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SLAMpeg 700: Amy Love & Tenille vs Shawn Spears

Amy starts off this Best of 3 Falls match-up against Shawn. The two battle back and forth, trading armbars and Hammerlocks as they try to gain the upper hand. Amy concentrates on inflicting damage on Shawn's arm and uses her speed to turn his own moves against him. With Shawn getting frustrated, he finally finds an opening and begins working over Amy's leg with elbow and kneedrops, kicks to the thigh and kneelocks. Amy is trapped in the ring for nearly 10 minutes before she's able to tag in her partner, but things go downhill quickly. Tenille enters the ring and is rudely met with a Clothesline, Suplex and a classic old school Paul Orndorff-style Piledriver that secures the First Fall for Shawn.

Amy quickly reenters and attacks Shawn from behind, but Shawn quickly regains the upper-hand. A Figure Four Leglock and a teeth-rattling Neckbreaker leave Amy down and out. Another Piledriver leaves Amy ripe for the pin, but Tenille breaks up the count at 2. For her efforts, Tenille is the victim of another devastating Piledriver from Shawn, who then Piledrives Amy once more for good measure.

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 699: Amber O'Neal vs Diane Von Hoffman

A contest that can only end with a submission.
Amber starts off aggressively, dropping Diane with a single-leg takedown and cinching in a leglock. Von Hoffman recovers, wrenches Amber's ankle and locks her in a Boston Crab. After both ladies have dealt and taken some damage to their legs, they switch to Hammerlocks, Armbars, Wristlocks, and crossfaces. However, none of it brings either woman to the point of surrender.

Amber tries to take the match with a modified Surfboard, Full Nelson, and Camel Clutch, but Diane counters with a two-handed Chokeslam before locking a claw hold on Amber's temples. O'Neal desperately attempts to escape the potentially match-ending hold and when she finally does, she is actually able to use Von Hoffman's own hold against her!
Can Diane battle out of this predicament and show Amber how it's done or will she suffer a humiliating loss after giving up to one of her own finishing maneuvers?

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9+ min. 286 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 698: Lorelei Lee vs Malia Hosaka
Also available as DVD SLAM 57.

Multi-Fall No Ref Contest.
Nose to nose and no one backs down-that's the kind of match we've got in store. The ladies lock up and test each others' fortitude with extra long collar and elbow lock-ups, mutual Bearhugging and then lock fingers to test each others' threshold of pain and stamina.

Neither lady looks dominant so the bout moves into a more traditional wrestling match. The hits are hard and the holds are meant to twist and break. Fall 2 has one of the longest Bearhugs you'll ever see with one lady finally unable to take any more.
A quick recovery and she's fired up, dominating Fall 3 and wrenching out a submission of her own.

5 very grueling and hard-fought falls with some very verbal submissions.

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30 min. 912 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 697: Miss Rachel vs Nemesis

These are two very strong ladies so it seems only fair that they start off with a spirited test of strength. Neither gets a clear upper-hand, much to Nemesis’ vocal chagrin. It is at this point that Ms. Rachel seems to have had enough. After an exchange of epic shoulderblocks, Nemesis goes down and the British grappler goes to work on her back. She womanhandles her inside the ring and out, handing out enormous punches and locking on hold after hold (including a scream-inducing Camel Clutch).

Things are not, however, one-sided. Nemesis gives as good as she gets–working Ms. Rachel’s abs brutally both on the mat and in the corner. The match gets nastier and nastier as the ladies resort to chokes and cruel targeting of body parts (there is a Dropkick to the upper thigh that has to be seen to be believed). Ms. Rachel spends a good 2 minutes on Nemesis’ legs, working on making as close an approximation of a wishbone as she possibly can. The match comes to a sudden end as one lady unleashes a thunderous Fisherman's Suplex for the finish.

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14 min. 227 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 696: Leva vs Craig Classic

Leva comes prepared in full battle gear, including a Katana sword that threatens to take this match way beyond hardcore until it’s confiscated by the referee.
It turns out Craig has a pair of legal weapons of his own inside of his boots and after some early back-and-forth he rocks Leva with brutal kicks and stomps to the head that turn the tide in his favor. Leva takes a vicious pummeling from those deadly feet and Craig taunts her with repeated boot scrapes across her skull.

The never-say-die Leva fights back as best she can, laying into Craig with punches, forearms and kicks of her own, but she soon finds herself on the losing end of a toe-to-toe battle. A running boot to the side of the head nearly puts poor Leva out and sets her up for a back breaking Boston Crab.
Hold after hold are applied until a tearful conclusion!

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10+ min. 318 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 695: Angela vs Rain

The match begins with the ladies challenging each other to a test of strength. It's too close to call, so we move on to our next event: The Bearhug! Rain squeezes just a little bit harder and she proceeds to lift Angela off her feet and squash her into the corner. With the upper hand, Rain can't decide what part of Angela she wants to hurt and how to do it: Should she break her back with a Sidewalk Slam? Maybe crack some ribs with a Stomach Breaker? Or she could snap her neck with a Stunner? After all that, the match could be over before it begins. After Rain jams Angela's face into her knees, the 1-2-3 should be automatic. If there's one thing we know about Rain, she doesn't know how to quit when she's ahead.

The tide turns quickly and Rain's brains get rattled by a Facebuster and a DDT. Angela does not appreciate Rain running her mouth and she decides to shut it by stuffing her boot in Rain's face. There's no referee so it's all perfectly legal. Angela connects with a Russian Legsweep and you can almost see the tweety birds swirling around Rain's noggin. Again, there's no ref so the only way to win is to make sure your opponent can't continue.
This is exactly what Angela tries to do, stretching Rain out with a reverse Indian Deathlock. There's no quit in either fighter and they tear into each other with ripping forearms. There's no way out after one wrestler locks on a tight Guillotine and the end comes with one proud warrior going to sleep.

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 694: Kimberly vs Leva

It's a battle of contrasts in personalities in this 1 Fall contest-the quiet intensity of newcomer Kimberly against always talkative Leva, decked out in a Green Lantern tank top and power ring.
Once the two lock up, there's plenty of arm work and mat maneuvers from the speedy, technically sound grapplers. And, of course, Leva isn't opposed to the rather un-heroic hairpull or biting when that's what it takes to break out of a Surfboard hold. Most of the time, though, the two work their impressive moves. Leva uses a leg sweep to lock in a one-legged Boston Crab, and Kimberly rolls out of it and into a pin attempt. Kimberly hits a Hiptoss into a seated armbar and Leva manages to roll her over into a near pinfall.

As the 2 continue in this evenly matched bout, Leva gains momentum with a couple strong forearm smashes, a double axe handle and a Camel Clutch. Kimberly escapes, and following an Irish whip off the ropes, ducks a Clothesline and nails the Lantern wannabe with a shoulder tackle and a Dropkick, then nails Leva with a Fisherman's Suplex, earning a pair of 2 counts.
As the two struggle to their feet, one takes the decidedly un-heroic action of shoving her opponent into guest referee Rain. But the collision means one wrestler has taken her eyes off her opponent and for that mistake, she turns and walks right into a Superkick that ends the match.

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10 min. 303 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 693: Sexy Star vs Shawn Spears

This explodes right off the bat with our combatants trying to impress/intimidate one another with their gymnastic skills. It becomes immediately obvious that Sexy Star does not care about Shawn's future in athletics at all. She goes at him fiercely with stomps, kicks, eyerakes, and verbal taunting in Spanish. While Shawn may not understand what she's saying, he surely gets the message!

Star never lets up in this match, and there's no ref to prevent her from using the ropes, low blows, and even a baseball bat! Sexy Star demonstrates her technical prowess as well, making Shawn tap out with a Camel Clutch variation (and more than once!). The action even spills out of the ring, where Sexy takes advantage of some foreign objects yet again. Star seems to especially focus on Shawn's shoulders and legs in this definitive one sided match up, making him tap desperately to a single-leg Boston Crab. Apparently, Shawn doesn't know the Spanish equivalent of "I Give Up", because Star doesn't let him go!

After several submissions and an endless amount of taunting, Star finally puts Shawn out of his misery with one heck of a powermove! She says "Lo Siento" with her foot on his chest, but it's doubtful whether she really means it!

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29 min. 871 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 692: Portia Perez vs Rain

Special Challenge Match-The loser must sing the National Anthem of the winner's country!
Trading barbs about their heritages soon leads into the trading of head and wristlocks. Neither abides by the rules, so there's plenty of unsportsmanlike kicking and rope choking to keep the ref busy. Rain targets the Canadian's back, then legs and even applies a wicked nerve pinch at one point.

A determined Portia corners her opponent and rains down kicks to weaken and damage.
Finally the 3 count is made and one proud national belts out a version of her foe's anthem that no one will ever forget!

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16+ min. 486 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 691: Christie Ricci vs Lacey

The Lovely Lacey brings a full helping of attitude, but when four of her best Clothesline shots result in her getting planted on her backside it may be time to reconsider tactics.
Referee Kristin Astara has her hands full as Lacey is at her worst (running her mouth and complaining over phantom fouls) and Christie is at her best (making Lacey pay for every word). There’s a darn good wrestler behind that mouth and once Lacey finally tosses the rules with a face rake she lays into Christie with body-stretching brutality.

Christie suffers through multiple STF variations, over-the-knee Backbreakers, Boston Crabs, Bow & Arrows and a vicious Mutalock as Lacey expertly pours on the punishment to Christie’s back.
After 20 minutes on the wrong side of a beatdown, a nearly defenseless Christie hangs on by a thread as she desperately waits for an opening.
A final Torture Rack leads to screams of submission and a devastating defeat for one of these veterans.

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29+ min. 885 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 690: Cat Power vs Joe Bear

Cat takes on mysterious Joe Bear and an early test of strength stalemate proves she’ll have to rely on more than raw power to get the better of this jobber.
Bear surprises Cat by brawling his way into control of the early going. Power is put to the grindstone as he follows up with a prolonged Bearhug before hitting her with the heavy lumber.

Cat’s back is tenderized with Chokeslams, Backbreaker drops and Sidewalk Slams that leave her sputtering on the canvas and clawing wildly for the ropes. On the last of her 9 lives and caught in another Bearhug, Cat manages to hit a desperation stunner that finally turns the tide!
She unleashes a high impact barrage on the jobber including a Neckbreaker, DDT and a devastating Brainbuster that leaves him all but out.
Does Cat have enough left to finish off the masked man or does Joe Bear have a few extra lives of his own tucked away?

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13+ min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 689: Malia Hosaka vs Tenille

It's a battle of the Deathlocks.
After Malia chastises Tenille for not studying up on her opponents, Hosaka decides she's going to teach this 'rookie' a little lesson. However, Malia soon finds out that the so-called rookie is no slouch in the squared circle.

Hosaka Snapmares Tenille and traps her in a Rear Chinlock, but the Aussie grappler expertly counters all of Malia's offense and locks in her dreaded bridging Indian Deathlock on 3 separate occasions.
The crafty Malia is lucky to find her way out of the hold each time, at one point snapping and administering a vicious beatdown on Tenille, then Powerbombing her and cinching in a (rope-assisted) Figure Four Leglock. Tenille-being a student of the technical wizard Lance Storm-perseveres, but eventually finds herself struggling in Malia's own Deathlock variation.

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12 min. 360 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 688: Lorelei Lee vs Chris Gray

A rematch from SLAMpeg 471, this one sees Chris looking for revenge and it will take 2 out of 3 Falls to settle the score.
These two know each other so well by now and spend the early action feeling each other out, not wanting to make a mistake. Before you know it, they're all over each other with thrilling mat wrestling sequences that are sure to please any purists out there. Chris wisely goes after Lorelei's legs knowing how deadly she can be once she starts zipping around. No slouch on the ground herself, Lorelei almost picks up a quick pin with a rollup before working Chris over with some arm-wrenching holds. Once Lorelei gets going she's nearly unstoppable and it takes everything Chris has to escape. He finally uses his wits (and the ropes) to break her rhythm and steal a fall out of nowhere!

The Second Fall starts off with a furious Lorelei not giving Chris any time to recover. She puts him on his butt with a quick Dropkick and once again Chris finds himself in survival mode. Chris shows off his resiliency and responds with a nasty kneelift that nearly puts Lorelei out. He maintains control and wears her down using the ropes, but soon it's Lorelei's turn to pull off some magic and she ties the score with a stunning rollup!

Blink and you'll miss the Third Fall. One wrestler is overwhelmed by a lightning-fast series of maneuvers and finds themselves with their shoulders pinned for the match ending 3 count.
This is a highly competitive feud that brings out the best in both wrestlers, but only one emerges as the undisputed winner.

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16+ min. 502 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 687: Kellie Skater vs Bad Seed

The last time Kellie met up with Bad Seed (SLAMpeg 501) it didn't go too well for Kellie ... she barely landed a punch in a dominating beatdown by the Bad Seed.
This time around, the "Rate Tank" is as cocky and confident as ever,opening the match by challenging Bad Seed to a test of strength. Once the grapplers get into the battle, they trade prolonged attacks, with Kellie using her speed and Shawn relying on brute force, as both manage several two-counts. Kellie attacks with forearms, chops, head slams into the turnbuckle, rope chokes, and some sneaky rollup pin attempts, including a well-executed Small Package. Shawn fires back with thunderous punches and Clotheslines, a Camel Clutch that has Kellie screaming in pain, Headbutts, elbow smashes, shoulderblocks in the corners and Bodyslams.

After more than 10 minutes of non-stop action, the two go for broke. Bad Seed sends Kellie off the ropes, but she reverses a potential Sidewalk Slam into a reverse DDT. She then fires off a Clothesline, elbow smash and Dropkick, but Bad Seed responds with some nasty blows followed by a massive Bodyslam. But he takes too much time celebrating and Kellie rolls out of the way of what is sure to have been a match-ending splash.

The door is wide open. Can Kellie take advantage and live up to her "Invincible" billing, or is it just a matter of time before the Bad Seed plants her to the mat for the 3 count?

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 686: Jennifer Blake vs Sumie Sakai

The ref introduces our two combatants who go right at it with little or no talk. They evenly trade armwork and Headlocks in the center of the ring until Jen locks in a mean Headscissors on her smaller opponent. Sumie refuses to quit though, even as Jen has her face down on the mat in a vicious Armbar. Sumie roars back with a vengeance (along with some stomping and hairpulling) and focuses on Jen's back and legs with a tough Boston Crab.

Sumie slowly shows her true colors and digs her teeth into Jen whenever the ref isn't looking. Despite Jen's screams of pain, the ref lets a lot go. Sumie punishes her legally, too, with a wicked Surfboard and some tight bodyscissors. Soon both ladies find themselves in a very painful and very mutual leglock that brings about some very interesting scratching and name-calling.

A very fun and spirited match-up!

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12+ min. 372 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 685: Erica D'Erico vs Kristin Astara

Erica and Kristin remove their robes prior to the start of the match. Before the opening bell, Erica is keen to show-off what she modestly considers to be the "greatest body you have seen this decade, if not your entire life." Kristin, however, is not as 'vaine' as she used to be, and simply wants to get on with the match.
As the match begins, it quickly becomes clear who's actions will be occupying much of the referee's attention as Erica uses any methods at her disposal to gain the early advantage. Kristin's hair and eyes are targets, with the ropes and turnbuckle also becoming weapons in Erica's arsenal.

Erica's assault is unrelenting and a Camel Clutch/Sleeper combo and a Standing Headscissors are almost enough to knock Kristin out. Such is Erica's dominance, she even pulls Kristin up from a 2 count pin, with victory easily in her grasp. But it is an arrogance that Erica is soon made to regret, as Kristin rallies and begins to battle back.

As the match approaches it's conclusion, both women fight hard, with Kristin escaping from not one but two Boston Crabs! In the end, it is that very hold that seals the victory.

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15+ min. 465 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 684: Betsy vs Nikki Roxx

Nikki faces the unenviable challenge of taking on Betsy in this 1 Fall match and if the task ahead of Nikki wasn't already daunting enough, Betsy has another trick up her sleeve-in a manner of speaking!

Betsy quickly dominates the action. Her strength and frequent rulebreaking make for a powerful combination and Nikki is soon being stomped and slammed around the ring. However, Nikki is a pushover for nobody and fights back time and time again. Betsy finds herself on the other end of a Camel Clutch and more as Nikki looks for a submission. Unfortunately for Nikki, whenever she looks to be gaining momentum, Betsy is able to use her 'secret weapon' to turn the tide.

A final flurry from Nikki sees her going all out to take the win, even using the same tactics as her opponent and repeatedly punishing Betsy on the ropes. But will it be enough to put Betsy down for the 1-2-3? Or will it a be thumbs down for Nikki's chances?

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12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 683: Su Yung vs Titan

We have no idea why Su would want to get in the ring with Titan, but fact of the matter is that she did. Make no mistake, Ms Yung is a great competitor. Watch some other SLAMpegs and you'll notice she is not only talented, but vicious as well.
But Titan is a 7-foot, 300+ pound monster of a man who apparently has no qualms whatsoever about beating up a woman not even half his size. Not helping Su's cause is the fact that the referee seems far too intimidated by the giant in the ring to even break up illegal tactics (of which there are many), or ring the bell after a submission (of which there are even more).

Titan absolutely demolishes Su in a near 40 minute beatdown. There are no comebacks, no upsets. There is in fact no offense from Su.
Titan smashes through his opponent with Backbreakers, Neckbreakers and generally tosses her around the ring like a ragdoll. Belly claws, chokeholds, Abdominal Stretches--even the rarely seen Mandible Claw-Su Yung has to endure it all.
After a particularly devastating swinging Backbreaker, Su manages to cry out, "Somebody help!"

We're not going to spoil everything for you, but there sure wasn't anyone who came to Su's rescue on this day!

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39 min. 1.14 GBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 682: Angel Williams vs Kimberly

This match starts off on a note of levity as Angel engages in some good-natured teasing over Kim’s fighting stance. Things get serious in a hurry though with one swift kick to Kim’s midsection. The wily veteran then focuses on Kim’s neck, choking her with a well-placed boot and even using the petite brunette’s hair to strangle her. Angel spends the entire first fall finding new ways to strangle her hapless opponent–in the corner, on the ropes, on the mat. By the time she finishes Kim off with yet another swift kick, her victim barely knows where she is!

Kim manages to do a lot better in the Second Fall, getting her own back with some choking of her own and even breaking out a Bodyslam and a Neckbreaker before finishing Angel off with a superbly executed Fisherman’s Suplex. Her cocky posing over the fallen Angel (no pun intended!) proves to be her undoing, however, as the veteran exploits the opening by bringing Kim crashing down to the mat by her foot.
The match concludes with a spectacular Headscissors executed from a perch on the top rope that puts one lady right out.

This is a quick and dirty nine minutes pitting the talented rookie against the established star-always a promising scenario. Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

8+ min. 256 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 681: Cat Power vs Sara Del Rey
Also available as DVD SLAM 141.

When it comes to raw strength, there are few women that can match Sara Del Rey in the ring. Cat Power is certainly of of those women, so when these two powerhouse wrestlers face off for a best of three falls match, you know the action is going to be as hard hitting as it gets. And naturally, such a hard hitting bout needs an official who is not intimidated by such powerful competitors-guest ref Portia Perez.

It is an epic test of strength that opens this contest, with both women vying for control. As the action intensifies, Sara launches a series of shoulder tackles at Cat that would send most opponents into the next state. Their effect on Cat, however, is akin to that of a light breeze and she quickly takes control of Sara with a Bearhug, an Atomic Drop, a Boston Crab and a Figure Four Leglock, before scoring the First Fall of the bout with an Elevated Double Chickenwing submission.

Round two starts and Cat quickly learns that there is more to Del Rey than simply strength. Taking control quickly, Sara targets Cat's arms with a masterclass in punishing armdrags, locks, short-arm scissors, Surfboards and more. A Standing Butterfly lock submission finally evens the score for Sara.

With all still to battle for, it is a bone-crunching contest that sees the advantage swing one way, then another.
A Neckbreaker seals it for one triumphant wrestler, as she takes the final 1-2-3 count on her downed opponent.

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31 min. 939 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 680: Brooke Carter vs Leva

Well-matched in stature, Brooke and Leva face off without a referee in this Best of 3 Falls Match. The action is finely balanced in the opening minutes of the bout, with both ladies exchanging armlocks, looking for an early advantage.
Slowly, Leva begins to her assert her authority, with a succession of submission moves on Brooke including a singel-leg Boston Crab and a Headscissors. Although Brooke does her best to resist, an overhead Bow & Arrow is finally too much to take and Leva takes the First Fall.

Leva looks to finish the match quickly in the second round, but a boot to the face and Headscissor takedown from the ropes prove that Brooke is far from out of this contest. And the absence of an official means that there is nobody to stop her from using any means necessary to punish her opponent - including the ropes! A layover leglock/Chinlock scores the equalizing submission for Brooke.

The battle for the final fall is intense, as both women go all out to score the win.
In the end, it is a combination of skill and improvisation that gives one wrestler a well-earned victory.

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 679: MsChif vs Joey Knight

Having faced the power of Titan on SLAMpeg 586, the unpredictability of Sinn Bodhi on SLAMpeg 601 and the raw aggression of Shawn Spears on SLAMpeg 641, MsChif's 4-match mixed series comes to a close with perhaps her biggest challenge yet-the charm of Joey Knight!

Leva is on duty as guest referee in this 1 Fall bout and at first her role is somewhat redundant as McChif is able to take Joey off his feet without even touching him-the power of her scream is enough to send Joey flying across the ring! MsChif continues to dominate the opening stages of the bout until Joey resorts to an eyerake that gives him an undeserved opportunity-and the abuse of the rules does not end there, with Knight using blatant chokes, the ropes and more to stay in control.

MsChif is not easily intimidated though and the back and forth action is non-stop with Bearhugs, Nelsons, Hangmans, Headlocks, slams and more - And whether she wants to see it or not, Joey even shows MsChif his Worm!
The final pin comes under controversial circumstances, with more than a little help from the ropes for one wrestler who is EXTREMELY happy to take the win!

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12 min. 362 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 678: Jessica James vs Rachel Summerlyn

Wanna know just how dominating Rachel Summerlyn is in this battle against Jessica? In this Best 2 out of 3 Falls match-up, Summerlyn wins THREE FALLS!
Summerlyn targets James' legs early, locking in multiple Stepover Toeholds and adding some vicious raking of James' leg. Summerlyn adds claws to the thigh, stomps on James' leg and cradle rolls to earn a couple 1 counts. She then slaps on a modified bodyscissors, wrapping one leg around James waist and the other around her throat, cutting off the oxygen and KO'ing James for the First Fall.

After rudely awakening James, Summerlyn targets her stomach, with elbows and numerous belly claws. A reverse Cobra Clutch with a hand-over-mouth smother puts James out for the count for the Second (and what should have been the deciding) Fall. Summerlyn isn't finished, though. She shakes off a rare James forearm smash and deposits her atop the turnbuckles, where James is subject to another belly claw before getting Bodyslammed to the mat. Summerlyn then applies a Bearhug and squeezes the rest of the fight out of James, giving Summerlyn the Third Fall and leaving James face down on the mat.
In the end, Summerlyn adds insult to injury by flexing and posing with an unconscious James draped across her shoulders in a Fireman's Carry.

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11+ min. 353 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 677: Lexie Fyfe & Rain vs The Merchants of Doom
Also available as DVD SLAM 123

Lexie and Rain ignore the advice of a sympathetic referee (and their own better judgment) to take on the massive Merchants of Doom in a Best 3 out of 5 Falls tag team match. The enormous Merchants aren’t the most technical of wrestlers, but with their size advantage they don’t have to be.
The ladies fight with a determined fury, but the Merchants easily turn back any offense they can muster with brute force. The masked men do an excellent job of keeping their opponents isolated in their half of the ring and aren’t timid about tossing out the rules to do so.

Trapped in their opponents’ corner at different points during the match, Lexie and Rain suffer through brutal kicks, devastating punches, and a Tree of Woe that leave them nearly out on their feet.

The women put up an admirable fight and make their opponent’s work up a sweat, but in the end the Merchants dish out too much punishment to overcome and the pretty pair take a brutal beating over 3 straight falls that they aren’t likely to forget.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

30 min. 900 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 676: Malia Hosaka vs Bad Seed

It's the veteran Malia Hosaka versus the Masked "Bad Seed" in this submissions only mixed match up.
Right from the opening handshake, you can tell this is gonna be a rough match up for both competitors. Malia starts things off by working the masked man's back and he responds in kind with a painful Surfboard. She refuses to quit and begins to focus on Shawn's arm. She twists, kicks, and uses the ropes.

The two go back and forth with Waistscissors, nerve pinches, Boston Crabs, slaps, taunts, corner work, Sidewalk Slams, and some really unrelenting arm work. Neither combatant refuses to quit, and both at times, are staggering on their feet.

These two hold back nothing in terms of being vicious until one painful armbar ends the match with a wailing "I Quit!" which the victor is VERY slow to release.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

9+ min. 280 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 675: Rain vs Wesna

Two technically gifted grapplers clash.
Both ladies seem evenly matched in the opening minutes of the bout, each trying to gain the advantage with Hammerlocks, Headlocks, armbars, and takedowns.

After the chain wrestling is over, Wesna wins a test of strength and attempts to make Rain submit with a Full Nelson and seated double Chickenwing. After Rain escapes by reaching the ropes, The Radiant One mounts an impressive offense. She twists Wesna in a modified double Armbar, Camel Clutch, Abdominal Stretch, and a bridging modified STF.

Wesna however is tough and retaliates with a Backbreaker, Hangman, Bodyslam, Snapmare, and inverted Atomic Drop among others. In the end it's a verbal submission from an excruciating hold that earns one of these combatants the hard-earned win.

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15+ min. 468 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 674: Angel Williams vs Amazing Kong

Superstars collide!
Williams plays keep away from Kong early on, but that only works for so long. When Kong catches the blonde by the hair as she tries to sneak between her legs, Angel’s in for some serious flying lessons. Kong sends her soaring with hair tosses and throws, effortlessly chucking Angel across the length of the ring. Angel fights back with some fisticuffs, but that strategy only seems to enrage the Amazing one.

Kong uses her size and strength to full advantage as Williams suffers through powerful slams, Gourdbusters, Headbutts, and bears the full weight of Kong’s knee on her throat. Angel’s quickness comes to her rescue more than a few times as she dodges splashes and guillotine legdrops as if her life depended on it (and it does).
Despite the onslaught Angel continues to battle on but can't score more than a 2 count. Will one of Kong’s bone crushing vertical splashes finally find its mark?

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11 min. 332 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 673: Angel Orsini vs Chris Gray

An intergender contest between two well-matched opponents.
Chris is a wrestling technician, utilizing superior technique to crank up the leverage and dish out maximum punishment on Arm and Hammerlocks during the early going. Angel counters with her great athleticism, cartwheeling her way into reversals as the pair trade control of the match. The Englishman gets the better of Angel early, but a frustrated Orsini opens up her power game, delivering slams, stomps and Suplexes that shift the tide back in her favor.

Angel targets Chris’ leg without mercy as she clamps on a single-leg Boston Crab, sends a series of kicks and stomps into his thigh, and delivers a knee slam into the hard canvas.
Can a hobbled Chris Gray overcome injury and bring his technical skills to bear or has Angel found his Achilles heel?

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

6 min. 180 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$8 for non-members
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$8 through Paypal

$6 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 672: Amy Love vs Fire

A 2 out of 3 Falls Submission Match.
There is a brief prologue as the two introduce themselves in their own inimitable fashions. Egos (and bodies) clash immediately after in a long test of strength. The two are so well matched that the balance of power teeters one way or the other throughout this fall as the action flows from Headlocks to Neckscissors to a Figure Four Leglock that has Fire screaming in agony. The absence of a ref makes reaching for the ropes practically meaningless and things only get worse for her as Amy tosses out a barrage of holds, culminating with a rib-crushing bodyscissors that elicits Fire’s first gasping submission.

Amy’s boosted confidence doesn’t last long as Fire gives back just as good as she got–soon bending The Supermodel in half with a painful Boston Crab, causing her to shriek out a quick “I give." Fire presses her advantage by continuing to punish Amy’s back and neck with stomps, a Full Nelson and a Sleeperhold. By the time, one wrestler taps out to a brutal Camel Clutch, she looks about to drop while her opponent appears fresh as a daisy!
A veritable symphony of submissions, this match will delight those who appreciate large repertoires of holds (not to mention high decibel screaming!).

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 671: Desiree Petersen vs Diane Von Hoffman

You would think that these two would have learned to get along after all these years, but there's a lot of bad blood brewing here. Diane hears that Desiree has been talking trash about her on the internet and she's decided to give her old student a chance to defend herself: In the ring! Even though Desiree tries to apologize, Diane isn't having it and she demands that they fight. They may have trained together, but did the master keep her best tricks to herself?

These two are evenly matched in every way. Every Leglock, Hammerlock and Headlock is countered and reversed until it seems like neither wrestler could possibly gain an advantage. The action moves off the mat, but this doesn't solve anything as both Diane and Desiree are more than happy to exchange kicks and elbows in an attempt to permanently injure the other. Even when it comes to cheating, both wrestlers are more than prepared to bite, claw and pull hair if it helps them get the upper hand on their opponent. This is a tightly-contested, old fashioned wrestling match and these 2 show the younger girls how it's done.

With no referee, this one isn't going to end until one proud warrior can't take anymore. A Front Facelock, a Camel Clutch and a stomach claw push Desiree to the breaking point, but she manages to hang on. Her persistence pays off and soon it's Diane who finds herself in trouble, nearly getting her arm snapped by Desiree. Still, she does not give up. With both women on the brink of exhaustion, a neck-twisting Hangman finally forces a submission and probably a trip to the Chiropractor.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

15+ min. 463 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 670: Team Blossom vs Tenille

Whilst England and Australia are usually known for their rivalry in the sport of Cricket, this match proves there is no love lost in the wrestling ring either. And when Tenille brings up England's lack of success in the recent Soccer World Cup, Hannah and Holly feel they have a point to prove in this 2-on-1 Handicap Match.

Already outnumbered, Tenille is also up against Team Blossom's reluctance to play by the "One in, One out" rule. As a result, Tenille is repeatedly doubleteamed by the twins with moves including synchronized Dropkicks and a double Suplex. And it doesn't get much easier for Tenille when facing just one Blossom-the Twins work together to maintain control of the match, taking it in turns to dish out kicks, chops, Monkey Flips, Suplexes, DDT's and a Sleeper that almost puts Tenille out.

But Tenille is not going down that easily-she fights back with an Atomic Drop, a Front-Face Slam, Spears, a double Clothesline and more as she strives to overcome the odds. But Tenille now has the added problem of pinning the legal wrestler... which is not an easy task when facing twins! Perhaps the answer will be to score falls on BOTH of her opponents, maybe with a pin AND a submission? But can Tenille achieve this difficult challenge? Or will it prove TWINpossible?

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9+ min. 290 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 669: Angela vs Kristin Astara

Kristin declares herself an ‘Angel in White’ but quickly shows her devilish side when it comes to hairpulling and protesting phantom fouls to the referee. Astara’s devious tactics give her the early edge with vicious neck twists, a guillotine legdrop and an over-the-knee Backbreaker that nearly takes the match.

Kristin threatens to wear the shine off of Angela’s spandex as she drags her across the ring and is positively giddy while keeping Angela agonized in a brutal Figure Four. The resilient Angela holds on, but Kristin only turns up the pressure as she clamps on a draining Sleeper while wrapping her opponent up in a tight bodyscissors.
Despite the prolonged beating Angela finally mounts a ferocious comeback. Will it be enough to overcome Kristin’s tactics or does the devious diva have one more trick up her sleeve?

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 668: Jennifer Blake vs Lorelei Lee

"We don’t need a ref. You fight fair, I fight fair." You just know that a match opening with those words is not going to go well. Jennifer discovers this much to her chagrin, going into the match expecting to face the clean-fighting country girl Lorelei. Instead, she gets a different kind of Lorelei-one who clearly got up on the wrong side of bed that morning.

Jennifer’s naivete leads her into a sportsman-like handshake that turns into knees to the stomach. It only goes downhill from there as Lee piles on the hairpulling, armbars, shoulderblocks and chokes. Lorelei proceeds to concentrate on Jen’s legs for a while, bending her in various unpleasant shapes, locking on a nasty Figure Four Leglock and even using the ropes to wrap the blonde’s legs around.
Does Jennifer mount a defense? Nope. This one stays one-sided as Lee graduates from legs to other parts of the body, figuring out creative ways to cut off the hapless Blake’s air. The match ends with a pair of rock-solid arms wrapping around one wrestler’s neck, sending her slowly into a Dreamland that seems rather preferable to the world of hurt she was in for the preceding 15 minutes!

For those of you who enjoy the one-sided squashes, you couldn’t do better than this onslaught of punishment!

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15+ min. 463 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 667: Candi Divine vs Miss Rachel

Miss Rachel has the size and the strength, but Candi shows why experience is so valuable as she unloads on her younger opponent from the get-go and dishes out a one-sided beating on the big Brit.
Size and strength are only advantages if you get a chance to use them and Rachel is way too busy moaning in agony to take advantage as Candy lays into her with slaps, stomps, and brutal stomach claws. Without a referee to keep things in order Candi goes to town with a variety of chokes any which way you like them on her over-matched foe.

Divine’s long legs are used to great effect as she’s easily able to clamp them tight around Rachel, draining the powerful wrestler in withering head and bodyscissors. Candi’s assault is thorough with virtually no body part spared from Divine’s sadistic twisting, stretching, or clawing.
A final Boston crab has poor Rachel screaming her submission, but the devilish Ms Divine makes her suffer for nearly a full minute more before finally releasing the hold and celebrating her victory over her broken foe.

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10 min. 159 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 480

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 666: Amber O'Neal vs Tracy Taylor

A 1 Fall contest featuring sound fundamentals and good sportsmanship.
Both wrestlers demonstrate flawless technique as they exchange a series of holds and quick reversals through the early going. The action is fast paced, but Amber seems a little quicker and is able use her legs as weapons that keep Tracy struggling in head and bodyscissors. Tracy manages to battle back but soon Amber gets the better of another exchange and has the Hawaiian trapped in a seated Abdominal Stretch.

Both wrestlers engage in plenty of close quarters body on body mat wrestling as they work to grind each other down. Despite being exhausted by the pace and frustrated at not being able to put their opponent away both wrestlers keep it clean as the time limit ticks down.
One gorgeous battler ups her game during the frantic final moments and finds a way to finish off her worthy opponent just before the time keeper’s bell.

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18+ min. 553 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 665: Christie Ricci vs Erica D'Erico

A little bit of trash talking starts us off as these two ladies test each others' strength and patience. Lots of impressive arm work and reversals get these two going until Christie turns the focus to Erica's knee.
An impressive leg split hold has Erica moaning, but not tapping. But soon it's Christie who finds herself in Erica's very impressive Judo Armbar. She taps, but Erica decides to let Christie sleep it off and ignores the submission.

Erica, being the good sport, wakes up a confused Christie with a slap to the face for Round 2.
Erica's arm becomes Christie's plaything and she makes it very clear at one point that she wants to see Erica cry. Soon it's Erica waking up from la la land as a result of one of Christie's Sleeperholds.
Erica never really recovers and Round 3 is all Christie. Soon Erica is in a VERY tight Dragon Sleeper listening to a very mouthy Christie. Sleep tight, Ms D'Erico!

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15 min. 449 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 664: Kristin Astara vs Sara Del Rey

The two athletes waste no time getting into it, tying up and feeling each other out with Headlocks and Front Facelocks. It isn’t long before Sara’s power advantage gains her control of the match as she forces Kristin to her knees in a test of strength that looked like it was seconds from snapping the hapless blonde’s wrists!
Things don’t improve too much for her from this point onward as Sara breaks out her well-honed repertoire, exhibiting perfect examples of moves ranging from Bodyslams to Camel Clutches to a Bearhug that leaves the slender blonde gasping for air.

Powerful as Sara is though, it would be a mistake to count out Kristin’s wiles.
The final seconds of the match are back-and-forth, culminating in a lightning-fast move on one wrestler’s part that clinches the victory and leaves the victim in complete shock.

Fans of Sara’s power-intensive style will enjoy this match, as will those who admire Kristin’s ability to keep her wits about her in what ends up being a perfect 14 minute showcase of two athletes in their physical prime.

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13+ min. 402 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 663: Kellie Skater vs Ryan Eagles

A 1 Fall Match.
Despite giving up considerable size and strength to her opponent, Skater holds her own with quickness as the pair exchange a flurry of Armlocks and takedowns during the early going. The pace is fast and bodies fly around the ring with armdrags, Clotheslines, Backslides and corner splashes.

Tired of playing to Kellie’s strength, Eagles slows things down with brutal closed fist shots to Kellie’s jaw that send the blonde hard to the mat. Ryan works Kellie over with Abdominal Stretches and a trapezius nerve claw, grinding Skater down. Kellie suffers from vicious face rakes, stomps and hair pulls as Ryan tosses out the rules in pursuit of victory.

Despite suffering a tremendous beating, Skater holds on and fights back with quick Dropkicks, roundhouse kicks and hard forearms to the jaw as this one heads to a wild and furious finish.

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 662: Team Blossom vs Josie & She Nay Nay

Nothing too fancy here as the Blossom sisters fight fairly but aggressively while their opponents bend the rules to the breaking point by pounding the Brits with doubletems and by trapping them in an unfriendly corner.

Josie and She Nay Nay lay into their foes with everything they've got, but the sisters narrowly escape doom time and again to prove they're still in the match.

One big move brings this contest to a close and puts one in the win column for a very tired team!

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11+ min. 350 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 661: Angel Williams vs Sin-D

1 Fall contest refereed by Rain.
A fierce lockup leads into a match of solid hits, lots of kicks and some underhanded choking and hairpulling.

Neither lady dominates, but each takes severe punishment. After narrowly escaping the clutches of a Sleeper, Sin-D turns the tables with a nerve hold that has Angel writhing on the mat, barely making it to the ropes and relief.
After that it's back and forth with many near falls until one final surprise rollup awards the win!

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10+ min. 314 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 660: Amy Love vs Joe Bear

1 Fall to a finish in this one with Supermodel Amy taking on a mysterious masked grappler hailing from France(?), mister Joe Bear.
Amy wastes no time in welcoming this Jobber to the US, taking the fight right to him. She easily overpowers Joe in a fingerlock Test of Strength, but that's just the beginning of the Frenchman's misery...

Amy tears right through the foreign competitor, dropping him with a shoulder block, Neckbreaker, and Facebuster among others, before dropping several vicious elbows on her adversary. The Supermodel then shows her considerable strength by Bodyslamming Joe before splashing him in the corner, flipping him the bird, and jarring him with a picture-perfect Stunner!

Most tourists would be on a plane back to Paris by now, but Joe Bear stays around for some more punishment. Amy is happy to oblige, delivering a Sidewalk Slam, DDT, a Backstabber, and a Monkey Flip. A battered and bruised Joe calls for somebody to help him, but no such luck. Amy drains the last bit of fight out of her opponent with a bodyscissors/Sleeperhold combination and a Bearhug, before sending him straight back to the canvas with some huge left and right hooks. The 1-2-3 is academic...Joe Bear indeed!

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13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 659: Amanda Ruffin vs Su Yung

No DQ, no holds barred, last woman standing rules apply in this one, which means that the match will not end until one wrestler fails to answer a 10 count.
Amanda starts off well, dominating the first part of the match. In fact, not counting a vicious DDT the most offensive thing about Su seems to be her language, swearing at Ruffin whenever she gets a chance!

Amanda's game plan is not affected, pulling Su's hair and biting her when she thinks it's necessary. After locking in a Camel Clutch, she lands numerous devastating kneedrops to just about every part of her opponent's body. A Snapmare and 3 hard Bodyslams earn Ruffin a count of 7, and after a Dropkick, Boston Crab, Figure Four Leglock, and Swinging Neckbreaker, Su barely gets up at the count of 9.

Getting a second wind, Su traps Amanda in a Camel Clutch of her own, violently ripping at her foe's face. She continues her offensive flurry with a boot choke and 2 Bulldogs.
Is it enough to keep Amanda Ruffin down for the 10 count or will Su Yung eventually be the one staring up at the lights?

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19 min. 573 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 658: Leva vs Rachel Summerlyn

A Best of 3 contest and as the match begins, it appears that both women are keen to play by the rules.
The opening round begins with a tactical battle of back and forth Armlocks as each woman does her best to counter her opponent's move. As the pace picks up, Leva's speed allows her to take control of the match with a swift Flying Headscissors that sends Rachel to the canvas and down for the first 3 count.

As round 2 begins, it becomes clear that Rachel is now less in the mood for fighting entirely fair. As Leva tries to build on the momentum from the previous round, Rachel suddenly takes a time out and leaves the ring to 'regroup herself'. A count from the referee brings Rachel back to the ring, but her mind games have had the desired effect. Rachel challenges Leva to a test of strength-and although Leva 'hulks up' she is unable to stop Rachel's quick thinking leading to the equalizing fall!

The battle for the final fall sees Leva pulling out all the stops, showcasing her skill and athleticism. But will that be enough against Rachel's raw power?

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12 min. 356 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 657: Erica D'Erico vs Rain

ABsolute warfare between Erica and Rain in a grueling abdominal battle. Gut shots galore as each wrestler takes a pounding from brutal kicks, stomps, elbow drops and shoulderblocks driven hard into the belly. Midsections are mauled with finger rakes, claw holds, elbow and heel grinds.

Rain uses her noggin, driving it repeatedly into D’Erico’s tight abs before wrapping her up in a seated Abdominal Stretch. Erica responds with a well executed over the knee Backbreaker topped off with a vicious stomach claw, but Rain rebounds and sets up Erica across the corner ropes before landing a brutal kneedrop to her exposed abs.

Erica won’t be outdone and soon has Rain dangling in a Tree of Woe as she blasts kicks into her midsection. Despite their weary waists, neither wrestler is willing to give up the match to end the ABuse. One exhausted battler finds the strength to clamp on an inescapable Abdominal Stretch that has her opponent screaming her submission as one set of abs reigns supreme.

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14 min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 656: Lexie Fyfe vs Malia Hosaka
Also available on DVD SLAM 53.

It's three veterans (including referee Christie Ricci) in one great match!
Malia and Lexie know all of each other's tricks and before they lock up, they make sure to let the ref know to keep her eyes open. After all, this is a Submissions Only match-up and neither of these ladies could stand to give up to the other.

The ladies test each other out with leglocks early on, not to mention punches to the knees that have both grapplers crying foul. It's Lexie who secures the first major hold with a back-bending Boston Crab, but Malia returns the favor by applying one of her favorites, the Camel Clutch. These two have seen it all and it will take more than that before they even think of quitting. As she pulls hair, bites, and jabs Lexie in the throat, you get the feeling that Malia is willing to twist the rules a little bit more than her rival.

Lexie and Malia know every hold there is: bodyscissors, Rocking Horse, Stomach Claw, Sleeperhold, Abdominal Stretch, Bow & Arrow, Surfboard...it's a lexicon (or "Lexie"-con?) of pro wrestling holds and the ladies know how to apply every one for maximum pain and humiliation.

These two bring out the best (and worst) in each other. When Malia wraps her legs around Lexie's neck in a vice-like Figure Four Headscissors, it looks like it could be the end. A rope assisted Figure Four Leglock forces one wrestler to finally submit and the winner takes her time getting untangled, relishing the big win.

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11+ min. 188 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 655: Awesome Kong vs Joey Machete

What happens when two dominant forces collide? Something's got to give, that's for sure.
Joey is used to having a massive size advantage over everybody, but nobody dwarfs the Amazing Kong! His usual goon tactics only serve to anger Kong and you can actually see the fear in his eyes early in the match. The whole room is shaking as these two exchange bodyblocks and massive chops. Joey isn't used to be being manhandled, but a Headbutt followed by a big Bodyslam have him reeling.

Joey's never been one to go easy on the ladies and in this case and you know Kong wouldn't have it any other way. It takes everything he has to bring the big girl down and finishing her off looks to be near impossible. A tight Sleeperhold and an expertly applied Camel Clutch sap her strength, but she refuses to quit. He even uses the ropes to choke the life out of her.

It's only a matter of time before Kong gets her second wind and when she does, it's bad news for Joey who gets squashed in the corner by the Amazing one. A big splash ends this match in spectacular fashion and both wrestlers look like they've been through hell by the end.
Kong and Joey have earned a lot of respect by the time this one is over.

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9+ min. 287 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 654: Jessie McKay vs Tenille

Remember when Tenille and Jessie McKay first squared off, in SLAMpeg 491, a back-and-forth battle that ended when Jessie tapped out to a bridging Figure Four Leglock? Jessie remembers. And Tenille is going to pay the price.

Once the two Australian grapplers lock-up, it's all Jessie. And it's not always pretty for Tenille. Jessie wears down her opponent with rope chokes, a slingshot into the bottom rope, too many forearm smashes to count, and even the occasional hairpull and biting. Tenille barely gets in any offense, and instead takes close to 15 minutes of everything Jessie can throw at her.

A Hurricanrana backbreaker and X-Factor result in numerous pin attempts for Jessie, but Tenille manages to kick out every time. Jessie goes after Tenille's leg, with a Figure Four (using the ropes for leverage) and numerous stomps to the injured leg. Jessie also focuses her attack "Down Under," dealing Tenille numerous low blows, including a couple stomps, a reverse Atomic Drop, and a very painful slam into the ring post.

In the end, Jessie hits a Powerbomb on the exhausted Tenille, but pulls her up at the count of 2. Rather than getting the 3 count, Jessie looks to end the match by reintroducing Tenille to the business end of the same bridging Figure Four Leglock that gave Tenille the victory last time.
Can Tenille find a way out, or does Jessie even the series at 1-1?

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15 min. 454 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 653: Lacey vs Rain

When Lacey and Rain put aside their normal tag team friendship and face each other 1-on-1, you can guarantee two things about the match that ensues: 1) There is NO love lost between these two competitors, and 2) It will not be a quiet match-Particularly when you add guest referee Daffney into the mix!

Unsurprisingly, the two women are very evenly matched at the start of the bout. There is a rapid exchange of striking moves and holds as control of the match goes to one wrestler, and then back to the other. Gradually, Rain begins to take the advantage, scoring a number of near falls with an Ab Stretch and a Boston Crab, before securing the first fall with the Acid Rain!

But this is a Best of 3 battle, and that means Rain must now face an angry Lacey in the second round.
Rain is soon on the wrong end of an all-out assault of kicks, chokes on the ropes, a Figure Four Leglock, stomach claw and what is nearly a knockout Sleeperhold - until Lacey decides to put her sometime-friend away in style with a DDT that levels the score at 1-1.

All is settled in the final round with a Sleeper sending one wrestler to dreamland. But is the winning wrestler radiant... or lovely?

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20+ min. 335 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 652: Fantasia vs Lexie Fyfe

Lexie takes the rare role as "Rookie" in this one on one match up with the veteran Fantasia.
Lexie's larger opponent makes the match stipulation very clear: "Rookie, can you take it?" And take it, Lexie does. What we see here is a 45 minute drubbing which must have put Lexie out for weeks.

Corner work, stomps, stomach claws, punches, elbow drops, splashes, MAJOR ab work, Tree of Woe... you name it, Lexie takes it! Fantasia grows bored and switches her focus to Lexie's leg. Here we see anklelocks, punches, knee bars, rope work, Single Leg Boston Crab, Double Toehold... all the while Rookie Lexie claiming she can take it.

Forget everything you know about Lexie on this one, folks. She "takes it" for 45 minutes (along with her neck, back, legs, and arms) until one final, leg-twisting, back-bending hold has Lexie tapping frantically and claiming she can take it no longer!

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45 min. 729 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 651: Jennifer Blake vs Mercedes Martinez

No referee? No problem. When you've got two wrestlers as skilled as these going at it, there's not much for a referee to do, anyway.
Jennifer and Mercedes work tirelessly (and entirely within the rules) to pull out the win in this Best of 3 Submissions Match. The action is fast and furious in the First Fall, with both wrestlers reversing holds in the early stages while trying to gain the upper hand. Mercedes gets the early advantage when she nails Jen with a Clothesline off the ropes, but she makes a fatal mistake when following up, allowing Jennifer to lock in a Sharpshooter. Mercedes has no choice but to tap out and give Jen the First Fall.

Mercedes takes control in the Second Fall, with rope and foot chokes, Chickenwing submission holds and bodyscissors to wear down Jennifer. The feisty Canadian battles back with a couple Clotheslines, then locks in another Sharpshooter. Mercedes powers out of this one, and after wearing Jennifer down, Mercedes hits a Snap Suplex, then locks in a Camel Clutch that evens the match at 1-1.

The two wrestlers pull out all the stops in the Third Fall. Mercedes hits a double underhook Suplex and turns it into a seated reverse Full Nelson. Jen battles back with a Bulldog and an anklelock. Mercedes responds with a vicious DDT. With both wrestlers exhausted, Jennifer puts Mercedes into an Airplane Spin that leaves both of them down on the mat.
Which one has enough left in her to lock in the Crossface and score the decisive fall?

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15 min. 455 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 650: Leva vs Shantelle Taylor

No DQ, 3 out of 5 Falls barefoot match.
Bouncy Leva quickly seems to annoy Shantelle, but proves to be a worthy opponent. Dead even test of strength and a shocking pin lead to the win for Fall 1.

An angry Leva comes out swinging for Fall 2. Shantelle takes a drubbing and finds herself trapped in a stretch she can't escape and concedes a equalizing fall.
Fall 3 finds Leva looking for some guidance from an external force. A successful partnership blossoms into a weapons-filled final fall where one lady ends up out cold center ring!

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11+ min. 348 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 649: Team Blossom vs Malia Hosaka

The English must have a different definition of tag team wrestling than we do, because when Team Blossom gets in the ring something is lost in translation. Bubbly, blonde, bouncy and British, the Blossom sisters are a tough test for any pair, so what chance does the lone Malia Hosaka have? These two are about to learn that you can never underestimate an opponent with Malia's skill and experience. She tosses Hannah and Holly around the ring, but it doesn't matter how many elbows she lands or rollups she can execute, Hannah and Holly always manage to bail each other out. With Malia wearing down, the Blossoms start to get creative with their doubleteaming.

Double Dropkicks, Suplexes, elbows, and Bearhugs are just a few of the moves that the Blossoms break out to finish their foe. The sisters find a way to double up almost every move possible, much to the dismay of the referee. The shady tactics start to work against the Blossoms as the ref refuses to count pinfalls or submissions as long as they're both in the ring. Even as Malia is stretched out in a Camel Clutch/Boston Crab combo, the Blossoms cannot find a way to end the match.
One big mistake turns the tables and now it's Malia dealing out damage in stereo. She splatters the two wrestlers with a Flying Crossbody and a big corner splash. A double noggin knocker leads to an incredible double Mutalock that has to be seen to be believed.

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19 min. 568 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 648: Jessica James vs Titan

David beat Goliath. George slayed the Dragon. And Odysseus defeated the Cyclops. But those guys had it easy compared to the task ahead of Jessica James in her match against Titan. However, despite facing an opponent more than twice her size, Jessica is far from intimidated and actually gains the early advantage at the start of the match-albeit for a few seconds!

Jessica soon finds herself in an Airplane Spin and on the wrong end of a big boot from Titan. For a few moments, it appears the match is already over but Jessica is not out yet. Indeed, as the match progresses, Jessica proves time and time again that she is not just going to roll-over, regardless of the enormous odds (and enormous opponent!) stacked against her.

More than once, Jessica's combination of perseverance and ability allows her to take control of the bout and surprise her bigger opponent. Unfortunately, each and every time she does, Titan's immense power makes the difference and Jessica is repeatedly slammed back to the canvas - and being slammed by Titan is akin to a fall from a small building!
A final mighty Chokeslam from one of the wrestlers finishes the match and scores the winning pin for... Well, we won't give it away. But there aren't any prizes for guessing correctly.

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8+ min. 244 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 647: Lorelei Lee vs Portia Perez

Two highly-skilled grapplers lock horns in this 1 Fall contest, with both competitors keeping it surprisingly clean in the opening minutes. Waistlocks, armbars, and Hammerlocks are exchanged. Portia locks Lorelei in a modified Surfboard, while Lorelei retaliates with a nice armdrag/armbar combination. And just when you think you're actually witnessing a fair contest, Miss Perez reverts to her old self, breaking just about every rule in the book. Portia punishes Lorelei with hairpulls, boot and rope chokes, eyerakes, biting and much more.

Lorelei doesn't take all the abuse lying down, finding her second wind and crushing Portia with a facebuster, a beautiful handspring elbow and a huge Bulldog. Is it enough to earn a 3 count against Portia, or does the ever-dangerous Canadian have more tricks up her sleeve?

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11+ min. 346 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 646: Kellie Skater vs Rosie Lottalove

A match charged with an undercurrent of international tension as accents are mocked and boundaries drawn. Rosie adopts democratic principles by giving equal attention to every part of Kellie’s body in a relentless assault that leaves the Antipodean athlete crumpled in the corner every couple of minutes. Kellie, however, can give as good as she gets, using her considerable agility to thwart Rosie several times in the second half of the match.

The ladies lock up and the contest goes back and forth for a bit with Waistlocks and flurries of exchanged blows but it’s not long before a missed Dropkick opens Kellie up to a world of hurt. Rosie uses her superior size and strength to manhandle Kellie with Headbutts and Bodyslams, ties her up with a leglock and all but snaps her neck with chokes and a vicious Camel Clutch. She even ramps up the humiliation factor by giving poor Kellie a literal butt-kicking!
Referee Jessie McKay tries to curb the illegal moves with limited success. At the eleventh hour, Skater taps into a hidden reservoir of energy and returns from the brink, punishing Rosie with a series of very impressive reversals including an attempted Backbreaker turned into a Neckbreaker that has to be seen to be believed.

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11 min. 327 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 645: Sara Del Rey vs Danny DeManto

You can't blame Danny for being a little intimidated. Everyone, man or woman, knows that Sara Del Ray is not to be messed with. To his credit, Danny begins the match by offering a handshake and shows good sportsmanship...which lasts for about 30 seconds. A sucker kick to the stomach puts Danny on the board, but before he knows it he's down on the mat with his legs being twisted into a pretzel. He tries to regain control with a test of strength, but it is beautifully reversed by Sara who threatens to snap the big boy's fingers off. Sara's picture perfect wrestling technique proves to be more than a match for Danny's size advantage, so he does what any smart wrestler would do: He cheats!

As tough as Sara is, nobody can put up a good fight when they've got someone's fat fingers in their eyes. The only one feeling more pain is the referee who gets slapped in a Headlock by the nearly blind Del Ray.
Danny goes to work on Del Ray's back with kicks, knees and fingernails. Sara manages to pay Danny back in spades, nearly tearing the skin off his chest and clawing his eyes out. She even uses her butt to squash Danny into the corner and onto the mat.

With her opponent reeling, she begins an all out assault on Danny's arm, kicking and twisting it to its limits. This is a hard fought match from beginning to end, but it looks like Sara plans to take Danny's arm home as a trophy...and what Sara wants, Sara usually gets.

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11+ min. 350 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 644: Josie vs Tenille

A wild 1 Fall match.
Tenille takes charge early, but after a quick armdrag, Josie comes up limp from an apparent ankle injury. As Tenille moves in to figure out just what’s going on, Josie unloads with a forearm to the jaw that sends Tenille hard to the mat! The faker tosses an array of weapons into the ring as things quickly spiral out of control.

Tenille manages to regain the momentum and sends Josie hard to the canvas among the baseball bats and garbage can lids, but in an ironic (knee) twist the Australian goes down with a leg injury of her own! Josie doesn’t hesitate to take advantage.
She batters Tenille’s injured knee, hanging her in a Tree of Woe while hammering away with a metal cookie sheet! Referee Holly Blossom is overwhelmed as even more knee breaking action comes after the final pin. The boot comes off and the weapons come out with Josie utilizing a pair of ringside crutches to further maim her injured foe.

If out of control action is your thing this wild one is for you!

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11+ min. 349 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 643: Angel Orsini vs Tasha Simone

Imagine you're a referee assigned to officiate a match between two veteran wrestlers. Now imagine that these two grapplers are willing-and very able-to bend and break any rules necessary to pull out a win. Now imagine those wrestlers are Angel Orsini and "The Queen of Mean" Tasha Simone.
The ref has his hands full in this match-up, with Tasha complaining about hairpulling or chokeholds every time Angel grabs the upper hand. The poor guy even takes a couple forearms to the back trying to separate the two while battling in the corners.

Once the two focus on winning the match, however, the action rarely stops. The seasoned vets are quite adept at working their way out of sticky situations, and reverses and creative escapes are the order of the day. Tasha gets in her share of maneuvers, slapping on a Boston Crab and a couple Surfboard submission holds and nailing Angel with stomps, punches, knee wrenches and a vicious two-footed kick from the corner to a seated and helpless Angel.

But Angel has moves of her own up her sleeve. She returns the punishment with armbars and scissors on Tasha's arms, slams her face-first into the mat and the turnbuckles, and uses a handful of hair to throw Tasha across the ring. The action goes back and forth until an Irish whip results in a double Clothesline that has both ladies on the mat for a 7 count. They struggle to their feet and trade punches and slaps across the chest before one wrestler turns an attempted Irish Whip into a Sidewalk Slam and pulls out the 3 count.

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14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 642: Miss Rachel vs Rain

Miss Rachel seems to be in a bad mood, and unfortunately Rain is in her way. After trading some Hammerlocks and Headlocks, Miss Rachel yanks the Radiant One to the canvas by her hair and goes on a near 10 minute rampage.

Rachel first directs her attacks on Rain's arm, even using the ring ropes to damage the injured body part. Rain's back is the next target, as Miss Rachel takes great pleasure in stretching Rain to her limit in a Camel Clutch. She follows it up with a Bodyslam, legdrop, a low Dropkick, and a slingshot into the ropes.

Viewers will get newfound respect for Rain in this one, as she not only withstands the onslaught, she even tries to muster some offense of her own! But is it too little, too late? Will the hard-hitting Miss Rachel squash Rain, or will Rain somehow manage to do the unthinkable?

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11+ min. 341 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 641: MsChif vs Shawn Spears

Third in the MsChif challenge series.
Do MsChif's screams intimidate or anger? Hard to tell as this one begins. Each gets in a shot or two, but Shawn definitely seems to have the edge in meaness with shoulderblocks and head stomps, rope choking and gut busting.

Mschif fired back with ab punishment, nail rakes and contortionist holds of her own!
A very even match with neither showing any mercy for a downed foe and neither ready to settle for anything short of a decisive finish.

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 640: Jessie McKay vs Kristin Astara

To look at Jessie, it's hard to believe she has a mean bone in her athletic body. And that's the assumption Kristin Astara makes-until Jessie blatantly low blows her to begin this 1 Fall Match.

The absence of a referee plays right into Jessie's ballpark as she is clearly not in the mood for rules in this contest. In the first few minutes of the bout, Jessie quickly resorts to hairpulling and biting, prompting Kristin to ask "How can you be so cute and be such a dirty, rotten cheater?" Jessie's answer is a series of Suplexes, proving that she is just as dangerous when fighting fair.

After barely escaping a brutal Boston Crab, Kristin retreats to the ropes but it provides no sanctuary from the relentless Jessie. Kristin is subjected to a Full Nelson, Dragonsleeper, Bodyscissors, Headscissors and more as Jessie dominates this utterly one-sided bout.
A final ab-stretch proves too much for Kristin, but Jessie is not going to be happy with a simple submission and Kristin's suffering is not entirely over!

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12+ min. 380 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 639: April Hunter vs Nikki Roxx

After special guest referee Leva introduces our two combatants, they go head to head, toe to toe, (tooth to nail?), etc. In other words: THEY GO AT IT.
April starts with a little armwork, while Leva keeps a close eye. She then proceeds to put Nikki though the ringer with more torturous holds like a modified Surfboard, a Headscissors/armbar Combo, and a painful Sleeper/Waistscissor. Nikki refuses to give, though and gives April a little clinic in legwork.

A single-leg Boston Crab has April contemplating submission, but she grits her teeth and fights on. An intense and strenuous test of strength later, one lady finds herself in a crossed arm Camel Clutch and uttering her submission. The winner, however, wants her money's worth and hangs on till the last second of the 5 count.
A great match up for fans of solid technical wrestling and not too much chatter.

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11+ min. 348 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 638: Amber O'Neal vs Jake Manning

Jake "The Man Scout" Manning is a pretty hard-headed fella, in more ways than one. He has a hard time remembering that his opponent in this intergender match-up is Amber, and instead calls her everything from "Aubrey" to "Adrian" to "Angelina." So it's up to Amber to make sure he learns her name.

In an evenly-matched bout featuring plenty of high-impact moves, Amber takes aim at Jake's big, bald head, delivering a Bulldog and countless head slams into the turnbuckles, not to mention introducing his head to the floor and the ring post when the action spills outside the ring. And while Jake may not be so good at remembering names, he knows how to put a hurting on an opponent. He gives Amber a sound beating in the corner and on the mat and as the stakes are raised and the match nears its end, he delivers a brutal over-the-knee Backbreaker and a spine-rattling Suplex that nearly results in a 3 count.

And then there's his hard head. It allows him to take a pair of DDTs from Amber and still manage to get back off the mat. But that second DDT takes a lot out of Amber as well. As the two warriors struggle to their feet, one locks in a double underhook DDT that finally earns the 3 count.
Does Amber finally teach Jake some respect, or is he too hard-headed to stay down?

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13 min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 637: Amanda Ruffin vs Candi Divine

Amanda wastes no time against the veteran Candi and has her in a Bearhug in the first 20 seconds. The seasoned pro doesn't take kindly to this and gives the feisty rookie an old school lesson in Keister Bumps, a Full Nelson, a Stomach Claw, a Headscissor and a Camel Clutch. (whew!)

Amanda is also unfortunate enough to learn of Candi's unique Armbar that has her desperately seeking the ropes. The youngster learns quick though, and is soon biting her way out of holds and returning the favor on the Stomach Claw and Camel Clutch.
Despite all the twisting and bending, it's a good old fashioned 1-2-3 on a Sleepered wrestler that seals the match.

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10+ min. 314 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 636: Jennifer Blake vs Wesna

A 1 Fall Submission Only Match between two accomplished international stars.
Wesna’s power is on full display as she blasts Jen’s abs with harsh knee lifts, lays into her with stiff forearms and effortlessly tosses the beautiful blonde all around the ring with a variety of Suplexes. Wesna is a true mat technician, trapping Jen in kneed Surfboards, a full leg Nelson, and a Crucifix Armbar that nearly has Blake screaming her submission.

Jen takes the abuse and gives as good as she gets. Time and again Wesna teeters on the edge of submission trapped in a Cloverleaf, Camel Clutch and Juji gatame Armbar but repeatedly refuses to submit the match. The pair battle back-and-forth to absolute exhaustion until one wrestler hits a bone jarring Atomic Drop and follows up with a devastating boot that catches her opponent flush in the face!

Beaten, broken and with her arms and legs pretzeled behind her, the defenseless victim finally throws in the towel to an STF variation after a superb contest.

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13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 635: Kristin Astara vs Rain

After much hullabaloo about who needs to be checked and Kristin's new last name, this Ultimate Submission or Knockout Only Contest gets underway.
It's a very long and complaint-filled test of strength that gets this one started. Both wrestlers claim the other is cheating, but let's be honest, neither of them are totally playing straight. The ref does his best to keep order and soon finds himself breaking up a Bearhug as Rain submits to Kristin, giving her the First Fall.

Rain bounces back, though and soon has Kristin in an excruciating Modified Sharpshooter. Kristin tries to hang on, but soon it's 1 fall apiece, with Kristin struggling to stand up.
Rain takes advantage of a weakened Kristin and works her over in the corners and the middle of the ring with a tough bodyscissor. Try as she might, Kristin can't break free and she won't give up. Rain accelerates her thinking by switching to a painful Lotus Lock. Kristin's a stubborn one though and won't give it up that easy. And much to Rain's chagrin, she soon finds herself tapping out to a Sleeper/Waistscissor combo. This back-and-forth continues throughout the match, along with a fair amount of cheating. We see a lot of close 8 counts, an Ab Stretch submission, as well as tapouts to the STF, a Surfboard/double-toed leglock and a proper Sharpshooter.

With all the twisting and bending in this match, each lady manages to get 4 falls each. It ends conclusively for one lady as she fails to make it to her feet before the 10 count after getting her lights knocked out.

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30+ min. 917 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 634: Amanda Ruffin vs Leva

The Twilight madness has taken over!
These 2 go at it to determine once and for all who is cooler: Edward or Jacob. Amanda (a devoted Edward fan) takes on Leva (Team Jacob all the way). Both ladies are very determined to get their point across...

Amanda locks in an elevated double Chickenwing, and follows it up with a single-leg Boston Crab. When Leva is faced with the choice to "give up or admit that vampires are cooler than werewolves", she turns the tables on Ruffin and stretches her with a Camel Clutch. After some Snapmares, Bodyslams, and a Figure Four Leglock that gets reversed several times, both grapplers are hurting badly but still eager to fight.

After Amanda scores several near falls with a couple of Bodyslams and a Snap Suplex, she eventually goes back to the double Chickenwing in an attempt to finally get Leva to quit.
Will it work this time or does Leva have another trick up her sleeve?

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27+ min. 833 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 633: Madison Eagles vs Malia Hosaka

A match sure to thrill fans of technical wrestling and submission holds. The two wrestlers trade Headlocks, Facelocks and Headscissors throughout this 1 Fall match-up. At one point, Eagles and Hosaka even have each other trapped in a Headscissors at the same time!

The two battle for an advantage in this evenly matched encounter. Malia uses a leg sweep to set up a Boston Crab early, but Madison uses the ropes to escape. Madison appears to have Malia fading in a Rear Naked Choke hold later in the match, but Malia responds with elbows to the gut, followed by a wicked Headbutt, to break the hold. Madison soon clamps on another Rear Naked choke, turns it into a Half Nelson, then works it into a Crossface choke hold. But Malia grabs the ropes to earn a break.

The match continues with back-and-forth action, until one wrestler clamps on a Sleeperhold and forces her opponent down to her knees. At that point, it becomes a choice of tapout or pass out. But which wrestler leaves victorious and which one ends on the mat in agony? Only one way to find out!

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9+ min. 278 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 632: Amber O'Neal vs Daffney

No disqualifications in this one, which means that it doesn't take long before the Waistlocks and Side Headlocks are replaced by vicious hairpulls, boot chokes and a low blow. Unfortunately for Amber, she's the one taking most of the punishment! Daffney, on the other hand, seems perfectly comfortable torturing her unlucky opponent.

The Scream Queen then decides to target O'Neal's left leg and ankle, and she's as ruthless as ever. Stomps, elbow drops, leglocks, and legdrops, you name it...but it's not until Daffney removes Amber's boot that the true pain begins!
Daffney slams Amber's foot into the metal ringpost and even batters the injured limb with a metal folding chair, leaving viewers wondering how Amber is going to walk away from this contest-if at all!

To her credit, Amber refuses to surrender. But when Daffney locks in the lethal anklelock submission, the fighting blonde is faced with a decision: tap or snap?

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14+ min. 441 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 631: Diane Von Hoffman vs Joey Knight

Diane is none too pleased with Joey following his poor performance in their tag team bout in SLAMpeg 619 and she shows him just how disgusted she is in this epic one-way beatdown. "I'm not going to try pinning you, I'm just gonna teach you a lesson," Diane screams at Joey at one point in the match.

Diane hits him with everything in her arsenal (kicks, chokes, Clotheslines, elbows) and everything that's not bolted to the floor (including a cookie tray, baseball bat, electrical cord, golf club).
Diane isn't above a little hairpulling or rake of the eyes, especially when she's teaching Joey a lesson. She also delivers head slams into the turnbuckles, the ring post and the mat. Diane finally puts Joey out of his misery with a Claw to the forehead before unceremoniously kicking his unconscious body out of the ring.

It's a lesson Joey will never forget ... if he's able to remember what happened!

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11 min. 330 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 630: Betsy Ruth vs Rachel Summerlyn

The story for Betsy's matches is usually pretty simple-"Betsy wrestles...Betsy wins!".
The beginning of this bout seems to follow the predictable pattern as Betsy pummels Rachel. However Rachel forgot to read the script and suddenly takes over and starts to enjoy the advantage. She is especially keen to work over Betsy's legs in a variety of holds, locks and moves!

We get Stepover Toeholds, single-leg Bostons and Figure Fours but also a few other moves such as Camel Clutches and work on the ropes. A few Surfboards get thrown into the mix but she keeps going back to those legs.

By the time this bout is over Rachel has written a new story where the dominant Betsy suffers as many of her opponents have in the past, but did Rachel do enough to get Betsy to quit?

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9+ min. 275 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 629: Lorelei Lee vs Shawn Spears

Lorelei is out to prove that she fears no man, but it might take more than courage to win this 1 Fall match-up.
The two go hold for hold in the opening minutes, with Lorelei's speed allowing her to stay a step ahead while Shawn uses his power to gain control. An armbar scores points for Lorelei early and she keeps him off-balance by whipping him through the air with some crisp Armdrags. Shawn attacks with punches and elbows, but when he starts to get too creative with his offense, he ends up hurting himself in a *ahem* sensitive area.

When he finally recovers, Shawn grounds Lorelei and proceeds to stomp on her head! He shows absolute disdain for the lovely Lorelei as he continues to put the boots to her. Shawn might be an excellent wrestler, but he looks like an even better brawler in this one. Blow after blow lands on Lorelei's belly and it looks like Shawn is executing his game plan to perfection. One top rope attempt ends up with Lorelei getting nailed with a vicious Backbreaker. Things look to be over when Shawn slaps on a Camel Clutch, but Lorelei manages to get out of it.

With the momentum shifted, Lorelei looks to literally bounce back as she chains together a string of athletic moves including a breathtaking Senton and Moonsault combo that nearly puts Shawn away! Both fighters are pushed past the point of exhaustion and one wrestler reaches deep into the bag of tricks to finally score the fall.
As hard-fought as mixed contests can get.

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14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 628: Little Jeanne vs Kellie Skater

A Best of 3 Falls Submission Only Match.
Jeanne sets the tone early by playing hard and loose with the rules, torturing Kellie’s fingers and using the ropes to her advantage. Skater’s revenge comes with a crossed-arm headscissor on Jeanne who finds herself with just enough free limbs to tapout.

Kellie starts the Second Fall attacking Jeanne before she can reach her feet. Jeanne doesn’t stay down long and soon she’s driving Kellie hard into the corner before nearly sending the Aussie tumbling out of the ring with a well placed Dropkick. After taking a beating on the ropes a dazed Kellie is easy prey for Jeanne’s tight STF submission.

Skater staggers into the Third Fall barely able to keep her balance and Jeanne doesn’t make it any easier as she delivers a quick Piledriver! Kellie’s nearly out and ripe for a pin, but they don’t count in this match! The pair battle on in a grueling final fall that includes Boston Crabs, prolonged Sleepers, and a crippling Figure Four Leglock until one exhausted wrestler can no longer take the punishment.

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15 min. 446 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 627: MsChif vs Sinn Bodhi

Part 2 of the 4 part challenge.
MsChif gets frustrated early on with the unorthodox style of her opponent, but is that part of his strategy or just Sinn being Sinn? MsChif lays into Sinn with hard fists and rapid flying forearms. Using her superior speed and technical skill MsChif trips Sinn up and ties his limbs in knots on the mat. Bohdi responds with raw power and devastating kneelifts that blast MsChif off her feet and take the wind out of her sails.

Sinn seems unaware of any wrestling rules as he claws at MsChif’s face and freely yanks her hair while keeping her trapped in a powerful bodyscissors. Bohdi follows up by working MsChif’s midsection with brutal kicks, diving Headbutts and a reverse Bow & Arrow body-stretch. MsChif finally escapes with a face rake of her own and the pair battle back and forth until a controversial pin produces a taunting victor and a devastated loser sulking in disbelief.

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15+ min. 495 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 626: Fire vs Rain

It was only a matter of time before Fire and Rain clashed! Fire is ready for action, but nothing can prepare her for Rain's triple threat of arms, legs and...teeth? The crafty Rain uses her pearly whites to get out of trouble and to add some extra damage to her own holds. Fire had to be getting a little nervous when referee Amy Love admits that she's having trouble with her new contact lenses.

Luckily, Fire's power game is more than enough to overcome the ref's blindness and she starts to pound Rain from pillar to post before squashing her with a handstand splash. Some back and forth action follows and Rain continues to bend the rules, whether it's pressing her foot down on a cornered Fire or whipping her across the mat by the hair. With Fire weakening, Rain goes in for the kill with a double-arm choke, but this blazing blonde is as tough as they come! A bloody lip only makes Fire hotter and she unloads on Rain with some furious knees to the midsection.

A chop across the chest has Rain feeling the burn and she is almost put down hard by a thunderous Bodyslam. Fire is relentless with her pin attempts and it looks like it's only a matter of time before she gets the 3 count.
Does Rain have anything left up her sleeve or is this one Fire that she won't be able to put out?

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10+ min. 324 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 625: Angel Williams vs Portia Perez

Two of Canada's finest go to war!
First it's verbal as Angel underestimates Portia's age by the odd 17 years then we get down to the grappling. The ladies exchange great moves before we get down to the nitty gritty!

This is a Sleeper war and the last lady still conscious will triumph. Angel registers first but Portia comes right back with her own dream-inducing hold. We get classic Sleepers, Figure Four Leg Sleepers and Dragon Sleepers as the repertoire of both wrestlers is laid out for show.

The choice verbals continue as each woman has her turn in command and is able to gloat as her opponent sleeps then recovers. However one final hold signals victory for one and defeat for the other...

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16 min. 485 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 624: Miss Rachel vs Tasha Simone

There's no referee in the ring when Miss Rachel and Tasha lock-up for a 1 Fall Match. This absence is soon proved redundant however, as it would have proved difficult for any official to make themselves heard over the sound of Rachel's cries of pain that accompany much of the action that is to follow.

If you like your matches completely one-sided, then you've come to the right place. Tasha wastes no times in taking Rachel to the canvas and subjecting her to an impressive array of submission holds, many of which focus on the barefoot wrestler's legs. Rachel suffers in numerous double-toed leglocks, Boston Crabs, Surfboards, Headscissors and many innovative combination holds that punish her entire body.

Tasha's relentless onslaught eventually proves too much for Rachel and she cries out her submission. The question is, with the absence of a match official, will Tasha actually release the hold-or has Miss Rachel made a big Miss-take stepping into the ring with such a powerful opponent?

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11+ min. 354 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 623: Daffney vs Leva

This evenly-contested match featuring first-rate maneuvers is sure to be a hit with fans of classic women’s wrestling.
Both wrestlers show off their proficiency in sound fundamentals as they exchange armlocks, Waistlocks and Full Nelsons while testing each other through the early going. The more experienced Daffney keeps a step ahead of her opponent with some well-executed leg sweeps that put Leva on the defensive and on the receiving end of a tight Crucifix Armbar and single-leg Boston Crab.

Daffney lays waste to Leva’s midsection by catching the younger wrestler in an Abdominal Stretch, adding a stomach claw and following up with an overhead Bow & Arrow that has Leva on the verge of submission.
Resilient Leva fights her way out of trouble and does some damage of her own with a straddle armbreaker and vicious neck crank.

Both wrestlers are in it to the end in this back-and-forth battle until a final Figure Four Leglock proves to be too much for one fighter to take as she screams her desperate submission.

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10+ min. 316 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 622: Angel Orsini vs Tenille

Tenille agrees to a Last Woman Standing contest but forgot to read the small print as a No DQ clause was put in! You just know that is not good news for the Aussie lady!

Angel soon decides that trying a few submissions will be fun especially as a Tenille tapout will not end the match! Bodyslams and multiple Suplexes are added to the mix. Angel puts the 'S' into squash as she points out, "It sucks to be you," to her over-matched victim.

Some armlocks, some nerve holds and some stretches just add to Angel's enjoyment and as the ref tries for the 10 count some stomps ensure that the punishment goes on. A Boston Crab, a Torture Rack and Backbreaker add to the spectacle as Angel chooses to prolong matters.
Will the referee ever get the chance to get his 10 count finished? Will Angel tire of her dominance?

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 621: Hannah Blossom vs Holly Blossom

It's sibling rivalry taken to the squared circle!
Each lady can't seem to get the other out of her head-Every move one sister tries to make, she's met by a counter and reversal by her opponent.

The ladies start with the traditional lock-up in the middle of the ring. Neither girl seems to get the advantage, but both get very close with some sneaky armbars, Headscissors, and Full Nelsons. After a series of impressive Sunset Flips and attempted rollups, Holly locks Hannah into a tight Figure Four Leglock. Holly shows no mercy as she brutally works over her sister's legs. The hold is soon reversed and it's clear that it's going to take a lot of pain for either of these ladies to submit.

Both wrestlers go for rollups, only to have their attempts reversed over and over. Soon the sisters find themselves in a long and grueling double Bearhug. Neither wants to give her sister the win and they both resist the temptation to quit. After some miscalculated power moves, more Bearhugs, and tough Ab Stretches, the twins soon find themselves in a mutual legbar submission hold.
With each demanding that her sister submit, which of the two finally listens and calls it a day?

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20 min. 598 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 620: Sexy Star vs Tasha Simone

A stark contrast in wrestling styles sees Sexy Star put her Luchadora skills up against the no-nonsense, hard hitting Tasha Simone. The always modest and unassuming Rain is the guest referee for this contest, surprisingly calling the match both fairly AND bilingually.

Tasha takes control in the early stages of the match and begins to punish Star with various submission moves, each one more innovative that the last. Any attempt by Star to fight back is quickly countered by Tasha, who responds by increasing the punishment on her opponent and demanding a submission. Rain is on hand to translate, although Star's cries of "No, no, no, no, no" are quite clear as the Mexican wrestler refuses to concede the bout.

Just as defeat seems inevitable for Star, she suddenly finds her second wind. And apparently her third, forth and fifth wind too. In an instant, Tasha is on the back foot, finding herself on the receiving end of a trio of Suplexes that leave her dazed on the canvas as Star kicks and stomps her around the ring.
A submission hold finishes this bout, but is it obtained by the resurgent Star, or does Tasha finally make the Luchadora submit?

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16+ min. 503 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 619: Candi Divine & Su Yung vs Diane Von Hoffman & Joey Knight

A bit of mixed gender and mixed era tag is on the agenda as the legends team with "up and coming" talent.
Diane soon starts thinking that she got the short straw in terms of partners as Joey "It's all about me" Knight starts to perform! Candi shows she has not forgotten how to wrestle as she treats Joey to a sample of her wares much to Diane's disapproval at her partner's lack of ring smarts. Joey's pain is a sight to behold!

Finally Diane gets in against Su and decides to show Joey how a "real wrestler" performs with some good old fashioned brawling, hairpulling and even a few legitimate holds thrown in. After Diane's "old school" tactics Joey wants to get the pin...bad move as he messes that up too!

Diane has to start all over again! Will Joey finally learn how to pin someone or can Candi's team pull off the win....It's a fun romp to see who can come out on top and whether Diane can resist killing her own partner!

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13 min. 388 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 618: April Hunter vs Nikki Roxx

Now this is a different kind of a match-up!
Paying homage to the Lucha Libre style of wrestling, both ladies don masks for this contest. With no referee to control things, the only way to win the bout is to remove the boots and the mask of your opponent.

The masked grapplers, clearly enjoying the new twist on their match-up, trade Armbars and Hammerlocks early in the contest as both battle to take control. Nikki, clad in her "cock mask" (her words, not ours!), tries to wear down April with Headlocks, Bearhugs, Headbutts and Wristlocks. April, in her blue mask, returns fire with Bearhugs, Chickenwings and armbars.

After Nikki connects with a Barbie Crusher, April is down long enough to have her boots removed. Barefoot but not beaten, April battles with forearm smashes, kicks and stomps, trying to put Nikki down. The match officially ends with one lady out and de-masked after a reverse bodyscissors. But as the winner attempts to leave the ring, she is attacked, her wrists taped to the ropes, and her boots and mask removed.

But which wrestler ends up trapped in the ropes shouting "no, no, no!", and which one leaves with a brand new mask, taunting, "Si, si, si"?

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14+ min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 617: Jessie McKay & Tracy Taylor vs Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka

The rules are simple: First team to get 2 Falls wins and only submissions count. Lexie and Malia don't seem too happy with the match conditions and it doesn't take long to find out why.

Jessie and Tracy show off their skills with some solid mat wrestling and crisp tag work. The only time that Lexie and Malia seem to get any relief is when they break out the eye rakes, hairpulls and illegal interference. Even then, the youngsters use superior strength and technique to make the veterans look like amateurs. They work over Lexie and Malia with arm wrenches and Hammerlocks, leading to a fall-ending Surfboard stretch. Tracy adds some island style to the hold and before you know it, Malia has wiped out!

The Second Fall is more of the same as the two legendary ladies just can't seem to get anything going. It's Lexie's turn to get beaten up and no matter what she tries against the plucky pair, they always seem to be five steps ahead of her. After Jessie locks on a painful double Chickenwing, Malia runs in only to be caught in an Abdominal Stretch by Tracy.
Who gets the falls? You'll have to see it to believe it.

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11 min. 335 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 616: Erica D'Erico vs Portia Perez

Two talented and athletic take to the ring in this one and the results are nothing short of electric.
Portia is as cocky as ever and while she can back it up, so can Erica. A Full Nelson hold by Portia is quickly countered and Erica almost steals the match with a Magistral Cradle pin. A test of strength again ends up in Erica's favor and she goes on the offense with a standing Surfboard. With her opponent wrestling circles around her, the Canadian Ninja decides she's had enough of and uses one of her favorite moves: A good old fashioned kick to the stomach! She drives Erica into the corner and follows up with shoulderblocks that leaves the D'Erico breathless. Portia helps her out by standing on her throat and then launching her across the ring with a slingshot.

Erica's no quitter though and she comes back strong, delivering forearm shots to Portia's chest that echo around the room. A beautiful Suplex combination almost ends the match, but Portia's ring instincts put her back in charge. She chains together a Neckbreaker with a Camel Clutch/Sleeper, which becomes a seated cross-armed choke and that is all topped off by a spine-tingling Dragon Sleeper. Erica survives and lands a Big Boot out of nowhere! The action continues to go back-and-forth until Portia executes a picture-perfect DDT. Erica's luck looks to have run out as she is tortured by a series of holds that put her on the edge of submission.
Is Portia able to back up the trash talk or does Erica have one last trick up her sleeve?

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18+ min. 552 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 615: Angel Williams vs Chris Gray

After the ring introduction Angel and Chris share some verbal pleasantries, with Angel calling Chris an "illegal immigrant". There's some hospitality for you. After the talking is done, they engage in some nice chain wrestling. Both grapplers focus on their opponent's arms, so expect to see some armbars, Hammerlocks, and Armdrags.

Eventually Miss Williams gets tired of the scientific wrestling and decides to just stomp a mudhole in Chris instead. A subsequent boot choke gets Gray to the point where he decides to fire back, stomping Angel's chiseled midsection and pummeling her lower back. After a Surfboard across the ring ropes, he targets her ribs some more with vicious shoulder thrusts in the corner and a painful reverse Bearhug.

After Angel retaliates with a hard Clothesline and a back elbow.
A sneaky rollup with added leverage from the ropes earns one of these combatants the tainted win.

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11+ min. 347 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 614: Jennifer Blake vs Lexie Fyfe

This 1-on-1, no ref match up starts out with Jennifer telling Lexie how excited she is to wrestle her. Lexie is excited too... she just shows it in a different way.
What follows is a complete clinic by Lexie on how to dismantle one's opponent.

Jen finds herself on the business end of back rakes, Stomach Claws, fishhook Camel Clutches, and some brutal cornerwork--and that's all in the first minute! Lexie proceeds to focus on Jen's abs with no shortage of hairpulling or rope work. As Lexie explains to her battered opponent, "My ring, my rules."

Soon, Lexie breaks out the chain she's wearing around her neck and manages to find all kinds of uses for it, none of which are fun for Jennifer. The ab-work marathon continues for Jen and one particularly cruel Sitting Ab Stretch has her begging Lexie for mercy. And while Lexie definitely hears her, she just doesn't listen.
This "match" is going to continue until Lexie's bored or Jennifer's out cold!

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12 min. 364 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 613: Josie vs She Nay Nay

All smiles at the start of this 1 Fall contest, the wrestlers take a moment to compliment each others' matching boots. That friendly attitude quickly vanishes when the bell sounds to begin the match.
As with their boots, the ladies are well matched in the opening minutes of the bout, as they exchange a flurry of scissors, Headlocks, toeholds, chin pulls and more. Although both women are largely fighting fair, Josie seems a little more willing to test the referee and gains control of the action with a little help from the ropes.

With the match now going her way, you might assume that Josie would now be happy to play by the rules. But you would be wrong. As well as punishing She Nay Nay with a standing Surfboard and a Fallaway Slam, Josie is soon blatantly choking her opponent and using handfuls of hair to maintain her advantage. Even applying a painful Babyswing is not enough for Josie, who positions She Nay Nay in the corner of the ring so as to repeatedly slam her head into the turnbuckle with each swing!

A late flurry from a fired up She Nay Nay changes the direction of the match and Josie is left dazed by a series of forearms and Clotheslines. The final pin comes after a devastating finisher that leaves no doubt about the winner of this hard fought battle.

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 612: Amy Love vs Jessica James

Before the bell even sounds, Amy Love is already belittling (no pun intended) her opponent Jessica James, asking her if this is "midget wrestling". When James replies, Love answers with a cheap shot. It's the start of a painful 10 minutes of punishment for Jessica. Amy tosses her around the ring by her hair and flattens her with a Sidewalk Slam.

After a legdrop and subsequent Figure Four Headscissors, Amy realizes there's no ref to keep order--so why not choke Jessica with her own hair? Or beat her up with a rolling pin? Things get particularly violent when Amy finds a golf club underneath the ring and decides to throttle poor Jessica with it!

After a contest that is as one-sided as it is brutal, Amy mercifully ends things for the demolished Jessica.

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10 min. 301 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 611: Wesna vs Shawn Spears

Wesna and Shawn bring their ‘A’ game and the ring echoes with the crash of bodies, thud of punches and thwack of open handed slaps aplenty in this rematch of SLAMpeg 405.
The pair wage war through the first half of the match with neither able to gain a clear advantage until Shawn reverses an Irish Whip into a short-arm Clothesline that levels Wesna. Shawn presses his advantage with a tight Camel Clutch as he tries to grind out a submission. Referee Leva checks but Wesna refuses and battles through repeated elbow and kneedrops from Shawn to get back in the fight.

It’s a back and forth battle with both wrestlers scoring near falls as the action heats up. Shawn decimates Wesna with a Swinging Neckbreaker, DDT and prolonged Sleeper that nearly nearly puts the Croatian Panther out. Wesna returns the favor with a powerful Samoan Drop and big boot to the face that leaves Shawn staggering around on wobbly legs.
The ferocious battle finally comes to a furious end when a running Fireman’s Carry is reversed into a devastating press Powerbomb.

Mixed wrestling at its finest between evenly matched foes.

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10+ min. 309 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 610: Brandi Wine vs Jessie McKay

A no-nonsense referee-free battle.
Brandi gets right to work, taking control of McKay’s arm and torturing it every which way she can. Armbars, Hammerlocks, elbow grinds, knee and legdrops all find their mark as Brandi works her crippling magic. Brandi cranks up the pressure with an Abdominal Stretch/armlock combo that has Jessie screaming for mercy.

Weakened and wounded, Jessie is almost defenseless as a methodical Brandi expands her attack. Brandi shows off her mean streak with vicious chokes and punches before riding Jessie in a Camel Clutch complete with eight-fingered fishhook!
Having thoroughly dominated the youngster, Brandi hooks Jessie in a modified Cobra Clutch, wrapping herself around the limp brunette like an anaconda to squeeze the last bits of fight out of her.

It’s Brandi Wine at her brutal best against poor Jessie straight through to a knockout finish.

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14+ min. 430 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 609: Sin-D vs Su Yung

When Su suggests Sin-D’s age may stand in the way of any future modeling career an enraged Sin-D nearly tears through the referee to get at the youngster before the bell.
Animosity is high and the action is fast as the pair jockey for control in a very even match up. A tight bodyscissors by Su followed by a series of Keister Bounces has Sin-D begging for the red-faced referee to kiss it where it hurts to make it feel better.

Sin-D recovers and takes her revenge on Su’s legs, cranking up the pressure with Spinning Toeholds and a single-leg Boston Crab before clamping on a tight Figure Four Leglock that brings Su to the edge of submission.
After a prolonged struggle Su is finally able to turn the hold over and escape.

Now it’s Su’s turn and she delivers a spinal beating to Sin-D with Surfboards, over-the-knee Backbreakers, and a wicked Boston Crab.
Can the beleaguered Sin-D turn the tide and avenge the insult or will youth be served?

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11+ min. 344 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 608: Fire vs Amy Love & Erica D'Erico

Handicap action in this one with Fire flying solo against Amy and Erica in a Submissions Only Match.
Some bragging before the bell rings leads to a rare stipulation: submissions only count when you make your opponent give up in a Torture Rack. A highly confident Fire even claims she's going to make each of her opponents surrender 6 times!

Fire goes to work right away, softening up her foes with clubbing blows and kneelifts before scoring several submissions against both Amy and Erica. The cries of "I quit" follow each other in rapid succession and poor Erica is so out of it that she can't even tag out to Amy anymore. Luckily, guest ref Daffney isn't exactly the strictest official on the planet and lets it all go.

After a twelfth and final Torture Rack submission, Fire gets her hand raised in victory. A vicious post-match assault from her frustrated opponents follows however, and Fire gets Clotheslined, Bodyslammed, and racked herself. Amy and Erica seem to have found their second wind, as even the ref isn't safe from their onslaught!

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17 min. 519 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 607: Amy Love vs Titan

Two of our tallest competitors square off in a clash of the titans!
Amy is her usual confident self and Titan is more than willing to make her humble. The statuesque supermodel is used to having the advantage in any test of strength, but this time it proves to be the beginning of a long and painful day for her.

Amy's abs are put to the test as Titan literally walks all over her, putting his entire weight down across her stomach. A belly punch, big splash and a Stomachbreaker are used to soften her up for not one, but 2 rib-cracking Bearhugs! She valiantly tries to fight back only to be stopped by the big man's raw power time and time again. A nasty legdrop has her worrying about her pretty nose, but Titan's only response is to stomp on it and throw her face-first into the mat. A massive Chokeslam and an inverted leg trap bulldog nearly put Amy's lights out.

Things only get worse for Amy when the action spills to the outside of the ring. It looks like Titan wants to renovate as he picks Amy up and nearly rams her through the walls! There's no escape from the human mountain and the sickening damage he does outside the ring makes everything before seem like child's play. Titan locks on a modified cobra clutch, but there's no referee to call this one. The pounding doesn't end until an elbow drop, Lariat and Big Boot combination leaves Amy knocked flat out.

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20+ min. 623 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$18 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 606: Leva vs Portia Perez
Also available as DVD SLAM 139

Portia goes into full heel mode for this submission match with the frighteningly enthusiastic Leva.

Some entertaining verbals in the staredown work out about even but once the wrestling starts there is only one dominant lady. What follows is a slow, methodical destruction with Portia employing her special Canadian rules where ropes and closed fists are all legal. Luckily for Leva the ref disagrees with Portia's interpretations and tries to keep the cheating to a minimum. However there are lots of legal ways by which Portia chooses to punish her plucky opponent too.

Leva gets dropped on her back 5 successive times, chopped, choke slammed and generally abused as Portia decides to enjoy herself. Portia spends an extended period working Leva's neck with a multitude of submission moves then switches to long tortuous Bearhugs. Boston Crabs and Backbreakers follow till finally Leva's resistance is broken with a final brutal hold.

A brave show by Leva against the Canadian Ninja at the top of her game!

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26+ min. 799 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 605: Little Jeanne vs Tenille

Little Jeanne holds the size and strength advantage, but Tenille has the edge in terms of speed in this 1 Fall Submissions Only match-up.
While Tenille tries to wear down Little Jeanne by targeting her knee with stomps, elbow drops and wrenching leglocks, Jeanne responds with painful Surfboards, reverse Chinlocks and a one-legged Boston Crab.

The two wrestlers battle back-and-forth throughout the match, taking each other down to the mat and then trying to get the elusive tapout. Both come close on numerous occasions, with Tenille locking in a seated Chickenwing with a knee to the back as well as a Surfboard. Jeanne answers with a Full Nelson combined with a bodyscissors, an Anklelock and a Camel Clutch.

The two grapplers trade blows and holds throughout this evenly matched battle until one wrestler finds an opening and slaps on a submission hold so impressive and painful that will make your jaw drop just as quickly as it makes her opponent tapout to end the bout.

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9+ min. 290 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 604: Angel Williams & Jennifer Blake vs Joey Machete & Bad Seed

Single fall mixed gender tag action as the Canadians take on their male rivals in a no-quarter-given contest.
Joey starts in dominant mood against Jen who needs to duck and dive to avoid trouble then needs her partner to save her. Angel fairs no better for a while then slowly works her way into the bout.

Both teams use their "tag savvy" to keep the ref on his toes as time-honored tactics are used to stretch the rules to breaking point while the occasional top-notch legal move also keeps the "to and fro" of the match going.

By the end it is anyone's match until one decisive piece of action brings the win for one team but is it a guy or gal victory pose at the end?
This match holds the answer!

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13+ min. 404 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 603: Fantasy vs Rain

Rain almost makes it through the wrestler introductions before giving the referee a hard time. Once it's established that Rain is in fact "Radiant", she's ready to take on the small, but tenacious Fantasy. The pros trade Headlocks after the lock-up, neither one able to score a definitive advantage over her opponent. Fantasy starts it off with a Headscissor, but it's not long before Rain is working over her smaller opponent in a knee-spreader hold. It's a fairly competitive match, with the ladies trading Hammerlocks, Waistscissors, Camel Clutches, and some brutal rope & cornerwork.

Eventually, it's Rain who locks on a tight Sleeperhold that saps the fight out of Fantasy.
Although she strings together a number of power moves on her larger opponent, is it enough to really bring the fight to Rain?

Buy this one and find out which girl is laid out for the 1-2-3 by a brutal Stunner.

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11 min. 328 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 602: Leva vs Ben Dejo

Leva and Ben Dejo are in the ring for a rematch of their encounter back on SLAMpeg 387, and Leva is keen to remind Ben just how that match concluded. However, Ben is focused on the right now and begins to assert his authority with a series of slams, taking Leva to the canvas time and time again. Leva's fiery spirit is quickly ignited though, and she responds in kind, scoring 2 count after 2 count in search of a quick victory, and reminding Ben of her own speed and ability.

Finding himself on the receiving end of Leva's fast-paced attack, Ben's response is sadly a predictable one. Guest referee, Lexie Fyfe, is kept on her toes as Ben resorts to cheap shots and rulebreaking in an attempt to regain the advantage. Control of the match goes back and forth between the two, as Leva's pure wrestling talent battles against Ben's less sportsmanlike behavior.

As the contest progresses, both wrestler's frustrations grow; Ben at Leva's defiant refusual to be pinned and Leva at Ben's consistent rulebreaking. Neither wrestler is ready to lose, and the action grows ever more frenetic with slams, kicks, throws, Monkey Flips, Hurricanranas and more being exchanged between both competitors.
The end of the match comes suddenly, when one wrestler is reminded (in very painful fashion!) of the old saying, "What goes around... comes around."

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 601: Mercedes Martinez vs MsChif

This starts out with MsChif doing some posing in the ring for pictures. Mercedes seems to find this hilarious saying that her muscles are better than MsChif's.
This leads to MsChif challenging Mercedes to an arm wrestling contest right there in the ring. Mercedes wins after some back and forth action but MsChif is still not happy. She says she's right handed so they need to try again. Mercedes wins again but barely this time.

MsChif says that arm wrestling is not her forte so they should have a wrestling match to decide who really is better.
What follows is a great match with loads of counters and reversals with each wrestler not willing to concede the match. Legs are tormented. Strikes are thrown and arms are stretched until one wrestler is caught in a final submission and must tapout.

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14 min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

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