten down and humiliated for minutes on end in this match, as Su screams and pouts from ringside, even trying to get into the ring to help Hess, to completely no avail. How many DDTs will Hess eat from Williams before he can no longer continue?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 475 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2307: Ivelisse vs Jason Cade
Ivelisse and Jason face off in the ring prior to this 2-out-of-3 falls match and Jason seems unimpressed with Ivelisse as a potential opponent. Less than a minute later, Ivelisse is ahead 1-0 after scoring possibly the quickest submission ever in our ring with a Claw of Doom!
Jason fights back hard, but for all of his efforts, Ivelisse is able to withstand his onslaught. However, the absence of a match official allows Jason to use any means necessary to gain the advantage and soon he is dominating the action. A crushing Bearhug proves too much for Ivelisse and a KO gives Jason the equalizing fall.
With Ivelisse still suffering, Jason tries to press his advantage and a DDT looks to give him the victory. However, Ivelisse kicks out at two and a half and this match is still on! A tenacious Sleeperhold finishes this battle as one wrestler is caught and however hard they try to escape, the outcome is inevitable - One happy winner and one KO’d loser.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
9+ min. 284 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2306: Devyn Nicole vs Tyrannus
Devyn looks a little concerned as she asks ref Chasyn “how am I supposed to fight this giant??” and sounds even more concerned when Tyrannus first gets his hands on her to take her down to the mat. But has Tyrannus gotten too confident? Devyn decides to stick it out and we’re in for a treat.
The back and forth here may surprise you, given the height difference, but for every Sleeper, Surfboard, or Camel Clutch Tyrannus locks in… Devyn responds with some legwork and cornerwork of her own.
This one ends with one combatant saying goodnight after being caught in a middle of the ring Full Nelson.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
13+ min. 409 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2305: Ivelisse vs Nevaeh
No shortage of a show when these two ladies show up for a fight. We sure are in for a treat of a match, but not until they’re done “complimenting” one another’s attire. An exchange of thigh kicks sets the tone for this one as each lady realizes what they probably already knew: they can’t trust each other.
Ivelisse, going early for the arm, only finds herself on the business end of the same treatment, while Nevaeh finds her leg being worked over via a variety of holds, including a single leg Boston Crab.
She doesn’t stay down for long and soon responds in kind by catching Ivelisse in a tough leg-splitter hold. Pin attempts, corner work, and Bow & Arrows abound here… but it’s a tough Sleeper that ends this one with a dropping of the hands thrice over.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
10+ min. 316 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2304: Jessie Belle & Mickie Knuckles vs Leva & Rain
There’s a lot for referee LT Falk to manage in this 1 fall tag team match as the team of ‘Doctor’ Leva and her companion Rain takes on the ‘sisters’, Jessie Belle and Mickie Knuckles. With introductions over, the match begins and it is the established team that soon find themselves on the defensive as Leva and Rain make an effective combo.
However, a rake to the eyes of Rain by Jessie gives the siblings the opening they need and they manage to isolate Rain in the ring, taking turns to work her over, both individually and together . A Sleeper nearly brings the match to an end but Rain battles back and finally makes the hot tag to an enthusiastic Leva.
A final act of teamwork from one of these duos is enough to score the winning fall with a DDT. But Who is it that takes this fantastic victory?
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal
$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2303: Andrea vs Taylor Made
The taller and stronger Andrea takes on Taylor in this referee-less bout.
The two waste little time in trading Wristlocks and Hammerlocks on one another. Eventually a frustrated Taylor digs deep - deep into the eyes of Andrea, that is, blinding her with a cheap eyerake. Taylor works Andrea over in the corner with boots to the stomach and chokes. With no referee, Taylor is free to go for as long as she wants.
The string of illegal offense continues as Taylor wraps Andrea up in the ropes, choking her and tying her right arm up for added leverage. A Sleeperhold has Andrea in trouble, but in reality, all this offense has done...has made Andrea angry.
A surprised Taylor is driven hard into the turnbuckles, allowing Andrea to follow up with a big corner splash. Much like how Taylor was ruthless to Andrea, Andrea is ruthless to Taylor. She puts the boots to her and chokes her right back. As the match comes to a close, a big sit-out Spinebuster finally puts one lady away.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7 min. 207 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2302: Allysin Kay vs Thunderkitty
Allysin and Thunderkitty are perfectly suited to a grappling heavy, submissions only contest. They've both got the skills needed for a technical affair and attitude to spare. The two wrestlers get right down to it, searching for the slightest advantage with which to get the better of their opponent.
It's Allysin who is the first to cheat, grabbing TK's hair to flip her head over heels right into a Rear Chinlock. She keeps the pressure on with a Headscissors, but Thunderkitty is able to escape and return fire. Her powerful arms are put to good use and Allysin just barely survives TK's trademark Sleeperhold. Submissions are rapidly exchanged, a straightjacket choke, a Lotus Lock, a Full Nelson...a battle for wrist control leads to one wrestler being forced to bridge back painfully and scream out in submission.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2301: Amber O'Neal vs Marti Belle
Marti starts off this match by noting she’d have to watch out for Amber’s numerous submissions, which O'Neal specializes in. Within two minutes she’d fall victim to both an anklelock AND a cross armbreaker – proving herself correct, unfortunately for her!
Belle though, would soon fight back with submissions of her own, including a beautifully applied Boston Crab onto Amber.
After some back and forth action, each would target the others legs in an attempt to gain a submission victory. Bow & Arrows, leglocks, knee bars, spinning toe-holds and more are all displayed in this battle!
Can Marti overcome her veteran opposition or will she be just another submission victim? Tune in to find out.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7 min. 209 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720
$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal
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