
SLAMpeg 6100: The Amazon vs Ava Everett vs Ivelisse vs Mila Moore
International success prevented Ava from meeting her 6 month mandatory title defense but a technicality means she isn’t stripped of the title, but must enter 1st. Still she’s determined to earn a historic 3rd Title defense, something Mila makes quite clear will not be happening.
Traditional introductions are thrown out of whack by the Champion starting but Ava’s got a lot more to worry about, namely a Scorpion Kick she never sees coming! Ivelisse is on the hint for Ava’s head and numerous precise kicks, a DDT and Pedigree have her prey reeling. Ava battles back as best she can, but still finds herself in Ivelisse’s “SLAMminladies Special” at the worst possible time, the entrance of the Amazon who proceeds to take advantage of the wide open Champion!
A high 5 is bad news for Everett and she is decimated by nonstop doubleteaming. While her head remains a primary target, submissions by Ivelisse often leave her abs open for the Amazon to exploit! Despite the drubbing Ava gallantly tries to hold on for the 4th entrant, hoping for some kind of turnaround. Chaos ensues as often happens in REDEEEMS and Mila is presented with a golden opportunity to back up her bravado. Can she turn around her horrible REDEEM luck since she won #2 or will Ava secure that elusive 3rd Title defense?
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18+ min 752 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6099: Mila Moore vs Shelly Benson
We fade in on Shelly laying face-down on the mat. Unfortunately for her, things are not going to get any better.
Enter Mila, who lifts Shelly by the hair and informs her that Jayme Jameson is still paying anyone who beats up a blonde. And Shelly just happens to have golden locks. Mila takes her down to the mat and slams her head-first into the canvas, then wraps Shelly’s hair around the top rope and yanks. Mila slams her into the top turnbuckle, then again tangles Shelly’s hair around the ropes.
Mila locks in a Camel Clutch and chokes out Shelly with her own hair, then chokes her against the bottom rope. With Shelly all but out on her feet, Mila takes her around the ring, slamming her head-first into all four turnbuckles. A hair-assisted Snapmare takes Shelly back to the mat, where Mila locks her in one more submission hold, grabs a handful of hair, and waits for Shelly to either tap out or pass out. Either way, someone’s getting a nice payday from Jayme for this effort.
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9 min 376 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6098: Kiera Hogan vs Lexi Gomez
Kiera is barely halfway through her introduction when Lexi attacks to (literally!) kick off this 2 Out of 3 Falls Match. Lexi's assault is relentless, taking Kiera out of the ring and back inside, whilst constantly pounding on her with strikes to the body and belly. Kiera endures as best she can, but is constantly on the defensive and when Lexi clamps on a crushing Bearhug, Lexi can take no more and taps out.
Despite taking the early lead, Lexi is no less aggressive as round two begins and picks up where she left off. Again, Kiera faces a near constant barrage of strikes and pin attempt after attempt. A painful Surfboard only adds to Kiera's troubles as Lexi's dominance continues.
In the end, it's another Bearhug which settles this one. Lexi's first Bearhug won her the first fall. This one wins her the match as Kiera is once again left with no choice but to submit from the power of Lexi's grip. The final score of 2-0 to Lexi is a fair reflection of her total dominance in this contest.
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11 min 411 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6097: Holidead vs Renee Michelle
There’s one simple fact that anyone facing Holidead has to face–you can’t avoid the beating she’s going to put you through, you can only delay the inevitable.
Renee does an admirable job for a while, avoiding Holidead’s charge multiple times until a kick to the gut stops her in her tracks. Holidead strikes immediately with shoulderblocks in the corner, then she lifts Renee into a Bearhug before ramming her back into the turnbuckles. Displaying her effortless power, Holidead ragdolls Renee around the mat in a bodyscissors and lifts her over her shoulders into a painful-looking Torture Rack.
After another Bearhug and bodyscissors, Holidead lets Renee know “If you’re smart, don’t get up.” Renee doesn’t listen, though, and suddenly finds herself being choked in the corner before being lifted back into another Torture Rack. Holidead tosses Renee out of the ring like yesterday’s trash, and follows her out to the floor. It doesn’t take long until Holidead is standing over an unconscious Renee on the floor. There’s no referee to raise anyone’s hand, but there’s no doubt who won this matchup.
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11+ min 374 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6096: Dani Jordyn vs Miss Rachel
A quick kick to the midsection by Rachel starts things off and Dani accuses Rachel of using a cheap shot. The Brit ups the ante, telling Dani she’s going to make her give up the match and maybe wrestling altogether before this one’s over. Rachel puts the boots to Dani before planting her in the canvas with a face slam. Rachel twists Dani’s hair until it’s a tightly braided rope and a perfect handle for Rachel’s torture session. She chokes poor Dani out with her own hair before using the ropes for leverage on a brutal hairpull.
Rachel tells Dani she’s free to go but is standing on her hair when she does it, ensuring the beat down continues in the most sadistic way possible. Dani refuses to submit and is put through the wringer as Rachel continues to abuse her over-matched foe. After persevering through a gauntlet of hair torture, a single leg Boston Crab/hairpull combination finally overwhelms poor Dani and she passes out from the pain. Furious at not getting her submission, Rachel unleashes a vicious face slap and leaves Dani KOd on the canvas.
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10 min 374 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6095: Ariel vs Charli Evans
Kelsey Raegan refs this 1 Fall contest.
An ageist slant to begin this but the vet is still drawn into a trap and caught with a series of kicks and choking. Charli maintains control with a cocky edge, wearing Ariel down and keeping her off center.
Some creative stretching has the Portuguese Powerhouse in real trouble, as do Charli's attacks to the legs. Ariel stays in the fight and even gets Charli to leave the ring, but today is just not her day a Charli takes advantage of previous punishment and scores with a leghold that proves to be just too much on this day.
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12+ min 481 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6094: LeiLani Kai vs Sara Del Rey
Previously available as Members Match 303
An argument can be made this is a matchup of the best there was and the beat there is and they seem eager to live up to it. Sara seems well aware of this and the respect factor might play a part in her lack of aggression, LeiLani is all too happy to fill that void.
Impressive switching opens things up before LeiLani starts going after the legs and resorting to chokes. Del Rey is content to out wrestling Kai in the short term with the shock value of counters she never saw coming adding to the counters themselves. LeiLani keeps pushing and Sara keeps having the answers with the holds being traded escalating in caliber as the match progresses. Del Rey’s mean streak makes a cameo displeased by a couple of rope breaks but she mostly keeps it in check.
An uncharacteristic telegraph opens the door for one wrestler to really go for it with a big butterfly suplex almost ending it. But in the end a classic moves brings this classic to a close.
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8+ min 237 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6093: Christina Von Eerie vs Rachel Summerlyn
Previously available as Members Match 302
Rachel begins this match mocking Christina's mohawk hairdo and complaining about the sharp tips of her hair. Christina only wants to be a friend and is genuinely concerned that Rachel may have cut her hand. But Rachel doesn't want her pity and begins laying in clubbing blows and stomps that lead to some foot chokes in the corner.
More comments about her hair follow but now Christina has had enough! A kick to the gut and a DDT leave Rachel stunned and she follows that up with a devastating Codebreaker and then gets her revenge mocking Rachel's hair and styling it into a lopsided ponytail. But Rachel truly grows horrified as Christina goes outside the ring and grabs some kitchen shears! Rachel pleads for mercy and receives a devastating Pedigree and then Christina suddenly decides they should be tag team partners! ...after some cruel cosmetic work.
Will Rachel escape this horrifying hair experiment or is Christina about to indulge her inner Edward Scissorhands?
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7+ min 215 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6092: Kimberly vs Leva
Previously available as Members Match 301
Lockup and then into a leghold stalemate, these 2 are right down to business. Kimberly begins to get an advantage with some scissoring and her signature leglock leading to--removing Leva's boots to finish the first fall.
An incensed Leva goes right to work in Fall 2, grabbing an advantage with a Rocking Horse and claiming her opponent's footwear.
Fall 3 sees both ladies shine for a time until 1 claims the victory in this very sporting contest.
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9 min 252 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6091: Angel Williams vs Divina
Previously available as Members Match 300
Veteran Angel gets in Divina’s head right away, asking the ref if she’s going to get into trouble for beating such a small opponent. Divina may be young and diminutive, but she grabs Angel’s attention with a back elbow to escape an early Waistlock and goes to work on the blonde’s arm before tossing her across the ring with a rana and flattening her with a running crossbody for a 2 count! Williams slows things down, hiding in the ropes before burying a knee in Divina’s exposed midsection.
Angel capitalizes on her size advantage with a Powerslam before clamping on a tight Sleeper to drain her undersized opponent’s energy. Williams is an ‘Angel’ in name only and doesn’t hesitate to rake Divina’s face or choke her out to keep her advantage. Angel hulks up for a brutal running boot and guillotine legdrop before impaling poor Divinia on her knee with a Backbreaker. Divina takes a beating but turns the tide with a devastating jawbreaker. Can Divinia come all the way back and put her tormentor away or will the platinum blonde veteran close out the match and ride off with another victory?
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8+ min 242 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6090: Angela vs Fantasia
Previously available as Members Match 299
Fantasia starts off this contest complaining of Angela's supposed lack of showering. Angela ignores the rude comment and launches into a series of armlocks and Headlocks that Fantasia has some trouble escaping from despite her size advantage.
Eventually getting to the ropes, Fantasia then challenges Angela to a test of strength which Angela happily obliges. The cowardly Fantasia then springs her devious trap and kicks Angela in the gut and stomps and then bites Angela's newly manicured fingers! The dirty tactics make Angela mad and she rallies with a series of elbows to the gut and a pin attempt but Fantasia villainously scratches her eyes.
This leads to a series of leg crabs and hairpulls on Angela that leave the asian beauty hurting. Fantasia then illegally uses the ropes and a choke to squeeze the resistance out of her smaller opponent. Will Angela be able to overcome the foul tactics or has Fantasia notched another foul victory?
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6+ min 184 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6089: Kimber Lee vs Leah Von Dutch
Previously available as Members Match 298
Both blue-decked blondes start this match exchanging holds from Wristlocks to Headscissors but it's not long before Kimber starts pulling Leah's hair to gain the advantage. Leah doesn't stay down long though and she counters her way back into the driver's seat applying a leg crab and a seated Surfboard before pulling Kimber's hair in revenge and going for a pin.
But Kimber is not so easily beaten and Leah delivers some elbows and a Clothesline for another 2 count. But Kimber just isn't having it. She powers back with some elbows of her own, a Snapmare and a kneeling Surfboard but she just can't help herself because Kimber once again goes for Leah's hair. Kimber then applies some stomps before locking in a Camel Clutch which Leah escapes from. This then culminates with both ladies exchanging some quick pins leading to a narrow victory for one grappler that could easily have gone the other way.
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9+ min 263 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6088: Cherry Bomb vs Jayme Jameson
Previously available as Members Match 297
Veda Scott oversees this exciting 1 Fall match up and Cherry Bomb is all business early quickly establishing advantages in speed and technical skill. Jayme finds herself just a little behind and with no answer for Cherry’s ability to counter and chain. Her advantages such as a vice-like headscissors are punctuated by an air of desperation of a wrestler who knows she’s outmatched.
That all changes in an instant, namely the impact of an inverted Atomic Drop! Two lengthy rope chokes and some brutal corner work later its Cherry Bomb who has the wind completely taken from her sails. Further weekends by a Camel Clutch she’s pretty much a stationary target for Jayme to tee off on with strikes as well as more corner work. But her resilience frustrates Jayme and when she barks art the ref an inside cradle almost costs her the match!
The wake-up call is received and Jameson wants a big finish but pummeling Cherry took a lot out of her and she can’t quite pull it off opening the door for one heck of an adrenaline rush but can Cherry capitalize on it?
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9+ min 263 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6087: Diane Von Hoffman vs Taylor Made
Previously available as Members Match 296
It’s quite the understatement to say we have an experience gap in this one and Diane plays on that early with her young, eager opponent goading her into a test of strength but avoiding actually locking up. Taylor takes matters into her owns hands clamping on a Bearhug and her strength is somewhat surprising to Von Hoffman who is forced to resort to the age old shortcut of going to the eyes.
A blinded Taylor soon finds herself in a tight Cobra Clutch and the skinny American fades rather fast, too fast for Diane’s liking. Having succeeded in slowing the match to a snail’s pace Diane punishes her in a Camel Clutch and bodyscissors with more abuse to Taylor’s face and eyes leaving the youngster winded and disoriented.
Taylor’s caught off the ropes in a tight Sleeperhold, once again fading far too fast for Von Hoffman’s liking prompting an encore until a ragdoll is “Made” and discarded. A dominant pinning position and plenty of disrespect are Taylor’s reward for stepping in the ring with this legend.
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6 min 170 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6086: Kellie Skater vs Rain
Previously available as Members Match 295
It’s a battle between two veteran grapplers who know how to bend the rules as Kellie takes on Rain, with Jessie McKay serving as referee.
The underhanded tricks start early, as The Radiant One clamps on an armbar, then bites Kellie’s hand. Kellie responds with a Full Nelson, but Rain grounds Kellie with a Hiptoss, then targets Kellie’s leg while she’s on the mat. Kellie regains momentum by poking Rain in the eyes and then choking her against the ropes.
Rain locks on a one-legged Boston Crab, but Kellie powers out, whips Rain into the corner, and nails her with a running forearm smash. Rain goes after Kellie’s leg again with a Stepover Toehold and an attempted STF, but Kellie escapes once again.
The end of the match comes from a creative submission hold that has one wrestler tapping out. But even with an arm raised in victory, the winner decides to add insult to injury with an after the bell submission to leave her foe writhing in pain on the mat.
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7 min 202 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6085: Heidi Lovelace vs Ivelisse
Previously available as Members Match 294
Are Ivelisse's pants ready? Yes they are!
Back and forth until Ivelisse breaks out a painful Boston Crab. Heidi barley escapes and lashes out with some choking and shoulderblocks. Ivelisse cleverly traps her in the corner and escapes to fire back with a Rocking Horse.
Some kicks break the hold, but Heidi tries one of her own, angering Ivelisse into a series of stomps. It isn't long until one lady traps in the other in an inescapable scissors and claims the W.
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7+ min 217 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6084: Amber Nova vs Roni Nicole
Alone in the ring, Amber talks herself up before Roni bursts in to deliver a blistering trash talk session covering everything from Amber’s tiger print gear to her own lack of competition. Nova heads to the outside to deliver a Savate Kick, but soon finds herself run face first into the corner post, door and ring apron! The dazed Amber gets buried under multiple splashes until Roni finally pins her with a single finger.
Amber’s nightmare has only just begun as Roni locks in a Tongan Death Grip that kayos Nova to claim the second fall. Inspired by Amber’s cat-print gear, Roni intends to take all 9 of her lives and decimates poor Amber with a splash off the second rope, a crushing human rolling pin, inverted body-vice and Iron Claw as she collects fall after fall with ease. Amber gets a few shots in and manages to collect a fall of her own, hitting a DDT after ducking one of Roni’s corner splashes, but it is too little too late as Roni retaliates with another Tongan Death Grip to finish off her over-matched foe.
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19 min 788 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6083: Laynie Luck vs Miss Rachel
Laynie is in the ring posing as Heather snaps picture after picture. Laynie thinks she has the ring booked, but Miss Rachel ducks through the ropes to inform Laynie that she has a special arrangement and can use this ring anytime. Luck wants to avoid a confrontation and is willing to postpone her shoot, but Rachel insists Heather continue taking pictures…as she unloads on Laynie with a turnbuckle smash!
Miss Rachel comes prepared and her personal referee is there to slow count as Laynie fights for air in a rope choke. Laynie takes Bodyslams, finger rakes, a Bow & Arrow and a kneed Surfboard as powerful Rachel targets Luck’s back. Laynie is a strong wrestler, but she withers under the pressure of Rachel’s Bearhug before being buried under a corner splash and running Bulldog. A Sleeper puts Laynie down and out and the ‘impartial’ referee taunts Rachel into rag dolling the beaten party unicorn with Piledrivers, double legdrops and a trapezius nerve hold. The barely conscious Laynie is defenseless as Rachel clamps on a tight Boston Crab that finally elicits a submission to end the torture.
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29 min 1.05 GB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6082: Marina Tucker vs Renee Michelle
We open with Renee telling everyone she will beat Marina for the title. The thing is, Marina isn't there yet. Tucker eventually tries to sneak up from behind and nail Michelle with the belt, but Renee has it scouted and evades the attempted attack. Renee starts off an attack of her own by ramming Marina into the turnbuckle, then attempts to snap her fingers! Renee stomps Tucker on the mat, targeting different bodyparts along the way and raking her adversary's back. Marina makes Renee chase her around the ring, but when she catches her Marina gets nailed with the belt!
Tucker finally gets in some offense when she manages to smash Renee with the belt, then returns the favor to Michelle by ramming her into the apron and raking her back. Marina kicks Renee in the back and targets her legs next, then nails a sliding Clothesline for a 2 count. Tucker hits a low, low legdrop and a knee strike for 2 more near falls, then drags her nails across her victim's abs as Renee is in serious trouble. Renee gets choked on the ring ropes, and even with her own hair!
There's an exchange of slaps and straight right hands in the end, until one wrestler finds herself caught in an inescapable Bow & Arrow stretch, leading to a tapout. The winner then straps the belt around her waist, adding insult to injury when she locks the loser in a Camel Clutch while wearing the title!
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13+ min 576 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6081: Kiera Hogan vs Chico Adams
There's no ring announcer for this match, so Chico decides he's going to do his own announcing and declares himself 'everybody's favorite wrestler,' which seems somewhat unlikely. Chico is then less than impressed with Kiera's announcing, so they lock up instead. Kiera soon has her larger opponent on the defensive, which is impressive in and of itself. She forces Chico to the corner and to the safety of the ropes, then displays good sportsmanship by offering a clean break. Moments later however, Adams is reluctant to return the favor when Kiera is in the ropes.
Hogan is able to build enough momentum to drop Adams with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, but soon after that Chico gets a 2 count of his own after a shoulder tackle. He follows up with a hard elbow strike to the top of Kiera's head, then chucks the rule book out the window as he chokes Kiera with his boot. Hogan fires back with chops and a boot choke of her own, then Snapmares Chico to the mat and attempts to make him submit with a Chinlock. Chico escapes and proceeds to drag Kiera's face across the ropes, then drops her after a hard Irish Whip to the corner. But Kiera won't stay down for long, as she rains body blows down on Chico.
Chico continues punishing Kiera with a Clothesline in the corner, more choking, and shoulder thrusts to the midsection. He still only gets a 2 count out of it before Hogan nails some hard forearms and a kick to the face, then a flurry of chops. She gains several near falls along the way until Chico cowardly goes to the eyes. This one ends when one wrestler manages to surprise their opponent with a swift kick to the head for the 1-2-3.
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12+ min 497 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6080: The WoAD vs Lince Dorado
The WoAD begins this match warning Lince that her name is an acronym for "Weapon of Ass Destruction" but Lince doesn't seem impressed... until he gets a face full of it! The WOAD then continues to drop "The Big One" on Lince scoring multiple 2 counts until Lince manages to just barely scurry away in time to avoid catastrophe. He then capitalizes on the grounded WoAD with lots of kicks, a Powerslam and a rear choke but WOAD manages to counter out.
Lince grows frustrated and deliberately kicks WoAD in the rear but WoAD seems amused by this and asks him to continue. After several failed attempts to cause any noticeable damage, WoAD then demonstrates the awesome power of her rear end with a hip attack that sends Lince across the ring. She then drops onto Lince and locks on a Rear Chinlock that Lince bites his way out of. But that barely slows WoAD down and she continues her ass offensive leading to more near falls. Lince finding himself outgunned, turns to illegal rope chokes and even tries to use his own "small cheeks" in a hip attack on WoAD - which does little as he soon discovers after climbing to the top rope. WoAD sends him down very uncomfortably on the turnbuckle and then applies an Airplane Spin and a back body drop. Both combatants are slow to get up, but after several forearms and a Headbutt, WoAD regains the initiative and prepares a final campaign of intense carpet bombing. Will Lince be able to endure the thunderous assault or will he succumb to the thick thighed offensive?
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9+ min 365 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6079: Roni Nicole vs Sahara Se7en
Both grapplers start this Best of 3 Falls Match with a very Japanese handshake of respect and it's not long before Sahara manages to lock in a Sleeperhold and despite Roni's determination, she is soon down on the mat and seemingly out cold. But Sahara calls her bluff and reapplies the Sleeperhold to the possum player. To which a screaming Roni contends she is, in fact, a nine-tailed fox! ...and many anime references follow - but eventually Roni is finally put to sleep and Sahara scores her first fall.
Roni is then rudely awakened for their next contest but this time, Roni pounds the overconfident Sahara to the mat and applies a series of belly claws and ab grinds before locking in a seated reverse Bearhug, a leg scissors, a Boston Crab and a Camel Clutch which leave Sahara hurting and barely able to continue. Now it's Roni that beams with confidence as she heads to the top rope to put Sahara down for good.
Is this curtains for Sahara or is Roni about to make a catastrophic mistake?
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13 min 542 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6078: The Amazon & Ivelisse vs Layne Rosario
Layne immediately notices that Amazon and Ivelisse are dressed identically in black attire with white socks. She learns why, as Amazon shoves her in the face, and when Layne returns the favor, Ivelisse immediately clubs her over the back and drills her into the corner. From there, Ivelisse and Amazon launch a relentless doubleteam over the course of the next 18 minutes as Layne can only take what’s being dished out.
The duo work over Layne in the corners and work her over with multiple double foot chokes and double rope chokes, standing on her hair and yanking at her arms, and locking her in numerous submission combos. When Layne does manage a little bit of offense, her momentum is immediately shut down, as the numbers game is just too much for the solo grappler.
The dastardly duo taunt and kick at the prone Layne, who can’t even get up off the mat by the end of the beatdown, but not satisfied simply with beating on Layne inside the ring, Ivelisse and Amazon toss her outside the ring, where they slam her face-first into the ring apron, ringpost, and the wall. When a steel folding chair and one more doubleteam move come into play, there’s no need to declare Ivelisse and Amazon winners (though they’re happy to do that themselves), it’s abundantly clear by the motionless Layne on the outside floor just who won this matchup.
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19+ min 793 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6077: Diamante vs Mila Moore
The brand new REDEEEM Champion isn’t defending her belt but is anxious to cut a promo for all her fans but Diamante has other ideas…namely beating her with her own title belt, the garage door, a wall and a couple of ring posts just for starters!
To be fair to Mila is isn’t up to her whether a REDEEM Title match is scheduled or not but Diamante doesn’t care! She feels slighted and won’t be satisfied until she’s taken her frustrations out on the new Champion and boy does she! Pretty much a sitting duck after the mauling on the floor Moore’s long legs get twisted and bent and her back is subjected to measured running strikes and a Suplex. Chokes keep her weakened as Diamante pours on the insults and the boots in what is more of a mugging than a match.
A brief show of heart is brought to a halt in a stunning manner and a nerve pinch stranglehold scissors combo have the Champion tapping but Diamante wants to embarrass Mila more than anything and doesn’t release it until she passes out! Diamante isn’t the new Champion but the Championship Committee might have a hard time getting Mila’s belt back!
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8 min 297 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6076: Ava Everett vs Ariel & Ivelisse
Ivelisse and Ariel are in the ring and immediately start arguing over which one of them is the meanest wrestler around. They decide to test their claims on the nearest bystander, which just so happens to be a very unfortunate Ava Everett. The pair toss an unsuspecting Ava in the ring and suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a handicap match.
Ariel and Ivelisse constantly force tag-ins throughout the match, arguing over whose turn it is to beat down on Ava. Ava doesn’t manage to mount any offense, she instead has to cling on for dear life as her two opponents throw her around the ring and show off just how mean they can be. The two wrestlers come at Ava full force with a flurry of Headbutts, corner strikes, a single leg Boston Crab, a leg-trapped Surfboard and more. Ariel and Ivelisse one up each other at every turn, demanding that Ava declare one of them the meanest. The two ladies especially put Ava’s hair through the wringer, grabbing hold of it every chance they got and modifying holds to have a handful of her hair at all times.
After a long and thorough beat down, the queens of mean toss Ava back out of the ring. In the end neither Ivelisse nor Ariel is declared the winner, but we’re pretty sure Ava lost this one.
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13 min 499 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6075: Ray Lyn vs Zoey Skye
After engaging in some debate over who is the superior athlete, Ray and Zoey try to prove their claim with a display of push ups. When this proves indecisive, Zoey suggests a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match to truly establish who is the fittest. Ray agrees and the match is on.
After a positive start from Ray, Zoey is soon dictating the action. Frequently targeting Ray's midsection, Zoey is able to keep her rival on the defensive. Zoey also uses the absence of an official to her advantage, repeatedly punishing Ray in the ropes. However, Zoey's dominance soon turns to overconfidence and a moment's lapse in concentration sees Ray score the first fall with a quick roll up.
Buoyed by her surprise lead, Ray starts the second round with a renewed belief and takes control from the outset. Zoey is dominated with strikes to the gut, belly claws, Bearhugs, bodyscissors and more as Ray relishes her superiority. A simple but powerful kick ends this one and puts one wrestler down for the count, before (and long after!) the inevitable 1-2-3 has been counted.
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15+ min 633 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6074: Kelsey Raegan vs Lena Kross & Shazza McKenzie
Kimber Lee has the busy task of refereeing this Triple Threat 3 Way Dance. As is often the case in such matches, when the bell rings to start the action, alliances are quickly made. In this case, it is Lena and Shazza who join forces to attack Kelsey. Outnumbered, it isn't long before Kelsey is being pinned - by both Lena AND Shazza.
Somehow Lena is able to kick out, but her situation has not improved. However, inevitably cracks soon begin to show in her opponent's partnership, as Shazza repeatedly attempts to pin Kelsey all by herself. And when the two women turn on one another, a recovered Kelsey goes on the attack, taking them out with a Clothesline and a Neckbreaker.
Kelsey continues to dominate until the change in their fortunes restores Lena and Shazza's bond and once again they go on the dual attack. However, time spent communicating allows Kelsey to recover and a flying crossbody from the top rope leads to another double pin, only now with Lena and Shazza on the receiving end. But will it be enough to score Kelsey an impressive victory?
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13+ min 1.17 GB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6073: Renee Michelle vs Shazza McKenzie
Renee is stretching in the ring when Shazza enters, grabs her by the hair, and floors Renee with forearms and multiple Headbutts. Shazza adds a new twist to an old classic by standing on Renne’s hands and pulling at her head.
Slamming her face-first to the mat, Shazza then wraps Renee’s hair around the rope and yanks at it. She works over Renee in the corner, repeatedly slams her face-first into the top turnbuckle, then tops it off with a bone-jarring Bodyslam.
But Shazza lifts up Renee at the count of 2, delivering a Headbutt and a running Clothesline before attempting another pin attempt (and again lifting Renee at the 2 count). At this point, it’s no longer a matter of who will win, it’s a matter of when Shazza decides that Renee has had enough and how will she finish the match.
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9+ min 393 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6072: Dani Jordyn vs Laynie Luck
Miss Rachel is our guest referee for this 1 Fall bout. With introductions out of the way, the match begins and it's immediately clear that this will be a hard fought and even balanced contest.
The opening moments are a back and forth affair, as Laynie and Dani exchange armlocks, Headlocks and Headscissors. Any periods of dominance for either wrestler are short, as their opponent is soon battling back. There are near falls on both sides, as Laynie almost earns a submission with an effective STF. And Dani scores a 2 1/2 count with a DDT.
In the end, a double-toed Leglock looks like it might finish this one. But a skillful reversal into a Fujiwara Armbar turns the tide and a submission quickly follows. All that remains is for Rachel to raise the winner's arm after a well-deserved victory.
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12+ min 459 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6071: Leva vs Mike Law
Mike is desperately looking for any competition in the ring, when librarian Leva enters with a book and tells Mike to “Shhhhhhh.” She declares the book, “Good as Dead,” as Mike’s autobiography, and Mike doesn’t take kindly to it. He connects with a big boot to the face, then clubs Leva over the back of the head with the hardback book. He flattens her with a Pedigree, then locks her in a Sharpshooter.
Mike keeps wearing down Leva with a choke hold, double Chickenwing, and a Full Nelson. But when he tries for another Pedigree, Leva hits him with a low blow to turn the tables. Cut when Leva attempts her own Pedigree, Mike reverses and hits one of his own to regain the advantage. He drills her with a Piledriver and wails on her with the book once more.
Leva tries one more time to gain the offensive, but Mike quickly puts down her efforts and ends the match in a definitive fashion.
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9 min 386 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6070: Shelly Benson vs Chico Adams
Newcomer Shelly locks up with Chico as the pair get right to work. Armlocks, Headlocks, Hammerlocks and reversals dominate the early action until Shelly sends Chico on his backside with a shoulderblock. Adams retaliates with a kneelift and takes control, working Shelly over with Headbutts, turnbuckle smashes and a rope-leveraged double arm stretch.
Shelly takes a beating but manages to reverse a whip to the corner and follows up with a splash on a stunned Chico! Shelly takes the fight to Adams, choking him out on the ropes. Chico may not have expect such a battle from his inexperienced foe and is forced to brawl his way back into the match. He hits a stunning elbow to the back of Shelly’s head and claps a kneed Surfboard on his dazed opponent. Benson takes a moment to recover, but fights her way free before clamping on a tight Sleeper. Chico makes it to his feet with Shelly riding his back, but can he find a counter to the deadly hold before Shelly puts him out for good?
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6 min 229 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6069: Ava Everett, Bashley Bones, Kaitland Alexis & Miss Rachel
Having proven herself as a fighting champion vs an obnoxious Brit, Ava finds herself nose to nose with an enormous one in Miss Rachel, her 2nd REDEEEM Title defense just got a lot harder!
Kaitland opens with some impressive Hula Hooping but as a foreign object it’s somewhat lacking and Rachel takes offense leading to some frankly scary offense! A huge slam, Sidewalk Slam and an avalanche that shakes the ring all rock Alexis and a Tombstone should have put her away but Rachel isn’t satisfied. Determined to make an example of the upstart she turns Kaitland into a human Hula Hoop making herself dizzy as Ava enters with a cutter! But the band has trouble warming up as Ava’s knee gives way at the worst time as the room stops spinning for Rachel so she can rock their worlds! Ava was hoping for an ally but gets a liability as they are squashed in multiple corners, the Champion having no choice but to eliminate her hoping for better from entrant number 4!
But it’s her worst nightmare as while trapped in a Lotus Lock Bashley is happy to reign down rights on her! Rachel’s had her problems being outnumbered in International REDEEMS and this time has an ally of her own! Already devastated by a tombstone Ava crumbles under the combined onslaught of an Implant Buster, Bashley bustered onto her and a huge splash from Rachel! Bashley’s served the Title up to Rachel on a silver platter but Gold has a funny way of making things unpredictable!
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14+ min 576 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6068: Chelsea Durden vs Marina Tucker
A confident Chelsea has a challenge for Marina when they meet in the ring, suggesting an 'I Quit' Match. Marina agrees and the match begins. However, it isn't long before it seems that Chelsea may have chosen the wrong stipulation. Though not for the reason you might expect.
The problem is not that Chelsea finds herself up against any kind of threat from Marina. Quite the opposite, in fact. So dominant is Chelsea's offense, Marina is unable to quit on account of being repeatedly KOed. A grinding Headlock, a standing Headscissor and a Triangle Choke are just the first three ways that Chelsea sends Marina to sleep. And she's not done yet.
Further KO's result from a Lotus Leglock, a Hangman Sleeper, a Camel Clutch and more. In the end, sheer frustration leads to Chelsea tiring of her total dominance and she ends up quitting herself, technically losing the match. However, a still unconscious Marina left face down on the canvas might suggest otherwise.
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15+ min 717 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6067: Bashley Bones vs Sahara Se7en
Bashley is lying in the ring as Sahara enters with a mission. She’s been paid to beat up blondes. The fact that Bashley isn’t blonde doesn’t seem to be an issue, as Sahara immediately attacks with a forearm, slam into the top turnbuckle, and choke along the top rope. Tossing Bashley into the opposite corner.
Sahara locks on a Full Nelson, then drops Bashley face first into the mat. She applies a Camel Clutch, then rams Bashley’s face into the mat several times. Adding insult to injury, Sahara supplements several of her submission holds with hairpulls and yanks.
After manhandling Bashley throughout the match, Sahara ends it with a few hairpull-assisted submission holds, the final one leaving Bashley out cold and face down on the canvas.
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11- min 454 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6066: Ivelisse vs Miss Rachel
You can see the concern in Ivelisse’s eyes as she and Miss Rachel circle each other before locking up for this Submissions Only Match. Her fears are quickly realized as Rachel clamps on a tight Side Headlock, dragging Ivelisse to the canvas where she begins a targeted assault on the Puerto Rican’s beauty’s back. Double ax handle blows and Headbutts to the spine give way to a Bow & Arrow followed by a devastating elevated double Chickenwing. Ivelisse’s screams turn to moans as the pain settles in and by the time Rachel releases the hold Ivelisse has no feeling in her limbs.
With the broken Ivelisse at her mercy, Rachel proves that she has none, cinching in a tight Boston Crab, Texas Cloverleaf and Rocking Horse. Like a child with a new Christmas toy, Rachel returns to the elevated double Chickenwing time and again, much to the dismay of Ivelisse. Rachel compliments her opponent’s perseverance even as she continues to twist her spine into knots until finally Ivelisse can take no more. Unfortunately for Ivelisse, Rachel isn’t quite done testing out her new favorite hold.
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14 min 664 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6065: Dani Jordyn vs Heather Monroe
Miss Rachel refs this matchup and immediately Heather makes her disapproval of Dani’s claim to be the submission queen known. Heather declares herself the real submission queen and challenges Dani to a Best 2 out of 3 Sleeperholds match. Dani happily accepts Heather’s “easy” challenge and Rachel begins the match.
The two competitors lock up and trade holds, seeming evenly matched until Dani gets the upper hand with a Sleeperhold. Before Heather can pass out Dani sends her down to the mat and pummels her with stomps and mounted strikes. Heather tries to fight back but is caught in a standing Sleeperhold, which would eventually see her pass out and award the first fall to Dani.
Heather is still groggy as the action starts back up, but that doesn’t stop her from gaining some much-needed momentum. The blonde wrestler wears Dani down with a Camel Clutch and a Boston Crab, supporting her claim as submission queen before locking on a Sleeperhold and putting Dani to sleep.
It’s all tied up at 1-1 and it’s anyone's match to win. The ladies restart with a test of strength, which Dani quickly takes advantage of and tries to lock on another sleeper. Can Heather hold on and turn the tables? Or will Dani become the new submission queen?
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16 min 585 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6064: Mila Moore vs Cam Stewart
‘People’s Champion’ Cam Stewart defends his title in a Best of 5 Falls match against Mila. Cam offers a handshake but Mila slaps it away before blasting his face with another swat! Mila controls a fingerlock against the stunned Cam, taking him to the canvas for a series of mounted punches. Mila rules the ring, declaring the match to be No DQ before delivering a Sidewalk Slam and brutal low blow to collect the first pin.
The referee reluctantly goes along with Mila’s No DQ decree, as she sends Cam to the outside where she bounces his head off the ring apron and corner post before sending him back for another pin! Cam is jelly as Mila buries him with shoulderblocks in the corner before lighting him up with another low blow. Cam tries to recover with a fingerlock, but Mila makes him pay and delivers a humiliating pin to take the match.
Mila poses with the title over the former champ before offering to ‘hug it out’. Mila’s hug turns into a low blow and she has another in store for the ref, leaving them both laid out as she exits the ring victorious.
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13 min 546 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6063: Renee Michelle vs Rocky Radley
Renee targets Rocky’s right leg early on in this hard-fought and hard-hitting battle, stomping Rocky’s leg after a legsweep takedown, jamming it into the mat, then wrapping it around the middle rope and kicking at it and standing on it. Renee continues to focus on Rocky’s leg, and quickly shuts down a rally when Rocky whips her into the corner, but she snaps a big boot to Rocky’s face. Renee straddles her opponent and rains down forearms, rakes of the eyes, and boot scrapes on Rocky’s face.
Rocky powers her way out of a seated Abdominal Stretch and blasts Renee with clubs and forearm strikes. Renee responds and the two trade forearms from their knees, then up to their feet, before the 2 put each other down with a double Clothesline off the ropes. But just because one wrestler appears to be in control, that doesn’t mean her opponent doesn’t have a nifty escape and a submission hold or two in her back pocket, just waiting for the right time to apply and end the match.
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10 min 389 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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SLAMpeg 6062: Camron Star vs Miss Rachel
Previously available as Members Match 293
You’d think a ref would notice a bright yellow taped fist, maybe he’s color blind, but Camron sure notices it as she takes a vicious punch and several thumbs to the throat! With her opponent unable to protest anything verbally the fun can really begin for Miss Rachel!
Continuing to take every liberty her taped fist allows Miss Rachel adds a vicious stomach claw, Surfboard and even a claw to her thigh. But the rulebreaking hasn’t stopped nor has the cruelty with Headscissors, more claws to nontraditional places and even biting! An iron Claw and Boston Crab return to the more technical side but then she remembers Camron is barefoot so to the crueler spectrum of her offense returns.
A tight Rear Chinlock looks like it’s going to put Camron out of her misery only someone forgot to tell Camron! Does she regret her clever counter or put a lot of pent up rage to good use?
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9+ min 153 MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6061: Courtney Rush vs Santana
Previously available as Members Match 292
Energetic uber-athlete Santana is stretching and working up a sweat with some cardio between matches as Courtney ducks through the ropes. Santana offers to share the ring while Courtney waits for her opponent to show up, but Rush has other ideas, laying into Santana with a kick to the leg that sends her crashing to the canvas!
It seems Courtney is Santana’s next opponent and she makes Santana pay for not knowing as she targets her legs with kicks and stomps before blasting away at the brunette beauty’s hamstrings. Courtney grinds away with an elbow inside Santana’s thigh, promising to do damage that no amount of stretching will fix. Rush works Santana’s legs through the ropes, stretching a mauling her until Santana legs give out on her. A devastating shin breaker puts Santana on the canvas for good and Courtney cranks up the stakes as she fetches a ringside bat.
Rush lays into Santana’s knees and ankles with bat strikes before removing Santana’s shoe and clamping on a tight anklelock. Injured and overwhelmed, Santana is forced into a humiliating submission as Courtney completely steamrolls her decimated foe.
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5+ min 201 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6060: Jazz vs Luscious Latasha
Previously available as Members Match 291
Latasha’s life probably flashes before her eyes as Jazz twice has her wide open in a corner and twice breaks clean so you can’t blame her for a quick go behind after the 3rd lockup. They trade Full Nelsons and Hammerlocks with various go behinds before a Headlock Takedown leads to a Headscissor counter, and yeas Latasha is still alive when it’s over.
The action goes right back to the mat trading facelocks, Hammerlocks and armbars. But suddenly the trading stops as Jazz punishes both of Latasha’s shoulders while tying her arms in knots. A kickout just leads Latasha into a vice like front face lock as Jazz has become the cat toying with her mouse. Latasha finally finds a way out but not all Front Facelocks are created equal and hers barely troubles Jazz who counters into not your run of the mill Hammerlock!
Latasha’s got guts but Jazz when Jazz decides she wants to win a match that is usually what happens, can Latasha pull out a miracle before she does just that?
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6- min 209 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6059: Lorelei Lee vs Mercedes Martinez
Previously available as Members Match 290
Among the earliest matches shot in our first facility, so there are some color issues while we found our footing.
Mercedes blindsides a stretching Lorelei in the corner with a foreign object and in the blink of an eye her limp arm has fallen to the canvas 3 times, get used to that sight, it happens quite often! A tight Sleeper and Dragon Sleeper clutch produce the same result while Mercedes’s heel drives any air left in Lee’s body out with only a series of involuntary spasms delaying that 3rd limp arm drop!
After a series of chokes without limp arm drops Lorelei’s like a kid not wanting to wake up for school, problem is she keeps falling asleep in the classroom and a tight guillotine lock is her latest lesson! If brain damage hasn’t already happened yet Mercedes’s Brainbuster rectifies that with a DDT likely adding an aneurysm and a few more limp arm drops! Martinez won’t release a cruel Figure Four Headscissors until Lee’s face is the same color as her leotard as her limp arm hits the canvas again.
A Fisherman’s Buster leaves the hapless blonde flopping on the mat like the catch of the day only to be thrown back so a Neckbreaker can leave her in much the same condition! One last convulsion after a Heart Punch is enough for Referee Josie who finally puts an end to Martinez’s fun!
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10+ min 332 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6058: Angela vs Jessie McKay
Previously available as Members Match 289
There's no ref and it's straight into the action for this 1 Fall bout. It's an intense and focused bout, with no showboating or trashtalk. These women are only here to wrestle.
The early stages are a finely balanced contest, showcasing both wrestler's ability in both applying and countering holds. Armlocks, Headlocks, scissors and more are exchanged as the women vie for control. Jessie tries to wear Angela down with a tight, grinding Headlock, but Angela responds with a Lotus Leglock and a Sleeperhold.
Soon the tide swings back to Jessie and she begins to assert the first period of real dominance on proceedings, working Angela over with a Straitjacket Choke, a boot to the throat and a Camel Clutch. In the end, an innovative Short Arm Scissor/Single Leg Boston combo brings an immediate submission. But is it the culmination of Jessie's dominance? Or does Angela pull off an impressive comeback?
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9 min 323 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6057: Leva vs Rhia O'Reilly
Previously available as Members Match 288
Chasyn is here to officiate and makes the introductions for this 1 Fall Submission Match. The match begins and it doesn't take long before Leva asserts some authority on the action. Focusing on Rhia's arms, Leva applies a succession of armlocks, Hammerlocks, armbars and more. Rhia endures and battles back with a Side Headlock and dishes out some arm punishment of her own with a Lotus Leglock. However, an impressive counter from Leva sees her reverse her predicament and trap Rhia in a Headlock/bodyscissor combo. Still the action swings back and forth, as Rhia works a painful leglock in hope of scoring the winning fall.
As the match approaches it's conclusion, a Camel Clutch leaves one wrestler vulnerable to a subsequently applied Bearhug. And it isn't long before they are desperately crying out their submission. But is it a crushing win for Rhea? Or perhaps Leva just couldn't 'bear' to lose this one!
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9+ min 340 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6056: Allysin Kay vs Ivelisse
Previously available as Members Match 287
Allysin immediately takes exception to Ivelisse smiling at her thinking she’s the butt of some kind of joke. Add in some resourcefulness in the opening moments and the AK-47 is in a foul mood and it’s likely not to get much better.
Ivelisse struggles to cope with body blows, great ring positioning, corner work and a little fish hooking to try and see that smile again. She still remains as resourceful as ever firing back when she can and after enduring a deep half Crab almost steals it with a Sunset Flip infuriating Allysin!
With her arm isolated and taking abuse Ivelisse has one last desperate gambit left. Both submission specialists have holds that can end this one in in an instant and that’s just what happens!
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6 min 213 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6055: Jayme Jameson vs Sara Del Rey
Previously available as Members Match 286
This matchup is technically a Submissions Only matchup, but it would be better titled as a “When Will Jayme Jameson Submit” match.
Poor Jayme is run through the ringer by technical specialist Sara in this matchup, and is helpless from the opening bell as Sara locks on a Full Nelson, then transitions it into a Hammerlock and then an armbar. She applies a standing judo armbar and cranks up the pressure on Jayme.
Sara works over Jayme on the mat with a Front Facelock, then wrenches Jayme’s arm behind her head. A standing armbar turns into an Abdominal Stretch on the mat, then Sara locks on a leglock with a Chinlock for added pressure. An elevated Surfboard and back-breaking straitjacket hold has Jayme ready to tap out. There’s no doubt that it’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of what hold Sara wants to use to end this dominating performance.
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9+ min 342 MB MP4 Format, Remastered at 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6054: Holidead vs Renee Michelle
Renee is understandably intimidated but Holidead tries to set her mind at ease before going downstairs! A Camel Clutch punishes Michelle with plenty of taunting followed by an introduction to all 4 corners, Renee will be very will acquainted with them by the time this one is over!
The back left corner gets first dibs as a Bearhugged Renee is driven into it the pummeled with the arms trapped by the ropes. The opposite corner joins in the fun as a seated Michelle takes a pair of running knees! The mat actually gets used a little but Holidead revisits the Bearhug into the 3 turnbuckles then her back takes similar abuse in Bodyslam position ending in a tree of woe and more pummeling! After a vicious low Headbutt Renee kicks out of what would have been a merciful pin. Her insanity is not rewarded as she’s driven shoulder first into a post then trapped and stretched in the ropes, with an encore in another corner! A huge Backbreaker and stretch clearly absolutes should end it, but again Renee won’t stay down for the mercy pin. 2 more shoulder posts and an avalanche later it is clear the time for mercy has passed!
A Sidewalk Slam, legdrop and splash aren’t enough to satisfy Holidead, only after another slam, legdrop and 2 splashes is Holidead satisfied with this massacre!
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12+ min 494 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6053: Kelsey Raegan vs Mila Moore
Mere moments into this 1 Fall contest, Kelsey finds herself floating through the air courtesy of an old school Monkey Flip delivered by Mila. After landing and finding herself whipped into the corner, Kelsey catches Mila’s kick attempt and DDTs her leg into the mat. Kelsey zeroes in on Mila’s leg immediately, wrenching it around the ringpost, slamming Mila’s leg into the mat repeatedly, and applying numerous leglocks and anklelocks.
Kelsey also locks in a one-legged Boston Crab, and when Mila manages to get to the ropes to break the hold, Kelsey goes right back to stomping and kicking at the battered leg. Kelsey applies another Boston Crab and an anklelock. Mila escapes, and a perfectly timed low blow away from the ref’s vision scores her a shocking 3 count and victory.
But that’s not even close to the end of this. Mila may have won the battle, but Kelsey, with the aid of a steel chair, is going to make sure she loses the war.
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12+ min 521 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 6052: Roni Nicole vs Sahara Se7en
Two powerhouses lock up and Sahara impresses when she backs Roni into the corner. She then tries a Waistlock, but Roni easily gets out of that one and drags Sahara's face across the ropes, only stopping to ram her head into the turnbuckle. Roni presses the advantage with shoulder thrusts in the corner and a boot choke.
The two exchange forearms until Sahara stuns Roni with a trio of Clotheslines in the corner. She then drops Roni with an impactful DDT for a close near fall. But when Roni dodges a charging Sahara, she drops her with a DDT of her own for the win. But the action is far from over after that. Roni pummels and chokes away at Sahara some more, eventually laying her out with a huge Samoan Drop and absolutely flattening her with a Vader Bomb. Only then does Roni exit the ring, leaving Sahara to be surgically removed from the mat.
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12 min 517 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6051: Chelsea Durden vs Renee Michelle
Renee stretches in the ring as Chelsea slithers in behind her. Renee has a Best of 5 Falls Match scheduled with Marina and listens in disbelief as Chelsea all but confesses to hijacking the match. Durden unloads with a forearm from behind, laying into Renee with stomps, double ax handle blows and a vertical splash before trapping her in a vicious hair stand. Renee ducks a corner splash and hits Chelsea with stomps, kicks and a boot choke.
Renee stretches out Chelsea with a double-toed Surfboard complete with ox pull before rolling her over for a pin! Michelle goes to work on the second fall with no break, laying into Chelsea with rope chokes, a seated Abdominal Stretch and a four-corner turnbuckle smash tour of the ring! Renee clamps on a half Chinlock/half Sleeper, all choke-out Headlock until Durden falls limp to the canvas. Down a pair of falls, Chelsea is at her most dangerous. She recovers with a pair of Bearhugs that leave Renee face down on the canvas and evens up the falls in a hurry.
It’s anybody’s match to win, but the end will only come after a baseball bat enters the fray for a wild finish.
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21- min 886 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6050: Bashley Bones vs Mike Law
Mike declares that Bashley simply isn’t colossal enough to face him, challenging her to a fingerlock test of strength to start things off. Bashley braces against Mike’s strength, but Law changes the game and proves to be every bit as quick as he is strong, sliding in and out of armwringers, Hammerlocks and Front Facelocks as Bashley struggles to keep up. Mike maneuvers Bashley into a crucifix armbar and nearly takes the match before transitioning to a double-toed Chinlock as he demonstrates his technical prowess at Bashley’s expense.
Bashley seems to be over-matched by her opponent, but sees an opening and finally unleashes a series of kneelifts that halts Mike’s momentum, before burying him in the corner with a trio of shoulderblocks. Law won’t be contained and whips Bones hard to the corner, but she ducks his follow up splash and plants him in the canvas with a brutal Bulldog! Both wrestlers take a beating in this fast-paced match until a final prolonged Sleeper leads to a knockout finish after a long struggle.
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6+ min 266 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6049: Ava Everett vs Mila Moore
Ava and Mila take it slowly and carefully as they work their way through a methodical feeling-out process to open this 1 Fall matchup. Ava takes it up a notch after offering a test of strength, then kicks Mila in the gut, sweeps her leg to take her to the mat, and wraps her in a Side Headlock. Ava works over Mila from behind, then in the corner. She chokes her against the rope, and when Mila looks for someone to force Ava to break the illegal maneuver, Ava responds with “I’m the ref. I make the rules.”
Ava immediately chokes Mila again, rains down forearm shots in the corner, and locks her in a rear chokehold and a belly claw, refusing to break the holds even when Mila has reached the ropes. Mila manages to find an opening off a missed charge into the corner and floors Ava with running Clotheslines and a Pedigree, but can only get a 2 count.
As both women struggle to get back to their feet, Ava traps Mila in the corner again and ascends to the second rope. Mila finds an opening again, but does she have enough to capitalize and score the victory, or is Ava simply toying with her foe before securing an inevitable 3 count?
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10- min 395 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6048: Ray Lyn vs The WoAD
The WoAD attacks Ray Lyn at the bell with forearm strikes and a running splash in the corner. Ray responds with forearm strikes, and after avoiding a WoAD running charge in the corner, takes her to the mat and locks on a double Chickenwing. Ray Lyn whips WoAD into the corner, but misses a running knee, opening the door for the WoAD to go after Ray’s knee. WoAD stomps on Ray Lyn’s leg, wrenches it around the ropes, and slams her leg to the mat repeatedly. A Figure Four Leglock adds to Ray Lyn’s agony, but she’s able to make it to the ropes to escape the hold.
The WoAD continues to focus her attack on Ray’s damaged leg with double leg drops and stomps, while also wearing her down with chokes and chokeholds. What looks like an easy victory is snatched by an opportunistic roll-up that scores a 3 count for one of these grapplers. But the winner ends up looking like anything but, as the defeated wrestler launches another attack after the bell that involves a steel chair and a grappler flat on the mat.
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12 min 491 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6047: Kimber Lee vs Salina de la Renta
This is a special KOs Only Match. Kimber is quick to remind Salina that she has no chance, and that she will humiliate de la Renta after she's done stretching. Unfortunately for Kimber, Salina has no intention to wait. She attacks from behind and chokes Kimber out in a matter of seconds. Kimber is out like a light, and remains unconscious despite Salina's best attempts to wake her up. She drops an elbow on Kimber and locks her in a Surfboard, but Kimber's body remains limp.
Salina then humiliates her victim by showing her unconscious face to the camera before locking her in a Bow & Arrow submission. Salina then pulls her up and hooks her in a Pedigree, covering her for the pinfall but pulling her up at 2. She then puts a vice grip om Kimber's head and even does a little ventriloquist act with her KOd victim. She then stands Kimber up against the ropes, only to knock her down again with a brutal forearm. But Kimber's misery is far from over, as Salina proceeds to take a few selfies for social media, tagging Kimber's followers along the way. Salina tries several more moves on Kimber, but it does nothing to help her regain her senses. Eventually, Salina puts Kimber up in the corner and leaves her there. It will probably be a while before Kimber regains consciousness, but when she does, she'd be wise to see a doctor and not look at her socials for a while.
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9 min 375 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6046: Marina Tucker vs Renee Michelle
Renee decides to challenge for Marina's championship. Marina thinks Renee is not ready, but Renee disagrees and says the belt would look far better on her. Renee opens with a Waistlock, which Marina counters into an armwringer. Renee turns the tables and starts ripping at Marina's face, then jumps on her back. Marina gets back in the fight with a shot to the abs, then ties Renee up in the ropes until she gets a verbal submission. Renee finds herself tossed out of the ring after that, and gets her head rammed into the ring apron.
This apparently woke Renee up a bit, as she fights back a little harder after that. Marina begs for a timeout and even offers to team up with Renee, but no such luck for Tucker. Renee nails a big kick to the head, then a Neckbreaker for a 2 count. Marina retaliates with a back Suplex, a Surfboard, and a straitjacket choke. But Renee won't be denied as she executes 2 more Neckbreakers and a legdrop to collect several near falls. This competitive match ends when one wrestler is unable to continue after all the punishment and her arm drops 3 times.
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10+ min 470 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6045: Lena Kross vs Rocky Radley
Rocky is surprised to see Lena stretching when she arrives in the ring. Rocky declares that Lena is a joke, and plans to deliver several “punch”lines.
Instead, it’s Lena who takes the early offensive, hitting Rocky with several clubs to the back, running shoulderblocks off the ropes, and shoulderblocks in the corner. After missing a kick in the corner, Lena falls victim to numerous punches, kicks and rope chokes. A Sidewalk Slam and a pair of Spinebusters leaves Lena down on the mat. Rocky connects on an Atomic Drop and an Abdominal Stretch on the mat.
Lena escapes, but soon finds herself trapped in a crossface submission hold, then gets speared right out of her boots. The match ends with a submission hold, and the unsatisfied victor continuing to attack the loser, putting her out with a GTS and posing over her unconscious foe.
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7+ min 275 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6044: Amber Nova vs Miss Rachel
Amber is wearing some patriotic stars and stripes gear, while Miss Rachel is proudly wearing the Union Jack on hers. Amber is confident that "American muscle is taking it home for the win", while Miss Rachel is just waiting for Amber to tire herself out talking. Rachel waits for the right moment and catches Amber with a sudden low blow, then proceeds to pummel Nova. Amber calls her a dirty Brit, but there's no ref in sight to call for a disqualification, so Rachel could care less.
Rachel continues by choking away at her victim, then floors her with a Hairmare and a Chinlock. She rakes Amber's eyes and back, getting increasingly annoyed by Nova's chants of USA, USA and 'Merica! Rachel drops Amber with a Bodyslam and chains together a couple of near falls after a legdrop and a running Hip Attack. Amber tries to motivate herself with another USA chant, but Rachel ignores it by locking in a Camel Clutch in an attempt to break Amber's back and make her humble.
Rachel dominates 90% of this match but Amber is finally able to dodge a charge and catch Rachel off-guard with a Headscissors into a turnbuckle smash. She then flies off the second rope, taking Rachel down in the process. She follows up with an offensive flurry, hitting Rachel with a Superkick, modified stunner, and DDT. Will it be enough to take down the dirty Brit?
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10 min 414 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6043: Diamante vs Kiera Hogan
Diamante warns Kiera about her perfect 10-0 record before their match starts, but Kiera is confident and says Diamante shouldn't have such a cocky attitude. Diamante suggests a test of strength to start, and it's pretty even until Kiera manages to push Diamante into a bridging position. The latter manages to get to the ropes, and Hogan gives her a clean break. But Kiera then makes the mistake of going for a leg dive, with Diamante evading it and kicking her square in the face!
Diamante then wraps Kiera's hair around the ropes, then chokes her on those same ropes. It's now becoming painfully obvious how Diamante got to her perfect 10-0 record. She stomps Kiera in the lower, lower abdomen, and despite Kiera's occasional attempts to fight back, Diamante controls most of the match. She puts Hogan in a Camel Clutch, throws some vicious jabs to her jaw, and nearly chokes her out with a Reverse Chinlock. She stomps on every part of Kiera's body before twice locking in a Bearhug. If Kiera wants to turn the tables, she'd better come up with something real fast!
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14+ min 607 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6042: Leva vs Miss Rachel & Roni Nicole
Leva finds herself in the ring with 2 giant teddy bears that just want to love her and what better way to demonstrate that than a Bearhug from Roni? Well a Bearhug from both Roni AND Rachel of course!
Leva doesn’t appreciate this tough love and she appreciates it even less in for form of a deep Camel Clutch. Rachel tries to add a Crab combo but Leva doesn’t have quite enough real estate for both teddy bears to fit so they take turns giving her deep Crabs.
A suffocating Headscissors from Rachel leaves Leva unable to give Roni a clear signal whether she also wants a Figure Four Leglock, obviously she does not but that doesn’t stop Rachel from reversing roles and Leva quickly succumbs to some very tough love!
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10 min 451 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6041: Ava Everett vs Ivelisse
Ivelisse stalks Ava as she touts her recent international success but someone at ringside gives her away and a Cutter and Superkick later Ava pursues another success on the floor. No one warns her of the Scorpion Kick she eats and nothing can save her from the wall, post or spears with a steel chair!
A sadistic Figure Four Leglock around the ring post softens Ava’s knee up for a non-strop ringer of exotic submissions starting with Ivelisse’s “SLAMminladies Special” trapping Ava in an elevated knot.
A rowboat, punishing Bow & Arrow add some back abuse but its Kongo Clutch variant that have Ava accusing Ivelisse of trying to blow her knee out, don’t give her ideas Ava! Between more knee abuse and combo holds Everett shows her displeasure as best she can but Ivelisse shatters any dreams of a comeback. The chair makes a return with Ava in a tree of woe and woe is her in a Figure Four in the middle of the ring.
An excruciating counter to the Figure Four finally gives Ava a chance to cut her way back into this one but she wants payback and the chair calls her name but sadly her it has her name all over it as her potential salvation leads to a special demise!
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17- min 704 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6040: Holidead vs Marina Tucker
Holidead and Marina compliment each other on their strength before locking up. Things are pretty even as they charge at each other with shoulder tackles. Neither woman goes down until Holidead is finally able to knock Tucker to the mat. She follows up with shoulder thrusts in the corner, then picks Marina up with ease, ramming her into the turnbuckle back-first. Not to be outdone, Marina returns the favor with shoulder thrusts of her own and a running Hip Attack for a near fall.
Marina slams Holidead's face into the mat and locks her in a straitjacket choke, but Holidead comes back with shots to the midsection and a chop to the throat. Holidead continues to build momentum with a Bearhug, a splash in the corner, and a big Sidewalk Slam for a 2 count. The two wrestlers exchange chops until Marina pokes her adversary in the eye, but Holidead scores with another Sidewalk Slam. It's a hard-hitting, back and forth contest where Holidead controls most of the later stages of the match, but Marina is able to fight back every now and then. This one ends when one grappler consecutively hits a Bodyslam, Suplex, and devastating Implant Buster for the 1-2-3.
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11- min 442 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6039: Ravyn Knight vs Sahara Se7en
While the number of falls is not stated prematch, the number the ref does say is coincidentally the correct answer. These two formidable grapples lock up but one gets the early advantage and presses it in the corners taking advantage of a ref who can’t seem to decide whether to enforce a 5 count.
The resulting bludgeoning in multiple corners along with 2 grueling backbreaker stretches putting one wrestler at a huge disadvantage. But just when it looks like the route might be on out of nowhere a sudden high impact move gives one wrestler the 1st fall.
But the setback hardly phases the aggressor as she executes another backbreaker stretch with a choke and gives the hapless ref no choice but to count to 5 almost as if being down only 1 fall wasn’t a challenge. Her bravado seems justified as in the blink of an eye the match is knotted at 2. At this point the match spills to the floor and a DDT and count-out completely turn around the match!
A 4 to 2 advantage soon follows but retribution still seems to be on the table and the opposition still thinks she can turn it around. In the end one wrestler’s favorite number is the same as the number of falls as the other pays the price for overconfidence.
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16+ min 698 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6038: Chelsea Durden vs Hadar
Hadar offers an ominous threat to Chelsea to begin this 1 Fall matchup, declaring “I’m gonna choke you out.”
Chelsea replies with a confident, “You can try,” then proceeds to take the offensive in applying submission holds, locking on a Full Nelson and Hammerlock on Hadar. Hadar takes Chelsea down with a Hiptoss into a Side Headlock on the mat, then a Headscissors, but Chelsea shows no signs that his prematch prediction might be coming true.
Hadar backs Chelsea into a corner, where he unloads with punches and forearms before taking her back to the mat, standing on her throat and gripping her in a Front Facelock. Hadar slams Chelsea into the turnbuckles, but misses a charge into the corner. Chelsea attempts to turn the tables and submit Hadar with a half-straightjacket Sleeperhold, but Hadar just might have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
7 min 315 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6037: Shazza McKenzie vs Ori Gold
Shazza and Ori struggle to communicate ahead of locking up. In fact, until they finally come to blows it’s not entirely clear that they’re both there to compete in the same sport. The lack of referee seems to be a particular point of confusion for poor Ori but once Shazza explains, he’s in a pleasant enough mood to invite her out for hummus after their match.
Shazza manages to force the unorthodox Ori to the corner from a collar and elbow lockup, but the ‘Israeli Machine’ doubles down, challenging Shazza to a fingerlock test of strength. Ori quickly has Shazza bent backwards, but the Machine isn’t as dominant as he’d hoped and the pair exchange the advantage several times.
Shazza transitions out of the hold and catches Ori with a Front Facelock, but Gold has technical expertise and works Shazza over with armwringers and a Hammerlock. The pair fight back and forth for control of the match until one wrestler gets caught in a tight Sleeper. The victim endures a prolonged struggle before finally dozing off, leaving the winner to celebrate a hard-earned victory with a side of hummus.
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8+ min 399 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6036: Kimber Lee vs Zoey Skye
Kimber’s long career seems to be on the verge of paying off as a benefactor is willing to reward her handsomely provided she occasionally puts someone in their place and Zoey is first on the list!
Zoey wants to talk it over but before she knows it her hair is being yanked and tormented. Kimber methodically takes Zoey apart with her own hair, standing on it, wrapping it around her throat and tossing her around the ring by it. Chokes keep the talented Skye at bay while hairpull-assisted submissions like Bow & Arrow and Figure Four Headscissors punish her even further. Reaching for a rope break just opens the flood gates for punishment in the ropes and corners as Zoey is quite convincingly put in her place.
Just when it looks like it couldn’t get worse for Zoey, Kimber’s phone goes off with a financial incentive for even more aggression! A furlough pummeling and selfie later it’s payday for Kimber!
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18 min 1.6 GB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6035: Kaitland Alexis vs Lexie Fyfe
Kaitland is small in stature, but she’s big in ambition and is talking herself up as deserving a shot at the Camel Clutch Championship. Lexie slides into the ring with the belt in question, explaining that it was recently vacated and as owner and proprietor, she has taken the title herself. Kaitland jumps at the chance of a title match and unloads on Lexie while her back is turned to get the match underway! Diminutive Kaitland is soon running Lexie ragged with bulldog cutters, turnbuckle smashes and a corner mugging before driving the champ face first into the canvas with a sit-out face slam. Alexis’ struggles to get Lexie into a Camel Clutch, and the veteran rolls out of the ring, choosing to fight another day.
Kaitland gives chase, only to eat a title belt to the face! Fyfe drives Kaitland into the ring apron before rolling her back into the ring for a Pendulum Swing. Lexie has no trouble hooking the dazed Kaitland in her Camel Clutch, but first she makes her suffer in a tree of woe, stomach claw, Boston Crab, and Abdominal Stretch as Alexis pays a high price for her ambition and takes an old school beating leading to a KO finish.
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14 min 1.1 GB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6034: Mila Moore vs Shelly Benson
Shelly and Mila trade the advantage as they power each other into the ropes. They break cleanly, but an air of tension develops that suggests their rivalry may get the better of them. Both wrestlers engage in a technical exchange working armlocks, Hammerlocks and Headlocks before Shelly catches Mila in a Headscissors on the canvas. Unable to secure an advantage, Shelly and Mila go chest to chest in a fingerlock test of strength.
It proves to be a power stalemate until Shelly breaks the hold with a kick to the midsection and works Mila into a standing Abdominal Stretch. Mila’s length makes the hold a struggle to maintain, and Mila fights out with a Snapmare before driving her knee into Benson’s spine for a brutal Surfboard. Mila makes the most of her height, really stretching Shelly in the Surfboard and using her long legs to keep her locked in a bodyscissors. Shelly fights free and the pair launch at each other with simultaneous running Clotheslines before brawling from their knees as the frustration grows on both sides. After a back and forth struggle, a crucifix armbar leads one wrestler to swallow her pride and submit the match.
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13+ min 533 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6033: The Amazon vs Lince Dorado
Mysterious Lince Dorado grooms himself in the corner before locking up with the powerful Amazon. Amazon uses her strength to force Lince into an armbar, but Dorado has the quicks and unleashes a torrent of offense, reversing the hold and putting Amazon through her paces with a wristlock, elbow grind to the shoulder and vicious bite of the hand before clamping on a standing crossface. Amazon counters with a hard whip to the corner and uses her power to pummel the dark lynx.
She levels him with a running Clothesline, buries him in the corner with shoulderblocks and nearly puts him down with a tight Sleeper. Dorado fires up and ducks a corner splash from the charging Amazon, leaping away as though he’s fleeing a tossed grenade. Dorado treats Amazon’s spine like a scratching post, raking her back with his nails repeatedly before hooking her in a double-toed Bow & Arrow. The pair battle back and forth in a contest of speed versus strength and it’s anyone’s guess whose skill set will prove superior until the very end.
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9 min 356 MB MP4 Format, 3840 x 2160
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6032: Lorelei Lee vs Portia Perez
Previously available as Members Match 285
Erica D'Erico is our referee for this 1 Fall contest. Introductions are quickly made and we're into the action. A test of strength sees Lorelei come out on top, but a subsequent Headlock from Portia proves this won't be all one-way traffic. As Lorelei again looks to take charge, Portia tactically slips out of the ring. Not willing to wait for the ref's count, Lorelei takes the fight outside, where she continues to dominate. Unfortunately, Portia turns the tables and when the wrestlers return to the ring, it is Portia in the ascendancy.
More back and forth follows, until a reversal (and a significant rope assist) allows one wrestler to secure a schoolgirl pin for the 1-2-3. It's a frustrating defeat for one of these wrestlers and she lets the referee know exactly how she feels.
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7 min 255 MB MP4 Format, Remastered to 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6031: Niya vs Su Yung
Previously available as Members Match 284
When Niya describes her upcoming match with Su as merely "practice", Su is understandably aggrieved. However, when Su's attempt to start the match leads directly to Niya's first attack, those claims prove to be less arrogance and more honesty.
From the moment she steps into the ring, Niya has Su's number. Such is her control of her opponent, Niya's domination seems almost effortless. From forearms to chokes to stomps to the head, Niya toys with Su, never allowing her even a moment of respite to attempt any kind of comeback.
Further punishment for Su includes a Headscissors, an agonizing Hammerlock and a straitjacket choke. The outcome of this contest is never in doubt. The only question is in how Niya will choose to bring proceedings to an end. And on the back of such a dominant performance, it will need to be a finisher with a lot of... Pedigree.
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9+ min 341 MB MP4 Format, Remastered to 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 6030/LPWF 30: Hellena Heavenly vs Sin-D
Hellena and Sin-D in a singles rematch from their earlier tag.
Sin-D wants to prove that she has what it takes and that her partner was responsible for their earlier loss and she takes out her anger on Hellena.
Back and forth with both ladies suffering lots of punishment before a pin (with a handful of tights?) brings this chapter of a rivalry to a close.
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13+ min. 224MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6029/LPWF 29: Hellena Heavenly vs ODB
These ladies battle it out with tests of strength and plenty of holds. Head and Waistscissors, attacks in the corner, Abdominal Stretch.
The big arms of ODB lock on an inescapable Bearhug and Hellena finds herself in serious, serious trouble!
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12 min. 196MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6028/LPWF 28: ODB vs Venus
Hellena Heavenly & Jenelle Sinclair vs Christie Ricci & ODB
Match 1: Full of more punching and kicking than wrestling holds, but some outside interference puts someone in position to lock on a painful Figure Four to get the submission.
Match 2: The Fabulous Angels in a title defense that Hellena won't soon forget, as a surprising twist leads to a quick submission finish, the end of a title rign--and a partnership!
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11 min. 175MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6027/LPWF 27: Candice LaRae vs. Reggie Styles
Morgan vs. Rain
Match 1: Reggie defends her title belt.
Candice and her less than legal style dominates for much of the match. A Sharpshooter brings a decisive finish.
Match 2: Rain defending her belt. Morgan seems to think every move that she makes is worthy of applause.
A low kick and a Neckbreaker bring the win!
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11+ min. 183MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6026/LPWF 26: Holly Wood vs Sin-D
Kelly vs Sin-D
Peaches vs Sin-D
Match 1: These ladies aren't paid by the hour, so they try hard to get the other pinned rather than take a beating.
Match 2: Big Kelly cheats more than she wrestles, but can she take what she dishes out?
Match 3: Solid wrestling as Sin-D defends her belt, but a rival from a previous contest brings this one to a surprising conclusion!
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14+ min. 232MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6025/LPWF 25: Kara Kildare vs Lulu
Lulu's plan is to use her quickness and tire out her opponent. Kara can't wait to get her hands on Lulu and the fight is on!
Lulu is all over Kara, but will Kara prove just too much for her to handle, let alone pin to the mat?
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11+ min. 184MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6024/LPWF 24: Hot Summer vs Sin-D
2 high energy matches between these tough ladies. Full of ropes to ropes fighting and plenty of mat-based holds as well.
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9+ min. 155MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6023/LPWF 23: Kara Kildare vs Traci Brooks
Big Kara cuts a confident promo before this one starts, but Traci doesn't fear any challenger.
Both ladies leave this match battered and bruised, but even when it's all over, the champ finds out that you should always watch your back!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
15+ min. 246MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6022/LPWF 22: Sin-D vs Traci Brooks
Sin-D defends her belt against the determined challenge of Traci.
The ladies lay into each other, applying holds and throwing bodies without mercy.
A devastating X-Factor ends the screaming, the punishment--and a title reign.
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15 min. 244MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6021/LPWF 21: Holly Wood vs Lexie Fyfe
A confidant Holly challenges for Lexie's belt. Plenty of fast action and grueling holds, screams of pain and some surprising turnarounds before this one is over. A shocked and enraged loser is left to fight another day.
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21+ min. 349MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6020/LPWF 20: Hellena Heavenly & Jenelle Sinclair vs Sin-D & Lulu
The tag straps are up for grabs and both teams think they deserve them around their waists.
A titanic battle ensues as both teams dish out tremendous amounts of punishment.
A big doubleteam move brings about the finish with one team celebrating and the other team recovering.
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14 min. 226MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6019/LPWF 19: Syren & Sin-D vs. Mighty Heidi & Tiffani Monroe
"America's Sweethearts"? Not to Heidi and Tiffani. Everyone has a belt, but pride is still at stake.
Plenty of aggression and more action than the ref can contain in this one. The winners pull it out at the end with a surprising pin for the win!
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14+ min. 236MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6018/LPWF 18: Macaela Mercedes vs Syren
Syren vs Tiffani Monroe
Match 1: Macaella can't wait to get her hands on Syren, who is accompanied to the ring by Sin-D.
This one is over as one lady applies a Stepover Toehold that would do a Funk proud!
Match 2: Tiffani challenges for the belt and is constantly on the attack. Wearing her foe down, one big Rocking Horse proves to be too painful and we have a new titleholder!
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14+ min. 224MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6017/LPWF 17: Holly Wood vs Sin-D
Match 1: Accompanied by Syren, Sin-D challenges for the title. Determined to get the win, she'll resort to some underhanded tactics that the ref doesn't always catch.
Match 2: Holly wants her title back and fights fiercely for it. At one point Sin-D thinks she's successfully defended her title, only to have the ref tell her that the match continues.
A Figure Four Leglock proves so painful that one lady passes out from the pain and the winner leaves with the belt in her hands.
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20 min. 279MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6016/LPWF 16: Hailey Hatred & Sin-D vs Kelly & Peaches
Hailey Hatred vs Kelly
Match 1: Hailey and Sin-D defend their title against the energetic challengers. Peaches is quick, Kelly can be devastating.
Everyone's in the ring near the finish, but there's a surprise roll-up for the win.
Match 2: Kelly throws Hailey around and keeps her off balance. Hailey gets up everytime that she's knocked down, but the weardown factor may take its toll!
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15 min. 239MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6015/LPWF 15: Morgan vs Reggie Styles
Match 1: Continuing the rivalry from LPWF 14, mouthy Morgan doesn't shy away from her challenger. Hard fought until a big Samoan drop leaves one fighter angry and ready for yet another battle.
Match 2: The match begins from the outside with the ladies slugging away before the official start. A lesson learned and a handful of tights and we've got a new champ!
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17+ min. 287MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6014/LPWF 14: Morgan vs. Reggie Styles
Match 1: Reggie defends her belt in an over-if-you-blink contest that she believes proves her dominance. A sneak attack by Morgan and Candice and intervention by Rain set up the next in this series.
Match 2: The rematch is a more back and forth affair, though Morgan spends a lot of time arguing with the audience.
A Backbreaker of a Boston Crab and the title changes hands!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 196MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6013/LPWF 13: Hot Summer vs. Tiffani Monroe
Match 1: Tiffani defends her belt against spitfire Summer. It's obvious Summer wants that belt and will pull out all the stops to get it!
Match 2: Summer's first title defense is a rematch. Tiffani defintiely learned the youngster's playbook in their previous encounter and is ready to get back her title!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12+ min. 202MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6012/LPWF 12: Fire vs Lady Victoria, Fire vs. Sin-D
Match 1: Victoria has the belt and looks to be in real danger of losing it to the blond. One missed move, however, and the Lady presses her advantage. Fire gets hammered on but comes back with a big Clothesline.
Match 2: Fire defends her strap against the vicious Sin-D. It's anybody's match until one lady takes control and stretches one combatant beyond her pain threshold!
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14+ min. 232MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6011/LPWF 11: Fantasy vs Lexie Fyfe
Fantasy has the belt and she knows she's in for a rough afternoon against Lexie.
Both on the attack throughout with tactics both fair and foul-from Lexie mostly the latter. Can't argue with her success though.
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11 min. 178MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6010/LPWF 10: Christie Ricci vs. Jenelle Sinclair
Enemies collide! Lots of hard mat wrestling & hairpulling shortcuts with both ladies in this one until the end.
Just when it looks like one lady is almost done, a stunner of an escape lays out her foe for the 3 count!
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10+ min. 166MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6009/LPWF 9: Candice LaRae vs. Rain
Match 1: Internet Champion Candice defends her title against the always dangerous Rain. Lighting quick match that leaves the champ stunned and angry!
Match 2: A fired up Candice wants her title back. She gives it her all with pin attempts, flying headscissors and more. An exhausted Rain is nearly knocked out!
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14+ min. (2 Matches) WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6008/LPWF 8: Lexie Fyfe & ODB vs. Camron Star & Venus
The rematch of LPWF 7 as Venus and Camron are the gloating beltholders.
More of the same fast and less than fair action as the challengers fight hard to get their belts back!
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12 min. 192MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6007/LPWF 7: Lexie Fyfe & ODB vs. Camron Star & Venus
ODB has the tag belts, but no partner. Enter Lexie.
A fierce match ensues with lots of double teaming, near falls and the challengers fighting surprisingly dirty.
It pays off for them in the end as we have new champs!
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10+ min. 167MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6006/LPWF 6: Battle Royal, Hailey Hatred vs. Lady Victoria
Match 1: Hailey Hatred, Lady Victoria, Fire and Sin-D in a Battle Royal with the winner getting a title shot. You know it's every woman for herself and bodies are flying!
Match 2: Hailey's got the belt and Victoria feels confident after the event of their Battle Royal. Fierce action with a Cobra Clutch finish.
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13+ min. 214MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6005/LPWF 5: Amy Sue vs. Lexie Fyfe
Young AmySue is in for a real wrestling lesson from an angry Lexie. Lexie sticks to mat work, working AmySue over for much of the match.
When AmySue finds herself in control she's racing around the ring and springing in from all sides. But will it be enough?
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13 min. 210MB WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6004/LPWF 4: Amy Love vs. Amy Sue, Amy Love vs. Lexie Fyfe
Match 1: Filmed when Lorelei Lee was still rookie AmySue, Amy Love is ruthless in her attack.
AmySue just keeps getting up from every pin attempt and fends off every blow to keep on fighting.
Match 2: Lexie defends her belt against Amy Love, hoping to make short work of her. It look like she'll do it too, until a bit of interference from the outside puts Amy in control!
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13+ min. 201MB zip file WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6003/LPWF 3: Amber O'Neal vs. Lexie Fyfe
Lexie Fyfe needs a tag partner and Amy may just fit the bill. First though, there's the matter of a match with Amber.
Lexie dominates, but not by the use of fair wrestling tactics. Amber is choked and thrown from pillar to post. At one point the ref is out of action and Amber grabs a Sleeper that looks like it will get her the win.
Lexie's 'partner' won't let that happen however as this one ends with Amber outnumbered.
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8+ min. 133MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6002/LPWF 2: AJ Sparx vs. Kara Kildare
Little AJ is all heart and fire against a much larger opponent. Kara's concentration on the left arm of her foe is especially merciless.
Aj resorts to some shortcuts to get back into the fight-even going outside to bring a chair into the fray!
A shocking cheat leaves one lady out cold.
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
11+ min. 191MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
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SLAMpeg 6001/LPWF 1: AJ Sparx vs. Jenelle Sinclair
A rough and tough match where Jenelle concentrates much of her attack on the legs of AJ. AJ develops a limp over the course of the punishment, but manages to come back and deliver a Sleeper, some boots in the corner and some painful stretches.
Don't count anyone out until that final bridging Suplex!
Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!
12 min. 192MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480
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