
SLAMpeg 4600: April Hunter vs Santana
Going barefoot may improve Santana’s speed and dexterity, but it certainly doesn’t help her leverage against Big Red in an early test of strength. April brings the overmatched Santana to her tip toes before effortlessly folding her backwards to the canvas. Santana surprises April, powering back up to her feet, leading the two warriors to battle chest to chest in a prolonged fingerlock.
The pair muscle each other around the ring with neither willing to back down. April breaks the deadlock and uses her strength to pull Santana in, hauling her off her feet and into a brutal Bearhug. Santana struggles in April’s grip as Hunter squeezes with all her might until the brunette beauty passes out in her arms. Hunter is far from finished, playing with her unconscious prey with a Fireman’s Carry, Sleeper and DDT on her limp opponent. She humiliates her victim with a Camel Clutch, playing with Santana’s face to the camera before rising over her for a final victory pose to celebrate her dominance.
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6 min. 260 MB MP4 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4599: Hellena Heavenly vs Jenelle Sinclair
Previously available as Members Match #26 & on DVD SLAM 63.
Short, sweet, and full of action, a classic battle that has it all.
The two trade rapid-fire moves to open the bout, with Jenelle wrenching Hellena down to the mat with an armbar, then dropping a knee to the exposed limb. But Hellena quickly escapes and scores a flipping takedown that results in a 1 count, the first of many near falls in this contest.
Hellena takes control, wrenching Jenelle’s neck and nailing her with kneelifts, a double Hammerlock, and a stomp to the back. She follows up with a rope choke and Bodyslam, then scores are couple more near falls on a hurting Jenelle. Jenelle escapes from a beatdown in the corner battles back with solid strikes, a shoulder block off the ropes, and her own brand of beatdown when she traps Hellena against the turnbuckles.
The two continue to wear each other down. It’s a surprise, classic old-school move that secures the victory for one of these women.
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5+ min. 164 MB MP4 720 x 400 (Shot 7/2005)
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SLAMpeg 4598: Christie Ricci vs Vanessa Harding
Previously available as Members Match #28 & on DVD SLAM 63.
Christie does not like Vanessa. Vanessa feels the same about Christie. As a result, there is no witty pre-match banter, no handshake to start off the match. Instead, the two trade shoves, then Christie Clotheslines Vanessa out of the ring. Vanessa responds with a kick to the gut, clubs over the head, rope chokes, and an Irish Whip into the corner.
The two employ classic wrestling maneuvers and holds, including Suplexes, Bearhugs, Boston Crabs, and an Abdominal Stretch. And because they’re wily veterans who know how to take advantage of the lack of a referee, there’s also an occasional eye rake, rake of the back, and illegal choke. Neither warrior will fall, despite a Powerslam, Clothesline off the ropes, and more powerful moves. In the end, it’s a Rear Naked Choke that wears down one woman just enough for her opponent to transition into a Sleeperhold with bodyscissors that finally turns out the lights for one and ends the match.
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9 min. 275 MB MP4 720 x 400 (Shot 7/2005)
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SLAMpeg 4597: Ivelisse & Tesha Price vs Priscilla Kelly
This wild handicap match starts with a frenzy as Priscilla unloads on both Ivelisse and Tesha. Priscilla fights for her life with punches, kicks, and forearms until the numbers catch up to her and Ivelisse unleashes a roundhouse kick to her ribs that halts her momentum. Kelly gets pinballed back and forth with forearm strikes from both opponents before Ivelisse sends her to the canvas with a vicious Lariat. Ivelisse and Tesha start doubleteaming their opponent, simultaneously working leglocks and a crucifix armbar before switching to a Figure Four and straightjacket bodyscissors.
Despite their best efforts, the overmatched Priscilla refuses to submit which starts to get under the skin of Ivelisse. She blames her young partner and Tesha implores the veteran to teach her. Priscilla becomes the practice dummy for the pair as they execute Indian leglocks, Stump Pullers and anklelocks. Finally Ivelisse demonstrates the devastating La Sicaria Leglock that gets a submission from the broken Priscilla, but when Tesha’s version is less than perfection she feels her teacher’s wrath. Now both Tesha and Priscilla are Ivelisse’s unwilling victims as she seeks another pair of submissions herself!
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11 min. 478 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4596: Alex Gracia vs Hayley Shadows
We open with a quick promo from self-professed “Barbie Killer” Hayley who predicts she will rip the head off the “Pink Dream” followed by Alex who thinks Hayley is mean, shows off her fancy ring jacket and declares herself unbreakable! Gracia heads straight to ringside but that’s as far as she gets before getting jumped by Shadows and choked out with that very fancy ring jacket!
A Rear Chinlock is followed by Haley’s not so fancy vest wrapped around Alex’s throat and then a Sleeper, and so ends the technical portion of the proceedings. But Haley’s just getting started putting Alex’s “unbreakable’ claim to the test with a little help from her friends, a jump rope, plunger, baseball bat and last but certainly not least, a rolling pin! While Hayley does little to actually make good on her boast to rip her head off, she does choke her, with everything, in just about every creative and cruel way possible! Constantly rotating objects, unable to decide which is most effective Hayley never gives the talented youngster a chance to turn the tide, she barely gets a chance to breathe! Blows delivered with the plunger and baseball bat add a little variety to Hayley’s assault but it’s the rolling pin that steals the show as Shadow’s treats the back of Alex’s hands like cookie dough!
Not so much a match as an assault, Hayley adds insult to choking with selfies of Gracia and that fancy ring jacket. She might regret that if a rematch is ever signed!
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12 min. 534 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4595: AJ Sparx vs Hellena Heavenly
Previously available as Members Match #2 & on DVD SLAM 34.
We're stepping back in time for this 1 fall match. Candi Divine is our referee and makes the quick introductions before the opening bell.
The action is fast paced from the start, and despite being smaller in stature, AJ proves herself more than capable of holding her own against Hellena. Realizing that AJ's speed is her main advantage, Hellena attempts to wear her down with a tightly-applied Headlock. AJ is able to fight back, responding with a Sleeper of her own.
The match continues with both women coming close to victory, until an attempted crossbody is hit with a bit too much momentum, allowing one wrestler to roll through into an opportunistic pin.
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7+ min. 220 MB MP4 720 x 400 (Shot 3/2004)
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SLAMpeg 4594: Kaci Lennox vs Tiana Ringer
No ref for this 1 fall match with two grapplers who are both extremely technically proficient. Tiana has a slight experience advantage, but Kaci manages to keep up with her initially. No clear advantage for either lady after some chain wrestling until Tiana turns a backslide into a beautiful -and inescapable- bridging pin for the 1-2-3! Not satisfied with just a quick win, Tiana continues the attack on Lennox. And that's not all, because Tiana shows us that she is as adept at illegal tactics as she is at technical wrestling.
Kaci endures hairpulling, gets her eyes raked, and finds herself dragged across the ring ropes. In the meantime, Ringer also focuses on her adversary's legs. We see a Bow & Arrow stretch, a Stretch Muffler, and an Indian Deathlock before Kaci finally taps to a Boston Crab. And STILL Tiana is not done punishing her unfortunate victim.
Needless to say, the third fall is very similar to the second: Tiana dominates, and Kaci suffers - until she is completely out.
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14 min. 635 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4593: Marina Tucker & Tesha Price vs Mike Reed
The masked “Master Mike” is in the ring demanding a title shot with the Champion but Marina Tucker is unable to compete due to an injured wrist, not to worry though, she has a suitable replacement in Tesha!
From the get go Tesha makes “The Master” look like an amateur. Knowing Marina has her back she feels empowered and it shows in the quality and quantity of strikes the Master is on the receiving end of. If that wasn’t bad enough the Masked Man’s obsession with the Champion and her Belt divides his attention and sufficed to say Marina is hardly an innocent bystander. The ladies have quite a bit of fun at the would be challengers expense as he absorbs more and more punishment. Tesha’s soaring confidence leaves her feeling invincible giving Mike the opportunity he’s been waiting for to prove just how vulnerable she actually is with 1 all of nothing strike.
Will Marina sit idly by and allow her hand-picked replacement to go down or meddle and get the Scooby Doo ending?
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10+ min. 457 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4592: Amber Nova vs Su Yung
Amber enters the ring for her Best of 3 Fall matchup against the Undead Bride carrying a metal wrench. It’s not a bad idea.
Unfortunately, Amber has to relinquish the foreign object before locking up with Su. Amber tries to score an early fall with a rollup and small package, then takes control with a Hiptoss, running shoulder blocks in the corner, and knee strikes on the mat. But Su gets her hand on Amber’s wrench, and a hand in her glove, and one wrench to the gut and mandible claw later, Amber is out cold on the mat.
Amber comes out fired up for the second fall and makes surprisingly quick work of Su, with a nasty uppercut and a stunner putting the Undead Bride on her back for the 3 count.
Amber is in charge early in the final fall, with kicks and a Headscissors on Su in the corner. Su responds with a fireman’s carry that accidentally knocks the ref out. Amber grabs her wrench as Su puts on her glove. It’s wrench vs mandible claw … and by the time the ref comes to, one of these competitors is motionless on the mat. Who ends up with the win?
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13 min. 472 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4591: Tesha Price vs LT Falk
LT finds himself alone in the SLAM Shack, awaiting the arrival of his opponent while talking on the phone. In walks Tesha, but LT arrogantly brushes her off, saying he's waiting for some jobber named "Tessa". Of everything he's done, pissing off Tesha must have been the single most unfortunate thing LT has done. This "match", where there's no ref to even restrain Tesha, ends up being one of the most one-sided beatings Falk has ever taken.
Annoyed, Tesha attacks LT before he can even get in the ring. Once in the squared circle, LT manages to catch one Hammerlock, and that's about it as far as his offense is concerned in this match. After LT complains how Tesha's Headlocks are too tight, Price just decides to kick him around instead. "You bring out the worst in me" is not something you'd typically want a woman to say to you, especially if said woman is your opponent in the ring. But that's exactly what LT gets: not Tessa the jobber, but Tesha the Asskicker - relentless, violent, and sadistic.
After getting scratched, choked, stepped upon, and tossed around the ring, LT is done. But he still has to pass Tesha's gogoplata submission, aka Hell's Gate. LT taps and taps again, but Tesha doesn't seem to care at all - talk about a mean streak!
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14+ min. 625 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4590: Stormie Lee vs Tiana Ringer
Tiana opens her 1 fall match against Stormie with a rapid series of knee strikes and clubs to the buck, sending Stormie on the defensive from the outset. She even tries to end the match early with several pin attempts, but Stormie is nowhere near finished. A running knee strike, and Tiana starts in on rope chokes and foot chokes in the corner. An Abdominal Stretch, Front Facelock (with a possible choke), and Bow and Arrow hold sap the fight from Stormie.
Tiana is firmly in control the entire match, but her frustrations begin to mount as Stormie repeatedly kicks out of every pin attempt. A Dragon Sleeper, spinning Neckbreaker, elbow drops … none are able to keep Stormie down for the 3 count. Knowing it’s going to take a high impact maneuver to finish off Stormie, Tiana delivers a brutal Pedigree. Stormie still kicks out at two.
But can do the same after a second pedigree? Only one way to find out.
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14+ min. 635 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4589: Kiah Dream vs Marti Belle
With both coming off of convincing victories of the hairpulling nature against a common foe Kiah and Marti are both very proud of themselves, but who should be more proud? Who has better hair? You can probably guess where this one is going!
While Marti plays the role of frustrated teacher, Kiah is very much the insolent student who has already learned enough. One things for sure they both know how to use someone’s hair to make them miserable! Both are tossed around the ring by it, forced into turnbuckles with it, stretched over ropes by it and tormented in submissions with you guessed it, handfuls of hair. With such impressive hairstyles come equally large egos and both are bruised almost as much as the rest of their bodies.
The battle fierce and back and forth until 1 girl loses her temper and it goes slowly and very painfully downhill for her foe until an X-Factor puts her down for the 3. But all is forgiven and it’s time to hang out whether the loser wants to or not!
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9- min. 392 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4588: Laynie Luck vs Sin-D
We fade in with Sin-D writhing in pain on the mat, moaning that Laynie Luck set her up. Enter Laynie, who immediately grabs a handful of hair and introduces Sin-D’s face to the canvas. Demanding an apology for Sin-D’s accusations, Lanie delivers more head slams to the mat, then rams her face-first into the turnbuckles.
Plenty of hairpulling and vicious head slams and knee lifts ensue. Lanie adds insult to injury by rubbing Sin-D’s face along the mat, then adds an exclamation point with a final head slam. Lanie leaves the ring without even bothering to attempt a pinfall or submission. She doesn’t need to. The battered Sin-D laying in the ring makes it abundantly clear who won this confrontation and who was the loser.
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8 min. 363 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4587: Amber Nova vs Kaci Lennox vs Marti Belle
Kicking off this clash of 3 very talented grapplers is a somewhat humorous offer of a 3 way test of strength, though our vertically challenged competitor might not think it’s that funny. What certainly is no laughing matter is the brutal double teaming of her that follows focusing on her abs!
Battered by strikes and stomach rakes, many while being restrained, it isn’t long before she’s sent to the floor. The 2 remaining ladies are quite proud of themselves, but the mutual admiration is short lived as without a common enemy they turn on each other! This betrayal and the focus on the abs that follows gives the unfortunate recipient of the initial assault time to recover and get back into the fight, ejecting one of the other combatants in the process. The action is fast and furious with all 3 taking abdominal abuse. Often times it’s 2 on 1, that is until one thinks her target is ripe for the pickings and ejects her supposed ally.
As the ab abuse grinds on 1 lady has clearly taken the most abuse and is at the mercy of her assailants. 1 final alliance is forged to finish her off but who gets stabbed in the back and who gets to lock her hapless victim inescapable Abdominal Stretch variant?
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9+ min. 413 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4586: Brittany Garcia vs Miss Rachel
It’s not often Miss Rachel finds herself without a size and power advantage but Brittany is her match in both departments. Thus this Best of 5 Sleepers challenge match will be likely come down to Miss Rachel’s experience against Brittany’s youth and resilience.
With both being used to powering themselves to victory something of a stalemate develops early as both are locked in a fierce battle for control but eventually the stalemate is broken and a dragon sleeper gives one grappler a well-deserved first fall. Headscissors almost knot things up at one but for the resourcefulness and strong teeth of the recipient. She carries that change in momentum to another Dragon Sleeper chained into a traditional Sleeper and is on her way to a commanding 2-0 lead when a sudden jawbreaker changes everything and a quick sleeper later it’s 1 all.
But momentum doesn’t carry as the sea saw continues and a Sleeper/scissors combo proves inescapable and decisive for a 2-1 lead. This time momentum does carry over and one grappler is looking to run it up and dominate the final fall only for a huge miscue to present a golden opportunity to tie the match up in somewhat controversial fashion!
Will that mistake ultimately cost her the match or will the pendulum swing one last time?
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21+ min. 953 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$20 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4585: Jordynne Grace vs Kiera Hogan
Jordynne is determined to count down to Kiera's destruction as she has an arsenal of timed submission holds ready for the Customer's Choice Champion. A 20-second Headlock starts things off, with Jordynne relishing every moment as she grinds away at Kiera. The champ shows her grit, but she's in a lot of trouble, and she has to reach down deep to survive the long toehold that follows, and then a unique cradle submission that folds Kiera up in a way that bodies weren't meant to go!
It only gets worse as Jordynne works a modified half crab/anklelock submission for 45 full seconds, putting Kiera on the brink of quitting. She then adds insult to injury by wrapping Kiera up in a Dragon Sleeper, one of Kiera's favorite moves! That seems to light a fire under Kiera and she fights back with a powerful Full Nelson. Does she have enough fuel left in the tank to pull off the comeback though? The Dragon Sleeper makes a return appearance to close this match out. Will we see Kiera's title change hands?
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10 min. 424 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4584: Maria Manic vs Chico Adams
Chico brought his A-game today and that's bad news for Maria. He's not messing around with the powerful Maria, taking the fight right to her with a knee to the stomach and a forearm to the back. Every dirty trick is on display as Chico uses his hands, boots, and the ropes to choke Maria, adding in an ear clap and a back rake for good measure. He works over Maria's back with more forearms and jumping thigh presses, doing everything he can to keep her down.
After a DDT floors Maria, Chico is in complete control. He breaks her down further with a Chinlock, a Full Nelson, and a big Clothesline. Is this a complete mismatch? Chico takes his time working a mean neck crank, but at last we see Maria fight back. She makes up for lost time by drilling Chico with a forearm to the face, then whipping him HARD into the corner! He's sent head over heels by a Suplex and suddenly the whole complexion of the fight has changed. The sound of Maria chopping Chico's chest bounces off the walls, as does the impact of her punches as she stands over him in the corner. These 2 give it their all, with a Sit-out Powerbomb leaving one exhausted grappler down for the count.
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9 min. 408 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4583: Members Matches 452-455
Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released in the members area of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!
Collect 'em all!
452) April Hunter vs Kristin Astara
453) Britani Knight vs Kimberly
454) Marti Belle vs Randi West
455) Rain vs Su Yung
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@31 min. 714 WMV MP4 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4582: Marina Tucker vs Tesha Price
Marina is looking for revenge in a rematch against Tesha. To aid her cause, she brings along an “impartial” guest referee in Rocky Radley. Marina chooses the stipulation that the loser of the match must do 10 situps, then 10 push-ups with the winner on her back.
Tesha opens the action with a sitout face slam, but begins to realize her predicament when Rocky will not count the pin attempt. It’s something Tesha is forced to deal with throughout the match, as Tesha grabs the ropes to break a Camel Clutch at the very moment that Rocky is lacing up her boots, or Rocky is checking on the turnbuckles as Marina is choking out Tesha with her own hair. At one point, Tesha grabs a cookie tray from outside the ring, but Rocky takes it from her … only to sneak it into Marina’s hands.
To her credit, Tesha takes a beating that would have finished off most other wrestlers, but she continually kicks out. In addition to cookie trays and rolling pins, Tesha is also beaten down the more traditional way, enduring face slams to the mat and turnbuckles, rope chokes, Spinebusters, and backbreakers. Marina mounts the second turnbuckle and delivers 10 punches to Tesha in the corner, then sets her up and delivers a Shattered Dreams kick in the corner.
The outcome of the match is never in doubt. It’s only a matter of when Tesha will no longer have the strength to kick out … though she’ll need more strength for her post-match workout.
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29+ min. 1.29 GB MP4 1920 x 1080
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4581: Amber Nova vs Zoe Lucas
Faced with an extremely confident (cocky!) Zoe, Amber suggests making this contest a 10 count pin match. Zoe agrees, proclaiming she probably could put Amber down for a 20 count, and the match begins.
In the early stages, our wrestlers are evenly match, exchanging armlocks, Headlocks as each fighter seeks an advantage. Before long, Zoe begins to edge ahead, scoring a number of 5 count pins. A painful Boston Crab can't win the match for Zoe, but it does serve to wear Amber down.
Soon Zoe is dominating gets increasingly close to victory with an 8 count pin. In the end, it's a simple but effective headlocks which leaves one of these women out for the count... or actually, out for TWO counts, as the winner decides a standard pin isn't enough and counts to a further 10, whilst posing over her KO'd opponent.
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9+ min. 338 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4580: Madi Maxx vs Miss Rachel
Madi delivers a double dose of attitude, giving pointers to Miss Rachel on how to properly pronounce her words. You can sense Rachel’s blood boiling prior to the lockup as Madi uses her speed to slip in behind the Brit with a Full Nelson. Rachel practically blasts Madi to the canvas as she hip attacks her way out of the hold before delivering a throat strike and trio of shoulder blocks that bury Maxx in the corner turnbuckles.
Madi insists she was kidding but Rachel clearly is not as she firmly seizes control with a straightjacket Surfboard and series of guillotine leg drops that silence the mouthy Madi. Headbutts stun the youngster as Rachel dominates the action and tosses her opponent around the ring with Bodyslams and face slams that send her crashing to the canvas. Madi struggles to brawl her way back into the match but it’s an uphill climb against the powerhouse who scales the corner turnbuckles to deliver another guillotine legdrop on her fallen foe.
Can Madi turn this beatdown around or will she wind up roadkill under Miss Rachel’s devastating power?
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5- min. 200 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4579: Lexie Fyfe vs Mercedes Martinez
Previously available as DVD CV-22 from lexiefyfe.com
Two veterans wage war in this one with hard-hitting Lexie grinding Mercedes down with a double-toed Surfboard and Lotus Lock before knocking her senseless with a face slam in the early going! Martinez suffers a wicked beating until she manages to roll Lexie into a tight Rocking Horse. Focusing on Fyfe’s back, Martinez raises red welts on her opponent with knee drives, Dropkicks and Surfboards before nailing a Sidewalk Slam and Butterfly Suplex to take the first fall.
Lexie licks her wounds before roaring back with an assault on Mercedes’ knee. She bludgeons the joint with kicks, stomps and strikes to set up agonizing leglocks as she seeks out a submission. Martinez guts out the pain and turns the tables on a Figure Four, rolling Lexie into a Regal Stretch for a submission! Fyfe can’t believe she’s down a pair of falls after all the damage she’s done to her opponent. Mercedes takes the fight to her and looks to put the veteran away, but Fyfe isn’t going down that easily.
Both wrestlers battle the heat and each other to utter exhaustion before a winner emerges in this best of 5 falls marathon.
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32 min. 1.31 GB MP4 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4578: Alex Gracia & Tesha Price vs Maria Manic
This is an Iron Woman Match with a twist! There are 3 competitors and not only does winning a fall earn you a point, losing a fall costs you a point. Maria has the clear power advantage in this triple threat, but the sly tactics of Alex and Tesha give Maria some major headaches throughout the contest.
Maria is an absolute marvel as she easily scoops up her opponents, repeatedly tossing them to the mat with hard Bodyslams and launching them head over heels with Fireman's Carry throws. Her dominance doesn't pay dividends at first as Alex repeatedly sneaks in to steal pins, giving the Pink Warrior an early lead. Soon, it's Tesha also sneaking away with a point, and Maria has had enough. She crushes Alex and Tesha with a double Chokeslam then pins them simultaneously. Another pin off of a Chokeslam gets Maria back in the match and soon she's pulling away with the lead, delivering a pair of Piledrivers that allows her to add another double pinfall to the scoreboard. One more Piledriver, a huge legdrop, and a Bodyslam of Tesha ONTO Alex ends with Maria planting her foot in victory on the devastated duo. Disgruntled referee Amber Nova caps things off with a stunner to a helpless Alex, revenge for Alex taking her spot in the match.
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16 min. 712 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4577: Marti Belle vs Chasyn Rance
Guest referee Kaci Lennox makes the introductions ahead of this 1 fall match. As we get to the action, it seems that Marti only has one thing on her mind. Within the first few seconds of the contest, she nails Chasyn with a Pedigree which almost knocks him out. A very quick victory for Marti seems inevitable, but Chasyn kicks out. At least, that's what Marti tells Kaci what happened.
Still dazed, Chasyn can offer no defense when Marti sets him up for another Pedigree and sends him face first to the canvas once again. Another close pin means more Pedigrees are on the way for Chasyn. And if that's not enough, Marti invites Kaci to hit a Pedigree of her own.
And that's exactly what Kaci does - only she doesn't hit it on Chasyn, but on Marti. In another twist, Kaci then invites Chasyn to hit his own Pedigree on Marti, which leads him scoring the winning pin in this increasingly unique match. And how does Chasyn thank Kaci for her interference? At this point, we're sure you can probably guess!
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8+ min. 381 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4576: Priscilla Kelly vs Tesha Price
Coach April Hunter has a special lesson for Tesha today: she's going to make sure she's the best jobber she can be. And how lucky for her that she has an enthusiastic Priscilla to help her out! Suffice to say, this doesn't turn out to be good news for Tesha, especially since Priscilla is instructed not to go easy on her even if she cries "uncle" or "mercy."
There is plenty of crying to be done as Priscilla hammers Tesha right out of the gate with a knee and a Headbutt. She breaks out all the classic heel tricks, pulling hair, raking eyes, and choking Tesha on the ropes. Those eyes are of particular interest both to Priscilla and April, with coach making sure that Tesha faces the camera and widens her lovely eyes nice and wide for maximum affect as Priscilla punishes her. Priscilla works Tesha over with a toe hold and a smothering Camel Clutch, all while April reminds Tesha to reach out to the fans for help... a gesture that is met with Priscilla stomping on Tesha's hands! Priscilla nails Tesha with low blows that April says Tesha sells beautifully, though it doesn't look like she needs to do much acting.
A final sequence of submissions, including a ground Octopus Stretch and a Figure Four Leglock leave Tesha almost in tears, much to the delight of April who claps proudly at how great Tesha has become at losing.
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12+ min. 533 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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SLAMpeg 4575: Brittany Garcia vs Laynie Luck
LT Falk officiates for this 1 fall match. Brittany uses her obvious strength advantage in the opening stages of the bout, tossing Laynie across the ring. Which is why we have to question Laynie's strategy when she suggests a test of strength, and then even tries to Bodyslam Garcia. Of course, this does not work out well and Laynie is the one getting slammed to the mat instead.
But Laynie is a fast learner. She resorts to cheap shots and illegal tactics to gain the upper hand on her powerful adversary. After some hairpulling, she manages to lock in a crossface before scoring a near fall after a hard kick to the face, then another near fall after an impressive Yakuza Kick. But Luck needs to stay on her toes, because Brittany can turn the tables with one big move, as evidenced with a big boot that earns her a near fall as well.
High-impact maneuvers from both sides in the final minutes, and it's a Neckbreaker that gets one of these ladies the 1-2-3. But that's not all, as there are some post-match shenanigans as well!
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12+ min. 564 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4574: Aja Perera vs KC Warfield
Aja and KC don’t need fancy stipulations to have a top-notch battle. The two hard-hitting, technical aces square off in a grinding, hard-fought 1 fall matchup. After trading armwork, Aja drops KC to the mat via leg sweep and locks in a Surfboard submission. A test of strength ensues and this time it’s KC who goes low to bring Aja to the mat, where the two trade submission holds, escapes and reversals.
Targeting each other’s arms, KC and Aja apply Hammerlocks, armbars and judo armbars. After an evenly fought matchup, one wrestler finally forces the other to tap out.
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9+ min. 335 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4573: Kaci Lennox vs ?
With no opponent to be seen Kaci issues an open intergender challenge and it’s answered by none other than a masked CJ O’Doyle, or so he claims. Kaci is skeptical and you can hardly blame her as while he’s clearly “a man” Kaci knows CJ and his “my first waxing” claim hardly holds water. But the promise of an unmasking at the end coaxes her into the match.
Whether he’s CJ or not clearly Kaci’s opponent is no push over, add in the distraction of the mask and she’s in for an uphill battle. She holds her own technically, but can’t match his power or aggression. When she does gain an advantage that pesky mask proves to distracting giving “CJ” openings to turn the tide. Despite that Kaci hangs in there and eventually locks in a tight crossface that brings her within sight of victory only to have her sight compromised by an eye rake!
That was to close and a Sleeper puts Kaci’s meddling to an end but not to worry kids, “CJ” reveals himself and his diabolical plans to everyone but Kaci who can only dream of who and what they were.
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6+ min. 298 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4572: Kiera Hogan vs Rocky Radley
We're straight into the action for this one fall match. The two wrestlers are well matches in both speed and skill as holds Headlocks, armlocks and Headscissors are applied, countered and exchanged in a frenzied opening few minutes.
With no official on hand, this match is still wrestled in mostly good spirits, although both women's natural competitiveness does lead to the occasional transgression. As the action continues, each wrestler has a winning opportunity; Kiera almost earns a submission with a Boston Crab and Rocky works Kiera's legs in a modified Indian Deathlock.
Neither wrestler yields, and the match continues until a Dragon Sleeper is secured that leaves one woman frantically tapping out. Despite the intense action, victory sees the winner sportingly offer her opponent a hand in a rare show of friendship in the ring!
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11 min. 494 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4571: Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee
Kiera, the Customer's Choice Champion, puts her title on the line against the challenge of Stormie Lee. Things are pretty even as both wrestlers trade Wristlocks, and in the power department things seem to be in a stalemate as well. That's why Stormie changes her strategy, targeting Kiera's leg and ankle.
With the advantage now clearly in Stormie's corner, Kiera has an uphill battle ahead of her. But the champ is not ready to relinquish her title just yet, escaping Stormie's clutches and lighting her up with some hard chops. But just when Hogan seems to be building more momentum, Lee ends that with a cheap shot and some vicious choking. This match can clearly go either way, and in the end it's a sudden DDT that gets one of these ladies the deciding pinfall. Will we see a new champion crowned?
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9+ min. 410 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4570: Dynamite Didi vs Ivelisse
Ivelisse is looking forward to Didi’s scheduled whupping but how to go about it is in question. After debate 1st to 3 knockouts is agreed upon but Didi hasn’t agreed to the part where she takes the whupping, not that Ivelisse thinks she has any say in the matter and moments later a guillotine choke validates that very point!
Didi’s taken a bit off guard at such an early and easy defeat and Ivelisse presses her advantage, getting more and more aggressive. Choking in particular lights Didi’s fuse and she starts a furious comeback including an avalanche. But before she can explode and tie the match a DDT out of nowhere extinguishes Didi’s spark and Ivelisse is having fun with her KO’d face once again. With a commanding 2-0 lead and her vaunted reputation Ivelisse feels confident enough to toy with Didi, but that fuse is real short and it doesn’t take much to reignite it. A lesson Ivelisse learns the hard way, a very hard way, as in a Pedigree and Implant Buster for back to back knockouts hard way!
Didi’s on top of the world having fun with Ivelisse’s KO’d face, and wants to have even more fun on her way to the decisive Knockout. Is this a mistake or will Ivelisse be very, very angry when she finds out who really took the whuppin'!
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12 min. 544 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4569: Amber Nova vs Hayley Shadows
Amber is reluctant to start her match with Hayley and actually tries to reschedule because her abs hurt so much from her match the night before. Well, Amber might as well have painted a giant bullseye on her back, or rather, on her chiseled midsection. Hayley naturally targets the abs of her opponent, starting off with some cheap shots, chops to the stomach, ab stretches, and bodyscissors.
No ref is present today, so Amber is in big trouble when Shadows hangs her in the Tree of Woe before stretching her in ways the human body was not meant to stretch. Hayley mixes wrestling holds like Bow and Arrow stretches and a Boston Crab with vicious tactics when she drags her nails across Nova's midsection. Amber suffers in a Waistlock, Abdominal Stretch, and Camel Clutch before finally tapping out. However, it's to no avail because there's no ref and Hayley still wants to have more fun. A final Dragon Sleeper spells the end for Amber in this absolute squash match.
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11+ min. 524 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4568: Alex Gracia vs Chasyn Rance
The pink-clad Alex thinks Chasyn’s pink SLAMminLadies title belt would go much better with her color scheme. The two decide that the first to pick up seven 10 count falls will be declared the champion.
Alex scores an early 10 count after a low blow and 3 Suplexes, but Chasyn responds with a trio of impressive Suplexes—the final one onto the title belt—to even the score. Alex starts to take command of the match from here, scoring two more easy falls after a Northern Lights and Suplex and a triangle choke.
When the action spills out onto the floor, Alex slams Chasyn back-first into the ring posts, then slams him face-first onto the floor. She even scores a 10 count pin on the floor. Chasyn mounts a comeback with a pin off a Fisherman’s Suplex to narrow Alex’s lead.
The two continue to battle, with pinfalls coming off a breathtaking rollover maneuver, a nasty Suplex, and a reverse DDT elbow drop. After one wrestler finally hits 7 falls, the loser is forced to strap the belt around their waist. Does Chasyn rally to retain, or is a more color-coordinated champion set to reign?
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23 min. 1 GB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4567: Alpha Female vs Lindsay Snow
Alpha and Lindsay play the intimidation game from the start, establishing the rules that there will be no tears and falls can be won by pin, submission or death.
Neither wrestler backs down leading to a prolonged opening lockup as they muscle each other around the ring in a collar and elbow lockup until the veteran buries a knee in Lindsay’s midsection. Alpha Female takes control of her opponent’s arm and works the joints with armwringers, Hammerlocks and rope leveraged arm pulls. Snow suffers in standing Surfboards, knee spreaders and overhead Bow & Arrows as her opponent raises the stakes.
Lindsay fights back and grinds Alpha Female down with Headscissors, forearm smashes and vicious strikes, but a series of running shoulder blocks by Snow only demonstrates the German’s superior size and strength. The pair work each other over to exhaustion until a devastating inverted body vice into a Gourdbuster slam puts the lights out on one tough battler.
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12+ min. 548 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4566: Amber O'Neal vs April Hunter
It's not easy being a wrestler AND a promoter, as Amber discovers in this match from the vaults. After informing April that her services are no longer required, Amber soon finds herself on the wrong end of an employee dispute - in the ring!
April is relentless in airing her frustration, expressing herself very clearly through various wrestling attacks and holds. April is overwhelmed from the start and even an attempted run-in from one of April's allies is quickly dealt with by April.
Soon, April focuses her considerable power on putting Amber to sleep, clamping on a very lengthy Sleeper that slowly but surely puts Amber out. Eventually Amber is completely unconscious, and whilst April may not have her job back, she at least has the satisfaction of knowing she's not the only one who is OUT!
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13+ min. 613 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4565: Brittany Garcia vs LT Falk
Laynie Luck is our official for this 1 fall Intergender contest. Introductions and made and we quickly get to the action, which begins as an evenly matched battle, with both wrestlers exchanging and countering holds in quick succession.
After a time, LT starts to take the initiative, scoring a number of near falls as he keeps Brittany on the defensive with some quick attacks and not always fair tactics. Fortunately Laynie is on hand to keep him in check and Brittany is able to stay in the fight, waiting for her chance to battle back.
When the moment arrives, Brittany seizes the opportunity, nailing LT with a Suplex and a big splash in the corner. Now it's Brittany with the close pin attempts, coming close with a number of 2 counts. In the end though, it's not a pin which ends the match but a crossface submission that sees one wrestler tapping out and the winner's hand raised by Laynie.
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9- min. 393 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4564: Members Matches 320-323
Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released in the members area of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!
Collect 'em all!
320) Little Jeanne vs Rain
321) Amy Love vs Taylor Made
322) Kimberly vs Reyna Pink
323) Mercedes Martinez vs Rhia O'Reilly
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@31+ min. 755 MB WMV 1280 x 720
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4563: Devyn Nicole vs KC Warfield
Miss Body Beautiful, Devyn, takes on the Queen of Hearts, K.C., in a special Lucky Seven rules match. The wrestlers fight for position, applying their best submission holds with a 7 count to get their opponent to tap out before being forced to break. The wrestler who collects the most submissions will be declared the winner at the end of this grueling battle and Devyn and K.C. waste no time in locking up.
The rules of this match leave the wrestlers fighting a body on body war as both try to grind their opponent into the mat. Devyn works over K.C. with Waistlocks, Chinlocks and anklelocks, securing her first submission with a tight Full Nelson that Warfield can’t endure. K.C. retaliates by targeting Devyn’s joints with grinding anklelocks and overhand Wristlocks that secure an equalizing submission.
The wrestlers are evenly matched as the clock ticks down until a body-bending overhead Surfboard leaves one wrestler bent backwards in excruciating pain, screaming her surrender and the match.
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8 min. 293 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4562: Kiah Dream & Marti Belle & Stormie Lee vs Tiana Ringer
Toned and fit Tiana Ringer stays in fantastic shape, but veteran Marti Belle finds a critical weakness by ducking a lockup and ripping her opponent to the canvas by the hair! She runs Tiana around by a hair handle for turnbuckle smashes before handing her off to Kiah Dream on the outside for hairpulls through the ropes. Belle tortures Tiana with Camel Clutch hairpulls, hair-chokes, and hair-stands while Kiah stalks ringside to deliver double teams at every opportunity.
After brutalizing poor Tiana verbally and physically, Marti plants her face first in the canvas with a hair-assisted face slam for the easy pin before switching places with Kiah. Tiana’s hair is put through the wringer once more as Kiah rips and claws at her locks. Belle and Dream play hair tug of war with Ringer on the outside until they finally get a submission from the brutalized veteran. Laid out in a ringside chair, Tiana’s recovery is interrupted by the appearance of Stormie Lee. Despite being driven face first into the corner posts and tossed into the ring, Ringer refuses to quit, but how much more can her follicles take?
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25+ min. 1.12 GB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4561: Laynie Luck vs LT Falk
Laynie and LT bring the heat in this quick, mean, and sometimes dirty matchup! The speedy Laynie locks up with the crafty LT and they engage in some solid chain wrestling. It's Laynie who draws first blood with a Headlock Takeover, much to the chagrin of LT. He tries to assert himself by shrugging off Laynie's attempts to shoulder tackle him, but a swift kicks to the knee weakens his base and Laynie is able to run into him and put him on his backside.
As you'd expect, LT doesn't take this lying down. He hits Laynie with an elbow and Snapmares her down to the mat where he regains control by wrenching on her chin and cranking her neck. A big back elbow flattens Laynie, forcing her to make an authoritative kick-out to avoid the pin. LT doesn't hesitate to pull hair to stifle Laynie and he attacks her with full force, driving his shoulder into her ribs and landing an old school fist drop as she lays on the mat. Laynie slips out of a likely match-ending power move, then lights LT up with a European Uppercut and a hard-charging forearm. Another furious counter leads to a DDT that seals the deal for our winner.
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6+ min. 279 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4560: Miss Rachel vs Priscilla Kelly
Priscilla tells Miss Rachel that their best of 3 falls match will be ‘no problem’ before unloading on the Brit with a firestorm of fists, forearms, strikes and roundhouse kicks. When Priscilla tries to follow up with a Bodyslam she finds out that Miss Rachel is actually a big problem.
Priscilla strains her back, halts her momentum, and sets herself up for a brutal beating as Rachel buries her in the corner with shoulder blocks, hip attacks and boot chokes. She crushes Priscilla with vertical drops, bodyscissors and Camel Clutches that keep the pressure on Kelly’s ribs. Rachel effortlessly hoists Priscilla up into a devastating Bearhug that has the redhead screaming her submission.
Firmly in control, Rachel stalks her opponent, targeting her neck with chops before cinching in a tight trapezius nerve hold that saps the strength from her victim. The dazed Priscilla walks into an Iron Claw from Rachel that drains the last of her strength and leaves her limp on the canvas. Not satisfied with a knockout, Rachel climbs the ropes to deliver a vertical splash and dominant 5 count pin on her hapless opponent.
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13 min. 550 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4559: Amber Nova vs Kaci Lennox & Tesha Price
In recent SLAMpegs, Amber has suffered more than her fair share of sneak attacks, sometimes from wrestlers taking advantage of her already weakened state following a previous assault (SLAMpeg 4514), or sometimes just taking to the ring in succession to punish the athletic wrestler (SLAMpeg 4430). And yet, somehow it seems that things could still get worse.
This time, an unsuspecting Amber is surprised by 2 wrestlers with one thing on their mind - Amber's hair. Tesha and Kaci take turns in pulling, stretching, yanking and tangling Amber's long locks, whilst not relenting on any other means of dominating their outnumbered opponent.
Poor Amber suffers extensively, taking tandem applied holds. low blows and being stretched from BOTH sides around and over the turnbuckle. With no referee to call a merciful halt to proceedings, Tesha and Kaci take their time in dishing out their relentless punishment, before finally leaving Amber in the ring. And on her current form, that's probably the last place Amber wants to be!
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31+ min. 1.37 GB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4558: Kaci Lennox vs Miss Rachel
Kaci is keen to lock up cheeky chop to the throat announces Miss Rachel’s intentions that this will not be a clean encounter. Several more shots to the throat later and Kaci’s best defense is being in the ropes squealing. The offending noise is even more incentive for Miss Rachel to go after her throat with more chops and chokes to boot, and with her boot.
In between getting her throat massaged and her brains scrambled by hard chops and turnbuckle strikes Kaci does try to mount offense, only to be punished with a low stomp! Miss Rachel opens up with some heavy artillery with a huge slam and leg drop. Kaci shows some spunk by kicking out and again trying to retaliate but another huge chop to her cranium puts an end to that. The lack of a Ref also works in Miss Rachel’s favor as hairpulling, face washing and other downright despicable acts aren’t accompanied by annoying 4 counts. Chock up a baseball slide low blow squarely in the despicable category!
After getting completely squashed by an avalanche Kaci is hooked in a Fisherman’s Suplex and Miss Rachel has her catch of the day.
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7+ min. 312 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4557: Sofia Castillo vs Tesha Price
Two determined grapplers, back-and-forth action, and more 2 counts than you can keep track of mark this intense one-fall matchup.
The two trade armbars, Hammerlocks, Headlocks and takedowns as they battle for the early advantage, but come to a stalemate after trading headscissors on the mat. Locking back up, Tesha whips Sofia into the corner and follows with a high running elbow strike, then chokes Sofia against the ropes. Sofia quickly takes her down to the mat and locks on a reverse seated Dragon Sleeper.
While on the mat, the two engage in a game of the victim of a submission hold rolling it over into a near fall and making for some exciting moments on the mat. The stakes get higher as the match goes on, with Tesha nearly making Sofia tap to a Boston Crab, then Sofia applying a Figure Four Leglock variant that has to be seen to be believed. The submission holds continue until one wrestler can no longer bear the pain of a vicious Hammerlock on the mat and is forced to tap out, then raise the victor’s hand.
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11- min. 462 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4556: Miss Rachel vs Thea Trinidad
Still smarting from a recent defeat to Thea, not to mention the bragging she has done about it, Miss Rachel is determined that this time will be different! Thea should probably have quit while she was ahead as her abs are immediately blown up by knees and shoulder blocks & her head is scrambled by Headbutts. Miss Rachel has had time to plan her revenge and she is executing it flawlessly!
It isn’t long before Thea is the last place she wants to be, on her back in the middle of the ring trapped in one innovative combo submission after another! It’s safe to say within the first 5 minutes of having every limb tormented, everything hurts. If it was just the upset she was guilty of Miss Rachel would probably put her put of her misery, but she bragged about it, so Thea has 10 more minutes to endure! Her legs in particular take the brunt of the next few holds, removing what little hope Thea had of an athletic comeback. A valiant effort to make it to the ropes only serves to remind Miss Rachel she can use them with no a ref in site, as if Thea needed any more disadvantages. Sustained arm abuse closes out Miss Rachel’s painful tour of Thea’s anatomy.
A Dragon Sleeper closes out Miss Rachel’s revenge and the moral of the story is if by some miracle Thea scores another an upset on her, she keeps it to herself!
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15- min. 627 MB MP4 1280 x 720
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4555: Kiera Hogan vs Mike Reed
Kiera is one of the baddest wrestlers around and she's out to prove that against Mike in this multiple fall, 5 count pin matchup. From the start, Kiera brings the heat and doesn't let up until Mike is a dazed and beaten mess.
A Figure Four Headscissors has Mike tapping out early, but with this match being pins only, he can only stay there trapped until Kiera decides to knock him out and score the first decisive pin of the match. He never recovers and Kiera lays into him with kicks, punches, and chops that cut the bigger man down to size. Kiera extends her 1-0 lead in a hurry, racking up points after leveling Mike with multiple running hip attacks in the corner, a pair of Pedigrees, and a stunning DDT. There's no position where Mike is safe. Even when he's just seated on the mat, Kiera happily tees off with kicks to the face.
At one point, poor Mike gets pinned off of a straight slap to the face! This is just not his day and after a facebuster and more hip attacks result in him staring up at the lights for more humiliating 5 counts, Kiera embarrasses him with one more pin as time runs out just for good measure.
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15+ min. 692 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4554: Alex Gracia vs Marti Belle
A battle of youth against experience.
Alex dazzles Marti with some early armwringers and Hammerlocks, but the veteran executes a toe-breaking foot stomp before planting a forearm in Gracia’s jaw. Gracia fights back, whipping Belle into the corner and following up with a splash that rattles the veteran. Marti fights back with a knee lift, taking the fight out of Alex with a vicious boot choke and running knee to the face!
Alex takes Marti’s best shots and responds with a jawbreaker before lighting up Belle with chops to the chest. A running punch to the face leaves Marti staggering as the pair brawl on. After a back and forth match a spinning discus punch puts one wrestler down and out for the 3 count to end this close contest.
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10+ min. 456 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4553: Kiah Dream vs Tiana Ringer
Kiah gets another “great opportunity” with the privilege of facing returning veteran Tiana who seems keen on seeing what the youngster had got. Early exchanges involving Headlocks, Hammerlocks & Headscissors being countered and countered again show Kiah’s promise but an awkward exchange along the ropes has Tiana growing frustrated with her incomplete training and her Canadian temper gets the better of her.
Several stiff kicks followed by a vintage Clothesline in the corner and a Bulldog put Tiana firmly in the driver’s seat. The youngster still has spunk fighting her way out of a potential finisher but Tianna has plenty more where that came from, punishing her with a Camel Clutch that transitions into a Dragon Sleeper and adding a Texas Cloverleaf for good measure. Dream does manage to prevent another potential finisher, but the hope moment is merely something to build on for the future.
In the end a devastating Samoan Drop gives the cocky Canadian a decisive victory, but who knows, maybe after a bit more training a rematch Kiah could earn another “great opportunity”.
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9 min. 406 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4552: Diamante & Kiera Hogan vs Marina Tucker
Kiera challenges Marina to a match, but the latter refuses. Bad move, as this leads to a vicious 2 on 1 attack outside of the ring, with Diamante joining in on the beatdown. Marina gets slammed face-first into a metal folding chair and back-first into the ringpost, but Hogan and Diamante are far from done!
The fight now moves back into the ring, where Marina endures a barrage of hard kicks before getting choked with her own hair. She gets her eyes raked and soon finds herself choked across the ring ropes. Low blows are on the menu next, followed up by a boot choke in the corner. Marina gets tossed around for quite some time before Diamante and Hogan finally end the squash with an excruciating Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combination for the win. But they won't leave the ring until they get the opportunity to pose for the camera with their fallen prey.
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8+ min. 383 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4551: Hayley Shadows vs Kaci Lennox
Kaci comes out of the first clean exchange feeling pretty good about herself and likely would have little trouble with Haley in a fair fight, but that’s not much incentive for Haley to fight fair!
Referee Chico Adams is going to need a few lozenges after this one as he’s constantly counting to 4. Whether it’s because Kaci’s trapped in the ropes, or trapped in the corner, or having her hair pulled, or being choked. More often than not 2 of these things are happening at once! Just to change things up he does almost count Kaci out as she tries to get a 2nd wind. But a 6 count is hardly long enough to recover from all that choking and she’s right back as Shadow’s lack of mercy.
Kaci’s planted by a DDT allowing Haley to add another “Barbie” to her killed list and Chico’s just glad he could stop counting at 3.
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12+ min. 555 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4550: Devyn Nicole vs KC Warfield
A pair of powerhouses face off in a 1 fall contest against well matched foes. Both wrestlers try to assert their dominance with Headlocks, armwringers and Hammerlocks before KC catches Devyn on her back and drops an elbow insider her thigh! The blow stings but sends Devyn on a rampage of ax handles, vertical drops, hip attacks and roundhouse kicks.
KC takes a corner mugging from Devyn before coming to life with a jawbreaker to turn the tide! The pair battle on struggling to maintain control and avoid getting caught off guard. The battle wears the opponents out until a blocked Suplex leads to a tight inside cradle and a close victory for one weary battler.
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8 min. 290 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4549: Ivelisse vs Kaci Lennox
There's no referee for this match and Ivelisse wastes no time taking advantage of that fact. A faux handshake leads to a sneak attack which leads to a Boston Crab and Ivelisse earning a quick submission with less than two minutes on the clock.
Ivelisse doesn't relent for a second and it isn't long before Kaci is tapping out to a Stretch Muffler. So the tone is set for the rest of this contest with Kaci not only on the defensive, but virtually trying to escape the ring. And not without good reason, as Ivelisse continues to stalk her, occasionally pouncing to lock on another painful hold, including a single leg Boston and a Sharpshooter.
Not even the usual safety of the ropes offers Kaci any salvation, as Ivelisse just uses them to choke Kaci when the opportunity arises. One final agonizing submission brings this one-sided beatdown to a close, and not a moment too soon for poor Kaci.
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11 min. 472 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4548: Tesha Price vs Tiana Ringer
Tiana makes it clear from the start that she’s not here to hurt Tesha, just to teach her a lesson. Price waves off the warning and the well-matched pair lockup. Tesha proves a quick study and the pair exchange Waistlocks, Headlocks and scissorholds as they feel each other out.
Tesha wins control of a fingerlock, bending Tiana backwards before slamming her to the mat. She displays her dexterity with ropewalk armdrags that send Ringer flying across the ring. Tiana isn’t about to be shown up by Tesha and stops the youngster with a brutal jawbreaker into a face slam. Price has her body twisted with a straight jacket Camel Clutch, Bow and Arrow, and Stretch Muffler as Tiana looks to wear her out.
Tesha rallies back with a flurry of forearms before whipping Tiana into the corner only to eat a boot to the face as she charges in behind her! Both wrestlers brawl for control as the match remains up for grabs. The pair fight to exhaustion until one wrestler screams her submission while hoisted into a tight Mexican Ceiling Hold to the end the contest.
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14+ min. 652 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4547: Alpha Female vs Marina Tucker
Marina is confident that she measures up with the always impressive Alpha Female. She's wrong.
A big boot immediately puts a stop to Marina's talk and within seconds, she's fighting to stop Alpha from tearing her head off with a chinlock and dislocating her shoulders with a Surfboard stretch. Alpha breaks Marina over her knee, stretching her out, then chokes her with her boot and the ropes.
Trapped in the tree of woe, Marina is a sitting duck for Alpha's kicks. Alpha shrugs off Marina's attempts at offense, powering out of a Sleeperhold and making Marina pay for that transgression by pressing her throat down across the bottom rope. Non-stop chokes leave Marina breathless, while a dominant Alpha stands on the back of her head and poses. Marina is tortured in a Camel Clutch, Bow and Arrow stretch, and half-crab, completely out of sorts. A ring-shaking Bodyslam has Marina down and out, but Alpha tacks on a choke bomb just for the heck of it!
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9 min. 398 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4546: Sofia Castillo vs Jason Cade
Guest ref Jason can't seem to find Sofia's opponent. Not satisfied with a no-show and a victory by default, Castillo orders Cade to find her a replacement - and she's not exactly polite about it. This leads to Jason telling her to find an opponent herself. Which in turn does not sit well with Sofia, and before long Jason finds himself Clotheslined out of nowhere, and stripped of his referee shirt. Well look at that, we have suddenly found an opponent for Sofia!
In this absolute squash match, Sofia pummels her foe and Suplexes him all over the ring. And there's basically nothing Jason can do about it. His best hope is for Sofia to get tired of beating him up, and put him out of his misery. But Sofia is content to torment Jason some more, putting him in a Camel Clutch, Boston Crab, and choking away. She shows her strength with an impressive Bodyslam and chokes the former zebra with his own stripes, wrapping his shirt around his neck! A final axe kick does the trick, and Jason is left wishing he'll get to be the referee next time Sofia is around.
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10 min. 430 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4545: Saraya vs Tesha Price
Referee Shazza McKenzie gets started introducing this Last Woman Standing Match when Saraya steps in for a little pre-match intimidation. The veteran scoffs at the rules and explains to Tesha that she’s basically going to knock her out and win the match.
Tesha circles and frustrates Saraya but once she has Tesha trapped in the corner Saraya unloads with a rapid eye gouge, stomach punch, face rake and brutal low blow that sends Tesha to the mat in a heap. Saraya is in complete control as she hangs poor Tesha from the ropes in a Surfboard, rips at her hair, and traps the youngster in a back mounted double fishhook.
Tesha takes a vicious beating and has no intention of trying to break the 10 count…but will Saraya let her stay down? Of course not! Tesha’s screams and wails fill the ring and her attempts to submit are disallowed as Saraya’s hairpulls, Headbutts and repeated low blows break the count and set Tesha up for even more punishment in this one sided massacre.
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16- min. 664 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4544: Maria Manic vs Marina Tucker
It’s hard to miss the intimidating “Maneater” tattooed across Maria’s torso. As she proves in her 1 fall matchup against Marina, she’s pretty adept and chewing up and spitting out women as well.
From the opening bell, Maria unloads with powerful strikes and shoulderblocks, and follows it up with hard-hitting face slams to the mat, rope chokes and forearm blows galore. Marina is unable to mount any kind of offense as she’s forced to endure Maria’s onslaught to the point of complete exhaustion. In fact, the match ends in what has to be the most dominating result of a test of strength ever seen.
Needless to say, Maria has her hand raised in victory at the end. How she gets there is pure power and devastation.
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9 min. 401 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4543: Kiah Dream vs Chasyn Rance
Chasyn may have the experience advantage, but don't count out the spunky Kiah. These two go at it for 15 thrilling minutes, with the winner in doubt to the final moments.
The submission skills of Chasyn are on full display as he deftly counters Kiah's offense into an Omoplata and a Sleeper, only to find the squirrely Kiah has her own tricks to regain momentum. Every time it looks like one wrestler has the advantage, the other slips out and finds an opening for their own pins and holds. Chasyn finds an edge, wrapping Kiah up in a back-bending Dragon Sleeper, a headscissors, and a Mutalock. Still, it isn't long before Kiah counters and puts Chasyn's own defenses to the test.
A tight Sleeper by Kiah has Chasyn desperately reaching for the ropes and it isn't until he can sandwich her in the corner that he's freed. Perhaps sensing how dangerous Kiah is, Chasyn goes for a series of tight pins, but Kiah always has an answer and refuses to stay down. Back to the submissions Chasyn goes, working Kiah over with an Abdominal Stretch and raking her face to set up a painful Ceiling Hold. Surprise, surprise, Kiah will not give up. She takes advantage of a tiring Chasyn, smashing him with a running knee strike and a complete shot before nailing him with a big splash! But now it's Chasyn with the emphatic kickout. A fateful Sleeperhold puts an end to this back-and-forth contest, with one wrestler being robbed of their senses and left easy pickings for the pin.
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13 min. 549 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4542: Kiera Hogan vs Lindsay Snow
"Girl on Fire" Kiera faces the challenge of Lindsay in this multi-fall submission match. Kiera is supremely confident before the match, even going so far as to invite Lindsay to kiss her butt! Needless to say, Snow refuses. Instead, she quickly locks Kiera in a Sleeperhold. Kiera does not submit, but after spending some time in the Sleeper she eventually loses consciousness. The ref counts it, and Lindsay is up 1-0.
There's still fight left in Kiera, but Lindsay continues to press the advantage. She locks in a Bearhug for 2-0, and another Sleeperhold for 3-0. Hogan fires back, but soon finds herself in a guillotine choke for the fourth fall and yet another Bearhug for the fifth. Mind you, Kiera has not actually submitted up until this point - instead going out like a light several times. Despite being clearly overmatched, she shows some true determination here. Unfortunately, Lindsay is hell-bent on forcing a verbal submission out of Kiera. Will she succeed?
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20 min. 891 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4541: Salina de la Renta vs Mike Reed
Mike feels completely ready for his bout with Salina, and shows it by flexing his muscles. Salina is unimpressed to say the least, and the verbal jousting goes back and forth until guest official Kiera Hogan encourages them to just wrestle already!
Looking back, Salina might have wanted the verbal sparring to continue some more, because Mike is completely dominant from the opening bell. Using his obvious strength advantage, he nails a massive Backbreaker before stomping Salina's back and planting her face-first into the canvas. This is followed by a Camel Clutch, crossface, and Bearhug, but Reed has a lot more in store for his overmatched adversary. A straight right hand drops Salina before Mike lifts her for a hard Powerslam! Finally, Salina finds herself in an inescapable torture rack.
Will this be enough to end this utter squash, or does Mike have other plans?
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14+ min. 658 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4540: Stormie Lee vs Tesha Price
Stormie and Tesha face off in a hard-hitting 1 fall matchup. Both wrestlers are determined to come out with the W here as they trade fiery forearms and body-smacking kicks throughout this fight. A sneaky Tesha looks to frustrate Stormie with her command of the ring, but Stormie isn't having it. She catches Tesha with a headlock takeover and gives her a noogie for good measure. Stormie calls Tesha's bluff when she tries to initiate a test of strength, punching her right in the stomach and then following up with heavy strikes in the corner. A single leg choke by Stormie literally has Tesha on the ropes!
Tesha fights back, striking Stormie with a stinging chop to the chest and driving her head into the mat for a near fall. But Stormie comes, uh, storming right back, first with a running kick to Tesha's back, and then an even bigger kick right to Tesha's chest. Tesha isn't out of it yet, blasting Stormie with a Clothesline and a cartwheel into a high kick. After these two throw everything they've got at each other, it's actually a slick roll-up that snatches the victory for the winner, who has to beat a hasty retreat from her frustrated opponent afterwards.
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9+ min. 413 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4539: Alex Gracia vs Tiana Ringer
Tiana boldly states she's going to wipe the mat with Alex' face. She starts off by laying into Gracia with knife-edge chops, but Alex returns the favor. A test of strength follows, after which Alex shortly manages to outwrestle Ringer. She also more than holds her own when the two chain wrestle, which is mighty impressive considering Tiana's exceptional technical prowess.
But technical prowess isn't Tiana's only strong suit. She's resourceful as well, and not afraid to bend the rules a little. A firm hairpull gains Ringer the advantage, and a subsequent Octopus Stretch, trapezius claw and Camel Clutch have Alex in serious trouble. Gracia is far from done though, and she fires back at Tiana with Clotheslines and a Dragon Sleeper. These two are evenly matched, and in the end it's a sudden small package out of nowhere that earns one grappler the win.
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10 min. 447 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4538: Jessica Troy vs Zoe Lucas
Jessica and Zoe face off and both seem to remember their previous encounters somewhat differently. They both think they won in the end, but despite the difference of opinion the atmosphere between the two remains pleasant.
Solid chain wrestling to start and things seem pretty even until Jessica manages to tie Zoe into a pretzel. Zoe retaliates, but Jessica seems to have an answer for everything. The test of strength that follows also ends in a stalemate, further underscoring how evenly matched these two are.
Zoe then changes her strategy, opting to just pummel her opponent instead. This method is more successful and soon Jessica finds herself face-down on the mat in a Full Nelson. Big kicks and hard forearms follow that, and near falls are piling up for Zoe. Can Jessica find a way to halt Lucas' momentum? A Figure Four Headscissors ends this competitive matchup.
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13+ min. 476 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4537: Amber Nova vs LT Falk
LT is in his ring gear chatting with buddy Jason Cade when Amber waltzes into the ring. After forcing Jason to back off with a simple “watch me kick your friend’s ass,” Amber delivers a low blow to LT from behind, then follows up with another low blow from the front. She then lays him out with a DDT and a stunner on the ring apron.
Jason suits up in his referee’s jersey. He’s not exactly impartial in this case, but not in the way you might think. With LT continually laid out, Jason is trying to make a quick 3 count to end the punishment. But every time Amber covers LT, she pulls him up at the count of 2, or she places his foot on the bottom rope to break the count.
So the beatdown continues. Rope chokes, foot chokes and face slams to the mat follow. With Jason pleading for Amber to cover him and LT literally trying to crawl his way out of the ring, Amber finally ends the match with the cockiest pin possible, and leaves Jason to clean up the motionless LT.
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13+ min. 573 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4536: Cami Fields vs Kiera Hogan
Cami takes it to Kiera from the start of this 1 fall matchup for Kiera’s Customers’ Choice Championship. Backing her into the corner, Camille rakes Kiera’s eyes along the top rope, then delivers her headfirst into the turnbuckles. An Irish whip across the ring followed by a running elbow strike has Kiera in early trouble, then a Snapmare and a teeth-rattling running boot to the face has Kiera seeing stars.
Cami unloads with shoulderblocks, Clotheslines, Bodyslams and splashes, as well as grinding submission holds like an over-the-knee Backbreaker, Rear Chinlock and belly claw. Kiera gets in the occasional offensive strike, but Cami is always quick to extinguish the Girl On Fire’s momentum every time.
Despite taking most of the bumps in this one, Kiera finds a chance to deliver a high-impact maneuver to her foe. Is it enough to keep Cami down, or is it just a matter of time before a new champion is crowned? This match features a chaotic finish, and angry loser attacking the victor after the bell, and one wrestler laid out outside the ring.
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12+ min. 532 MB MP4 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4535: Members Matches #316-319
Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released in the members area of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!
316) Josie vs Miss Rachel
317) Kimberly vs LuFisto
318) Kimber Lee vs Leah Von Dutch
319) Jayme Jameson vs Sabrina
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@30 min. 790 MB WMV 1280 x 720
$25 for non-members
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$23 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4534: Santana vs Thea Trinidad
Chelsea Green may be dressed for a match, but she's actually here to officiate a 2 out of 3 falls contest between Thea and Santana. And Santana is so confident of her inevitable victory, she offers Thea the opportunity to start the match by actually putting her in a hold.
Chelsea points out the match has not yet started and when the bell rings, it seems that Thea doesn't need any favors, particularly where submissions are concerned. After quickly wearing down Santana with a few debilitating holds, Thea secures a crossface that quickly has Santana tapping.
Santana fights back quickly and aggressively, clamping on a number of painful moves of her own including a deep Boston Crab. A modified Sharpshooter scores Santana the equalizing submission and it's all to play for in the final round. At this point, one wrestler's mean streak starts to show and even when the match is clearly won, she wants to inflict a little more damage on her defeated opponent.
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13 min. 560 MB MP4 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4533: Layne Rosario vs Salina de la Renta
Salina runs down Layne, criticizing her hair, her height and her sense of style. Rosario takes it all in stride before blasting Salina right in her mouth to start this fight! Layne rakes Salina’s back, unloads with a brutal gut shot and slams her face first into the mat as she takes her revenge on de la Renta’s insults.
Amazingly Salina never stops running her mouth despite the beating including rope leveraged hairpulls, chokes and repeated turnbuckle smashes as Layne goes to work on her opponent’s face. The dazed Salina rolls to the outside and staggers for the door only to be hauled back into the ring by the furious Rosario. Salina’s mouth knows no limits as Layne makes it her mission to shut her opponent up.
Can she knock Salina out and silence the Puerto Rican beauty or will de la Renta have the last word in this mean-spirited beatdown?
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8+ min. 386 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4532: Ivelisse vs Rocky Radley
Rocky makes two big mistakes early in her matchup against Ivelisse. First, she declares that Ivelisse is overrated. Then, Rocky offers Ivelisse a free first strike, but delivers a surprise slap to the face.
Ivelisse does not react well to this … much to Rocky’s dismay. The veteran explodes with rapid-fire punches, then tosses Rocky around the ring by her hair. With a burning hatred and intensity, Ivelisse rains down with forearm strikes and chokes on the mat, rubs Rocky’s face into the mat, then slams her face first to the canvas. Helping herself to handfuls of Rocky’s hair, Ivelisse wraps her foe in a seated Surfboard hold, chokes her with her own hair, locks on a Bow and Arrow hold, and rams Rocky’s head into the mat again and again.
As Rocky tries to crawl out of the ring to escape, Ivelisse traps her and chokes her under the bottom rope. Dragging Rocky back into the ring, Ivelisse is not looking for a 3 count or a tap out. She wants to hear Rocky scream out an apology for her earlier actions. And she’s got any number of submission holds at the ready to get what she wants. It’s only a matter of how long Rocky can hold out and how loud her apology will be.
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9 min. 396 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4531: Holidead vs Kiera Hogan
Holidead finds Kiera barefooted and cheerful in the ring and isn’t happy about either of those things. A big boot to the face takes care of the cheerful problem, but unfortunately for Kiera she decides to take her time and enjoys the solution to the barefoot problem!
Stomps, kicks, elbows, punches, splashes, you name it, and Holidead did it to Kiera’s feet and ankles. She slams them into the mat, drops legs and knees and just generally makes Hogan’s life miserable. But her absolute favorite thing is to clap Kiera’s ankles together, no they are not designed to do that! No amount of repentance from Kiera will allow Holidead to forgive her for the sin of not wearing boots, or save her from multiple anklelocks.
When it’s all said and done Kiera is KO’d and paraded around the ring, suffice to say when the Girl on Fire wakes up she’ll need a bucket of ice for her feet.
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11+ min. 522 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4530: Amber Nova vs April Hunter, Miss Rachel & Tesha Price
Amber runs the ropes as she wraps up several hours of ring work when Miss Rachel slides into the ring. Rachel buries a boot in Amber’s midsection and plants her face in the turnbuckle before starting a hair massacre on Nova. Amber offers little resistance to Rachel’s rope leveraged hairpulls, hair-chokes, and hairpull Bow & Arrow. She finally submits to a brutal Camel Clutch with Rachel yanking at her roots.
Amber clutches her tortured follicles as Rachel exists but is soon joined by April who smells blood in the water and wants a taste. April takes her turn torturing Amber’s hair with Hairmares, hair-stands and a hair-wrapped Sleeper that puts poor Amber out!
April makes her exit and soon Tesha Price arrives on the scene. Price licks her lips as Amber struggles to her feet only to take repeated roundhouse slaps that put her back down! Amber’s had enough and unloads with a low blow from her knees that puts her would be tormentor on the canvas! Amber won’t go down without a fight but does she have enough left to overcome Tesha?
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23 min. 988 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4529: Alex Gracia vs Kaci Lennox
What starts off as a meeting of mutual admiration turns into a heated matchup. These sweet scrappers waste little time digging their heels into the canvas and locking up to prove who is the more promising prospect.
The opening chain wrestling favors Alex at first, but after a quick reset, Kaci steps up with a nice Armdrag. Alex shows off her nasty side, choking Kaci in the ropes and stepping on Kaci's neck in the corner; however, she makes sure to self-officiate herself in adorable fashion. A bodyscissors has Kaci reeling until she's able to flip the situation around with an anklelock. Still, Alex isn't done and she escapes before setting up a 619 to land her legs right on Kaci's kisser.
The action ramps up from there as these young warriors lay into each other with chops and forearms. Alex tries to rein Kaci in with an armhold, but it might be too late to put the brakes on this brawl. A powerful running knee strike connects to finally give one wrestler the win.
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9 min. 403 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4528: Amber O'Neal vs Lexie Fyfe
It’s mind games aplenty to start this match as Amber faces off with long time nemesis Lexie. When the pair finally lock up Lexie buries a knee deep into Amber’s gut sending her hard to the canvas. Amber isn’t down long before returning the favor with a Clothesline and this battle is underway!
Both wrestlers play loose with the rules, raking with their nails, pulling hair, gouging eyes and even biting their way out of danger. Amber works Lexie over in a kneed Chinlock, takes her off her feet with a high crossbody block and nearly scores a pin with a backslide. Fyfe unleashes her superior power, planting Amber in the mat with a Bodyslam, mat slam and face slam to take the fight out of the lanky blonde.
One wrestler will emerge victorious with a convincing pin leaving her opponent to sulk in defeat and plot her revenge.
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9+ min. 411 MB MP4 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4527: Lindsay Snow vs Maria Manic
There's a little warming up, flexing and appreciation ahead of this power vs power contest. When the action begins, it's naturally a well balanced affair with a lot of back and forth exchanges.
It's Maria the breaks the deadlock, although not by out-powering Lindsay, but out-thinking her. Now with the advantage. Maria is able to dominate the action for a time with a big Suplex and Bodyslam, but it isn't long before Lindsay is back in the mix.
And so the match continues in this vein, with Maria using questionable tactics to turn the tide and Lindsay battling back hard. The end of this epic encounter comes, not with a big power move, but with a cleverly applied Sunset Flip that scores the 1-2-3.
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12+ min. 554 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4526: Hayley Shadows vs Chico Adams
Hayley shows her mettle here against a tough Chico, pushing him to the limit in this fast-paced affair. It's Hayley who draws first blood with an anklelock and a Side Headlock, which force the resourceful Chico to bite his way out of trouble. The solution for Hayley's speed? Chico cheats his butt off.
Thumb to the eye, feet on fingers, and just shoving his boot against Hayley's face, there isn't much that Chico won't do to pick up the win here. He seems to be in complete control with a Rear Chinlock, but Hayley counters with a Stunner before dropping Chico with a pair of lariats. A sudden Spear leads to a 3 count.
Is it Hayley's heart or Chico's chicanery that prevails?
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6 min. 263 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4525: Devyn Nicole vs Miss Rachel
There's a vocal crowd in attendance for this title match for the Southern Spirit Championship and the volume only grow when the match begins. Sin-D is our referee for the action as Rachel takes the fight to Devyn in the opening moments.
Rachel's game plan seems to be to wear Devyn down in stages. First, Rachel targets Devyn's legs, successful keeping her grounded for much of the match. From there, Rachel is able to work Devyn's neck, arms and belly, culminating in a Sleeperhold that almost puts Devyn out.
Even after avoiding the KO defeat, Devyn still struggles to find a way back into the fight and single leg Boston followed by a Bow & Arrow stretch almost earn Rachel a submission victory. in the end, however, it's a big splash in the corner that puts one wrestler on the canvas for the 1-2-3 and a chorus of cheers from the audience.
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8+ min. 357 MB MP4 1280 x 720
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4524: Holidead vs Ivelisse
Ivelisse isn’t quite sure what to make of Holidead before the bell of their 1 fall matchup … and who can blame her? As a result, Ivelisse approaches the match very methodically, as the two feel each other out with multiple reversals and escapes, Headlocks and rope breaks. One thing you can always count on from Holidead, though, is pain. And she brings the pain, delivering high kicks to Ivelisse, a Bodyslam, and a legdrop into a Headscissors that comes close to turning out the lights on Ivelisse.
Holidead sets up Ivelisse in the corner, then sends her across the ring and follows with a running splash in the opposite corner. Foot chokes, rope chokes, chops and kicks later, and Ivelisse is whipped back to the other corner for more punishment. But Ivelisse is as tough as they come. She responds by sending Holidead face-first into all 4 top turnbuckles and using her “educated feet” to deliver kicks and stomps to wear down her foe.
In the end, it’s a missed charge into the corner that opens the door for a Sleeperhold that leaves one wrestler unconscious and face-down on the mat. Who ends up on top in this intense battle?
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18+ min. 827 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4523: Kimber Lee vs Tesha Price
Tesha Price in full Harley Quinn gear prances around Princess Kimber as the pair verbally spar before locking up. Tesha and Kimber feel each other out with armwringers, Hammerlocks, Headlocks and reversals until Kimber drops Tesha with a leg trip and goes to work on an anklelock. Lee focuses on Tesha’s powerful legs with kicks to the hamstring, knee slams and a single leg Boston Crab.
Tesha may be hobbled, but she’s still dangerous and retaliates with throat strikes, ax kicks and finger rakes to even the match. Kimber transitions from her leg work to Tesha’s core, hanging her in a Tree of Woe and pummeling her midsection, raking her nails to Tesha’s tight abs before using her abdominals as a punching bag in the corner. The nearly unconscious Tesha flops to the canvas and Kimber sets her up for a triple decker turnbuckle smash that sends poor Tesha that much deeper into la la land.
Can Tesha fight her way out of the deep trouble she’s in or will Princess Kimber rule the ring once more?
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13 min. 552 MB MP4 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4522: Priscilla Kelly vs Sofia Castillo
Priscilla needs to be convinced that Sofia is even worthy of having a match with her, but Sofia manages to talk her into it. She may regret being so persuasive. Sofia says she's been wrestling for about 3 years and it may be another three before she tries stepping to Priscilla again!
Sofia's impressive agility catches Priscilla off-guard and the rookie executes a pair of pinning combinations that nearly have Priscilla eating crow. However, Priscilla's grappling superiority turns the match around in a flash. Class is now in session. Poor Sofia is stretched in a doubled-toed leglock, Surfboard, and Camel Clutch, with Priscilla making sure that Sofia appreciates the proper application of each hold.
Even Priscilla's textbook Rear Chinlocks look they have Sofia on the brink of giving in. A Boston Crab and Dragon Sleeper are complimented by vicious chokes, with Priscilla resting her shin across Priscilla's throat in the corner. A cruel crossface makes Sofia tap out, putting a fine point on today's wrestling lesson.
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10 min. 426 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4521: Dynamite Didi vs Salina de la Renta
Salina shows Didi ZERO respect, which suits the Dynamite wrestler just fine as she's more than ready to earn it. A few forearms get Salina's attention and we have ourselves a fight!
The sneaky Salina goes right to Didi's throat, momentarily taking control and striking her with a big legdrop. However, it doesn't finish the job, and that gives Didi an opening to return the abuse tenfold. She traps Salina in the corner and executes a pinpoint Shattered Dreams, with a few more kicks added in for good measure. Didi seemingly has Salina down for the count were it not for Salina using her ring awareness to break up pin attempts. She can't get out of the corner though, and soon Didi is smashing her with a running hip attack and back elbows.
It's not all good news for Didi though as she ends up on the receiving end of a low blow. Now it's her turn to be cornered and Salina attacks with a bodacious booty smother! With both women having got their licks in, it's a Triangle Choke outta nowhere that forces one fighter to admit defeat.
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6 min. 273 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4520: Elizabeth vs Miss Rachel
Elizabeth and Miss Rachel square off in a Best of 5 I Quit Match.
Both wrestlers are in their jeans, trying to establish dominance early on. Miss Rachel is an imposing competitor, but Elizabeth is equally impressive. She manages a stalemate in the power department and actually hangs with her more experienced foe. Elizabeth even employs some hairpullng tactics to try and gain an advantage. However, Miss Rachel is unfazed and soon locks in a Dragon Sleeper for the first fall. Elizabeth then counters a Full Nelson and locks in a Sleeperhold of her own, tying the score at 1 fall apiece.
A Bearhug and a double-arm choke send this one into sudden death rules. Rachel turns up the violence in the fifth and deciding fall. Will her aggression and experience win out in the end, or can Elizabeth rebound and pull off the upset? A final Headscissors leads to the two magic words: I quit!
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16 min. 680 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4519: Kaci Lennox vs Priscilla Kelly
With no ref on hand to oversee the action Kaci and Priscilla get right down to it with a lightning fast series of moves and often more impressive counters, blinking is discouraged unless you want to miss something. But Kaci didn’t miss how Priscilla wouldn’t honor a rope break, that is how it is and will be.
Priscilla eventually gets bored with the fancy scientific stuff and a hard Irish Whip followed by a leaping forearm strike completely changes the tone of the match! A strange game of “eeny meeny miny moe” determines which turnbuckle Kaci’s head gets rammed into next with a boot choke for good measure. But a fired up Kaci can play to, only she doesn’t discriminate and all 4 turnbuckles get a taste to Priscilla! The favor returned Kaci returns to her technical offense, namely a bodyscissors/surfboard combo that transitions into a Lotus Lock. Priscilla still prefers aggressive strikes, corner abuse and rope choking. A Camel Clutch proves she can still play fair, she just chooses not to as illustrated by a Deathlock with a nasty hairpull and a Surfboard in the ropes.
A side Russian Leg Sweep sets one girl up for a body-breaking submission, did Kaci pull it out or did the nice girl finish last?
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9+ min. 395 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4518: Jessica Troy vs Saraya
We open on Jessica and ref Shazza McKenzie having a sidebar that Saraya suspects may well be about her. Saraya will have none of that and gets into both of their faces, her temper flaring. It gets worse as Shazza explains the rules of the contest: A 15 minute bout unless one lady gets 3 submissions or pins before time runs out-she will then be declared the winner.
Saraya can't wait for this one to start and throws the ref aside to begin her assault on Jessica. In fact her first hold is so extreme that she immediately gets the fall. Jessica gets her 1st fall in a most unique way, Shazza taking the brunt of Saraya's ire.
It's quite the rollercaoster of a fight with screaming, painful holds and constant taunts!
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18 min. 752 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4517: Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley vs Jamie Senegal
Jamie is in a throwback mood and remembering wrestling days gone by ahead of this 3 way match with Didi and Rocky. And the ensuing match certainly captures some of the more chaotic aspects of that bygone era.
From the opening bell, it's every wrestler for themselves with alliances forming and breaking up within minutes, as everyone looks for the advantage. 2 count pins are plentiful here, but so too is always that third person to break up the count in the nick of time.
A frenzied conclusion sees finishers all round, but it is only when a wrestler is ejected from the ring that a final big kick is able to put one of these fighters down for the 1-2-3.
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10- min. 438 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4516: Dynamite Didi vs Holidead
Didi is understandably apprehensive in approaching her adversary. There is no referee to officiate and Holidead is, well...unorthodox to say the least. She's also technically gifted though, so when she's not licking her own hand before locking up, she is working on her foe's back and arms.
Didi finally fires back with some shots, but one big right hand from Holidead floors her again. And if the big right hand wouldn't keep her down, the subsequent Headbutt to the groin certainly will. Holidead now shifts her focus to Didi's legs and knees. Dynamite manages a desperation rollup, but it doesn't even earn her a one count against her powerful opponent. Holidead beats Didi at a slugfest, stands on her hair, and locks her in a camel clutch. Didi gets some shots in here and there, but it's all in vain as Holidead maintains dominance throughout the bout. Can Didi turn the tide before the final bell, or will Holidead take her out for the 1-2-3?
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11 min. 485 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4515: Ivelisse vs Chico Adams
Chico must defend his championship against the challenge of the ever-dangerous Ivelisse. The latter is supremely confident, even claiming that she'll beat Chico with one foot on his chest...for a 10 count! A bold claim, but Ivelisse heads straight for her goal in the opening stages of the match, steamrolling Chico with kicks and vicious tactics. She drags his face across the ring ropes, drops him with a DDT and hits a very, very questionable low kick before hitting a facebuster. Adams narrowly holds onto his title for the moment, kicking out at 9!
Unfortunately for Adams, this only angers Ivelisse, who slams him into the turnbuckles and drops him with yet another DDT. Ivelisse could have quite easily sealed the deal there, but she pulls her groggy opponent up at 9 for some more punishment. We'd like to tell you Chico made a miraculous comeback, but it's just not happening in this utter squash match. Ivelisse keeps hammering away at the champion until one final Superkick secures the 10 count...and the title! After this show of power, who's going to take the title away from Ivelisse?
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7+ min. 325 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4514: Amber Nova vs Layne Rosario
We open on Amber already in the ring and recovering from a very recent beatdown at the hands of two wrestlers. Amber's weakened condition means that an arriving Layne has no trouble taking immediate control of the action... and immediate control of Amber's hair.
Layne uses Amber's long locks to choke her out, tangle her in the ropes, drag her around the ring and more besides in this completely one-sided hairpull-fest. There's a little wrestling here, but Layne's primary goal is Amber's hair and how hard she can pull it.
The match ends with Amber once again defeated and on the canvas. Here's hoping she can find the energy to leave before another opponent joins her and puts Amber through even more dis'TRESS'!
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8+ min. 372 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4513: Jessica Troy vs Shazza McKenzie vs Tesha Price
This is a triple threat match, where scores are being kept about the number of wins and losses each competitor accumulates. Tesha is sort of annoyed that guest ref Charli Evans doesn't give her the same enthusiastic introduction that she bestows upon her fellow Aussies Shazza and Jessica. Rather than focus on the ring introductions, Price would do wise to focus on the wrestling part of the match, as Troy and McKenzie start teaming up right away. The duo from Down Under beat Tesha down in the corner and blister her with hard chops before working on her arms and hands.
Alliances in situations like these are usually short-lived though, and when Shazza nails a modified stunner on Tesha, it's Jessica who tries to take advantage. She tosses Shazza out of the ring and quickly locks Tesha in a Fujiwara Armbar to score a submission. The inevitable dissension that follows allows Tesha to get back in the fight. A sudden Sleeperhold gets her name on the scoreboard as well, and eventually Shazza does so as well. Even ref Charli physically interjects several times! And while she does not score pinfalls or submissions of her own, she is instrumental in aiding her favourite along the way. This questionable strategy pays off in the end, as there is a clear winner with no less than seven points!
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13+ min. 560 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4512: Marina Tucker vs Tesha Price
This Best of 3 Falls matchup is a perfect example of how quickly momentum can change.
Marina comes out firing, using her size and strength to overpower Tesha with Hiptosses into Headlocks, foot chokes, clubs and chops, and a ton of nasty uppercuts to beat down Tesha. Marina sends Tesha off the ropes and traps her in an elevated Bearhug, forcing Tesha to tap out and surrender the first fall.
Not giving Tesha a chance to get up, Marina attacks with forearm shots in the corner, but Tesha reverses an Irish Whip into the opposite corner, and all of a sudden, Tesha is on the attack. Intense, angry, and screaming, Tesha hits a Snapmare into a straighjacket hold and a Figure Four Leglock before drilling Marina with knees to the back, chokes against the ropes, and face-first slams into the turnbuckles. Tesha takes Marina down, slaps on a nasty crossface variant, and a quick tapout later, and the sore is tied at 1-1.
Tesha comes out strong in the final fall, but Marina suddenly regains the momentum and dominates the final fall with a running knee strike, uppercuts galore, a Suplex, and a Bodyslam. But Tesha finds and opening and scores a 2-count with a roll up. The two trade forearm strikes, hard-hitting maneuvers, and pin attempts. When one warrior nails two consecutive high-impact maneuvers, it’s finally enough to put her opponent down for the 3-count and end this intense, hard-fought battle.
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19+ min. 880 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4511: Kiera Hogan vs Salina de la Renta
Salina is definitely feeling herself heading into this one and not taking Kiera seriously as a threat. That's evident when she starts the match by tugging on Kiera's colorful locks, followed by pressing her boot and knee down on various parts of Kiera's body. Salina then employs more traditional mat work, with a Camel Clutch, and Indian Deathlock, and a toehold. Not to mention plenty of tactics that any referee would question - if there was one. As it is, Salina is free to pull hair and choke Kiera as much as she pleases.
Rocked by a Superkick, there isn't much Kiera can do when Salina applies a key lock that has Kiera's arm so twisted that her fingers are stuffed into her own mouth! Whether she's splashing Kiera in the corner or wrenching Kiera's neck in a Dragon Sleeper, Salina makes sure to add plenty of insult to injury, even breaking out some mid-match salsa dancing. Kiera is just Salina's puppet in this one, forced to look at the camera as Salina ties her up in all sorts of submissions. She's helpless to stop Salina from sitting her on the top rope and landing multiple low blows. Salina relishes dissecting Kiera until finally making her submit to an armbar and adding a Codebreaker for good (and completely unnecessary) measure.
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19+ min. 875 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4510: Cami Fields vs Kiera Hogan
Cami and Kiera face off under 8 count endurance match rules, with points earned via successful submission or by surviving a submission. It's Cami who is determined to do all the damage here, so it's on Kiera to prove she can steal the show with her resilience and heart.
A Headbutt near the equator establishes Cami as the aggressor, but her first scoring attempt goes the other way as Kiera is able to ride out a Camel Clutch for 8 seconds. Down 1-0, Cami realizes she has to get nasty. Kiera's multi-colored locks are too tempting a target and Cami can't help but use them to toss Kiera around and strangle her. A hair-assisted choke evens the score at 1 point apiece. You can sense genuine animosity here and Cami expresses her disdain with a cracking chop across Kiera's chest as well as a series of haymakers in the corner. From there, Cami shows off her submission game utilizing a Boston Crab, armlock, anklelock, and a modified Sleeperhold. Which ones get Cami on the board? Which ones end up in points for Kiera? This one goes down to the buzzer, with a dramatic Texas Cloverleaf deciding it all!
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12+ min. 564 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4509: Amber O'Neal vs Santana
Amber is eager to get on with their match while Santana is content to wait for the arrival of the referee. The impatient Amber pushes the issue, literally, leading to a shoving match that starts this contest. Amber is insulted by Santana’s lack of trust and insistence on having a ref.
She dazes Santana with a pair of face slams before digging her claws into Santana’s tight abs. She assaults poor Santana with repeated low blows, boot chokes, and hairpulls between working Santana’s midsection with stomps, kicks and punches until the brunette goes out. Amber hoists Santana up and hangs her in a Tree of Woe to continue the beating, focusing on Santana’s abs.
Santana desperately tries to score a surprise pin to steal the momentum, but a low blow shuts her down and a low diving Headbutt from Amber takes a brutal toll. Santana is putty in Amber’s hands by the time she stretches her across her knee for an over-the-knee Backbreaker and elbow grind that scores a submission. Amber isn’t done and by the end she racks up 3 knockouts, a submission and a pin and there’s still no sign of a referee!
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16 min. 483 MB WMV 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 4508: Cassandra Golden vs Miss Rachel
Cassandra faces off against Miss Rachel in an Unlucky Sevens Rules Match. Cassandra’s challenge is to survive the match and avoid submitting to Rachel within the time limit. The wrestlers can work any submission holds they choose, but must break within a 7 count and move to the next hold.
Rachel goes right to work to demonstrate her superior strength. She clamps on Full Nelsons, double-toed armbars, and double arm stretches but can’t get a tap from the resilient Cassandra. Golden does some damage of her own with a Boston Crab on the Brit, but soon Rachel is out of the hold and back on top as she works toward a submission. A crucifix armbar seems to have Cassandra on the verge of tapping out but a desperate lung for the ropes saves her from having to submit!
Playing offense and defense without breaking takes its toll on the combatants. Can Miss Rachel find the right combination on her wounded opponent or will young Cassandra outlast the submission machine to score a victory?
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6+ min. 339 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4507: Diamante vs Holidead
Like sharks circling their prey, the dangerous Diamante and the hellacious Holidead open their bout circling the ring, sizing each other up, looking for an opening to strike. Holidead finds the opening and takes down Diamante for a couple of 2 counts. Diamante regains her feet, then takes down Holidead for some quick matwork before a rope break and a reset.
Diamante nails a monkey flip after a test of strength, and the two engage in a rapid-fire back-and-forth both on and off mat, all with their hands still locked from the test of strength. Holidead takes down her foe with a leg sweep into a Rear Chinlock, and Diamante is forced to tap to end the fall.
Holidead immediately switches into a rolling Surfboard hold to increase the pressure and pain. Beginning to seize the advantage, Holidead drills her opponent with knees to the face, then moves her into position for a final submission hold. The outcome is never in doubt, the only questions is whether Diamante will tap out or pass out.
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8+ min. 379 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4506: Elizabeth & Kiah Dream vs Chasyn Rance & Jason Cade
Chasyn is unleashing his wisdom on newcomer Kiah when she’s finally had enough of his arrogance and challenges him to a tag team match with partner Elizabeth. Rance eagerly agrees as his partner Jason arrives to take on the rookies.
The men start strong, staying a step ahead of Elizabeth with quick offense and tags. Painful boot scrapes and backhand chops light up poor Elizabeth before she’s finally able to make the tag to her partner. Kiah sees more of the same from the men as she takes multiple running turnbuckle smashes, Tomahawk Chops and is hoisted into a Fireman’s Carry. Dream fights her way free and makes a tag as the match gets wild.
Chasyn looks to put Elizabeth down but winds up taking a devastating Enzuigiri followed by a splash off the top rope from Kiah! Rance is eliminated leaving Jason to take on both women alone. The pair of Elizabeth and Kiah get their doubleteam revenge on Jason before tying him up in a tight Sleeper for the knockout and the winning team savors their victory by posing over their defeated foes.
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10+ min. 460 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4505: Shazza McKenzie vs Chasyn Rance
Chasyn complains that the only way that Shazza beats him is when she cheats. Shazza has a decidedly different recollection of their history. Their debate ends in a squash match rules challenge in which the winner must score pins of 3, 5 and 10 counts.
The furious rivals fight for the most meager of pin counts with roll ups and cradles, arguing about one counts versus half counts during the early going. Finally Shazza puts together a combination leading into a split leg drop across Chasyn’s chest that secures the first 3 count as she surges into the lead!
Chasyn is quick to dismiss her advantage and even question its legitimacy but soon finds himself on the wrong end of another exchange leading to a hard Suplex by Shazza who scores the 5 count! Rance is livid and the pair lock up in a dueling Chokeslams standoff. Will Chasyn fight his way back into this match or will Shazza take the ten count pin?…and will she do it legally?
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9+ min. 405 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4504: Kiera Hogan vs Layne Rosario
A quick handshake starts this bout. The pair focus on submission holds from the start with Full Nelsons, armwringers, Chinlocks, Hammerlocks and Headlocks exchanged and reversed. Layne finds her calling as a submission specialist, working an overhand Wristlock into a deep backbend. Hogan rallies and forces Layne into the same position proving who has the superior flexibility.
A fingerlock has Keira asserting her dominance as she puts Layne on her heels with a flurry of offense before burying a kick to her midsection and sending her face first into the canvas with a DDT! So much for submission wrestling as Hogan scores the pin for the win! But Layne isn’t about to let it end there. She attacks Keira with her back turned, raking Keira’s back and unloading with kidney shots before clamping on a kneed Surfboard. Hogan tries to fight back, but the submission specialist lays her out for an equalizing pin. Things may have started with a handshake but with the falls even anything goes, and one wrestler will rise up and leave their opponent laying in the ring before this fight is over.
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12 min. 537 MB MP4 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 4503: Priscilla Kelly vs Chasyn Rance & Jason Cade
Chasyn and Jason are proudly displaying their tag team title belts when they are interrupted by Priscilla. Priscilla has some doubts about the authenticity of the titles, but that doesn't stop her challenging the "champions" to a title bout. The men agree and barely a handshake later, Priscilla has taken total control of the action.
Quite often in a handicap match, you would see two wrestlers doubleteaming their solo opponent. However, for much of this match, it's Chasyn and Jason getting double-dominated by Priscilla, frequently trapping them both in the same hold at the same time! Priscilla's power is on show here too, taking turns to Suplex and slam the guys over and over again.
A plethora of Pedigrees bring this epic and literally one-sided match to a close as Priscilla repeatedly drives Jason and Chasyn face first onto the canvas until a cocky victory-posing pin seals her victory. All that remains is to raise her shiny new belts as the NEW tag team champions; Priscilla Kelly and... Priscilla Kelly!
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27+ min. 1.15 GB MP4 1920 x 1080
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4502: Tesha Price vs Tiana Ringer
Tiana’s trying to shake off being on the wrong end of an unscheduled encounter when Tesha enters the ring determined that Tiana will be on the wrong end of this unscheduled “match” as well. Match might be a stretch as Tesha hasn’t had a particularly good shoot against some angry vets and is looking for someone to take her frustrations out on and Tianna’s been served up on a silver platter.
Within moments Tiana’s pleading for some pain meds, a logical request when one’s head is being thrown into the mat by her own hair. But that’s far from all as Tesha is able to multitask with her hair, wrapping it around the ropes, standing on it and in general making Tiana’s life miserable with a hand full of it. The youngster shows the poise and presence of a Vet as she literally tosses Ringer around the ring and even outside it where a ring post and the apron only add to Tiana’s severe headache. Price even pulls her up by the hair at 2 counts, but if you’re expecting Tiana to make the youngster pay for her arrogance it’ll have to be in a rematch.
A hairpull camel clutch puts Tiana out of her misery, almost, first Tesha needs to hear some flattery before she’s willing to end Ringer’s hair pull ordeal!
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9+ min. 396 MB MP4 1280 x 720
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SLAMpeg 4501: Lexie Fyfe vs Rain
Another dip into the archives for this 1 fall match with Lexie taking on the always Radiant Rain. Although perhaps not a Rain everyone will recognize, given the absence of her usual shenanigans. Unfortunately for Rain, Lexie is still Lexie and after attacking Rain even before the opening bell, there is very little respite from her questionable tactics.
Lexie uses strikes to the throat, blatant choking, hairpulling, eye rakes and anything else she can get away without being disqualified. When Lexie isn't blatantly cheating, a debilitating Nerve Pinch almost scores a submission. A further lengthy Headscissors and subsequent Sleeperhold look to take all the fight from Rain and it seems a KO is imminent.
Rain battles back though and with a burst of renewed energy, she takes the fight to Lexie. But will it be enough to earn Rain a tough victory? Or will Lexie's tactics once again prove that Fyfe finds a way.
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16 min. 686 MB MP4 1280 x 720
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members
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