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SLAMpeg 1800: Ivelisse vs Amazing Kong

A match against Amazing Kong is a daunting prospect for any wrestler. A match against Amazing Kong with no referee present is not recommended at all. However that’s exactly what Ivelisse is up against in this match. And Kong wastes no time in exploiting the absence of an official.

Ivelisse’s hair proves to be a tempting target for Kong and it quickly becomes the basis for the entire match. Ivelisse’s hair is pulled, yanked, stretched, bitten (yes, bitten!) wrapped around the ropes, wrapped around her own throat and more. At one point Kong even seems determined to pull it all out, one strand at a time!
For Ivelisse, this match is not about winning or losing, but simply about surviving… Preferably with a full head of hair!

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9 min. 273 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 1799: Rain vs Sassy Stephie

Stephie is at her Sassy best, telling the Radiant One that it’s a good thing she’s on the verge of retirement since she can’t beat her any more. Rain’s heard it all before and with the roll of her eyes these two veterans go to work.
Rain does her best to wear down Stephie with a vertical splash, knee drops to the midsection and an inverted Full Nelson/bodyscissors. Rain’s relentless offense is impeded by Stephie’s studded bra that digs into her tender abs as she goes for pins, but her complaints only get a shrug from the referee. Stephie takes full advantage, digging her chest into Rain’s abs, raking her midsection with her fingernails and stretching her through the ropes for a standing Surfboard before locking in a tight Sleeper. Rain nearly goes out, but counters with a devastating jawbreaker!

It’s anyone’s match to take as the veteran pair brawl back and forth with forearms and Headbutts. Finally a ducked Clothesline gets converted into a lights out Swinging Neckbreaker and a satisfying pin for one of these grapplers.

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6+ min. 199 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1798: Ivelisse vs Shantelle Taylor

Please note: this was a customer requested recreation of a Japanese ladies match.
Fast-paced, back-and-forth action is the order of the day in this 1 fall match-up refereed by Nikki Roxx.
Ivelisse and Shantelle go after each other with wild abandon and loud screams as they trade punches, forearms, armbars and hair tosses across the ring. Shantelle gets the speedy Ivelisse down on the mat early and goes to work on her arm, then works Ivelisse on the mat into several submission holds followed by a Clothesline and a couple of Fireman’s Carry drops to the mat.

Ivelisse responds with some painful stretches and armbars, and a terrific Headscissors that she maintains even after Shantelle tries to flip herself over to escape. The upstart also hits Shantelle with a Neckbreaker and a Northen Lights Suplex, but when she misses a Dropkick, the craft veteran Shantelle locks on a Figure Four Leglock.
A rapid series of pin attempts–featuring a Sunset Flip, a pair of backslides, a cradle rollup and a small package–come up empty for both wrestlers.

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14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1797: Madison Eagles vs Nikki Storm

Both wrestlers prove themselves worthy during the opening exchanges as they feel each other out with punishing Headlocks, arm wringers, Hammerlocks and quick reversals. Madison’s height advantage gives her the leverage edge on brutal neck cranks and fingerlocks before targeting Nikki’s shoulder joint with grinding arm bars, dislocating arm stretches and a vicious ax kick to the shoulder. Nikki tries to take the legs from the lanky Madison with twisting anklelocks and a myriad of leglocks and toe holds that keep the veteran grounded and on the defensive.

There’s plenty of biting, hairpulling and finger raking here as both wrestlers are eager for an advantage. Madison and Nikki battle back and forth to a near stalemate until a prolonged Boston Crab finally proves too much for one wrestler to take and a desperate tap out is eventually heeded leaving the victor to celebrate while the frustrated loser throws a tantrum on the canvas.

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15+ min. 469 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1796: Nikki Roxx vs Taeler Hendrix

Referee Solo Darling announces this one as having a time limit of 4 days, but it takes a lot less than that for these seasoned athletes to bring the pain!
After a dizzying back and forth series of armlocks, Headlocks and tie-ups, they match muscles with a brutal test of strength that…also ends with rapid-fire counters that yield no advantage. It isn’t till Nikki delivers a massive Headbutt to the small of Taeler’s back that she really takes the advantage, locking on a Boston Crab. Or does she?

The two are soon rolling around the ring, each trying to lock on a small package! This is the very definition of a back and forth match-up. Nikki tying Taeler up in spine-warping submissions? Well then, Taeler gets her own back forthwith with an agonizing Abdominal Stretch. And so it goes till one wrestler executes her high impact finisher for the victory but not before being put through the wringer herself.

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13+ min. 408 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1795: Jessie McKay vs Leva

Before their match begins, Leva takes a few minute to explain to Jessie that she is a collector of trophies. Not belts or cups as you might imagine, but personal items from her opponents–and she has her sights firmly set on Jessie’s boots.
Jessie has no intention in relinquishing her favorite footwear and as the match commences the action is back and forth as both wrestlers look for the advantage. However, when Jessie succumbs to a Sleeper, she is unable to stop Leva making good on her promise and wakes up to find herself de-booted!

Worse is to come for the now barefoot Jessie, as Leva targets Jessie’s legs and feet with a series of leglocks and foot-wrenching holds. A quick rollup scores the pin for one wrestler… But who will walk away with the real prize?

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1794: Jessicka Havok vs Nevaeh

For her match with Nevaeh, Jessicka handpicked ref Leah Von Dutch. She bullies the official from the start and imposes several rules and stipulations, one of which states that she can only win the match by pinning Nevaeh with one foot on her chest. Leah offers some protests, but is told not to argue with Jessicka unless she wants to get shipped back to Canada in pieces. Well, so far for respect and sportsmanship.

With all the shenanigans going on, Nevaeh almost catches Jessicka by surprise in the opening stages of the match. A Clothesline and running knee earn her a near-fall, but after Jessicka counters a Sleeperhold it's all downhill for Nevaeh. She endures a Camel Clutch, Backbreaker, Boston Crab, and elevated Full Nelson before Havok starts targeting her legs. After being put through some modified Figure Four Leglocks and being tied up in the Tree of Woe, Nevaeh gets dropped with some of Jessicka's most devastating moves, including 2 wicked Tombstone Piledrivers! That's when the aforementioned rules and stipulations come back to haunt one of these ladies.
In the end, there's one more Tombstone Piledriver for an unfortunate victim...

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17 min. 506 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1793: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Ivelisse

Chain wrestling to start and it's Hiroyo who surprises Ivelisse with a cheap shot after two consecutive clean breaks. She follows up with some biting and an aggressive wrestling style that involves painful submission maneuvers and some less than legal tactics as well. Ivelisse has a hard time countering Matsumoto's offense and at several points finds herself on the wrong end of a Boston Crab or STF. There's also an innovative leglock/double underhook combination from which even ref Nikki Roxx can't see an escape!

The Huntress is no pushover though and fires back eventually. After a series of chops she takes down Hiroyo with a Neckbreaker, Clotheslines and a hard kick to the head for a near fall. This one ends with a submission when a Sidewalk Slam is followed up with a Torture Rack that breaks one competitor's will to fight.

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1792: Christina Von Eerie & Kathy the Kitten vs Su Yung & Taylor Made

It’s a study in contrasts as the perky “jumping beans” of Su and Taylor square off against the “unimpressed ones” Christina and Kathy.
Su and Taylor show plenty of teamwork in the early going, making quick tags and keeping Christina off-balance by hitting her with Hammerlocks, Hiptosses and a quick pin attempt before Christina gets her bearings and tees off on Taylor with forearms, a face-first drop into the turnbuckles, an elbow to the jaw and a vicious Headbutt.

Kathy comes in and continues the assault, hitting a Clothesline and legdrop and keeping Taylor from tagging out to her partner. Kathy eventually forces Taylor to tag out to Su, who tries to get the momentum back on her side. When Christina tags back in, Su and Taylor work her over with Clotheslines, elbow slams, Snapmares and a face slam to the mat. The ref begins to lose control as all four wrestlers enter the fray and suddenly, high-impact moves are everywhere. Taylor hits a sitout face slam, Su delivers a modified Lungblower and near pins and last-second saves are a-plenty until one wrestler injures herself in the action and the match is forced to a premature end and a hard-fought but bittersweet victory for one team.

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12+ min. 373 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1791: Athena vs Su Yung

Santana is here to keep things clean between these two and as Su is dedicating this match to Portia Perez, Athena takes the opportunity to sneak attack her unsuspecting opponent. Athena keeps a tight hold on the reins (and Su's hair) for this one, working Su over in the corners, but also really paying attention to Su's back and arms.

It's not long before Su takes some time out of the ring to recover. Unfortunately for her, Athena makes it very difficult to get back in. A Camel Clutch, a Sidewalk Slam, a big legdrop... It's all Athena and Su just can't catch a break.
Pretty rough day for Su in the ring, but it's one stunning power move that puts her out of her misery… and out cold!

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10+ min. 321 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1790: April Hunter vs Madison Eagles

Two of wrestling's most physically impressive women square off...but not without an impromptu fitness competition. The bicep and tricep competitions solve nothing, so it's up to April to exercise her chest muscles in a way that Madison can't match. April tries to carry the momentum from her win into the actual match but she's quickly grounded by the taller Madison who puts pressure on her arm. A slick reversal sees Madison get put into a Surfboard stretch only for April to get reversed herself! Madison brings the pain with a grueling straightjacket choke.

April powers out of it, firing herself up by pounding Madison into the corner with heavy forearms. Then she clamps on a Sleeperhold, threatening to end the contest. With neither wrestler able to secure victory, the action swings back and forth. Madison stomps, punches and knees April. April goes for a Camel Clutch, pulling back on Madison's nose while adding in some nasty rumors about Madison's "extracurricular activities".
Now it's personal and the winner isn't going to be satisfied until she gets that final submission! After a hard-fought match, a nasty double-toed leglock/Surfboard stretch does the job.

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1789: Angel Williams vs Angela

Polar opposites clash in this 1 fall match. The size mismatch seems obvious from the start, but Solo uses the ref as a step stool in a test of strength, gaining leverage and actually putting up a fight against her stronger opponent!
The camera fades in on Angela stretching in the ring, but it does not take long for the dastardly duo of Angel and Rain (acting as a ref) to enter the ring. Williams initially pretends to be helping Angela train, but it does not take long for her and the crooked referee’s intentions to come to the forefront. Williams does everything in her power, including some underhanded attacks, to torture Angela.

At one point in the match, the special guest ref gets involved physically as Rain delivers a Powerslam to Angela. There is no doubt about who gets the victory here, as an “angel” gets her hand raised after hitting Angela with a pair of kicks to the face. Then again, when you have Angel in the ring with a crooked ref in her pocket, would you expect a different outcome?

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1788: Amber O'Neal vs Rain

Mia Yim is on hand to keep the peace, because these two have history. Rain immediately goes to work on Amber's back and legs with two Boston Crabs and a Sharpshooter. But we know Amber's no wimp. Rain even tries Amber's famous Crotch Rocket, but still no tap. Amber returns in kind with leglock/stomach claw combo and a wicked anklelock.

Rain gets close with a Bearhug but Amber still won't give it up. We see a lot of back and forth and a lot of vicious action before bell rings in this one. As you might have guessed, it's a tight hold that has one lady begging to be released. And what's more classic than a Camel Clutch?

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13+ min. 402 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1787: LeiLani Kai vs Sassy Stephie

Stephie tries to pay her respects to the legend before the match but LeiLani has no time for her kind words, sending Stephie to the canvas with a leg trip and working an anklelock before dropping a hard elbow onto Stephie’s knee. LeiLani further neutralizes Stephie’s speed advantage with kicks to her hamstring before riding her out in a prolonged Camel Clutch complete with neck cranks and repeated vertical splashes. Kai pelts Stephie with repeated kicks, gut shots, neck strikes and vicious bites before completely tying her up in a unique double Chickenwing/double toehold combo.

Kai digs in with a stomach claw and hard hitting Bodyslam on the tortured Stephie, but this fight is far from over. Sassy Stephie is no pushover and proves she’s worthy of being in the ring with such a legend as she fights back with bridging Chinlocks, Surfboards and deep Boston Crabs that have Kai screaming for mercy. After a back and forth battle, a missed corner splash and a tight roll up pin produces a thankful victor and furious loser.

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13 min. 389 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1786: Santana vs Chasyn Rance

Referee Kimberly doesn’t have a whole lot to do in this vicious, one-sided contest. Unfortunately for Santana, Chasyn’s confidence turns out to be merited as his overwhelming strength preempts any and all resistance Santana may have put up. He catches her in midair as she launches her very first move. And it’s all downhill from there.

Chasyn tosses Santana from pillar to post, delivering a relentless series of power moves. Over the knee Backbreakers, Tombstone Piledriver, regular Piledrivers, Suplexes, elevated Shoulderbreaker all make an appearance. Her slender neck is stretched this way and that with chokes, Neckbreakers, Half Nelsons, Camel Clutches--Chasyn is merciless.
By the time one final high impact move drops Santana on her head, Kimberly could probably have counted to 30 and the hapless brunette still wouldn’t have made it up off the mat.

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9 min. 263 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1785: Christina Von Eerie vs Nikki Roxx

Jayme Jameson in the stripes to keep this one clean between these two. Pretty classic start with back and forth power struggles and takedowns. As competitive as these two are, there's no telling who's gonna pull out in front first. We're treated to tough, even action. Takedowns and contests. Sportsmanship, but tough stretches. Pin attempts and kick outs. These two seem happy to simply return each other's favor. Surfboard for a Surfboard, Sleeper for a Sleeper.

It isn't until late in the match, one lady starts to pick up the pace and get a step ahead of her opponent. 2 Bodyslams, but 2 kick outs. An over the knee Backbreaker, but no tap. But some moves you don't come back from, and one of our warriors is out to prove that point with a perfectly executed signature and a 1-2-3.

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13 min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1784: Athena vs Mercedes Martinez

Poor Athena earns Mercedes' derision right off the bat in this one-sided slaughter. She kicks things off by introducing herself and thanking management for giving her a chance to face Mercedes again, for the first time since their SHIMMER contest. None of these civilities go down too well with the eye-rolling Mercedes who takes her irritation out on Athena in purely violent terms and doesn’t stop till the battered Athena is helpless and writhing on the mat.

She’s wall to wall viciousness, starting off with clubbing blows to the back and hairpulling on the ropes along with endless stomps to the back and chokes in the corner. She continues to focus on the back throughout, squashing Athena against the turnbuckles, executing an explosive over the knee Backbreaker and digging her knees and feet repeatedly into the smaller woman’s spine. One last submission threatens to tear Athena’s arms out of her sockets before she finally yields, not an ounce of resistance left remaining.

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9+ min. 276 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1783: April Hunter vs Josh Hess, Rich Swann & Tommy Taylor

On any given day April can hold her own against any male wrestler, but how about 3 at once?
April starts off taking on young Josh Hess who is fed a steady diet of vicious kicks, forearms, and turnbuckle smashes before being hung in the corner for a life altering Shattered Dreams! April delights with a standing Sleeper and no fewer than three devastating Chokeslams before planting her boot on his chest for the victory pose pin. With Josh down and out, Rich and Tommy hit the ring to keep him from further harm, only to be challenged by the raging redhead!

April’s motor revs and she launches into a flurry of sternum strikes, forearm smashes, boot chokes and brutal kicks. All three men are laid out and April continues to deliver low blows and corner muggings before hitting a trio of Chokeslams and three counts on all 3 opponents. Think she’s done? Not a chance! April continues the dominating beatdown until all three men are DDT’d into oblivion before she’s finally satisfied.

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13 min. 393 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1782: Nikki Roxx & Xandra Bale vs Butterfly Bob, Titan & Tommy Taylor

When the odds are stacked against a pair of women like they are against Nikki and Xandra, it is a miracle if they survive at all. The women actually gain the advantage early working over Butterfly Bob, but then Titan makes the tag and everything changes for the women. Roxx takes the beating early and Xandra gets a tag, but her momentum is cut off quickly as Tommy goes to work on her.

Xandra takes a long beating in this match as the trio of men beat her up for almost 10 straight minutes until Roxx gets tagged in. Nikki does her best to take out Taylor, Titan and Bob, but the numbers game eventually catches up to her.
Try as the women might, the odds are just against them too much in this one and that is proven true when one of them gets taken out with a monstrous Backbreaker for the 3 count.

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19 min. 571 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1781: Leah Von Dutch vs Solo Darling

With no referee in sight, you got to know that Solo versus Leah is nothing short of a “hair raising” match.
The women do everything they can to take each other out, mainly using the hair as the main attack area. Darling gets the early edge and a near pinfall, but when she brings Von Dutch to the corner, the Canadian wrestler gets the advantage.

Von Dutch does everything she can to humiliate the much stronger Darling, including her to walk like a dog as she drags Darling by her hair. Darling eventually makes a comeback on Von Dutch, but the evil Von Dutch makes sure that her attack does not last long. When this “hair-ibble” match comes to an end for one wrestler, that “Darling” wrestler gets finished after a hair assisted Camel Clutch.

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10 min. 302 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1780: Kimberly vs Su Yung

Be prepared for one of the most grueling matches as Kimberly and Su go to battle in an epic bout that leaves both warriors completely exhausted in the end. The match is even more epic when you consider that Amber O’ Neal is taking the ref duties in this one.
The bout kicks off with both women exchanging some holds with no clear advantage going to either of them. Yung finally gets some control in the match, nearly pinning Kimberly and almost making her submit to the Boston Crab. Kimberly gets some licks in as well, but it’s a battle for the leglocks that leaves both women intertwined and trapped together.

The match ends in brutal fashion with both Kimberly and Yung with ref O’Neal having to make a tough decision.

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14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1779: Leva vs Ryan Howe

“Wrestling’s Rock Star” Ryan is a cocky one. He spends a majority of this match demanding his opponent “say my name.” Leva “The American Diva” prefers to sing her way through the match while trying to figure out the extent of Howe’s musical prowess. The offbeat but in tune Leva sings her way out of numerous attempted submission holds, and gets in plenty of licks of her own, attacking Howe’s left arm (which he needs to play the guitar!) and catching him in numerous knuckle-cracking fingerlocks and Wristlocks.

The big and powerful Howe tunes up Leva with Irish Whips into the corners, a Bodyslam and powerful kicks and forearms. Leva orchestrates an attack that features rope chokes, face slams into the turnbuckles, shoulderblocks, elbow drops and plenty of attacking of Howe’s arms.
Fittingly, the match ends with Sweet Chin Music, followed by two more devastating kicks. Was Howe able to rock The American Diva, or will Leva have Howe singing the blues?

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13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1778: Jessie Belle vs Saraya

When Jessie Belle and Saraya meet in the ring, Saraya is quick to express her views on the color of Jessie Belle’s hair, views that are best illustrated by Saraya’s suggestion that Jessie “Get out of the ring before I punch your face in.”
Wisely, it appears that Jessie Belle intends to do exactly that but unfortunately for her, Saraya has a change of heart and instead decides to demonstrate her feelings in a much more ‘hands on’ manner. Specifically, with her hands on Jessie Belle’s hair. And with no referee present (apparently thanks to Saraya), there is nobody to stop the hair wrenching, pulling, dragging, twisting, choking onslaught!

When Saraya further points out that there’s no time limit, it’s clear that Jessie’s suffering will only be over when Saraya decides it. And considering how much Saraya enjoys dishing out pain, that might take some time…

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12 min. 355 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1777: Josie vs Titan

Josie seems to have a game plan to start her match with Titan. It involves dodging her massive foe whenever possible and immediately striking back with some stinging low kicks. This works perfectly for about half a minute. That's when Titan decides he's had enough. Poor Josie doesn't really stand a chance against the 7 foot mountain. Titan overpowers his much smaller foe with ease and pummels her all over the squared circle.

There's no safe place for Josie in or out of the ring. She gets smashed into the ringpost, choked, stomped, and slammed all throughout the contest. Her first real opening comes when Titan misses an attempted elbow drop. Showing the heart of a lion, Josie fights back with slaps, punches and kicks before surprising everyone (probably including herself) when she Clotheslines her gargantuan opponent to the mat. But it takes more than a Clothesline to vanquish a giant. Can Josie find a way to pull off a colossal upset or will she be the next victim to run into the brick wall known as Titan?

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1776: Kimber Lee vs Tracy Taylor

Guest ref Brandi Wine oversees this 1 fall contest. Unfortunately for Kimber, she can't seem to figure out a counter for Tracy's offensive onslaught. The result is a 12 minute torture session for the blonde grappler. Tracy isn't too eager to play by the rules either, which means Kimber must endure hairpulling to go along with her Dragon Sleepers, bodyscissors, and Camel Clutches.

Brandi asks Kimber if she wants to submit over and over, but she courageously hangs on and refuses to surrender. For Tracy, this just means she has to turn up the pressure. She hyper-extends her foe's arms and shoulders almost to the breaking point and relentlessly targets her midsection as well. Kimber's willpower is certainly put to the test here, especially when Tracy locks in one final (and particularly torturous) submission hold. Can Kimber Lee hold on or is a tapout inevitable?

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1775: Amy Love vs Kristin Astara

This match begins with a little verbal treatise on variable approaches to ring aesthetics and hygiene. Amy believes her feet to be so beautiful that she enters the ring barefoot. Kristin (who is, unsurprisingly, wearing her boots) just finds this a little strange, not to mention disgusting. Her foot phobia is snarkily countered by Amy who professes to have a condition whereby her pinkie can’t touch anyone else’s pinkie. And so it goes until the counters are suddenly of the physical kind and Amy has Kristin on the mat, peppering her with kicks to the abdomen and elbows to the knee.

Those feet–smelly or not–are fully involved, whether being rubbed in Kristin’s face or used as blunt weapons. Kristin’s foot phobia kicks into full gear every time Amy’s feet are in close proximity. A combination Waistscissors/Full Nelson has her writhing as much due to contact with Amy’s feet as to the pain inflicted by the hold! Amy is sadistic throughout this one-sided showdown, shoving her feet in Kristin’s visual and olfactory fields as often as possible, even as she bends her around the ropes, locks on neckscissors, chokes her and uses her as a foot stool. A long Figure Four Leglock has Kristin prostrate but it’s one final violent contact with Amy’s foot that puts her down for the final count.

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1774: Allysin Kay vs Ivelisse

April Hunter holds control over a barefoot championship match. After April notifies the 2 of the rules (no closed fists and no flogging, amongst other restrictions), the match gets underway. The two ladies trade Hammerlocks and Wristlocks before Kay finally gets a Front Facelock on the mat. Ivelisse quickly turns the tables, getting a Wristlock before ducking a wild Clothesline to roll Allysin up for a near fall!

After a quick reset, the match goes on, back and forth with test of strength, Headscissors and Camel Clutches locked on. Neither woman is willing to give an inch. As the match nears its conclusion, both ladies are exhausted, yet still fighting hard. Allysin gets a string of submissions-a Full Nelson, a Surfboard stretch and a Camel Clutch-can Ivelisse weather the holds and make a comeback to take Allysin's championship? Or will Allysin finish off Ivelisse and keep her title belt?

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1773: Heidi Lovelace vs Rich Swann

You want fast-paced? Check. You want hard hitting? Check. You want back and forth action? Check. This 1 fall intergender match ticks all of those boxes and more.
These two fighters match each other hold for hold and kick for kick as they look to score a quick victory. Rich especially seems determined, resorting to the occasional choke to maintain control of the action. However, under the watchful eye of the referee, Swann is forced to rely more on skill than sneakiness.

And there can be little argument over the match winner after a devastating finishing move sends one wrestler head-first into the canvas and unable to beat the inevitable 1-2-3.

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7+ min. 222 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1772: Santana vs Shanna

The match is billed with a 2 hour time limit and features a pair of superior athletes who could surely go the distance.
Both wrestlers bear down for a long match with plenty of body on body close to the mat action early on featuring energy draining Waistlocks, arm wringers, Hammerlocks and facelocks. Santana flashes her agility with a cartwheel reversal and painful bridging Hammerlock on Shanna, but as the action picks up Portugal’s Perfect Athlete takes control and dominates. Shanna sends Santana crashing to the canvas with a hard Clothesline and rides her with a prolonged Camel Clutch before applying a smothering Dragon Sleeper.

Santana digs down and manages to fight back, turning an attempted Bodyslam in to a floatover DDT and following up with a devastating jawbreaker before nailing the reeling Shanna with a pair of back handspring corner splashes. Both wrestlers give it their all until a furious series of moves and a lockdown tight rollup pin squeaks out a controversial victory.

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12 min. 363 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1771: Amazing Kong vs Brittney Savage

A search for a missing phone leads to a dangerous confrontation. Brittney should know better than to touch someone else's bag, especially when that someone is Amazing Kong! Brittney went through her things, so now she's going to go right through Brittney.
A series of slams are just the beginning of the onslaught. Brittney is squeezed by a Sleeperhold and lifted up into a Torture Rack. Over and over again, the poor jobber is dropped to the canvas. Kong destroys her with a Chokeslam and follows that with an Implant Buster that flattens Brittney. This would be enough to finish any wrestler, but Kong has other plans. Inspired by Brittney's leopard print gear she is determined to knock off each of the blonde's nine lives.

Whether she's being crunched by Powerbombs, flattened by legdrops or passing out from the pain of Kong's submissions, Brittney is not allowed to stay down. Using stomach claws as a twisted defibrillator, Kong repeatedly forces Brittney back to consciousness. A diving splash finally pushes her past the point of no return, leaving Kong in mock grief. She slings a half-dead Brittney over her shoulder and makes her way out of the building.

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15+ min. 465 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1770: Cherry Layne vs Rain vs Taylor Made

Classic 3 way match here with Solo Darling as ref. It's not long before it's painfully clear that Rain has been singled out and as skilled as she is, she's still outnumbered and finds herself stomped, thrown, held down, cornered and stretched in a brutal 2-on-1 attack. A double Boston Crab, a 2-on-1 Surfboard, and a wicked doubleteam Waistscissor. Solo asks, but Rain refuses to give in. It's mostly a numbers game, but Rain has her moments. Pin attempts here and there and even a tight leg bar that has Taylor screaming. But she soon finds herself in a tight Figure Four Leglock variation from Taylor with Cherry coaxing her to submit.

Our noble ref won't stand for it another minute and off her come her stripes and we're treated to an impromptu tag bout! And as you can imagine, Rain is dying for payback and is totally enabled by her fresh partner. Lots of team moves here. Double Waistscissors, double Surfboard, and a double legbar. Just when you think Rain and her new partner are going to elicit submissions from their opponents with double Sharpshooters, they decide to give us one more move and each lock in a tight Boston Crab. It's not long before the ring is filled with desperate submissions from Taylor and Cherry.

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14+ min. 439 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1769: Erica D'Erico vs Kimberly

Erica has barely even entered the ring before she is attacked by Kimberly in this one fall contest and that sets the tone for the match that follows. Kimberly uses every opportunity she can to cut corners as match official Chris Gray does his best to maintain order.
Kimberly spends much of the much looking for ways to choke poor Erica, whether that be blatantly with both hands or by use of the ropes, a boot and even Kimberly’s own hair–which she claims can’t be illegal as she is pulling her own hair! Further damage is done with a number of chops to the throat as Kimberly dominates the action.

However, Erica is resilient. And despite Kimberly’s constant rule breaking (or perhaps, because of it) Erica finds the strength to battle back with a flurry of Clothelines. The match ends with a Superkick to the jaw that lays one wrestler out flat for the 3 count.

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16+ min. 499 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1768: Brandi Wine vs Jayme Jameson

Jayme is awfully proud of her fancy championship belt and she's looking to add Brandi to her list of conquests. The battling blonde is not just going to lie down for her. She comes out hot right out of the gate, never relinquishing the reins for a second. She puts Jayme in a Surfboard stretch and a Full Nelson before pummeling her body with forearms and knees. What is supposed to be a showcase for the champ turns into a one sided stretch-a-thon.

A pair of side squeezing Bearhugs drain all of Jayme's strength. She spends long portions of the match stuck to the mat, only getting to her feet when Brandi allows it. Brandi transitions effortlessly from a Boston Crab to a double-toed leglock to a Dragon Sleeper to a Hammerlock...she's as cruel as she is efficient. To Jayme's credit, she refuses to submit, prompting Brandi to wrap her own arm around her chin in a unique crossface lock! Another Boston Crab follows, but there's still no quit in the champion. To take the belt, Brandi might have to got for the knockout, something she is more than happy to do.

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15+ min. 472 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1767: Madison Eagles vs Solo Darling

Polar opposites clash in this 1 fall match. The size mismatch seems obvious from the start, but Solo uses the ref as a step stool in a test of strength, gaining leverage and actually putting up a fight against her stronger opponent!
Madison grabs the advantage when Solo is busy sharing a hug with the referee. Eagles lands some hard kicks and stuns her foe with an Atomic Drop. A Surfboard has Solo in considerable pain, but moments later she manages to trap Madison in a Sleeperhold that nearly earns her the win.

Solo gets close to a win with several rollup attempts, while Madison tries for submissions with a Texas Cloverleaf and modified Camel Clutch among others. A surprisingly even match could go either way in the end, but a high-impact finisher brings this one to a close.

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15+ min. 457 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1766: Brandi Wine vs Saraya

If you were expecting a fair battle between two veterans as knowledgeable and respected as Brandi Wine and Sweet Saraya, you’d be wrong. Instead, this 1 fall battle shows just how much a veteran like Saraya can get away with when there’s no referee to interfere.
Saraya goes right for Brandi’s eyes before the initial lockup, and never lets up on the underhanded and more-than-slightly illegal tactics. In fact, she has a handful of Brandi’s blonde locks firmly in her grasp throughout much of this one-sided beatdown.

Whether she’s using Brandi’s hair to toss her across the ring, or grabbing at Brandi’s mane to increase the pressure on a Full Nelson, a standing Dragon Sleeper, Camel Clutch, Bow & Arrow hold or rear naked choke, Saraya punishes her opponent mercilessly throughout the match.
With Brandi unable to escape from Saraya’s grasp, she gets slammed face-first into all three turnbuckles in one corner, has her eyes rakes across the top rope, then gets taken down to the mat, where Saraya locks on a standing head scissors (with hairpull) before a combination Full Nelson/bodyscissors and hairpull finally gets Brandi to quit and Saraya to mercifully end the torment.

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11+ min. 348 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1765: Nevaeh vs Nikki Storm

This Best of 3 Falls match-up leaves you guessing from the opening bell, as both wrestlers are adept are applying submission maneuvers and also hitting high-impact moves.
The two go back and forth throughout in the first fall, trading Armbars and Chickenwings, then taking things up a notch. Nikki takes Nevaeh down with a leg sweep, then raking the back and applying a grinding Side Headlock. Nevaeh reverses and takes Nikki down to the mat with a choke and a Sleeperhold. But Nikki works out and slaps on a crossface variation that forces Nevaeh to tap out and give the first fall to Nikki.

Nevaeh goes on the offensive in the second fall, taking Nikki face first into the turnbuckles, then delivering shoulderblocks in the corner, chokes, eye pokes, a Camel Clutch, a Surfboard submission, punches, forearm smashes and the occasional hairpull. And one Rock Bottom plants Nikki for the three-count to even up the Best of 3 match-up.
With the count even, Nevaeh extends her hand in a gesture of sportsmanship to kick off the final fall, then clubs an unsuspecting Nikki with forearms and stomping in the corner. Nevaeh racks up several 2 counts–including one via small package–but can’t keep Nikki down for three. Nikki attacks with forearms, a Half Nelson, punches to Nevaeh’s midsection and a Hammerlock. Nevaeh fires back with kicks to the face, Irish Whips into the corners, top rope chokes and a Sleeperhold.
The end comes quickly when one grappler hooks a leg and delivers a Fisherman’s Suplex/Neckbreaker variant to put her opponent down for the final 3 count and the decisive victory.

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29+ min. 887 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1764: Christina Von Eerie vs Jessie McKay

Von Eerie walks in on McKay finishing her push-ups, which leads to a push-up contest between the two. They are both too spent to do many however, so they compare physiques to see who has been training better.
Unable to agree, a referee is called for an arm wrestling match that happens to go nowhere as there is cheating by both competitors. When one woman finally does win, she is attacked by the loser and the referee decides to start officiating a wrestling match.

This match also involves much cheating from both women but the arm wrestling winner cannot overcome her poor start and the loser avenges her loss.

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12+ min. 382 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1763: Hardcore Heather Owens vs Miss Rachel

Two hard-hitting powerhouses lock up for this 1 fall battle. After trading armbars and Hammerlocks both upright and on the mat, Rachel gains an edge after a Bodyslam and a sitout face slam. Hardcore Heather is quick to keep Rachel from gaining momentum, whether she rolls out of the ring, reverses or escapes Rachel’s holds, or resorts to the occasional biting or choking.

The two continue to battle with heavy chops, forearms, knees and kicks. Heather mounts an offensive after choking Rachel on the ropes, sending her into the middle of the ring via a slingshot and delivering a gut-busting shoulderblock in the corner. She also picks up a few 2 counts along the way.
Rachel slides out of the corner and responds with shoulderblocks of her own, followed quickly by a Snapmare, forearm shots, a Clothesline, elbow smash and a splash for a 2 count.
The match comes to a sudden end when one wrestler reverses an Irish Whip into the corner, then follows up with a running smash against the turnbuckles and a Fisherman’s Suplex for the 3 count.

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12 min. 360 MBs WMV Format, 720 x 360

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1762: Nevaeh vs Taeler Hendrix

A hair-raising no ref contest here between these two feisty ladies.
Taeler takes advantage first, wrapping up Nevaeh's long locks in the ropes before throwing her to the mat for a hair-assisted Camel Clutch. Taeler's notoriously giggly heel shows herself here, kicking her opponent while she's down, slamming her head into the mat, and doing an awful lot of talking. Although Taeler is ruthless, Nevaeh won't give in.

Not only that, she shows signs of life, and soon it's Taeler's locks that are in peril. Taeler finds herself in the ropes, over Nevaeh's knee, and most of all in a lot of pain. Nevaeh hasn't forgotten the first half of this match and does her best match Taeler's heel intensity.
We can't tell you who, but rest assured one lady is tapping the mat desperately before this one fades to black.

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10+ min. 315 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1761: Evie vs Santana

A Best of 3 Falls battle that turns out to be a great match for fans of knockouts.
Evie shows her tremendous flexibility, bending like a reed in the wind as Santana forces her backward in a Wristlock before reversing and stretching the brunette beauty with a back bend of her own. The offense and reversals come fast and furious with each wrestler delivering plenty of offense before Santana catches Evie in a tight Sleeper to take the first fall.

Santana seizes on her opportunity, working the dazed Evie over in the second and nailing the New Zealander with her signature handspring back elbow in the corner. Evie fights through it and soon has Santana KOed with a Sleeper of her own! Everything hinges on the final fall and after a back and forth battle a decisive Cobra Clutch finally puts one wrestler down for good.

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11+ min. 336 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1760: Ivelisse vs Tomoka Nakagawa

Tomoka and The Huntress trade hard kicks before showing their technical expertise with solid chain wrestling. After several Hammerlocks and armwringers, Tomoka fires multiple shots and a low Dropkick at her opponent, resulting in a near fall. Ivelisse then shows her mean streak, choking Tomoka with her boot several times before settling in a guillotine choke. Tomoka just barely gets to the ropes, so the match continues.

Ivelisse is relentless, stunning Nakagawa with hard kicks and shots to the face before cinching in a Lotus Lock. Showing tremendous resilience, Tomoka once again toughs it out and manages to get to the ropes. She then initiates an assault of her own, fighting back with a hard slam, Snapmare and running elbow smash among others.
In the end, a Bulldog and subsequent bridging Chinlock finally lead to a tapout.

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13 min. 385 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1759: Jessicka Havok vs Shanna

Shanna may be known as “Portugal’s Perfect Athlete”, but can this perfect athlete overcome the brute force that is the “Havok Death Machine?”
Early on it does not look very good for Shanna, who gets beaten and battered around the ring by Havok. Shanna occasionally blasts Jessicka with short bursts of offense, but Jessicka quickly puts the Portuguese athlete back to a world of pain.

Shanna finally makes a comeback after a long beating by leveling Havok with a Tornado DDT for a near fall. Despite the best efforts from Shanna, Jessicka quickly recovers and she stretches out Shanna with a few submission holds. Havok eventually ends the torture of Shanna with a violent Tombstone Piledriver, ending a not so perfect day for “Portugal’s Perfect Athlete.”

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13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1758: Kristin Astara vs Santana

Technically, we can’t really call this a match as it was never intended to be (although Kristin might try to claim otherwise). After ordering Santana out of the ring where she had been innocently working out, Kristin decides to hurry Santana along and kicks her off the apron, causing Santana to land badly on the floor and hurt her ankle.

Now, If you’re expecting sympathy from Kristin at this point, you’re going to be in for a very long wait. Santana’s injured ankle becomes Kristin’s primary target and she’s an unrelenting weapon. Santana’s ankle is twisted, stomped, stretched, wrapped around a turnbuckle and so much more as Kristin single-mindedly seeks to put Santana out of action.
As Kristin’s assault continues, the question becomes not when she will stop but if!? And surely in her weakened state, there is little Santana can do to defend herself. But as anyone who has seen her in action will know, Santana should never be underestimated.

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1757: LeiLani Kai vs Portia Perez

No referee for this Sleeperhold contest, where the object is to send your opponent to dreamland.
Portia claims she can't wait to put LeiLani to sleep, while the veteran responds that Portia will be the one who's drooling and snoring when all is said and done!

The first fall is mostly dominated by LeiLani. After getting the better of a chain wrestling exchange, the legendary grappler catches Portia in a Sleeper variation to knock her out. Not content with her work just yet, she wakes Perez up for more punishment. However, this time Portia is ready for her adversary. She slips out of another Sleeper attempt and locks in her own Sleeper to even the score. More chokes and Sleeperholds are exchanged and both ladies take several naps before this one reaches a conclusion!

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14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1756: Lorelei Lee vs Rain

It’s an old school rivalry as Lorelei and Rain meet in the ring for the eighth time in this 1 fall contest. Heidi Lovelace joins them in the ring as the guest referee hoping to maintain order between the two long-time rivals.
As you would expect from two wrestlers who have battled before, the action here is fast paced and back and forth. Holds are exchanged and countered and neither wrestler dominates the action for too long before her opponent is able to turn the tide.

This fine balance is maintained all the way through to the end of the match when a Figure Four Leglock is cleverly countered to apply just as much pain to the wrestler applying as it is causing to the wrestler in the hold. But who will tap first? Heidi will need to keep her eyes peeled, as this might be a photo-finish!

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16+ min. 498 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1755: Allysin Kay vs Sara Del Rey

The women exchange plenty of holds early, with neither competitor gaining much of an edge over the other. Sara then does something that nobody would ever expect her to do--as Sara actually spits on her opponent!

That act of disrespect lights a fire under the rear end of the AK47, but Del Rey quickly grinds her momentum to a halt. Kay finally gets a big advantage over her more experienced opponent, primarily focusing on her left leg.
In the end, it is another act of cowardice by Del Rey that leads to an explosive piledriving finish.

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10+ min. 320 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1754: Jayme Jameson vs Leva

Jameson is a little thrown by the simian appearance of her opponent Leva at the start of this match-sporting an ape mask and exhibiting apelike behaviors is a sure way to confuse your opponent. But Jameson puts an end to these shenanigans by ripping the mask off early. As it turns out, this is a big mistake as it enrages Leva, prompting her to lay some righteous vengeance on poor Jayme in what turns out to be a totally one-sided contest.

Leva’s focus is Jayme’s hair. She yanks at it in handfuls, chokes Jayme with it and knots it around the ring ropes. She tosses Jayme around the ring with it, pulls on it from the vantage point of the top rope, steps on it and uses it as leverage for a (sort of) Camel Clutch. By the time she knocks Jayme out with a hair-assisted chokehold, she’s ensured that the brunette will be leaving a considerable percentage of her thick locks on the mat.

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13+ min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1753: Athena vs Chasyn Rance

Athena is very excited to get a chance to take on Chasyn. For his part, Chasyn seems very, very confident.
A test of strength goes nowhere for Athena, but she does get some moves in during the subsequent chain wrestling display. A somewhat arrogant Chasyn even offers Athena some advice, going so far as to tell her that she needs to hook a leg in one particular exchange.

Rance eventually takes over, hooking an Indian Deathlock that has Athena in some serious pain before pressing his advantage with a neckvice, Chinlock and a combination of a double Hammerlock/Camel Clutch. Athena is no pushover though and gives Chasyn her all. She manages to get some offense in but eventually gets caught in a ceiling hold. That's when it's gutcheck time.
Will Athena submit and fight another day or does she have a counter?

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9+ min. 282 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1752: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Mercedes Martinez

Hiroyo and Mercedes are among the world’s most elite wrestlers and take great pride in their skills. Neither wants to be on the losing end no matter what the stakes and you can tell that their pride is on the line as they pelt each other with stiff forearms, punches and kicks throughout this match. Mercedes tortures Hiroyo with painful body stretches in a Rocking Horse, Surfboard and Chinlock through the ropes. She lays into Matsumoto with knee drops to her mid-section, levels her with shoulder blocks and rocks the ring with a devastating Swinging Neckbreaker.

Hiroyo takes a mugging in the corner but counters Mercedes powerful offense with a Side Slam and vicious neck snap on the top rope! Matsumoto stretches the lanky Mercedes in a Boston Crab before wrapping her around the corner post for a painful back bend. In the end one wrestler gets hauled up into an inescapable human Torture Rack that lead to desperate cries of submission after a brutal slug-fest between two of the very best.

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17+ min. 526 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1751: Leah Von Dutch vs Su Yung

Su demonstrates her typical enthusiasm as ref Taeler Hendrix introduces her and her opponent Leah. The ladies immediately keep her busy with a flurry of pinfall attempts, Headlock tradeoffs and a test of strength. Leah demonstrates her strength, locking Su in a tough Headscissor, while Su shows off her agility, wriggling and tumbling out of it.

Surfboards, pin attempts, a tough Camel Clutch, the Dutch Clutch, a Dragon Sleeper, a succession of stunners, and a nerve pinch take us to the exciting conclusion of this back and forth match.
And it's a Boston Crab that finally elicits the submission from one pained combatant.

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14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1750: Mia Yim vs Tomoka Nakagawa

Guest ref Chasyn carefully checks the ladies for weaponry or foreign objects and once he deems them both clean, the bell rings and they're off. Mia may have the height advantage, but Tomoka's dominating test of strength proves she's a force to be reckoned with. Mia's one tough cookie though and the two are off in a flurry of holds and reversals, while each struggles for that offensive upper hand. Tomoka finds it in a fistful of hair, while Mia looks for it Boston Crab.

Tomoka really stretches Mia to the limit, while testing her pain threshold through choking, hairpulling, ropework, and even a legit submission hold here and there. Mia's not one for quitting though and fires back with some offense of her own. She gets frustrated though, when a Suplex won't keep her feisty opponent down. It's anyone's contest until the end, but these girls had better watch their backs because it'll be a Fisherman's Suplex that puts one of them on it for the 1-2-3!

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10 min. 297 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1749: Angela vs Fantasia

The video kicks off with an angry Angela talking about a previous encounter between herself and the duo of Diane Von Hoffman and Ariel. Before she can even finish her thoughts, Fantasia appears behind her with a rope and some mean intentions, but she is caught and relinquishes the rope…for now. What begins after this is a back and forth encounter between the two women, but soon the more experienced Fantasia takes over and Angela is in for a very bad day.

Soon it is Fantasia knocking Angela out cold and the punishment is just beginning, but unfortunately Angela will not be awake for the rest of it. Fantasia initially knocks out Angela with a torture rack bomb, then keeps her out with a variety of holds that includes a Sleeperhold. The rope comes back into play for a very beaten Angela, as she is left unconscious and tied to the ringpost.

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13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1748: Jayme Jameson vs Taylor Made

It indicates which way this match is going when Jayme inquires-rather intimidatingly-whether Taylor has gotten hair extensions. A seemingly innocuous question that gains greater dimension when Jayme tears right into those multicolored locks, establishing an ongoing motif for this vicious match.

It is not, however, one-sided. Jayme and Taylor both take full advantage of each other's flowing locks, proceeding to toss, stomp, rip, tear and yank them at every opportunity. Jayme has the upper hand at first, choking Taylor with her own hair, pulling it back against the ropes repeatedly and treading on it with abandon, cranking on a hair-assisted Camel Clutch and hurling her around the ring. The crafty Taylor does manage to eventually find an opening, taking Jayme down with a blow to the stomach. Then it's her turn to inflict all the hair-related punishments that she had just endured. By the time one lady is bent back over her opponent's knee for an excruciating Backbreaker, they've both probably left a wig's worth of hair on the mat!

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21 min. 631 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1747: Rain vs Matt Classic

The veteran Rain has her hands full against the ruthless wrestling machine that is Matt Classic (the third). Matt uses his old school tactics to target Rain’s arm with finger stomps, knee drops and powerful shoulderblocks to her injured limb. With Rain clutching her elbow and shoulder, Classic moves on to work her back with vertical splashes, kidney punches, Bow & Arrow stretches and an over-the-knee Backbreaker. Rain takes a beating from the barrel chested powerhouse as he moves to her midsection with a seated Abdominal Stretch, vicious claw hold and crafty low clothesline to the stomach that has her struggling for air.

Radiant Rain becomes Resilient Rain as she repeatedly kicks out of pin attempts despite the continuous punishment. Rain hangs tough and gets in some shots of her own, hitting repeatedly with Dropkicks, ringing Matt’s bell with skullcrackers and blasting the air from his lungs with double thrusts to the midsection. In the end a stunning Swinging Neckbreaker puts one wrestler down for the three count and a well-deserved win for the victor.

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14+ min. 444 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1746: D'Arcy Dixon vs Taryn Shay

Two falls to a victory here and the finishes come fast and furious. It's an even matchup to start, but Taryn gets ahead with a pair of Dropkicks. She then shows off the power with a big Bodyslam that forces D'Arcy to bail from the ring. It doesn't help much as Taryn regains control with a standing armlock. A DDT leaves D'Arcy vulnerable to an arm stretch that gets Taryn the first fall by submission.

It looks doubtful that D'Arcy can continue! She shakes off a possible injury to battle on. Out of nowhere, she hits an over-the-knee Backbreaker and a Sidewalk Slam. Now it's her turn to land a DDT that sets up the second fall: a Fisherman's Suplex that pins Taryn's shoulders to the mat. Tied at one fall apiece, the girls go for broke and it leads to a mid-ring collision that has both women down! The chaotic ending sees a title belt used as a weapon and some unexpected interference that causes a controversial finish.

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9 min. 262 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1745: Angela vs Su Yung

Everyone agress that they want a "regular" match, but it seems a previous encounter between these 2 was dominated by hairpulling. And soon after locking up, it's back to some old tricks for both of these ladies.

Hair-stand, pulling through the ropes, Hairmares and tons more abuse are constant. Even some holds like the Lotus Lock have a hairpulling bent to them.

Both wrestlers give and receive some terrible folicular punishment as the match wears on, but only one finally locks in the winning hold that forces her opponent to surrender the fight.

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12+ min. 368 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1744: Amber O'Neal vs Brandi Wine

Referee Malia Hosaka claims that she'll call this match between veterans right down the middle. Judging from her one-word introduction of Amber versus her description of Brandi as 'the great and powerful and beautiful Brandi Wine', events might not transpire quite so fairly.
And sure enough, holds aren't broken when Amber grabs the ropes, lies are told about hairpulling that may or may not have happened and Malia shows herself as being anything but neutral. The ladies showcase some expert chain wrestling/grappling skills but Brandi keeps interrupting the more legit moves with brutal choking on and off the ropes, all overlooked by Malia. Brandi overpowers Amber for long stretches, picking her up effortlessly in a Bearhug, cinching on a painful Boston Crab, cranking her head back in a Camel Clutch.

Amber does get a second wind, however, putting on some chokes, a Full Nelson and submissions of her own, but will it be enough to counter both Brandi's considerable skills and Malia's one-sided referring?

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1743: Heidi Lovelace vs Leva

It’s wrestler vs superspy in this 1 fall bout. And with no referee in the ring, it’s not long before both women are focusing on the always tempting target of each other’s hair.
Hairmares and hair-held Neckbreakers are among the repertoire of hair-related moves utilized by both wrestlers in this contest. And holds such as Surfboards, Chickenwings, bodyscissors and more all get a touch of hairpulling added when being applied in this back and forth encounter.

Leva even goes so far as to add a little fishhooking in her attempts to take the victory. But will it be enough to defeat Heidi? Or will Heidi be able to 'shield' herself from Leva’s assault and steal a win of her own?

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10+ min. 314 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1742: Kellie Skater vs Sassy Stephie

Amber O’Neal wears the ‘stripes of power’ for this 1 fall match and she promises to call the match “straight down the middle.” Sadly for Kellie, Amber’s definition of ‘the middle’ seems to be more than a little left of center. Or in this case, left of the ring, exactly where Sassy Stephie is standing.

From the outset, Amber develops a very selective vision that causes her to see infractions that aren’t there from Kellie, whilst ignoring blatant corner-cutting from Stephie. Pin attempts are equally imbalanced, with slow counts when Sassy’s shoulders are down, but much speedier counting when it’s Kellie being pinned.
On more than one occasion, Kellie has Stephie pinned for more than a 3 count… but unfortunately, Amber isn’t counting. Facing what is virtually a 2-on-1 match, Kellie does everything she can to beat the odds. But against an opponent being given free reign to pull hair, choke and do whatever she likes, can even the Rate Tank come out on top here?

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10+ min. 305 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1741: Christina Von Eerie vs Kimber Lee

Fans of well-matched and bitter rivals facing off in a heated competition look no further than this one.
Christina and Kimber are both capable wrestlers, but neither is above breaking the rules and they bring out the worst in each other here with plenty of hairpulling, choking, and dirty dealing including a low blow Dropkick that leaves poor Kimber writhing on the canvas. Christina has a stunning Headbutt in her arsenal but Kimber returns in kind, dazing the punk with several cranium-rattling blows.

The action is fast and furious as the pair brawl with haymakers, forearm shots, and high kicks before exchanging hard hitting corner Clotheslines. Kimber can match Christina’s size and strength, attacking her back with vertical splashes and Side Slams. Christina retaliates with a spinning back fist, Torture Rack and nearly puts Kimber out with her signature Cobra Clutch.
After an exhausting battle a missed high risk move sets up a lights out sit out face slam leading to the final 3 count!

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12 min. 357 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1740: Brittney Savage vs Taylor Made

Just because it's competitive doesn't mean they're going to play nice. Brittney whips Taylor across the ring by her hair to set the tone for the action to come. She is happy to live up to her "savage" name, expertly using the long locks of Taylor to dominate the early going. Taylor takes a Neckbreaker, has her head rammed into the turnbuckles and is choked against the ropes, all the while Brittney is yanking away at her hair. Brittney pulls back in a Camel Clutch, looking for the finish.

You can never count Taylor out and all it takes is a small opening for her to get on the attack. She makes sure to repay her opponent for every cheap shot, tearing at Brittney's hair and grinding her face into the mat. Brittney is brutalized by a Clothesline and a knee to the belly. As the match nears its end, there might be no stopping Taylor from putting this one to bed.

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12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1739: April Hunter vs Danny Demanto

It’s an intergender powerhouse battle.
And it’s April that takes the early advantage, transitioning from a Test of Strength into a Hammerlock, a Front Facelock and more. Realizing he has a fight on his hands, Danny retreats to the corner in an effort to regroup... and perhaps rethink his tactics.

His ploy works as a seemingly innocent distraction gives him the opening he needs and it is now Danny in control of the action, working over April’s legs and keeping the referee busy as he pulls April’s hair and stretches her in the ropes. He even takes the match outside the ring, but this proves a step too far as a low blow from April brings a sudden halt to Danny’s dominance.
The action continues back in the ring, as both wrestlers look for the victory. In the end, it’s one wrestler’s overconfidence, a turnbuckle and a roll up pin that settle this encounter.

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1738: Malia Hosaka vs Rain

Also available on DVD 161. Every single time that Malia and Rain step into the ring, you know you are in for an incredible encounter. However, a submissions only match makes their usually epic encounters even better this time around and then add in Lexie Fyfe as a referee and you could not ask for anything more. The foes battle back and forth early on, with both of them doing their best to work over the legs of the other.

The submission holds are plentiful in this video, as everything from the Bow and Arrow stretch to a modified armbar is applied to these ring warriors. The experience of both Malia and Rain shine throughout the bout, with not only the submission holds, but the reversals and counters they use as well.
In the end, a female warrior does verbally submit to a back-breaking submission hold and one is left with her hand raised.

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10 min. 294 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1737: Betsy Ruth vs Cat Power

It begins with a barefoot Cat complaining about her last encounter with Betsy. It does not take long for the aforementioned Ruth and a referee to enter the ring and they both demand a fair and impartial referee to call the action. Betsy gets the advantage early over her barefooted foe, but Cat does get a lot of shots in as well on her foe.

Cat and Betsy exchange a bunch of submission holds that range from a bodyscissors to the Camel Clutch and everything in between. Betsy keeps the advantage over her opponent for a long time, but she soon finds out just how hard it is to put the “Cat” to bed. A huge Clothesline and then a crippler Crossface force a tap out from one competitor, but is it Betsy hitting a homer or Cat Power raising a paw in the air?

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1736: Jessicka Havok vs Nikki Storm

At first Jessicka doesn’t quite know what to make of Nikki but it’s clear that the brunette knows how to put a hurting on the Havok Death Machine. Nikki scores with fearsome legwork by hobbling Jessicka in anklelocks, tying her up in double toeholds and rattling the ring repeatedly with mat slams. The outsized Storm is willing to dig into a bag of tricks as well, sinking her teeth into Jessicka and raking her fingers across her back to keep the momentum in her favor.

Jessicka brings her power game, draining Nikki in a Full Nelson/bodyscissors combo, a modified Figure Four and back-breaking Camel Clutch. She repays Nikki’s dirty tactics with some of her own, delivering a quick and effective eyegouge to regain control of the match and mocking her Scottish accent. The pair battle back and forth until a final lights out finisher puts one wrestler down and out for the three count, earning a hard fought win for the victor.

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13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1735: Solo Darling vs Tommy Taylor

Solo's a little wary from the outset, taking on the big intimidating Tommy Taylor. She tries to use the referee as a human shield and even attempts to 'tag' him into the match in her stead, the two of them alternating between begging Tommy not to hurt them. But this is a wrestling match and all the waffling in the world can't keep Tommy from dishing out the pain.

Things don't start promisingly for Solo as an attempt to charge Tommy has him pick her up and deposit her on the top turnbuckle. This is followed up by a humiliating Camel Clutch variation which has Tommy pull Solo's head back by the nose, opening the male wrestler up to accusations on 'nose picking' in just one example of Solo's hilarious machine-gun banter throughout. The crafty Solo does manage to thwart Tommy briefly with a Headlock, eye tweak and Sleeperhold, but Tommy gets right back to dominating the proceedings with an eye rake of his own, various chokeholds and an explosive Atomic Drop. Poor Solo is embarrassed even further when he deposits her on the top turnbuckle yet again and follows it up with a slap to the butt!
Solo mounts a last minute defense but it may be too little too late. A monster kick to the head finishes one wrestler off as the other gloats over a well won victory.

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15 min. 454 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1734: Sara Del Rey vs Su Yung

Sara expresses some suspicion about April Hunter's refereeing skills at the start of this match against Su. Turns out that even if April had been actively working against her, the much bigger and stronger Sara would probably have wiped the mat with Su anyway. This one's a total beat-down with Su putting up nary a scrap of resistance.

Things start off soft with a tie-up but Sara is soon bouncing Su off of the turnbuckles and choking her in corners. Sara takes it to Su's back with a clubbing blow or two and a jarring Bodyslam but soon switches over to the smaller lady's legs, tying them up in knots and manipulating the joints for all their pain potential. The anklelocks and general leg punishment is interspersed with more blows and yet another Bodyslam and by the time Sara goes back to smashing Su into corners, the latter's about ready to quit.
A whip to the turnbuckles followed by a charging knee to the gut appears to have Su KOed but Sara's not about to accept such an undramatic finish so she devastates her hapless opponent with a protracted application of the infamous Royal Butterfly finisher. Hunter protests on Su's behalf but is laid out for her troubles, leaving Sara ruler of all she surveys!

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11+ min. 322 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1733: Kimberly vs Luscious Latasha

Some pre-match posing from our lively competitors while guest ref Chasyn introduces them from their corners, maybe even a little showing off. The two eventually go at it in a pretty even exchange of arm and neck work. Each take turns trading the upper hand with throws and takedowns, Wristlocks and reversal acrobatics. Latasha takes the first offensive lead, focusing on Kimberley's leg. Kimberly won't have it, though and in turn works her opponent's neck.

And so this one goes as each has their moment to shine and each their turn in agony. A lot of neck, back and arm pain in this one, but it's a Tree of Woe, followed by a crippling Crossface hold that ends this for one lady.

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12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1732: Allysin Kay vs Nikki Roxx

With Taylor Made as the referee, Allysin goes one-on-one with Nikki.
Things start off tense between the two, but eventually Nikki gets the upper hand, targeting Allysin's right knee. Allysin transitions to get a Front Facelock and the two go back and forth. Locking back up, Nikki retakes control, getting a Full Nelson and a knee to the ribs. That brings Allysin's devious side out, as she rakes Nikki's back and chokes her on the ropes. Taking too much time talking to Taylor allows Nikki to fire back with forearms and a choke of her own, but clubbing blows to the back and a long, rib-crunching Bearhug by Allysin stop Nikki in her tracks. Taylor herself even gets involved, helping deliver an Atomic Drop! Nikki tries to fight back, but the match has effectively turned into a 2-on-1 bout!

The two devious ladies stretch and wear Nikki out, teaming up on a Boston Crab and each getting a Sleeperhold on the stronger woman.
With both Allysin and Taylor attacking her, can Nikki fight through and weather it all or will she fall against the superior numbers?

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20 min. 603 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1731: Christina Von Eerie vs Sara Del Rey

A 15 Minute Iron Woman Match, with the added bonus of Leva as the referee.
Von Eerie gets the early advantage and some early points over Del Rey with a pinfall via Pedigree and putting her to sleep in with a Cobra Clutch. Christina does something especially evil when she does not even allow Sara to wake up and pins her with a Cobra Clutch slam.

Del Rey does not just take a beating, she gives one out as well by making a spectacular three point comeback with a German Suplex, Crossface and kick to the head. The action is so fast and furious that the 15 minutes passes by with a 3-3 tie between the two talented ladies. That brings us to a 1 fall overtime, which takes a total of 15 minutes to complete and a lady gets her hand raised in the air...but who?

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29+ min. 887 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1730: Ivelisse vs Jessicka Havok

We open to Ivelisse MMA training in the ring and soon we see Jessicka enter to "encourage" her change of profession. While Ivelisse gets the first swift blow on Ms. Havok, it's not long before Jessicka gets the advantage and starts flinging her pillar to post. We see Bearhugs, Camel Clutches, cornerwork, Surfboards, and a Bulldog... just to name a few of Havok's methods.

A Tree of Woe, Boston Crab, and a Figure Four, all back to back, have us (and Ivelisse) wondering how she'll bounce back from Havok's assault. Well… one brutal Crossface hold later, we're not entirely sure that she will.
The end comes when one lady can't recover from one particularly impactful powermove.

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13 min. 395 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1729: Angel Williams & Kristin Astara vs Kimberly & Rain

The battle of the blondes vs. the brunettes! Cheap jokes aside, Angel and Kristin make for an effective team. Kimberly and Rain need to be on top of their game.
That's certainly the case in the early going, where a bunch of pin attempts have Angel scrambling. She brings in Kristin who fares just as poorly. The crafty veteran utilizes a low blow to turn the tide. Then Angel joins in with a wishbone split.

What's worse: the beating Angel and Kristin want to put on their opponents or the verbal abuse they give the referee? You can't blame him for being overwhelmed. The blondes display excellent (and underhanded) tag team strategy. Kimberly is cut off from her partner and attacked with hair chokes and a Sidewalk Slam. Even when they manage a tag, Rain is quickly brought down by an eye rake. It isn't until she hits a few big Clotheslines that Angel and Kristin realize they're in for a fight. Confusion ensues and one partner commits a brutal error that costs her team the match!

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14 min. 425 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1728: Amber O'Neal & Santana vs Taeler Hendrix & Xandra Bale

Best of luck to special ref Allysin Kay for keeping order in this one.
Amber and Santana certainly seem like the good girls in this old school tag match. But that doesn't mean they go easy on their opponents. Santana and Xandra to start, with neither lady budging and both working the arm. Amber's in to show Ms Bale some of that impressive leg strength. In fact, Xandra takes the brunt until she makes the tag and now it's Taeler's turn to show Santana how painful wrestling can be.

Back and forth it goes, as no lady and no limb are spared in this spirited and aggressive contest, but Santana REALLY takes the pain as she gets trapped in the wrong corner for the better part of the contest and is subject to quite a bit of doubleteaming and dirty tactics. It's not until Amber tags in for her desperate partner and clears house that it becomes anyone's ballgame.
A double Russian Legsweep seals the 1-2-3 for one team in this wild contest.

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16+ min. 497 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1727: April Hunter vs Rain

It doesn’t take long for April to overpower and earn the first fall in this Best of 3 Falls match-up against Rain. A quick leg sweep lands The Radiant One down on the mat and Hunter uses a couple stomps and clubs to the back before catching Rain in a reverse Bearhug, then forcing her to tapout to a traditional Bearhug.

After spending some time clutching the bottom rope to recuperate, Rain returns the favor, attacking Hunter with a face slam to the mat, an STF and a bridging Surfboard. But it’s a fantastic combination leglock/Hammerlock/Rear Naked cChoke that finally makes Hunter tap and even the score at 1 fall each.
Rain attempts a quick pin to start off the decisive fall, but Hunter kicks out at 2, then punishes Rain in the corner, tosses her across the ring and delivers shoulderblocks and a foot choke in the opposite corner. Hunter applied a Rear Naked Choke/bodyscissors combo, grabs some hair, and even attacks Rain’s injured hand. But when one veteran finally turns her foe into a Boston Crab, a tap out is imminent and a hard-fought victory is earned by one of these warriors.

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1726: Britani Knight vs Rain

Britani is all positivity in this one, bouncing in to take on the veteran Rain, with Jessie McKay overseeing the match. Right from the getgo, Rain dominates, making the early jump and choking Britani with her own robe. McKay better get used to counting to 5 as Rain uses all the sneaky tricks in the book to batter, bruise, and choke her young opponent. Rain really keeps her planted with more knees to to the head than we could count. But Britani refuses to be pinned.

Soon Rain has her in pain and in the corner with Ms McKay struggling to maintain order. The Radiant Rain… she bites! Chokes! Pulls hair, but what she doesn't do is play nice. Soon Rain finds her opponent fairly lifeless and not much fun to play with and what follows is a humiliating one finger pin for the 1-2-3.

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1725: Amy Love vs Sara Del Rey

Sara is all business in the ring; Amy Love is all business when it comes to her looks. As the two prepare to face off, the Supermodel is far more concerned with her hair than she is with the wrestler across the ring, even going so far as to ask Del Rey her name because “I need to know who I’m wrestling.” Del Rey happily teaches her, making Love exclaim “Sara Del Rey is the greatest!” by the time this match is over.

En route to the proclamation, Del Rey relentlessly assaults the Supermodel by choking her on the ropes, delivering countless diving Headbutts, raking her eyes along the top rope, applying Camel Clutches and Hammerlock, and slamming Love face-first into the turnbuckles and into the mat. She also attacks Love’s prized hair, pulling, choking, even stomping and dropping knees on Love’s blonde locks.
It certainly wasn’t Amy Love’s finest hour. But on the bright side, she’ll never forget Sara Del Rey’s name again.

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16 min. 477 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1724: D'Arcy Dixon vs Mary Kelly

Two relative newcomers face off in this Best of 3 match-up for Number 1 contender.
Miss Rachel wishes them luck and they're off. Good sportsmanship abounds in this athletic match-up as the two competitors find that they're even in more ways than one. D'Arcy wastes no time showing off her strength to her larger opponent and works her over with various slams and blows until she scores the first fall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Round 2 sees Mary taking charge and immediately going to work on D'Arcy's arm. Not long before Ms Dixon finds herself in speared to the ground and tapping to a Crossface.

Round 3 has both athletes still in fair play mode. Pin attempts and chain wrestling. Bodyslams and Clotheslines... But this one isn't over until one lady gets the 1-2-3 after flying off the top rope.

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10+ min. 313 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1723: Brittney Savage vs Luscious Latasha

In their socks and shoes, Brittney and Latasha look ready to go for a jog. This is anything but a walk in the park. After some quick pin attempts, Latasha trips Brittney and removes her shoes. Brittney is quick to return the favor and it is on!

These girls definitely get a workout, punishing each others bodies with bodyscissors, a Surfboard stretch and a leg split. Latasha's Camel Clutch has Brittney suffering, but she comes back with some powerful knee lifts and a firm Headscissors. The pace never lets up in this match. Latasha breaks out an Abdominal Stretch, Snapmare and Rear Chinlock. Brittney puts her legs to good use and counters with a Lotus Lock. The fierce competitors are determined to get the tapout. It comes when one wrestler locks in a Boston Crab with a twist for good measure.

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11 min. 327 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1722: Angel Williams vs Bad Seed
Also available as part of DVD 157.

This is one of those matches where you know from the very beginning that there’s no hope at all for one hapless combatant. In this case, the combatant is Angel who is brutalized from beginning to end by merciless brute Bad Seed.
He rushes in and attacks her from behind even before referee Rain is in the ring, choking her viciously. Choking becomes a repeated tactic in the match, despite Rain’s entreaties for him to let up. At one point Bad Seed even assaults Rain, ordering her not to lay hands on him.

The constant choking (with feet, over the ropes, in the corner) is broken up by brutal moves like a skull-crushing DDT, a Backbreaker, a Chokeslam and an over the shoulder slam that puts her down for the three count. An unconscious Angel is carried out by Bad Seed at the end of this exceedingly cruel beatdown.

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8+ min. 250 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1721: Mercedes Martinez vs Chasyn Rance

Martinez is a competitor who enjoys nothing more than to torture her opponents in the ring, whether they are male or female. In this particular case, it is a male competitor in Chasyn who gets tortured by the always dangerous Mercedes.
Mercedes does not let up in her attack in this match, making Chasyn regretting to get in the ring with her at all, especially after locking him in a guillotine choke.

The action even spills to the outside of the ring, which in where Mercedes takes the opportunity to take Chasyn and plant him crotch first into the ringpost. Mercedes eventually brings the action back into the ring, which is where poor Chasyn is locked in 4 separate Bearhugs.
Mercedes finally decides that it is time for Chasyn to be put out of his misery, which is where a flying “Latina Sensation” comes into play.

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10+ min. 315 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1720: Nikki Roxx vs Rain

When Nikki and Rain get the opportunity to face each other in the ring and in a submissions match, you know you are in for something great.
The two ring warriors do everything they can to get the advantage over the other, but neither can keep an advantage for too long. The submissions book can be tossed out the window when this is done, because the women use everything from anklelocks to armbar to Abdominal Stretches and everything in between.

Roxx attempts to go for pinfalls in this match, but as Rain reminds her, there are no pinfalls in a submissions match. Both Rain and Roxx go through so many holds, that nobody will exactly know when that match winning submission hold is applied.

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14 min. 420 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1719: April Hunter vs Leva

After flexing both their arms and their tails, April offers Leva a ‘free shot’. Leva bounces off the ropes to deliver, but gets put on her backside with a hard shoulderblock 3 straight times. April shows off her superior size and strength by effortlessly lifting Leva up and carrying her around the ring before delivering a powerful Bodyslam and elbow drop to the sternum. April presses her advantage with a Headscissors and nearly concusses the brunette with a series of head slams into the mat.

Hunter tosses the rule book and lays into Leva with chokes, eyegouges and hairpulls to keep the advantage. Overwhelmed by April’s power, Leva goes to her superior speed to turn the tide with a quick leg trip. Leva unloads with forearms and kicks to the chest before hitting a running boot to the side of April’s head that puts Big Red down! The pair battle back and forth with Leva’s high octane kicks going against April’s raw strength until a devastating slam puts one wrestler down and out for the 3 count.

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7+ min. 217 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1718: Amber O'Neal vs Jessie Belle

Amber and Jessie Belle go at it for almost 30 minutes in a special "knockout the knockouts" match. This is a unique Last Woman Standing encounter in which both women attempt to use submission holds in the early going. Amber believes the pain of a surfboard Chinlock should be enough to make Jessie Belle pass out and Jessie Belle reciprocates with a Boston Crab. As effective as those holds are, the first 10 count comes courtesy of a Snap Suplex on Amber.

After recovering, Amber resumes her attack on Jessie Belle's back, using a double-toed leglock, Chinlock and Boston Crab of her own. An STO puts Jessie Belle down for a potential 10 count. She survives and Amber starts to doubt that her back-bending holds can win her the match. More 10 counts result from a reverse STO, Full Nelson, and a Russian Leg Sweep. Each time, Amber and Jessie Belle are able to avoid fading into oblivion.
This match showcases their durability and flexibility. It takes a skull crushing DDT and facebuster to confirm who is the last southern blonde standing.

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28+ min. 853 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1717: Ivelisse & Santana vs Mia Yim & Tracy Taylor

Yim and Taylor attack before the bell and Ivelisse and Santana absorb a tremendous beating before Santana is jettisoned from the ring, leaving Ivelisse to bear the brunt of a double team. The referee loses all control as Tracy and Mia destroy Ivelisse with chokes, stomps, kicks and slams only breaking their assault to prevent Santana’s interference by repeatedly sending her crashing to the outside.

Santana finally reaches the ring but now Ivelisse is too far gone to help, leaving Santana to fend for herself! Yim and Taylor spend most of this match in doubleteam mode, just trading victims as their opponents enter the ring. Santana and Ivelisse eventually manage to get a foothold late in the match and all four wrestlers face off. Mia and Tracy execute doubleteam Suplexes and Headscissors/Figure Four Leglock combinations while Ivelisse and Santana counter with double Dropkicks and tandem Abdominal Stretches as each team fights for victory.
Finally a side by side pair of Sharpshooters proves too much for one team and they scream their final submissions to end this wild match.

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21+ min. 645 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1716: Angela vs Santana

With extra pep in her step, Santana is excited to lock up with Angela. That attitude doesn't last long once Angela uses some discreet hairpulling to take control. The intensity level is upped and the women trade forearms until Santana is floored by a mighty Dropkick.

Stretched along the ropes, choked by a boot and kicked in the stomach, Santana is in survival mode. Angela expertly neutralizes her high-flying offense with grounding tactics. She crosses Santana's legs on top of each other and looks for a submission by pulling back on her chin and arms. Santana gets up and nearly steals the win with a Sunset Flip, but soon Angela goes back to slamming her face into the mat. Santana hangs in there, even after taking a Curb Stomp and a Suplex. She digs down deep and bounces off the ropes with a Flying Lariat. Now it's Angela's turn to survive, taking a Russian Legsweep, handspring elbow and a modified jawbreaker! Can she get back in the driver's seat or will she fall prey to Santana's aerial wizardry?

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15 min. 446 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1715: Amber O'Neal vs Brittney Savage

Brittney starts strong, attacking Amber’s abs with brutal kicks and body-twisting Abdominal Stretches. Savage is just that as she softens up Amber’s midsection with claw holds and elbow grinds before crushing her ribcage with a tight bodyscissors. Brittney does her best to repeatedly distract referee Leva in order to give Amber’s hair a hard yank for good measure.

O’Neal suffers through Brittney’s ab torture, but when she gets an opening she takes advantage big time by sending a pair of low blow forearms straight up broadway that brings Brittney to her knees. Amber takes control with an assault on Brittney’s long legs, driving knees into her hamstrings and keeping her grounded in double toeholds and leg traps as she applies Chinlocks, Armlocks and body stretches. Brittney pouts and grimaces through Amber’s worst and nearly has her shoulders dislocated by an expertly applied full leg Nelson. In the end a tight bodyscissors and inescapable Sleeper leaves one poor battler KOed on the mat.

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13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1714: Angel Williams vs Su Yung

Brandi Wine oversees this 1 fall match between two of SL's biggest personalities. Angel decides to just be plain difficult and challenges Su to a test of strength, but finds her opponent packs more of a punch than she bargained for.

We are treated to a back and forth showing of technique and charisma as the two grapple to overcome the other in a battle of wills. Su faces a rough Bow & Arrow, some hairpulling in the ropes, a Camel Clutch, an over the knee Backbreaker, a Boston Crab, and more… but she just won't submit.

Soon it's one Superkick to the face that leaves both wrestlers depleted, but one with victor.

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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1713: Miss Rachel vs Nikki St John

An epic Best of 3 Falls encounter, with Chasyn on hand as referee.
The battle for the early lead is intense as Armlocks are exchanged and countered, a Full Nelson almost scores a a submission and Nikki comes agonizingly close to scoring the first fall by KO on not one but TWO occasions. However, Rachel is no pushover and fights back to take the first fall with a bridging cradle Suplex.

It is a much more aggressive Nikki that starts the second round and Chasyn soon finds himself much busier as Nikki repeatedly uses the ropes, closed fists and any other means, legal or not, to level the score. After a hard-hitting round, Nikki does indeed tie the score at 1-1, although not without the assistance of her feet on the bottom rope!
In the deciding bout, Rachel relies on her wrestling skill whilst Nikki continues to cut corners. In a contest between fair play and foul, who will take the final glory?

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30 min. 900 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1712: Shanna vs Rich Swann

Portugal’s perfect athlete is eager to show off her ‘perfect pose’ but Rich Swann seems less than impressed as he delivers a devastating kick to her exposed midsection and follows with a stunning punch to the jaw that sends Shanna spinning into the ropes. Shanna admonishes him for hitting a girl, but he’s just getting started!

Rich unloads on Shanna with a brutal beatdown featuring devastating over-the-knee Backbreaker drops, Camel Clutches, Vertical Suplex and a Swinging Neckbreaker that has Shanna on the edge of consciousness. Shanna’s offense is born of desperation with wild punches, forearms and a vicious bite to the hand as she struggles to get something going. Swann responds by taking a bite out of Shanna’s head!
After dominating the match, Rich mounts Shanna in a Camel Clutch and unleashes a prolonged barrage of forearms to the head of the international star that leaves her all but out on the canvas. Shanna is a ragdoll as Rich unloads with his Fried Chicken Driver for the 1-2-3 but he doesn’t stop there and will only be satisfied with a post-pin Piledriver!

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10 min. 296 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1711: Leva vs Nooie Lee
Also available as part of DVD 157.

Leva has competed in a bunch of intergender matches, but Nooie may be her most dangerous foe yet.
Leva gets the psychological advantage early by showing Lee a Spider-Man doll being hung in a noose and then proclaiming that it will be his future. Leva’s proclamation holds true throughout this match as she systematically destroys Lee from the beginning of the match all the way to the very end.

Nooie will occasionally get a move in on the venomous Bates, but nothing he does can come close to what she does to him in the ring in this contest. Leva eventually forces Nooie to tap out to a very dangerous STF submission hold, but that does not signal the end of this man’s pain. That is because Leva delivers a kick to the nether regions of Nooie that leaves him down, out and in a lot of pain when this one is all over.

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7+ min. 222 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$5 for non-members
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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1710: Courtney Rush vs Jessicka Havok

Jessicka is known for having a bad attitude, but Courtney thinks she can fix that with the power pf positive thinking. After a few exercises fail to turn Jessicka's frown upside down, things start to get ugly. When Courtney suggests she try dancing, it's the last straw! Rather than shake her booty, Jessicka plants a big boot right on Courtney's kisser! She then steps on the wannabe psychiatrist's face!
Courtney changes to some slightly more violent tactics, which is exactly how Jessicka likes it. The angry wrestler is slowed by forearms and kicks to the stomach. She retaliates with an eye gouge and proceeds to test Courtney's resolve with a Chinlock and a Surfboard stretch. Even when Courtney is on the offensive, she seems to be having fun as evidenced by a bouncing Bronco Buster in the corner. For some reason, she thinks it would be a good idea to go for a skip in the middle of the match. Jessicka promptly trips her to the mat and mounts her for a Camel Clutch. Courtney might want to play Freud, but Jessicka just wants to see her destroyed!

Focusing on Jessicka's legs, Courtney finally makes some progress...at least as far as winning the match goes. She executes a Boston Crab that nearly puts Jessicka away, but she's just too tough! Jessicka gets back in control by countering a Suplex attempt and she abuses Courtney's mid-section with a Bearhug and bodyscissors. Courtney comes back, this time nailing a second Suplex attempt. What started out as therapy has become an all out war. In the end, a potential breakthrough becomes a breakdown and one wrestler has her head driven into the mat with a DDT. At least someone is feeling better...

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30 min. 906 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1709: Athena vs Kimberly

Kimberly is certainly proud of her long wavy locks, but when she accuses her opponent of being jealous of her hair Athena has heard enough. A boot to the midsection stops the chatter before Athena takes two handfuls of brown curls to start a hair-raising beat down on her cocky foe.
Athena sends Kimberly across the ring with Hairmares and crashing to the canvas with hair-assisted slams. She repeatedly uses the ropes to get maximum leverage on her hair pulls and even gags poor Kimberly with her own hair before dragging her caveman-style around the ring.

Kimberly’s long hair is easily converted to choke her out and Athena even uses it as a noose to hook Kimberly’s head and deliver a devastating twisting Neckbreaker. Athena engages in all sorts of hair abuse from hair stands to actually bending Kimberly until her hair wraps around her own boot. Kimberly is barely conscious as Athena taunts her with a handful of her own broken locks before a hair-assisted sit out face slam puts her down for the 3 count.

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1708: April Hunter vs Solo Darling

Usually when we see April Hunter compete, she has the power advantage over all of her opponents. That is not the case this time around when she battles Solo, who has as much power as her foe does when she enters the ring. The wrestling does start off with a very long test of strength that eventually ends when one wrestler kicks the other in the gut.

April uses her experience advantage to gain an edge over Solo, working over her arms with a variety of submission holds. Solo gains the advantage at times throughout the match, almost causing April to submit to a modified Texas Cloverleaf.
In the end, one of these lovely powerhouses submits to a modified STF, but is it April or Solo doing the submitting?

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14+ min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1707: Kristin Astara vs Lacey

Harsh words from both ladies to start this 2 out of 3 falls grudge match. The mutual disdain is obvious throughout this encounter and after the initial chain wrestling it fuels Kristin's aggressiveness while targeting Lacey's leg. A modified scissorhold earns Astara the tapout and the first fall. Adding insult to injury, the vicious blonde does not let go of the hold until Lacey screams her submission and taps out several times.

The second fall degenerates into a hairpulling contest, with both ladies taking shortcuts. Eventually the Lovely Lacey takes out Astara's leg and the roles are now reversed. After Lacey locks in her variation of the aforementioned scissorhold and a painful Octopus Stretch right after that, Kristin is left with no alternative but to surrender the second fall.
Fall number three could go either way but also ends in a submission. However, the winner gets little time to celebrate after the sore loser locks her in a Sleeperhold and renders her unconscious!

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16+ min. 489 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1706: Kimberly vs Titan

On paper, a match between Kimberly and man-mountain Titan, would seem to be a complete and utter mismatch. And as it transpires in this one fall encounter, that is indeed the case. But not in the way you might have guessed.
The match begins as you would expect, with the huge Titan tossing Kimberly clear across the ring with ease. However, Kimberly has a trick up her sleeve–or, more specifically in her boot. Armed with a chain, Kimberly soon brings the Titan down to his knees and with his height advantage removed, Kimberly pummels the dazed wrestler with a flurry of kicks and knee strikes.

Amazingly, Kimberly goes to dominate the remainder of the match, keeping Titan dazed with kicks and the occasional chain-enhanced strikes, whilst also punishing him with leg drops, leglocks and even putting him out with a Sleeper! And Kimberly is still not finished!!

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13+ min. 404 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1705: Kellie Skater vs Miss Rachel

Kellie issues an open challenge and has referee Chasyn Rance read an introduction that makes her look like a million bucks. "Muscles that make the Hulk green with envy"? Yep. "63 kilos of pure adamantium"? Sure, if you say so, Kellie. Let's see how the adamantium holds up against the powerful Miss Rachel!

Skater holds her own in the opening stages of the match, trapping her foe in a single leg Boston Crab, cross armbreaker and Surfboard before Miss Rachel takes over. Rachel locks in a modified STF, Surfboard and Armlock before scoring with a Snap Suplex, running avalanche and a massive legdrop among others. Rachel builds momentum with every move and Kellie finds it extremely hard to stop the onslaught...until a low blow goes undetected that is.

Kellie goes back on the offensive, but severely overestimates her Hulk-like strength when she attempts to press slam Miss Rachel. Will this error in judgement cost the Rate Tank the victory?

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16+ min. 495 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1704: Kathy the Kitten vs Mia Yim

If Mia can take one positive thing out of her match with Kathy, it’s probably that there was a referee present. Because without an official doing his best to keep Kathy in line, we can only imagine what might have happened to poor Mia in this 1 fall contest.
Kathy takes control of the action from the start and that sets the tone for what is to follow. Mia is clubbed to the mat, Headlocked and chopped across the throat barely a minute into the bout. And things only get worse for her as Kathy uses stomach claws, back rakes, choking and any other means available to her to punish Mia again and again.

What little offense Mia manages to execute is rare and completely ineffective against the relentless Kitten and a painful nerve pinch finally ends Mia’s suffering, leaving her KOed on the mat as Kathy has her arm raised in victory.

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11 min. 332 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1703: Jessie McKay vs Rhia O'Reilly

McKay spends quite a lot of time stretching and warming up at the beginning of this match, much to the chagrin of her opponent O’Reilly. The Irishwoman posits that perhaps Jessie’s just killing time, trying to postpone an inevitable beating. The more elaborate Jessie’s stretches get, the more impatient Rhia gets.

It turns out, however, that the ensuing beating isn’t exactly one-sided. Rhia starts off stretching Jessie in some ways the Aussie didn’t intend but Jessie fights right back with a lung-compressing Waistscissors that has Rhia bouncing off the mat. A Full Nelson has Rhia dizzy and in pain, vulnerable to Jessie putting her right back in the Waistscissors. Unfortunately for Jessie, the wily O’Reilly exploits a brief opening and trips Jessie up, proceeding to punish her leg in various creative ways.
She bounces Jessie’s long limb off the apron, slams it against the ringpost and bends it this way and that in numerous submissions and leglocks. Whether Rhia will sustain this burst of resistance or whether Jessie bounces back at the last minute is open to question.

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10 min. 301 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1702: Evie vs Chasyn Rance

He can talk all he wants, but Evie isn't scared off by Chasyn's accomplishments. Maybe she knows something we don't? An opening test of strength goes Chasyn's way...but Evie boots him down low! She gives him another for good measure and what should have been a competitive match turns into a rout.

When she's not punishing with a Bearhug and a Camel Clutch, she's ramming his head into the turnbuckle and choking him on the ropes. It's a full on assault that has the usually confident Chasyn crawling on his hands and knees. Evie digs her knee into his spine with a Surfboard stretch. Chasyn is not giving up and she doesn't seem to care! He's tossed groin-first onto the ropes and bounced out of the ring. His stomach is covered by a cookie sheet then smashed in by a bat. It's just about over after a Go to Sleep kick to the face, but Evie just has to land one more low blow before pinning her helpless victim.

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10 min. 302 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1701: Angela vs Kristin Astara

Joey Knight wears the stripes for this one fall match. Kristin is fast out of the blocks at the start of the bout, trying to score a quick victory with a roll up. Twice, she gets Angela down, but twice Angela is able to kick out. Annoyed by Kristin’s tactics, Angela soon adopts a more aggressive approach, pulling Angela’s hair and choking her on the ropes for as long as she can under the watchful eye of Knight. A Sleeperhold almost puts Kristin out but she battles back–until she finds herself in a second Sleeperhold! Once again, Kristin defies the odds, much to the increasing frustration of Angela!

After putting Kristin down with a DDT AND a Suplex, Angela applies yet another Sleeper. Will it prove third time lucky for Angela? Or will Kristin’s earlier strategy finally pay off?

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13+ min. 397 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

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